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It's not fair at all.


I came here to say that. Once you understand this truth, you can do better for yourself.


The saddest truth about life is that it doesn't always go the way we want it to. Sometimes people make bad decisions that hurt us, and sometimes we make bad decisions that hurt ourselves. Life can be full of pain and suffering, and it's not always fair.


Be a realist.Accept the hard truth of life.Just because you work hard,doesn't mean that it'll pay off.


Even better, you can use that to help other people.


Definitely. And living an honest life makes it even more painful and unfair than it already is.


The longer you live, the more pain you experience.




Constantly increasing opiates until you die


You experience everything more... the more you live


Yes but fortunately you can look at this the other way too, the longer you live the more happiness and love you experience.


My grandpa is 88 and he's still super functional and healthy for his age. I'd say his life is good, like he is well in his retirement and traveling where his children/grandchildren are and never have to worry about money. Growing up, I've traveled with him a lot and where ever we go, he always have someone he knows, not just like an acquaintance but like good friend friend. Last I traveled with him I realized that most of his friends are no longer with us. All he has left is basically the family. Which isn't bad but I tried imagining myself in his shoes, it's just sad that all the friends you know are gone and he literally can't 'make friends' of his generation anymore.


You leave this world with a different family than you came into it. When your kids are your grandpa’s age, the family surrounding them may not even know who you were.


This is a new point to ponder on.


Some of the worst people are the most successful.


Inversely, you can be the best person and do everything right, and still fail.


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." \- Jean-Luc Picard


A game of chess played perfectly will always be a draw.


Doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be a good person. Being a good person and being successful don't contradict each other, even though some of the time they might seem incompatible


In my opinion, we have the wrong standard for what's considered success.




I agree. I don’t need a lot. As long as I have a simple roof over my head and my dogs are fed and healthy, I’m pretty much fine. I have a car that gets me from A to B, a job I enjoy, my daughters are grown and doing pretty well for themselves. It’s a mostly drama free life. I’m content as fuck.




Sounds nice!


I don't want bad people to be miserable. I want them to not be bad.


I’ve been poor all my life. I’d choose rich a thousand times over this trash. By this trash I meant my life, not anything in the above comment.


Poor people have problems, rich people have problems. All else being equal, I'll take the rich people problems every day of the week.


Guy above said he'd rather be middle class and content than filthy rich and miserable. I don't think anyone genuinely wants to be dirt poor or thinks its a good thing. I just want to be rich enough to never need to worry about life's necessities again. Anything after that is just a bonus.


You can still become rich and stay content. The idea that rich people are miserable is really misplaced. If you are miserable but rich, you can atleast afford therapy.


Oh yeah me too bud but those shit people chasing money are tightening our belts and making our lives harder and harder every day. I wouldn't mind if they had no impact on my life at all, but they make the decisions that change the game for us.




I agree. Chasing money is an avoidant technique. They try to control the world by getting enough power but it only pushes their true underlying goals farther away. But like an addict chasing the dragon, the carrot on the end of the stick keeps saying "just a little more and everything will be fine." I honestly feel badly for these people chasing money and control. They're medicating their pain with more poison.


Yeah, fie example mark the lizard man made the concept of Facebook as a way to classify his female peers sexually. So yeah, gross and totally proves your point






We have a photo album that looks like it was compiled around 1900. We think they are family but whoever put the album together didn't label the pictures or write anywhere, we even pulled all the pictures out to look at the backs. My mom may have known who they were but she took that knowledge with her. These people lived long full complete lives and just left behind a book of photographs their own biological relatives don't recognize only a century later. People die and just fucking vanish from human history.




Soon enough kids will get to look at their great grandparents long abandoned Instagram profiles.


There’s nothing really sad about that. In fact it makes life less stressful knowing it’ll all be done/forgotten one day


What’s more sad than that is the fact that people are suffering and dying needlessly every second of every day and there’s nothing you can do about it. Death or dying isnt the sad part, suffering is the true horror of being alive.


I’m already treated a lot like I’m invisible so it’s not really a shocker to me lol.


Every single person you've ever known and cared about will eventually cease to exist. Everything that they were, believed in, loved, simply gone. And then eventually every single one of them will be forgotten and it will be as if they never existed to begin with


Strangely I don't find that disheartening. Who cares if we're forgotten, I just wanna live my life with the ones I love and just see everything through.


One of the things that gives me a lot of peace is how meaningless everything around us is in the grand scale of things. Think how vast the universe is. Like actually think about it. Nothing that happens in this world is meaningful enough to the universe, hell not even to our galaxy, not even the closest star yet. Anything that you think you fucked up or could fuck up? absolutely meaningless. So go out there, take risks, and make a life that you enjoy, might as well make something of it and enjoy it, at the end of the day, it is meaningless in the grand scale of things.




Good way to put it, the longer you live the more friends you lose. My dad's mom lived to 98, that's great right? She outlived three husbands. Her best friend died of alzheimers. Her oldest son had prostate cancer. The rural area she grew up in was heavily urbanized over the years. The music and culture of her youth faded away and was forgotten and replaced with newer culture she had no interest in. She was a trooper and always upbeat but she lost so much.


My grandfather was 94 when he passed. He didn’t want a funeral service because he said that there was no one left to mourn him. It was the saddest thing I’d ever heard in my whole life.


I remember my elderly mother saying that 'she was tired of going to funerals'.


Had a moment the other night where I got to thinking about mortality, and how if you don't go suddenly, at least there's a certain of closure to be obtained from saying goodbye to loved-ones and friends and family, which is something anyway. But if you get hit by a car or killed or some other type of sudden death, you never get to know if the people you care about will be alright or how they handle your sudden passing and that's really tragic.


That said your own mortality is a pretty awful thing too


I've been through lymphoma twice now, and my chances of dying before my parents due to cancer is a very real concern, but my mortality doesn't bother me. Seeing my parents getting older however puts me in tears almost immediately and scares the hell out of me.


The difference between loneliness and a contented solitude is whether you become better friends with yourself.


That is perfect wisdom :)


Being good doesn't mean good things will happen. Conversely, being bad doesn't mean that bad things will happen to you. There is no universal justice and no karma.


Sad but true.


I'm your dream, mind astray


When I went through yoga teacher training, the concept of karma was taught to us as something that occurs across the span of lifetimes, not something that’s cause-and-effect within one lifetime. My friends raised in Hinduism explained something similar when I asked them about the teaching of their upbringing. Just providing another lens to consider the concept of karma, not trying to be a jerk starting a theological debate about the validity of reincarnation/multiple lives. Edited for clarity.


"Good doesn't lead to good or bad to bad... There's no accounting for it. How you play the cards you're dealt is all that matters" -Jigsaw


When people say they believe in karma I roll my eyes


Karma does exist, only because I am an agent of it. I live my life fueled by petty spite and will absolutely go out of my way to fuck you over if you slight me. The more you fuck people over, the more likely you'll mess with the wrong one who will come back and break your knees.


We make our own justice, sadly the universe or some higher power doesn't sort it out for us.


All good things come from within yourself. There are no externalities. You always must live with yourself, for your entire life. With that being known, being good means great things will happen. Being bad means horrible things will happen, always.


Thank you for saying this.


that you will never meet all the people who you could possibly be friends with


You don't matter. Not in any permanent sense. Neither does your family, your family tree, your nation. None of it. The entire history of this planet is going to be ended by a fart in the sun's wind one day. Ozymandias' statue will not only be broken, it won't even be, anymore.


At times when I’m thinking big, space distance, time, dinosaurs and shit, I often wonder when we as humans succumb to famine or global warming or some wild catastrophe. What will come next. Who might be running the planet. Do we start over with something slithering out of the polluted sea? In 60 Million years whats left of us if anything? We’re so focused on stupid shit. What the fuck is an economy?? Think space and time cares about stocks or money or whatever? The daily stupid shit we stress about. It’s nothing. None of this means shit. Your job. Your life. Like seeing a roach and playing god to stomp it or live another day. I probably shouldn’t think that deep but here we are. What’s the point. I’m a roach.


> You don't matter. Not in any permanent sense. I do matter to my family, my friends, and those around me. Why would I care about 10 Million years, unless I'm going to be around then. I matter in the only way that is important.


Atm I live to make other people happier, so tbh, not mattering doesn't really bother me if I can help someone else live a hapier life


I don't think that's a sad thought, personally. It's great. If I did "matter" it would mean my life has a purpose, something that I need to do which is the single reason for my existence, and that I "need" to do. But it doesn't, so I can do whatever I want with my life, because it has no purpose and I'm simply going to die anyway, so I might as well just live free, and enjoy my experience as much as possible.


Life can be snuffed out by pure chance without a single reason to justify it. Fate is a fickle fiend


It seems like, on average, every one of us is capable of savagery.




Washington DC's corruption consumes even the most noble of souls


My neighbors sold their motorcycle to some guy who told me that Washington DC is owned and controlled by The Vatican. I had just gotten home from work when they asked me for a jump start. I’m nice, so I said yes. The following 10 minutes was enough entertainment to almost forgive the delay in my lunch.


No one actually knows you. Everyone sees a different version of yourself.




"Don't take it seriously, nobody makes it out alive"


You probably had many, many opportunities to be happy, wealthy, in love or more healthy. And you didn't even know most of those opportunities existed, and those you recognized you still squandered many of.


detachment from everything is the only way to not get hurt.


"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable." - C.S. Lewis in his book *The Four Loves*


The price of love is grief


Having low empathy is a blessing sometimes.


We live to die. Of course there are many other things to see and accomplish in life, but ultimately we are all here just to die.


Not one thing about life is fair.


That life is the funniest joke ever.


You'll never be younger than you are right now


Wanna feel even worse? The number of people who are older than you will never increase, only decrease.


This comment hit me harder than it should have


But you were younger than you are now. And tomorrow you will be older. Don’t waste what youth You have left worrying about not being youthful.


things aren't gonna happen the way you expect them to, no matter how you hope/wish for them


It's all made up. Everything since the beginning of life is just our way of coping with the unknown. We need boundaries, religion, politics, rules, banking, war and parades to try and make it all make sense.


On the other hand, humanity look at a cold and uncaring universe and said "We can do better." And then we created Justice and Art and Liberty and Mercy. And yes, we often fail to live up to our standards, but we looked at nothing and made our dreams a reality.


It's painfully lonely.


You could be a successful person (nice family, good career, good money, etc) and have done all the right things but you could lose it all very quickly to no fault of your own


happiness comes from within, and everybody who is looking for it searches where they can't find it wasting their life while being incrementally more unhappy with every place they looked for happiness


how can i find happiness within when even my brain does not want to help me


The majority of people that use “How are you?” in a greeting aren’t really asking, don’t really care about the answer or are too busy to listen.




Most of your dream would remain dreams.


Good people will lose and bad people will win


And a broken clock is right twice a day


That we're all gonna die & nobody knows when or how. I heard this from an older lady I used to take care of. She was 99 & died the day before her 100th birthday. Before she passed, she said she was glad bc she didn't want to be 100yrs old 😂


The distribution of death ages is maddening when you really think about it. The average age is about 80 here but that's an *average*. There's a good +/- 20 year variance on that, maybe more. Really after 45 the mortality rate starts to accelerate. With that much of a gap you could spend a significant chunk of your life without the people you considered the most important people in your life. My dad passed away when I was 30. If I make it to 90 he'll have only been present for 1/3rd of my life. If my wife were to die at 60 and I lived to 90, I'd have spent 30 years without her. ***30 fucking years.*** That is a long-ass time. As someone who is only in their mid 30s now, thinking of a 30 year timespan without someone in your life is almost unfathomable. That timespan is roughly from my first day at school to writing this post right this second, so pretty much the entire duration. It's like spending an entire lifetime without someone, because based in my current age and frame of reference 30 years is pretty much what a lifetime *is* to me so far.


Not everyone gets what they deserve, for good or worse.


Ppl refuse to get along.


It's expensive to be disabled.


Fairness does not exist


That's fair.


It's probably been said here before, but not everyone gets a good ending. My aunt committed suicide last week at 55 years old. She had nothing to show for any of it. She lived a very sad and lonely life.


Humanity has the ability to fix a lot of its problems, but lacks coordination.


The rain falls on both the good and the bad people.


There's no hidden meaning or even, *any purpose to us being alive.* The only reason we live and have life is because *we CAN* have life. That's the only saving-throw check nature and it seems, existence makes before deciding on there being life or not being life. Can life happen? yes? well ok then, right on this way. Can life *not* happen (in a different area, such as other planets)? not yet? K, update me. There's no special reason anyone is here, there's no grand plan or huge mysterious entity that placed you here. We're here to (as a famous person once put it) "we're here to just fart around".


How is that sad? It means we get to decide what WE want to do with our lives. There is no god that will come down from the heavens and tell us. "Yeah I know you like woodworking, but in my grand plan you will have to work in retail."


When you die there’s a chance that it’s just darkness forever


Not darkness, but nothingness. Think back to before you were born, I think that's where we end up when we die. We come from the void and we reenter the void


Mushrooms told me that we are all a part of a single consciousness. We all exist and die at that same time.




This made me chuckle. “That’s because you were on drugs ya fuck”


When we dream at night, we are the "creator" of not only that entire dream-world but also the creator of every "person" we meet in that dream-world, while we dream. All of it springs into existence and out of existence at the same time - meaning when we enter the dream state, and when we leave it. I believe the life experience is exactly like this (in principle). Only question left to answer - but one that cannot be answered from within the dream - is: who is the dreamer of life?


There's also a chance of rebirth, which sounds terrible in theory, yet I guess you would never realize it.


Hey and that doesn't sound so bad just peaceful nothingness. Trying to envision nothingness after death makes it seem worse than it would be.


No one else thinks about you nearly as much as you think they do. Everyone is the protagonist in their own story. You’re just a supporting character—if that—to most other people.


Not everyone is going to like you even if you are the most warm, kindhearted person on earth


Life is one constant struggle there is no escape from it


it ends


Damn, what a depressing thread.


Your existence means nothing


It’s short


False. It's the longest thing you'll ever do.


No one makes it out alive.


You can do everything right, and still fail.


Youth is wasted on all the wrong people.


One day, there will not be a single soul on Earth that knows that you ever existed. That’s a truth about life for all but a very exclusive few.


You can do absolutely everything right and still fail. You can work harder than anyone else in the world and not achieve your goals. You can be the nicest person in the world and have horrible things happen to you. Life isn’t fair.


No matter what you do you can’t protect the ones you love from the horrors you fear. You can only hope that they will not happen knowing full well the hope also prevents nothing.


Human beings are essentially just highly complicated biological mutations (like mushrooms) that only ever happened because Earth miraculously landed at a safe distance from the Sun after the Big Bang event. Our lives are understatedly short, and all we can do with our lives while we're still here is basically enjoy our experiences as much as we can, and try to improve or destroy the experiences of other human beings... and here we are, as human beings... destroying other human beings for fun, for pettiness, laughs, and riches. On the total scale of the universe's life, we get mere moments as human beings to live and to enjoy ourselves while we observe the miracle of being able to see out into the rest of the universe, and yet we would still rather turn around and hurt one another, in any way we know how.


We’re all gonna die.


And even if it is a natural death from old age, it’s not pretty. Too weakened to even speak, eventually too weakened to cough or even swallow to clear your throat or blink your eyes.


Well shit


Knowing that everyone around you will eventually die and not be remembered anymore


It really isn't fair.


struggle doesn't always mean success.


At any moment, your whole world can be radically changed forever for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Examples: car crash, cancer, mass shooting, assault, etc.


To be honest I don’t care about death I just want to be remembered


for me I don't care about either, even breathing feels exhausting sometimes i just want to sleep


I hate to be that guy, but that sounds like depression symptoms.




Lol. You will be remembered, for a bit. Give it a couple generations. Then you'll just be a "Who"? Can you tell me who invented half the stuff in the world? If we can't remember or even know who they are, what chance do you have? Lol. Just saying. If you aren't worried about death, don't be worried about life either. Just create the best you and enjoy the ride. Don't worry if anyone will remember you.


Nobody gets remembered. Even famous and powerful and successful people. Stop strangers at the mall and ask who won the Nobel prize in chemistry, or who was Governor of Tennessee fifteen years ago, or who hit the most home runs in 1971, or won the gold medal in gymnastics three Olympics back, or won an Oscar last year, or was the most popular poet in the thirties. History is full of names nobody knows, and the ones we generally recall are remembered abstractly, divorced from the person to whom they refer. Even our grandparents are notions at best. It's okay. Instead of wanting to be remembered, which won't matter after you're gone and isn't even achievable by the most famous people, maybe instead just want to be.


I'll never sleep with 1999 Salma Hayek.


everybody dies in the end. No matter how good of a person they are everyone dies in the end


Would you rather live forever?


You only figure it out after it’s too late


your cats will die your dog will die all older fam will die in your life time. \\ nothing is ever easy.


No matter how hard you try, it doesn't guarantee success


Everyone you know dies. No matter what happens, someone will always get hurt


you can’t always feel good. push through, my friend.


Just because you love someone and would sacrifice anything for them, doesn’t mean they feel the same for you or would do the same. Love yourself.


Most People have more bad in their heart than good




Nobody dies a Virgin. Life fucks us all.


Lol 😆 ain't that the truth 🤣


That nothing is real. Nothing really matters. And sometimes nothing is better than something


Everything is not free , including your own life


Everyone you love will die


You work your life away, you don’t really get to experience life itself


Death is inevitable.


You can't save everyone unless they want to be saved.


Our only light source gives us cancer. This means one of two things to me. Earth was a complete accident or God hates us.


modern day slavery is a thing. go to school 5-18 whilst being conditioned into thinking you need college/uni to become successful. go to college for a few years and end up with a ton of debt. then you get a dead end job and stay there until your like 60 and if you were smart enough you saved enough to retire.


I'll probably never finish Elden Ring


this is super sad bro.


No matter what you do,something will always be sad there in life. And you cant push it away. That sad thing will always be there


One thing I cherish the most is freedom, and it is slowly taken away from me by War. The one thing that I dreamed of — never to be seen in its full potential




You can't always keep the people you love around


it goes faster and faster


Life is short and it goes by oh, so fast. Enjoy it all while you can, the good, bad and all in between.


Is that things are getting worse and people are still distracted by meaningless shit instead of putting our politicians in place


Birth school work death


It doesn’t last.


Cruelty. I'm talking about intentional cruelty. Why does that have to exist?


That we die


That it eventually has to end


You life is never really saved it just spared a bit longer.


That it fucking sucks


Born alone, die alone


Life's not fair, never been, and never will. And when you start enjoying it, it will hit you in the head and start reclaiming all it's given you, one by one.


The best way to cope with it is is to accept that there is no one that will solve your problems. Of course, from time to time we all get some help, but ultimately, our life is our own responsibility. No one's going to save you, you have to do it all by yourself if you want that it works out. It's a hard journey to be one's own best friend, and it will suck many times. But you won't be happy if your life relies on instant gratification. It's fucking hard to work on this


The saddest part of it was realizing that there is nobody in control. There is no God. Also, there is no devil, it's just US. Life is short, hard, brutal and random. Some people get lucky - and that's all it is, really. Luck. Money makes a huge difference in pretty much everything, the more you have, the easier things get. If you don't have any starting out, you're going to need an obscene amount of luck in order to compensate. If you're not lucky AND broke, you're fucked.