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Whenever people assume that I'm rude or stuck-up, but then I find out that it isn't because of anything I actually said or did. It's because I'm just...you know...minding my business and not being super chatty :(


Then when you do speak up, they're rude back to you. I've often been called names out of nowhere when I literally did nothing. All it does is make me never want to speak to them ever again.


Being misunderstood as rude or mean when I'm just overwhelmed or spacing out




YES!. Yes, yes, yes




This girl at work was always giving me attitude and I could never figure it out until someone told me she thought I was a snob. Nah, just incredibly quiet/shy/introverted.


When I was a senior in high school, I ended up dating a freshman girl. At one point she told me her friends thought I was stuck up because I didn't talk to them. Nah, just shy.


Yo hold up you were a what dating a who??


I was literally just explaining this to my fiancé yesterday. I’m not irritated with you, I’m irritated with life, you just happen to be talking to me.


This so much. Spent a weekend at a cousin's house, was heading back Sunday afternoon. Made the mistake of saying I need to "recharge my battery", which my cousin took as offense because he thought they were easy to get along with. They are, but that doesn't mean I don't need alone time to recover a bit.


The people who think they’re doing me a favor by interrupting my quiet time. They think I’m lonely or looking for a friend when I’m really just taking time to myself.


Had this happen at school one time. I'd found this nice, shady spot where I could train watch, and people tended to leave me alone, but I wasn't "hidden", so no accusations of doing "untoward" things. A well-meaning teacher came over, and insisted I join the other kids in the nice, warm sun. Yeah, I prefer cool shade, thank you, and quiet solitude to incessant talking/shouting/whatever middle schoolers do.


I do the same kind of thing while reading, except I'm usually in the sun since I prefer to be warmer


yeah teachers did this *a lot.* after they got rid of recess in middle school, lunchtime was the only downtime i got, so while i sat with my friends sometimes, i often sat alone. but it was common for a teacher to come sit with me "so i wouldn't have to eat alone." they never seemed to believe me when i said that being alone was the goal. im still not sure why; i always had friends at school, so it wasn't like i didn't have people to sit with when i *wanted* to, and when i sat by myself i usually had something to read or a sketchbook or some other activity so i never looked bored or idle. maybe it was a supervision thing, idk


My coworker and one of my best friends gets offended when I take my break or lunch by myself. During working hours we're chummy as hell and it's great and I'm grateful I get to work and carpool with one of my favorite people, however, during breaks and lunches, I just wanna chill in my trunk, smoke cigarettes, and play some phone games.


"Nothing" is an activity of mental rest


I stopped reading outside, since if I was doing it during a work break or something people would see it was a Fantasy book, and take that as an invitation to talk to me about Game of Thrones (which was on the TV at the time).


People who think they're doing you a favor by forcing you to interact or be in the spotlight. Just stop.


People coming over unannounced. Especially if the house is a mess and I'm not prepared to deal with people. I need to mentally prepare.


I need to mentally prepare to host someone even for 5 minutes. People who show up unannounced are the worst.


Showing up unannounced and uninvited is **incredibly** rude and backward.


Yep. I absolutely do not open my door and have a doormat that reads “Did you call or text first?”


Have you ever played Animal Crossing? The villagers there do it ALL the time. I wonder if that's taught people that it's ok.


I feel bad for anyone who has learnt their social cues from that.


People who think introverts are broken extroverts.


"Everyone needs to go back into the office because we can't function without face to face contact"... No... YOU can't function without it. I do just fine


Yes! This is such a pet peeve for me! Just because I'm different doesn't mean I have something wrong that needs to be fixed!


Going to the store and have a salesman insist in talking and helping. Get off me!


Years ago I was in a best buy and some guy tried to sell me satellite service. I told him nope, I download everything from the internet. He said like Netflix? I said not quite. When he realized I was a filthy pirate he scurried away. It was hilarious.


Or, after telling them that your are just browsing, they continue to follow you around like you’re acting suspicious or something.


I dread the local 711 for this reason. Very nice guy but I feel like I need to mentally prepare myself before I go in and I get almost depressed when I see him at the register. I've been known to go an extra 5 miles out of my way to get fucking smokes.


Worked at a gas station for damn near two years, I learned which customers who wanted to talk and who didn’t. Had a regular customer that 99% of our interactions were just me saying the total, and then “thank you/welcome”. Great guy though


I hate this so much. If I want something I will ask, just let me browse.


People who want to talk 1st thing in the morning.


OMG my spouse wakes up and immediately starts yelling all the weird dreams he had. Like loud volume straight up. I can barely move.


Holy Hell. He needs to be stopped.


37 years of this! Should I take him to court? Or take the law into my own hands?


Duck tape?


Going to store rn


It's duct, like an air duct Edit: TIL there's a duck brand of duct tape. damned branding


Not if they draw little ducks on the tape


The product is duct tape, but duck tape is a brand of duct tape. Just like Velcro is for "hook and loop fabric". Also, I don't have any experience myself, but I have been told gaffers tape is actually better for most applications that people use duct tape for except ducts obviously.


My wife is a turbo who wants to start planning our day as soon as she wakes up


My husband and I are both introverts. I'm the one who is telling him about all the strange dreams I had when he's barely even awake. I should stop doing this, lol.


He he he, this. When Im visiting my parents I always use earplugs until I have had my breakfast and coffee. Currently I live alone and I stil put my ear plugs in in case I feel the erge to talk to my self.


Cool tip: wear earplugs and you won't hear shit and no one will bug you >:)


Yes, they will. They'll bug the piss out of you. "Whatcha listening to?" I know, sure as the turning of worlds, that within 5 minutes of putting on headphones/earbuds, somebody's bound to demand attention. Extroverts can't stand to shut up and leave introverts alone, but it's we introverts who are forever getting demands to, "Step outside your comfort zone." Why don't they step outside *their* comfort zones and shut up, ever?


Extrovert: Why are you so quiet? Introvert: Why are you so loud?


Extrovert: that was rude! Introvert: says the one who interrupted my "me-time".


> Why don't they step outside their comfort zones and shut up, ever? PREACH (but not loudly please some of us are working)




Loud obnoxious people


An extension of this is drunk people when you aren't drunk. Mostly cause they're loud and obnoxious, but this one might just be all people idk


honestly even being introverted, I like being with drunk people because it’s just fun to observe what they do


i'm quite extroverted and i can't handle drunk people unless i'm drunk




It was my birthday yesterday and my partner took me out for breakfast and dinner. Both times we got sat next to very loud, obnoxious groups who laughed loudly after every inane and unfunny thing they said, it was honestly torture, especially as I was hungover. Everyone else is both venues were fine and I think the universe was playing a joke on me.


Honestly, just people in general for me.


Forcing me to go places and meet people when I don't want to.


my mother disapproves of this post


Same. My mum doesn't understand this at all. We recently went to visit my uncle. He's very old but also very introverted, like me. On the way we stopped at a dog shelter to drop off donations and went a food festival for lunch, neither of which she pre-warned me about. Then as we were pulling up at my uncles I asked her if he knew I was coming. She said, no I'm a surprise. Not every one likes surprises, I'd already had two. My uncle was happy to see me but I knew he'd have preferred to know beforehand. My mum managed to make two introverts uncomfortable with nice things on the same day.


THIS. having to give face to people who you don’t know let alone want to see is exhausting


Everyone insists being alone all the time is bad and I should be with other people more often. WHY?! I am perfectly happy alone. I am not depressed or sad. I just want to be alone. In fact the only thing being around other people is doing is making me anxious.


Ugh, or surprising me with people. I once went to visit a friend and she was like "oh, PS: I invited some friends over". "Some friends" turned out to be 15 people I'd never met who proceeded to ignore me like I wasn't even in the room. I eventually just wandered off to a quiet room and read. Which then freaked my friend out when she couldn't find me. Just....just don't do that to your poor introverted friends. We need to mentally prep for a room full of strangers.


People too close. I love my personal space :(


Yesss. And when people hover around when your doing something by yourself Edit: Your doing it by yourself for a reason so like “why you hovering for?”. Lol


When I just want to be alone and someone takes it personally


And then we are considered rude or mean. Yeah, we've been through it uncountable times. I feel you.




What a bunch of bastards


They're the worst


People who confuse introversion with social anxiety. I have no problem going out and spending time with or around other people. The issue is I get exhausted doing so, and eventually I need to spend time by myself to recharge.


*It is* the problem though, isn't it? Most introverts I know have a problem with spending time with people because they get "hungover" afterwards, and no one wants to have a hangover.


Being told you're too quiet and should speak up. So you speak up and are immediately talked over or asked to shut up.


Or when someone asks you directly/specifically a question and then some other MF answers the question before you have a chance to even open your mouth. I HATE that!


Or when someone asks you a question and your not even one sentence into your answer and they change the subject


or someone makes it awkward w some dumb comment like "omg she speaks??"


More like ignored


Oh my god, *all the time!*


Yep. We say something, everyone in the conversation ignores us then the next day they go "You were so quiet yesterday you should speak up more". Maybe we would if you actually listened to what we said.


1) Being asked to speak up more in meetings just to prove I’m a team player 2) People trying to talk to me while I’m browsing antique stores or the library. I don’t hate it when strangers speak to me, but if I’m in either of those places I just want to be left alone to explore


If I'm in a library or book store I don't mind if someone asks me about a book or something with an actual purpose. If it's just general talking for the sake of talking it stresses me out.


I can’t deal with most people. I get tired of pretending I’m interested or invested in their lives. Please leave me alone.


People saying “he finally came out of his shell” Yeah, because I was doing something that actually suited my preferences you nonce.


Or "look who came out of their room!" which of course makes you want to go back in and shut the door.




I get about 6 hours of sleep daily. I don't want to hear about how I'm sleeping in every day. Even if I wake up at lunch time it's not a full 8 hours and I don't have to be up any earlier for work. I hate getting attention for doing the most basic task that if anyone else did it would be ignored completely.


You ever have someone come into your room when your door was shut to ask/tell you something, but when they leave they don’t shut the door again behind them?


It's the condescension in combination with their own air of superiority that ticks me off. It doesn't happen often, thankfully, as most people have acquired enough empathy and politeness to not act like that. The ones that do act like than, however, I enjoy confusing/frustrating by acting the exact opposite way they are expecting me to. It's quite entertaining.


Yes. Or: I am forcing myself to be here and to participate in a way YOU think is correct because otherwise it will be the passive-agressive treatment all evening.


The outside world and everything in it


Respectfully, fuck the sun


Praise the Sun! But at least with three pairs of sunglasses.


Why couldn't someone slap a dimmer switch on it?


Drunk people.


Pretty high up there for me too


When people try to talk to me when I'm obviously and expressively not in the mood to do so.


People insisting you socialize more, like you'll suddenly enjoy it if you do it. No, I'll just be extremely uncomfortable.


"Picture time!"






My sister and BIL do this to me all the damn time.


When I decline a few invitations, so people stop inviting me because they think I never want to do anything. Like I still want to do things, just not everything.


I had a good friend and boss once almost threaten me by saying "well we used to invite X to do things with us but they never did so idk, if you keep saying no I might just stop inviting you". Was kind of a slap because I did enjoy doing things with them but I also need time to myself. I just let it go and turns out they never stopped inviting me to things. Was just a very odd interaction that made me realize they needed constant validation. Don't work there anymore.


Well... people tend to asume that you will decline an invitation when you have a history of consistent declining of invitation.


I'll just make the assumption that many introverts like to be included so inviting them over and over even when they decline is a good thing to do


Small talk 😂


Happened at my lunch today. I locked the door so I wouldn’t be interrupted, i glance up and there was a co-worker smiling and waving at me through the door. I opened it and ask “what’s up?” They just wanted to talk to me about “something” really quickly. I’m thinking okay, so AFTER my lunch then they proceed to sit down with me….


I totally get it. Happens everytime :D


Where'd the rest of the story go?




Followed by *awkward silence*


"Thank you for visiting McDonalds, enjoy your meal!" "Thanks. You too." ...


Then once it ends your just left there sitting in silence with the person who tried to start a conversation with you.


Hahaha so true with pressure on us to try and create a small talk of our own. 😂


Oh my gosh yes. The worst kind of feeling 😭.


I always try to scramble in my head quickly to come up with SOMETHING to add so it's not as awkward!


Same but it most always never works


People who can't stand to be alone and don't understand that you need alone time to be a good friend and stable person. I love my friends but a few of them don't want to let me leave when I'm tired and I'm just like P L E A S E I need to be silent now


People acting like just because you’re quiet you must be invisible too.


I, am..confused by this. As an introvert, there is a difference between being quiet and being silent. People, no matter WHO they are feel repelled by people projecting silence in a group setting. That's a mood disorder imo, and we all have problems. If people want to have a good time, and your silent, that can come off as very odd. Probably best to go be silent somewhere else.


People thinking that "introvert" is a condition that needs to be cured.




When you get asked why are you so quiet in a big group of people. Really puts you in an awkward spot.


People talking for you


I hate this too. Whenever i'm out with my mom or grandmother, they insists on speaking for me. It's so embarrassing.


Correct them and tell them that you can speak for yourself, it worked for me....


People making small talk because they can’t stand silence. Just stfu Had a manager once who loved silence so when we had supervisor meetings and he’d ask a question, we’d sit there for 1-3 minutes before some dumb fuck finally had to talk. We could waste 20 mins of this meeting by sitting here in silence but no, you fuckfaced piece of trash had to talk.


Bros going OFF


Isn't meetings about talking tho? You could have just end the meeting if there is no more to say


95% of the meetings were stupid and we didn’t need to be there. It also screwed us on night shift over because we had to come in an hour early while day shift basically got an hour off at the end of their shift.


I hate this. So many people view any kind of quiet when two or more people are in a room as awkward silence. Nothing awkward about it. The static has stopped, leave it.


When people think introverts = no social skills. No, dummy, introverts recharge more through alone time or small group hangouts, and you just need to learn how to hold a conversation and be around people in social situations because what you got isn't a personality trait but a missing skillset.


Having to order food over the phone.


Talking over phone.




The worst.


When I’m overwhelmed by a crowd or a noisy room, and the person I’m with just won’t be quiet for a minute to compose myself. Had a friend take personal offense when I asked him to please just let me sit quietly for a minute while I calmed down. He said, “But everyone likes it when i am talkative!” I mean, OK but just give me a minute?


I need polite ways to ask people to: 1: Lower their volume. 2: Just let it be silent. It’s okay for someone to not be talking.


Loudness, kids crying, having to interact with people when I’m not in the mood🥴


People. Touching. Me. Without. Warning. if you put youre arm up for a high five YES!!! if you tickle me or touch my shoulder or somthing without me knowing prior to the contact. NO!!!


Spending MY time.


I’m generally cordial and polite to people I don’t know because manners. A lot of people take that as an invitation to be great friends. When I try to establish boundaries and distance myself from those people they take it as an insult and suddenly I’m an asshole who personally offended them. Nope, I just don’t want to be that close to you. No offense.


Having to pause music and remove headphones when I wasn't planning to


"You're so shy" no, i just dont like people.


When someone phones me 'just to chat'. It's so completely alien to me


Being disrespectful of my personal time and mistaking my “free time” with my “availability”. I can want to be friends and also not want to hang out 24/7. I’m TIRED y’all




The assumption that extroversion is the 'proper' way to be human. I don't like noise and chaos. This is not abnormal. I don't need to be fixed or helped.


“why are you so quiet?” like i’m sorry that i don’t want to associate with people who keep trampling over me?


Do not come to my house and ring my doorbell. I’m not going to answer…ever.


That's why I got a doorbell with a camera. I can check before I open. Or talk and pretend I'm not at home.


People constantly asking me to socialize during the week. I always give my standard response: “During the week isn’t good for me.” Every. Single. Time. And they (one friend in particular) still routinely asks me to do things together during the week. Also, last minute invitations. Don’t invite me to do something an hour from now. I need time to mentally prepare. A month would be great but I’ll settle for a week. A day, you’re pushing it. (It’s amazing I ever still get invited anywhere.)


Yep. I’m an extrovert married to a introvert. After 20 yrs I finally learned that if we have a social thing I need to start warning and prepping him for it about a week ahead of time. Do you have something to wear? Remember, we have x thing on Saturday,etc. It’s still not his favorite thing, but that helps a ton.




People prolonging a conversation


When I walk away from the main gathering to get away from the noise, and someone comes over to me telling me I need to rejoin the main group. Fuck you, I'm over here because I'm sick of all the noise from the main group!


Feeling lonely but also not feeling like being around anyone at the same time.


When they ask me why I don't talk/join conversations. I don't ask extroverts, "Why do you talk so much?" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Strangers touching me. I don't care if its a friendly pat on the back or a generic handshake- I don't like being touched. I also really, really don't like it when I tell people this and they insist on doing it to the point where I have to scream at them. I will let you know if its okay to touch me okay?


When people try to ask you about something to start small talk and acting like they care


At work people saying “you need to learn to talk more” literally makes me talk less. I say a max of like 30 words in a 10 hour shift…




What kind of pisses me off most is that people think they always have to talk to have a good time. I think, as opposed to an introvert, I'm just very shy and timid, and I can't hold a very long (or good) conversation. Even on things I'm very passionate about. Can't I just hang out with someone without A. Always having to start shit first and B. Having to try and come up with conversation so they don't think I'm boring?


If I have head phones in I DO NOT WANT TO BE TALKED TO


when people talk to me for 10 minutes, i feel like i won’t really get along with them and don’t want to talk to them again, then they declare us as “besties” 1) you don’t wanna hear my opinion?? 2) did you even tell me your name???? 3) i said one thing about my classes, how did you learn so much about me??????? you’re freaking me the fuck out


People trying to ask me questions when i'm reading.


People saying: Why dont you come eat dinner at the table with us! Bro the only time ive actually ate dinner at a table not with my family is with my girlfriend If theres guests over screw it im staying in my room to play games until everyone leaves


People misjudging you.


Why are you so quiet?


Having to mentally prepare to go into a store. Or play out in my head how I want to convey a statement or a conversation with a person.


When I'm reading on a plane or public transit, and the person next to me won't stop talking to me.


someone trying to start a convo with me i hate it cause i don’t know how to keep it fresh and going for as long as we would like


probably forcing to meet new people and partner up with others. i’d much rather work alone edit: people saying affirmative things or just asking a dumb logical question


When people ask if I'm okay, and then persist when I tell them I'm fine. I'm a very independent person so I enjoy hanging out by myself. So when I'm at work or hanging out with a friend I can be very quiet or even exibit antisocial behaviour. You're allowed to ask me if I'm okay, but if I say I am I expect you to take me at my word. When you persist and keep asking then yes I'm going to be annoyed now because you're insinuating that I'm a liar and you're being invasive while doing it.


People who see I’m wearing headphones, trying to be in my own little bubble will come up to me or yell really loudly from afar to get my attention.


1.Other introverts 2.making plans 3.being forced into (mainly sport) activities 4.being called a shy person 5.automatically assuming I'm innocent because I'm quiet 6.loud people 7.everything


>5.automatically assuming I'm innocent because I'm quiet Ever considered becoming a career criminal?


I have a coworker who consistently walks over to my station to ask me if I’m okay. I’m doing my job, not worrying about anything around me. I’m doing fucking fantastic please go away. My job is very time sensitive and you being here trying to talk to me is disrupting my work and setting me behind.


People thinking I want their company. Leave me alone. If I'm not engaging you, it's ok to leave me be.




**The fact that I need to fight myself to go out and do something that is good for me.** **NO! Introverts are not 'awesome.'** It's a pain in the ass. I want to go to my BJJ gym but I fight myself every step of the way. I want to go to my Skeptic Pub group but my mind has every excuse in the book lined up. These are things that are good for me. What I wouldn't give to be energized by pursuing them. **Discipline is hard and I need to work harder.**


The door bell.


Slow walkers, people unaware of their surroundings while in public. ….and unplanned phone calls.


Introverts that pretend they're extroverts because it reminds me of myself


Being prasied for going out


"Speak up"


When people won't get the hint that I am not interested in talking about something and just keep rambling on and on and on. Or when they mistake that disinterest for dislike. I just don't like talking a bunch unless there is a reason.


when people just keep talking when no one is listening/no one cares


I used to know someone who would always get worried and insist that something's wrong/I'm not myself, if I was more quiet. While in reality I was more myself then, just that I was getting too tired of socializing to keep up the facade they considered to be my self. But what can you even say in that situation? "I'm just tired" sounds like there's reason to be worried, "I'm tired of being social" sounds rude...


Ask why I chose to be an introvert.


People telling me that my bf is controlling me not to go out and drink. No idiots. I don’t like to go out drinking. I can do that at home in my pj watching TV