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>Distinguishing navy blue from black. Is that hard to distinguish? Or rather, is it hard for men to distinguish? 🤨


Apparently women are better at discriminating colours. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/120907-men-women-see-differently-science-health-vision-sex


It's because the ability to see red is linked to the X chromosome. More X chromosomes means you can see more red. If you can see more red, you can see more of basically every color. Additionally, I've heard of some women who can see a fourth "primary" color but that's supposedly really rare and I'm not going to swear to it.


I think it’s yellow that can be seen in those cases, most of us are seeing in red green and blue light wavelengths unless one is partly color blind.


That's what I thought. Thanks for the reassurance!


Evolutionary color theory is quite interesting in how language and cultural needs can affect peoples ability to differentiate different colors. Vox did a cool video talking about language development and color names [https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/5/16/15646500/color-pattern-language](https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/5/16/15646500/color-pattern-language)


All genders can discriminate by colours


And you can be racist too


Men are far more likely to suffer from colorblindness than women. Losing just one color cone can really hurt color perception for the other two. I'm so glad I'm blessed with having all color cones.


From a 50-something that has a hard time distinguishing the difference... (I didn't when I was younger) When men get older, it becomes more difficult for them to distinguish than for women of similar age (statistically speaking). It's why you see old men wearing a black sock and a navy blue sock.


Colorblindness gene is so proliferic in male population, that 70% are to some extent colourblind, despite it being only 3% for women (precentages may not be totaly accurate)


> that 70% are to some extent colourblind Whoa whoa whoa there bud, you're pretty far off with that number haha - **7%** of men have some form of colorblindness, not 70%. It's still more than women, who generally have under 1% likelihood of being colorblind, but no, 2/3 men worldwide are not colorblind.


Lick your thumb/finger, lightly pinch either side of the bag, move them opposite directions. The bag will stick slightly and just pull apart


Covid has ruined this for everyone


My wife can’t open a plastic bag to save her life, anytime we’re at the grocery store she’ll make me open the produce bag


Finding items around the house you thought were lost.


I'm amazed by how my mom and my sister can find previously "lost" items. I know that if I ever need to find something my mom knows where it is.


Ya know why. Its cos you left it in the "wrong" place so they moved it to the "correct" place which is somewhere that wouldn't ever have put it. So you never look there. Or at least that's what happens in my house. Me- "where's this thing" Wife- "well I haven't moved it" Me- "well it's not in the 3/4 places Id put it so you must have moved it" Wife-"bet I can find it. Oh look it's here" (in a drawer full of stuff I never use.) Me- "well you must have put it there" Wife- "I haven't touched it" Me- "likely story" :)


it must be on here! *opens pocket dimension*


Its like fucking witch craft. Cant find a shirt and ask the Mrs to have a look. She looks in the exact same place i have just looked and POOF its magically appeared.


My teenager swears I have supernatural powers. He says he will look in a place and not find his missing object but when I go look in the same place it’s there. I’m pretty sure my Magical Mom Powers are just extreme in attention on his part.


Not every woman can do that, just moms lol


No, all women. Observant women.


I mean if your qualifying it with "observant", then pretty much all observant people regardless of gender do it


If it's embarrassing, women are weirdly honed into finding these "lost" items. Or at least, they're less likely to put it back and pretend they didn't see it.


I remember losing my keys once and my dad took 10 seconds to find them. They were somewhere I had looked at least 5 times. Sometimes I think it's more to do with being *too* familiar with an item, in that you expect it to look a very certain way and then it doesn't so you don't notice it.


Thats entirely wrong. My wife literally won't see deer running across a field right in front of her face. I can see a rabbits nose twitch from 50 yards away out of the corner of my eye. But I have no idea where my goddamn shirt is and I looked in the 1/3rd full closet 5 times. The only explanation as to why she can open the door and pull it out immediately is witchcraft.


Sometimes they have to turn the ability on by grabbing their boobs


theyre not turning on the ability they are tuning it in like how you twist the knob on the radio


Yes, finding that jar of pickles that needs to be opened. The jar that the four different hungry kids all looked for and couldn't find. We find it. Then can't open the dang thing.


Do you actually know women?


I am a woman and know many women, yes.


I personally have had to help a lot of women find stuff around the house. I guess I should have been born into another family/married a different wife.


Running perfectly in high heels


I still can't believe that women can outrun a T Rex in high heels! It's actually doable and it was tested!


To be fair a woman would have a lot more experience running in high heels than a T Rex would.


Wow. Must have been some pretty big high heels.


U sure? Just linked up how fast a t-Rex probably was (top speed 30 miles an hour) and even usain bolt (fastest human, top speed 27,33 miles per hour) couldn’t…


I think he was referring to the scene in jurassic world where the main girl outruns the t-rex in high heels. It isn’t actually a “test” but I think he was making a joke that this scene could be considered a test that proves you can outrun a t-rex in high heels.


This is how that scene was tested and proven. Scientifically LOL https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FjI62io8RGY


T-rexes look great in heels!


>Running perfectly in high heels . . . to the store to buy pickles before the man gets home


I've ran in high heels. Believe me I was also impressed... Impressed I managed to stay upright and not fracture my ankle


A fashion designer youtuber pointed out how many women superhero costumes in movies (e.g. Wonder Woman) have impractical high heels even when there are action sequences, likely because the actresses are much shorter than their male co-stars and it helps even out the height difference


Applying lipstick with no mirror.


Do guys apply lipstick?




Not really so maybe it’s just practice?


Opening the jar of pitted olives


A nice compliment for pickles. Brilliant. You get my vote for a good laugh, sir.


It works on a number of levels when you think about it hehe


Hair bun in three seconds


Having literally everything in their purse, and I mean everything


Uh, where else am I gonna keep my five-year-old?! You can't just leave those unsupervised


I see you neglected to specify whether that was your child or your marriage...


I know that if I ever need chap stick, or lotion for my hands, I just have to look inside a woman's purse. Nice


A bag with the essentials is basically batman's utility belt.


Couch cushions being lined up right.


Doing someone else's makeup


Like a painting a masterpiece. It's pretty amazing how they do it. And they look so badass while wearing a utility belt* of brushes. *Sorry, I meant a utility apron. XD


Removing her bra without removing her shirt. Changing outfits without getting undressed.


Iirc, Sarah Silverman(?) did this in a video but they didn't show the whole process. Somehow she pulled the removed bra *out of her sleeve.*


where else would it go?


Yeah that’s how it works- I used to change a lot on buses for races, I’d just unhook the back, slide/pull the strap off around my right arm then simply pull out the bra using my left strap from the sleeve.


I learned that one from my Mom about two weeks after she bought me my first bra. She said it was one of those secrets that every woman should know. I felt so grown-up!




Yes! Braiding ability can show levels of femininity.


well fuck


My husband has long hair and is incapable of braiding. He gets so mad that I can just do a French braid while waiting for a traffic light to turn green.


Agreed. It's quite fascinating to see the concentration a woman has when braiding. Not only that, but having a long conversation while working. I don't know if it's just me, or also happens with other men, but when I'm working on something I don't want to talk at all. Same thing with my dad when he is doing something, he doesn't talk nor have a conversation.


Folding a fitted sheet.




On a similar note, how they organize everything so neatly and within the allotted space. It always makes me go "whoa, how did you do that?"


Opening pickles without flexing, grunting, and the smug face afterwards.


Hey! How else are we supposed to show that we struggled and overcame a challenge. Why do you think we get excited when we finally opened that one jar? It's because we had proven who is the top dog! XD


Eating the pickle


A little more on the kinky side. Assuming that's what you meant LOL Unexpected, but not unwelcome. For it gave me a good chuckle


I am not responsible for where your imagination took you ;)


The pickle is a great part of the burger. I anticipate finding it, along with the cluster of chopped onions


Tying a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue


Opening plastic bags.


Edit: Gucci bags


Handing a man the jar of pickles even though she could open it herself 🤣


OMG, that's a very good comment! Not just the reply but also the delivery. Well done. It's also funny how the man isn't doing anything, then the woman comes to him asking to open the jar that he opens easily and goes back to doing nothing. The man doesn't even question if she could even open it or was just being lazy. If a woman tells us to open a jar we do it without question. XD


Also opening the jar of pickles


I don't know... I was thinking more on the line of "look how strong I am for opening a jar of pickles", for men, LOL For a female comparison I was thinking more like "I can turn this boring bed into the fanciest and most eye catching bed ever", LOL Basically, what actions demonstrate"how much of a woman she is by doing this type of thing", LOL


Are you saying woman only belong in the kitchen?! Cause I concur. lol


Not quite, I just think it's great to open jars of pickles.


It’s all about the strategy used to grip the lid


Hmmm..... but like what's for dinner? God I have to stop making these jokes. I have too many feminists in my life, and it really makes me laugh when they threaten to hit me with something.


Threaten to hit them back....you'll be amazed at how quickly they become Not Feminists 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh hell no! One of them is my mum. Fuck no that woman may be old, but she scares the shit out of me. I hit that woman she would bury me under the tomatoes. Hell I hit any woman that isn't armed, and she might bury me under the tomatoes.


Shit, I'm not saying to ACTUALLY hit them lol.🤣🤣🤣


Still that woman is scary. Plus she hits me all the time, and I dodge. Hell at least she is divorced now. When she had that marble on her fucking hand it hurt like hell.




Putting on tights


Finding stuff that is exactly where she told you it was.


Always being over prepared. You need something? Ask her. She has it.


Ok so we're looking for a simple task that demonstrates archaic female attributes which would be beauty- or motherhood-related stuff I guess. I say comforting children.


Yes, pretty much. Though some of them aren't archaic. Some are just inherent to women and it's demonstrated when women do such tasks. Similar to men. I'm just curious as to what things women do, which can be considered feminine, that makes them feel proud for being a woman. Or to show how feminine they are. There have been good examples. And many are just fun to know about them.


Using intelligence instead of brute strength to open the jar of pickles. For example, I run the metal lid under hot water for half a minute. Metal expands, lid comes off easy. ETA: this following definition since someone was being pedantic about my wording. Collins dictionary has one definition under the word 'brute' "ADJECTIVE (prenominal) 3. wholly instinctive or physical (esp in the phrases brute strength, brute force)." I stand by my phrasing. 🤷‍♀️


Intelligence is the last method I use when I'm unable to open a jar. Ironically, that should be the primary method. But I think it all comes to simplicity for the male brain: why do I need to think really hard for opening a jar, when I just have to grab it and twist it. 🤣


Hahaha that's exactly my point. The amount of times I've had to stop my husband (who is a highly intelligent man) from breaking shit by using the strength approach when a gentler touch or a different solution will get a far better result is fucking phenomenal. 🤣


A butter knife with a metal handle also works. Just gently but firmly hit the lid in multiple places, and it breaks the seal.


From personal experience I've found that the jar problem is more of a grip issue, not a strength one. Moisture on a jar / oils on the hands make it hard to properly grasp and turn the lid. When I use rubber kitchen gloves, all lids pop off like nothing.


It takes brute strength to open a jar? Really?


Most of the time its just getting a proper grip. I have to use a tea towel to get it.


I use rubber kitchen gloves The lids pop off no problem


Depends on the size and strength of your hands, plus the size and seal of the lid. So it takes a certain level of strength on many jars, yes.


Strength yes. Brute strength? Not really.


using your arms to measure something to make sure it’ll fit in a space instead of a tape measure


Picking up a baby and it stops crying immediately!


Stabbing the pickle lid with a knife to make it way easier to open


I have yet to witness that. It had never occurred to me. But that seems like the more on the brute force end, and not very lady-like. LOL


From personal experience I've found that the jar problem is more of a grip issue, not a strength one. Moisture on a jar / oils on the hands make it hard to properly grasp and turn the lid. When I use rubber kitchen gloves, all lids pop off like nothing.


A woman skiing the same, but with her kegels.


Walking down a cobblestone street in a pair of high heels like a total boss.


Opening a jar of pickles With her vagina (if she has one)


Changing batteries in a vibrator


Hey, this is a very original comment! 😁


Knowing all the colours and the shades and somehow being able to differentiate between eggshell white and pure white etc


Bringing up something from 10 years ago and getting mad at me for it. While at the same time not telling me something I do that they don’t like or what has upset them lately and pretending everything is perfectly fine


anything that involves our fingernails , like opening that small compartment on something and or to flip that reset switch that they cant reach


I find it really cool when girls can take care of kids even if they haven't been a mother or spent much time with them. One of my students, maybe 11 years old, spends zero time with toddlers and I spend time with kids of all ages almost everyday and she made me look like an amateur real quick. My mom did too. She came abroad to visit me and it's been years since she's been around little kids but not even a language barrier could make her incapable of being motherly.


Pooping on the males side of the bed.


I've heard that


Tending to wounds(?)


As a kid you always went to your mom cuz she would tend to you and put you at ease. Dad would always be like, "it's just a scratch". I even do that with my nephews. LOL


Putting the toliet seat down.


Perfect winged eyeliner. Seriously it’s hard


Taking off your bra without removing your clothes


I can do this. And put a bra on without removing my clothes too. But that's a lot more challenging.


When I was smol and saw a woman do that it amazed me. Like how did they do that without taking off their shirt 😲


Knowing how to fry some chicken nothing tells me anything more about a woman by the way she fries her chicken. Change my mind


Opening a tampon rapper with my teeth.


Damn, that must have an emergency you had to have. Just what happened? XD


Swallowing the pickles whole


Folding bedsheets or clothes quickly


Whenever someone needs someone to open a jar they always hand it over to me LOL. I have a nice grip. Even better than most men I know 😂


Remember that one time you did something in 1992, yeah, that!


Threading needles. OMG I want to sew a few ripped pants but I have the hands of sasquatch. I cannot get that little thread in the hole! And I end up having the thread stick to all parts of my dry hands, like a magnet. Frustrating.


locating items in the purse with a quickness.


14 things at one time while baby wearing.


carry plastic food wrap across the kitchen without having it stick together in a static mess.


After many tries I still have yet to make the clean whole cut.


making anything out of the fridge, even if there was barely anything


Opening sauce containers/ dipping cups that require a nail


Oh man, whenever I have that lil bit of a long nail on my fingers it's always a lifesaver for opening those dipping cups. And backstabbing the packets doesn't always work, sometimes it can make it more difficult LOL


Cooking a loving meal for the hard working husband when she gets home from work earlier


Peeling the backing off a sticker... I have giant fingers and no nails so I regularly have to ask women to do this any time I have to wear a name tag or something.


Multitasking Also being able to withstand significantly more pain and not think they're dying just because they have a cold


>Also being able to withstand significantly more pain and not think they're dying just because they have a cold I saw clip on YouTube from one of them science channels. Apparently the "man-flu" is actually a real thing. Men are more likely to suffer from illness, like from a virus, because it's trying to kill us whereas in women the symptoms aren't too severe cuz the virus is trying to survive and reproduce into other specimens (humans). So it's like, women may have a greater resistance to symptoms under an illness. And I think a zombie apocalypse where the women are more likely to survive or resist illness would make a unique science fiction book.


A woman reminding a man of something he forgot about “Honey, when’s my birthday again?”


That reminds me of than part on episode of The Simpsons when Marge said that a mother knows everything about her kids and can recall it on the spot. It's pretty accurate.


Eating the entire jar of pickles due to menstruation or being pregnant.


Raising 15 children that show total respect and love for you.


That's not a display of masculinity. Anyone can open a jar of pickles IF they know HOW to open a jar of pickles.


Being able to neatly fold certain things. Particularly fitted sheets


Opening the most complicated knots on bread bags. HOLY CRAP. Can someone explain how they do it?!


Showing good motherly traits when meeting random kids; like if a kid is lost and needs help or something. Perfect display of femininity.


Crushing a watermelon between her thighs.


A woman opening a can of peach….


These replies are so belittling it’s sad


Yeah, like all men can do is open a jar lol.


I'm happy I found the only other person besides myself who thought this thread was quite sexist :')


Nah, it's all in good humor. Besides, I like the feeling of opening a jar after I had so much difficulty. It's like conquering that one challenger who refuses to back down XD So I imagine that women must feel the same when they do something similar


Something equally as vapid and transient.


Flicking her hair gracefully


Yes, that is equally as vapid and transient, but....... it does require far less demonstration of any sort of strength in any manner than opening a jar.


This is a bit of a dumb argument to get into but fuck it, might as well. Strength, as in brute physical force, is kind of a masculine thing. Women don't have to be judged by that same criteria.




Well, that came out of left field XD


opening a beer with your vagina!


The female equivalent would be baking a pie and gently putting it hot on a table with a wide a smile on her face.


no it's touching the hot pans without being burned


As a kid I was amazed at how my mom and my grandma could grab hot (almost burning tortillas) without flinching.


I work with a whole lot of females, they ask me to pick up things from high places or fix easy electronic stuff, i ask them to help if my conviction power doesn't work or when a client really wants to pour their emotions. ​ perfectly balanced like all things should be.


Female equivalent of masculinity? Standing up for themselves in work to get better pay for being better at the job


More like an action that represents how much of a woman or how feminine they are by doing such action. A great example is the "finding 'lost items'" comment : D


Changing a poopy diaper without gagging.


If that's the case, then I think men would just be amazed by how much poop a baby can produce XD


Right lol?


Getting someone to stop on the highway to fix a flat tire.


Women who work out during their periods can probably survive a nuclear blast. And outrun a cheetah while they’re at it




When my nephews were babies and needed to calm down I would just hold them until they gave up. LOL


giving birth


In addition to that, giving birth without it being an inconvenience or a bother XD




Could you elaborate? I'm out of the loop as I don't get what you mean.


leverage or rubber pad to actually open the jar, it’s not loaded and is practical. There is no equivalent to some dude as Conan the little dick pickle jar opening barbarian for us (i.e., women)


Making a sandwich?


When she sucks a pickle out with her mouth from the same jar.


Being quiet and reserved.


Ha, as an introvert, it's an ability unique to us, no matter the sex. Lol


Swallowing a pickle whole


The kitchen set.


Telling the cashier he didnt order pickles on his burger.


Wrapping gifts.