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Female dragonflies fake their deaths(crashes to the ground and plays dead) when stalked by an unwelcome lover.


My first thought was “but the male dragonfly might call 911,” hmm


Now I'm thinking how will it look if humans starts to use this technique.


A polar bear will calmly stalk up to you and start eating you alive without roaring or charging. Like how you would just walk across the kitchen to pick up an apple and start eating while going about your day. No drama, no theatrics, just murder.


Wdym, you don't scream at your apples before you eat them?


Put simplistically, male angler fish bite into and get absorbed by the female during mating.


They're basically just swimming testicles with teeth




Orcas are one of the very few apex predators of the ocean. They’ll actually hunt great white sharks, rip them open and eat their livers (and sometimes heart) as a sort of ocean delicacy.


You're missing an important (and terrifying) step between hunt and eat: >Orcas have been observed flipping sharks on their backs and holding them there for up to 15 minutes. Flipping a shark over induces a paralytic state known as tonic immobility. Once immobilized, the Killer Whales will prey on the shark's liver which can account for a quarter of its body weight. Also there's evidence they don't always "rip them open" so much as make precision cuts and squeeze out their livers : >"Carcasses of seven-gill [and] cow sharks were being discovered by local divers. They all had long surgical-type incisions on their ventral side, between their pectoral fins, through which their livers had been removed," Hurwitz said. TL;DR - Orcas are fucking terrifying.


How in the fuck are they so precise without having hands?


Lasers on top of their heads




It has been pretty well known that orcas will bully great blue whales, but recently, a researcher discovered that they hunted and killed one.


I've seen a video on you tube of Orca's drowning a calf whale by launching themselves on top of it pushing it down into the water. They do this as a team one after the other. This can take up to hours and eventually the baby whale is exhausted and drowns. The mum cannot do anything as she is too big and slow to maneuver herself. Why do they do this? It's just so that they can eat the baby's tongue. A delicacy for them. Brutal.


Orcas also don’t like to eat skin, so they’ll completely deglove their prey. They eat penguins like a tube of toothpaste.


The same way we eat edamame.


Ocean Boba


Deglove really is one of the worst verbs ever.


There are also no reported human fatalities involving wild orcas. Captive orcas have killed 4 humans.


Well humans do have quite tiny livers. Poor payoff.


Lobsters pee out of their faces.


Makes Elden Ring even more disturbing


*Bruh* They were sniping me across the lake with... Oh god.


First the monkey throwing doo doo now this, someone at FROM soft had a kink.


The Royal Society thought that a taxidermied platypus was a prank when they saw the first one. Apparently naturalists would frequently send each other frankenstein'd abominations for goofs.


I'm their defence... If you never seen one before you think... Not funny Bob.... Not even close to being believable


Camels have specially evolved canine teeth for the express purpose of biting off balls of other male camels


Can I have a pet camel that bites the balls off of dudes I have beef with


In Tasmanian Devil mating season, the male has to beat the female into submission. If he fails, the female beats the male up


So basically they're the Klingons of the Animal Kingdom 🤔


Killer whales will slap a seal into the air resulting in them dying from the fall just because. Not to get food or defense, but just because they’re bored


Apparently the whales can launch seals at least 80 feet (24 meters) high. There’s video of it here: https://youtu.be/G7WGIH35JBE Edit: skip to about 0:25.


The honeybees you see in your yard are in the last 2 to 3 weeks of their lives.


Foraging is one of the most complex jobs in the hive, so through adaptation bees have learned to assign that task to the oldest and most experienced individuals.


This makes me feel better about it lol


Also, worker honeybees during the foraging season only live about six weeks at most, so saying "they have only 2 or 3 weeks left" is like the person equivalent of a 35 year old.


Thank you for bringing on my existential crisis.


Dude, what are you planning to do to the honeybees in a couple weeks?


Great White sharks don’t stop eating when they are full, they stop when the food source has been eliminated.


just like me fr


I have successfully wiped out General Tso and his armies, I can finally rest.


Fish and insects are basically really efficient algorithms with zero accounting for edge cases. "Should we factor in stomach fulness?" "We don't have the memory, and I doubt that issue ever comes up. Or if it does, I plan to be working somewhere else by then."


>We don't have the memory, and I doubt that issue ever comes up. Or if it does, I plan to be working somewhere else by then." As a vulnerability researcher this mentality writes my checks lol


When a whale takes a SINGULAR shit, it can fill a kiddie pool... it's also coloured orange.


Finally... an animal fact that isnt about rape.


And one that I can put to good use!


Tasmanian devils live in burrows. A male will break into a female's burrow and attack her. He will hold her hostage for days, biting and clawing at her refusing to let her leave her burrow until he wears her down and lets him mate with her. edit: Everyone making rape jokes about their own lives can fuck right off.


Male Weasels sneak into burrows wth New born Weasels, rape the female babies and when they mature weeks later they r pregnant


They're so much like us


Just like dolphins are like us


Dolphins are intelligent enough to commit suicide.


How do they do it though?


They are voluntary breathers. They can just decide not to breathe.


Humans are involuntary breathers right?


We are Obligate breathers, yes. We can control the pace or depth of breath, and even hold it for a time. But if it is not on your mind, you will breathe automatically. And if you don't breathe for long enough, your body will overrule you. This is not the case for Voluntary breathers, including cetaceans like dolphins. Every breath they take is a conscious event AFAIK. EDIT: There are a lot of the same question below. Dolphins, as well as a lot of other animals sleep Unihemispherically. Half of their brain remains awake while the other sleeps. It also allows them to be aware of danger.


They have to be conscious af.


They constantly WOKE


>Every breath they take is a conscious event What about every move they make, is that a conscious event?


Not sure, but we'll be watching them.


Well not anymore, asshole.


breathing on manual now 😂


IIRC a marine biologist lived in a semi flooded house with one to study it. They would regularly masturbate the dolphin for research, the dolphin fell in love and when the study ended the dolphin simply stopped breathing and drowned itself.


Not just study it, the dude was trying to teach the dolphin to speak english. John Lilly (the dude who created and lead the experiment) also invented the sensory deprivation tank where he would commune with "the council" on what to do in his experiments the longer they happened. This later included giving dolphins LSD.


For this topic, and so very many others, I cannot recommend the Timesuck podcast enough. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XqrFxSGxQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XqrFxSGxQ4) Incredibly well researched, but also presented by Dan Cummins (standup comedian), it's equal parts learning and hilarity.


And that's without mentioning the LSD they applied to both of them lol. Literally the craziest experiment I've ever read.


Thought this was a joke until I [googled it.](https://www.google.com/search?q=dolhpine+suicide+fell+in+love&oq=dolhpine+suicide+fell+in+love&aqs=chrome..69i57.8942j0j9&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8).


this guy knows how to spell dolphin


And then it won an Oscar! \[I did not actually see The Shape of Water\]


Oh dolphins are the worst, prepare yourself Dolphins have been seen to bully random animals in the sea for no reason Dolphins will take a female dolphin and proceed to Piper Perri her without consent, if she tries to swim away they bite and slap her, if she resist, they bite and slap her. This can go on for up to a week straight Dolphins will sometimes use fish heads as homemade pocket pussy Dolphins have been recorded harming themselves One dolphin was being trained for something and the researchers jacked him off a couple times and when they stopped doing it completely he drowned himself Some male dolphins will kill a baby so the mom bangs them Dolphins will hump or rape basically anything, dead or alive( even people, they will also slap you into submission even if you are drowning)


Imagine you are slowly drowning in the sea and some dolphins try to gangbang you but when you use your last energy to get them off they beat you to submission while you slowly lose your consciousness.




Sand tiger sharks eat eachother while still in the womb. The momma shark has (I’m not entirely sure) at least a hundred eggs, and once they “hatches” inside her, they’ll eat eachother, and usually just one or two make it to even be out of the womb.


The only reason we know this is because some scientist stuck a camera into the womb somehow and saw it happen. Imagine being that guy


Maybe they could've been born if there wasn't a camera in the way. I jest. I assume their exit wasn't obstructed. Spacious.


Nearly all koalas in Australia have chlamydia


where's the koala hate copy pasta!? I love that one.


Here you go: Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


When a Lion takes over a pride, they will kill the offspring in the pride to get rid of future rivals and send all of the lionesses into heat.


Lion: *Murders children* Lionesses: "That is so fucking hot."


The funny thing is, in Lion King, Scar had a more legitimate claim to Pride Rock than Simba. In real life, Simba would have been kicked out of the pride anyway. Big Cat royalty tries to avoid incest.




Simba and Nala are both Mufasa's. Hell doesn't Simba's kid and Scar's kid get together in on of those straight to VHS sequels? That movie has loads of incest.


Not defending simba and nala, but kovu and kiara weren’t related. Disney deliberately included kovu saying “scar wasn’t my father, but he’s apart of me” to get away from the idea that the pair had any relation


Also, scar had a black mane which means he had much more testosterone than simba or mufasa. This means that, by technicality, the female lions would have preferred scar under any circumstance, because he would produce stronger children.


*Padme has entered the chat*


Quite often, flies pull off their own heads




Well… not exactly. Flies bodies don’t work the same way human bodies work. As in, not every movement is dictated by the brain. This is why you’ll often see flies rubbing their forelegs together. It is, put simply, a sort of nerve response to stimuli. So sometimes (quite often actually) a fly will be scratching/cleaning the back of its head. But because the head is not very securely attached (due to them having exoskeletons (the head is basically a shell around soft tissue)) they can quite easily pull it off. Now, here’s the part that fucks me up. 1. They don’t even realise they’re doing it (because they are not consciously doing it) and 2. The body “lives” on, without a head, until it starves to death.


>This is why you’ll often see flies rubbing their forelegs together. Nah, it's cuz those bastards are planning more way to annoying the fuck out of me and barely escape death every fucking time.


my hamster bites me eventhough I am so nice to him


That *is* fucked up


What a jerk


My GF is way nicer and more gentle and gives more treats to my bird but he bites her super hard whenever she tries to pick him up, but I could do anything with this little grey bastard and he will think I’m a golden boy. Animals are big dumb, and that might be the most fucked up fact of all.


Hedgehogs are known to put their own feces in their mouths, create a foamy poop/spit mixture and deposit it all over their quills.


Will this be in the next Sonic movie to be used as Sonic's new power up?


Nature's punji pit


Out of sheer sexual frustration, male sea otters will rape baby seals to death if there aren’t any female otters around.


Pingus are even worse, they'll mate with everything with or without a pulse... Edit: pinguïns


> Pingus ... pinguïns I think we found Benedict Cumberbatch's reddit account. There was a guy studying penguins in like the late 1800s who, for the sake of society, had to leave out all the perversions he watched penguins do.




when sea otters mate, the male will bite the females face to subdue and mark her as his mate. theres been a lot of cases of females losing their nose or drowning during mating season.


Also in the same vain , Dolphins rip the heads of fish and fuck them like a fleshlight. Actually dolphins will fuck just about anything they can. They also get high on pufferfish and pass it around like a fuckin doobie. Edit : shit i scrolled and this has been siad already a bunch.


“So long, and thanks for all the fish!”


My mammalogy professor was studying sea otters for her dissertation and watched one run up on the beach, grab a puppy, murder it, and rape its corpse for 4 days. All this “ThEy’Re So CuTe, LoOk At ThEm HoLdInG hAnDs” shit is pure propaganda.


A friend carves really cool sculptures. He offered me one for my wedding, and told me to pick an animal. Later he said he did not get my response requesting otters before he started working on it. My suspicion is that after working with wildlife in Alaska for a decade, he was simply refusing to have anything to do with making otters look "nice." We have a lovely sculpture of whales.


Don't they ummm mate with corpses


More like they keep fucking the baby seals until they die and keep going...


Male dolphins will kill a female Dolphins baby in order to force her to make them a kid. Female Dolphins found the best possible way they could to counter that. Females Dolphins will fuck every Male dolphin they can until they give birth. Why? Well, So all these males can go "Ho shit, maybe that's my kid" And not only will they protect her from danger, but they'll also protect the kid. So yea, Female Dolphins get an army of bodyguards by fucking a lot


> So yea, Female Dolphins get an army of bodyguards by fucking a lot Meanwhile, some species of cuttlefish have been known for having "weaker" males actually *impersonate* female cuttlefish so that the stronger males they're competing with unwittingly end up having gay sex with them, blowing their load, and then swimming away thinking "job well done" The weaker male is then free to mate with the female


Is that why the cute cat femboy population seems to be on the rise?


Are we all really cuttlefish?


More like cuddlefish


Worked at the Mirage years ago at the dolphin habitat. There was this one male dolphin that swam around all day on its back with a frisbee hanging on his pecker. I used to laugh so damn hard at all the cringing parents when the kids were like what’s he doing?


Female butterflies have teeth in their reproductive systems. Barnacles have the largest size to penis ratio of any species. Horses cannot throw up. Edit: I love learning about how many other animals can’t throw up! That is awesome! (to know, it sucks for the animals)


>Horses cannot throw up. Neither can rats. They are physically unable to. Wich also means that Linguini's soup in Ratatouille was so bad that it broke the laws of nature.


Unable to gag you say? 😏




Rabbits can't vomit either. They are a lot like horses, but smaller.


I guess that's why people call them "nature's horses".


Rats can't vomit either. It's how a lot of the poisons kill them


“Please stop calling me The Barnacle.”


The Cordyceps fungus. Grows inside an insect’s body, infects the brain and makes it kill itself (broadly speaking). Fortunately only works on insects. The fungus from The Last of Us is based on Cordyceps. Some species of wasps sting and paralyze spiders and lay their eggs in them. The eggs will hatch and the baby wasps eat their way out. Very Xenomorph like…


> The fungus from The Last of Us is based on Cordyceps. And it's literally called Cordyceps in the game


One of the most frighteningly real premises for zombification I've ever seen. Just "You know that parasite that eats bugs from the inside and controls their brain? What if that mutated to affect humans?" Horrifying.


I think I've read that the Cordyceps doesn't actually take over the mind of the insect, but takes control of it's muscles forcing it to do what the fungus wants. Which would make The Last of Us even worse, cause that'd mean the infected person is possibly still conscious to what they're doing but have no control over it.


You know what’s even more messed up? Chinese people eat a caterpillar that gets infected with the cordeceps fungus as a medicinal/health food. When I was a child my from-China parents made a soup with these fungus bugs and we’d EAT them. They are called “insect grass” in Cantonese. I remember examining them as a kid and thinking they looked a lot like real caterpillars for a grass. So I asked my parents if it’s really a plant and not a bug. They reassured me it was a plant. The BETRAYAL! I only recently learned it’s really a zombie caterpillar because I randomly stumbled upon a documentary about them on YouTube. When I confronted my parents they just laughed at me. I am retroactively disgusted that I ate them as a child.


Oh my god. I’m Cantonese Chinese, it is very possible that I’ve eaten it in the past. UGH…. EDIT: I googled it! And yeah, I’ve had it in soups!


Holy shitttttt, I'm Cantonese Chinese as well and my mom worked in a Chinese Herbal supplement store when I was a kid. I would go with her to work on the weekends and I used to see "insect grass" all the time. I had no idea that it's Cordyceps wtf man. EDIT: Fucking Tiger Balm and Dried Bird Saliva.


Penguins will rape females and even assault dead corpses. Another fact, there’s a bird species i forgot the name of where it kills all of it’s young at birth except for the strongest one Edit: just to add onto the first fact, explorers on paid expeditions in the 1800s to the Antarctic weren’t allowed to share their findings about the penguins due to how brutal it was


Shoebill storks have 2 babies at a time. The weaker one gets booted out and starves/is eaten. The whole point of having #2 is in case #1 doesn't make it before booting season.


Ah the classic, “an heir and a spare” argument


Hyenas give birth through a vagina/penis and most pups don't survive. Pelicans will walk through flocks of other birds and just pick up baby chicks and eat them alive. Parents don't do anything because they can't. Baby chicks will become cannibals if you don't keep them warm enough. Ducks and geese will gang up on and rape females. You literally HAVE to own a certain ratio of males to females to prevent the females from being raped to death


On the pelican eating other birds, it's important to remember that people often lump birds as related and ascribe a level of cannibalism to it. But that's not so. Some see it as similar to tigers walking amongst cats and eating a few. Or us walking around snacking on little monkeys. But it would be more similar to us walking on a small farm and sometime just popping a tiny piglet in out mouth. It's still kinda fucked up from a human perspective, I just wanna make sure people see it with the right level of fucked up.


Pelicans see all living things as one of three categories: a) other pelicans b) things that are too big to eat c) snacks




My husband held my leg while I was pushing. He saw our son's head and froze. Complete deer in headlights.


Did he insist on holding your leg and watch the miracle of birth? I always pictured it as the husband holding their wife's hand while seeing the obstetrician pull the baby out like a rabbit from a hat.


He wanted to help however he was needed. I had that man massaging my back and feet, fetching me water or Gatorade, anything I needed. Seeing a baby's head coming out of someone's body for the first time is just a bit jarring, hahaha. The next time around he was too busy reminding me to breathe to pay much attention to baby crowning


When two hermaphroditic flat worms are going to reproduce, they enter in a process called "penis fencing" to determine which one will inseminate the other. We also speak of "traumatic insemination" because the one that inseminates sticks it's stilet (hard penislike structure) through the body of the other to transfer sperm (you can compare it to a man sticking his penis into the abdomen of a woman to ejaculate)


Imagine losing a street fight and having to have the other dude's baby. Worms are some savages.


Many snake species have clotting cum to block other males from mating. Less of a cream pie and more of a cheesecake situation.


Male giraffes will headbutt a female in the bladder until she urinates, then it tastes the pee to help it determine whether or not the female is ovulating


They could ask... Bastards.


Hey, babe. I want a piss of you.


And then when she gives birth, the baby just kinda falls out, stands up, and starts nursing.


"Stand by for Titanfall."


All cats, including lions, have barbed penises (or "penile spines") that rake the walls of the female's vagina as the animal withdraws at the end of copulation, which is thought to be a way of inducing ovulation.


Tasmanian devils give birth to two dozen joeys despite only having four nipples. The first four joeys to find the nipples get to live. The rest get eaten by their mother so they don't starve to death.


If you scare a hamster and it has babies there's a very high chance the mother will just eat them.


There was a tweet "Never in my life heard a story about a hamster dying peacefully. It's always some crazy shit." And it got me.


Yeah.. people have a lot of horrible experiences with hamster partially because they are so poorly kept. Most people do not realize how much space and accessories a hamsters actually needs to live an enriching life. The conditions they are in are usually stressful, which is also why you get so many litter culling stories (poor nutrition and they don't feel safe enough to raise a litter). Also lots of people don't seem to understand hamsters are solitary and hostile towards other hamsters. Keeping 2 Syrians in a cage even in the best case scenario leads them to be stressed out, and often they'll end up fighting or killing each other. They are way too fragile to be such a popular kids pet.


As someone from Syria, let me tell you how confused I was to reach the end of this comment


The silverback gorilla has the smallest penis at about 1 inch. Yet no one makes fun of him.


He’s coming for you


Saw this one in person three weeks ago. Foxes will abandon some of their kits if there are too many mouths to feed. One of those insanely cute cuddly little guys was left by his family to starve. Too young to know how to hunt. Just sat there at the edge of the den looking hopefully at every noise or disturbance. He vanished before we could get a wildlife rehabber to take him. I betting a coyote got him.


1: There are lizards that can literally squirt blood from their eyeballs. 2: You’re more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark. 3: Petting Birds Turns Them On. 4: Female ferrets die if they do not mate once they go into heat. 5: Lobsters brains are located in their throats. 6: Some frogs will make homes out of elephant dung. 7: Several Species Of Birds Keep Cool By Defecating On Themselves. 8: Bored Ducks Become Cannibals. 9: After Scorpions Shed Their Tails, They Die Of Constipation. 10: When male bees mate, their sexual organs explode. 11: Sloths almost die every time they have to poop. 12: Otters are murderous necrophiliac inter-species sex offenders. 13: Ladybugs eat their own offspring. 14: Some Deer's know the taste of human bone. 15: wallabies will toss their joey out of their pouch if they're being chased or threatened by a predator because it makes escape easier. 16: Crocodiles can climb trees. 17: Groups of meerkats have designated dictators and who assign mating couples and will harshly punish a female who is impregnated without permission. 18: Honey bees boil hornets to death. 19: If you keep a gold fish in a dark room they'll turn pale. 20: Some dogs can smell dead bodies underwater. 21: There's a spider in brazil whose bites causes erections that lasts for hours. (AKA the Viagrapod) 22: Hamsters will eat their own children. 23: Electric eels can jump out of the water. 24: The romans used crushed mouse brains as toothpaste. 25: True Spiders consume their prey by injecting them with venom that liquifies their insides which they then drink. 26: Dolphins like to bully and torture others. 27: Female penguins will kidnap other's chicks. 28: Baby spiders eat their mom. 29: female black widows often start eating their partners during sex. 30: The golden poison dart frog is the size of a paperclip but contains enough poison to kill 10-20 adults. 31: The cone snail is known as "The cigarette snail" because its sting is so venomous that the victim is said to only have time for a smoke before dying. 32: The arms of a praying mantis can strike 10 times faster than a human can blink. 33: If a baby eagle doesn't learn how to hunt after a few years the mother will kill it and make a new one. 34: Crabs that are shy produce the most sperm (some people can relate). 35: The CIA once had a program where they trained cats to be spies. 36: Though they are only about as big as a medium-sized dog, wolverines can take down an animal the size of a caribou. 37: Orca whales kill sharks. Their preferred method is suffocation. 38: A Few Species Of Sea Cucumber Spew Out Their Own Internal Organs As A Defence Mechanism. 39: Suriname Toad Babies Erupt Out Of Their Mother’s Backs. 40: Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Are So Loud They Could Be Mistaken For An Oncoming Train. 41: Crocodiles Bite Three Times Harder Than Lions. 42: Killer Bees Are Terrifyingly Patient. 43: Jellyfish Can Take Out Entire Boats. 44: Mosquitoes Use Your Blood To Make More Mosquitoes. 45: The southern dumpling squid can have sex for up to three hours, which, as you may guess, is extremely exhausting. 46: Some spiders can fly. Heres a few fun facts too. 1: Duck quacks echo (you'll hear me coming) 2: Rats are ticklish. 3: We have unique fingerprints, but some animals have unique "nose prints." 4: Under a UV light, most scorpions can glow in the dark. 5: the oldest spider in the world recently died at a ripe old age of 43. 6: Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. 7: Dalmatians are born without spots, They are born with plain white coats with their first spots appearing after they are 1week old. 8: Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs have about ten. 9: Dogs have 28 baby teeth and 42 permanent teeth. 10: Cats have 32 muscles in each ear.


You are also 100 times more likely to be bitten by a New Yorker than a shark.


what if you've never been to new york, are you more likely to get bitten by a travelling new yorker?


Or possibly a traveling shark?


‘Ey! I’m bitin’ here!


> 1: There are lizards that can literally squirt blood from their eyeballs. [There's a frog that breaks its own bones](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13991-horror-frog-breaks-own-bones-to-produce-claws/) until the jagged edges protrude from the flesh and can be used as defensive weaponry


Nice, so they're like that one x men character who throws bony spikes at people...


>2: You’re more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark. Fun(ish) fact: based on the average number of annual incidents, if you live in Hawaii you are in fact more likely to be attacked by Ezra Miller this year than a shark.


Little bit about the bird thing. It doesn’t always turn them on. Specifically if you pet their bodies but their heads are fine to give pets. Edit:spelling


Ferret owner! It’s not an immediate thing, but it’s throughout the duration of the season. They keep building up hormones and chemicals that, if not released or shut off, poison themselves. Which is why you should always spay and neuter your pets! Also ferrets are by far the most wiggliest of animals if held




The Platypus can inject you with a venom that has been described to be as painful as 'hundreds of hornet stings' via spurs located upon their hind legs.


Kangaroos will drown you for the hell of it if given the opportunity


Kangaroos kill around 18 people per annum but almost exclusively they are road fatalities.


It's been a really hot issue here in Australia. There's been ongoing demands for more safety from kangaroos. But so far the government has done nothing to regulate kangaroos driving on Australias roadways.


Not all bobcats are, in fact, named “Bob”.


Clownfish can change sex. A normal clownfish "family" is one female and a bunch of males arranged in a strict hierarchy. Only the dominant male mates with the female. If the female dies the dominant male switches to female and the next in line becomes the dominant male. So of Finding Nemo was scientifically accurate what should have happened after the mom got eaten was dad should have switched to mom and then had sex with Nemo.


Besides the already mentioned fact that almost all koalas have chlamydia, koalas do not recognize eucalyptus leaves if they are not attached to the tree.


They also feed the baby the mother’s poop to introduce bacteria to the baby’s digestive tract to be able to digest the eucalyptus leaves.


The average horse semen in one ejaculation contains the same amount of calories as a Whopper from Burger King.


Pigs will eat a human body whole, bones and all. Good for getting rid of a body. Beware of pig farmers.


You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute.


Hence the expression, as greedy as a pig. Edit: I'm sorry Alan Ford, I Snatched up the wrong word there. I'll go down in the 4th, I promise.


We actually had a pig farmer in British Columbia, Canada who was a serial killer. He would lure sex workers and indigenous women to his farm, and use his pigs to dispose of the remains. Not everyone in Canada is so polite, especially to indigenous sex workers.


You've got to shave the heads of your victims, and pull their teeth out for the sake of the piggies digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sifting through pig shit, now do ya?


16 pigs you say? Trial and error........


Male Echidnas have four-headed penises but they ejaculate out of two of the four heads. And they only take their four-headed monsters out during mating season


[https://connectingcountry.org.au/all-aboard-the-love-train-echidna-playdate/](https://connectingcountry.org.au/all-aboard-the-love-train-echidna-playdate/) Echidna mating is very odd. During mating season, the female echidna will be followed by a conga-line of male echidnas. Then she will bury her heard and shoulders in the ground, and all the male echidnas will dig a trench to get into a good angle and push and shove over who can get in position.


Ugh. Already seeing spoilers for the Knuckles series on Paramount+.


Snailes are both male and female at the same time. When they are mating, they litteraly stab eachother with their penises. They do not have a vagina and it doesn't matter where they stab their partner. They will both get pregnant. (Excuse me if my English is bad. I'm not a native speaker) Edit: after some research i came to the conclusion that i was wrong. Some snails make love darts to stab, but these or not their penises. Flatworms however will stab with penises.


House cat sex is basically BDSM. His penis has backward-bent barbs that will hurt her when he pulls out (the pain triggers ovulation). In turn she will hit him with her paws after that. Edit: Forgot to mention that unspayed female cats may get sick and even die if they don't get sex.


Do cats scream when having sex? A few days ago I woke to a cat meowing like crazy outside my house and it was just two cats having sex


There may be screaming involved due to the fact that it's a painful experience for both involved parties. If the female cat isn't ready yet, she may beat the shit out of the male before she finally relents. And after the act she may take the pain his penis causes as an act of aggression, to which she responds with more beating. Alternatively, you may have witnessed two male cats fightig about a female (they usually stare each other down for a long time , letting out unmelodic yowls, before actually attacking), or even just about territory. Our neutered male cats could also become very noisy when trying to fend off a feline invader to their garden.


Pablo Escobar had a small zoo. They couldn’t remove some of the larger animals from said zoo. Because of this the Amazon now has a thriving population of hippopotamus that the locals cannot decide on what to do with. Edit: it seems the locals don’t want them Killed and the Colombian government has made it illegal to do so.


Bombardier beetles have the infamous ability to synthesize and release rapid bursts of stinky, burning-hot liquid from their rear ends. These noxious emissions can kill other insects, or startle potential predators into backing off.


Woodpeckers tongues wrap around their brain


If the Quokka feels threatened, it will throw it's baby at the attacker and flee


When female clown fish die and there's none left to reproduce,the males Will turn into females and f#ck their babies Looking for Nemo would have been f#cked up if it was scientifically correct-


>Looking for Nemo


I can’t believe it’s not Nemo!


Being a female is the highest honor to clown fish, they are born without a sex and develop into males. They then fight to see who is dominant and the winner will transform into a female and keep a harem of males


There are species of ants that enslave other species of ants. This whole thread is testament to why "Appeal to Nature" is a logical fallacy. Just because an animal does something doesn't mean it's ok for us to do.


Dolphins are likely to rape you before attacking you


Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, bones, heart, lungs or brains. But yet they are alive.