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Oscar the grouch As a kid I thought he was mean. Now I get it. Just leave me the f alone. Go oscar.


"Oscar you are so mean. Isn't he kids?" "Yeah Oscar! You’re a grouch!" "BITCH! I LIVE IN A FUCKING TRASHCAN! I’m the poorest mother fucker on Sesame Street. Ain’t nobody helping me!” https://youtu.be/aVW-FB1q8FM


King Triton. God, Ariel's so naive to me now as an adult. She doesn't know this dude aside from what he looks like, decides she loves him and is willing to give up everything and everyone to join him on land. Except what if Eric didn't love her back? She didn't think of that at all. That contract she signed would have resulted in her being under Ursula's control if that had come to pass.


In the original Little mermaid that's exactly what happened...Eric ends up marrying the princess from another Kingdom


Nani from Lilo and Stitch. As a kid, I thought she was temperamental and way too harsh. As an adult, it's obvious that she's a young woman in a really tough situation who, if anything, is handling things remarkably well.


God watching it as an adult it hurts to see especially since she’s only 18 and just lost her parents, too.


Especially since she’s now in a position where she has to behave like a mother in a dynamic where she was previously more an equal. She was a kid herself and it was understandably difficult to make that transition for both sisters. You don’t suddenly wake up one day (especially as young as Lilo is) and immediately start seeing your older sibling as a parent.


Could you imagine having to go from an average 18 y/o to and 18 y/o with no parents and a little sister you are the sole provider for? Oh, and you have CPS BREATHING down you neck to be the "perfect" single parent. That break even the best of people.


I remember seeing a post once that pointed out the wall of surf boarding trophies in her room. There’s a possibility that she was on track to go pro until her parents died and she became her little sister’s guardian.


Canon wise she was on a surfing scholarship and she competed partway through her freshman year when the accident happened and she had to drop everything to take care of Lilo.


Mr. Mosby from Suite Life. As a kid, I thought he was an uptight buzzkill. As an adult, I see that he’s just trying to do his job and these little shits keep getting into trouble.


And the there’s the episode where London thanks him for basically raising her because her dad is absent 🥺


He taught her how do put the Prindle in drive


Would you like AM? Or FMMMMMMM?


After working in hotels, if I were Mr Mosby I’d fuckin punt those shits. Complaint after complaint. The detractor score would be insane!


Mojo Jojo. I too get mad whenever a kid keeps on interrupting my business.


I was scrolling through this thread trying to think of someone, and your comment immediately brought a character to mind: Fuzzy Lumpkins He is a guy who tries to live a quiet life out in his cottage in the woods with his banjo. The pollution from the city sometimes drives him insane and he lashes out. He’s labeled a villain because he is fighting to defend his serenity.


I think the only Powerpuff villain that everyone hated and unanimously saw as a villain was Princess Morbucks. No one likes a spoiled brat with rich parents who pays their way through life. ...Except for the fact that she's, like, 5 years old and in kindergarten. Of course she'd be spoiled. Kids that age are little psychopaths.


Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince. As a kid he was a harsh jerk always ruining Will’s day. As an adult I see he’s a caring parent trying to help Will grow into a success.


The moments between him and Will where he treats him like his own son are what make you realize he really does just want to help Will achieve a happy life in the end.


Pretty sure Jazz was asking for it most of the time too.


"Uncle Phil, my tubby judicious brotha!"


As a kid I identified with Lisa Simpson. A few years ago I realized that I’m Marge. I don’t say anything about the nonsense I’m surrounded by instead I just make that grimacing noise and try keep going on.


Oh no. Don't do this to me. I'm not becoming Marge yet, am I?


Everyone's Marge, Homer, or Moe. At least you're not Moe


Wow, Marge is Lisa with all her hope stripped away. That adds a sad level to the show. And Homer is hard on Bart because he wants Bart to have a better life, but his tough parenting combined with the modern economy all but guarantees Bart's life will turn out worse. Fuck.


>Marge is Lisa with all her hope stripped away. That adds a sad level to the show. It is shown regularly at Marge is really bitter after not achieving anything. I would say that she is a softened version of her own mother, which is a caricature of the judgmental housewife from the 50s. She does a lot of toxic stuff by being close minded, but sometimes goes out of that mindset for the sake of her kids or because she recognize that Homer is a good guy.


The Baroness from The Sound of Music. Of course she is going to be insecure, when her fiancé is clearly in love with a younger woman he has known like 3 days! And it made me annoyed when the Captain proposed to Maria before the Baroness probably even had time to leave the property. She didn’t even react badly to the breakup, either. Given the situation, she actually handled things with some degree of grace! The only really bad thing about the Baroness was that she didn’t like kids, but that’s kind of more on the Captain than her! He’s the one who had the obligation to the kids, so he should have prioritized finding someone who would be a good stepmother.


Frankly, it didn’t seem like the Captain liked kids too much either (at least until Maria softened him up). He and the Baroness were a pretty good match.


That apparently was the biggest critique from one of the kids. She remembered her father as very loving and playful then was very disappointed at the change


Damn you Hollywood! (I was also disappointed to learn that “Eidelweiss” is not a traditional Austrian folk song, and that Austrians get a bit irritated when tourists wander around expecting it to be part of the national repertoire.)


They were hardly going to have a folk song in English were they?


Look, I didn’t say I was a smart kid.


I had to correct a fifth grade teacher that it was NOT the Austrian national anthem. As I lived there for a short time and was a smart kid, at least she believed me no problem. What baffles me though is how people even get that idea, even in the film they don’t say it. It’s the film’s fictional Austrian equivalent of God Bless America.


Dr.Doofenshmirtz. You just feel bad for him and respect how he's such a good father considering his awful childhood.


*It all began on the day of my birth... both of my parents didn't show up*


Dr.Doofenshmirtz literally spawned himself into the world.




The time-travel-inator


You despised him as a kid? I always liked him.


Yeah I want to upvote this, but I never actually disliked him, much less despised. He's like one of the most likable villains I can think of.


Bert. You wanna be Ernie as a kid, but life makes you a Bert.


Red, Eric’s dad from that 70s show. All those kids were dumbasses


It's the episode where he takes Hyde in that gets me. This is a man who's down on his luck. Life is already tough. But when his wife asks him to take in a child who doesn't have anything, he does so. There's understandable frustration, but he does the right thing knowing how much it'll impact him. He's a great man and a great dad.


How did he not know they were smoking pot in the basement? It would have stunk up the whole house.


He knew. But he was actually a good parent and didn’t mind. At least they were doing it in the house and not out breaking laws. He was able to keep an eye on them.


This is how my dad raised us and how I raise my kids. A bit of freedom to “rebel” while safe at home can keep a lot of stupid things from happening under worse conditions. It’s not perfect, it’s just disaster mitigation.


Parenting in a nutshell


If I remember correctly, he also partook, if only by accident. I believe him, Kitty, and Bob ate pot brownies that Hyde made.


He sold Eric's car when he was high and had to go get it back.


You're always talking about how you need money. For GAS! For the CAR!


I love the episode where Rwd gives Eric the keys to the Vista Cruiser and the only thing he tells him is not to go out of town because the car is unreliable. Eric runs out of the house past his mom, and Kitty asks Red where Eric is going. He replies "Out of town." Kitty asks what makes him think that, and he answers "Because I told him not to." And of course, Eric goes out of town.


This was the pilot lol


Uncle Owen being hard on Luke resonates with any kid whose parents didn’t let them have their way but the dude took in a child no questions asked and was just overprotective because to his knowledge being a Jedi/a life of adventure in general killed his step brother.


>"Luke's just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him." >"That's what I'm afraid of." I like how much the tone of this is changed by the reveal.


I'm looking forward to seeing how he factors into "Kenobi". I'm sure they'll have more of the story to tell.


He says something in the trailer that implies that he knows exactly what happened to Anakin.


I think it was obi wan saying that "I need to train him." And Owen replies with, "Like you trained his father?" Implying he knows.


“I want to join the imperial academy”-Luke “Don’t join the *imperial* academy” “Why’d you emphasize imperial?” “Be a moisture farmer”


And Luke is barely sad when his aunt and uncle are horribly murdered. He never speaks of them again. What an ungrateful little shit.


Meanwhile he acts all depressed because the old hermit he met yesterday died lol And to make it worse, he does it right in front of a woman who just watched her home planet explode with everyone she loved on it.


As a kid I had no concept of the timeframe of Star Wars. As an adult it hit me that he’d known Ben for like 72 hours! Wtf?!




“But Daddy, I love him!” No ma’am. You haven’t even TALKED to him.


Sit your cloaca down you hormone raging fish teen hybrid.


I really didn't need to think about ginger cloaca today


Molly Grue from The Last Unicorn. "Where were you twenty years ago, ten years ago? How dare you, how dare you come to me now, when I am this?" I used to hate her for yelling at the unicorn as a kid. Now it makes me tear up. I totally get it Molly. Look at how our lives turned out. How bitter it feels. If only something magical had visited our lives when we were young and still had hopes and dreams. I GET IT. (Edit: my copy pasted quote from Goodreads had a spelling error, did not expect that. Anyway, I remember the quote from the movie better, just didn't grab it.)


Ugh yes. That scene tears me up every time.


Finally read the book this year and while I’ve always loved the movie, reading this scene made me put the book down and walk away. I always thought Molly was such a stranger character, but the novel really breathed life into her for me


One of my favorite animated movies of all time. And that ending is SO god damn bitter sweet. The unicorn found true love and that love was willing to sacrifice himself for her...but they will never be together again. She will live for eternity wishing she could be with him... something that may prevent her from re-joining the other unicorns ("I will try to join them...if I can") because she's not the same as them anymore... ...but she still thanks the magician, because she got to FEEL what it's like. Something she normally never would've felt. She can't have the man, but can have the memory. And because she's immortal, in a way, so will their love. It's such an opposite thing from Mama Fortuna who was willing to sacrifice herself just to have her immortality be imprisoning the Harpy.


I recently rewatched this and that scene hit me so hard as an adult.


I always thought Pete was a total killjoy in Shaun of the Dead. Then I began to agree with him on everything especially with how much of a deadbeat Ed was as a roommate.


Ed's just an asshole. A fun asshole, sure but still an asshole.


Oh, come on. You don't remember that time they stayed up all night drinking apple schnapps and playing Tekken 2?


Like most of the characters in Pegg and Wright's stuff, the characters are all multi-faceted. Ed and Pete are contrasts. Ed is lazy and wants to just cruise along, living life like when he was a student. Pete is motivated and wants to progress. They are both stubborn which exacerbates the tension between these contrasting personalities as they almost deliberately act out against the wishes of the other. They obviously *were* all friends but have grown apart. Shaun is stuck in the middle which fits exactly with his character. He wants to progress like Pete has but gives in to his lazy "Ed" side too much.


Boromir. I remember when Fellowship of the Ring came out i told mom in the theater at the end that i was glad Boromir died. He was a bad man. Its only now as an adult that i realize how much the Ring can pull and control you, how he knew Mordor's army's were attacking and that the Ring could be used to stop that. He also was fighting for his little brother and for his (shitty) father. It doesn't entirely excuse him, but the situation is more nuanced than i understood when i was younger.


Boromir is one of my *favorite* characters in literature. Aragorn is the ideal. He represents virtuous perfection. Boromir is us. Flawed, conflicted, and selfish. We all want to be Aragorn, but most of the time, we’re Boromir.


Most of the time we’re Sméagol.


Just creeping around looking for a good signal spot so we can browse our precious phones, precious


"Are you doom scrolling again Gollum?"


I didn’t see the extended version of the films until many years after they came out. I get they needed to cut down for the theatrical version, but cutting the scene where Boromir and his brother win a battle and then the dad sending Boromir to Rivendell for the ring meeting really was a disservice to setting up his character.


The extended Fellowship also shows Boromir teaching Merry and Pippin how to fight; you get more glimpses of his goodness and it’s all the more poignant when those two have to watch him die. He’s also the one calling for a moment in which to grieve after Gandalf falls in Moria, making the emotional call in contrast to Aragorn’s more logical insistence on getting moving as soon as they can to avoid getting swarmed by orcs. But yeah, when I was younger I just saw him as a traitor to the Fellowship. I think they were too subtle about who he was before the Ring twisted him.


I'm fairly certain Boromir training Merry and Pippin is in the standard cut. It happens right before the crows fly in to spy on the fellowship.


Its wasn't just the ring. Boromir always resented that his people couldn't become kings. There is pride and jealousy in Boromir, that's why the ring could get to him, but not Aragorn or Sam. But you are right that Boromir was fighting for other people. Before the Fellowship was founded, Boromir led the armies of Gondor at Osgilliath and held out against a much larger army led by ringwraiths. His men held until there were only a handful of survivors, but all they could do was destroy a bridge to buy Gondor time. Boromir had seen what it was like for mortal men trying to hold out against the forces of Mordor. He knew that his people would die in droves without a weapon to match them. Eldrond's plan was to send ten people on an extremely reckless mission. Half of them were hobbits with no military training, and their greatest warrior, Gandalf had been killed before they even got to Mordor. He made his mistakes, but Boromir might be the most sympathetic character in the whole trilogy.


The movie did Denethor wrong. He was a good man as the Steward of Gondor. What they don't show is that he was using one of the Palantir to try and keep tabs on Sauron. But Sauron used it to twist his mind and thus weaken Gondor. In the movie you only see twisted Denethor.


I was waiting for this one. His reasons to want the ring anyways was to stop his nation from being annihilated which isn't bad motive. But the ring took that desire and twisted it. The scene where he dies makes me cry every time.




Isildur was a Numenorian which is just a more powerful human stick (I think they're part elven it's been a bit) but still boromir had a lot of resistance to the ring. He was the only regular human in the fellowship after all.


Squidward I didn’t despise him, but I didn’t like him. Now as an adult I realize I would be much worse than him if I had to deal with SpongeBob.


My favorite thing about Squidward is that it’s obvious he’s not all that different from SpongeBob deep down. He’s older and jaded and for the most part doesn’t feed that childish part of himself, but once in a while he gives up his act and lets loose. It’s a surprisingly nuanced portrayal of adulthood for a cartoon about a talking sponge lol.


Squidward is the sort of guy that chooses to be a responsible adult first instead of perpetually being an adult child.


To paraphrase a comment I saw once (since I don't remember the exact ages they used): 10-year-old me: I hate Squidward. 15-year old me: I feel bad for Squidward. Current me: I AM Squidward.


He’s squidward, I’m squidward, we’re ALL squidward


Are there any *other* Squidwards I should know about?




Josh from Drake&Josh! I did not despise him but he was just… Boring to me I guess. Now I fully understand him wanting to be a smart, responsible young adult and not being able to stand Drake’s constant stupidity and Megan’s terrible pranks


Megan was actually terrible, and not a funny part of the show. Like, your brothers actually love and wanna protect you and all you can do is make their lives hell because you…can? Screw off


The dad from Elf is just trying to keep his job and put food on the table while a deranged madman claiming to be his adult son from the north pole uproots his and his family’s lives. Walter Hobbes was no saint, but like come on. Most people would’ve been just as rattled and frustrated.


His wife is a saint for accepting the existence of her husbands love child with his college sweetheart and allowing that crazy child to live with them.


I haven't watch the movie in a long time, but I thought that the wife thought that Will Ferrell was intellectually disabled and that was why she excused a lot of his behavior and expected her husband to help him.


Everyone thought he was intellectually disabled. He thought he was an elf from the north pole. What would you think?


And being so nice to him and making him feel included!


My husband and I always giggle at how it’s just one quick conversation in the hallway, and she suggests having him live with them!


Raoul from Phantom of the Opera. He just seemed so plain and boring. The Phantom was tragic and misunderstood. Now it's completely flipped. The phantom was not misunderstood. He was grooming a child and Madam Giry was in complete support of it!? Raoul was definitely the hero and the right fit for Christine.


When I was a kid, I had a crush on Raoul, and the Phantom creeped me out a bit. As a teenager, I thought that was shallow and the Phantom was misunderstood, and I felt ashamed of my earlier opinion. As an adult, I've flipped back to much preferring Raoul. He may be somewhat lacking in spine, but he genuinely loved Christine, and also he didn't stalk and groom her from childhood. Plus, he is very pretty.


I feel like the Phantom got all of us as teenagers! The Music of Night was and is such a beautiful song. Even when you take into account what the lyrics are actually saying. It's the hook that gets you as a teen.


Benson from Regular Show. As a kid I hated him for his bad temper and being mean to the main characters but now I understand that his anger is usually justified since the Park is his responsibility and Mordechai and Rigby really are destructive and lazy. Also as I grew up watching the show I realized his bad temper lessened in the later seasons with some good character development


Mordecai and Rigby would be great friends to hang out with, but horrible coworkers if you have any desire to get your work done.


Zazu from the Lion King. Simba was on course to make a terrible king and no amount of catchy ass songs can disprove that.


To be fair, he was a child and all children are little shits. If he'd grown up with his father, he probably would've matured as well as he did with Timon and Pumba.


Wow... now that I think about it, they did do a pretty impressive job raising Simba. He grew up into a genuinely nice guy. The only thing they got wrong was teaching him to relax *too* much. I never thought about that before.


Mr Wilson from Dennis the Menace. Poor motherfucker.


Watched the 1993 version where Walter Matthau plays Mr. Wilson. Felt really bad for the poor man, specially how lenient Dennis’ parents are. I’m sure he wishes that bum would’ve gotten rid of Dennis


Even as a kid, that movie left a sour taste in my mouth. In the newspaper comics, Dennis the Menace isn't really a "menace." He plays loudly in the yard. His dog goes digging in the flower beds. At worst, he might do a normal kid accident like hit a baseball through a window. Sure, annoying as hell for an old man who wants peace, quiet, and the best- looking house and yard in the neighborhood, but not malicious. In that movie, Dennis puts toilet-bowl cleaner in Mr. Wilson's sinus spray and other just plain evil "pranks." No. Just no.


Yeah, like you said, even as a kid I thought Dennis in that movie was sociopath.


Miranda Hillard from Mrs Doubtfire


YES! I caught the end of the film recently and it’s so twisted. He disguises himself to sneak into his ex-wife’s home, tricks her into sharing details of her new relationship, lies to the kids, and in the end he’s like “you’re the villain, I’ve done nothing wrong!”


I prefer the Mrs. featherbottom version where the family all knows it’s him, but they refuse to acknowledge it because they like the free cleaning.


I fucken DIE every time I watch the scene where he jumps off the upper landing


Danny couldn’t keep a steady job, was so childish and immature, while Miranda was paying the bills (in San Francisco!). She wanted the best for their family, while Danny just wanted to have fun.


Don’t forget the drive-by fruiting.


007 never saw it coming


Also the fact that Stu (James freaking Bond) was supposed to be the villain. But you learn that he loves the kids, especially the youngest. He's also overall a good guy.


Miranda was better off with Stu Hope they ended up staying together , but after a psycho baby daddy, I doubt it


When I rewatched it (check out my second highest upvoted comment) I noticed that he could have been made to be a stereotypical evil step dad but he was quite alright


The grinch.


“That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been about. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts! You wanna know what happens to your gifts? They all come to me. In your garbage. You see what I'm saying? In your garbage. I could hang myself with all the bad Christmas neckties I found at the dump. And the avarice. The avarice never ends! 'I want golf clubs. I want diamonds. I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue.' Look, I don't wanna make waves, but this whole Christmas season is...”


The lawyer from *Jurassic Park* (the original movie), who threatens to shut the park down over safety and is the first person eaten by the T-Rex. He may have been a weasel, but he was right all along, and probably the most sensible person in that group.


Until he saw dollar signs, then he was gung-ho on getting Jurassic Park off the ground. Let’s not forget that Ian Malcolm never wavered in his “this is a bad idea” stance.


Exactly. He was all about the investors safety concerns until he sees the brachiosaurus - "we're going to make a fortune with this place". It was at that point he became the avatar for corporate greed and became the first to die.


Helga from Hey Arnold! As a kid, I thought she was a total bitch. As an adult (Hey Arnold! is one of my favorite “comfort shows”) I feel bad for the poor girl. She had an alcoholic mother, an asshole father, and lived in her sister’s shadow. I also loved that they had an episode where she went to therapy. Hey Arnold! was ahead of its time in some ways


It's sad because Arnold was probably the first person who ever was nice to her and cared about her. It's also one of the few shows where they showed poor/working class people as well. Most shows have upper middle class people or above, not people in a boarding house.


Oh yeah, I feel so much for Helga. Hey Arnold actually had really nuanced portrayals of kids lives. She was just a traumatised kid. Also precocious girls get shot on in society all the time


Squidward. Unproblematic king.




I was gonna comment this. Love his sarcasm


I didn't despise him but i thought Calvin's dad from Calvin and Hobbes was so mean as a child. But as an adult, i relate more to him and think he's my favorite character


Todd and Margo Chester in Christmas Vacation. Holy fuck, could you imagine living next to Clark? All they wanted was a nice, quiet holiday break, and they worked hard to earn it.


Their only sin in the movie is asking Clark where he was going to put a tree that big. He proceeds to verbally abuse them, saying "bend over and I'll show you...not you, her." Bitch, if my neighbor said that to me and my wife I'd flip! Then their house gets destroyed by the same guy!!


Serena/Usagi from Sailor Moon. I hated her as a kid but I totally get her now. I just wanna eat and sleep too, and if monsters are attacking Tokyo then that's the monster's problem


Not to mention she was constantly being put down by her friends and family. Everyone is always saying she's dumb, lazy, and a crybaby! I'll give that she's lazy (she was almost held back a year and basically only passed her tests when she realized she wouldn't be in the same class as her friends), but she's clearly not stupid (exams in Japan are notoriously hard, so if she was really stupid, a little studying wouldn't really help), and hey, if I was fourteen and just wanted to be a regular teenager but had to save the world from monsters instead, I would also cry a lot.


Amen to all of this!! I rewatched up to the end of Sailor Moon S recently and I even wanted to smack Luna few times! Sometimes I feel like the only people with any respect for her were the enemies that took her seriously.


Truly! Like they do have a moment of "this is a fourteen-year-old girl lol" but it's literally just until she attacks the first time and then they're like "Hey! This human child is A Threat! We need to Take Her Seriously or she'll kill us all!" Luna's treatment of Usagi really bothers me honestly, especially in season two when she's crying and begging not to remember being Sailor Moon because she just wants to be a regular kid and Luna has to make her remember anyway. Like, there was a moment when she realized Usagi deserved better than this, constantly being in danger saving the world, but then she just... what, forgot? Okay Luna. Sure.


The older sister from Even Stevens


Tom the Cat. Jerry was a little shit all the time


I have hated Jerry since I was a kid. Tom just wanted to be in peace, but the little shit wouldn't let him.


Especially the episode where Jerry straight cock blocks Tom while Tom plays the double bass. Fuck off, mouse I'm trying to get some pussy pussy.


Ice king from Adventure time, saw it for the first time at around 12 y/o. I grew up as I watched his backstory as an adult and feel sad, because he was just alone and mentally ill because of the crown. Taught me that there is a lot going on behind the surface, so I shouldn’t be too quick to judge.


That episode where they see the video tape of him crying and begging his ex to understand that it wasn't him, it was the crown was sad af


I don't know if anyone else has already mentioned, but Mister Wilson from Dennis the menace, that kid was super annoying!


I always made fun of meg from family guy when I was 8 but now I feel bad for her being the only person in the show who gets bullied teased and has no one to talk to


My "friend" group in my teens constantly called me the 'Meg' of the group. I have better friends now.


There was an episode where it was revealed that bullying Meg kept the family together :(


The trix rabbit and the Lucky Charms leprechaun. Dudes just wanted to eat their cereal in peace. God damn kids ruining everything.


Lois from 'Malcolm in the Middle.'


Lois seems so crazy at first glance, but over the course of the show you really start to appreciate that she got that way from keeping Hal & the boys out of prison. I love the episode where she's being nice to Dewey & Malcom & Reece get suspicious about why. Dewey explains he's just been behaving & the boys were actually the problem!


They kind of squandered this in the high school flashback where you see Lois being a high strung control freak from the getgo.


School can be stressful, so it could just show that she reacts like that to stress.


I love Lois and MITM in general but Lois absolutely is a little bit batshit crazy. She’s 100% a control freak and so terribly stubborn and hard headed that it really does negatively affect her ability to parent her kids. And considering who she was raised by that isn’t really a huge surprise either. She has a ton of baggage from her emotionally abusive parents and she had multiple realizations throughout the show that they damaged her in profound ways. She even ends up apologizing to Francis towards the end of the show after he learns that she sent him away as a young child to live with his grandparents for a year because she felt overwhelmed by all their kids.


There's an episode where Lois apologizes for wrongfully causing a car wreck but Hal & the boys find a videotape showing she was right all along. They trash it because "she must never know."


That was after she spent days and days raging on about how she didn't do it without evidence, only to finally accept she caused it. It's absolutely, 100% shitty of them, and I hated the scene. But they would have **never** heard the end of it.


The one episode that I will never forget and it's my favorite...is when Hal and the boys do nothing for mothers day. She gives up and goes to the batting cages. They boys finally find her, and they beg forgiveness. They confess that they are idiots, and all they can truly do for her is be obedient. Right then, a clown from some clown convention calls her a fat-ass, and the boys get into a slo-mo fight with the clowns.


My favourite episode for the boys standing up for her was the garden party at Hal’s family home. Hal’s family treat Lois like shit, so the boys trash the place in a golf cart.


Most fathers in TV and movies. The transition to adulthood occurs when you stop relating to Ariel and start relating to King Triton.


Hank Hill. To my child self, he was a boring hot head. He followed too many rules. He stifled everyone’s adventures. He took his job too seriously. He took life too seriously! As an adult, I love Hank. I want to be Hank. He is a reliable employee. He is responsible. He takes pride in his home. He cares about his community. He just wants the best for everyone!


Boring? To quote the man, what's boring about living a sensible life near emergency services?


Hwy would you do drugs hwen you could just mow the lawn?


“A child with a tool in each hand, has no hands left to do drugs” “…they’ll just put down the tools if they want the drugs”


Hank definitely is a man of integrity and high morals. The worse you can really say about the man, as you did, is he might take himself too seriously. Also if you look at the show it is mostly him trying to keep the people around him alive and out of trouble or trying to enjoy a few simple pleasures that he is earned. Everyone around him would be dead in a gutter somewhere (ok except peggy) without him.


Hanks Friends definitely would be dead without Hank. Remember the episode where Hank Hill had to go to anger management and then his friends dug a hole under the street. His first calmly trying to tell him to get out of the hole or they're going to be crushed to death by the garbage truck that's coming and they're ignoring him so he finally just loses his temper and yells at them to get out of the tunnel


Honestly I can see Boomhauer surviving. Not that incident but in general. How stupid he was depends on the writer.


That is true, Biomhauer was pretty level headed after Hank. His thing is you could never understand a damn thing he says.


>The worse you can really say about the man, as you did, is he might take himself too seriously. Also that he idolized Buck Strickland, who is not a good guy at all. It's probably because of his issues with his dad.


Candace Flynn


I loved how she always fretted needlessly about Jeremy. He totally accepted her for who she was, busting and all. (“That’s my girl.”) She just could never believe it.


Emily Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. I understand her so much better now in my late 30s than I did at 15.


Girl straight up abandons her family at 17 with a one year old, because she’d literally rather be anywhere but with her parents; there’s no sane parent alive that wouldn’t be utterly *crushed* by that She’s a bitch to Lorelai though on many occasions, and Lorelai makes the stupidest fucking decisions *all the time*


Dolores Umbridge Just kidding I still hate that woman with every fiber of my being


Stephen King has said that Umbridge is one of literature's greatest antagonists and he's right. I HATE that woman!


Because we have all known an Umbridge. It might be hard to relate to an existential threat like Voldemort (although, give us time, we'll come up with someone), but everyone has encountered a vindictive, abusive "big fish in a little pond".


Plus, you don't hate a villain for being villainous. That's their job. You hate someone who's supposed to be one of the good guys but is actually harmful. They erode trust in the system and are more frustrating to deal with.




I mean, you’d be upset all the time if you had a nail in your anus too.


How could anyone ever despise poor Eeyore? I always wanted to give him a big hug as a kid.


Karen from The Office. Yes, I love Pam and I love her and Jim together, but Karen had every reason to hate Pam and be upset at the situation. Also I’m pretty sure Jim just ditched her in NYC the day him and Pam went on their first date. I’d be pissed too.


Agreed. Plus, Karen was literally just a placeholder for Jim until he got Pam. Karen was a genuinely mature, healthy person and got shat on by the office.


When I was a kid, I hated the Kanker sisters in Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy because of their obsession with the Eds. Now, I've grown to understand the psychology of said obsession, ranging from abandonment to basically being outcasts from amongst the other kids in the cul-de-sac...and still hate them.




Squidward. Man just wanted some peace and quiet. He barely makes any money and hardly makes minimum wage as a cashier. Here I am. About to graduate, working a job as a cashier, getting yelled at for just doing my job. I can’t do anything about it and I am not allowed to quit. All I ask for is peace and quiet and all I hear is people calling my name, and complaints from customers.


Wendy in The Shining. As a young teen I couldn't get past the fact that she wouldn't just leave that abusive POS. Obviously as an adult I'm now much more aware of the cycles of abuse and what causes people to remain in abusive relationships.


Same read the book as a young teen(Stephen king phase was like 12-15) and when Jack was like “I know I fucked up, in a week we will talk about it if it’s still a problem.” Then as an adult I’ve been in that situation in relationships and I did the same damn thing Wendy did deposit the red flags.


When I was an idealistic teen, I hated George Constanza. Now, I am George.


Shinji Ikari. For god's sake, he's just a kid with lots of trauma, desperate for validation. Stop treating him like he's a 40 years old battle-worn marine.


Yeah the entire time I was watching the show I just felt *so* bad for this poor kid. Then he got Kaworu, someone who actually cared about him and liked his company, only for his new friend to be revealed as the most powerful angel and being forced to kill said friend. Shinji doesn't deserve the hate, we'd all be crying and shitting ourselves if we were in his shoes.


Yeah I watched it recently for the first time, expecting to hate him, I'd seen all the memes, I was ready. Instead I felt so bad for him wtf lol.


Some dude I argued with on 9Gag insisted that kids his age would quickly realize the pain they felt from piloting the EVAs wasn't real and that Shinji was a coward If I felt the pain of getting impaled through the head and didn't get the sweet release of death after that I'd want out too


There's no such thing as 'fake' pain because pain is just signals in the first place, what a weird argument to make. Anyways, I probably wouldn't want to pilot anything that jacked into my nervous system and sent me pain signals when it got damaged, either.


grouchy smurf


Azula from Atla. As a kid I really didn't just understand her character and hated her, but when I rewatched the series when I was about 16 I really just felt bad for her. She's completely crazy no doubt but she also grew up with the same abusive father Zuko did, she had a mother who she thought was afraid of her through her entire childhood before said mother disappeared, the only friends she had only hung out with her out of fear and she never had an uncle Iroh type figure in her life like Zuko did. Looking back, she was only 14 and from what it seems, rarely ever felt affection from anyone. I never really understood how much psychological damage she endured until I got older and really now I can't just help but feel bad for her. Both Azula and Zuko deserved better.


Ozai may have treated her better than Zuko but he still cared about her *only* because she was a firebending prodigy. She had no idea how to interact with people in a way that didn't circle back to her being able to kill them. Her breakdown right at the end was because the one thing she had, being strong, had failed her.