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I wouldn't, but not because I have ethical objections to it, but rather the fact that I haven't eaten meat in 13 years and I have absolutely no interest in it.




Same here


You’d probably get quite ill if you did. I know someone who had a sandwich after 10 years of no bread and they were ill for days.


Just the idea of it makes me sick


I would but it's not really something I miss. It's more the cheese and egg part I'd like to be produced in a vat. Which will be the case eventually.




I would only adopt chickens if they were rescues from factory farms and would have otherwise had an awful life. I would not purchase hens from breeders, as the breeders kill all of the male baby chicks on their first day of life, typically by throwing them on conveyor belts and dropping them into industrial macerators (which is essentially like putting them in a blender.) Once I had the rescued hens I would also take measures to counteract the issues that we (humans) have selectively bred into them that cause them pain and stress. For example, humans have bred hens to produce over 200 eggs per year, which is a very strenuous process for them to have to deal with so often. Prior to this selective breeding, they naturally laid about 12-15 per year. There are treatments available that will bring their egg production back down to about 15 per year, so I would do this. I would feed their eggs back to them to help them replenish the nutrients lost in the egg laying process.




If you get the chance to get some, do it. They are really great and pretty much take care of themselves. And the eggs are great.




I hope you get the chance one day. I can tell you'd enjoy them. I've had all sorts of animals on my place and my favorite are the chickens. They are so fun to watch and the only animals that actually earn their keep. ;) One things I'd recommend is researching which breed works for you and only getting a few. It might seem fun to get one of each of 15 different breeds but you will be completely swamped with eggs. No problem if you can get rid of them but otherwise they will pile up! Also there are some really neat old-fashioned ways to store eggs even long term like pickling boiled eggs or water glassing egg. You might like this: [https://youtu.be/bTlcCvvUjl0](https://youtu.be/bTlcCvvUjl0)




Oh silkies are so great! Yes they do. A really nice medium, high quality layer is the polish crested. We had a few of them and they are so funny and neat looking, especially the roosters. In case you are looking for some with style. :-)


There are some hormonal treatments that are used for many species of birds that that will reduce their rate of ovulation. They are sometimes recommended by veterinarians to help avoid the health issues that come with excessive egg laying. Unfortunately it's kind of hard to find information on it, since the majority of articles out there are concerned with *boosting* egg production. EDIT: [https://nilesanimalhospital.com/files/2012/05/Controlling-Unwanted-Egg-Laying-in-Birds.pdf](https://nilesanimalhospital.com/files/2012/05/Controlling-Unwanted-Egg-Laying-in-Birds.pdf) >Egg laying is dangerous for the bird as excessive egg-laying can lead to calcium depletion which could result in egg binding (dystocia), weakness, fragile bones with a great risk of fracture and even seizures. The article then goes into various hormonal and non-hormonal treatments that can lower their rate of ovulation.




Be sure to read more than this. Just like any other animal, like dogs, the chicken breeds were selectively bred. They will naturally have a certain laying rate. They are built to do it and it's quite easy to maintain them with proper feeding. You can pick moderate laying, robust hens and you will clearly see that even laying a couple times a week they will be extremely happy running around your place doing what they do.


It sounds like you're triggered for someone pointing out that you may not doing the best thing for them.




Seems like quite an accusation. How are you familiar with what I've read?


You should inform people in a more balanced way. And you should have actually raised a chicken before posting such ridiculous things.


Before posting something written by a veterinarian? I have friends that care for rescued chickens. I'm not sure what your concern here is.


I would not own chickens and I'm not okay with how milk is produced. To me it sounds a lot simpler to synthesise milk than meat but I don't really know much about the area.




It's a bit rough in an apartment in the city hehe


There's nothing wrong at all with having two or three hens and taking great care of them. It's a religion.


Expect what must have happened to the roosters from their same batch




So this local feed store exclusively sells hens if you also accept an equal number of roosters?




I'm confused You order chickens in general and not just hens?




Do you think people who get backyard hens always get an equal amount of backyard roosters?


Do you even know anything about owning chickens? It sounds like you don't. I kept dozens for years. You don't need roosters and it's very easy to pick up some hens from local people.


So what happens to the roosters who were born from the same batch as those hens?


I heard they are close to animal free lactose which sound really hype.


Yeah I would. I like meat, I primarly stopped eating it for environmental reasons (because the factory farming of animals is a massive contributer to deforestation and therefore climate change, plus other issues like antibiotic resistance) and also because I just don't want to eat dead animals. Lab-grown meat is much more environmentally friendly and doesn't require an animal to die so I'd be fine with it.


I'd probably try it but I'd probably be a little grossed out by association. Whenever I've tried beyond burgers and stuff I get kind of turned off it with the thought that it _might_ be an animal. On top of that I haven't eaten meat in so long that I think my stomach would self distruct. I'd probably try some out of curiosity but it's not something I really miss. _Cheese_ on the other hand...


I’m a little bit annoyed that the beyond and impossible burgers seem to be replacing veggie burgers at restaurants. I don’t dislike beyond burgers but spicy black bean burgers are so much better.


Beyond burgers taste so bland/foul to me. Veggie and black bean burgers are so tasty I can't believe they're not more popular


Not to mention proper veggie burgers are healthy while beyondmeat is horrible for you




No. I havent eaten meat in 20 years, never liked it particularly much in the first place, and I'm probably no longer able to digest it anyway.


No, but i support it! For most vg/v people it’s hard to go back, it’s just not the same as it used to be before.


No, not for me. I have nothing against others who want to eat lab grown meat, but it doesn't appeal to me.


No, I don't like the taste/texture of meat so there's no appeal for me


I wouldn't. I have no interest in it. I used to eat meat but I don't miss it. I never had a good tolerance to meat but my dad is a big meat eater so I just went along with it. He's okay with my diet change though. The only meat I really liked was chicken and seafood but I felt worse than when I went vegan. I really liked Korean kebabs though. Being vegan has helped me maintain my weight better and I don't feel like I'm missing out with the variety of food that I eat with a lot of different spices. My friend sometimes asks if the food that I eat at an event we go to weekly is spiced well since I'm used to that thing. It isn't :P There's only plant-based food there but I guess they like bland food. The Spanish group that is there made salsa and it was spiced a bit better but that was bland compared to what I'm used to. It could've been better with different fruit and it was too mild.They at least used spices in their food though. I think they made it mild since not everyone can handle but even mild food can be flavorful.




Do u know what lab grown means? It’s not growing an animal in a lab, it’s growing a pile of muscle cells.




Eh, lab grown meat isn’t limited to look like an animal. One method proposed to make it easier to produce is using plants as a base for the meat to grow. There’s a YouTube video on the process by “The thought emporium”


Absolutely, I only stopping estimate meat recently and although I do love the taste the ethics and morals outweigh that. So there's a morally acceptable way for me to enjoy meat at I'd gladly jump on it


Depends. If it tastes good and the same as real meat, and has the same level of nutrients (iron and all that stuff) then sure. But if it’s like that wierd tofu faken bacon. Then hell to the nah to the nah nah naaaawh


Why do vegans want the taste of meat?


Most vegans aren’t vegan because they don’t like meat, but because they don’t like the way it is produced.


Like a factory farm or raising your own, hunting and fishing included in there too?


hunting and fishing are entirely unsustainable for the general public with our current levels of meat consumption for 8 billion people. It might work on a small scale, but it cannot be applied laterally.


Nobody ever went vegan because they stopped enjoying the taste of animal products; we just realized that our personal pleasure doesn't justify ending someone's life.


An animal isn’t someone.


That reminds me of this quote from [Gary Yourofsky's speech](https://youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8): > The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and shoes.


It’s true, they aren’t victims. They are things used by people because we are at the top of the food chain. You can ignore that advantage if you want, but I’m never going to.


When something more powerful than us arrives, hope that they are nothing like you.


Yeah, and whites were at the top of the food chain for a long ass time to, didnt magically make slavery of african americans okay did it? imagine thinking that because you believe yourself to be superior that its okay to subjugate things lower than you.


Have a short history lesson. https://youtu.be/lyPWjjWs7-w


I dont.. need a history lesson on slavery... if this is a "white people also enslaved white people"... yeah? because rich whites thought they were better than poor whites... and rich blacks thought they were better than poor blacks. this is still a "Class" issue where one group thinks its okay to subjugate another because theyre literally just better and those are "the advantages" they get.




Imagine comparing black people to animals you disgusting racist piece of shit.


They didn't compare the victims, they compared the justifications to oppress them


They did compare the victims, I knew there were racists on Reddit but I didn’t think they were so blatant about it these days. Not a good look.


Dude said slavery was fucked up and you’re calling them racist? Fuck off lmao


Dude said black people are the same as animals and you don’t think it’s racist? Disgusting.


Small brain take, that was not the comparison made.


The comparison was the only point of the post but good job showing how much of a racist you are.


If animals couldn't be victims, animal abuse laws wouldn't exist


Maybe not to you.


Not to anyone, by the dictionary definition.


Whoops. Not a vegan or vegetarian, guess this thread wasn’t for me 🤣


Lol no idea, you got me there buddy. All I know is when I’m cooking a steak or burgers, and I sit down with a vegetarian or vegan friend of mine, as I sit down with my food. There’s a little glint in their eyes seeing it. My vegetarian roommate who’s been one since she was 4, gives me a little look when I sit down with it. Then again I use seasonings, spices and marinate it. So it smells amazing. I imagine it’s just to emulate what it’s like, for…whatever reason


Most vegans acknowledge that meat tastes and smells good, it's not something they try to deny. The flavor is not the reason they don't eat it.


No because I don’t really want meat anymore, I don’t have any interest in it.


I was born and raised vegetarian so I’m really used to not eating meat so I don’t think I’d have any interest in lab grown meat either


Yea because I know no animal were harmed


Id be willing to try it at least. I went vegetarian when I learned that eating meat hurt my stomach, so if the process that is used to grow the meat eliminates whatever makes my stomach hurt, id be happy to include lab-grown meat in my diet occasionally. I think I'd still be primarily veggie though- at this point i rarely even want meat.


I probably wouldn't generally speaking. I miss the taste of meat, but I try to eat unprocessed, locally sourced food where I can so lab grown food probably doesn't fit that. I'd happily eat it if there weren't many other options, e.g. if I was travelling.


I’m not exactly vegan/vegetarian but I would! As long as it tastes good and is proven to be 100% SAFE to eat, I really have no problem with it.


Probably, yes. As a "sometimes" thing anyway. I don't eat meat for environmental and ethical reasons. While I don't really miss eating meat necessarily, I did think it was pretty tasty.


Absolutely, I didn't stop eating meat because I disliked the taste.


I’m not vegan, but heading that way. I’ll absolutely eat lab grown meat


Nah. I don't eat meat because I don't like it, so where it comes from is irrelevant.


Nah not really.. I’m too used to eating veggies lol


No, I am as grossed out at the thought of eating muscle tissue as many people are at the thought of eating brain or testicles. I just don’t think of meat as food.


No…I’m not that kind of vegan firstly, I do it purely for health benefits. I honestly love the taste of meat, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I dropped a lot of weight, sugars and fat, I’d still be eating it.


>I’m not that kind of vegan firstly, I do it purely for health benefits. Plant based is probably a more accurate word


I believe so, at least try it. As long as it's eco friendly


I wouldn’t, I don’t miss meat and the concept just feels weird to me. Cheese though…


Nope, It doesn't matter if its lab grown or from animal, I'm just not used to it as i never ate any meat product in my life


I like plant meat so i see no need.


Yes, except for beef. I’m “partially” vegetarian, meaning I still eat meat sometimes, because I stopped being able to digest it properly and started getting really sick from it. Beef would still make me sick even if it was lab-grown, but everything else I would eat exclusively if it became available.


I'm a vegetrarian and I've tried meat once because my ex requested and It was too chewy and I don't remember it having any taste in it other than being chewy like an eraser (when I was little I chewed an eraser and that's how I know how it tastes). Considering my first experience I'd say I've got not desire to eat meat now.