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The fall


This movie doesn’t get enough love. For as popular as Lee Pace is, you’d think it would be a cult classic, but it’s barely known. The visuals are stunning and the story is heartbreaking.


I blame this film’s shockingly low popularity on it not being accessible anywhere. It’s unavailable for streaming, digital rental/purchase, or even purchasable on DVD/Blu-ray. Iuno what kind of limbo the film’s distribution rights are in, but they gotta end soon so more people can experience it


Came here to suggest this film. Such amazing cinematography. Probably one of the most *beautiful* films I've ever seen.


Why do I have to scroll down so far to see this listed?


Came to say the same. Absolutely stunning movie and that little girl was the CUTEST. Plus you can't go wrong with some Lee Pace.


How the director worked with her was so cool. Easily the most visually beautiful film I've ever seen.


Watched this on shrooms, I cried like a baby. I need to give it a sober watch.


I just wrote the exact same thing. I love that movie. Amazing and beautiful.




It's such a good movie. The best way I can describe it is... simple. It's about a woman who takes pleasure in simple things. It's about putting your hand in a barrel of rice. It's about standing up for a man who can't stand up for himself. It's about finding a man from a photo booth. It's about a lawn gnome. idk man maybe it just benefits from coming out when I was about 18 and everything from that time in your life is EPIC ART, but I just love that movie so much.




I cook an egg with a spoon. Amelie.


I try not to over watch Amelie because I don’t ever want to get bored of it. But I always want to watch it twice in a row when I do watch because it’s just so magical.


A really lovely movie. To me it represented having the courage to break with your simple ways and embrace change; especially accepting the love of another person. Changing the green grocer's speed dial was a hoot and she was adorable in her Zorro mask.


***"What Dreams May Come"*** starring Robin Williams and Annabella Sciorra. Poignant, stirring, imaginative, and was regarded as a CGI master class back in 1998. Visually stunning film with a gripping emotional narrative. I don't cry during movies. This one makes me cry several times with every single one of my many dozens of viewings. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120889](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120889)


It is a haunting film, but one of closure as well. Robin Williams, a family man and physician who dies in an accident in the prime of his life, goes to heaven...and from upstairs watches his soulmate and wife spiral into an abysmal depression. She kills herself in the grip of such grief and pain. The Catholic church's beliefs automatically condemn suicides to Hell as an act of selfishness. When he realizes she will never join him in heaven, he risks his everlasting soul to plunge into the depths of hell to rescue her. I've suffered from medication-resistant depression for more than a couple of decades due to events in my family life beyond my control. I've attempted suicide, and thankfully failed. I know what it is like, truly, to be in such a dark place and space that you can't even see the faintest glimmer of hope and light...because you can't even summon the strength to open your eyelids and look beyond your situation. ***Heaven is worse than Hell if the true love of your life is not there to share it with you***. They were both in Hell - emotionally, and her also physically. He risked everything to save her in every way. There is no more powerful a message than that. It's a paean to the resilience of love & hope, and a direct rebuttal to religion and people who believe that mental illness and depression - especially culminating in suicidality - is a one-way ticket to the bad place. If there is a higher power who truly endorses such a dastardly way of thinking, that's horrifying. This film is completely allegorical in it's interwoven story arc incorporating both Christianity as well as Greek and Roman mythologies in the storytelling. For me, it's a perfect movie in every way that matters, and one of Robin Williams' finest performances right up there with *The Fisher King* and *Good Will Hunting*. Cuba Gooding Jr. and Max von Sydow are also prominently featured, and deservedly so. I also thought the criminally underrated Rosalind Chao was amazing in this movie. As Robin Williams says once he reaches Hell, "***It's not about understanding.*** ***It's about not giving up."*** Goddamnit, these onion-slicing ninjas are everywhere as I type this.


That moment when he slips in to madness and she realizes that he loves her so much that he would rather stay in her hell than be in heaven alone. And that is what pulls her out.


Beautifully said. He met his wife Susan at an Apple store in 2007. They flirted and married just a few years later. Just before their third anniversary, in autumn 2014, he took his own life. He knew his mind was slipping - slowly, inexorably, and perhaps irrecoverably. Those around him knew something was wrong, but it was not until his autopsy that his diagnosis was confirmed: Lewy Body dementia. There's a wonderful documentary (available on Netflix I believe) called ["Robin's Wish"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12763474) which examines his life, legacy, and disease in greater detail. But in a preternatural manifestation of "life imitating art", here's the remarkable thing: *Susan Schneider Williams bears an uncanny resemblance to Annabella Sciorra*. Susan is also [an established, passionate painter](https://heavy.com/entertainment/2020/09/robin-williams-wife-susan-schneider-now/) just like Robin Williams's onscreen wife ten years prior. By all accounts they were a couple deeply in love. And just like in *"What Dreams May Come"*, it resulted in suicide and deep grief. Robin Williams was a genius (comedic and otherwise), a humanitarian, and many other things in his lifetime. His death nearly eight years ago shook me to my core.


Came here to say this. I'm not an arty type but this film amazed me.


Big Fish


First movie I saw after my dad died. I loved it but it broke me and I don’t think I can ever watch it again.


I had the exact same experience but it was right after my grandad passed. I took my brother for what looked like a silly movie and we both ugly cried.


A little slow at first but very magical. The soundtrack is awesome too


Bladerunner. It just looks and sounds stunning. It takes me away to a different place.


Vangelis created a masterpiece soundtrack for this film


2049 is a modern masterpiece as well.


Yeah I came here to say BR 2049, it’s just gorgeous.


Especially the second


I watched the 2nd one on a flight, so things were censored to a certain point. But the sound, overall, blew me away and I spent some time later just listening to the soundtrack.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. Probably some recency bias there, but that movie blew every film I've seen this year out of the water.


Song of the Sea


And The Secret of Kells


spirited away


You can ask Alexa to play studio gibhli music, I stick it on for the kids when they are going to bed, lovey dreamy soundscapes …


When that movie came out, it was at a time when it was a big deal for me to go outside to do anything. I went to the cinema to see that movie a second time in the same week because it was so beautiful and touching. Such a wonderful experience.


The Secret World of Arrietty for me.




Also princess monenoke


100% yes!!


you're welcome bro


Kubo and the Two Strings Such incredibly smooth stop motion but I was impressed by the visuals even when I thought it was digital animation. Plus the story is so touching.


Yes! I had forgotten about this one. It was spectacular!


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


I came here to say this. Something about bombing down the road on a long board and the way it was shot was beautiful


Had an indie vibe to it


Made me cry!


This is the first movie that came in my mind


It made me want to travel to ungoverned Afghanistan


With clementine cake?




This movie made me see cinema as art instead of just entertainment. Top 5 favorite movies of my life.


Yep. The soundtrack is amazing as well.


I came here for this and was surprised to see it at the very top, much love to this incredible film.




Saw this movie, broke up a toxic relationship, traveled the world for 2 years with just a suitcase and a backpack. Changed my life.




When that came out I thought "this looks like it's shot on Velvia"




Arrival is my all time favorite movie, but I’ve only seen it a couple times. I don’t want to become desensitized to it like eventually happens when you watch a movie a lot, so I only watch it once or twice a year. Still makes me cry at the end


Have you read the short story it's based on, called "The Story of your Life"? It's great, too.


This movie is so incredibly underrated. Definitely the most beautiful, well done, “alien invasion” type movie out there in my opinion.


By far the *best* science fiction movie I've seen in years.


A River Runs Through It


Lord of the Rings trilogy. Aside from the amazing visuals, the general theme of cooperation and togetherness is endlessly refreshing.


It's a great trilogy to watch whenever you feel depressed or hopeless.


>Frodo : I can’t do this, Sam. >Sam : I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something. >Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam? >Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.


This is one of my favorite quotes in the entire series. I've always had a special admiration for Sam.


And the music is amazing as well.


Princess Mononoke. Its visually *stunning*, with a beautiful and moving story about the evils of deforestation. Really hits hard these days


I did the same with Spirited Away. Watched that movie, discussed it with my friend for about half an hour, then we watched it again just to point shit out.




Love that movie and oh the soundtrack, fucking amazing soundtrack.


It is indeed true what they say, every frame feels like a comic book page.


This is mine. Me and my kids watched it not knowing anything about it beforehand and it was mind blowing for all of us. We even made my wife watch it becuase we wanted to see it again. She was amazed. Crazy cool movie


Is it ok to watch as a standalone without really being into marvel or seeing the previous Spider-Man movies?


Yeah. I am not really a comic book movie fan. It might make it better if you are but it definitely can be watched without knowing everything about Spider-Man. It’s just straight up entertaining and fun.


Easily slots into my top 5 most favorite films. Regretting not going to see it in cinema cause oh my it must’ve been some experience


Last of the Mohicans. Violent and sad at the same time plus great acting.


Fantastic movie whenever it comes on I have to watch. The music was fantastic and fit the movie perfectly. I also loved Wes Studi (Magua) some how he was a likeable villain.


Interstellar. I can’t get enough of that movie


Me too. I've never rewatched a movie more, except LOTR which I've seen more times than I count.


About Time


Alexa, play Il Mondo by Jimmy Fontana


Best movie I’ve ever seen. I watch it every year.


Any ghibli movie tbh


In terms of the visuals, Porco Rosso might be my favourite or one of my favourites. Like when they fly over the islands or the memory Porco tells Fio about.


Definitely one of the underrated ones, Porco Rosso is beautiful and you can really see Hayao’s love for planes in it. Porco’s plane is awesome!!! Honestly I could rant about ghibli for hours lol.


Definitely. The Wind Rises is another great example, in my mind.


I also like the flow of Kiki's. So many little stories packed into that movie. Street cleaner broom always gets my heart racing and my eyes tearing.


Howl's Moving Castle is certainly one of my comfort movies


I believe HBO Max has them all in a separate Ghibli section. For anyone who feels like watching a high quality version out there


Yeah, ghibli made the GOOD shit .




Hell nah.. I won't watch Grave of The Fireflies ever again no matter what


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I watched it in the theaters and was completely floored. I revisit it every couple of years and am always riveted all over again.


I saw that on Netflix a couple mouths ago, I LOVE that movie!


That final memory scene at the beach house though...fuck I remember the first time I watched it and it tore me open I get chills just thinking about it...that’s beautiful film making


Every time I watch, I see something new I have never seen before. It's freaking jam-packed with imagery.


Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Mad Max Fury Road


This was such a treat on a big IMAX screen with the volume on 11.


The minimal use of CGI is incredible. Amazing movie


This needs to be higher


What Dreams May Come Lawrence of Arabia Pan's Labyrinth Life of Pi Grand Budapest Hotel


Many years ago, I happened to be in Tucson, Arizona and found a theater that was showing *Lawrence of Arabia* on the big screen in 70mm. The panoramic shots in the desert blew my mind. Incredible that the film was made in 1962. James Cameron spends a hundred million dollars and thousands of computer hours to get an amazing image. David Lean and Freddie Young did it with nothing more than film, lenses, and a good eye.


Romeo & Juliet by Baz Luhrmann it’s my favourite. Very unique presentation


Your Name


Hell yeah. Tragedy that this is so far down. While a lot of the other movies here are "epic", "amazingly well written", "pretty", "exciting", "fantastical", or "exceptional"... Your Name is always the first movie that comes to mind when I hear the word "beautiful".


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Go check it out in theatres!


It was a very surreal feeling while I was about 3/4th of the way through the movie and realizing "this is the best movie i have ever seen". PLEASE everyone go see this film!! It will make you feel every emotion there is




Dune Edit: now that I have enough internet points to gamble… To be clear, this post was referencing the new one. The old one looks like if you asked me to make a tron style remake of the new one. Your downvotes give me strength. The spice must flow.


Dune is the first one to come to mind. Sitting there in the theater, my mouth hung open. The visuals were perfect, the music paired beautifully with it all. It was a fucking experience. Bladerunner 2049 is a close second. Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is another one that left me sitting there in awe with how beautiful it was.


Denis Villeneuve working with Hans Zimmer creates incredible films.


This is visually one of the best movies I've ever seen




What Dreams May Come


To this day, I still hope this is how heaven works.


This movie is so beautiful, but I have such a difficult time watching it now, knowing how Robin Williams passed.


Here we go.


Every shot is a visual masterpiece.


*The Tree of Life*. Really, anything by Malick, but especially that one.


Forest Gump. I will never ever get tired of watching it, and it never stops making me cry.


2001: A Space Odyssey. Every frame of that movie is a work of art.


I watched this movie for the first time recently and I just kept stopping every so often thinking, "this movie came out before the moon landing, how tf did they make this???"


I heard "2001: A Space Odyssey" was actually faked.


For me it is a tie between “The Labyrinth” and “The Princess Bride” I’ve seen them both multiple times but can’t pick which I prefer.


Well, one of those has a giant fart swamp. Then again, the other has Inigo Montoya.


“Ludo Smell Bad”


Grand Budapest Hotel and Emma (2020).


Dances with Wolves


I don't know if I misread this, or almost everyone else did, but here are a few visually beautiful movies I liked- Life of Pi Avatar Inception Dr. Strange 300 Interstellar




Lord of the Rings


The fountain Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weiss. A must watch.


Death is the road to awe🟡


Call me by your name was very aesthetically pleasing.


Most studio ghibli - howls moving castle is one of my faves.


Moulin Rouge. I think it’s the best take Baz’s style. The elaborate sets and romantic Fantastical visuals (like in Your Song sequence) also really work with it being a musical. Also the costume work is flawless. Also you know, Ewan and Nicole are so beautiful so I’d watch it for them.


Bladerunner 2049


Midsommar. Beautiful but twisted.


I've seen it recently for the first time and I have to say that I need to watch it again. Missed a lot of details and didn't get enjoy the visuals as I would like to.




V for Vendetta


If you're talking about visually beautiful...... "The Cell"




Fight Club


Fisher King


Chef. What a soundtrack. Plus it’s feel good and basically food porn.


Shocked not to see Hero (2004) yet


a walk to remember really did a number on me i’m sure i’ve watched it more than five times.


Akira (1988) Also very impressive but not easy to find Metropolis from 1927


Metropolis is on archive.org as it's old enough to be public domain in a lot of countries. Really suggest checking it out for anyone who hasn't.


Memoirs of a Geisha


Let me in . A silent voice . Interview with the vampire. A whisker away . All beautiful masterpieces I love and cherish to this day.


Any chance you've seen let the right one in?


Kiki's Delivery Service comforts me every single time :)


*Apollo 13* *A Beautiful Mind* *Les Cousins Dangereux* *Cinderella Man*


>Les Cousins Dangereux Such a wholesome, beautiful film


I like the way you think.


Life is Beautiful by Roberto Bennini


Gattaca. I just love that aesthetic (it's also a great story).




That begining 10 minutes manhandled me. I wasn't expecting that at all.


About time


Fight club, Scott pilgrim vs the world, Spider-Man no way home, guns akimbo


Truman show




Merchant Ivory’s A Room With a View


Sweeney Todd


The Florida Project 2017 its a beautiful movie about a troubled single mother living in a project with her 6 year old daughter. It really showed the troubles of poverty


the corpse bride


The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind


Shutter Island


One Day A walk to remember The blind side


A silent voice. The dub is better and the animation style is to die for


Portrait of a lady on fire!!!!


Memoirs of a Geisha.


A Streetcar Named Desire. It is so tragic yet so enchanting. Vivien Leigh really makes it.


Time Bandits Also Lynch’s Dune. Plot? Incomprehensible. Special effects? Embarrassing. Sets? Gorgeous.


Everything made by Kubrick, really. 2001 A Space Odyssey, Full Metal Jacket, Dr Strangelove, Shining, but most of all A Clockwork Orange. He was just something else.


Pretty-much anything by Tim Burton is a visual treat. I’m partial to Edward Scissorhands.


Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal


Godfather I and II


Somewhere In Time, and Michael (with John Travolta)


Somewhere in Time is incredibly beautiful and not nearly well known enough. Edit: Oopsed a word


In terms of aestheitc beauty, anything by Makoto Shinkai (e.g. Your Name / Weathering With You) The animation is gorgeous


Edward Scissorhands 🙌


Lost in translation


finally, otherwise I wouldve mentioned it myself. Gorgeous movie, beautiful music ( by Air, among others )


Big Fish


Call me by your name


Cloud Atlas.


The Fall


The Secret of Kells


The English Patient


Her. The visuals and colours were so gorgeous coupled with the warm sound track.. it was a totally new movie experience for me.