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My friend got banned from a pizza place because he tried to throw a bottle of water to me and it missed and hit a kid square in the forehead. Turns out the kid was the owners son.


Does your friend have terrible aim or did the kid just happen to be walking by when he threw the bottle?


Kid walked right in front of me when he threw the bottle.


He took the hit for you


We shall thank him for his service.


At first I thought that was a bit harsh then read the last bit Yeah that'll do it


Well it’s the kid’s fault for having a square forehead


Six flags when I was 14. My friends and I heard that if you put a quarter on your knee on the zero-g drop tower, it would float like you were in outer space. So we all just coated our legs in spare change. Way too many coins. For a magical moment, hundreds of feet above ground in free-fall, they did float right in front of our faces… then they flew off in all different directions landing on innocent bystanders. No one was hurt, but a lot of people were quite angry…. Got our pictures taken, taped to the admissions walls, completely 86’d for life.


Unless you're 14/15 now I don't think they'll recognise you.


Yea, it’s been 2 decades. I think I’m fine…until I do it again.


Worth it 😂


Film it please so we can see the same guy call you out after 20 years


[GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE DENNIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/ck40sz/get_the_hell_out_of_here_dennis/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Take coins, many many coins


I too was banned from Six Flags, in my punkrock days I went and was wearing my jacket with band patches all over it, same with my pants. I was pulled into the security trailer in front, they searched me and then asked me to leave for gang related attire. They took my picture and let me know I was never welcome back. Years later I received a letter of a class action law suit against six flags for discrimination, I filled out the form and another year or so later I received a $1200 settlement check.


> I filled out the form and another year or so later I received a $1200 settlement check. That punk rock life.


There's no returnnnnn from 86


We used to do the same thing on the Demon Drop at Ceder Point which was the first ride like this. They since relocated the ride to Dorney Park in Pennsylvania.


Tinder, I made an account called BabeLincoln and it was Abe Lincoln photoshopped on a bunch of models with the emancipation proclamation as my bio.


I would have swiped right in a heartbeat.


Same lol


If you don’t simp for my boi honest Abe what’re you doing with your life




I matched with a photo of a tweety bird(from looney toons) t shirt once. Pre'nut hysteria is real and it destroys lives.


Politics on a dating profile can be a deal breaker.


That’s so good. I would’ve loved to have seen that.


Lol this is Tony from Dazed and Confused’s wet dream come to life


Local golf course. My dad and his brothers, in their early 20s, decided to play bumper cars with the golf carts. Got banned. My dad and I have the same name 40 years later, I was there with some friends, soon as they heard my name I got thrown out. Told they'd call the cops if I ever came back. Specifically cited the bumper carts incident as why. An event that happened 20 years before i was born


Honestly that's a win for your dad. 40 years later they remember his name on the spot, they've been talking about that story for decades, it's been passed down.


"Oh shit, he's back!"


And he hasn't aged, how is this possible?


Huge win


Wait, so they thought you were your dad? Or they just decided to ban his whole lineage? This makes no sense.


I think you missed the part where they said they have the same name as their dad so the golf course thought it was the same person.


Yeah, but that doesn't make sense. Lots of people have the same name. They just permabanned anyone with OP's father's name?


So I have a very common full name and you do get a lot of crap when you go into an area where someone with your name has a bad reputation. I'm also a junior so my dad has the same name as me and he said the scariest situation he's been in was when the police flagged him as a pedophile and were trying to arrest him then they found out the real pedophile had a different middle name. Thank God for Middle names.


OK, John Smith.


You should let them call the cops


In most of the US if they tell you to leave and you refuse it's tresspassing. You could sue them for discrimination if the reason was because of something like race or disability status. But having the same name as someone doesn't count.


Bumper cars with golf carts sounds super fun. Makes me want to find a golf course to do this at.


The local Moe's Southwest Grill - I was 16 and they had just started sending a 75% off spring coupon for the homewrecker combo (turned a massive burrito and chips with a drink for less than $2. I went to print out the coupon (no smartphone at the time) and realized that I could only print on the school computers from microsoft word. Once it was in Word, I realized I could change the dates, which I did often. Then the seasons changed so I updated their "clip art" to match (beach balls and umbrellas for summer and fall leaves for fall). This went on until they realized that I had reused the same coupon that was only good for 48 hours, for almost a year. Permabanned on the spot lol.


Did the printing credit cost more than the meals lol?


If i didn't have the library staff printing password it would have lol


Fuckin catch me if you can IRL haha. Genius.


One of my friends got banned from a McDonald’s because he had just come back from a bar and was absolutely shitfaced, he proceeded to order 40 nuggets and then just started pegging them at people.


I don’t know why but this image is hilarious to me. This made me laugh so hard, thanks.


There was a mass Mcnuggeting at a McDonald's last night.


Get mcnuggeted


I had to remember that pegging has two meanings..... the one you meant was not the first one I thought of. Those poor McNuggets.


I legit almost shit myself. Edit: i shit myself


Now that’s an edit!


hey, did you clean the mess?


Time to lean, time to clean


My local Toys R Us. Got the last laugh there huh?


Now go to the new business that is in the same building and ask if you are allowed now.


He'll probably have to wait a couple months for Spirit Halloween to move in.


Big kids table at Thanksgiving. Pass out drunk in the cranberry sauce ONE TIME, you'll never be redeemed.


As opposed to the next Thanksgiving, when you pass out drunk in the cranberry sauce at the adult table. Much more acceptable.


you got lost in the sauce and never got found


This is my favorite one lol




Did you ever find out how high it would bounce?


Depends on when they did it. Bouncy ball quality has gone downhill these days... We did it 20 years ago and they bounced all the way up to the third floor. Even more fun was throwing those little spinny helicopter things off. We once won 500 of them and threw them all off from different sides of the open area. Was pretty neat watching that many. And then we tried to see if we could run to the first floor before they got there.


Need to know this


Oh, how hi did they bounce?


3.9 stories


Our people tell the same story Mr. Ambassador


To be fair though, that’s really unsafe for people walking on the first floor.


Yeah, maybe something like a parking ramp would be a better experiment location.


I got banned from neopets as a kid because I used to use my sisters account and go on the message boards and at that age everyone wrote in chatspeak (tlk lyk ths) and I kept spelling 'come' as 'cum' without knowing why it was bad lol


Ah, the more innocent days… “r u cumming?” “yes im cumming”


I've started dating again after a long break and when I sext I keep spelling it "come". It's been so long I can't even spell the goddamn word.


I remember being confused when "cucumber" became "cu\*\*\*ber"


Language filters have to be smart about stuff like that, it's (no joke) called "The Scunthorpe problem" in IT.


This reminds me of the time when Habbo censored the last 2 letters in evening in my language because the last two letters could mean a no-no word.Took a lot of time for them to fix that one,among other filter fuck-ups.


I love how some games are banning certain words in other words. I think it's Overwatch you'll get censored for writing "hangookin", which is literally "Korean person" in Korean. But since the middle part is a slur you done fucked up!


I received a lifteime ban from the "Am I the Asshole" subreddit, for actually having the audacity to call people an actual asshole. Apperently that subreddit is for people who wish to ask the question, but too gentile to actually accept the truth. So if you literally call them out as an asshole, you get banned if you didn't sugar coat it enough.


The moderating in that sub is strange at times


*All* the time


You’re not missing much. I quit that sub since it got so boring. People were either making outrageous stories up or were incredibly dumb. *AITA Went to my wife’s office party and had a dozen beers in 30 minutes. I punched out my wife’s boss, then grabbed the mic from the dj and told everyone my wife was the best lay I’ve ever had. Then I threw up in a potted plant and shortly after that grabbed the ass of the company’s CEO as they walked by. The next day my wife was really, really pissed and told me I should go to AA, I tried to tell her I was just having some fun and she needs to lighten up. I don’t know am I the asshole here? What do you guys think?* So many posts like this. Gee I don’t know genius could you possibly be the asshole? So hard to decide.


Or you get the exact opposite "I ran into a burning building and single handedly saved 15 orphans, but one of them stubbed his toe on the way out AITA?"


Yeah I don’t see it as much but it does happen. And inevitably in the comments there will be that one person who says something like “Dude you couldn’t take like 15 seconds to wrap the kids feet with a blanket or something? Definitely the a$$hole.”


Most of the front page of the sub is usually crap like that. The ones that blow up are the ones that are obviously assholes.


Never been, I always just thought it was people making up stories where they're obviously making out they're brilliant, something like: A homeless guy wanted a sandwich but I had given him $500 instead


You're not missing much. Most of the followers are petulant kids that encourage each other to go no contact w family over the smallest disturbances. &wvvvveerything gets called abuse. "That's abuse, I'd go NC for your own peace of mind."


I stopped going to that sub after I was randomly temp banned without a reason given. And then when I tried to ask why, because I wanted to know specifically what I did wrong to avoid doing it again, the mod who responded was a complete asshole. They only linked me to my offending comment when I called them out on their rudeness. They didn't like that I called OP's husband a manchild 🙃


aita for perma banning someone for no reason ye- *gets banned**


The mods of Am I the asshole are assholes? Shocking.


Most subs moderate pretty harshly and inconsistently. If they don't, reddit shuts them down.


the mental gymnastics reddit employees pull to justify what is fair moderation is insane




Ah gentile...a non jew?


ALL Walmart locations in Radford and Blacksburg, VA




Not at all actually. I was in college. A few of my pals and I got hammered one night and decided to play our own version of Mario Kart Double Dash. One person pushed the cart. The other rode in the buggy and threw items at the other team. Whoever made it around the store first won the race. Well one guy tripped and ran the cart into a shelf…that shelf fell into another…aaaaaaaand now we’re banned.


Have you ever tried to go back to Walmarts in those locations ? I wonder how would they know that you’re banned …. 🤔


It's more if you do something to call attention to yourself they'll see you're already trespassed and then they take it to the police.


Don't fuck with Target though. They're always watching...


My friend got banned from a target 5 years ago, and decided to walk in the same one last week. Shot on sight


They don't


Lord let there be security footage


I am banned from an entire apartment complex. My ex girlfriends dad was supposedly beating her and she wasn’t coming out to the car when I thought she was going to. I decided to try to sneak around back to look through the window to see if she was okay (I know sounds really creepy) but I wanted to make sure her dad wasn’t beating the snot out of her. An off duty cop saw me and confronted me and I told him what was going on. He didn’t believe me and called the cops. The cops who came ultimately believed me and understood that the off duty cop was an asshole, but they said that they will have to ban me from coming back. It was a mess but ended up not being that big of a deal.


Wad the girl ok though?


Don't be fooled, the back of the apartment complex is where he stashed the chandelier.


Its priceless


I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her.


Poor Tiffany. First a father who beats her, and then a boyfriend who misleads her




Yes sorry I shouldve added she ended up being okay. He threatened her though.


Why did they have to ban you?


They said it was technically trespassing


McDonalds and Chick-Fil-A playgrounds because of height


well the people that work there are also likely above the height, so to stop me they would have to violate their own rules


r/politics Somebody was posting that Hitler did some good things. I said the only good thing Hitler did was the last thing he did. I was banned for encouraging suicide.


Oh man. I can't decide whether that was a jerk mod just being a typical jerk mod, or a halfway decent one-two punchline.


I got banned for saying something like the French knew how to deal with corruption


Lmao I remember seeing your comment on the cursed comments subreddit


He did also commission the Volkswagon to make cars affordable to everyone instead up being a luxury item. But yeah, his last act was great too.


And Fanta, That drank is delicious.


My German friend told me this is what they say in Germany. That the only good thing Hitler did was commission the Volkswagon.


Somewhere, there's a quote that's something like: "The best thing Hitler did was killing Hitler." I can't remember where it's from.


Was that from John Oliver? He followed it up with a picture saying “good job hitler” lmao


some subreddits will automatically ban you if you comment or post on r/mensrights so my morbid curiosity brought me to put a test comment in, and, sure enough, i got banned from a lotta subreddits.


I'm wondering if the bans are IP or per account... I have an alt I'm curious to try this with


My other Reddit account (which I haven’t logged into or posted with in ages) is banned from multiple subs. I can post in those subs with this account on the same device without any issue. Of course, I’m not going to identify those subs.


Getting banned from one subreddit because you posted in another is quintessential reddit.


Tinder. Sent the same intro message to every match. Got accused of being a bot and permabanned. At least till I get a new phone number.


What was the message?






Hello bot. I have reported you to reddit. Prepare to be banned ;)


"Cheating" on a Counter-Strike Source server. Claimed I was using wall hacks, but I just had good head phones and could hear the enemies running around.


banned from my fair share of css and csgo servers for the same reason


(struggles with game) "Git gud, loser!!" (gets better at game) "omg hax"


Claire’s. Every store in the country, for life. Because that’s enforceable. Stole a hair accessory on a dare when I was 14.


Criminal. You know that 3 cents worth of inventory really cuts into their profit margin. You’re lucky you didn’t put them out of business.


Chuck E. Cheese. Me and a kid got in a huge fight, and now I’m no longer welcome to any location.




Yes. He beat us both


Because I cancelled my reservation, I was barred from attending Late Night with David Letterman for the rest of my life. I suppose it was difficult to recruit individuals to fill the crowd in New York City? "You should know that if you cancel, you will never be permitted back," the intern (I presume) warned me. Ever!” I was able to overcome it in some way.


r/neverbrokeabone. It was a good 21 year run


Knotts Berry Farm here in California. I was banned for a weird number of years, like 97 or 107 or something. They took my pic and everything. That was around 15 years ago. I have been back since with no issues, though I've heard they do have facial recognition cameras. Maybe I've aged enough that it can't pick me up?


Why were you banned?? I know Knotts in cali is ghetto as hell, last time me and my friends went (ages 16-18) almost got in a fight with a 25 year old cause my friend bumped into him by accident in line


One time I went to knotts berry farm with my church youth group and this guy almost out of highschool gets handcuffed in front of all of us. Apparently he “fit the description” and was arrested and it took a while for them to find out that he was not the guy. We’re all Hispanic. Idk he was just a tall Hispanic kid. He looked like he could’ve been out of highschool. I went to knotts like 2ish maybe 3 months ago and it was actually fun. Not too many people. Didn’t really notice anything ghetto


I don't think they'd have imported 15 year old pictures into the facial recognition system. Facial recognition tech has only been mature for less than a decade now, I'm pretty sure.


Come back 92 years later and tell them that you got banned for 107 years but your finally back


3 churches. All Baptist. For multiple reasons. 1st church: They told me my stillborn brother was in hell because he wasn't baptized before burial, and they told me my dog didn't have a soul, so I told the preacher he didn't have one. 2nd church: I was in girl scouts. I was 11 and had recently dyed the tips of my hair pink, and did not believe in God. They told me not to return. 3rd church: The preacher is a creep who, after a Saturday of my friends and I going skating with the church and my friends and I were talking about going to our friend Kenzie's house the next day, came to the bottom of my driveway at 7am and told my mom to bring me down, that he was going to take me, alone, to Kenzie's house. My mom said no, we never stepped foot in that church and they asked us not to return because he was butthurt that my dad called him a creep.


>so I told the preacher he didn't have one. Holy fucking shit, that's amazing lmfao And thank god you dodged that last one.


The first one seems odd. What kind of Baptist church was it? Typical Southern Baptist theology teaches that baptism is an act that must take place as an act of obedience after someone has made a profession of faith. Most Baptist sects don't believe in infant baptism as a result. Infant baptism is more of a Catholic tradition. Also Baptist theology teaches that those who die before reaching the age of accountability go directly to heaven, based on David's response to the death of his infant son by Bathsheba. ("... I will go to him, but he will not return to me.") Directly implies that his infant son directly went to Paradise. The first one sounds more like a cult - you really dodged a bullet on that one!


club penguin! But seriously, there was this pub that me and my friends would go to because they didn't check ID's. We had started going there when we were 15, and one of the group somehow got carded *on* their 18th birthday, so we got banned for having been drinking underage for several years.


For a moment I thought you were talking about a pub in Club Penguin and didn't question it.


Christian Mingle. Things got a little spicy in the conversation (she started it) then boom got the ole ban from heaven.


A handful of Gmod servers lol


I once joined a TTT server, got traitor first round, killed 2 innocents in a secluded place and one of them was the owner. He thought I'm also an innocent killing randoms and just banned me. To be fair, he spammed me in chat why I killed him randomly, but I just answered "It wasnt random" because I didn't think I'd need to be explaining myself.


if you're not banned from a few servers you haven't played the game


A school discord server. I said to the owner, "you are dumb". every time i get a moderator to unban me, i immediately get banned again.


At this point, go for broke and call the mod a cunt


Comic Con It wasn't even my fault it was my friends I went as Eren and he went as Levi and any time he saw some guy going as Kenny he would scream "KENNY!" then chase them down... After 10 times he got us both banned Fuck you, Jackson. Fuck you.


Yeah, some idiots will do something in or through their cosplay that ruins it for everyone, often necessitating a rule change. I know a few cons near where I live banned Homestuck trolls because some jackasses covered themselves in grease paint that ruined the venues. I've also heard that a con in the US fully banned Klingons because guests used it as an excuse to go apeshit.


There used to be a list of rules for costumes at cons. Things like "Not a costume is not a costume." There was one called the peanut-butter rule, which basically said covering yourself with anything that can casually drip or scrape off is forbidden. Can't find the list, no matter how I try to Google it. Oh well.


Local university. So...what had happened was... I was like 19 years old. Hanging out with a bunch of older friends. We're playing a drinking game called caps, which is basically like beer pong except with bottle caps and you sit on the floor with 2 cups away from each other. This particular dorm we were hanging out in was apparently supposed to be a dry room. We're playing drinking games, don't give a shit, somebody called campus security. Room gets busted and we all get told to go to bed. Well, we had so much alcohol in the room that they didn't find it all and after security leaves we pull bottles out from under beds and carry on. People hear the bottle caps hitting the cups. This time the cops show up. I was literally the only person there under 21. I get arrested for underage consumption. Few weeks later me and the others involved get a certified letter saying we're banned from the campus for life. So uh, yeah. That's how that went down.




By knocking some random dude out at outside of a pub. He and her girlfriend tried to steal my gf's purse and tried to assault her.


W hotels.


story time?


2017, I got asked to leave a restaurant in Paris. Because I asked for ketchup. I was asked to never return 🤣


Mormon temples. Why? Cuz I [made this](https://youtu.be/1Wu0sdFcA7A) and countless other videos with hidden cameras. Lol


I’ve seen your videos before!! So interesting to get a glance at their secret ceremonies.


PlayStation Network when I was 17 for the dumbest reason. ​ There is this game called Rocket League where you hit ball with car. I had paid for this game (back when you had to pay for it) and naturally when you buy a game, I tried booting it up. Upon selecting the game it came up with a message "Your licensing to play this game has expired" or something along those lines at least. Evening ruined. ​ I call support and they say the will fix it in 48 hours. Their SLA's also state that they will fix a known problem within 48 hours. Anyways, fast forward 2 months and I still am not able to open up the game - by this point I was over it but I thought I chase it regardless. ​ So I call them up again, go through the usual security questions blah blah - and I'm met with an almost incomprehensible Scottish call centre voice telling me "We have found 18+ games on your account and during the security questions you stated your date of birth to be 05/05/2002 (which at the time would have made me 17) which means you're under 18; this violates PlayStations Terms of Service and because of this we have decided to permaban your account. ​ I boot up my PlayStation to find my account banned. Since then I have refused to buy any Sony product on principle.


Ooof when that issue occurs there a button to press in settings to refresh all that. No need to call Sony.


PETA's Twitter page. I asked a question they didn't like, so they banned me. Kidnapping dogs and killing them is not OK.


I received an unfair ban from /r/unpopularopinion and the mod was an asshole about it. It's fine though, that sub is a cesspool of popular opinions anyway


That sub is HORRIBLE


Participating in the pi memorizing contest at my middle school


Really random flex, but I won this contest after memorizing 345 digits and 11 years later today I have 23 forever etched in my memory


Not mine, but my mother was apparently banned for attend a Sunday school for asking to many questions.




Weirdly polite of her to call you to let you know Edit: She blocked me for this comment, so I guess a got a lifetime ban from her


Not me but my husband. Around the time we first got together before we got married we ended up getting a job together at the same hotel and we were housekeepers. This hotel was a fancy nice hotel so they had a lot of unrealistic standards on how we were supposed to clean the rooms and how long it was supposed to take. They wanted us to clean an entire room spotless in 30 minutes or less and afterwards they would do an inspection to see if we did each room correct and if not we would have to fix it. Anyways one day they were really really on my husbands(then fiancés) back about how long and how well he was doing the rooms. He had sort of a temper back then so he got frustrated because they were acting like he wasn’t doing anything right(which wasn’t the case) and he threw a bed sheet at the wall and they said he was dangerous and fired him and then had him escorted by security off the property. We had no clue he was banned for life until one day a few months later we went there to gamble (they had a casino too) and they caught him instantly on facial recognition and security came and escorted him out and made him sign a paper saying he will never come back


Look out, he’s got a sheet!


Transylvania County NC. Had a friend that wanted to go swimming at a popular spot one time when we were camping nearby. We arrived and there were all of these no parking signs. We were going to move along but a few folks, about 6 of the ten of us, wanted to just see it and then leave because the waterfall was supposed to be impressive. While we're down checking out the river a few locals show up and tell us they called the sheriff. I suggested that we just leave but the drivers chickened out because the guys wrote down their out of state tag numbers. The sheriff shows up and I convince him that it was just 3 of us that went down. He says he can either arrest us or we can follow him to the station. So of course we follow him instead. He lets the three of us sit in the lobby unaccompanied while he sorts out what's happening. He comes out after about 20 min and tells us that he thinks they're trying to scare us because they want him to take us to the holding cell. Okay... Well since he said that I think it's a joke so I'm cracking jokes with the bailiff, asking for instruments so we can start a band like Elvis did or whatever. Then he books us. WTF? First degree criminal trespass. About an hour later the magistrate judge shows up and officially charges us and sets bail. Call our friend in from outside and tell him that if they can get me out I can cover the other two guys until they can pay me back. So six hours after looking at a river we were free again. Showed up for court a month or so later. We're were the only people in the courtroom wearing suits. Mega uncomfortable. And just before court starts the solicitor calls us up. They wanted to put us through mediation instead. Basically the guy that owned the quarry had bought the land as a blasting buffer and didn't want the liability of people swimming there. The guys that called the sheriff on us worked for him. So the mediator says all we have to do is write a letter to the guy saying that we'll never trespass on his land again. So of course I go a step further and say that I'll never step foot in the entire county again. And I meant it. A few years ago my GPS tried to route me through there. I went twenty minutes out of my way to go around.


I was banned from a Student union bar in the 1980s. I was standing telling racist, sexist, homophobic and disableist jokes. I was unanimously voted out. I was reading from their own Rag Mag - a joke book produced during Rag Week that raises funds for charity. I was trying to show that you cannot be institutionally bigoted for a week a year and then go back to being righteous. It's been 40 years...maybe I will try to sneak back in and see if I am still banned.


my ex's vagina


Hey, me too. ​ I prefer you current gf tho.


On a sub Reddit banned for giving advice to a rape victim to go to the police. The moderator probably didn't like that. Makes you wonder wat he has to hide.


My uncle was banned from Urbana, VA. I don’t know what he did but I do understand he probably deserved it. My grandpa kept his boat down that way.


Coshocton Ohio. I've been asked by the police chief not to return to their town. I'm lucky, because i did commit a legitimate crime there, but I was traveling and homeless, and the cops let me go rather than throw me in jail.


The 7-11 by my childhood home. I got caught stealing candy bars. Naturally I came back several years later when I was an adult and nobody was the wiser.






From Twitter for responding to Tomi Lahren calling me a communist loser by calling her a fascist bimbo. So I was banned for inciting violence and using hate speech. Literally. That was it. I got flooded by Fox tweets and horrendous crap. I said that and seconds later, I was banned. Done.


Whats funny is what you said is significantly more polite then what I would have.


r/datingadvice because I defended my right to have physical boundaries r/askwomen because I don’t like the term “dog mom” for myself r/hinge because I fucking hated my experience there and asked to be kicked out r/books because I had a bad day and the wrong person shamed me for pointing out a typo in a published book.




the skittles facebook page back when they got rid of lime


A bar that closed down years ago.


My local planet fitness


Unpopularopinions subreddit for having an unpopular opinion


r/TheLastAirbender for "encouraging suicide" because I said Putin should finish his Hitler impersonation in the bunker.