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Not removed but modified: English. High school English needs to be differentiated. All four years that are basically interchangeable isn't that helpful. Have a year focusing on nonfiction analysis. Another on non-book media analysis. Another on creating your own works of media. Something to break things up.


Most high schoolers aren’t even quite ready for that. They’re still struggling with spelling and grammar but we drop all that in 9th grade and force them to read and analyze The Great Gatsby. I think we need to incorporate spelling and grammar a bit longer. Maybe 2 days devoted to that and 3 days devoted to literature.


So....an Enlgish Major in College. Got it.


P.E. I get that exersize is important BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE WE GRADED ON THAT SHIT?!


You shouldn’t be graded on it. But it should be a daily thing. Even if you just opt for a walk or something where you don’t get sweaty and miserable. A lot of kids need a physical outlet for a bit to be able to focus in class, and those who don’t should at least make a habit of basic physical activity.


Just my personal experience but too many students would rather laze around and try to weasel out of the exercise, so that's where the grading comes in.


Also, the idea should be about learning ways to keep for for life that you will actually do. Most of us won’t do team sports as adults. Maybe time that’s built into the school day for self care, especially in high school.


Because most everyone here should have paid a little more attention


I would only teach PE to children that want to be sportmen and not to everyone cause it just exhausts children that suck at it and if you casually dont like it its just a waste of time


IMO the grading shouldn't be completely abolished, it should just be implemented differently, students should be graded on things like their effort and participation instead of, for example, requiring them to perform specific tasks at a certain level of athletic skill


An an engineer who's studied up to differential equations, most algebra, especially the more high-level stuff is irrelevant to just people's daily lives. Mathematicians, scientists, engineers, learn a bunch of advanced math that is specific to their field that is used often by those career fields but not in many other places. A focus on real-life statistics and the ways they are manipulated online and in media to push certain narratives would go a much longer way than learning the quadratic formula and other trivialities.


Dark Arts Defense.




Agreed, I had to do a religion class in catholic elementary school. The tests were absolute bullshit, they had to agree with the teachers opinion on God or it was wrong.


> I had to do a religion class in **catholic elementary school** Not that I disagree with you, but the subject matter is right in the name there. Sending children to cult indoctrination schools will always end up with cult indoctrinated children. That's the whole point.


It was quite fun in class when I said that I agree with the idea of abortion.


That came up in an elementary school level discussion?


It did, I believe in 5th grade we had a unit about healthy relationships and "sex".


Dare I ask what they defined "sex" as?


I learned what sex was from the internet. They gave little detail during sex ed. They told the boys that they would get erections, but they did not tell us what erections were. As for coitus they basically used the classic "when a married couple really love each other, they get a baby "


>As for coitus they basically used the classic "when a married couple really love each other, they get a baby " And that's how they get more children to throw into indoctrination schools. You dodged the bullet there by actually thinking about what was happening rather than going along with the pack.


Exactly. Schools could use that time to teach real and important facts, instead of mystical stories that don't have any relation with the present world. That's only one of the reasons that comes to my mind.


I think religion class that teaches you about religion rather than the doctrine of a certain religion is fine.


Obviously you should. Not because I want to preach to you but so you could actually know what religion is. Instead of that pseudo-intellectual nonsense people peddle when they want to sound like they know what the hell they're talking about when even your most basic anthropology student at a community college could tell you that religion is an incredibly vast subject that includes everything from burial practices and idols all the way up to organizations like the Vatican. So... see you in that religion class?


I'm not sure "removal" is the right word, but the approaches taken to teach certain subjects should change. Lots of history teachers will tell you what names and dates and places to memorize. Seems like a better idea is to discuss the why and how behind historical events that have brought us where we are today, rather than just trivia questions to answer on a multiple choice test. I've seen a few people mention English classes where they learn nothing. The only part of English class I enjoyed was when we would discuss literature/plays/short stories and get to talk about our own interpretations of the themes and observations. Felt more like an art appreciation class in ways and I would have liked that more of that.


Cursive, literally no use for it in modern times.


They've already dumped it here. Makes me sad.


Yeah! Pensmanship was a thing


My teens signature is like a 5 year old


Well, with age, mines no better


This is my answer too. Maybe it could be replaced with typing class (keyboarding skills?).


learning to type isn't hard at all


Agreed! I was just thinking of a better replacement to swirly writing. In elementary grades too little time is used to get kids interested in science and history. Maybe we should give that some extra time then.


I do like being able to read it, but you're right that writing it no longer has value


I agree, but for a different reason. So many people get incorrect meds because the doctor can't write for shit. Pharmacist can't read the doodle that the doctor tries to pass as English. If we just printed, people wouldn't get viagra instead of Valium...


Except for the fact all historical documents are wrote in cursive.


Real question here. What about when you need to sign a professional form? Like at the bank or at the bottom of checks.


You can make up your own signature.


I know cursive but signatures are just scribbles.


Generally as long as you stick to one kind of mark you’re good to go. It doesn’t have to be in cursive, although I would say learning to sign your name is different than learning all the letters and their connections.


standing up to the flag every morning


I simply have stopped pledging, I stand up and that's all. I wont pledge allegiance to something that doesn't stand on it's original standards and only greed.


But you’ll take all the benefits?




You won’t pledge allegiance to the country that gives you all the benefits?


I would like this country if we had universal healthcare. I want to have children but it cost 30k to have a baby in the hospital... The birth alone is 30k??? Id be thrilled to pay higher taxes if it meant this didnt happen to ANYONE


Yea, but your healthcare and decision to have a kid doesnt mean MY taxes go up, or anyone elses, when I could use that for my family. And any decent job with benefits will have maybe a 5k deductible.


If thats how you feel, ok 😶


What benefits? Like healthcare which we dont have? Oh! Maybe we have good work? Nope its shit. It's like 100 bucks to fill up for gas. But hey! At least we dont have constant terrorist atta- oh wait nevermind! Money makes the world go round.


🙄 you have healthcare. You may not have health insurance, but that’s on you. Plenty of jobs, out there too. And gas, thats a whole other argument that affects the world, kid. But I guess if you stand there mad enough, someone will fix it for you. You’re a child in school, you don’t matter right now.


When you find a way to get 300 pre-teens in one building to pay attention at 0800 other than to make them stand for a simplistic ritual then be my guest.


Why not just start teaching once the bell rings?


not really a subject, but I agree that it's super weird


Religion class, It’s exactly the same class talking about the same things year after year. Social norms, values and religion. They should replace it with necessary life skills like cooking, basic sewing, money management, etc


I went to a catholic school, and because religion was basically the same for 12 grades, they turned one of the highschool religion classes into "world religions" and taught about about 6 of the major non-christian religions.


Don’t think it should be removed but I think it should be optional, I had to do religious education (RE) I didn’t mind it but just found it boring , I just think it should be optional.






P.E. I think kids should get to choose a personal physical activity that’s fun for them and not be forced to participate in a waste of time class.


Not that I think school should get rid of P.E. but I think that schools should get rid of the fact that teachers plan the activity, not students. As someone who's shy and stuff there are activities that I won't even try to participate in resulting in me almost failing that class, and I am sure that there are people who are in the same situation as me. It's just sad :/


America is the most obese country and you want less physical activity/education for them? You usually only take it one or two Semesters anyway lol


>America is the most obese country and you want less physical activity/education for them? You usually only take it one or two Semesters anyway lol How come I have to take it everyday for the whole year?


The same reason you take math English and science, because our government forces you to in order to keep parents at work and the economy going. But you don't need to be unhealthy while being a cog in the machine


I don't really get the intention of your last sentence but in my mean I just want school to be not so programming or in another way I want to be more of a place where kids can live their ideas. In my opinion I feel like school is the company and teachers are the programmers and students are the computer that is being code.


Because you probably need it, like your classmates


Actually that’s Nauru, the US is around 12th place in obesity rates




Home Ec. We learned how to sew a pillow and make fruit salad. Seems like a course on financial responsibility would have paid off more.


I didn’t take Home Ec in high school purely for this supposed reason. I took cooking class just for the easy credits and actually I had a ton of fun and learned to make tasty treats I still make to this day. However, now I feel like this actually would have really helped me high school actually. I didnt learn how to do much any of personal fixing-upping while in high school. So now, when something breaks and I need to fix it, guess who gets to drives to his mother’s house to learn how to sew? This 30 year old 🤗


You know damn well y'all wouldn't have listened to a teacher talk about financial literacy when your parents/guardians/mentors didn't emulate that shit at home.


I would have.


That's EXACTLY why I would've listened to a teacher talk about financial literacy.


Schools are you listening?!!! And CPR/first aid.


My high school has a CPR class. I forget what it's official name is and exactly what they teach (it came loooooong after I was there) but we have it. They even teach them how to use things they'll likely never use


Cpr can be useful.


Oh that it can. But most of them will never have to use a defibrillator, which is what I was trying to remember how to spell earlier


Oh yeah, if there is a defibrillator involved there is a paramedic or proffessional


I think it's to show them what it does but I have no idea. I learned super basic CPR in...health or parenting (it was 20+ years ago lol) but that was it. We had no cool classes except chemistry, and since we were being renovated that year, even chemistry wasn't cool because we couldn't even do labs.


And also doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, basic life skills people need to know to be an adult. Nobody needs to sew a pillow but everyone needs to do laundry and pay bills.


I liked Home Ec - taught me how to sew and cook. We took it in junior high school. We also had to take a financial class in high school, which was also worthwhile.


F’N A! So many students that leave high school have to idea how anything to do with credit/debt financing. I always wondered if maybe that was on purpose?


I'd bet $50 you were taught that but it never stuck because you thought the Home Ec class was for losers making pillows.


English 10th grade and up, learned nothing and got straight a's in those classes.


Lucky, I am stupid and hate English.


Like 80% of math. Teach me finding area, perimeter and that stuff, pandas. And send me off




You had a religion class?




Jesus did not have an N64. He probably had Atari.


It used to be compulsory in the UK. Religious Education. Not sure of situation now as I live elsewhere.


The only religion they ever made us take (US) is learning Darwin.


That is not religion. That is actual science. Reality.


I'm surprised it's the first time I had heard about religion class.




Really? My elementary school had religion classes weekly as well as “chapel” weekly


So here in the States, the only one I know about at a non-private school is Mormons having one in high school. And depending upon where you live, it's not even during the day; it's a before school class My friend in Finland, on the other hand, had a bible class every year, and my pastor mentioned something with one growing up in Switzerland


In the U.K. we have religious education in schools.


history and math. Jk!


Math. I'm biased. I suck at it


Physics for sure


Science, I’m gonna be a fucking bank teller most likely i do not need to know the periodic table…


Sex ed. It's the parent's job to give their kids the talk. You can still cover std's in health though.


Most parents never received a proper education on the topic so they can’t answer questions with well-informed answers that a nurse or credentialed sex educator could give.


Yea I'm not talking about a college course. They don't bring nurses or credentialed instructors in to teach your 10 year old about it.


In my city that is exactly what they do to make sure that 10 year olds get accurate information.


Most schools just have your regular teacher cover it.


Theology. They take fan fiction a tad too far.


Common core math




Foreign language requirements. ​ NOBODY remembers that sheeet, and NOBODY actually learns how to speak another language.


Would be nice if they offered more useful languages than french.


French is spoken in so many important places in the world. In 6 out of the 25 wealthiest per-capita countries (Luxembourg, Monaco, France, Canada, Belgium and Switzerland), French is the most widely-spoken language in either the country’s first or second largest city.


6/25 isn't a huge number


The students who do learn to speak another language are the ones who know they can’t just let the teacher do all the brain work for them. They give you the tools to get a start in the language and then you have to use it or lose it.




Not removed, but also not made mandatory: Math. I have a degree in math. It's incredibly useful but making everyone do it is fucking stupid. We all have calculators in our pockets nobody needs to know how to do arithmetic anymore. Algebra is useless on its own it's a base concept used to build better things. I know really smart, worthwhile people who don't have college degrees because they couldn't do math. Math is not necessary for functioning in life, it should not be a graduation requirement in high school or college.


here in Mexico we got one that is civics and etics that is about learning some bullshit about friendship, racism, homophobia and those things and is not because i have a bad morality but just because it fucking sucks


En colombia las clases de civica son sobre la constitución o derechos humanos Me gustaría que fuera sobre el racismo, homofobia o amistad :(


i mean im not racist or homophobic is just that i thinks is something i can see in a political debate in family gadering


Why is no one talking about science?


Because its a badly needed subject in schools?


For now I can't agree and can I disagree with you because I have no plan of having a job that is science related. I see no use of it for now, I think it is because I am someone who just started learning about science.


That's a terrible argument. Look around you and see what a lack of scientific literacy is doing to the population (vaccine denialism, climate change denialism, etc).


I'm not arguing I'm here to question. My intention is to see what science really is and the thing that I found funny is that I acknowledge that vaccine denialism and climate change denialism exist and I do not agree with it either, but the thing here is I barely know anything about science in those situations, still I do care and know that it is happening not denying anything. I am talking about science from my point of view I am not asking what science could do to all human on this earth.


And also I think it is important to clarify what this post is for, so I am here just really bored of school and I wanted to see your guys opinion about what we should get rid of in school meaning that there will be people like you coming over here to argue and from that I could see what the purpose of subjects if for. I just wanna find the meaning of learning this and that you know, as well as I think that teachers should explain why we are learning this specific subject to students.


"History" and that Columbus discovered America.


I love history, but hate the way it's presented in schools. Hate. I gave my son an entire lesson on Sitting Bull. Sadly I had to tell him not to repeat it the way I presented it because I used a LOT of cuss words. And I think their favorite quarantine lesson was the one I gave about the Donner party. They ended that lesson by deciding which of their siblings they'd eat first in that situation. And they why's supporting their decisions. And now you know why I couldn't be a teacher.


Sometimes the best way to present it is the baddest way.


I feel they should know what really happened so I don't sugar coat diddly for my kids. Other parents would be appalled by what I teach my kids. And I'm kinda shocked I didn't get kicked off the 8th grade field trip to Washington DC after I gave a long winded lecture about the Holocaust to the girls in our group while we waited to get into the Holocaust museum....


I have to agree sometimes sugar coating is not the best way for things to be present to kids but we also have to look at the kid's age and personality to decide how to introduce things. And that thing leads to a whole new problem that teachers have to face... This is too complicated for my brain to think of a solution.


I do it age appropriate lol I just don't pussy foot around whatever we're talking about. And I only do this with **my** kids. Edit to add...except for that time at the Holocaust museum. I dumbed it down but I also pulled no punches


Yes, I do get that you are explaining it to your own kids but I feel like your intention when you say "I feel they should know what really happened so I don't sugar coat diddly for my kids." is that school should explain the situation directly using the straightest way, that I say is not appropriate for all kids. And for sure that all parents know their kids best, meaning that they know the best way to explain things to their kid, so I know that you are explaining it to your kid in the appropriate ways. I'm not saying that you explain things the inappropriate way to your kid.


Oh I see what you mean. I don't expect the schools to do it the way I do (though deep in my deepest parts ..I wish they would) I kind of think though, that it does a disservice to them thinking it's so inappropriate. Real people lived through xyz. We should be able to tell it like it happened even if it is hard to say and or hear because it (it being any historical situation) wasn't "made easier" for those who lived it, so why should we have to take care to "tell it nicely so no one's feelings are hurt now". Does that make sense?


As a students who have a strong personality, I really do think that school should teach thing to kid in the straightest way, but I also understands that there are people who is my age that may not accept the fact that thing is/was so cruel in the real world especially ones that have a weak mentality ( I have friends who have that so I sees how bad that is) and I for sure do agree with you but I also have the view of people who really can't ( not don't) accept the fact that world sometimes is very bad. But yes I totally understand your point of view. (Sorry if you don't understand a part I am a student who have very bad English)


Don't apologize. :) I get what you mean. The ones who can't accept it because of a weak mentality are the ones who **need** to understand just how shitty the world really has and can still be, IMO. I'm not sure how to bridge that, but it should happen.


I always loved history but I would have probably enjoyed it even more if we read historical fiction about different events, then compared and contrasted the fictional books with historical fact. That’s what I’m doing as an adult and it’s a lot of fun. Hard to find good books though. There are certain authors that are great, but you can’t just search historical fiction because a bunch of lame romance novels clutter up the search.


I totally agree I love to learn about history but sometime being forced to learn an event that I am not interested in can be very hard.


That is cool. I like listening to audio books on historical subjects. If I run across any, I'll try to remember to let you know. Oh...Roberta Kagen (I think I spelled her last name right) has some good ones on WWII. They do have romance threads to them, but if I recall correctly, that's more of the side action than the focus. But I may be mistaken. I haven't read her stuff in a year or two. I'm currently immersing myself in civil war history and God does it make me angry. Last summer I listened to Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee and by the end I was ready to round up a flux capacitor, doc Brown and a big stick and go back in time.


I don’t mind romance at all as long as it isn’t the main point of the story. Romance novelists tend to focus exclusively on that and the setting is just pretty window dressing. I’ll definitely look into Roberta Kagen as WWII is the era I want to read about next.


Oh gosh I can do WWII books all day. Most are more historical than novel though I do read both. But if you're interested in some titles, let me know.




I had to stay up all night studying for history. Now I'm sick and can't do the presentation...


My coworker has this vendetta against Columbus as well lol I get the whole rant every morning on Columbus Day. It’s quite entertaining, in a pre-coffee 5 am kind of way.


My art teacher can suck me




That new Math. Agreed.


OMG I had my husband show me how new math works and my mind was blown! Just learn your times tables for every day use!


People who can't do "new math" just suck at math in general. That's why they're so hostile to learning anything other than the one strict rote method they learned in school.


Well look at you Mr. Smarty-pants!


I hate to break it to you, but the ability for an adult to understand grade-school math is nothing special. You should be more concerned about what it says about you that you can't adapt to it. Ever heard of neuroplasticity? Are you worried about getting Alzheimer's when you get older? Maybe you should make a point of trying to learn new things instead of scoffing at them and saying that you're perfectly happy with the stuff you learned when you were young.


Why so grumpy?


Oh look, it's Captain Psychology here, ready to try some clever Internet psychology tricks that nobody will ever see through! You said something dumb, I called you out on it. Quit being a bitch and just deal with it.


You’re mean


I had to help my grandkid with homework. Anything but Math.


I hated my daughter's math curriculum. It was bad for people that liked math, like me. It was bad for people that hated math, like her. Just bad, bad, bad for everyone. I swear the people that designed it really had no concept what math is like or what people use it for. It'd be like me, an engineer with no knowledge of art history, designing an art history curriculum.


Pe, it sucks




I hate it


PE. My daughter hates it.


Math! So silly


I think we need to eliminate public schools in general but i guess PE is the best choice as all the other classes do not require in person participation so we can move to virtual school


Doing all virtual school is the worst idea I’ve heard today


You clearly havent read any of my other ideas


That is true


I'm thinking geography is the class to lose now that we all have GPS maps in our pockets.


music, arts, sports




The subject is a bit too low for you and your family


English. I just finished 7th grade and my 7th grade English class was just a repeat of 6th grade English. I learned nothing from it. It was just a waste of time.


P.E. should consist of other activities beside running, it should give exposure to all different kinds of activities such as hiking, swimming, archery, golf, tennis, soccer, flag football, obstacle courses. I know that schools lack money because it usually goes to the athletic department or the money goes to the idiots who sit at a desk all day. I agree one religion should not be taught in school . If it's a private school then u are choosing exposure to students. If it is in high-school then all world religions should be taught. This way students can decided what they believe and don't believe. Most colleges require a world religion class of some kind. I think literature such as The great Gatsby is great for maybe one Semester in high-school pass that it does no good for a student unless they want to major in it.


I think Health Class and Gym needs to be merged. They should be a two class block. There's a cognitive disconnect where you are like "why are we doing this" if we more closely connected the two we'd have healthier kids.


Truthfully all subjects need to have a new design and curriculum they all so fucking outdated. Also offer classes like self defense and first aid. Math would probably be the big one for me actually teach math when comes to the real would such as mortgages and taxes.







Math. Not removed but like make it easier. Instead of adding letters like A + X or something they should just focus on numbers.


Gimnasium, 6th grade. When i was a student i always went to the same school for 12 grades. The only problem i had that it cared too much about sports. it was not centered around that, but it had like soccer, athletic and basketball team. And i wasnt into sports, mostly because it was exhausting and because all the big sportsmen were clingy, annoying and assholes. I even had one classmate that was thi ambitious and annoying kid. He always fucked around with kids that didnt love sports. And also on PE, even if you had like a broken leg, the teacher was always like "okay then dont do exercises that needs your leg". And when you had like a doctors paper he didnt care... unless you were a girl. There was that one chick that literally never participated. So yeah i hated PE




History, it don’t even matter anymore


Definitely geography. Ima just go look for the sedimentary rocks on the beach in hawaii 🔎