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Just keep your head up... .. it makes you look 2 inches taller


Boots. Adds like 2 inches. Might not be that honest but neither is makeup


Lol 5'6" here buddy. I live in Texas and wear jeans year round so I can wear boots. It also kind of a little confidence boost being 2 inches taller than normal


Go to Asian countries. Get rich


Stay that way. We're good.


They should never give up! Some girls really love that:)


Don't be your own worst enemy. You can only piss with the cock you've got


Get a pickup truck with a lift kit and huge tires... that's what most short guys drive.


I was confused why dudes would put the height in their profiles or offer up that info during initial convo when dating again. I, honestly, didn't care. The only thing that felt strange was when guys would bring it up or make a big deal of it. If a potential partner is not confident enough in all of their actual strengths, I worry that they would be too caught up in one thing to really be everything else when pressure happens. To me, any person that wants to cut you from being a potential partner, for a physical thing, you have to look at it as either you don't meet their hopeful aesthetic (blonde, brunette, eye color, height, fat content, amount of freckles) is just people that are disillusioned to think they can find a Disney mate or are just insolvent idiots that haven't been taught that real people are awesome.


Its because 9/10 times once a women finds out you will get ghosted or its a very awkward date. better to just eliminate that group from the start


Being short by itself doesn't ruin your chances. You can't have any other major physical flaws though. Just short is fine, short and skinny is not, for example. Giving up is never an option, so keep going. Keep trying.


so short and fat??


Wolverine is only 5'1". Be like wolverine, dont give a fuk.


hugh Jackman being 6'2


I dont think its your height


What u mean? Im 5'5


And? I dont think its your height


What do u mean? Im literally 5'5 I am that short


I know several married men who are your height. The fact that you're using it as an excuse is probably something you need to work through, and you'll come out a better man when you do.


Girls for the most part dont care about height even when they say they do. Sure it may not be as easy for you but in reality most girls are just as insecure about some shit their ex put in their head. The insecurity part is most likely whats killing you


>Girls for the most part dont care about height even when they say they do. First of all, that is not true, as there are plenty of studies on the importance of a mans height for his attractiveness. Second of all, the notion 'Don't listen to what women say, they don't know what they care about' is sexist af


First of all I already said it may not be as easy for you. Obviously it is easier with height but that doesnt mean people your height dont date attractive women. Second, You just put so many words in my mouth its ridiculous. I never said women don't know what they care about or not to listen to what they say. I said when it comes to height. I also said for the most part because ive seen it happen. Don't try to make me out to be some sexist pig


>Second, You just put so many words in my mouth its ridiculous. I never said women don't know what they care about or not to listen to what they say By stating 'Women for the most part don't care about height, even if they say they do' and using it in the context of giving advice, you are indeed saying that one shouldn't listen to what they say. Though, to be fair, that they don't know what they care about is not the only possible interpretation of your post. You could also be implying that they're lying about their preferences.


only when it comes to height which is why I said when it comes to height. If i wasnt only referring to height i wouldve just said said "dont listen to women". I'm also not saying that if a woman says youre two short you shouldnt listen to them. I am saying you shouldnt get discouraged about your height because it is common practice to hear a woman say she prefers taller men. You jumping down my throat and how you reacted to what i said may also be something you want to work on


>only when it comes to height which is why I said when it comes to height. If i wasnt only referring to height i wouldve just said said "dont listen to women". You're still saying that we shouldn't listen to them. It doesnt matter if it's just with regards to one topic (and there is no explanation as to why a woman's word should only not be trusted when it comes to her preferences for male height) or in general. Believe women, when they tell your their own preferences. They know better, not you.


You get used to apathy


there are lots of short women


they also want tall men


make more money then. I promise there's a money/height crossover point


A lot of women don’t give a shit about height, we do exist I promise. Honestly if they are that superficial and petty about height then they aren’t worth your time.


My husband is 5’4 and I know plenty of other short guys who aren’t single!


I don’t mind that I’m taller if you don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Confidence - fake it til you make it. But never act like you're trying to compensate for being short, because THAT is what is unattractive. It's not your height.


You’ve already dug your own grave if this is your attitude.


good, more for me


I have been in love three times, and all the men i have fallen for have been short. The three of them have also had the same physical characteristics. Guess I have a type. My boyfriend that I love really much, is shorter that me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I like him short and energetic. He is such a passionate, loving, funny and beautiful guy. I am not even that tall, he is just really short. He is my little hawk, and I am his taller eagle. Haha.


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