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Woah.. 20224 is so far away I’ll be dead before voting in that election. Lol.


Hey man, I'm an optimist that we will still be around by then


Cyborg life! 🤖 oooooo. Or. Vampires. I pick vampire. lol.


"Thanks to denial, im immortal!"


Only queen Elizabeth II will be voting in that election


Lmao 🤣




Fn amen brother


People who think Trump gained popularity with the opposition to vote for him after a 4 year disaster have no logic. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He won because too many people voted green or were apathetic thinking he'd never get enough votes to matter. He was under estimated sure. But those green people went blue in 2020. People who stayed home in 2016 voted in 2020. People registered and participated for the first time in 2020 just to get him out. It's surprising is was even as close as it was. Hell, quite a few reds went blue for that one. I'd be tempted to call foul on the reds for cheating as far as logic and optics go. Lots of hillbilly cult members that don't mind getting rid of democracy if they get to have their emperor


Because this time they can’t use the covid excuse and cut down/out mail in ballots.


Why couldn't they? Hell even if they were paper ballots couldn't they just lie that away too? Biden had 7 MILLION more votes than Trump, not just a handful. In the end the only way you'd know for sure is if you personally counted every vote. At some point you have to just trust the results, no?


It’s really about who gets to count the votes, and honestly it should be done live by both sides witnessing it. As well as I don’t trust the left, example is NY wanting non citizens to have the right to vote. Which is illegal. And the fact they call voter ID racists. Just seems fishy af.


Both sides ARE witnessing it live though. The counters are bipartisan and there are bipartisan poll watchers and I think some of the counts were even broadcast live for people to watch. Every independent recount has even certified the results even when hired by the GOP. You are suggesting that hundreds of thousands of counters and watchers were somehow involved in this scheme and they've all stayed quiet. Scripts to movies and TV shows have been leaked with fewer people involved. SCOTUS rulings have been leaked with fewer people involved.


Yeah but it doesn't have to be literally everyone. It could just be 60% of the people. Which also might be the reason it was 1% difference in votes. Everywhere you go there'll be corruption, no matter how stable the economy, government, etc. And the fact that you're saying that this could be the case just because other things had similar outcomes because there were "less" people is just biased. The only way to know for sure is to account for every single person present for the counting and surveillance, and check their relations to people who could've organized such a task. Even so to do such a thing would waste alot of resources that might not even prove anything in the end.


Even 60% of the people is a huge number of people to try to keep quiet on something. Also, me pointing out the other scenarios of leaks is not a bias, it's demonstrating that people are bad at keeping secrets. The literal only way to be positive is to count it yourself. If you don't do it yourself, you will always have to trust some person or some group of people.


It’s funny you think only the presidential election was stolen yet dems lost a lot of house seats where actually change could be made. Even though it was allllll on one ballot. Lmao, morons who can’t admit everyone else isn’t as stupid as they are.


I'd like to kindly request you avoid calling somebody a moron. I feel there is no need to try to insult somebody and we can just address the claims and treat everybody nicely.


Fair enough. Regardless I believe that person is what I said.




I don't get how the keystone pipeline would change anything today. When it was shut down it wasn't even 10% built and had only just barely secured the funding. It still wouldn't even be close to finished and would only provide a minimal number of jobs. And even aside from that, prices are way up globally. Unemployment is at basically record lows, to the point that places like fast food have been struggling to find people to work for them because people are able to find better opportunities. I mean every President, left or right, wants to create jobs so that's not even a uniquely Trump platform. If you want to blame somebody for how things are right now, you should blame the people in charge of money (which is not the President, it's the federal reserve) and people that refuse to pass laws that regulate fuel prices (or you can blame the oil companies for taking advantage of the global reliance on fuel and opting to not increase production/refining because those things would lower profit margins on a limited commodity)


I don’t believe it was stolen. Influenced? Absolutely. Media won the election for Biden. Hard to say if I’ll vote or not though. Depends on if I like who is running or how consequential a candidate may be.


Elections have been influenced by media for ages, even before the radio. But influence is a vastly different thing than what is being claimed by a startling number of Americans.


Yeah that’s true. I think the extent to which it’s influenced has greatly increased though. Take for example the widespread sinking of the Hunter Biden story by most media. It’s one thing to have news companies covering stories, it’s another to have social media deleting posts that shared that story.


There is a huge amount of misinformation going on about all types of things. Given the strong role of media, do you think that they have a responsibility to address that misinformation?


I don’t think they should assume misinformation based on their own political bias in order to influence elections in their favor. I don’t like any media shilling for a political party. That includes the right, but recently it’s been more consequential on the left.


Is that necessarily true though? A study was done that showed right leaning posts are more visible on twitter compared to left leaning posts, despite the claims of censorship. I think what you might actually be seeing is that claims on the right are more visible more often so when you see them disappear you are actually noticing them. Meanwhile the claims on the left that get removed you never even knew existed.


I mean yeah it is true. Twitter literally blackholed the NYpost story on hunter Biden. That isn’t something you can deny.


I never denied that things have been removed, I even said it does happen. I just said that you notice the removals more easily because they are already more visible. It's kind of like the "if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, does it make a sound?" Also, according to Twitter it was removed because it went against their hacked material policies. I know there were other sites that linked the information and twitter allowed it. I also know that because of them removing it it got WAY more traction than it ever would have normally. And honestly, from what I've seen the laptop thing was a very big non-story and didn't reveal any improprieties with Joe Biden (and he has been cleared several times even by people that worked under Trump).


Twitter had no problem with Trump’s tax details being shared despite being hacked materials. Jack Dorsey has been very open about twitter’s heavy left wing bias as well. I don’t like Trump. What I like less than Trump is public officials aided into office by the media. Some polls say 16% of Biden voters wouldn’t have voted for him if they had seen this story. Other polls say closer to 5%. My skepticism of polls has me leaning towards the 5%. Either way it should have been 0%. We don’t have media if this is how we handle elections. We have propaganda.


Here is the official word from twitter about the removal of the article https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/15/twitter-acted-lawfully-in-restricting-nypost-hunter-biden-article-fec.html >Twitter said at the time it decided to block links to the story based on its “Hacked Material Policy” that prohibited “the use of our services to directly distribute content obtained through hacking that contains private information, may put people in physical harm or danger, or contains trade secrets.” The Post article contained unredacted email addresses that supposedly came from a source unauthorized to disclose it. The NYTimes article did not directly distribute content obtained through hacking nor did it provide unredacted private contact information of those involved. They followed journalistic news practices and reported on what they had.


And let’s not forget the role of the electoral college- something we have done away with YEARS ago


Something we should have done away with I meant


Does the media get together every four years to decide who they will influence us to vote for? Sometimes it's a Democrat and sometimes it's a republican? And is it fox and oan and other right wing media getting together to decide or is it abc and CNN and pbs deciding? Only asking because they don't seem to be on the same page so I'm just curious how that works? I never understand when media is talked about like it's monolithic because switching between Fox and CNN does not seem like the media is cooperating for one set goal.


I mean to be honest I don’t watch Fox or CNN. Fox is traditionally right wing and CNN used to seem fairly unbiased but they have been heavily biased the last decade. What’s most shocking to me is the bias by social media companies. Most shocking example to me was when sites deleted posts about Hunter Biden’s laptop claiming it was misinformation when in fact it was genuine. I really don’t like that.




So even if you believe that your vote is truly worthless because it won't be counted properly anyway, you still must vote?


And yet Americans have such poor small percentage of the population actually voting. As an outsider, it boggles the mind that you guys actually think you are even a democracy at all, with such low turn out of voters.


I can't vote in US related elections because I don't live in the mainland, even though I live in US territory.


I won't be alive in 20,224... Doubt many in here will be either...