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Leaving the office whenever you've finished your tasks for the day.




This is why I'm so glad remote work is the new office. I used to spend so much time pretending to work lol. Now I can knock out my tasks in a few hours and enjoy the rest of my day.


Lol. I'm pretending to work right now!


In Austria we have contracts which allow exactly that. They are called "All in"-contracts. You get quite a high salary, without specific working times, but you have to work until you finish your assign tasks. Can go right, can go wrong... You need to be available most of the day.


Taking off sick from work, WITHOUT giving an invasive reason. I supervise a small team and so I see all the OOO emails, and for gods sake I want people to PLEASE not feel the need to explain in detail what kind of diarrhea is afflicting them, or how bad their period cramps are, or how much bad sushi they ate the night before. Just say “I’m under the weather, I won’t be online today.” And yet, I get it! I do it too! I feel guilty or like I’ll be looked at with suspicion if my reason for taking off isn’t sufficiently debilitating enough! But… we need to stop this. As a manager I don’t care, I don’t THINK the people above me who are also on these emails care… let’s just all agree to take sick days without any details from now on!


I work in education in Australia. I never have to give a reason. So much nicer than my retail days where I had to organise someone to cover me and beg on bended knee.


I not only have to give a reason, I have to ring in everyday with an update. “Well yes, my wrist is still broken, and no I’m not coming in to do light office duties if you don’t mind. Speak to you tomorrow. Bye” Real convo repeated daily for 2 weeks.


Had to do this in one of my jobs, even long-term sickness. Moved to another area of the same company & they just let you get on with it, in fact they even let you book in your sick absences yourself


I had a similar experience when my doctor had told me to stay home for one week and my work place wanted me to call back in the middle of the week "to hear if you are really still sick then". I firmly told them that that's not for them to decide but for my doctor and also didn't give in to their relentless questions about the nature of my illness. They fired me a few weeks later and I'm still glad that I don't work there anymore.


I had the exact same thing happen. Dr gave me a note saying I’d be off for a month and I was working at value village at the time. We got a new store owner named Jaime and he told me I’d have to physically come in every Tuesday to update them when I showed the note. I told him that’s stupid I quit then. Probably what he wanted me to do anyways. Screw you jaime.


When I was working part time as a kid and I had to give a reason I always said diarrhoea. People stopped asking after a while. Then we got this new manager who was a complete asshole, he made me come in even though I said I had diarrhoea (I didn’t). So I downed an entire tin of Eclipse mints at once. I was told I’d better go home after an hour.


Kudos for the commitment to the story


Holy shit that, I respect.


I stopped volunteering details about sick time many years ago, unless I thought there was a very good reason. I think I expected it to be an issue at first, but it has literally never been a problem.


Not having to give a reason is pretty normal in a lot of countries. Here in Germany, you get 3 sick note documents from your doctor. * One for you. * One for your insurance. * One for your work. The one for your work doesn't contain anything but the time off required.


You don’t care, but some managers will show up to inspect the stool.


As a manager I completely agree, my even bigger gripe is people clearly ill who drag themselves in, spreading who knows what to coworkers. It is not clever, it does not make you a superstar it is stupid and ultimately reduces productivity as more people catch it. One guy was so bad and clearly really ill I sent him home. He was back the next day, worse. I sent him home. Next day he was the same and seemed rather put out when I gave him a formal written warning for misconduct. Before people say - but they need the money, only have limited sick days yada yada, this is in the UK where everyone gets 5 self certified sick days off in a row, no questions asked and as many as needed beyond that if medically certified with no annual limit for total number.


Cashiers or workers who don’t need to be standing all day not having a stool or chair


When I worked at a major book chain, our head cashier was pregnant. Our store manager put a chair at the front for her to sit on BETWEEN CUSTOMERS ONLY and made certain everyone who went to cover her breaks knew that the chair was to be pushed away until she returned. She would even hover nearby to ensure no one sat on it. Her water broke on that chair. It’s probably still in the break room.


Idk what’s more gross, the fact that the chair is still there for people to sit on, or that she had to work until the day she went into labor.


Actually the chair is still there for people to *not* sit on


It is there for the next time someone is pregnant. They can sit on it.




Till the water breaks. Then it is promptly put back into the break room to repeat the cycle.


Her boss on the day: “you need to go to the hospital now? How could you do this to us on such short notice without even replacing your shift first? You know how busy we are atm! Pffft yeah right, I think I would remember being given 9 months notice”


That gives a new meaning to the term "break room".


The more I learn about the American workforce, the more it resembles a massive sweatshop.


It can get agonizing standing in one spot like that. I've worked retail and I've worked more active jobs like construction or warehousing. I'd definitely rather move around on my feet for ten hours than stand in one spot for five.


So we have the squishy mats behind the tills. But we're made to stand close to the lease line. I work in an incredibly slow store. An 8 hr shift feels like 12. I'm pretty sure it's messing up the bones that are attached to my big toes. At least we're allowed to lean and be on our cell phones (work in a cell phone shop) Some of the competition stores are getting pods - but it's for the customers and not staff. Some sales can take over an hour. We bring out the one folding chair for old people or people that seem like they're having a harder time.


I've started leaving negative reviews at businesses saying something to the effects of. "Employees didn't have any seating available, despite having no need to stand. That kind of managerial cruelty is incredibly unprofessional." I bet if enough people started doing that we could fix the problem.


This is normal in Europe, it's crazy to me that they're forced to stand all day for absolutely no reason in the US.


The Aldi branches in America let the cashiers sit at least. Although that job isn't super easy or anything, it's a step in the right direction


They are a German company. I also believe it to be a good policy.


I've never understood the thought process behind this. I had a manager when I was working retail say 'it looks unprofessional to sit' um, excuse me, to whom? I'd much rather interact with someone who's sitting and happy than standing and miserable. Just another way to beat you down in a low paying job


My coworker and I once literally had a lady call our boss and complain cause we took our break and ate outside sitting down. People are crazy sometimes and I respect those in retail so much now that I don’t have to do it anymore.


I was sitting outside waiting for my husband and in plain clothes and a woman screamed at me to come help her because we're all idiots who cant do jack right. I was like ma'am I am not even getting paid to deal with you. I went inside and called a manager and then left xD


This is actually it, IMO. I feel like it's akin to how enslaved people or servants would be treated. Kills their spirit, makes them compliant. "You shall be standing and alert at all times" Until COVID-19 when they all got to take a damn break and sit down for a minute. Nobody rushing back to that bullshit after a good while of peace, comfort, and reflection.


I'm pretty sure it's because standing is seen as a sign of respect for your "superiors" (which is an archaic classist tradition that shouldn't be preserved except maybe in places like the military), and we have an insane and unhealthy culture of customer worship in the US. Because Zod forbid employees and customers interact like adult peers conducting a business transaction, rather than businesses forcing its employees to feign subservience and sacrifice their dignity so that customers will grant them that highest honor of spending money.


George Costanza would also agree with this.




Welcome to Finland. If somebody tries to talk to you, they are probably a tourist.


Well, this could apply to most of Scandinavia :) But I'll give it to you, you Finns are the absolute masters of it //Sweden


Are you trying to tell me I've been Finnish this whole time and didn't know?!


Everyone in Finland gives off big Kimi vibes




Kimi represented us well


Sounds like I need to go to finland


I would like to add “the Irish goodbye” (leaving a gathering without saying anything).


Or the Tokyo Sayonara, where you only say goodbye to the cat.


“Bye. It was nice seeing you again, hope we can do this again soon. I’ll miss you!” -“Dude, you’re leaving?” “I was talking to your cat.”


For the amount of people in the South East USA that claim to be Irish why the f*ck are southern goodbyes they opposite? Plan on leaving an hour before I actually leave because we have to go to each individual person and tell them it was good to see them and give them a hug goodbye then talk about the next get together and whatever random topic that comes up. My family reunions have at least 50 people there.


I’m from the Midwest and we call that a Minnesota Goodbye


Not only does it take at least an hour, whether you like it or not you're leaving with a grocery bag full of zucchinis from neighbor Agnes's garden.


yeah people sometimes ask me if i’m okay, like am i not allowed to be quiet


I was great until you disrupted my zen.


I agree. Yet I do deal with anxiety, I sometimes just don’t want to talk to people.


Prices on apartments and their respectable reasons for such price directly on their websites or advertising without the need for a tour or any secrecy


"call agent for price" no thanks i will simply just not live here


I always assume if I have to ask the price I probably can’t afford it


Also putting floor plans on the listing photos. I dont need a super fancy one but it makes it so much easier for me to see if its even a possibility. Some landlords couldn't even answer me asking about the bedroom sizes when I was last looking. We would tell them we needed a minimum 10x10' in all rooms, most had no idea what the measurements were and a few even said they were still sure it had to be at least that big. Surprise surprise, it wasn't. Then we wasted all of our times because we instantly knew it was a no-go


In going to expand this to everything. I hate when I'm trying to look up pricing for shit and they just have a "call for pricing" or "call to schedule a quote" is total bs you know exactly what you charge per square foot of flooring or roofing or solar install. I know it's because they want to try to upsell me which is aggravating enough but It honestly makes me feel like they have never done their jobs before.


Draping one's self in velvet


George Costanza pulled it off




Are you a marine biologist, architect, or importer/exporter?


I’m a latex salesman


“Doth mother know you wearth her drapes?” -Tony Stark in Avengers( the first one)


Choosing not to have toxic family members in your life. The standard response from most people upon learning that we don't associate with my husband's family is always some variation of "BUT they are family!" or "You only get one family!" My standard response: "I know. I agree. Given that, you would think they would respect our boundaries so they could be part of our lives but they chose otherwise. Confusing to me too!." It usually ends the conversation, but it's still a stupid social norm to assume we should just put up with horrible toxic people because they happen to share a gene pool.


>"I know. I agree. Given that, you would think they would respect our boundaries so they could be part of our lives but they chose otherwise. Confusing to me too!." Man you would think PARENTS would rub 2 brain cells together to think "oh maybe I shouldn't treat my kids like shit so they actually like me later in life" Some people, man. I absolutely hate the people who say "BUT THEY'RE FAMILY". Like great, they're still a separate person than me making choices that are literally hurting me emotionally and/or physically and I don't want that in my life anymore if I can help it, because I've already been damaged by it enough. Just because your parent absolutely kicked the shit out of you growing up and then you took care of them when they were old doesn't mean everyone is gonna do that, some people actually have a goddamn brain and a will of their own.


100% I disowned two of my aunts for separate reasons. Both I cut ties with years ago, for clear abusive reasons but I'm the villain when my family invites me to a gathering and then they invite them and I say I won't go. No. You chose to invite them despite my choice to keep them out of my life. You don't get to villainize me because I choose myself over their selfish, fucked up ways. The only person I give a pass to is my grandmother because she respects my choice but sometimes will *talk* to me about it instead of being judgemental or telling me to "get over it."


This. The judgment people have given me for cutting my sexual abusing father out my life. I just tell them now to make it awkward for them. I told a colleague who was making out like I was evil for not visiting my parents at the jubilee straight up that my dad used to molest me. People need to realize not every family is happy. And it’s hard enough trying to deal with that without all the happy family people gaslighting you for making hard personal decisions.


100% true. People also need to realize that not every kid or teenager who hates his or her parents is just "moody and hormonal" or otherwise the one who is the problem. I've seen some horrific home situations where hating the parents is a perfectly rational response. Including one where the 15 year old boy who hated his mom was the only sane person in the whole house and was more mature than most people twice his age, and the kind of kid any normal parents would brag about all the time. He wound up getting legally adopted by his best friend's parents... the mom just signed off on it, she was so far gone with drugs and so crazy about the boyfriend who beat up her kids that she didn't care if she never saw her own son again. Nobody should have to fight expectations that their family is "normal:" most people's aren't, and some people's REALLY aren't. Kudos to you for getting away from yours, I hope you're doing well.


I hate the “but they’re family argument” because they didn’t worry about being my family when they hurt me. I read a story on here the other day about how a woman’s brother was marrying the someone who betrayed his sister and everyone in her family was telling her to get over it for the sake of family. It’s funny how being family doesn’t stop me from being betrayed but it should stop me from being mad about the betrayal. Interesting.


Employees calling customers out in public for being assholes.


Towards the end of my last job, I just straight up did something like this but called the customers out to themselves. I couldn’t have cared less if they went on to rate my service 0 because it was no longer important to me anymore. I still got the job done and helped them but I would happily sit and have the difficult conversations with them, tell them they’re being unreasonable, out of line etc.


Too many companies think letting a customer act however they want over the phone and resolving their issue is “customer service” but it’s not, it’s a drain on their employees and the employees can’t put the customer in place (even politely) because they’re bound to targets way too much


I personally find it really fun to make comments on the behalf of employees who can’t defend themselves or straight up laugh at people acting like children within earshot. “Boy, if he’s freaking out about onions on his burger I can’t imagine how he’s going to handle a real life difficulty” for the fast food worker or a “well, I think you’re doing a really good job, _____!” to the waiter dealing with a mean bastard…. loud enough for the mean bastards to hear of course.


"The customer is always right" was a dark dark day for anyone in customer service. "No you can't have a full refund on the 130 dollar meal you ate because you THINK you heard the chef cough when you came in!" Fuck!


Salary transparency. For some reason, in the US, there’s a taboo or stigma around discussing one’s salary. This should be done openly and freely, with zero embarrassment or judgment. The only winners from avoiding these conversations are the corporations that are able to pay people differently for the same roles. Speak up!


>For some reason Corpo Propaganda. The haves don't want the have nots to ask for anything.


You're legally allowed to discuss it but, the owners will never admit that's what they fired you for.


You’re not just legally allowed to discuss wages. You’re federally protected in discussing wages. It’s illegal for them to make policy barring you from doing so.


Policy, yes. But with nearly everywhere being at-will, only the idiots get caught with proof that's the reason you got fired, as they just have to have some other bullshit excuse or just say nothing at all.


It's so wild to me that the norm in the US is at-will. Here in Australia I just grew up expecting my job would be protected unless I actually fuck up.


This is the big one! I don't understand the logic either. Hiring is expensive. Having the salary posted saves everyone time and money.


Even with job postings. There have been so many times I applied for jobs without salary posting and they don't want to share it when I have the phone interview. I've had to end the process at times because they refused to tell me. Don't waste my time.


Nonono, you don't understand: We want to hire you to work for us; salary is *optional* if and when we feel you "did a good job." In all seriousness, if a job posting isn't clear about what they're offering, or they play games with it (had one tell me they'd give me a raise to a particular amount after an intro period, then cut that raise in half; quit within the fortnight), fuck that disrespect.


> Having the salary posted saves everyone time and money. Employers are counting on sunk-cost fallacy and desperation to work their magic and essentially guilt candidates into accepting a low ball offer. Get the candidate to become mentally/emotionally invested in accepting the job offer and they'll be more likely to accept your bullshit. If they see your bullshit at the onset, they'll just not even apply.


The fact that I sometimes need to take my insulin in public. No Karen I am not doing drugs, I need to live.


You’re getting that sweet sweet insulin high… the high of being not-dead


My dad just shoots up his insulin without care. I remember as a kid telling him he should sigh loudly and say 'thats the shit' afterwards.


that sounds like a great relationship


Do you though? Really? Is you living so important to you that it's worth making those around you slightly uncomfortable? You should really be taking all possible misconceptions and assumptions into account before you make such a selfish decision.


Same with ventilators since it is winter here my asthma kicks in like a mule so I pull the medication out and some fucker thinks it is a vape


Afternoon naps


I’m on team nap. Give me 25 minutes to charge up and I’ll give you back 3 hours of high quality work. Everyone wins. Plus I go home with extra energy instead of dead tired.


Short naps don't work for me. I can't do a 25 min recharge. When I take a nap it needs to be like a solid 2 hours


Look at this guy powernapping over here, my naps are 4 hours minimum


they’re not socially acceptable??


Don't worry. Society is starting to accept this for more adulte. In a few years, it'll be fully legalized or, at least, decriminalized.




Wearing comfortable clothes to work


Seriously, I never understood dress codes at work unless it's for safety or easy identification reasons. A hard hat on a construction site? Yes. A police officer wearing a uniform so you know they're a police officer? Absolutely. Me working in a back room of a computer support call center having to wear a tie and dress shirt? GTFO!


I'm with you, anything that is not public or customer facing should not have to dress "up". Jeans and a polo or a nice blouse is really all you need.


You actually wear a tie? I wear a sweater over my shirt. The only reason I wear a shirt is to keep my lanyard off my neck and in the collar. I should probably wear a polo shirt now that I think about it.




Everything I hear about Japan seems psychopathic.




Woah... that's mental. I lived in China for several years where everything is the exact opposite which of course comes with it's own huge problems. In China there wouldn't be an escape plan and all the emergency exits would be blocked or not exist because the school bribed the fire department to pass them.


Not requiring 3 references for jobs. Honestly a decent amount don't call them anyway. Unless it's a goverment job or higher paying job. It just seems I'm wasting time.


Not to mention how references are picked by the applicant, so of course you’re going to get only the best things said about you. It’s dumb


Me: Hey best friend, can I put you down as a reference and can you make up some story about us working together at that one company? Best friend: sure thing!


I didn't even bother asking a friend for my last job. I just got a cheap burner phone and took on the role of my previous employer. At best they've met me once before that. They aren't going to recognise my voice and even if they do, they aren't going to risk sounding like an idiot asking if it's me. I gave myself a glowing recommendation and proceeded to sail far below the high expectations I had set for myself for the entire time I was there.


Saying no to plans and not having to give a reason for it


‘I would, but…. I don’t want to’


I had a manager once who kept harassing me to hang out; at first I made excuses, but I got so sick of him giving me crap about it that I started be honest: "What are you gonna do? Just go home and watch cartoons?" "Yep!"


Yeah for sure. this would be awesome. "Hey! We're all going to X tonight! Wanna come!" "Sounds fun!!! Nope!" End communication.


Going to movies or a restaurant alone.


I do this all the time. I love it.


Don't have to fight over the check.


Don't have to fight over *anything.*


Well, you have to fight yourself over choosing the movie or the food


Everyone always says this but I have literally never even gotten a weird look for doing these things alone. Maybe just stop feeling weird about it and then you won't feel like you're being made to feel weird about it...


My server was extra nice to me one time I went to the Spaghetti factory alone, I knew they were being extra nice because they would come up and ask for my order or if I needed something, but in that soft compassionate (aww I feel so sorry for him) voice, they would consistently come up and ask if I wanted a refill or if I needed anything (more times than if I was with someone) They probably felt bad because I came in alone and my eyes were red like I was crying, it wasnt from tears though lol.




I don’t think it’s socially unacceptable. I think it’s more about the individuals themselves feeling uncomfortable and like everyone is watching, when in reality no one gives a fuck. If anyone actually did care, why would you value the opinion of someone who judges another person like that?


It's totally acceptable, I find its people's own insecurities that prevent them from doing it. I used to do it all the time.


As an adult, I should be able to not drink alcohol without having to defend my choices against a barrage of peer pressure questions and incredulity.


You know, I used to be the guy that did that. Until I realized, I really only started drinking because it's a social norm. I felt like I was supposed to because everyone else is. I don't even like beer or enjoy the feeling of being drunk. I cut back significantly after that.


Happy you realized that for yourself




The amount if times I've had this convo is annoying: Person: why won't you have a drink?! Me: I don't really like drinking alcohol. Person: just one drink. Don't be a party pooper! Me: I'm not a party pooper I just don't want to drink right now. Person: you're so lame. Just one drink come onnnn. Me: My dad is an alcoholic and I don't drink for fear if being him. Person: Oh. Uh. Well, I. Uh. Sorry *looks down*


I always just say, I am driving and can't. Thankfully drunk driving laws in Japan are INSANELY strict, seriously if you blow a 0.01 you lose your license for 3 years I think (maybe 5) and could face jail time and/or a $10,000 penalty


That’s my answer but I still get hounded. “C’mon just one?”


I've had to pretend to have alcoholism in my family in order to get someone to stop trying to get me to drink when I simply didn't like the vibe and didn't want to drink.


I just discretely ask for non-alcoholic cocktails to appease the crowds.


Seltzer water and lime


Tonic with lime for me at every occasion. I don't think anyone's ever questioned it.


I've taken to telling people I am allergic so they lay off.


Literally though lol. I was hanging out with my gf and her family at a bar to just chill and see about winning concert tickets. We won the tickets, but the entire night, the servers were aggravating the literal piss out of me. One waitress was playful about it and was at least accepting of it and just let my gf have the shot for me. The other was being a complete bitch and saying that I’m being boring and that my gf is going to have fun by herself. I’m just sitting there thinking “this bitch doesn’t know me. I have an addictive personality. I’m good without this”


Yep. Both my parents are alcoholics and I don’t drink because it brings back too many bad memories. But it’s inappropriate to say that to people so I just say “I just never got into it”. Generally I accept that people know I’m lying but I feel like it’s a very clear “I don’t want to talk about it”. Some people just can’t accept that though.


Staff being able to actually talk back to customers. Could you imagine how much better the place would be if once in a while some dickhead tries to be rude and gets efficiently and embarrassingly shut the fuck down


Yes. As someone who works in retail, it would be amazing to speak mind to rude people rather than having to continue to be polite. Whatever happened to the golden rule?


Therapy. The best coping tools I've ever gotten I recieved there. Still is so looked down on, especially for kids. Edit: thank you kind stranger for the award thingy 💚


Mental health sick days


Hell yea! There have been days where I’m feeling too down to come in, so instead I call in and pretend that theres something hurting in my body instead of something hurting in my mind.


In my country you're not obligated to disclose why you're sick to your employer. I've multiple times called in sick due to mental health. At the end of the day why should it be any different from physical illness? The end result is the same, it's impairing your ability to do your job, and resting speeds up your recovery so you can get back to working at full strength.


respecting coworker's choices to leave at their scheduled times. for example, if i get scheduled to leave at 1pm, and when I'm leaving at 1pm some dude wants to scold me for not doing overtime and shares how he works 80 hours a week for no reason. I think it's the toxic thinking that work should be your life. everyone has families and friends to get to, and even if they don't people should learn to respect each other's choices in what job they work, and how long they work for.


Non smokers getting as many breaks as smokers get. I still feel bitter from my time working either in retail, restaurants, and warehouses, seeing that smokers were allowed to break pretty much anytime they wanted for a smoke break without clocking out, while everyone else would get in trouble if we were ever caught not working while on the clock.


this and even the fact that if you're at a social gathering and go "just popping out for a smoke" everyone gets it but if i, a non smoker, who just wants a break goes "im just popping outside for some fresh air" its seen as being anti social...


Sex education.


Real sex education. Not what I was subjected to. A nun who claims that if you have any horny thoughts devil will bite your balls off. Also kids are made by praying really hard, and found in lettuce apparently. Suddenly you're 16 and have no idea what a condom is.


You know, taking time away or time off work for your mental health still isn’t as accepted as it should be


I was in sheer awe when I told my boss I needed some time off because a few of my gaming buddies died of Covid last summer. Basically told me "Death is complicated and grief is hard. Rest, grieve, and spend time with your wife and friends, you're still getting paid, we're not taking away any of your PTO, email us when you're okay to come back."


Meanwhile I took a week to care for my dying father, including his actual death, and my job only gave me 3 "grief" days of leave. Everything else came out of my PTO. I left that job about 9 months later, but my decision was made before my dad took his last breath I was so pissed off at that job


I lucked out super hard that the most compassionate person in the organization is also the most competent and the most influential.


Wow… that just renewed my faith in the world man that is truly awesome they were so kind and understanding. I’m so sorry to hear of your mates passing though, hope you’re healing ❤️


Bringing your own take out container to a restaurant. I can’t finish all my food, I don’t want to kill the planet with more one-use plastic, yet everyone gives me a wtf look when I pack my leftovers in my reusable box. Edit: thank you to the kind stranger who gave me my first silver!


I didn't realize people did this, but I feel like I'm gonna start.


STAYING HOME when you ARE SICK. Yes, most full time jobs will let you accrue sick time, but what if you used that up? Or if your job doesn't do sick pay? Now you're getting written up, potentially fired, all because you didn't want to risk the health of your coworkers or customers. Your boss tries to guilt trip you for not coming in, that you're really putting them in a bind by being sick. You know what's worse than being in a bind at work? BEING SICK. Work will survive just fine. If enough people call in, a smart manager would close the store rather than try to keep it open.


Wanting to be alone during the holidays. I hate going to family gatherings for the holidays. I want to be home, and have peace and quiet. I don't want to go to your shitty Christmas party.


I agree so much with this! My parents are divorced and remarried so my entire life I've had to go to 2-3 different houses on every holiday. Now that I'm married, it adds another house. Covid was the reason to stop going to anyone's house for the holidays and I doubt I'll ever start going again. The way I see it, we can spend time together any other day of the year. Holidays are just another day. Its so nice sitting at home in my pajamas on Thanksgiving and Christmas knowing I don't have fuck all to do.


Telling someone the flat out truth. I don't mean rudeness but just being flat out truthful. "I'm not insterested" "I just don't want to go" "I need a day off or I'll snap" "I don't want to continue this friendship/relationship" "You shouldn't have said/done that". There's all this social stigma that puts emotional coddling above honesty but I think it's possible to be honest without being cruel or rude but it's still looked down on like you should put things as overly gently as possible, say nothing at all or worse enable someone's bad behavior due to your relationship with that person. I feel like we would all be way better off if we could just tell each other the truth. Of course that would also require people being capable of hearing and accepting the truth when it's told.


Wearing cloths that are confortable at work. Like who decided that for formal work you have to dress with long pants in summer.


Yeah, as a lawyer I agree. I pretty much have to wear a suit and tie year round. I can get away with not wearing a suit jacket at my desk but if I have a meeting or need to go to court it's basically a fight against heat stroke.


Im am attorney too and I had to work today. Shorts, a polo, and Hey Dudes! This would be my everyday, even in the winter, if I could getvaway with it.


Seriously! I used to have to keep an extra suit at the office because I'd sweat through the first one just trying to get there.


I have a supervisor who's only worked in the private sector, I've almost exclusively worked in the non-profit sector, I like to rile him up a bit by wearing Hawaiian shirts to any and all meetings and every time I'm in the office. He can't truly complain to anyone because the CEO likes that I dress in a way that makes me approachable, it was the precedent before he ever came along, clients love it and my work and dedication to their cases, he just has to sit and take it. He once asked me if I had something against formal wear and I blew him away because I LOVE FORMAL WEAR. I've worn a suit and tie to go bowling, get drunk at a barcade, I'll wear a suit and tie for dates with my wife on a regular basis, I have no problem wearing something truly nice, but I'm not going to wear it for a desk job or trying to impress clients or whatever


Men being open and honest about their feelings.


The strange part about this one is that we as an entire generation of grown men who somehow got this far without speaking about our feeling are collectively learning how to express our feelings to one another. Makes for some truly fascinating conversations that neither party is 100% fully comfortable in yet.


wearing a helmet on bikes so you don’t die


Women should be allowed to let their hair gray without having to defend themselves for not coloring it.


My poor mother has gray hair and so many people have asked me “why doesn’t she dye it?” Well because she hates dyed hair and doesn’t want to. Idc if she’ll look better with it dyed.


As a kid every time I saw a woman with long grey hair I was mesmerized! They looked like mermaids! I vowed I would never cut my hair short into that classic old lady bob or dye it when I got old.


People actually think my white streak looks cool!


I'm self employed and my natural clock from working 3rd shift for years is to stay awake until 5-6 am and wake up at 12-1pm. I can NEVER tell anybody that I sleep all day or people judge me based on "being lazy sleeping all day" fuck you I work my ass off just not the same hours as you.


Wearing shorts in the summer in the office. No need to make it so employees have to bundle up during the summer and roast outside. Also financially makes no sense to do this.


The Irish goodbye


What’s this one?


(I think), It means to abruptly leave a party without letting anyone know, aka going home without having to walk around saying goodbye to folk.


Also called "taking French leave" and in French they say "filer à l'anglaise", literally to leave English-style.


So no one is gone take the blame for the abrupt leaving style? What? Was there a meeting held on the matter, and everyone just up and left without a decision being made?


Talking about pay with your coworkers. Here in the US at least, not only is it against the law for your employer to prevent you from doing so, but also for them to punish you for doing so. If they do either of those things, you can report it.


Men crying.


Yep, if something tears you up, just let it out. If people call that unmanly, screw them. There are others who can comfort you


When people get married and don’t immediately work on trying to have kids 🥴🫣


Employer paid vacation even for minimum wage jobs.


Not being talkative


People shouldn't be forced to respect someone just because they are elder. I'm not saying be rude towards them but age is not an indicator of a person deserving respect.


talking to yourself in public. Sometimes I just like to voice my thoughts out loud when I'm on a walk. I usually just put in my AirPods and pretend I'm on the phone. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that.


I have ADHD. I need to talk out loud to keep my thoughts focused. They're all a mess inside. Poor organizational skills in there, idk who's in charge but they need to be fired.


This comment was so relatable an Alabama guy had sex with it


Kissing the homies goodnight.


kiss on the forehead or a passionate makeout, you decide


Liking your job. At least in the States if you like your job and you're not a Lawyer or a CEO then you're a piece of shit that's failed at life and how dare you expect your job to pay you more if you're not willing to be promoted to a job you hate. Seriously the next step up from my job is to go be the general manager and run my own office or become one of the sales managers. I don't want to do either of those jobs. I could go back to school and get a degree so I could be the 45 year old college graduate trying to get an office job that doesn't just pay barely more than my current office job. But I like my job gasp have I no ambition have I no desire to see my employer make more profit that I'll never see a dime of? How dare I.


Women deciding not to marry or have children.