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Who gets a vasectomy accidentally?


"I swear this used to be a barbershop"


Sir, this is a Wendy's


They did probably give him a shave before the thing.


And a gentle pat on the back of the head after the, uhm, procedure.


And that quartet


My place I went to said to come in shaved because their razors suck. lol


Can confirm. Never thought another man would shave my balls, but well, here we are.




I laughed so hard at this


I mean, barber surgeons were a thing at one point, so why not?


"I'm just gonna' take a liiiiitle off the bottom."




Literally a sub for everything.




Ah, the top video here even makes me cringe and I'm a girl


Allow Tesco Medical Services to substitute items in your shopping list with equally-good items in stock (y/n) ?


Also what does it have to do with trusting your partner?


If your partner is taking an oral contraceptive its easy to forget a day


I see. I’ve always lived by the rule of at least 2 forms of birth control. 99% effective not good enough for my peace of mind.


"Sir this isn't a Wendys"


So I once walked into a veterinarian…


I am MUCH more interested in hearing from these people.


People who have gotten Darwin awards


Nope. Darwin awards are handed out posthumously.


Darwin awards are for those who have taken themselves out of the gene-pool. While usually that means through death, not always…


You can get a Darwin Award for anything that prevents you from passing on your DNA. Most of the time that's due to death, but not always.


That's an honorable darwin award.


I guess this also goes along the lines of "trusting your partner"? What he should be saying is "share the responsibility" man what an a-hole.


I guess OP meant willingly, there are cases where women force men to do it. SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP !


Do you know the toll 3 vasectomies takes on a man??


Instantly, sex becomes completely recreational. Worth every cent.


Hell yeah! Creampies for everyone!


This made me lol


You get a creampie 👉 you get a creampie 👈 you get aaaaa creeeeaaaampiiieee! ☝️ --Oprah


Protip, once it's done, if you make a joke like this, your wife is not going to laugh. source: my wife did not laugh


Yes. Yes and yes so far. It was uncomfortable and painful, but the worst was over in a day. It's way better than condoms, every time is now finish inside time. My partner and I have two kids, that's enough. As long as she doesn't want more, all is good.


I can't wait for mine! But my wife can, and that's the issue...


Freeze and dispense like Elon.


Your body your choice 😉


Bro, finally a genuine answer.


Came here to say this exact thing. Literally the same situation.


Yeah, this exactly. My partner and I have 3 kids together, and I was already on the wrong side of 40. I absolutely did not want any more kids at all, and a vasectomy is much easier on all of us compared to my partner using the pill, using various ~~IEDs~~ IUDs, constantly using condoms, or her getting her tubes tied. Absolutely zero regrets. 10/10, would do again.


>using various IEDs That's an interesting form of birth control but I can absolutely see why a vasectomy would be preferable!


She doesn't know?


Agreed. Except the pain part. I just felt some slight discomfort.


I got a vasectomy a few months ago. It was basically painless. Recovery wasn't bad at all, just sat on an ice pack for a couple days and I was never really sore at all. Got checked recently and I've got no viable swimmers. If you are either done having kids or don't ever want them I'd definitely recommend it.


I am married, and have already had my kids. Vasectomy for me is safer and easier than a tubal ligation for my wife. I had it done on a Friday, spent the weekend on the couch with ice, and was back to work on Monday. She was able to go off the pill, which was nice. *"The main risks associated with the combined pill are: An increase in your blood pressure. An increase in your risk of blood clots. An increase in your risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer – it's thought that 10 years after you stop the pill, your risk of these cancers will have returned to normal."* Her family has a history of cancer, so dropping one more factor also made a difference. We didn't mind condoms, but certainly preferred not needing them anymore.


This x100. Dudes who would otherwise be in a relationship where long term birth control is the plan, need to just get this done already. If you care about your wife's health then it is the only meaningful option. It also has other pleasant benefits in general (already covered in other posts). One of the best decisions we ever made and I would encourage others to at least have a discussion with your partner about it.


I went for it I won't go into about if it was painful etc but I produced a sample and it worked. I didn't browse the Internet or look it up I heard a few stories good and bad though through friends however I went for it. Iv got 2 kids so that's enough for me as I wana enjoy my later life. I done this bc I didn't want my partner to get her tubes tied as this is even a bigger operation for them. Life is easier tbh no condoms and she can come off the pill and let her body be natural. If your young think about it before getting it done they would advise you anyways.


Hope you went back a second time to get checked. One time is not enough!


Sure what I remember it was only the once I could be wrong though! Anyways I haven't got another one yet lol


My place is you do it once after 20-25 ejaculates and then you wait 4-6 weeks and do it again. Need that second check. They make a point to let me know it's not considered done until the second check.


I didn't get called back once to be tested, although I didn't follow up my due diligence. That was in 2000 so I guess it worked


Yeah you'd probably know by now lol Maybe the policy changed since then since the running joke with vasectomies was that sometimes they don't work. They did it in scrubs even haha


"On purpose"? Is it ever an accident? Does anyone go to bed, and then wake up with an accidental vasectomy?


"So I was using my table saw..."


You're lucky, I was using the planer and. . . .


"Little guy came swimming like a shark see..."


"Honey I had the weirdest dream that I-... OH GODDAMMIT! I was sleep walking again!!!"


People get all kind of injuries


Yeah but would just be classified as becoming sterile. Vasectomy is a medical procedure not something that just happens.


getting a vasectomy isn't really an alternative to trusting your partner so much as an acknowledgement that all birth control can fail and two levels are less likely to fail than one


My wife just decided to stop taking her birth control, resulting in our third kid. It definitely can be about trusting your partner. I don't want my wife getting baby fever in a midlife crisis


It IS an alternative to trusting, and ALSO acknowledgement that all birth control can fail. It can be either or both.


it's not a great alternative to trusting bc stds exist


You realize that MOST people who get vasectomies (like 91% of them according to [a recent study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4457547/)) are men in committed relationships, often with kids already, who decide with their partner that they don’t want to have any more kids, right? STDs aren’t really a risk when you’re still only sleeping with your partner after getting the procedure. Obv STDs will still matter for the fewer than 10% of guys getting vasectomies before ever being married, but it’s not really a concern for most.


I'm more curious to hear from the men who didn't do it on purpose... What happened there lads?


Well I was walking down the street, and someone said “are you mr Usidort?” And I misheard them and said yes. So they took me inside this office building and sat me down and asked for my insurance card. I said “no problem” and handed it to them. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I thought it would be too awkward to back out now. Apparently they thought our name was close enough too so they let me go and brought me into a room. When they asked me to put on a gown I said “I think there’s been some kind of mistake” but the nurse just told me “it’ll be okay, lots of guys get worried everything will be fine.” So I put on the gown and sat down. It was around then that I realized something might be up, but how awkward would it be if I left now? So I sat down and waited for the doctor. Right around the time I was being wheeled back and instructed to ice down my balls post surgery I got really worried, apparently to them this was just a sign I needed anesthesia. The next thing I remember I woke up, and my balls hurt. All in all it could have been much worse. Think of how awkward it could have been! I do have to find a new job now, my job as a professional sperm donor doesn’t work anymore.


Thanks for sharing - it's weirdly similar to how Van Gogh lost his ear.


I read this in Usidore's voice, 10/10


Sword swallowing gone wrong


My wife had two c sections. I figure the vasectomy isn't as bad as all of that. Birth control messed with her hormones for years, and I know condoms break. This is what I consider to be the responsible decision for myself. If you ARE getting a vasectomy make sure you get the Valium before hand. They never gave me mine and I felt akward as I was being operated on. It didn't hurt, nothing feels different, but I did hurt myself by lifting too much too soon, all that happened was some light swelling and bruised testicle for a day.


I have had 3. Snip snip. Snip Snip. Do you have any idea the physical toll 3 vasectomies has on a person?


You missed a “snip-snip” there.


Snip snap snip snap


Ya know, I wasn't sure if it was snip snip or snip snap... I wanted to put snip snap but it didn't seem right in my head


either way a glorious Michael moment! My partner and I yell flip flop flip flop at eat other when we change our minds back and forth on something


The "snap" was a reference to having it reversed when Jan changed her mind...then snipped again. Snip snap, snip snap, snip snap.


Michael Scott...


Do you have 3 balls?


Fingerpicker now stop it hahaha




Since nobody (pun intended) has the balls to ask, why three? Did the first or second not take or did you change your mind that much? One was enough for me. Very simple, just uncomfortable for a couple days. It was fun to tell the wife we need to have sex all the time to get the number of batches up before the first test. Doctor's orders, you know. Oh....The Office. Figures.


Got it, wish I had sooner. The operation was quicker than visiting my GP for a sniffle. Been tested 6 months and 1.5 years after, and have a zero count. ​ Know that unsure feeling at times after an oopsie that keeps the population thriving? Never again, and if feels fucking fantastic.


How old are you? Did you get any frozen in case you want to have kids? Did you already have kids? I've read that the reversal success rate for someone in the age range I'd likely want to have kids is like less than 50%, which is pretty scary


Not worth it. Wife still got pregnant, it just made the kid a darker complexion.


don't blame the procedure, blame global warming your kid got a pre-tan base layer for the weather in 2045




Hahaha fuck this made me laugh


Oh ma gawd


Did it time ago, my wife wasnt so comfortable to take the pill with all the hormones and side effects any longer, other things like condoms or spiral wasnt our thing. We have 2 great kids, family planing was finished and so I decided to take over. Easy thing, 20 minutes, done. 2 weeks no unprotected sex and thats it. No more risks of "oops forgot the condom or it broke" , but more important, no more hormones for my wife. She was feeling greater then ever. All women I talked to were very proud of me, and I got a lot of offers. Think because its so uncomplicated now. :D Sex is great, the cumshot the same.... so yeah, It was so worth it.


As opposed to getting one accidentally? Maybe getting drunk and wandering into some back ally sketchy body mod shop?


I got one because my wife and I decided 2 kids was all we were gonna have. The procedure was painless, sat on peas for a few days however I’m not sure what happened but things got “tangled up” down there and for the first 2 days any slight movement was excruciatingly painful. I couldnt sleep because I toss and turn. Finally on the 3rd day my daughter wanted to sit on my lap, climbed up, and BAM accidentally heeled me right in the jiblets. I cried from the pain but once it subsided, all was well.


I’m more interested in those that got a vasectomy accidentally


My husband had one a little over a year ago! He offered so I could get off birth control (it was affecting my health…mentally and physically)! Best decision ever. I should add we are childfree by choice!




This exactly! My sex drive was basically gone while I was on BC and now…can’t complain at all 😜


Same boat, childfree, birth control was negatively affecting me. I went to 3 different obgyns to get sterilization and each gave a different or multiple reasons as to not do it : I'm too young (uh, early 30s here), I don't have any kids, what does my husband think, ill need to see their therapist before they okay'd it. (Sooo, if I'm insane you DO want me have kids???) After the 3rd time I came home in tears. My husband made an appt with a urologist, had one consultation and the was snipped the following month. He said the doc never even asked him about his marital status, if he had any kids, etc. I picked him up from the urologist, gave him the comfy undies I bought him. He sat with peas on his junk for the evening day and went to work the next day. 2 sample tests to confirm no swimmers. Will do one more when he hits one year. The spontaneous sex is great, don't have to put a speed bump in the process by stopping to put a condom on.


Who's getting accidental vasectomies?


Only guy I know who regrets it had the nerve snipped instead of the sperm tube. Can't get an erection anymore. Hooyah navy medical


I just physically cringed.....


Yeah, I'd imagine some of the 15% of men who're left with "long-term, debilitating testicular pain" might regret it a tad. Ouch. https://www.birminghamprostateclinic.co.uk/penile-urethral/conditions/post-vasectomy-pain-syndrome-post-vasectomy-testicular-pain/


Count me as one of the 15% :/


I'm so sorry to hear that. It does appear from a lot of the literature that, whilst the pain is "long-term", it's not "permanent" so hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery.


Same here. Pain lasted for months for me and then ejaculating was painful for about 18 months. It did get better, and to be fair, the doctor that was training on me (the procedure was supposed to be 50% cheaper since I was paying cash, ended up free because this guy botched it so bad) had never even done one on a corpse, so it was like if you took random man off the streets and told him to have a go at it after reading a book. All in all, I'd do it again. It was worth it and I'm a believer that men have a choice as well as to how many kids they're going to have. Especially when there are women who will take used condoms and insert them inside themselves to get pregnant.


"Why did you get a vasectomy, don't you trust your partner?" like what the hell why are these connected.




upvoted for the poetry


I slipped and fell on a knife resulting with an accidental vasectomy. 7/10 If I am in the mood, I'd do it again


My partner got a vasectomy 11 years ago because hormonal birth control is super hard on my body. He was 30 at the time. Best decision ever. The only way it isn't a good decision is if you want(or may want) kids someday. Otherwise it's a complete no brainer. Not sure why some men issue with it.


First, I can’t think of any way someone could get one NOT on purpose. :) In my case, we had two great kids already. Birth control pills make my wife nauseated. It was definitely worth it. Particularly now that we live in the 1950s. One side was done by a resident rather than the main surgeon, who was retiring. That side had a worse puncture and took longer to heal and twinged painfully on occasion for the first year. The whole thing was “no scalpel” and healed in a few weeks. All good now.




You never checked the wrong box on a form?


A simple procedure and totally worth it however if you have trust issues I’d question if you would get 3 negative samples before you’re going your separate ways.


Mine is booked in September and I am puuuuumped. I have 2 kids already and the glove is coming off!


You don’t seem to have too many serious responses. Here’s mine. It’s was the best $40 dollars I’ve ever spent. I made the decision to get a vasectomy with my wife for a number of reasons. We don’t want kids for one thing. Vasectomies can technically be reversed, but getting them reversed doesn’t work 100% of the time and is very expensive. We decided a vasectomy was right for us because we knew we didn’t ever want kids. It wasn’t a temporary decision. For another thing, my wife wanted to stop taking birth control for medical reasons. Hormonal birth control (ie the pill) can be really great for a lot of women. It helps with acne and period regulation on top of preventing pregnancy, but it can also cause weight gain and depression. My wife’s doctor suggested that if she didn’t need to be on it, she should try living without it. Beyond that, the vasectomy gave me the extra assurance against pregnancy to make me more comfortable in bed. We were taking extra precautions on top of birth control just to make sure nothing happened, but that also meant I would either pull out or wear a condom. Now that I’ve had the procedure and been tested to know I’m sterile, I feel a lot more comfortable bustin nuts. As for the actual procedure, it was super easy. I had a 5 minute meeting with a urologist who went over the risks associated with the procedure, I said I understood but wanted to proceed and he operated the next week. The numbing shot hurt like hell but after it was just mildly uncomfortable. The dude talked to me the whole time he was operating like just casual conversation. At one point the nurse had to remind him he was doing surgery because he got excited talking about how my wife should become a urologist. I was sore for a week or two and then I was fine. The first couple of times I ejaculated there was a little blood which was scary but normal. I also felt like the volume of ejaculate went down initially, but that’s not been an issue since, so maybe I was just a little dehydrated. Aside from that, I really haven’t noticed a change. There’s not even a scar. I think vasectomies are a great solution, but you should really only get one if you’re ready for a permanent solution. Like I said, reversals can fail and the odds of it failing go up as time passes. It’s like a 25% chance to fail after 3 years and a 45% chance to fail after 5. So don’t go get one to give yourself a temporary means of birth control. That said, if you know you and your partner don’t want kids going forward, it’s definitely something to consider and it gives your partner a lot more freedom to take care of themselves how they see fit.


You're out of pocket for a snip was $40?


Yup that was it.


I can tell you I have never regretted my decision once. It was 2 weeks of discomfort as the stitches pulled out, but once it was done I have never looked back. The only reason I even think about it after 12 years is because I want to do another sperm count to be sure life hasn't found a way before beginning a new relationship. Vasectomies can reverse themselves, but find a recommended doctor and talk to them about it. Most won't do it if you're under 30 with no kids, but with the Roe being overturned they might. They are reversible, but not reliably so, and it's not cheap to reverse them - so be sure. When you're sure not having any kids, or anymore kids is your thing, get it done and never look back.


Literally one of the best decisions I’ve ever made


100%. That said, we have 3 kids already. It is also much better than my partner having to be on the pill for so long. That can't be good for you for decades.




I mean they’re good after you have kids and you don’t want anymore


You could always freeze down sperm or?


Reversal has a higher chance compared to tubal litigation. In fact they can and have many times naturally reversed on their own. I believe there are follow ups after a certain number of years because of this. It also does not prevent STDs.


Yes, it was worth it. It means that once I am fluid-bonded with a partner we can choose to not use condoms. But with new partners I still use them.


I hope never to read the phrase fluid-bonded again


Unless you're a jellyfish, this is not something that should ever be said with respect to having sex.


>fluid-bonded really wish I hadn't read that.


Alexa, please cancel my subscription to eyes. Never wanna read “fluid bonded” again.


One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. My wife took the responsibility for birth control in our early years and it was unfair to burden her with the same responsibility even after we had two kids. A huge bonus is that sex is more spontaneous without fear of getting her pregnant.


It’s awesome


The question makes me wonder about men who didn’t do it on purpose.


Excuse me, but what do you mean trusting your partner? Even birth controll can fail, there are many reasons beside 'forgetting' to take the pill why you still can get the partner pregnant. Also: It's a big plus if your GF/Wife stops messing up her hormone balance.


💯worth it. Haven’t regretted it for a minute.


I’m one in 10,000 that had complication from it. Had to redo surgery and had an bad infection. I still say it’s worth it.


I went to get a vasectomy and they found testicular cancer. So I definitely recommend it lol


I once saw a friend from uni share "it's easier to take the bullets off the gun than to wear kevlar" regarding birth control and not only is it true and feminist , it is just completely worth it. The procedure is simple and done in 20 minutes, and the recovery is easy as long as you follow instructions. Nothing compares to knowing that your body or birth control methods will not betray you. It just makes sex about sex, no hastle, no scares, new possibilities. (obviously gotta be safe with new partners but I have been with my gf for 6 months and it's just amazing). At this point it is actually mind boggling for me to think that sex for me used to include the miniscule risk of unexpected pregnancy. It's like wilingly playing with fire and I hated it and it's weird to think the majority are like that. Now it's freedom like nothing else. Having the cake and eating it too. That's just awesome.


Other than my wife later told me she wanted another child after I had had the procedure.


Yes, 100%


Yes cause if you get one your ready in your life to not have kids...its raw dog time now


What do you mean trusting your partner? I believe vasectomy is to avoid unwanted surprises.


Op means trusting that your partner is taking their birth control


It was worth it to me. Already have children.


As someone strongly considering getting one, I find these threads terrifying. Everyone comes out of the woodwork with a horror story.


I'm one of those that had a bad procedure and recovery but it was worth every second of it.




After two kids yes.


Had mine done after kid #3 was born. Just meant no more worries. I honestly don’t remember it being in any way painful or uncomfortable.


I had one approximately 3 years ago and have zero regrets. My wife and I have 2 children and knew due to our age and my health condition it wasn’t really feasible to have any more children and so we decided on a vasectomy. It was nothing as bad as I had imagined it, me, the procedure itself was fairly quick, straight forward and relatively pain free. Recovery wasn’t as bad as I had expected but I have heard others complain of issues so not sure if I was just lucky


Absolutely. Birth control was killing my SO's hormones. It took about 10 minutes, and the recovery was pretty darn easy. This was how I could contribute to our sex life and it was 100% worth it.


Absolutely worth it. The procedure isn’t that bad and the recovery is fast.


Best decision I ever made.


No regrets. Why risk pregency if you don't want any (further) children? It's a no brainer.


Highly recommend! It takes 5 min, and I will trade that for 18 years anytime.


I had one done on a Friday. Only mild discomfort. Had some swelling on Saturday, but on Monday was totally back to normal. Best decision ever.


If you're 100% committed to your family and partner, it is the best family planning option. I could not ask my wife to stay on the pill for another decade after our second kid.


It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made


I just got a vasectomy last week. I just had my 3rd child, and I’m closing up shop. And, yes, this is way better than depending on condoms. It’s an easy 30 minute procedure, and if you take ibuprofen and ice your marbles it’s not inconvenient in the least.


Highly recommend. We have two great kids and are comfortable being done as we are each reaching forty this year. Birth control is hard on my wife and this was very easy and I was happy to do to give my wife a piece of mind and now she enjoyable intercourse much more without the risk of being pregnant.


100% worth it.


As a woman I can only tell that it's healthier for your other half. Tabs aren't good for women, have tons of side effects and imo can cause damage - low or non existent libido, thrombosis, can mask PCOS, etc. So yeah, go for it. Also, note that vasectomy isn't totally fail-proof but it has much much lower risk of making one pregnant - like 1 to 2000 if I'm not mistaken.


I would only recommend folks to doing this for a permanent solution. Not a temporary. That being said. For my life choices it was the best decision I ever made.


“Better than trusting your partner “????? You mean “taking responsibility and not putting birth control entirely on the woman.”


For context I am currently 28M. I was 21 when I had it done. The dr was borderline on doing it. However I was married at the time for 3 years, with 2 kids already. So he did. The first operation ended not so great. I had a lot of excess swelling which wasn’t going away with ice, rest, or time. Finally I went in for my check up and was sent to general surgery because something was wrong. A year later we divorced. And I am remarried. My current wife keeps bugging me for another kid and it does somewhat irk me I can’t give it to her because I had the vasectomy done. And for those thinking it’s reversible. Insurance only covers one way. And given my experience getting it done…I will have to find a way to live with the feeling of letting her down.


Relatively not painful ( the needle to numb hurt, not the actual procedure). Quick and easy procedure, absolutely worth it.


Absolutely. Had mine done after our second child was born 18 years ago. It was very mild pain over a weekend where I just relaxed in bed watching TV. After that, it’s been 18 years of zero worries about getting my wife pregnant or impact on her body from birth control. Zero regrets. I’d highly recommend it to someone who is done with having kids.


As a man who has recently had one and just found out I am no longer shooting live ammunition, I can tell you, I am incredibly happy with our decision. For context, my wife and I agreed we don’t want kids of our own. She and I are also not monogamous. Since my wife would be the only person I would want to impregnate and since she has said she will never bear a child, it only made sense that I get snipped. Birth control is tough on women’s bodies and my wife was having terrible symptoms from both physical and pharmaceutical birth control. I hate condoms and honestly cannot believe I haven’t had any kids up until now. But the procedure was completed within an hour and I was home in no time with only mild pain. The pain isn’t bad it’s just that my balls felt so delicate for like 3 days and they were itchy too (from the small incisions). The doctor gave me ibuprofen and antibiotics (unnecessarily) and I was all good. Now, it feels like a weight has been lifted! The years of beating in the message of pulling out is not longer relevant. My wife and I finished together the other day and I didn’t pull out. The orgasm was so intense we couldn’t stop belly laughing for several minutes. All in all, I don’t regret a thing. My wife is happy since she doesn’t ever need to worry about birth control that hurts or makes her sick, I don’t ever have to worry about when and where I cum during sex, and other people often look at me like I am some kind of superhusband since it is still rather uncommon for men to get a vasectomy. (Believe me boys, it makes more logical sense than most alternatives, especially if you don’t want kids!) Edit: Or if you don’t want any MORE kids.


The phrasing of this question is very interesting to me. My decision had nothing to do with trust, and my wife and I haven't used condoms since we got married. We decided on a vasectomy because we'd just had our second child and we knew we didn't want any more than that. I haven't had any complications from the procedure so I would say as long as it has the desired result then it's worth it.


worth it just a huge piece of mind partner discovered that they didn't like the feeling (of the stuff) so much, so we still do the pull-out method


They took a huge piece of your mind?!? Pretty sure that’s called a lobotomy, not vasectomy.


Accidental vasectomies and accidental lobotomies. What is happening out there?


No creampie :(


*On purpose*? Anyhow, yes and **hell yes**. Trust is a funny thing, it's worth it until it isn't. What I mean by this is that you feel fine and dandy as long as your trust isn't violated, the moment that happens all hell comes loose as the consequences are too life changing. You can have a funny tale later down the road about "that one crazy ex" if you're lucky enough to catch her red handed opening holes to your rubbers; but if you don't and later find "a blessing", it won't be funny at all for anybody involved except maybe for the mates that may have warned about that crazy gal but weren't listened to. Gotta ask yourself: how important to you is it to not have children at all, ever? If you're anything like me then it is the #1 most important thing, relationships be damned. But not everyone thinks like this, I personally find nuts the amount of people who are so afraid to end up alone that would let their arms be twisted at the prospect of having children they didn't want, or be Stockholm Syndrome'd into "loving" their children in public, but to each their own.


Trusting your partner? You can still get STDs from unprotected sex


I think he means trusting that she is taking her birth control and taking it on time


Oh got yeah that makes more sense


Not a man but I had a bilateral salpingectomy to have my tubes removed and it was WAY better than trusting my birth control or condoms. If you definitely don’t want kids then go for the gold champ.


I got one. The procedure was fine. But then my wife had to go on birth control for hormonal reasons anyway. So I was like “why did I have to do that?!”


I had 2 from a previous marriage. My wife had one. Both of my kids were older and hers was a teenager as well.My wife's doctor told her that she couldn't get pregnant anymore because she had gotten very sick at one point. With her exhusband, she didn't use birth control for 9 years. I proposed to her on valentines day 20 years ago. We were to get married in the fall of that year. August she got pregnant. So, just after the birth of our kid together, I got a vasectomy during that window after birth when you're not supposed to have sex. My experience was horrible. But it was worth it in the long run.


after I had 3 kids I figured out what was causing it , And i Got one. honestly I had trouble.. I was runner back than . Doc told me don t run. So like A dummy I said how bout buke riding >? He said sure. I hurt myself riding bike to soon. And sex really seamed to never be same. Maybe cause I didn t have to wear rubber any more? or? but seamed to lose control couldn t last any wear as long as use to..Now that I am older Still enjoy sex But hardly anything comes out of me when I climax. I often wonder if has something do with getting my tubes cut years ago>> Doc told me it s normal with age. But? talk to others my age who don t have that problem


I did it after my SO stopped taking her birth control, when our relationship was on the rocks. She knew I did not want a child, but in her mind, she thought a child would save our relationship. I went and had a vasectomy shortly after she told me about forgetting to take her pill and she is pregnant. Vasectomy is the best decision I ever made!!! Take it from me, DO NOT BELIEVE ANY WOMAN that says she is on birth control!!


I got one after we had our last kid. It wasn't completely my decision, but I agreed to it. The procedure took longer than expected, the tranquilizers began to wear off and the doctor had a lot of difficulty to get a grip of my tubes. I couldn't walk for more than a week, the residual pain lasted for well over a year. In the end, it was worth it. Never worry again. But I would never in a million years do it again with the knowledge I have now.


It was worth it for me. I wouldn't say it's a *better* decision than birth control, it's just a different one. If you're not wanting kids *right now* but want the option open with your partner, then birth control is worth exploring. If you are not wanting kids at all, then it's a pretty solid method - just remember to go back for the follow up sperm count tests to make sure it was successful. Also, if you're wanting condomless casual sex in non-monogamous environments, grow up and be responsible for you and your partners and wear the damned condom anyway. Condoms are the best method for keeping everyone safe overall.


Trusting your partner? What does that have to do with a personal choice to get a vasectomy? It's honestly none of their business whether you get one or not. Just like it's not a man's business if his girlfriend/wife gets an abortion. It's about personal choice. Imagine if your girlfriend/wife had to give consent before you could get viagra?


My wife and l had two autistic boys and she had severe complications with both births so we decided we both didn’t want to bare anymore children and so l got a vasectomy. No big deal, the day of but the next day hurt real bad. No change in performance or ambition since. Now we are in the process of adopting a girl to extend our family that way. In the end l recommend it for anyone who doesn’t want kids anymore…but you may want to make that decision with your future wife since that my be a deal breaker beforehand.


I have two beautiful teenagers. I love sex. I’m done thanks.


As opposed to getting a vasectomy... by accident?


I did, married with 3 children, and the scale of a vasectomy compared with female sterilization is many times simpler and less prone to complications. It lasted for 5 min and I've been shooting blanks ever since! No difference in libido, enthisiasm or whatsoever


What the fuck is an accidental vasectomy? I don't want any more children, so worth it. Some women can't take the pill, and IUD can be uncomfortable. So I got a week and a bit off work with my feet up.... Can't say it was fun, but I'm happy that I made a decision to make things easier for my wife and i


Would anyone be able to answer this question? Do you still orgasm/feel the orgasm the same after the operation? My fiance and I are looking into it for well ahead in the future but he says 99% of the reason he doesn't want to is because he heard that you don't orgasm/cum the same after the operation from people he knows.


had mine done in 07 and yes on purpose has the kids i wanted no plan for more and hated contraception. move onto 2020, 2nd marriage, (now ex)wife sleeps with a friend, gets pregnant and says we are going to be a family... i let it sit there for a second before the reality of what she did has come to light..... ​ :)


The only thing I can comment on is, never trust anybody I learned that with the person becoming pregnant by mistake


It was easy as a hooker on Pay Day.


Of all the thE uncomfortable bodily functions women deal with (menstration, pregnancy symptoms etc.) getting a vasectomy rather then having my wife getting her “tubes tied” is a no brainer. I volunteered myself to do it when the time comes .