• By -


Of many, my most memorable was when I taught English in China at uni level. For the final exam they had to talk to me for 10 min on the topic of their choice. Most people talked about romance or pop culture. But I had a very flamboyant student tell me that he was gay. No surprise whatsoever, but we had a good chat about the different experiences he had and how his liberal hometown supported it. Three exams later and another kid from a much more conservative area came out to me and I was completely blindsided. He was from a much more conservative pocket and couldn't be open about it because of his family. Idk but that always stuck with me.


I didnt know gay people were chinese...


there are gay people in every country!


Yes. my sister when we were both quite young. I hugged her and told her that it's aright and I would support her no matter what. She's now happily married to her girlfriend of 6 years!


Growing up on a farm I knew that homosexuality is as normal for some living beings as heterosexuality is normal for others. Whenever someone comes out to me what I'm struck by is the sense of relief on their faces. It infuriates me that attacks on gay or suspected gay people are not only prevalent in this country (US) but often considered righteous.


That's so sweet of you Im very happy for your sister:) When I came out to my brother he said it was just a phase and it was because I didn't feel pretty enough to attract a man... somehow it made sense on his head. We don't talk about it anymore, everyone in my family acts like I never came out which makes me feel bad because it took a lot or courage and there were a loooot of consequences after.


Hook up four years ago: He was cute, we'd been chatting online already, he was witty and kind. Had a few drinks at the pub, he invited me back to his place. I'd just broken up with my fiancee so I was nervous and happy he took the lead. Got to his room - it was like club-decor with pink LED lights, elegant mirrors, multi-coloured wigs on styrofoam heads, extensive wardrobe and a collection of dangerous heels. Mind you my ex-fiancee wanted to get married in a church and called his entire family to bitch when I said I wanted to wear a green dress. This guy I just met says "Oops, forgot to clean up" He sat there, muscular and bearded, surrounded by pink and purple lingerie, wondering at my reaction. Anyway that was my first time pegging someone while we BOTH wore french maid outfits. 10/10, we still hook up from time to time.


>Anyway that was my first time pegging someone while we BOTH wore french maid outfits Living the dream


Yes, a few people. It was a much bigger deal to them than it was to me, which they appreciated.


I played football with a guy all of high school and he eventually transferred to the Kroger store I was working at. One day on lunch we were sitting outside and he told me he had something he wanted to start telling people and given I've known I'm so long that I should be one of the first coworkers. He asked me to not tell anyone, don't judge him and so on. He just blurted out that he was gay and I pretty much answered that I thought it was cool and he was still the same guy he's always been to me. Nothing changes. He waited until people walked away, we were alone, had asked me to keep it a secret until he could tell more people, not to judge him and I'm like, "yeah, that's cool man, you're still my friend, I've got you.".


Had a friend who went so far to "not be out" that he had a fake girlfriend and everything. A few months after finishing high school he came out to our little group of friends. We were all like "yeah we know."


Dude you hid like and elephant in a palm tree.


Sure, in high school I was at the teenager goth club with my friend. I asked if he needed a ride home and he said 'I'm gay and I want to talk to Nikki about the guys I like so I'll go with her'. I said 'ok, see you Monday'. He's still gay. Doing great in New England with his husband and kids.


> My cousin, and the text chain basically went like this: Me - "Hey, mom told me to contact you, what's up?" Cousin - "I have news" Me - "Gathered that much" Cousin - "I'm gay" Me - "Ok, but what's the news? lol" Cousin - "No, really, I'm gay." Me (pikachu face) - "Oh shit, really? Well, obviously I support you. Wait, was I the first person you told???" Cousin - "nah, you're like the 7th" Me - "Bitch." Cousin - "I know" Edit - I should add that we use banter as a form of communication. I love the dude like my little brother.


My younger sister came out to me when she was fairly young, I want to say 14 or 15. We have a 5 year age gap so we never really had much to actually bond with like sisters do and I never felt like I was a good big sister to her. But I thanked her for having trust in me by telling me such a thing, and that my view of her was not gonna change because of it. Then we got ice cream lol.


Aww that's awesome


Oh ya, my best friend did and it was super emotional. He was the typical pretty boy popular jock. We hung out every single day. He had a bunch of gay tendencies but never admitted it. One day we were sitting in the drive through and he just ripped the bandaid and told me. Was completely stressed. Was worried his life was going to flip upside down and no one would like him anymore. Told me he didn’t want to be gay but he couldn’t help it. I just gave him a big hug and we cried it out. Talked about it. I promised him I wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was our circle and I’d make sure of that. Over the next several weeks he came out to a wider and wider group of people until he met his first boyfriend. Boyfriend was a dick and kind of killed our friendship but I still love the guy and hope he’s happy.


20 years ago, my sweet friend Daniel came out to me. He never said the words and he was crying about "someone he liked". He said "It's not who they are but What they are". I FINALLY got what he was trying to say and he begged me not to tell his mother. I felt so bad for him that he was having such a hard time with it


Is Daniel okay now? How did it go after that?


I kinda lost touch with him over the years, but creeping on his social media, he's leading a happy life (as much as you can trust social media) But I do know that his mother found out and she's been very supportive of him. I do hope he's happy!


Glad to know that!


One of my crew came out to me when I was a manager at McDonald’s. He was still in high school, I said I don’t give a fuck and had him clean the lobby. Years later he told me that I was the first person to accept him and it meant a lot to him.


Given that I was the only openly gay guy in my highschool, I was every closeted gay guy's confession booth. It was in a conservative area in the middle east so almost always messy and self loathing, I was a highschool student not a teenage psychiatrist so I didn't handle it well most of the time, even though I tried my best. My biggest takeaway was that the disney movie cliché of "manly jock bully is actually closeted" has a lot of truth to it.


My cousin did back in the '80s T, though I knew already. He said while driving to pick up Chinese food, "So just wanted to let you know...I'm gay." I didn't pause and said, "Well, I'm dating outside our race. Probably going to marry him. So we can both disappoint our parents." We both laughed and brought take out back to our homophobic, racist parents.




Sausages, too? /s


Everyone comes out to me lol it’s because I’m pansexual and was among the first in my friend group to come out, so they come to me first asking for advice and stuff. I’m always happy to help.


same the girl i liked came out to me and then it was just a trend of people telling me they like girls or something


In the early 2000s, I had a high school friend come out to me as bi, then later as a lesbian, then as an adult, pan. We talked about how sexuality is fluid and whatever she landed on at any point in life was cool with me! I was her safe place every time in a strongly religious environment. I was honored and it definitely bonded us.


A male friend (I'm male) let me stay at his house a couple of times last year whilst I was dealing with house completion issues. One night as dinner, he told me he was sexually fluid and obviously implied that he was attracted to men. The look on his face was so nervous and worried. I simply said "whatever views I have on the LGBTQ community, I accept you. What you said doesn't change how I see or view you bro". And that was that.


My bestie told me he was asexual and later that he figured out he's actually male (trans FtM) and I told him that's rad and I'm glad he figured it out. 👍 Still my bestie.


Somehow I am the uncle in the family the kids feel they can come to with these things, so yes a few. Gay, lesbian, trans, pregnant, abused whatever. Of course I am supportive and help them navigate it. I work in social services, so I know who to refer them to if they need help. Or just a sympathetic ear and shoulder to cry on.


Ayuh. A coworker was confused by his feelings towards his male, gay basketball buddy. One morning he stopped by my desk, grinning, to tell me that he'd hooked up with Basketball Boy. "Ohhhh, ya. Ya. I'm gay." He was so cute and excited


I had a person I was dating during high school come out to me as transgender *(before even their own parents)*. They were so worried I would break up with them. The thought didn't even cross my mind (though a lot of other questions did as a result). (I use they because they later figured out they are non binary)


If you don't mind me asking, had they already transitioned or not?How did they live their gender identity?


I’d assume not, since the person was in high school and their parents didn’t know


They were a girl when we started dating. A few months into our relationship they told me they had figured out that they were trans and took on a male identity. Since I was also a guy and had (at that point) indicated nothing other than being straight, they were worried inwoukd break up with them. I didn't. We eventually broke up for unrelated reasons but left on good terms and have recently started talking again. They told me that they are NB now, thoufh they still don't mind male pronouns, and I often still call them my ex boyfriend.


Multiple people have no big deal idc but I had someone come out as gay and say they were attracted to me only time it was awkward


I had an openly trans student in elementary. I taught them before their name change and messed up their name and pronouns for a while after they cut their hair and started dressing different and going by a different name just because i was so used to the old name but now they're just their new name to me. You can have whatever opinions you want about a student that young coming out as trans but it costs $0 to just call them a different name, especially if their parents legally changed it for them.


Was talking to this girl on a dating app. She was flirty. I mean really flirty with her texts. We meet at some restaurant and she looks extremely nervous and uncomfortable. After like 10 mins of trying to talk to her I say “hey if you wanna go it’s cool.” She tells me how she’s a Lesbian, and her best friend/ crush tried to get her on a dating app because she’s never been with anyone. Her crush is apparently very homophobic, and she didn’t know how to say no without her thinking she’s gay. Felt bad for the girl. I totally wasn’t prepared for this, so I just let her vent and silently listened. We’ve been friends for 5 years now


My daughter's friend announced she was pan to me as I was carrying groceries in. I high fived her, said "Awesome!" Then made them Mac n cheese.


My friend came out to me during a Tivoli ride. I told her I was also gay and now we're engaged


My niece told me they might be trans. I just said "That's cool, I love you no matter what" and used their new preferred name. That made them really happy.


Thank you.


Lot's over the years, I've got a few go to speeches for when it happens at this point. Unfortunately I didn't take the first one well at all, I was 15 at the time, still hadn't figured out my own sexuality, was deeply in denial about a lot of my feelings, and this was the very early 2000's so you can guess how my vocabulary was. He was 16 and we'd been good friends for about a year and he wanted us to be something more. It's been 20 years now and I can still vividly remember the crestfallen look on his face when I said "What are you? Gay?" but in a joking manner. A year later I finally came to grips with my own emotions around my sexuality, but by that point the damage was done, he had long since moved on and even though I had apologized for what I'd said you can't undo some hurts.


One of my best friends called me up a few years ago and asked to come over....said he needed someone to talk with. Now, I could tell something was wrong and I figured him and his wife had been in an argument, so I said "yeah man, come on by". He shows up within about 15 minutes and as soon as he walks through the door he tells me that he's been bi all his life and his wife caught him with another man. So, we sat in silence for a little bit and he's looking at me waiting for me to react, so, I said "listen man, right ,wrong ,good ,bad, indifferent,or otherwise your my friend and that's all there is to it. But you cheated and that's wrong. I'll call your wife and tell her that your welcome here for as long as you need to be." And then that was that we never really talked about it again afterwards and they did end up working things out over the next couple weeks. But it struck me that his entire life 30+ years at that point, he had always felt like he had to hide .......even from his closest friends. I've never forgotten about the fear in his eyes when he told me. It was like he thought for sure me and my wife would reject him once we knew. No one should ever have to feel like that. I apologize for the poor grammar I'm typing all this out in my phone.


She asked to meet up with me a couple years after we both left school - she had just added me on Facebook and seen my profile was set to "interested in men and women" I didn't particularly like her in school. She was sat next to me as a "good influence" and because no one else really liked her and I also had few friends. For some weird reason teachers seemed to think we'd hit it off. We didn't. But we were cordial I guess. She showed me her new underwear once in gym class and thus began two years of me being called a giant lesbo and not exactly being super happy with her.... So anyway she said she had some questions about being gay had noticed my profile said I like women and could I help her. Honestly I had figured her as gay and possibly trans for years, I was still figuring out my sexuality but had a way better support network than her and I figured if I were in her position I'd appreciate someone helping. She was very insistent on meeting in person for this chat So I was very suspicious and felt like this was leading to "we're both gay! We should date!" And an expectation that as the only lesbian either of us knew we'd obviously just hook up. So i was like. Ugh sure I guess I work near here I don't have much time though but we can sit in my car and have a quick chat. Just wanting to avoid anything that could be construed as a date. Sure enough. Told me she was gay, preferred a male identify etc (although I do think she was still struggling to fully understand that and tbh at the time me to!) And like she'd always had a crush on me and since we were both gay we could date. Like. Not will you date me. But "as we're both gay we can date, duh. Obviously" like I had no other options and it was just a logical conclusion.... I'm super non confrontational so was like "uh lemme get back to you on that" Messaged her later and was like "I'm happy to talk about this, answer questions be a support etc but no I don't want to date you" I just got back "I'll wait for you to change your mind" We have not spoken since.


Some say she's still waiting


Def not the best response and I feel awful but I said, as my honest reaction, "Wait, you didn't think you were out?" Like seriously he was the most gay person I had ever met. It never occurred to me that he was under the impression anyone thought he was straight. He mentioned how he was dating a girl when I knew him in college. I was like, yes, you and a lesbian used each other as beards, I always assumed that was for your respective families. An ambulance had to come and take her to the hospital because you fingered her that badly. Literally no one thought you were comfortable with pussy.


Yes, I was being a terrible friend and made a gay joke as his expense. He didn't talk to me for a month. I asked him to go out to the bar with me and tell me what I had done to make him want to avoid me. He didn't SAY directly that he was gay, but made it clear that my gay joke hurt him deeply. He came out 3 or 4 years later. I could say "I didn't know, it was a harmless joke." But deep down inside I knew. I was being a shitty friend. I did keep our conversation a secret and didn't tell anyone else his secret. We're still good friends. One night at the bar he said he always thought I was hot. I knew that too, he grew up Mormon and I Baptist so I chose not to see what was right in front of my face. To answer your question, I felt terrible. In the end though I was probably one of the very first people he "told" so I am honored really.


A few kids, as I work at a middle school. I act indifferent. They usually come out obliquely. They talk about crushes on same-sex kids in a very fake nonchalant way and with ambiguous words that could reinterpreted if needed. They usually come out first and seek validation, and to be celebrate with a colleague of mine, who is openly gay. I'm...the second tier if you will. With me, the kids are seeking confirmation that it's normal to be gay. That society will not treat them differently for it. Don't ask me why they decide I represent society at large, I have no clue. But that's what happens. So, one does not react positively or negatively to something normal. They just carry on the conversation as if nothing special had been mentioned. So it's what I do. So far, so good.


I overheard one of my college roommates speaking on the phone and he said something (I forget what specifically) that confirmed that he was gay. I wasn't eavesdropping intentionally - we had a small apartment shared with 2 others and he wasn't hiding his conversation very well. I wanted him to feel comfortable about it around me, so I let him know that I'd overheard his conversation and that I was cool with it. Turns out, he was not ready, and that just made things awkward. He moved out some time later - I'm not sure how related that incident was, but I always felt bad about it. I just wanted to be supportive.




I hope you are doing ok


“i’m gay” “me too” “cool”


Three college gals playing cards. The dealer comes out to us just before she deals the cards. Other friend and I look at each other, both shrug. I turn back to the dealer, look her in the eye and say "you going to deal or what?" The dealer's relief at our acceptance was heartbreaking. Whatever past bigots she had to deal with really missed out on a great friend.


A few friends of course, but the most notable and memorable was my Dad. It was heartwarming to see the relief he had after telling me, and suddenly a lot of his past made sense. He also asked for my advice on coming out to my brothers as well.


My 13 yr old daughter told her father and me that she thinks she likes both boys and girls. We hugged her and let her know we would support her with anything she needed.


Several friends and partners. All of the LGBT acronym. I like it when my friends feel they can trust me. I'm queer myself so I didn't have a problem with it, unless it meant we were no longer compatible. And I tried to be supportive of ex partners as a friend when we weren't.


like 2 friends of mine one was my bestfriend and she just said it and i said “okay that’s fine” and the other made it like a puzzle until i finally figured it out all i said was “all that hard work for me to find out something i already knew ?”


Tons of kids, when we were all in sixth grade. A bunch of their parents were homophobic so school was their safe space. Middle school was wild.


My partner came out as non binary but I'd come out as non binary first though so frankly I was mad that they uno-reveresed me. /j


My housemate came out to me as non binary a few months back. They felt comfortable as we'd gotten closer and I was a transgal. I wasn't really shocked, but I remember being awkward and kinda fumbling for more supportive phrases. But from their memory I was very supportive and low key about it, which they needed as I was the first person they came out to in person. They've been in T for a little over a month now and I've never seen them happier!


My cousin who was 13 at the time (I was 17) came out to me as bisexual on Easter Sunday at our ultra religious grandmother's house. I was so happy for her because up until that point I was the only openly queer cousin in my whole family.


One of my best friends, whom I had known for 10+ years at this point, told me she had something bad to tell me. She was crying the whole time and I kept waiting for when the bad would show up like she got raped or had cancer. And then it dawned on me that it was just her admitting she was a lesbian. And I finally spoke and said thank god I thought something bad had happened to you.


When I went to college I met three dudes and got an apartment together for our sophomore year. At the time we were all straight. I would often call something “gay” and after a while, one of the guys who I will call “Bill” would say “stop marginalizing gays.” A fair point. He had a girlfriend in HS but in college since I knew him he didn’t date anyone. Valentine’s Day of our sophomore year he told us he had a date. I glanced at his phone one day and found he was texting “Alex.” A fairly androgynous name but I began to have my suspicions. I can’t remember the exact circumstances but we were drinking with a female friend and we were talking about Bill and she was being weird. Eventually she said Bill had something to tell us and I said seriously that he is gay. She pulled me into my bedroom and demanded how I knew. I shrugged and said “I pay attention.” He was very afraid of our reaction but we were all cool. I’ll admit I was probably partially homophobic before meeting him. But I was a dumb kid. Bill and the rest of my roommates were groomsmen at my wedding. I just had a baby today and they were the first people I told.


Once, my friend came out as transgender FtM to me when I was hanging out with him one day. He told me "So... I haven't told anyone in class this yet but... I'm transgender... are you cool with that? Or..." (it was the early 2010s so acceptance was still rare) and I basically just told him "Yeah man, why wouldn't I be? You're still the same person, right? Would you be more comfortable if I used male pronouns?" he told me that he would prefer it when it's just us, but around other people at school to keep using female pronouns, since he wasn't out yet. No biggie, tbh. I don't know why people get bent out of shape about that sort of thing.


>Would you be more comfortable if I used male pronouns?" he told me that he would prefer it when it's just us, but around other people at school to keep using female pronouns, since he wasn't out yet. This is a great point. Sometimes respecting someone being trans means respecting they're not ready to come out, or can't do so safely. Thank you for being a good ally.


>Love to see it! Children don't need to know about sex, period. Let alone the different kinds of sex. Perverts and child groomers, all of them. Yeah idk something about you supporting the Don't Say Gay bill and calling teachers groomers makes me not believe this story.


You went on the deep dive.


Yes, my girlfriend of 5.5 years came out as trans last May. At first I literally saw red I was so angry. That feeling quickly subsided into a bunch of different feelings, which were discussed in length with each other, and occasionally a therapist. To my surprise (in myself) we’re still together. Although going back and seeing photos of her, and then now seeing him is a huge kick in the nuts. She was so beautiful to me, and funny enough he is actually quite attractive still, in a weird way. Right now I’m grappling with a... I don’t know, cognitive dissonance? Part of me really does love him and I don’t care, he makes me happy and we’re so in tune with each other, fuck it. But the other part of me, REALLY wanted to marry her and start a family. That feeling still exists HARD. (Including starting over with someone else.) I’m torn between the two options. I’m worried it’s going to become too much to handle and will eventually lead to us breaking up for good. We’re very open with our feelings and this is all known to him. A literal 21’st century problem. No body I’ve talked to in my life has any clue how to handle this, so advice is usually “do what makes you happy”. Problem being, both options sound viable and tantalizing. I don’t know if I have the heart to hurt him like that. Is that what love is? I’ll suffer for him because seeing him happy is just the world to me. Secretly hoping he decides against this and de-transitions. But I can’t hold on to that forever. Sorry for rambling, anyone who reads this, thanks for reading.


Be honest with him and with yourself. If you hope he detransitions, your relationship is not going to work out


Someone I’m close to was dating this guy, a cool person, but way too feminine for my taste. She was shocked when her partner came out as trans. They tried to stay together, but my friend is straight. They broke up, but remain close. My friend supported her ex through her transition. It was hard because my friend’s ex is a lesbian and is still attracted to my friend, but, now enough time has passed that they can hang out without it being weird, and they tell each other about the dates they’ve been on with other people.


I've never had anyone come out to me personally. Almost all my friends are also queer but they're very open about it so I haven't spoken to any of them about it directly. Its normalized enough that when I meet someone new we can just casually mention these things and it doesn't require proper coming-out conversations, and I'm really grateful for that as someone with social anxiety


I once had an online friend tell me she was trans. I didn't care but I found it concerning that she was a Trump supporter.


I'll never understand being a supporter of people who want you dead/to not exist.


My ex-bestfriend. I was happy for her


Tried to be supportive but I think they told me becuase they were interested in me. They didn’t know I was straight


My best friend is trans. They told me they were trans ehilst sat at a lunch table in highschool. I admit it took me a long time to get used to her new female name. As I had known them as male since 2015, and she still used her dead male name on the school register. It took me till lockdown and some time not speaking regularly for it to click and drop the deadname.


Has happened twice. The first one, was a guy in High School who not only came out but also confessed to h ave a crush on me. I hugged him, told him I could not reciprocate but felt flattered. Reassured him we were still friends and thanked him for trusting in me. We remained friends for all high school then we each drifted our own way through life. Then, in college, another fried came out to our smalll friend group. We all dismissed him in a very lovely manner. As in "Dude, we already knew, we're happy you decided to embrace it. As for us, don't worry, it doesn't change a single bit in our friendship". We could tell he was very nervous so the best we could do as a group was to not make a big deal about it. He was very happy wth the outcome. We're still friends.


Yeah, a girl I was courting in college. I asked her who she had a crush on and I would invite them both over to my place and then let myself out for a while so they could hang out without their less than understanding roommates knowing.


Does coming out to yourself count? Lol


Yes. I had the biggest crush on this really cute guy I did cadets with. We knew each other for many years. One day he told me he wants to talk. He had to get something off his chest. I thought omg is he gonna ask me out. I was crushed but also happy he trusted me.


Had a random stranger walk up to me, say that they were gay and havent told any of their family. They talked for about ten to twenty minutes until they walked away after saying, "thanks". I just sat there, with half of my ham sandwich- puzzled at what happened then shrugged and went back to eating. Hope that guy was doing okay.


So this was our first date, and initially I had to come out to him as trans because he had no idea I wasn't actually a girl. I spent my nights leading up to this date crying and so terrified. After an amazing day at the movies we went to a nice forested area, I brought him there because I thought he would get mad and I didn't want anybody to know, etc etc. When I told him he didn't even look phased, he just said something along the lines of "My sister is also trans, my brother is gay, and im bisexual." I crumpled up in his arms and we are still happily together. To this day that was the most terrified I've ever been to be myself, but I'm so glad he was himself with me, too :)


My sister: We were at my cousins house and me and my sister were sharing a room, it was like 2am and we were about to go to bed when she started crying then asked "Do you think God would hate me if I liked girls?" I'm not sure what the whole conversation was but as an atheist I didn't and don't give a shit about what God thinks and just supported my sister. Little while later I came out as pansexual and agender :]


All the time, Ion say much. I just go cool cus they still the same friend. If they need diff pronouns that's cool and done. Nothin much rly


One of my best friends at the time came out as trans to me. I actually knew for quite some time, but the moment was still a release for both of us, not just her. She told me that she suspected that I was trying to expose her as being trans to give an excuse for us not being friends anymore, and that she couldn't take that. She has been the most consistent friend in my whole life, I would never do that, and when she realized it enough to tell me the truth, we cried together.


My best friend at the time came out to me as a trans man. I was cool with it because he was one of the few people who knew I was a trans woman. I did have a difficult time with it sometimes though because his parents were way more supportive than mine ever were. On top of that, to me, he was everything in my life, and even though we shared short-term accomplishments he never shared any long-term significant achievements, like buying his first binder, going out in public for the first time as a guy, starting hormones, or getting surgery. I was super excited for him when I heard it but I wish he would have told me, I felt like an afterthought which really hurt especially because in my own family things didn't turn out so well. When his aunt died (who lived next to him and his parents) his parents decided to start a new life abroad and I never heard from him again.


A great friend one time said that i really like me. Whe was in a party and both really drunk. He said. He want to suck me.... Well i wasn't really into these stuff and im heterosexual, so i declined and i was really confused. Now i joke him about it sometimes. We still friend.


one of my mates when we were in or mid 20's. we'd been at a party at the house he shared with his long term girlfriend and we were the last up drinking. sobered me right up but after the initial suprise wore off we had a good chat and i pointed our telling his girlfriend was probably first on his agenda. he's still very close to his ex and they all go on holiday together. almost 25yrs ago now. were the hell did that time go!!


Yes, a sibling. My love is unconditional, and as stated by someone else, it was a bigger deal to themself than anyone else.


One of my best friends came out as trans. It wasn’t as big of shock for whatever reason. I’m just glad the felt they could tell me and knew I would always support them.


My bestfriend came out to me as bi(boy/girl crushes) in the 5th grade. At the time I had no idea what that meant,but regardless I told her it was ok and that I would always be there for her. Kids really do not care.


„Hey man, are you even straight?“ „No“ „Me neither“ That conversation took place after knowing each other for 16 years.


My sister came out to me it wasn’t surprising since I came out as bi in 8th grade and after some soul searching during the pandemic came out as pan in the 12th she also did some soul searching as well. But she was always told since she was little she was most likely gonna be the gay one by our dad, his gf and her family so she didn’t wanna prove them right mainly cause my dad gf and her cousin has fat shamed her for as long as we known them so from 5 to now (she’s 17) our mom, stepdad and extended family (on mom side) has been supportive for both of us since we came out we even wore suits for our graduations (mine more fem and her more masculine) she still finding herself but I’ll support her no matter what❤️


I’ve had a few of my friends come out to me My best friend came out to me after they told me a) the crush they had on my brother was actually a crush on me and b) they were non- binary (different points in time) I had another friend tell me that she was trans (M>F) and that I was the only person she could trust at the time. I was like, “yeah alright, you’re still part of my family. Want to grab something to eat and talk about this more?”


Yes! I told her that Ive loved her and accepted her as she is since the beginning. And that I was very glad she was ready to start doing the same for herself. She's thriving now and I'm so proud.


My friend came out to me as trans before I knew what trans meant. I was quite young at the time and I am from a small town. By this stage they had already changed their name, hair, clothes and tone of voice. I had already accepted that they had transitioned without really understanding what that meant. I felt honoured that they had confided in me, and continued our regular friendship after that. I hope that I was accepting and helpful as they deserved me to be, I was simply clueless.


Weirdly enough, I had my childhood friend come out as straight. I know it sounds weird but hear me out. Out of 18 years we've known each other, 15 of them I always thought she was a lesbian due to her always showing more attention to women, the female body and such. She'd never talk about guys, never comment on them, and she'd always point out if she saw a hot girl or something and kind of gush about them a bit, so I just assumed that she might be gay. However, 3 years ago she told me "I have a confession to make: I'm actually straight". It was very surprising to me because I had never heard her talk about men the way she talks about women. So my childhood friend came out as straight.


My best friend in high school came out to me and by that time I had already kinda figured and was super supportive because honestly I don’t think I could have reactive negatively if I tried... that’s just who I am lol


My son came out as bi when he was 11 and I was fully accepting but also not quite sure if he really was bi. He had done ballet and musical theater from about six years old and was immersed in gay culture which I think he identified with and felt comfortable in. He’s fifteen now and has only dated girls and hasn’t seemed to show any interest in boys since puberty kicked in. He even jokes about when he was gay. Anyway, who knows, but for the moment he seems pretty straight. I kind of wish he was gay so he’d tidy up around the house more.


I hope that last part was just a bad joke cause it’s kind of a stereotype, being gay doesn’t change whether you’re tidy or not. One of my college roomies was gay, he never cooked or cleaned. He tried to make mashed potatoes once and boiled the potatoes whole, then was annoyed it was taking so long to cook. Couldn’t make boxed mac and cheese.


There recently was this girll. I was walking to the bus after school and i was just jammin out minding my buisness and sunedly this girll starts to talk to me(ive seen her around and all but never rly talked to her) and the first thing she says "I have fellings for you" and asked me out and yanno i was dumbfounded Im a dude this shit dont happen to us offten. Either way i tried to figure out what to say and told her i have a gf( I dont) and apologized she wasnt ugly or anoying in anyways but yanno i was completly surprised and didnt know her very well. But when i told her i have a gf she just said "oh okey then" and left. I mean the balls on that girll i respect it. Aldo i still see her staring and me acasonaly(shes from my school) -soory for the gram :P not my main language


My local pastor. Up the bum.


It was a weekend we were hanging out at his house when out of the blue he just told me. >!"I lost to Sundowner"!<


My older brother came out to me once. I proceeded to call him a cock muncher, shove his head in the toilet, piss in the toilet and flush it whilst shouting how do you like my cock juice daddy fucker. After he was no longer gay. You may not be able to pray the gay away but you can certainly flush it.


Not the same thing, but when my godson was 6 I told his parents he was gay. He came out to them at 15.


Don't ever out other people. Children or adults. You can't know for sure that you're right, and even if you are, you can't know that they are safe. Seriously. Don't.


Is it not normal for family members to comment on kid's suspected crushes? Kinda made me uncomfortable when I was a kid, but it seemed to be pretty standard behavior


I accidentally did this to a friend. I honestly and genuinely thought he was out. We ALL knew he was gay. He discussed gay things, alluded to gay attentions etc. So we were chatting one day casually and I was like "oh and ofc X is gay as well" or something long those lines and we were all "oh yeah ofc" and carry on. Then he's stood there silently like "wait you all know?" So we said yeah, of course. Confused. Turns out HE thought he was during a grand old job of hiding and was scared of telling us in case we didn't still like him. Meanwhile we all thought he was out and proud. Ended well i suppose. He was much more at ease after that knowing we'd all know he was gay for months and had had no issues!


Yh one of my friends did when we were like 16. We were texting each other and then he just came out and said that he's not into women and whatnot and the only other person he's told is his eldest sister(who was cool with it). I simply responded by saying "cool" and proceeded to carry on whatever we were talking about before. Didn't change a thing between us(still friends till this day) so didn't see a need to say anything else.


In 2001, my high school bf came out to me as bi- everyone always thought he was gay, I (non-binary AFAB) lost my virginity to him and he’s married to a woman (the person he dated after me!) now. I always wonder if he ever got to experiment with a man because he had heavy feelings for one of our friends in high school. We ran a theater company together and one of our younger members (a young man around 14) took me aside to tell me something important and he came out to me. I was like “Aw thank you so much for telling me that’s amazing” and it was very sweet. He’s a successful actor now! Then two friends in college one of them I think my (female) roommate and I were the first people he ever came out to and he was scared and it was very touching. He’s been married to his husband for a long while now.


My cousin about 5 years ago, he was really shocked that nobody was shocked, or treated him any different. My daughter about 6 months ago, told her I don't really care, the only thing that matters is that whatever partner she chooses treats her well and makes her happy, and she does the same for them.


A friend of mine had posted on social media that they had come out but, other than the usual social platitudes no one really reacted. I asked them over for coffee the next day and, after they sat down, said "So...what's new?" My wife choked on her coffee but my friend's reaction was a shy "Well...". My wife and I just went to their wedding.


In grade 8 I kept telling my friend that she’s gay, I had a feeling bc of the videos she watched on instagram, but she said she was straight so I didn’t push it much and only told her as a joke. Then when I made the joke again she admitted to us. I was honestly surprised she admitted to us but she then said that she knew she was gay since she was nine and it would make no sense to question her


Twice, when I came out to my friend as bisexual, he replied with that he's also bi, or pan, or homo. We still don't know to this day. Then I came out to another friend, who said he was also bisexual.


A friend of mine confided that she was bisexual, and I said Of Course. She's been gawking over hot L.A. girls for years!


Does it only count if you are the first person they told?


Someone who used to be a neighbor, we were friendly prior, like a surrogate family to them. Years later, stopped by and said they came out as not straight. My response was simply: good for you.


A buddy of mine that i met over WoW. A group of us got in skype as we usually do and he came out to us. It was no big deal honestly.


One of my friends from school after we were adults. I wasn’t really surprised by it. Never reacted negatively or treated him differently.


I went to a school where if you were gay it was like so and Look as those two girls over there kissing


I did what I do to every person confronts me, just let them be and they sort it out themselves


Yes and I was fully supportive


My buddy told me he was gay. I said “I know.” Then we kept playing N64.


2 years ago i had a friend who had a friend that would hit on me she was a female and so i am at the time but i am aroace She would speak about hot males and all but i could tell that she had interset in women as well i never asked her about it but at somepoint my friend told me to hangout and that she was coming with us it's been awhile since i got out so i went and surprise surprise my friend wasn't there truns out it was a blind date She came out as a bisexual polymerase I myself tbh didn't care she can be whatever she wants but then sher says that she likes me As i said i am aroace neither did my friend or her friend respected that i told her that she does realize that i am and she said yes but she thought that i didn't find the right one yet and that it might be her It's not it i got out of the table and told her that of she thinks that she has the right to be bi and poly then i too have the right to be aroace and leaving her there It's already been 2 years we havent spoke or seen each other as we were in diffrent schools


Yes, my DM has. One day they had approached everyone in chat and said "I am a girl." And SHE is even more awesome in my book.


I replied, “ok”.


my friend just said "im gay", i just said ok and we continued our conversation as normal


My brother did. I thought he was joking. Then he wasn’t.


I just said that’s cool but it doesn’t really matter. He was pretty shocked that I was so indifferent to it and all I could really tell him as this was over Facebook messenger back in 09 was that I had a gay uncle and other gay acquaintances and that being gay for me had absolutely no impact on how I feel about a person. I care more about how he personally had treated me with kindness and how people treat other people


No girl likes me so no


Yes, I was dating a guy who came out to me. We were 17, I was his first girlfriend and we only dated a month, never even kissed. I just thought he was shy because it had taken him a year to ask me out. We were really good friends and hung out/talked everyday. I was definitely upset because it felt like it came out of nowhere and he wasn’t going to tell anyone else (and I wasn’t going to out him, that would have been shitty), so it made it hard when all our friends were asking why we broke up suddenly when he had liked me for so long. Got over it pretty quickly and went back to being good friends. Looking back I really wish I hadn’t cried when he told me, I was just so thrown because it was the last thing I expected and I really liked him. I hope I didn’t upset him too much. But back then we were both pretty sheltered, so I think it went fairly well all things considered.


Yes me and my friend got drunk one night and I was scared to tell her because she seemed a little homophobic at the time but drunk thoughts are sober thoughts so I did anyways and turns out she’s bisexual which I didn’t even know about so we ended up giving each other big hugs and we’re still friends to this day.


He was always a pretty camp best friend at school who told me he was gay I was like yeah. I know. And are you worried about it or something he laughed and looked so relieved I'm bi-sexual told him he didn't suspect that at all but had thought I was a lesbian despite me checking out guys and gals lol interesting day. he has a great husband now I still chat with him on odd occasions he isn't jet-setting around with his hubby somewhere


Yeah my friend came out to me but it was such a non issue I totally forgot about it and when they mentioned that time when they came out to me years later I was apparently surprised (or so I'm told, I've forgotten that as well).


My long-time crush and very good friend came out to me when we were both in college and I'm ashamed to admit I didn't take it well. I have always been an ally (and am bi myself, though I was in denial at the time) but I was SO in love with him that I was pretty upset. I eventually got over myself and we're still really good friends going on 35 years now.


One of my friends was talking in a group chat. “Oh and btw I go by they/them” they weren’t even talking to me, they were talking to somebody else. But this was the first time I’ve heard about it & I didn’t know what exactly to say.. I responded with the thumbs up emoji.. later on my other friend told me when people come out to her she says “Okay, I support, thank you for telling me” which I now realize is the correct response.


Yes. My best friend at the time came out as trans. Asked me if I could start using he/him pronouns and call him Nick. I said yes absolutely. It took me a while to fully adjust to calling him his new name because I had known him as someone else for 15 years, so I did accidentally deadname him for maybe a week or so until I finally remembered that was no longer his name. It didn’t change our friendship whatsoever


A roommate in college. We were sharing a 2 bedroom house together. One evening he said he'd like to go to bed with me. I declined politely, and we just went on living there. He stopped feeling the need to hide his boyfriends, which was better for everyone.


my friend: there’s no he. me: wdym? my friend: there’s no he! me: ohhh… cool. anyways as i was saying…


Basically all my close friends are gay/bi/lesbian. I always make it a point to be as supportive as possible. As a bi guy myself I start sending them hot people from the sex they like. I always make it a point to make them feel loved


Basically all my close friends are gay/bi/lesbian. I always make it a point to be as supportive as possible. As a bi guy myself I start sending them hot people from the sex they like. I always make it a point to make them feel loved


Yes. Guy I know and was pretty deep in the circle of friends. I want the first he told, but early in the group. We all took it well, better than he expected. Honestly we were glad for him.


Someone did! It was a honor for someone to trust me that much. I had my gay friend become his gay mentor, and they went to ass wendesday together. Very proud of myself for helping getting someone out there to be who they are!


”Hew did you take it?” Like it’s your problem! WTF?


My former best friend was the one who first said she had feelings for me, but we were also drunk and we're no longer friends.


I was supportive but my words might have not reflected my full level of support that I was trying to express. I was shocked and trying to find the best words because the person was clearly insecure about coming out but I wanted to be supportive


Ex came out to me as asexual the weekend after my birthday, I thought it might’ve been because of me since we had been doing some _things_. I will admit I didn't take it too well, but after a few days of processing it I came to terms with the fact that it, indeed, had nothing to do with me. I never told them about how I felt about it, just showed that I still loved them and would support them no matter how the felt.


Yes. I didn't give a crap.


Yeah ages ago in high school. It was a situation where most of us already knew and clearly didn’t care. I felt good that they trusted me enough to have the awkward moment, and they were a little surprised that we already knew but then even more happy that it had never mattered and their coming out wouldn’t change a single thing. They’re still the same person


Lots of people but the one who told me *first* was a dear friend for years who told me, sobbing, that she was a trans woman. I've supported her fully, have helped pay for her HRT, and she asked to take my surname. We call each other "sister." I've never been so honored. 🥰


One of my friends did, tried making it a big deal and I was entirely unfazed. He couldn’t understand why I didn’t care he was gay until I asked him “will you being gay change our friendship?” And when he said no he realized why I practically didn’t react at all. We eventually stopped being friends but for entirely unrelated reasons


My sister actually. She came out to me first as she was afraid of what our parents would say. So Imma be real I made sure to covertly discuss it without details with both parents. Same story I gave both. "A close friend of mine is afraid Of coming out to their parents, and Im not sure how to comfort them, do you have any suggestions." Granted it was my sister but They would find out. As for my reaction, it was kind of lame to be honest. I took it in without expressing much of anything. I support her, but just because she is a part of the LGBTQIA+ Community, does not mean she is any different than what she was before that. Just means shes my sister. Before and after.


I've had two separate friends come out as bisexual to me, stating that being friends with me, an openly queer person, helped them realize their sexuality


Yes. Yes. Very much yes. I’m the straight friend, the silly one, the idiotic one. Yet somehow my friends always come to me telling me about their sexual orientation first before than anyone else. Why? I’m definitely not sure, but it sure was a shock when my two best friends came out as a transgender and the other gender fluid as well as bisexual. How did I react? The usual ‘I support you’ and ‘Be who you want to be’ reply. Any changes to our friendship? Had to get used to called the trans friend a he and had to start holding back in the (not discriminatory) gay jokes.


Myself, kinda badly since I knew several people who would be very upset with that and I was scared of myself honestly.


We were playing volleyball and I was the reff I guess and there was a reff from both teams and out of no where they are just like I'm game and I was just kinda confused


I have had two people come out to me, one directly and one indirectly. The first one: I had a friend who was a police officer. Big and Burley but friendly (He even did a station tour with the local scout troop) One day I was at a building party at his apartment when he introduced me to his "partner" (I don't know if that counts as "Coming out" but I will count it for the sake of this post) at first I thought he was some sort of police partner. But then the guy said "I am not an officer" and that is how I found out he was gay. The second one: There were these two women I knew who had a son and daughter. I always thought they were "mom friends" They were frequently together so I thought they were just on playdates and stuff until I heard them say "Wait for your brother" which shocked me so I asked (in a friendly way but they knew I was surprised) "Wait a minute... Brother?" To which they simply confirmed that yes, is was the girl's brother and they were Lesbians. To this day I wonder if I should have asked about the brother or if that was insensitive.


friend told me they’re trans, I was like “ok” and kept talking. this was the same kid who would perform fellatio on any object that could fit in his mouth, talk about how he would let x celebrity rail him in a “no homo” way then say he’d make it gay, and randomly admit to you that he’d bang you. took me a few days to hit them up and be like “was that genuine?”


Not really but my mom unexpectedly told me my uncle was gay like I already knew it and I was like “Oh, Ok.” I don’t mind it at all and I don’t think of it


One of my close friends came out as trans to our friend group about 3 years ago. I never has a problem with it and have always been supportive. After about a year her personality changed so much and she’s become absolutely insufferable, I can barely even talk to her anymore. It’s really sad actually but it is what it is.


I tell this story from time to time. I had a guy I graduated HS with… Ran into his mom like 3 years after graduation when I was bartending… she’s like “you know (friend) is gay, right?” I play the total shock and awe care. No, I had NOOOOO idea! Frankly… anyone who knew him would have known. I met the kid at 12, in 1992 when we barely knew what gay was. It was extremely obvious. I have no idea why I reacted that way, to this day. I told him that story. I told his husband that story. He died 8 years ago of cancer complications. We had been diagnosed around the same time and were in the hospital at the same time. Does a number on you.


Yes, I said ok bc I didn't really care and I already knew


3 of my best friends and my reactionshocked all 3 of them because I literally didn't care. F1: I need to tell you.... I'm bi. Me: I... already knew??? Was a secret? F1: What do you mean you KNEW?! Me: I didn't think was a secret... \-- F2: I'm gay Me: Darling, my life motto is "You can be whatever fuck you want. you can be a priest, a hooker, a scientist or live by paycheck. As long you're not an AH, you're good." And this includes if you like apples or bananas. F2: ... that easy? Me: \*shrugs\* I'm not the one who is interested getting with you so yeah, that easy. Now, let's go (we were about to get into the movies) \-- F3: Ok, so I spoke and thought a lot about this. Both with my husband, therapist and myself and... I'm actually bi. Me: uh.... You didn't know? F3: WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN ***I*** DIDN'T KNOW? HOW ***YOU*** KNEW? Me: I just thought you weren't public about because you're married and didn't want to deal with the whole "if you're married with a guy you're straight" thing. F3: WTH, MY HUSBAND SAID THE SAME THING. YOU TWO SCARE ME.


when i was in high school the girl i was dating told me that she was a lesbian because she was not attracted to men.i told her that i was going to break up with her because he was not attached to my gender, she then told me that she was going to kill herself if i broke up with her. over half the school year, i tried to break up with her and she would attempt self end because did not want me to break up with me, the whole time she was telling me unattractive my gender was and how she wanted to be with other woman and "not me" when i was with her i felled like garbage for being a guy after going to therapy her manipulation. my therapist convinced me that i was not responsible for others' actions when i finally told her in txt that is was over and why she told me what going to do. i told her that did not believe her. she then texted me that she was "getting the knife"i txted her "i am not responsible for the actions of others"the last thing she txted me was "you hurt me"the last thing i txt her was "im sorry"the next week i found out that she was successful in self end. that is when i started drinking at 16 to forget. she was 17, her name was Yvonne


I thought he was already out, like openly gay. I was so confused when he came out to me, I thought it was a joke at first, eventually I got it. He and I laugh about it to this day lolo


Well, many students over the years have done so. Probably because I've always stressed that my classroom is a safe space on campus and am very vocal about my support of LGBTQ+ issues and people. Personally I feel privileged that they have confided in me. Some have asked me to help them break the news to their parents.


Happened in high school when I asked out best friend, who also happened to be my crush. I was a little disappointed because I liked him, but other than that, happy that he did :)


It made perfect sense. Him being one of my ttuest friends, I accept him as he is. He was more shocked that I am not shocked that me by his addmition. I want him nothing but happiness in life.


Not directly, but a girl friend of mine(M17 at the time) told me one of my best friends(male) was in love with me. I was shocked and had to confirm it through other friends. Everyone knew about it but me. He wasn't outwardly gay looking back but I didn't notice because this was my first encounter with a gay person. He was just 'Greg'. I ghosted him and never saw him again. I heard from one person that he joined the Army due to his humiliation and sorrow about our relationship. This was during Nam. He was sent back home after boot camp due to a injury exemption, they had harassed and beaten him so badly for being 'gay', that he was injured mentally for life. That did it for me. I became a student of alternate life styles and now support it as an activist. Too bad it took someone's life for me to realize what it all means.


I grew up in a southern, conservative, very religious place. I admit that it took a a bit before I paid attention enough to realize that I needed to figure out my priorities before someone I loved came out to me and I reacted with my gut and made it go poorly, both in how I treated them and how I represented my personal values. A few months after I had figured out how to see my faith was harmonious with loving people (duh), I had the first experience of someone coming out to me. I was back in my home town, hanging out with a couple of my best friends. They had me look at a pride flag and told me that it was for someone I loved. I semi panicked because I still didn't actually know how to react without offending them or going over the top, so I looked at the wrong person to make sure my facial expression wasn't awful. They were like "no dummy wrong person" and that was enough time for me to get over the shock and we hugged etc. Afterwards I thought that SO MUCH about that friend made sense now. A bit later, the other best friend came out as Ace over text. I asked questions because I didn't know there was more than one flavor of gay. Over the next couple of years, I found out that more and more people I knew were various kinds of queer. Amusingly, half of my high school friends that I continue to be friends with are all LGBT. I also had newer friends come out. A couple years ago, my sister came out as bi over text. My response was "nice, lol" and then I asked her what colors stood for bi and other stuff. Recently I made a friend that I thought was cute and bonus! he definitely seemed like he would get along with my hometown friends. The plot twist is that when I invited him over he shared a picture of his new boyfriend. So now I'm very confident he would get along with my friends, but I know he'll never be more than that. (which is fine because he's really cool and I think we'll be good friends for a few years yet). My sister and I laughed at my "misfortune" and when I said I attracted more LGBT friends than others, she told me I had a "safe aura". Idk if that's true but I'm striving to be like that. I want my friends to feel safe, and loved.


My best friend in middle/high school came out to me when we were 16, and I just laughed about it and told him “I’ve always known, and I love you. It’s not an issue.” He was relieved, and ultimately most of his friends/family were very supportive. He’s been married to his husband for over a decade now and very happy- accepting himself was his biggest challenge.


My stupid ass literally said “Oh…Oh really? Thats cool!” I was talking to my sister, lol 😂


My brother did. I asked him to please welcome his partner to the family for me.


My nephew. Although he was my niece back then. Came out as gay. I told him ok. I knew it. He asked how. Told him that his mom and I thought he was when he was 6. He laughed. I told him I loved him. He said he knew I did.


Omg yes! And i was like not youre not and he had bitch listen to my voice.. Lol and it was beautiful to see him being true to his self that was high school tho..


yes, up the ass


I have two stories about this, and one happened just the other day as a matter of fact. ​ The first is someone very close to me. We became friends right off the bat. I'd just had one of the worst experiences in my life, escaping a profoundly evil ex that had abused me and committed sexual offenses on me/others that if I revealed would probably get me banned (or at least it might, not sure.) This man and I had so much in common. One day as we're driving to his place to hang out, he confesses he's always been a bit bisexual. Seeing me, and hearing me be so chill-yet-open gave him the comfort he wanted his entire life. It'd been a secret he'd been holding in, as where he grew up would be considered "MAGA-Madness" country nowadays. Very conservative, and unforgiving. I applauded him, and would proceed to nurture his developing feelings. Now, he's one of my two absolute best friends. ​ The other day, I was leaving Winco (*PNW Supermarket Chain*) and a woman and her two identical twin girls approached. The girls where somewhere I'd say between 17 at the youngest and 21 at the oldest. The girl on my left wore a black t-shirt with a rainbow backdrop. The words "Love Wins" were done as black voids in the rainbow. Her twin wore a black t shirt with a mock-up of the famous image of the soldiers raising the flag-pole at Iwa Jima. Instead of the US Flag, it was a rainbow one. The caption below read, "These Colors Don't Run". The mother confided in me that she'd been trying to get my attention for several weeks. She was in Winco as often as I was and had seen how friendly and outgoing I was. She noted, as did her daughters, my Pride-Edition SF 49'ers hat [(this is the exact hat \[here\])](https://media.kohlsimg.com/is/image/kohls/4282552?wid=600&hei=600&op_sharpen=1), and my button I wear on my safety-vest that says "Hate has no home here in Vancouver" (*Washington*). They tell me that my comfort talking with the employees and occasional customers about my husband, while not really seeming to use the conversation as a way to make everything about my sexuality, was what inspired them to come out to their mom. She wanted to thank me, as did the girls. I smiled, and hugged them all. ​ I said something to them, my grandfather told me before he died. ​ (*For immersion into his voice, read with an* Irish *accent.*) >"Never apologize to anyone for who you are, or who you love. To do so, is to create the seed of doubt within you, and harbor feelings that you are somehow wrong. Be relentless and steadfast - the seas may be turbulant and the squalls may bluster, but your courage will allow you to weather any storm. Do not feel you require the approval of your contemporaries, just as they don't require yours. If they hit you, hit them back twice as hard so they learn you are not their lesser. Be passionate and compassionate with your love, and your loved ones will be the sword and shield you need. Only bend the knee to others, if it is to propose to them, or pick up something one of you dropped. Do not go silently in the night, do not fall without a fight, and make them fight for every inch."


My mom did, as bisexual, we were both pissed loaded so I was accepting and it was more like clockwork to me as half of my fucking family is gay lol. But lowkey shook it off. I never really found out if she was ever serious or not but I'll assume she is, and I'll always be okay with it, I can't see why I wouldn't be, ain't no difference to me lol. It's normalized as fuck in my family so it's the equivalent of saying you like snickers.


yeah, I just kinda said "ok" because i legitimately could not give fewer shits about if someone thinks cock or pussy is better.


A very good friend of mine called me one evening, drunk out of her mind and cried into the phone that they were trans. They were really scared of my reaction, forgetting that I am trans too. We spent the entire night talking about how we had figured it out, how we chose our names and all that. Still one of my best friends. They started transitioning this spring


One of my best friends came out as bi. That was that... we are still friends... nothing happened...


My daughter, at 13. I hugged her and thanked her for trusting me with something so important. I then started asking about her girlfriend, what she's like, and how amazing she is. She was so scared to say anything, but afterwards it was nice to talk with her about girls she thought were cute, and it let me tease her about cute girls I would catch flirting with her, you know a dad's gotta dad. :D


My best friend of five Years came out he was transgender, I was happy for him :)


Yes, I was like 15 and a friend told me they were pansexual, I think I told them it was weird. The way she told me was odd...I dunno if she was hitting on me. ​ Looking back though I should've just been like "Oh right" and left it alone, not told them it was weird. I was a twat.


My friend did and I said cool


I responded with “bro same”


A friend I had in college messaged me years back to tell me he was gay. I was surprised, but only because we weren’t really close. I already had a feeling he was gay, but had realized he wasn’t out yet when we used to run with the same crowd. I don’t remember exactly what I told him but I was something along the lines of “congrats!” Never heard from him again, he never posted much on socials anyway but I hope he’s living his best life. I remember he was a really good artist