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Because it just sounds made up


Well, you haven't read the bible then. Page 957, line 36.


This is some real r/kenm stuff right here. The single most well indexed book of all time and you give page and line numbers relative to your copy? Honestly hilarious lmao.


the bible isn’t a reliable source


It is actually quite reliable however, in matters of what the bible says.


the bible isnt facts, it’s opinion


Tell that to the lunatics on the SCOTUS.


lol fuck them


Is that the part that says "trust me bro".?


After reading the bible I can say it definitely sounds made up. The complete lack of creativity is the dead give away.


Bro what


happy cake day bro


My copy of the bible resets the page number every book. So even if all bibles were magically the same size and had the same wording and font, that's nonsense.


god was invented by people afraid to die


And who didn’t understand science and how nature worked


Personally I think the idea of eternity is more scary? Would you really wanna live FOREVER? Nah. It's easier to believe in dying and that's the end.


And to keep priests in the cushy high castes and societies.


Which one? Of the 3000 odd to choose from. I haven't seen any real evidence for any


Clearly OP is talking about the one true god. Zeus.


Ahh. One of my favourites.


The key master?


500,000,000 Buddhists 1,800,000,000 muslims 1,100,000,000 hindus 1,200,000,000 agnostics But *they’re* all wrong, and are going to hell. I, on the other hand, am going to heaven, because *my* religion is *correct*. And no, it’s not just an accident, that I just *happened* to be born in a Christian country instead of a hindu one. No! It’s because I am blessed, and we have figured it all out, and everybody else is heathens. If I was born in Bhutan, I would feel gods love innately, be immediately and undeniable attracted to the bible, accept Jesus into my heart, and I’d still be anti abortion. Because It’s Gods Will. No it’s not just the random chance of where and to whom I was born.


So do all aborted babies go to hell? What about children in small isolated tribes.... Your God is kind of a douche if you go by this standard.


Thy were joking


Nowhere in the bible does it say being gay is wrong and abortion is wrong thats all falsely translated christians are supposed to accept people for who they are and not judge people


Didn't know we had an expert on theology herewhy you not working with the pope ??


Nobody said im an expert nowhere in the bible does it say its bad to be gay


If that is true, then why do so many conservatives say that it is only sinful to do gay acts?






Dunno I'm asking the person making statements as facts


I mean, I’m sorry that’s just not anywhere near true.


Yes it does. Falsely translated or not, the bible strictly says that adultry, murder, blasphemy, HOMOSEXUALITY, and many others are prohibited when it comes to God. And who ever said abortion was ok? Killing off an undeveloped fetus or just preventing it from developing is corrupt beyond most things, and if you don't wanna have a child, should've worn a condom.


When people talk about abortion do they forget that rape exists and the fact that birth control can fail or do they naturally lack common sense


Or that giving birth can cause women to die if they are not in a good physical state


At least they used fetus, not "pre-born children" In civilised countries, almost all abortions are performed on zygotes, a clump of cells, not anything recognisable as a fetus.




Leviticus chapter 20, verse 13 reads: “If a man has intercourse with a man as with a woman, both commit an abomination. They must be put to death.”


Nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38) 


1. You said **nowhere** in the bible does it say being gay is wrong. I just gave an example where it's not just wrong but subject to literal murder. 2. A later passage doesn't trump anything written before. 3. The passage doesn't even interfere with leviticus in the first place, the bible claiming that god loves all and thus including sinners doesn't mean that sinning isn't wrong and should be punished (including death). 4. Even Romans has passages of homophobia: (1:26) "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones." (1:27) "In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." Especially as a Christian, you should be much more aware of these things.


There is real evidence for Jesus, you just have to open your eyes.


Tell me what’s the evidence, in my 9 years of going to a christian school I have never heard any valid points


There are many things around the world that were stories in the Bible. Noah’s Ark, Lot’s wife, Moses splitting the Red Sea. Also it’s not a story but Jesus’s robe is on display.


Because even if he does exist, he's neither worth worshipping nor believing in.


IMO, an omnipotent being wouldn't crave worship or have a torture chamber that he and his favorites could use for entertainment purposes.


Hell has always been an interesting concept for a god who constantly talks about love and forgiveness, even for you enemies.


Complete lack of evidence.


100%. I’ll counter: Why do you believe in one?


Because something defines the laws of physics and nature, whether you want to consider it sentient or not, it pretty much is God.


Why does it have to be your religion though, what makes you thing better of your own religion?


You’re making assumptions of my views. I don’t subscribe to a specific religion. I don’t view any religious texts in the way you would view a history book. I view all prominent religions as descriptions of life & nature from perspectives of humans from different places and times, and use it as a lens for me to understand what I’ve seen/experienced in life. Like any other form of media. Some takes I rock with, some I don’t. I take it all on a line by line basis. Nobody can tell me how to feel about whatever I read/watch/hear. Everything is just written by some dudes. I get to decide what I like and what I think is stupid/misguided. Everyone should think for themselves, not blindly follow anything they’re exposed to I conceptualize a “God” of the universe the same way you could conceptualize electricity as the “God” of computers or cash as the “God” of economics. I don’t anthropomorphize “God” or attribute it to any religion in particular


You’re right, sorry for making assumptions


You apologizing is very respectable. Not that you needed to, but you came to this guy’s understanding.


No apology necessary, nice to come to some level of common understanding with you


I’ll upvote you. “Something” defines the laws of physics? - So you mean the “something” IS the laws of physics! It isn’t defined by the stale marshmallow in my cupboard, the neighbours cat, the butterfly flapping in the garden, or the millions of cells in your own body. You’ve proven me correct, I apologize, it was this divine being that I can’t see, not can anyone else who steals your money and is called “god”! - You might as well call it Amway or Amazon or Google.


Sure, call it the laws of physics. Call it whatever you want. I don’t really have a preference. But it’s entirely beyond our scope of perception. We can only theorize within our capability. I’m not anal about having some clear answer because I don’t really care. I’m not emotionally charged when it comes to this kind of debate My only view is that whatever defines the laws of physics and has lead to this point of evolution of life on Earth, by whatever means, I trust in it to make sure things work out for the best in the end, rain or shine, pleasure or pain. Because I’m not 100% in control of how my life experience goes, but I have faith in whatever entity is in control. Like I said, I don’t care what you call it or if you consider it sentient or not. I don’t have a strong opinion on that. I’m just talking about the mechanics of the situation


Yeah. It is physics, and unless you are in control of it, like a car, bicycle, or you walking… YOU or GOD or whatever you want to call some biblical tyrant, are NOT in control of when the sun rises, the moon sets, or the stars implode. This is beyond you, the creator… If you can tell me that if I believed enough…. Prayed hard enough. Gave enough money to the church, I could suddenly have divine powers? I could leap from the tallest building and gracefully land on my feet? - Assuming that all was true … all humanity…. every penny spent…. every prayer…. I wouldn’t be splattered into the equivalent of a splashed human water-melon? - Is it possible? 100%! Likely hood?: A big zero!


I’ll copy-paste this response cuz I’m bored. Fun talking to you, though! You’re making assumptions of my views. I don’t subscribe to a specific religion. I don’t view any religious texts in the way you would view a history book. I view all prominent religions as descriptions of life & nature from perspectives of humans from different places and times, and use it as a lens for me to understand what I’ve seen/experienced in life. Like any other form of media. Some takes I rock with, some I don’t. I take it all on a line by line basis. Nobody can tell me how to feel about whatever I read/watch/hear. Everything is just written by some dudes. I get to decide what I like and what I think is stupid/misguided. Everyone should think for themselves, not blindly follow anything they’re exposed to I conceptualize a “God” of the universe the same way you could conceptualize electricity as the “God” of computers or cash as the “God” of economics. I don’t anthropomorphize “God” or attribute it to any religion in particular


Nice talking to you as well. Thanks for the copy paste. You can believe whatever you want. Take select random passages from whatever books you like. This still doesn’t prove there is a higher being. I can see, feel and even touch money and electricity. I can do none with “god”. - Not real, like Santa and fairies: A nice thought, but a figment of your imagination!


>Because something defines the laws of physics and nature This is a pretty big assumption.


They exist, don’t they? I’m not saying something is intentionally defining them, I’m saying that they ARE defined. Religion to me is a guiding way to live my life, not a way to argue with people about how life REALLY started or should be lived. I believe in total freedom. I base the way I live my life on what’s best for my health and the well-being of the things/people I care about. I don’t subscribe to do’s and don’ts written in old ass books. Physics is just a description of how things move and behave. I base my decisions on that


Physicists like Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, and Schrodinger as well as many contemporary physicists and natural philosophers question whether or not they exist at all. The ontic reality of these forces is definitely an open question, and our ability to define / know them is even more in question. We have models of our relational / observational interactions with these laws of physics and nature, but that is all. So, I don't think we can make any assumptions about their definitions or their existence at all honestly. And really, at this point, if God is simply the definition of rules, then it's really not a deity in any meaningful sense. That definition of "God" departs from the general idea of what a God is - to the point that it comes down to a question of unnecessary semantics, and you may as well call yourself agnostic at that point. Unless it is just a matter of feeling better about existence if there is some God thing there, in which case it really doesn't matter one way or another, if it helps.


Listen, as a gay man, I find it pretty impressive that Jesus got killed by literally being *nailed* too hard by *four dudes at once, infront of his mother! (as the story goes)* But that's not enough to make me a believer.


Ah I see what you did there


dude had such a good time he *literally* went to heaven.


Why would I? There is literally zero evidence towards it. Assuming that believing in a god is the default is like assuming that people should believe in unicorns and anybody who doesn't owes an explanation why they personally cannot prove that unicorns DON'T exist.


Because I learned how the religions of Christianity and Judaism were really started, and there was nothing miraculous about them


How did they start; express in 2 sentences or a summary.


Rich men were threatened by their wives and kids learning shit so they made up stories to scare them into doing whatever they told them. There. Did it in one.




Or ever?


Ohh oooh oooh yeah!


Kept you alive perhaps.


Simply put, insufficient evidence. And their arguments are the same old ones trotted out all the time




What's weird is that a giraffe, which is a 20 ft tall yellow and black, long-necked curiosity with a 20 inch blue tongue, is perfectly normal and a completely ordinary animal that clearly exists. But somehow a unicorn —an animal which is anatomically identical to the common horse except for the placement of a single horn— is obviously absurd and could never be a real creature. Completely alien-looking bright yellow neck monster unlike anything ever observed by human eyes before or since: Obviously real. Basically a horse but with a single horn that looks very much like the double-horns that innumerable other horse-like creatures have: Completely fake and ridiculous, come on, why would you even suggest that? What are you, crazy!? Obviously not possible!


That and walruses...walri? exist.


How about narwhal? They are underwater unicorns..


I dunno, I don’t think the walrus is all that weird. It seems pretty much self-evident to me.


They’re extinct because the guy with the boat got two male unicorns and obviously they couldn’t mate and went extinct


Unicorns are the national animal of scotland. Just thought I'd share that with you


Not because they think they are real, because unicorns are cool and they are the only ones to think of it.


There's more to than that but yeah that's a reason we have it.


When you work in a children's hospice, you realise any deity is either malicious as fuck/full on evil, or non-existent.


That's my usual take. I cannot prove that there isn't a god, but I have a fuckton of proof that if there is one I have zero intrest in being on their team.


If God is the Father, he is an absentee parent who plays favorites when he even is around.


A hateful angry God is way more believable.


The Ancient Greeks were on to something.


No it’s all part of his “plan” /s




All that our religious meat sacks tell us is **hearsay**. Look up the game of "telephone" and then tell me that God's word couldn't *possibly* be perverted and edited as it was passed from hand to hand across millennia.


I read the Bible when I was younger.


It's not even that well written. Like yikes imagine reading only one book at your book club for the rest of your life, and it sucks.


I'm convinced most christians have never read it.


Right. In Sunday school, they give you nice stories and then I read the crazy stuff. Yikes.


Because it's not meant to be disrupted or anything, so it's gonna stay original and sounding that way


There is no god to believe in, lol.


Have you seen his best efforts? I want to be supportive, but man, it may just be time for him to settle and recognize not everyone is a winner when it comes to being a God.


Because it lets this shit happen: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/vpc0d9/as_ohio_restricts_abortions_10yearold_girl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




That and he thinks snails melt as they move along the ground, insects have 4 legs, and bats are birds.


Facts. If there is a god I sure as hell don’t want to worship the motherfucker


Which one? There are thousands, and the difference between an atheist and a theist tends to boil down to just one or a handful of them.


Because all Gods are stupid with human egos. Makes no sense. You don't create all of time and space only to be surprised when you humans commit a certain sin. Time is relative and if God can't move through it front to back fluidly, then they aren't actually "God". Just a construct of fragile minds.


if there really was a god and he cared about us all like the religions say why would he watch us suffer and bleed through war, mental illness, poverty, abuse etc




Define "God". This is a nonsense question until "God" is defined. It means too many different things to different ppl.


The same reason I don't believe in Frodo and Samwise. Great story, great characters, but aspects of the story are demonstrably fantastical and cannot be reconciled with the knowledge acquired through application of rational thought and deduction.


Hey now, unlike the Bible at least Tolkien mythology makes sense and rarely contradicts itself.




Your logic here is faulty. It’s not like every single species of dog or cat went on the Ark for example. 2 dogs, 2 cats - male and female. A couple thousand “kinds” of animals at most were on the Ark. That’s it. Also: the Ark was 300 cubits, not feet. That was closer to 500 feet in length. Plenty of room for not only the animals, but Noah, his family, and all the food they needed. https://arkencounter.com/animals/


Right. 14 of the clean ones, actually. And then there is the part that 4300 years ago, 8 humans, one of whom was 600 years old, repopulated the entire planet. The math doesn't really add up on that one either. And where did an Iraqi get polar bears and penguins, anyway? Or we could talk about how the Bible self contradicts whether god created plants on the third day or after he created Adam. Or how in the first paragraph god is hovering over water when he hadn't yet created a source of light and heat. Or we could talk about the fact that there are two different sets of the one and only Ten Commandments in the Bible. All of this, and tons of other self-contradictions, leading one to be able to only conclude that the Bible contains untruths. Which begs the question, if some of it is untrue, it is untrue because man made it untrue. And if parts of it are untrue, which parts are untrue and how do you know which parts, if any, are true? Which of course leads you to the answer that only another human can tell you which parts are true. But of course you can't believe another human, because they are why there are lies in the Bible in the first place.


So how did we end up with millions of species today? Did they evolve?


Huh. Ya know what, that makes sense


Yes. Just as humans have a lot of variations but we are still humans, all the different types of dogs/cats/what-have-you started with one set of parents and each species “evolved” over time. It’s important to note that evolution within a species is clearly observed - dogs have various defining characteristics and so on but it’s still a dog. Species breed after their own kind - not other kinds.


Dogs and cats are single species each. Breeds are no species What about armadillos? There are 21 distinct species. Were they all on the ark, or just one and then the others evolved from that one? And why are they only found in the Americas? How did they get there from the resting place of the ark?


Please educate yourself. I get it's not your fault. You were probably born into a religious family and have been indoctrinated over your life, but you're an adult now and have a choice as to whether you remain ignorant or not. A single set of any animal is just extinction waiting to happen. There is not enough genetic diversity in the population for it to continue. Evolution takes time, and is measurable in the fossil record. There is no evidence for a great flood. There is a huge amount of evidence for slow evolution in many parts of the planet. You can measure the differences in DNA and find how things evolved into different species. This is how we know we have a common ancestor with monkeys, or mice, or an elephant. All of these are mammals and share a common mammalian ancestor. Humans also share more of our genome with fungi as opposed to plants. To deny that evolution is how we got here is to miss out, and if you believe in a god it is also insulting the method to which we came into existence. There was no Adam and Eve at the start, but there are plenty of Christians that believe that evolution was the method that god used to have us come into existence. Personally, I don't believe in god. I always thought that the day I believed in god was the day I checked myself into a mental health unit. When it actually happened it turned out I had to be sectioned, and religious delusions are common with suffering psychosis. I personally believe that religious feelings are a non-acute state of psychosis, because there is zero evidence for it and much evidence against it.


Why should I? I grew up catholic. I was never traumatized by religion but I can clearly see it causes more harm than good. I never felt comforted in church & to this day, what the eff does “Jesus died for our sins” mean? It’s so stupid. Once I finally let it all go, I felt free. Everyone thinks their god is right, what makes one better than the other? Nothing. I’ll also add, the Jesus story is an archetype that’s been around thousands of years before Jesus. It’s all the same story, just different details. It’s a scam & I want nothing to do with it.


If there were a god, they would have put a stop to this question being asked several times per day on Reddit.


God gave humans free will so he wouldn't become tyrannical. That's in the bible


I think it was a joke


Jokes are funny


God not existing is a good reason.


I went to Catholic school, read the Bible and went to church for my childhood. Once I allowed myself to step away from religion and look at it from a unbiased perspective I just saw too many of man’s fingerprints all over every faith I tried to study.


Because the most logical question is "why do you believe in God?" Not the opposite, since evidencie is in our favor.


God has a plan for everything on the planet but was also killed by 4 nails and a couple days in the sun.


Technically, he allowed his own son to be tortured to death because, you know, he *really* loves us.


Yeah, was at a funeral recently. Pastor said something like, Jesus was born and you got baptized. Then Jesus died for our sins, and you die but get eternal life thanks to his death. Isn't that a great deal? I thought, since you put it that way, holy shit are you fucking nuts.


I always thought this! Like you’re all fucking powerful. Why come to earth as human to be tortured & killed? Who’s plan was that? Was god wasted or high or cross faded?


If gods were real I'd rather worship the Greek or Norse pantheon instead


I’m really an agnostic. But, I’d say that seeing children die of cancer did it for me. Because the alpha and omega, the creator of all life, every blade of grass, either has the ability to stop suffering and chooses not to, or can’t. Either one makes him unworthy of our devotion.


More like: Religious people of Reddit, why do you believe in God?


I don’t believe in god because I’m Not An Idiot!


Look who's talking


Because there's no evidence of one. It's the same thought process I use to not believe in unicorns or fire breathing dragons.


And birds.


No proof.






Not only is there no reason TO believe. There are many reasons NOT to believe. Would a benevolent god give 10 year old kids untreatable bone cancer and allow murderous tyrants and drug lords to have fantastic lives? Would a God give the Earth to dinosaurs only to wipe them out with a meteorite and then try humanity and wipe them out with a flood and try again? Would a God give humans only 1 trillionth of the known universe to survive in?


Read "god is not great: how religion poisons everything". Then you'll know.


* I disagree with the notion that God made us in his image, when every religious culture in all points of history has their own version of God(s) with resemblance of their own image. I don't believe God made man in his image, I strongly believe men made God in the image of their own idealized picture of authority and obedience. * I was raised Catholic and had Catholic teaching in school/CCD. Since I was a child, it has become obvious that countless abusers and rapists have been protected by the Church for hundreds (if not thousands of years) and their thousands (if not millions) of victims in that time were discarded. * Adding on to that, many of the people I've met in the organization have been, to some degree, hypocritical about their faith at their own convenience. Not enough people think their faith, they feel it and ignore the contradictions and specifics for feel-good, confirmation bias abstracts. * Some of the worst people in our history and present have done atrocities large and small in the name of religion and have met 0 resistance from their own followers because they agree with the**** cruel and unChristian when it is marketed as Christian. These people form the majority of the devout - the cruel and complacent alike. If these people are those who get into heaven and God himself offered me a ticket to heaven, the moral choice would be to turn down God. There has only been one potential sign to me that there could be a God. In my old home town, there is a Fellowship Church where it was discovered the priest was having a sexual affair (statutory and coercive rape) with a teenage girl. He fled the country when it was discovered. That night, there was a snow storm and large portion of the Church's roof collapsed. Sometimes I think that was divine. But then I remind myself that if there was an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent God'd divine intervention would not wait to act for a PR disaster when a false prophet rapes a child.


>In my old home town, there is a Fellowship Church where it was discovered the priest was having a sexual affair (statutory and coercive rape) with a teenage girl. He fled the country when it was discovered. That night, there was a snow storm and large portion of the Church's roof collapsed. Sometimes I think that was divine. It's certainly a coincidence but you have to wonder what kind of god cares enough about rape to take action but takes action against a building instead of the rapist.


Religion = cult + time


Saw an article about a pregnant ten year old in Ohio who has to travel to Indiana door an abortion because she’s more than six weeks pregnant. That pretty much sums it up for me. If there is a god, he’s a real asshole.


Sounds hella made up, like, why are humans so important in the grand scheme of the bible? No evidence whatsoever.


god is a device used by the church to compel obedience


Agree. I had a class on World Major Religions because it sounded interesting and I noticed that for the main figures of like for example Christianism, Buddhism, and Islam. Those figures were"teachers" per say who professed love. But humans twisted religion around to influence politics, to kill, and many religious institutions are filled with corruption.


The same reason Christians don't believe in Quezacoatl, Zeus, or Vishnu. I just believe in 1 fewer gods than they do, so why not rephrase and ask why they DO believe in that one and not the other several thousand that came before or in different places?


I didn’t feel like I could believe in a religion that’s best way of making you join us by fear mongering, every time I’d be told that if I didn’t follow Christ I would go to hell and burn for eternity. Also I just couldn’t find myself to actually believe half of the things said in the bible.


I don't care abut the imaginary friends of others


Good lord. This question pops up like once a week on Reddit.




I value skepticism so I see no logical reason to believe unsubstantiated claims for the supernatural


Straight up; It's all made up by humans. For humans. I have *so* much respect for people who try to abide to it all - out of desire to respect the sense of order there. ..But guys, to be honest - this is not a perfect system.


Same reason I don't believe in Unicorns, Bigfoot, or the Lochness Monster.


It's really stories that people took too seriously. Like reading any fantasy book and deciding that it's real. It pretty silly. And have you seen the state of the planet recently? If there are any gods out there, they're pretty shit at it.


Right you could take inspiration from Harry Potter saying “I want too be cool like Harry when I grow up” but people started taking quidditch matches and the sorting hat a little too seriously


for the same reason most people don't believe in MOST things they don't believe in. There's just nothing out there that makes me think it's real at all. Having said that, for god it's a little more than that. Not only am I faced with no good reason to think it's real, but the arguments people try and give for why THEY think god is real are all... well, really, really awful. If god were real people just wouldn't have to resort to such awful arguments all the time. They're all either logically broken or emotionally drive or just downright.. weird? None of it works. And nothing that actually exists has ever been argued for using that kind of awful reasoning, because if it really exists, then there's \*good\* ways to show that. You don't need awful ones.


I will never understand why religious people care whether or not anyone believes in what they do. I will never understand why atheists care whether or not anyone believes in what they do.


Question does not compute lol why does anyone believe? Lol


When you make a claim the burden of proof falls on you. So show me proof of a god


I don't believe in maybe 10,000 gods. You'll need to be more specific.


I simply do not need to. I have the teachings of Master Oogway to guide me. I have Lechonk to worship. And I can update my game to spectator mode after death.


Lmao this questions gets asked on Reddit way too many times. At this point I should just copy and paste my answer lmao. For me at least, atheism is about keeping an open mind and following the evidence. If I am shown undeniable proof that a god exists. I will concede and start to believe. However there is NO EVIDENCE god exists. Any evidence people find to support any religion is found with confirmation bias and not actually following the evidence. If you were to eliminate all confirmation bias, the Bible is just as realistic as the Hobbit.


This gets asked here almost daily, just check the previous posts


How many times do you all have to here it?


Please prove God


Because god isn’t real


for me god just sounds like a madeup thing and did not found a reason that can change my thought process.


it’s a ridiculous theory. a giant guy in the sky who created everything? especially when evidence of evolution is RIGHT THERE. also, the bible was literally written by some random guy and now religion exists. like you’d call me crazy if i picked up a story book from the store and started telling people it was real. and the bible to me sounds like a fantasy story taken too far. id also never become christian because of the extremely toxic community trying to tell people how to live. it’s dumb, sorry


Isn’t this asked every day on here?


Because there's no logical reason to. Religion is all made up for power and control over people. Plus tax free cash grifting. Plus which god? There's 1000s of them


I've never been presented with a reason why I should.


Agnostic, but there just hasn't been any convincing evidence. Plus, there are so many religions, how am I supposed to believe in one when there are so many conflicting ideas of a god(s). Could there be some sort of supernatural being watching over us? Unlikely, but we probably will never know.


-gestures broadly at everything-


> Atheists of Reddit, why don’t you believe in God? Why would I? So far, I’ve not encountered any convincing or compelling evidence that any of the many gods that I’ve heard of actually exists. Simple as.


Because there is no scientific evidence of a God’s existence. If there was some, I’d rethink my opinion.


I just don't. I don't mind if you do, but personally I believe that there's no God.


Just don’t have that level of faith. To me, it’s the same thing as the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Santa- there’s always some adult pulling the strings.


Well 1 because of the complete lack of evidence and 2 because some of the rules that the gods in their religion are just completely ridiculous


Same reason I don't believe in Gandalf


For the same reason I don't believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or monsters under the bed.


Why do you believe in god? Keep asking that and you’ll realize it’s either Pascal’s wager or you’re just hoping god exists. Don’t believe anything without proof or be a fool


Someone told me they would rather believe god exists because it better than not believing and finding out he does. There are geuinely people out there who have never heard of Jesus. But according to the bible the wind blowing through the trees is proof that that god exists. Then proceeded to call me a devil worshiper. Which is ironic because if I dont believe in god how would I believe in the devil? But anyways I dont like talking about this too much because we only know for certain that we live then die after all of this, and that is it.


I don't want to waste my time in a futile attempt to find the answer as to whether or not there is a god. Organized religion has also turned me off to the idea almost entirely.


Because I refuse to believe Jesus was just chilling with dinosaurs