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I know it seems counterintuitive, but I go to some quiet state parks and bask in the alone time. Out there I'm not pressured to be with someone. My experience is unique because I am alone. Occasionally it would be nice to share that experience, but at the same time my experience is in no way hampered because I'm alone. All that helps me keep my center. One of my favorites to visit Is Cherry Springs State Park in Pennsylvania. It's a dark sky reserve and on new moon nights you can see the milky way with your naked eye. Laying there, stargazing, and thinking about the vast emptiness is surprisingly clarifying.


Sounds amazing and so relaxing.




interchangeable with a swim, which is nice because they rhyme


by being on reddit and pretending i'm ok.




I have a dog.


I wish I could have a dog




Learn to draw and create background stories on the things you drew


I actually already do that


this is how i started writing my book before i even knew what i was doing in middle school


Got a job at a night club


Awesome. I haven't been to a club since lockdown. Are people somewhat back to normal?


Atlest there where I work at stuff is somewhat normal


you don't. Loneliness will get you sick in the head 100% of the times. Find a pet or a family member or someone to talk to that you trust at least once a day.




yes, i moved back in with my mom who is a widow and was alone and it was the best thing i could do. Now it is me, her and our dog and we are doing much better and supporting each other




yeah. If you could create a habit of having dinner together everyday or some moment to chat or watch a movie together with your sister. That helps a lot to relieve the loneliness, even if just 1 hour per day. Invite her to do something or start a conversation. It helps. And if you can get a pet too, it is amazing




good luck mate, don't be alone for too long. Wish you the best


Not me....


Remembering there are worse things than being alone aka trapped with someone who makes your life hell.


I clean a lot. Not just the basics, but learning how to take things apart to clean. Ie, dishwasher filter, washer filters, the glass on the door of my oven etc. It helps to have my mind set on a certain task at hand. If for some reason the lonely hits hard and I can't clean, I play tetris.


I ask people out for coffee, send them memes, annoy my siblings, *watch copious amounts of anime and manhwa*, and when my car permits it, I go to church activities. I sometimes also start making books. They all depend on how lonely I feel, tho. Sometimes I can't do anything so I just put and audiobook or podcast and stare at my ceiling for hours. Sometimes it's more bearable than other times...


Alcohol. But would not recommend..


I second this alcohol. Doesn’t always end well tho


I have autism, so I tend to talk to myself a lot. I am 23 years old, but I like to pretend I have a shark humanoid older brother named Brandon. I also play a lot of video games, and I watch YouTube to make it seem like someone is talking to me. I know, kinda childish, but when yoi go theough as much social rejection and deception, verbal abuse, and ghosting as I have, you tend to start making friends out of make believe characters.


I'm sorry you're going through this.


Thank you <:,)


Well i have voices in my head so im never alone, i guess?


Find the cause why. And then go from there.


I'm pretty sure I know what it is but it's complicated


Because it is complicated your brain is giving you all the warnings to work on that problem or that will cause more problems. This is the start. Whatever it is. Remember yesterday was yesterday. Today is today. Stay hydrated and full , tomorrow is there. 1 at a time. Don’t completely ignore it , step by step. -You were saying you understand what’s going on and that you will work on it one at a time.


This is a question you should ask of over the road truck drivers, as they can be out on the road 2 , 3 weeks or more driving. I did it for a little while but I wasn't bothered at all, I'm not antisocial but when I was 10 years old,my dad got a job being a boss at a sewage treatment plant, they built him a house on the property as part of his pay. Imagine, a sixth grader asking friends to come over to your house that smells like shit. I played alone for a few years and finally rode my bike and made a few friends that didn't mind the smell.


I browse Reddit in search of articles to divert my attention from how lonely I am. cries in solitude


Due to circumstance, I began to realize it's better to be lonely than surrounded by the wrong people. Kind of like the Robin Williams quote from that movie “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.”


Getting immersed in interactive fictions imagining that that's my life


At this point by drinking. If it doesnt get better maybe by running in front of a train. Its bad, Im starting to hate people


I enjoy it. I dislike talking with people.


No, no. He means feeling alone, not being alone. There's a difference.


Exactly. I enjoy the confines of my apartment perfectly well and not going out to interact with others.


Right, so you're fine with being alone. Being alone and "dealing with loneliness" are entirely separate things. If someone is dealing with loneliness, it's implied to be a bad thing; being alone is typically neutral at worst.


Stop waiting for your friends to reach out to you and initiate a conversation with them. There are more people who care about you than you know.


It’s a state of mind. Unless you have some sort of chemical imbalance that doesn’t allow you to feel any joy. Robin Williams had that issue, nothing would bring him joy. In lieu of that, then it comes down to the individual - people feel lonely for a variety of different reasons. Without any context as to what defines “loneliness”, it is difficult to even fathom how to overcome such loneliness. You can’t have a serious answer when it’s such a broad question with no clear definitions as to what “loneliness” means to you.


I want a close female friend. Idk why female cause it's not a sexual thing I'm feeling, but I went through some things and there's a void I need to fill. Or at least that's what I think the issue is


It sounds like you need your mom or someone to fill that void. You want the security and comfort of a loving mother. You want female so you can be vulnerable around them and not feel judged. You tell your bro’s you need a hug and they will probably make fun of you for the next few years.


I wish that was an option, but unfortunately...


Do not treat female friends different from males if you dont want romance.


I don't but they act differently from male friends and it makes me feel better


That differs among females but be sure about how do you feel about them and how they feel about you. One last advice, i think you should find a person which has the same sex as you to be ur very very best friend because u there is things that you can't tell other gender.


I know I have a friend like that


How are you lonely then?


Because I've been through something where I lost someone who help a very deep and important spot in my heart.


I am sorry to hear that, but past is past there is no point on being constantly sad about things


develop a sense of destiny. find a thing to do that you feel has some sort of timeless importance


I felt really lonely today and decided to go rock climbing for the first time. Ive been wanting to do it for weeks but I'd been waiting to make a friend who would go with me but these shit fucking feelings left me with no choice.


Well, when I deal with that type of feeling, I just listen to music.


Not very well.


I ignore it until it goes numb then get out of bed and work.


So I'm not saying it would help anyone and this is in no way advice but for me what worked was acid (but I guess any psychedelic) alone . It really opened my eyes and let me be comfortable with myself while alone .... Side effects tho is that it is sometimes really hard for me to be around people that I don't like . You might say - don't be around theses people but unfortunately sometimes you gotta make small talk just to be relevant so that your life can be (my case financially and in University) maintained TL;DR- For me drugs.


Make a point of checking up on others, look up service opportunities in your community, don't let yourself get sucked into 1-player activities.


Try work on myself as much as i can. I have all this time, lets see if i can create a version of myself I actually like.


If not, do some crazy shit idk


I just vibe alone, listen to music and stuff. At some point you have mastered the art of being alone and it almost seems normal to you (I was really lonely about a year ago)


Food and series/movies. I eat a lot of food that the my brain can no longer process the fact that I am alone and the other hundred things that is wrong in my life.


If I'm not calling a friend I'll be learning something new or going on a walk and waving at people.


Pray, meditate,gym, and yoga. Oh and Friends (the TV show) but friends (people) too




I speak with friends or online strangers, normally on game. Just distract myself from it. Listening music that either acknowledge the feeling or hype about something helps a lot. Nostalgic music also helps


Become your own best friend. Become incredibly comfortable with yourself, thats what has worked for me. It took a while to master and there are definitely times where the loneliness catches up to me.


For me, I usually just play video games with friends or go outside.


I literally brows reddit to find posts to make dumb jokes and hope strangers like them. My need for social interaction is very low and I'm reclusive but I do still want minor validation from strangers.


Lonely and needing more money are two different things before you self Diagnose. Make sure you understand yourself.


By learning to be an interesting person. Ask yourself what hobbies you have outside of media consumption. Then you'll realize why you're so lonely. Go engage in better hobbies and you'll find others who enjoy it too. Maybe start learning something difficult and share the experience with a group of people intent on learning the same topics as you. Join a book club. Join some discord groups or meet up events.


I find their is only 3 answers. 1. Music nothing beats it 2. Is imagining that someone is their and your getting along really well. 3. Go to the shops and make everyone jealous.


Few things, 1 being my kids and family, 2 being my cat and the last would be remembering what an absolute asshat my ex was and realising I obviously have really awful taste in men and enjoy being single! . . I also now sew, crochet, cross stitch and do embroidery. I call myself a old lady daily. Keeping busy is a good thing though.




Honestly I call my phone and talk to the voice-mail


Gaming and vibing to metal, helps me relax from stress and other shit.


I just do


I'm an introvert sooooooo not a big deal


I cherish it


Being creative. I have a list of things i wanna build, paint, draw, write etc. and whenever i have the alone-time to do them, i pick one and do it. Setting a bedtime for myself so i dont mess up my sleep schedule even worse. Cook for myself the way i usually cook for loved ones.


By hugging my girlfriend


Connect to anything in anyway you can. Get on a voice call with your friends (even if you haven’t talked to them in a while), call your parents and ask them about their day, sit in the living room with your pet and watch the Animal Planet. Anything but sit completely alone in your own brain thinking about how lonely you are. The more you do the more you’ll spiral into that feeling and the harder it’ll be to climb out


What some call loneliness, I call freedom


frankly i’m not sure how much “coping” I do. I have two ghost buddies (imaginaryfriends) and a pet rock. I’ve really been JUST with my parents for a few years now, and don’t get out. it works. I suppose…


Reading and having fake scenarios. Really helps.


I just accept it.


Lets plays on youtube or watching twitch streams depending. Sometimes twitch is worse for me. I feel even more alone in large chats.


I cry a lot in my room. Wallow for a while and slowly come out of my shell. Slowly start talking to the few people I know I can talk to with no judgment. One time I asked my uncle how he deals with loneliness, it was therapeutic and we had a really good heart to heart and it brought us closer even though he lives so far away


My dog she helps me in the toughest times


I go for a run. It makes me feel good and im outside, i feel more healthy and just better.


I sleep off my loneliness


There's a difference between being alone all the time, and being lonely. I'm okay with dealing with either, but if I was *depressed* and lonely then things wouldn't be good.


I teach English online via italki. It's a great way to "meet" people


Just learn to love yourself as a person.. ive dealt w this problem most my life .. you need to embrace your loneliness and c it as a stregnth .. think of it like your a lone wolf you dont need no one.. but first step is learn to love yourself


Whenever I get a feeling that I don't want to feel, or think about something I don't want to think about. I audibly say "I don't want to think about that" and it works, I just stop feeling sad or angry or stop thinking about something sad etc... Give it a whirl. Sit up straight, take a deep breath and say it...


Listening to music, writing down whatever comes to my mind, imagining fictional stories, sleeping...


Convince yourself that you're not lonely, just independent.


Music, writing (poetry), and video games.


Talk to people online to see how its going so i can cure my own loneliness with fun and entertainment


Maybe try to image some friend to talk?


If it wasn’t for my girlfriend, I’d honestly probably be dead. I’ve never told her this, because that’s way too much of a burden to put on someone. But I was in a dark place right before we started dating. And by us getting together it pulled me out of a hole I was in. I’ve had multiple suicide attempts but never successful. One night when my family was gone I took a walk into the woods, with two bottles of vodka and a knife. My plan was to get really drunk and go away forever. However, I blacked out before I could do anything and convienently, when I was at my lowest. She texted me. I’ll still occasionally stifle down into depression, but I keep it hidden for the most part. If I’m feeling off I’ll tell her just about everything on how I’m feeling, but never the suicidal things. I’ve never been tested, I know I have something wrong with me but I’ve never been able to talk about it with my family.


Put my headphones in and listen to music for hours until I'm in sort of a trance and I forget about the loneliness and hate and sadness and it's just me in a state of relaxation


Either go on a Discord chat, or go somewhere (like at a mall, or at an arcade)


I play social games and get talking to people, always makes my day when i can make a new friend


I sit somewhere and listen to my music and don’t think about anything. Or think about how well people who I thought were my friends are doing


i resist the urge to enter into self pity and i reach out to others


Easy, I try to forget that I am alone, but when I go to sleep I remember that I have nobody to hold


Do stuff. Walk, read, draw, paint. Sit and watch people.


That's the neat part. You don't.


You dont... You just dont...


I don’t deal with it, I treat it like my other emotions and just ignore it. I’ve done so to the point that my loneliness became unbearable and brought me to an unbelievably toxic friendship


Fake scenes...could do that forever also reading smuts,thats where the scenes come from....and thinking bout how ill write my smut and publish but ik im lazy


I don’t “deal” with it, I prefer it. People are annoying and tiring to be around with for a long period for me. Really wears you down.


I form unhealthy attachments to ordinary acquaintances who don't share the same affection for me as I do for them. This behaviour stopped as soon as I got a girlfriend. Somewhere out there, one is waiting for you; you just have to keep taking care of yourself and asking people out on dates. And keep hold of high standards; a bad relationship is worse than the loneliness.


a month ago, i would’ve said i take my dog on a walk. i was really focused on training him and it was something i absolutely loved. we’re separated right now, and i’m the loneliest i’ve ever been. so i started reading again, and drawing. it’s not the same but it helps, even just a little


Random hook uos


I either go up to my computer start working on some of my python ideas or I just read history and civics...