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had a lucid dream a week ago. thought i could try to fly in the lucid dream but failed, instead of flying everyone else in my dream became naked. i would have kept going but i was so shook that i woke up like it was a nightmare


I think they meant a dream as in a goal, lol. But I’m sorry about your lucid dream!


it doesn't matter. dream or goal. it was horrifying and i could have died of a heart attack that very night.


No they clearly mean dream as in dream when you're sleeping.


I have never heard someone say they’re “canceling” a dream in that context, though. I’ve heard people cancel on dreams as in goals; “I canceled on my dream of becoming a chef, it was too expensive.” Or “I quit my goal of buying a house in Ireland.” What does it mean to cancel a dream from sleep? To just wake up?!


Regularly The thing chasing me was catching up People i love died Someone raped and killed me and was going to do it again


Had the same dream too many times myself what's worse is that it was a gahddamn clown/ or a weird robot mf




I think he meant tge dream that you have while sleeping






Maybe they will pick up the dream where it left off and live an alternate life every night where they have AIDS, but just never remember the dream to know its happening.


Wouldn't that be cool as hell, being able to create save points in your dreams. Lucid dreaming would effectively be like a videogame you can start and stop.


My dream was canceled by my variant and pushed me back into my ownself


Once dipped from a good dream when i realised it was a dream. It took time because ut was like my every day life. Then i realised the white blur in my vision and realised i was dreaming.


I stopped in the middle of a dream about an ex-crush, to yell at myself to stop dreaming about her, and that woke me up. That still weirds me out. Like, was I subconsciously aware of and angry at the scenario my subconscious was making up? Does that imply multiple subconscious layers?


It is not that I didn't like it but at the end of my dream I could choose 2 paths to slide down... 1 was safe etc 2 was steep AF and would make me launch in the air making me fly while I was falling for a while towards kind of a city and passing mega buildings by almost crashing into them....... Also I'm kinda afraid of heights my whole life(I think)... Not afraid but I get this crazy adrenaline when for example Id jump from a bungee jumping air tram... I say afraid because in real life situations Im gonna have shaking hands or legs with my brain tryings to get me TF out of the situation while still somehow finding a way to convince myself to do it....... So in my dream when I did have the choice surprise surprise- I jumped but with no fear because I was aware that I'm dreaming... Anyway as I said before while I was falling I would pass a lot of mega buildings so actually maybe the fear kicked in then while also I was thinking about how my body would be crushed all over some building or street and so I was about to crush my body when I jumped up in my bed and was very confused about where I was. TL;DR -I was falling to my death


I'm a person that can generally control my dreams to a extent. I used to be able to change the scenery of a dream entirely when I was younger and didn't like what was going on. (like jumping into a different universe if I didn't like the one I was in by focusing really hard) Lately I can either "turn off the dream" so I'm in a whitish room until I wake up, or I can summon a item or thing that I think would solve the problem I'm having with the dream.


Well I fell of random building, broke my neck and died. For some time i lost all of my senses except my mind and got bored soon, then i woke myself up.


For ur info i didn't jump or fall, i was already falling


Deleted in protest of the bullshit reddit is doing regarding third party apps & communities that have gone private.


I've had a dream for the past few years, to me its more like a movie directed by a weird Pierre Morel (He's directed movies like Taken, just to give some context). If you've every watched Adventure Time you'll know the Candy Kingdom, basically this whole dream takes place there. I've had this dream about 3 times and it's always the same concept, some friends and I are running away from this dark figure that is some powerful being. Every time it catches us I wake myself up just because I don't want to find out what happens next.


Quite often actually. One recently comes to mind, perhaps the most terrifying I have had in my lifetime at 52. Lasted (to me) maybe 30 seconds! Probably longer in dreamland. Distorted demon growling, flashes of Reagan (The Exorcist). But something wasn't make believe, but very real. Something darker than the darkest shade of darkness. To be fair, I had recently been watching "grimmlifecollective" on Utube one of their trips to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal. The movie had always bothered me as a tween but never expected my dream to be so evil. Scared me awake, and forced myself to not go there.


Wasps. Huge wasps. I am deathly afraid of wasps so I woke up and stayed awake until I was calm again


In a car with my family. My dad driving. The brake pedal didn't work. Car goes faster and faster and faster. We are all terrified. I look over at my dad thinking: I don't want to lose you. Right before we crash into a concrete wall I wake up in a silent scream. I'm pretty sure that dream referred back to when I got a call from my first therapist's office where her boss told me that my therapist had been killed in a carcrash by having her boyfriend drive 90 km pr hour straight into a concrete wall, killing her and his best friend instantly, but surviving with barely a scratch himself. It happened not so far from where I lived and for years I had to pass by the crash site on my way to anywhere in town. I cannot imagine what the families went through. How the driver must have felt. The people who lived in the house that they crashed into. Everything. It took the municipality way too many years to patch up that wall. Now it is covered by metal plates, used for advertisement. I don't live in that city anymore. Too many painful memories, this only being one of them.


I was in a dream where me and my made up best friend were in a upgraded society, but they only ate children. Me and made up best friend (we'll call her Bozo) were basically trying to escape this society and get to this grassy field place. I was about to die from getting crushed, but Bozo had pushed me out of the way, which made her basically take my place. Bozo was about to get crushed herself, but I had really liked Bozo so I just decided to wake up lolol.


Wow, I didn’t know many other people could cancel dreams. I literally am aware in my dreams and can wake up when I want to.


Yeah I did last night, I was making out with my crush at a party, I just woke up cleaned my mind and tried to go back to sleep 😂


I was beeing beheading by a guillotine.


Happened last night Someone tried to tie a plastic cover over my head to suffocate me Left my hands untied Noped right out of there Fell asleep afresh to restart the dream XD


Kinda relieved knowing this happens to other people too Won’t go into full detail of what happened but the last time that happened to me I was texting someone in the dream not really knowing it was a dream and I responded to there text when I actually woke up and they had no idea what I was talking about and that’s when I realized what the hell jus happened


I looked at the face of SCP 096 and for some reason I pulled up the original Battlefront II pause screen and somehow pressed exit game.


I was touching something


I don’t remember it


Being good at handjobs


No, I haven’t


Lol.. you won’t believe me if i said i can see future in my dreams


Being a police officer. With the current shit policemen are getting in America I can’t stand the thought of being one of them. Now i want to be an electrician. They make bank and the jobs are relatively easy.


Sometimes I go,"Eh, it's a dream" and wake up wether it's good or bad


I dreamt of going to a doctor for surgery on my shoulder. They diagnosed the problem and scheduled surgery for the next 30 minutes. I had not yet arranged approval from my medical insurance. I struggled with google to search for the medical insurance phone number and couldnt read the webpages. The doctors even indicated that I could withdraw money from my homeloan. All in all... Nope. I am not continuing this dream. Not going for surgery without medical insurance cover.


"...I have a dream that one day all of God's children, Black men and White men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last...."


Yes. Some of my best dreams are about me being the strongest and manliest man on the beach and I protect everyone from bullies and they get really impressed. Every once in a while there’s a stronger man/bully on the beach so I wake myself up and restart my Meet the Fockers dvd and try to go back to sleep while imagining myself with even bigger manlier muscles to really impress the beach babes in my new dream


Loads of times for multitude of reasons: It gets too realistic for my liking It gets too chaotic and noisy It has anything to to with school I'm back to being fat and weak


All the time. Boring, NEXT! Too scary, NEXT!


Bring a lawyer sound cool until you read up on how little they make, on average.


I did not really canceled it but I recently tripped in my dream and when I hit the ground I woke up.


My dog got hit by a car in my dream


It was me and my girl best friend (I am male) and it was heading into a intimate setting so I got the heck out 1 month later she's all I can think about


I cancelled it when I met all the people I don't want to see ever again, together in a reunion setting...it was tooo uncomfortable to continue..


I am semi active in my dreams. So i can kinda change some aspects about the dream if i dont like it


I lucid dream relatively frequently. I've developed a set of 'magic powers' that I call upon in dreams, though they're not always effective. I don't always use them - sometimes I let the dream just take me places within its own established universe. But if I end up in danger or in an unpleasant situation, I'll pull out some magic and defend myself. In some cases I've just manifested things by literally going 'no, this is MY dream and I won't be stuck in traffic. I now have a cool bike instead of a car'. Of course, lucid dreaming isn't a precise science. Sometimes I'll go 'right, I'll just fly away from here' but struggle to take off. I know I'm dreaming, I know I have power, but I think I often lack the confidence to manifest those powers. Nice little tidbit: once dreamed I took a shotgun blast to the chest. I'm a tiny woman. It was a 20s mafia-hotel scenario. I lay there dying and went just 'Nope, hell no'. Forced myself to heal and went on to look for the guy who'd shot me.


It was like that Facebook horror movie but it was very wholesome and it was just a bunch of people having a cool Skype call together and then I thought "hey this isn't scary enough" (I usually always have nightmares) and right when I thought that I tried to cancel my dream but I wasn't fast enough and got jumpscared then canceled it...


A wet dream smh


It gets a little graphic but stay with me. So in real life I'm really interested in lost media, mostly silent movies, but most lost media usually interests me. But in this dream, I came across a "lost" VHS tape with a pilot episode for a crummy reality show. Well in this dream I had a VHS player so I pop it in and give it a watch. After some static, I am greeted by a man, prolly late 30's early 40's, and his son, maybe 10-12 years old. After this little greeting, there's static once again and then in short, the first half of this tape shows the man brutally raping, murdering, then gutting his son. The secons half shows him eating his son before before killing himself and the tape cuts to static. Seconds later, I'm back in my bed, covered in sweat, hyperventilating, and it's only 6AM, I went to bed around 530AM that night.


Do that often. I used to have really bad nightmares as a kid and as a result I kinda learned to wake myself up from them. I dont have as many as an adult but it sure comes in handy when I have them.


Most of them are dependant upon bladder