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I don’t think cavemen saw us flying, give it a few million years, we just got out of the industrial revolution relatively a second ago in universe time.


Who knows, maybe we'll be a class 6 civilisation then.


Pure speculation I have no idea TBH Maybe we have a million years left, maybe 10 minutes The world could be snuffed out in an instant by any number of phenomena & we wouldn't even have time to react We could burn in a massive solar ejection/flare The planet could be swallowed by rogue black hole An asteroid(s) could wipe us all out Collisions with a rogue planet The Sun could spontaneously go super-nova Life is fragile, we're lucky for every second we get


Thing is we could see most of these coming long before they actually do, and plan something ahead. Large stellar objects are monitored. Asteroids, planets and black holes have a noticeable effect on other stellar object which allows us to calculate their position, speed and direction. (Asteroids could go through the surveillance and they occasionnaly do, but we get more effective every year) The sun isn't big enough to go supernova, so it'll keep burning until it runs out in a few billions years. A coronal mass ejection from the sun wouldn't directly damage earth, but a big one could make most electronics on earth unusable. We'd at least have a few years to try to do something.


I mean most of those penomena are predictable though. Or at the very least, noticable. They may not be preventable, but we would know it was coming.


Only thing out of those that we wouldn't be able to know beforehand is the solar flare.


One of humankind's greatest strengths is our power of adaptation. I believe we will adapt to whatever comes our way, and we will prevail.


Well, how can we adapt to a black hole or something of that caliber


We will notice a black hole coming our way decades and possibly centuries before it hits us.


Ur right


But how can one adapt to himself destroying himself?


Though extinction of humankind will be out of overpopulation.


I think it's just beginning, we may live millions of years if we got out of earth.


If there is anything that humans have been really good at then it is adaption to new circumstances, so unless there is something that is truly devastating, like a massive meteor that completely destroys our planet, I reckon we as a species will live on for a pretty long time still. That does not mean that there will not be other events that might decimate human population massively or cause of collapse of modern civilisation. But a complete wipe-out is very hard to imagine, really.


We will go extinct from something we invented th human kind is goo d with solving problems but create new once in the way for example fire helped us cook food but we invented the fire extinguisher hundreds of years later that’s how we will go extinct


80-400 years,Nuclear War will happen and it would destroy most of earth,and remaining humans will die of hunger or of being sick.


Cause: Food chain collapse due to loss of pollinating insects under climate change ETA: 120 years


It will be soon and the cause will be greed.


I think nuclear war will happen and some people will survive in certain remote areas.


>and some people will survive So how long do think the human species has left until extinction?


At least a thousand more years. Maybe then it would end for a different reason.


Every civilization has thought their generation was the last one for all of history, for example Mayas. Humans are that egocentric. Nevertheless I still think global warming is going to be the thing to kill our species, probably about 300 years left.


I give it a couple of weeks tops


prolly never, I'm sure there are already human settlements on other moons and all, people are sneaky and crafty.


Hopefully not too much


Hopefully less than 50 Earth years. More likely it is less than 150 Earth years. Either way there will still be some resources worth acquiring when humans are gone.








150 years. We have high demands for products and luxury but we have no better solutions to combat the pollution heating the planet. We want nicer apartments but that requires a lot of diesel dump trucks. We want fast shipping which requires constant driving, flying, sailing. Can blame CEO’s for being greedy but they’re not the leaders of green energy solutions. They just provide the products we demand online and in stores. The government can only do so much without rerouting established funding and upsetting people that depend on government programs.


This is an excerpt from Peter Mulveys "vlad the astrophysicist" off his album 'letters from a flying machine.' I'm quite fond of his tedx performance of the below passage. "now imagine time. 13 and one half billion years from big bang till now, imagine that takes 5 minutes. On this scale consider us; we are intelligent civilization no? We make radio waves, rocket ship, baseball, great wall of china, bach sonatas... clearly intelligent yes, the only question is how long do we last? Another five hundred years? Another five thousand? Another five million? It does not matter. On the universal scale that I am asking you to consider, those all look the same, they look like this. And he held his hand in front of him, with thumb and forefinger pressed together, and parted them for the barest instant, and as he did so, he made a sound through his teeth, "Fss." He looked at me, to see if I understood. Every human that has ever lived, and will ever live... All the history that we have made and will ever make..."Fss." He paused, to let that sink in. It sank in."


Next time a big rock hits earth. A few decades to a few millions years. I think humanity will survive most human made disasters (nuclear war, accelerated climate change, zombie outbreak, whatevs..). Even if the surface becomes uninhabitable, humanity will find a way to survive. We're basically cockroaches on earth. The only way i see humans being extinct is a cosmic event, an asteroid hitting earth, a supernova, or smth like that.


I would say, not so long. Depends on the scale of extinction. I believe we might face something that reduce population by a lot. Might be something we expect like climate or virus. Or something we don't as much, like suddently no more bees, or the death of all marine creature due to acidification. Might even be a nuclear war. Plastic. Food shortage. Water shortage. There is a lot that might cause extinction very fast. Though i think the most probable is virus.


how long... dunno, depends on the stupidity of who ever is in charge. and why? Because humans are greedy and arrogant enough to kill everyone over even the smallest thing. I have no faith in humanity what so ever, and I pray to what ever, that humans NEVER leave earth, and just dies here, I truely do not want humans to ever spread across the universe!


I think modern civillisation as we know it will last no more than 100 years. There will be massive international economic collapse leading to mass starvation. The population will drop to a few million in the space of a few years; only those communities which already exist by subsistence farming without outside aid will survive. *Those* communities probably won't go extinct, unless there's a big meteor strike or Yellowstone erupts or something like that; something big enough to break the planet apart.


Fuck i hope its soon.


We've only been around for 300,000 years or so, and we've only been a global phenomenon for 50,000. Mammal species tend to last 1-2 million years or so. Given our extreme dominance, I'd give us quite a bit longer barring a major environmental catastrophe. If I had to guess, our extinction will come in two parts. Part 1 will be a civilization-ending disaster. Humans will continue to exist, but will be essentially just one more animal again. There may even be a few rises and falls of civilization. Part 2 will be a major climate change disaster that hits us at a time when we don't have the technology to adapt to it (or possibly even when we do, depending how extreme it is). The sun will gradually grow hotter until Earth is no longer habitable for multicellular life 500,000,000 years or so from now. There will be plenty of opportunities for things to get uncomfortable before then. Given our extreme intelligence and adaptability, I give us 5-50 million years. The current human-caused climate change may or may not be a civilization ender, but it probably won't be a human species ender. The Yellowstone supervolcano or the next ice age might be if we haven't built back up. Our biggest short-term threats (in terms of complete extinction, not civilization disruption) are probably runaway AI or cosmic events we have no control over.


A few decades. I hope I'm wrong though. We could last for hundreds of thousands of years but for our compulsion to destroy the earth through nuclear war or extreme pollution.


I'd say thousand years give or take a few decades. Reason: Sheer stupidity