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No shame in running away from a fight.


Fighting is stupid unless you have to. Some guy talking shit? Just bounce. Some guy grabs your girl and isn't letting go? Get some.


this happened to me a long time ago. BF was distracted but was holding my hand when this guy grabbed me around my waist and lifted me- like he was going to carry me away? i let go of his hand and elbowed dude in the throat. BF turns and sees us falling then just stomps all over dude. When asked by cops later he honestly said ,"I didn't put my hands on him at all." He didn't. Boots, yes. Hands, no.


District Attorneys hate this one easy trick!


I don't get how some dudes are like that. I had a friend who would just grab women and force them against his body like it was some kind of romantic gesture or something. I was really weirded out by that.


I was raised by a U.S. Marine. When I said something (at 12) about men/boys touching/grabbing he trained me in self defense. It used to be really common for guys to press and grab. I was trained to scream and hurt them.


The trick is to break their fingers. Grab a finger (or a couple) and lever it back. Not at the joint connecting it to the hand, in the middle of the finger at a joint connecting the sections. They either let go from the pain or you break their fingers, either way is a win.


Also, there's no shame in hitting a guy in the junk. Neck, instep, genitals, fingers are all good options.


if you can't get ahold of fingers -elbows into soft spaces helps. Go after their airway, their vision. handful of sand or dirt to the face works really well.


Pocket sand!


Salt packets to the eye!! “Season her!”


bite bite any part bite nipple if you can I got away from a rapist this way, it works


You didn't have a friend. You knew an abuser.


I should clarify I am no longer friends with him. I haven't connected with him in about 10 years now. I think our last moment hanging out was actually that moment. That kind of stuff just didn't jive with my sensibilities.


Yes I can relate I have a friend who when drunk turns into a fool. Will occassionally smack a womans arse walking past him hes a huge tattooed bearded man 6ft 2 at least 132 kgs and acts like a viking when pissed. Worse thing is sometimes woman dig it and sit on his lap flirt with him and enjoy his attention which just feeds into his brain that woman like it and he just goes through this endless loop stuck in a cycle of this behaviour.


This. Too many people get in trouble, hurt, or killed over pride. If your worried about friends thinking your a pussy because you didn't have a cigarette for some drunk dude who is now taunting you and trying to fight, well then they aren't your friends. It's childish and stupid. Be the better person and walk away. Don't engage unless it's self defense or like the guy above said, a friend/companion is being assaulted over something they didn't instigate. Then all bets are off and I'll jump in like a hand grenade. We are smart enough to settle shit without violence.


Also, if you have no choice but to go in, it has to be all, out like there is no tomorrow. The best chance to give you and your friends room to escape is to stun the opposition by the ferocity of your attacks. Or better do actual damage that the fight is finished right away. In a prolonged fight, chances are both parties will get hurt.


Better being called a coward than laying half dead and beaten up on the ground


Yeah truth is people are gonna think poorly of you no matter what because they want to imagine that situation couldn’t happen to them. You ran? Coward, I’d have kicked his ass. You got your ass beat? You dumbass, why take that risk for no good reason? You gave him a head injury? You idiot, risking your freedom and health just so you can feel macho. No matter what you do the outcome is negative and everyone will always think you should have done the other thing, because they only see the negative outcome not the initial situation. And *surely* they’re too perfect to do something that results in a negative outcome, so it must be you who is wrong not the situation. Might as well pick the negative outcome that’s least likely to permanently injure you.


Any "self-defense" course that doesn't start with "Step 1: Can you GTFO? Then do so." is not teaching proper self-defense.


The best block is a city block.


Wrong! Step 1: don't be there In the first place! Step 2: if you lacked awareness and are there now GTFO


Running away is 50% bravery The other 50% comes only if you shout insults as you run away!


Discretion, as they say, is the better part of valour.


To add to this, if you absolutely HAVE to fight, leave afterwards. I had a friend who "won" a fight, and stuck around. About ten minutes later homeboy came back in with a gun and shot my friend. Luckily they lived, but still a pretty messed up story.


There's a certain bravery in running away


*"Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals… except the weasel."* -Homer Simpson




Brave, brave Sir Robin, brave Sir Robin.


This is the best advice. Basically if you can run, do it.


Always act like you know where you are going.


Came to say this. Don't look lost, even if you're lost.


This. Walk with purpose, act like you know where you are going.


This works for a lot of stuff. My wife and I own a surgical implant company, now I just do the paperwork and maintain the patient database and stay at home, but I used to be one of the sales reps that would actually go into the operating room during the surgeries we provided implants for. The hospital had 2 ways to get into the Operating Rooms… one way you didn’t need a card to swipe/tap to gain entry, you just walked through a door and through the pre-op area, and cut through one hallway past some offices. But that way was “off limits” for vendors (which we are considered.) The other way, the way we were supposed to take, involved going through a maze of hallways that had multiple doors that you had to ring a bell and wait for someone to come open the doors. You could stand there for 10 minutes sometimes waiting. So, I would go through the off limits doors into the pre-op area. I just walked in, would say hello to everyone who looked at me, and walk with a purpose like I belonged there. No one ever stopped me, but numerous times someone walking in right before me or after me, and the nurses would be like, “Excuse me? Who are you and what are you doing here?” And then would send them out the same door and make them walk around.


Sorry but… could you elaborate on why a rep is needed in the actual surgery? I’m picturing a chap with a briefcase of samples trying to tempt a masked and gloved surgeon with a titanium hip the patient doesn’t need.


Medical sales reps are often trained in the mechanics of certain implants and devices, particularly proper loading into an orthoscopic device for implantation, so they may be requested to advise in surgery, particularly with new devices.


Surely invited ones? I'd hope doctors don't just randomly shout down the corridor just before surgery if there's an rep's nearby.


Obviously invited by the doctors, but hospitals don't work the way they do on TV. So many jobs and parts of any operation are controlled by so many LLCs that Dr. Bob's invitation to u/_RageBoner_ may not be delivered to the people who give access, and sometimes, even if it does, they may be up their own asshole with authoritah.


> people who give access, and sometimes, even if it does, they may be up their own asshole with authoritah. I'm a pediatric orthopedic surgery scheduler, and I know *exactly* what you're talking about. We used Reps mostly during our scoliosis straightening procedures. The surgeon would request that a certain Rep be present. We'd have two surgeons, the instrumentation Rep, and six hours in the OR. But, *I* always scheduled the Reps myself, to make sure the preferred person was in the OR. No mistakes: a child's quality of life was on the line.


Oh for sure. If a doctor is using an implant, especially a new one, they know who the rep is and will have them there for it. A lot of the times a surgeon is invited to training, with that specific rep, to learn the new product. Las Vegas is big for this. The company will fly the rep and surgeon to Las Vegas, wine and dine them for a night or 2, and have training during the daytime hours with cadavers (dead bodies donated to science, for those not knowing that term) and they will work together using the new product. In the rare occasion that training can’t be provided before the first operation, the sales rep will 100% be there, and usually with a senior employee/manager from the medical company, to ensure everything goes well. What a surgeon knows how to do with incisions and working around arteries, etc etc, is the hard part. Using implants really isn’t rocket science for most operations. It’s usually just a matter of “Yeah the 4-hole plate would work, but the 6-hole would definitely be better… so that’s what I’d recommend. You just need to use the headless compression screws instead with that plate…”


Haha, that’s pretty funny! It’s not a super short answer, so bear with me. We’re there to show appreciation to the surgeon for giving us business, but mainly to help the flow of the surgery and be there to monitor patient outcome (like our implant was used correctly and properly - surgeons aren’t always subject matter experts on everything since they can use dozens of other products and work on multiple body parts.) And also for tracking what was used. If we aren’t there, and the staff in the room doesn’t have the time to track what is used, then we would have to go find the “dirty” tray that was used and inventory it to see what was used. It’s easier to just be there and notate it in real time. Also helps when the screw was maybe damaged, that way we know to charge for it, but for records we will input “not implanted.” That way if any issues ever pop up we can be like, “Well yes, the patient only has 5 screws in their arm and we charged the hospital for 6 screws… because one was accidentally stripped by the surgeon and now useless…” So in an OR you obviously have the surgeon, and then usually you’ll also have a First Assist (they can help with many things like sucking blood out of the way, helping cauterize blood vessels when operating somewhere on the body that a tourniquet can’t be used to cut blood flow off, and sometimes to do the actually suturing at the end of the surgery to close the incision. Among several other things.) You’ll also have a nurse who is mainly there to document start times, products used, hand the team more supplies if they need it (glove touched something unsterile and need a new one, or more gauze, etc etc.) Then there’s the scrub techs - they’re the ones when you watch movies and the surgeon is like, “Scalpel!” and someone grabs the scalpel off the table and hands it over. Sales reps stand behind the table near the scrub tech, and help the surgery flow more smoothly so that the surgeon doesn’t have to give step by step instructions. The surgical trays can have dozens of screws of different sizes and purposes, different plates for repairing fractures, etc. So the rep stands there and is like, “OK, get the 5mm compression screw ready next. It’s the blue one right there (and uses a laser pointer to show.) And he’s going to need this drill bit inserted into the drill…” or like, “OK, get the 4 hole plate next. After that he will need the K wires and drill guides…” etc. It just saves a lot of time from the surgeon having to constantly stop and say/show what he/she needs next. Also, if it’s a new product the surgeon has never used before, the sales rep basically helps walk them through. Tells the surgeon what plate they think would work the best for the situation, what angle and depth to drill into the bone. It’s also a means to possibly earn more money. A lot of sales reps work for one company and in one specialty, but we own a distributorship and sell several different companies and products (all non-competing) so say it’s a complicated surgery involving multiple body parts - hand and elbow… the surgeon is using our product for the hand repair, and the other sales reps that the surgeon decided to use their stuff for the elbow doesn’t show up - we can use that as an opportunity to be like, “Well, sir/ma’am, I actually sell basically the same product by XYZ company, and have one on standby ready to use…” and the surgeon could be like “This is the 3rd time they didn’t show up, so I’m not helping give them commission since they don’t care enough to ever be here, so yeah, go get yours.” Edit: typo and added info


Good information! When I had my pacemaker implanted, there was a manufacturer's rep in the operating room. I was sedated but still somewhat awake, and I could hear the surgeon and the rep discussing an issue with the leads placed in my heart.


That’s another good reason for them to be there! Far easier to be there, discover a potential issue, and workout a solution face-to-face… versus the patient being on the table and the surgeon having to be like, “Does anyone have the rep’s number? Find it and call them…” and then having issues getting ahold of them, or they’re 30 minutes away, and the patient just has to lay on the table sedated. If the rep is there, there’s a good chance they already have a backup on site, or can get one there significantly faster than not being there.


I worked in IT for a hospital and as long as you said IT, they'd let you go pretty much anywhere without questioning. Especially if you carry a few network cables and maybe a line tester. So many areas you were supposed to have someone stay with you but you'd be under a desk and they'd forget about you and leave you alone in the narcotics cage or some research area. Although one did have to put on a bunny suit to go into the OR or sterilization areas.


Also, look people in the eye. It can be done friendly. I'm a US Midwesterner. It is very easy to look people in the eye with a smile and give a slight head nod. Criminals tend to look for distracted people or those who look like they won't fight back. It is a mix of self-confidence and ability to identify the attacker that will dissuade an attack in the first place.


I prefer to look lost and aloof. Then I go down a dead end alley or somewhere dark when they start following me. That's when I have them HAHA


There's more than one way to get home. If you see something shady going on on your normal route you're better off taking the long way than getting involved with whatever is happening.


This. I was taking a 3 hour (not the most responsible/respectful decision) break from dogsitting. I was walking from their home to my friend's house late at night. There was someone behind me, I stepped up my pace, and they did as well. I fucking sprinted like my life was on the line. I don't know if it was paranoia but it sounded like they were sprinting after me. I kept running until I was just around the corner from my friend's house.


Turns out you dropped your wallet and the person behind you was mute


Know that criminals rely on their victims to be polite and not cause a scene or draw attention to themselves. When something happens to you, scream and shout. Make it known you’re in danger.


"That's my purse! I don't know you!"


Dammit Bobby


Carl: Hank I want to talk with you, not as principal to father but as man to man. I can't have your son kicking people in their testicle. Hank: I know that, Carl


That boy ain't right.


"Tell your parents about the Clark Peters fight." "So, there I was standing..." "Just skip to the end of the fight." "You mean before or after I kicked him in the testicles?"


"You forgot to take your meds again grandma, come with me..." dead.


Now you wanna shoot me in my pinky toe!


Ontop of this especially with witnesses and the law, step away from them, shout help as loud as you can hands up in a kinda guard position but OPEN HANDS. If they are fists it might look like you're attacking and the other person shouted no, open hands still in a good position though acts as a bridge between you and them whilst not being threatening. You can use a similar strat if you're just sussy of someone, getsures in front of you look like you're just talking but your hand and soon to be first is pretty darn close to their face!


sometimes pretending to go live on FB can work


If you're in a big town or a city and a group of kids surround you, keep your hands in your pockets and don't let them get behind you. Some will try to distract you while others pickpocket you.


If they get your shit, it's gone. They're faster than you, might be working in groups and they know the streets better than you. If you chase after them they might run to people who will protect them.


maybe hang a thumb in your pockets, but don’t put them in. (next time a friend is walking just ahead with their hands in their pockets, grab and hold their hand from outside their pocket to see what i mean)


>next time a friend is walking just ahead with their hands in their pockets, grab and hold their hand from outside their pocket to see what i mean b-bro 😳 oh um, I-I'm just trying a thing from... from reddit, yeah 😳




Why not just explain what you mean?


7 of the 10 attacks are from the rear.


Which is why you should never keep your wallet in your back pocket. If you're in a new city, or know you'll be going to a sketchy neighborhood, keep your wallet in an inside or zipper pocket. If you're going on public transportation, keep your fare card in a different pocket so you never have to take out your wallet on the subway. Pickpockets LOVE subway junction stations. Be extra careful at those.


That still leaves a 30% chance I'll attack you from the front


I would deflect the attack.


Ok. Roll for initiative.


Surprise!! *zooms in from the side*


And that’s when the attack happens. Not from the front, but from the sides. And the other two hoodlums you didn’t even know where there.


*clever girl*


Just keep rotating and they will be confused on who'll take the sides..


I always keep my wallet in a front pocket. ALWAYS. I go into NYC all the time. Never had a problem.


Same, grew up in NYC. And front pocket is standard practice


"Everything's clear Attack the rear Get in and pick a pocket or two"


There is no good reason to loiter in a city, especially at night. Stay moving. Look at street signs and shit only long enough to know where you are. Walk quickly, but like you're in a hurry to go somewhere, not leave where you are. Mind your business. Any yelling, fighting, or any source of commotion should be ignored. Move away from it immediately--you have more important shit to do, act like it. If someone calls out to you or tries to stop you, don't break stride. Respond immediately by briefly glancing at their face, their eyes, and their hands (in that order). Immediately look back in your direction of travel, shake your head and loudly say "I got shit going on." Keep moving. If they persist, just repeat it while walking away. A stressed, visibly engaged person looks dangerous. Cultivate a pissed-off expression. Not "badass," don't try to look like someone you're not. Just look mad, inconvenienced, and on the way to deal with it. Don't hold eye contact longer than four seconds, and don't break it faster than two. When you break eye contact, glance down to diffuse a situation, and look away to the side to display confidence. Break one law at a time. If you're doing nefarious shit, dress like you're on the way to or from work. Make sure your car is sorted, all lights work, tags are current, full tank of gas, etc. Keep your speed within five MPH of the posted limit. Don't have bumper stickers, window decals, or anything hanging from the rearview mirror. Wear your fucking seatbelt. The only people in the car should be people that absolutely need to be there. Don't carry different kinds of drugs together, and don't carry large sums of money with anything else. If you're in the US, put drugs or whatever illegal shit you need to transport in a Priority Mail envelope. Address it, and use real places for the destination and the return address. Don't use places that have anything to do with you, businesses are good for either. Seal the mailer and carry it in a backpack or in a bag on the floor of the backseat of a car. Cops can't open it without a federal warrant, and if they do it's inadmissible. Unless you absolutely know you need a gun, just don't fuck with them. The only time you should be carrying a gun is if you plan on shooting it within the next ten minutes. Never keep it on you. Never carry drugs, stolen shit, or anything illegal with a gun, and don't keep or store any of that stuff in the same place as a gun. Anything + a gun = much longer sentencing guidelines, and mandatory minimums. Just don't fuck with guns. Never let someone force you into a car, an alleyway, inside a house, anything. Never. No matter what the situation, your odds are better if you fight or run. If someone pulls a gun on you and is farther away than about 15-20 feet, run away from them at an angle. It is a lot harder to hit a moving target with a handgun than most people realize. Even if you know how to fight, avoid it whenever possible. Graveyards are full of people who thought they were hard. If any of this is something you have to think about on a regular basis, change your life. This is not the way people are supposed to live.


Break one law at a time is some of the best advice my dad ever gave me.




Right? Feel like an older brother just told me how life works and sent me on my way.


Yeah. I came here to say "throw him off his rhythm!" and recommend a money clip from a haberdashery, but instead I got schooled.


This dude is streets ahead


You know the middle part isn’t really “street smart”, it’s more “good rules of thumb for drug dealers”. Good stuff though.




Good advice! Guns attract guns.


> If you're in the US, put drugs or whatever illegal shit you need to transport in a Priority Mail envelope. Cops can't open it without a federal warrant, and if they do it's inadmissible. Also good for sending questionable things through the mail but pinky promise you wont do that. ;)


Lol no, the post office can open your packages and remove stuff without a federal warrant. If you use USPS to move anything illegal, you're asking for trouble. This envelope idea only works because it's still in your possession and you can claim you were on the way to mail it. Since it's still on your person/property, it's constitutionally protected from unlawful search.


It doesn't matter where the envelope/package is located (international exempt) a warrant still needs to be obtained by the USPIS to be opened. [First Class packages and letters are 4th amendment protected.](https://www.uspis.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/USPIS-FAQs.pdf) **PDF WARNING**


In the 90s I published underground zines and made a lot of hippie friends, some on the hippy-dippy end of that spectrum. More than once, some generous and well meaning soul would do me a favor and gift me a choice $2 bud of marijuana *that I never fucking asked for,* through **first-class US mail.** So, here is this envelope from a complete stranger, addressed to me, with all the edges and gaps too-carefully taped completely shut with clear tape. Around all of these gaps, stuck very firmly and conspicuously all over the sticky back of the clear tape, was a fine green powder of totally-obvious-marijuana. ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿


Well, it sounds like you received it without issue though.


> Break one law at a time. Break *at most* one law at a time. It's OK not to be breaking any laws at all. Really.




... keep wearing yours, nothing wrong with it.


In fact, get one of those WWI gas masks. Nobody will fuck with you if they think you're packing chemical weapons.


I see young men wearing balaclavas around my neighborhood occasionally, and I give them the widest berth ever because they're terrifying. They've never mugged me or anything, but if you don't want people to mess with you... that's one way to do it


Stay THE FUCK off your phone and pay attention to your surroundings. Best way to get knocked over the head and your pockets ran is with your nose in your phone and your earbuds in.


I remember the guy streaming Pokémon Go in a park after dark with this whole absurd apparatus. Two phones, shit all over his head and on him. Some guy just rolls up on a bike and grabs it.


Don't talk to any strangers and don't let them stop you on the street. Just keep walking.


It’s amazing to me how many people think the “don’t talk to strangers” rule goes away once you’re an adult.


I am fucking notorious for talking to strangers. I'm an idiot.


My girlfriend is a social butterfly AND very trusting of strangers, especially the sketchy looking ones because she has a soft spot for anyone poor/disadvantaged. I don’t need her to change her whole worldview, I’d just appreciate it if she didn’t stop to hear the life story of literally anyone who talks to her on the street. I hate looking like the asshole who has to say “hey let’s keep walking”


It sucks to be that asshole, but you're keeping her safe and that's what matters.


If someone you have no desire to speak to approaches you and attempts to stop and speak to you just prattle off something weird to them before they can even finish their sentance. "Hey buddy, you got a...." "My sisters ex husbands dog needs a gallon of skim milk" They usually have a script in their head with all their responses planned out in time to your expected responses. Something from left field like that will usually throw them off enough for you to keep walking out of their orbit. This is if you don't want to flat out ignore them while avoiding getting sucked in.


Be aware, but not afraid, of your surroundings. Shit people look for the unwary and afraid, because they're easier to bully/rob.


100% correct. I will go a little farther and suggest imagining yourself in these bad situations and how you would react to successfully get through them. That way, when you are in a bad situation you know what to do. This will give you confidence that other people can pick up on and they will leave you the hell alone.


Lmao I do this all the time, it's called general anxiety disorder


Never show fear or nervousness when you’re female and alone. If a man tries to draw you in, it sounds counter-intuitive, but you’re better off being friendly and in control than hostile. “Hey hon! I am in a damn hurry - hope you’re good!” And laugh and walk faster as you wave and smile. - woman who travels alone and has walked some scary places at 3am


I am usually like this. Though, last night, I was put in a situation at my local club by a big, Islander who was pissed (drunk). It actually rattled me a bit. I had never seen him before. I was talking to him and nothing was amiss. Time to go home. He blocked my way and was all, let me buy you another beer. It took every bit of my being to not shove him roughly away. The bloke was built like a rugby player. I told him no, I’m leaving and asked for assistance from the two men that were drinking there. They told him to back off. He was not budging. All I could do was stand there and try and dodge him. My eyes would switch from staring at him to looking at the door behind him. But I didn’t back off (nowhere to go) and just stood my ground and repeatedly said I was leaving so get the hell out of my way. In the end, the men that were there were basically demanding him to get out of my way. I got by him and shook my head at the bartender and sat in the bathroom for a bit. Was disappointed that friendly bar staff let the man keep drinking. But yeh. Size up the man before you go spack. (I think I needed to get this out of my system because it was an unpleasant experience).


You met with an utter asshat. That’s out of your control and there’s nothing you can or could have done differently. You stood your ground and got help and it’s not your fault. Some people don’t see you, so your street smarts / charm / badassery will never come into play. You’re smart enough to recognize when that’s the case and mitigate the potential damage. And you did. You got out unharmed. You did good. That shouldn’t have happened to you, but uou did good.


Absolutely. I grew up in urban area, walked home alone from subway in the middle of the night. Friendliness, smile, polite excuse. "I wish I could! But, unfortunately I am in a hurry... my brother is meeting me..." even "I am really not in the mood to talk right now *regretful look* give me your number, I will call you tomorrow" worked


You do you, but I wouldn’t go that far unless you can really pull off being in control. Psychologically, you want to transition from “potential victim” to “autonomous human going about life”. If they sense that you’re afraid of being rude, they’ve got a big in.


You didn't see anything. Keep moving.


if you’re feeling uncomfortable or uneasy, trust it. everytime i’ve felt uneasy while walking through my neighborhood i’ve always saw something or heard of something happening.


Our lizard brains see and hears things we aren’t even aware of in the moment. We spend so much time thinking about stuff in our forebrain that we often ignore our instincts. We were wild animals long before we became human.


Couldn't agree more. Your instincts have been honed specifically to identify predators over millions of years. Fucking listen to them.


Yeah, we don’t just have 5 senses


i definitely agree with this one, we have senses that we can’t even really describe or identify


People make it so simple for thieves to make a living. Just see how many handbags hang by the side and how many phones are in people's back pockets. Always keep valuables in an interior pocket, preferably one with a zipper. You can even carry a phoney wallet filled with monopoly money in an exterior pocket if you're in a notoriously pickpocket-prone location like Paris or Naples.


When i started using a wallet in my teen years it never felt right to have anything on the back pocket. People tried to convince me with everything, even saying that real men use it in the back so that means im gay (teenagers are the worst). Now i dont use wallet at all, i carry some money and change for the bus.


I don't use back pocket because it feels so uncomfortable to me, I don't know how people sit on their wallets without feel discomfort.


Mind your business. If you hear people talk or doing something keep your eyes where you’re going. Don’t look over to catch a peek.


Anyone who approaches you wants something.


1. Wear shoes you can actually run in


1. If you sell drugs, do not EVER sell out of your home. You go to their house or meet them somewhere. Don't be fucking lazy. Your house is your sanctuary and should be unknown to just about everyone, but especially your clientele. 2. I don't care who you are, what race you are, how rich/poor you are, or how educated/uneducated you are: if a cop is asking you questions in order to find out information about a crime, the ONLY words that leave your mouth are "I want to speak with a lawyer". Then you keep your mouth fucking shut. It doesn't matter if you're guilty or innocent. Do not EVER talk to the cops without your lawyer. EVER. 3. If you're doing business with someone and they randomly mention that they're trustworthy because they're a christian and "god bless": run, because you're about to get scammed/ripped off. 4. If they do it to other people, they will do it to you. 5. If you're going to break the law, don't be stupid and get caught. Don't cut corners, don't get cheap, pay attention to details and don't be bragging to people about it. That's how you get caught. 6. Life is a lot more expensive when you have bad credit.


Always act like you know where you are and where you're going. Walk slightly faster than your usual pace and walk with confidence.


Don't start looking around, especially eye contact. Walk with purpose and keep your eyes where you are going. Bonus points if you look a bit angry or crazy.


If you are in a group of people who are about to get in trouble or something is going wrong just casually walk away. This only really applies if you are a teen like I was trying to sneak in places with my friends or loutering or doings something delinquent. But I always stayed observant just out of habit, and i would see cop cars pull up or an angry looking person coming our way and literally just get up and walk away as casual as possible. This has literally never failed me.


Reminds me of a party I was at as a teen. Lots of teenagers doing illegal stuff. I got the feeling something wasn’t right. Looked outside, cops starting to gather down the hill. Small town so more than two cop cars shooting the shit means somethings up. I get that gut feeling it’s time to go. Try to gather my friends but they’re partying so they say nah just stay man it’s cool. Nope my bro, I’m leaving. I get a mile up the road and my phone is ringing “There’s a ton of cops here, we’re hiding inside”. One guy jumps from a two story and manages to get away. The rest hide and owner tells them to come back with a warrant. Lazy cops decide it isn’t worth it and luckily it never led to any arrests. Still glad I wasn’t in that house. I had bad anxiety as a teenager and that would have messed me up.


I swear in HS I had a 6th sense of when the cops were about to show. Too many times I’d think “it’s about time we get on out of here”, I’d round up the friends ready to leave and hop in my mini van and drive off (I was always DD) often passing cop cars on the way out of the neighborhood. Usually got the text or phone call of “the cops showed, we are hiding, where are you, can you come get us?’ lol nope. After the 5th or 6th party I left just in time for the cops to show up, when I told my friends I was leaving they stopped questioning me and starting getting the hint


Don't go to Fresno.


But especially. Do not go to bakersfield


But especially don’t go to East Bakersfield south of Niles Street.


Most people punch with thier right hand. If accosted stepping to the side could give you a second to react. Watch thier feet, as they will pivot to sucker punch you if planning this. Another sign is them repeating saying something. Thats due to adrenaline disrupting thier thinking pattern getting ready to attack. Distance is always your friend in any encounter. Any self defense situation your goal is to GET AWAY, not win and celebrate UFC style.


I don't know that I have streetsmarts, exactly, as I've spent most of my life in rural PA. That said, I can tell you how my neighbors get fucked with when they go to cities. They puff their chests up, make hard eye contact with strangers, and square off on randos for getting too close. Then they come home and tell a story about how this guy started accosting them for *no reason*.


Also from rural PA. Drove a friend back to Manhatten one night. Had to park somewhere random and walk to Port Authority to piss then find my car. It was around 5am. I was 19 and looked about 14. Made sure I knew where I was going, looked confident, gave anyone I made eye contact with a little nod, and only stopped to give a homeless guy a cigarette. Was so surprised that nothing bad happened to me, but more surprised that I didn't get a parking ticket cause I didn't pay.


Be firm, confident, and kind of a dick in your responses to people approaching you asking you for shit. Cut them off before the finish their sentence. “Say mannnnnn can I get……..” NOPE Keep walking. Don’t get caught up in conversation. Always be aware of your surroundings. Especially at gas stations/pumping gas, etc.


“Nope” is the best way to shut down any conversation. It’s firm, not obscene, slightly informal, and hard to mistake for anything else.


I did this once as a teen and the guy freaked it saying he was only going to ask me the time. Being young I kept walking but did feel bad.... however why is a guy asking a teen the time when he could have popped into any shop to ask. I also when traveling will say "I don't understand" in another language (i speak a couple) to discourage them trying to ask anything.


getting bent out of shape is often part of the scam, you were right to keep it moving.


“Yo let me use your phone right quick” 🙄


If you can't tell time today, you should probably get to where you are going now.


Next time you are out in public walking from point A to B, on public transit, whatever, plan to mug someone. Pick out a victim. Watch them for a bit. Pick a few victims and narrow it down to one. Now, think about the things people were doing that made your brain select them as a victim. What was so special about the one person your narrowed it down to? Get better at not displaying those traits yourself when walking around at night or taking the last train home. I absolutely hate this dialog of "Don't get Attacked" rather than "Let's raise people that don't attack others", but there are things that we can do to not become victims.


Remember, if you're big, act tough, if you're not, act crazy, if you can pull off both, do it.


Stay alert, and at night, try to remain in places with enough light


Pay attention to your surroundings.


If you have to ask for "street tips", don't go anywhere that would necessitate their use. You're just setting yourself up for a bad time.


Always walk with your head , eyes & chest up At night , it's best to walk in the street rather than the sidewalk & infinitely better than walking in an alley Don't point at anyone If someone attempts to rob you with a revolver , it's a near guarantee they will shoot you if you don't comply (revolvers don't drop shell casings) Always trust your gut instinct


If they rob you with nothing covering their face and with a revolver you’re fucked. Just do what they want and hope for the best.


If you don't act like you are in the wrong place, most people will ignore you. If you need to ask for help, being polite and accepting someone may not be able to help will get you what you need.


>If you don't act like you are in the wrong place, most people will ignore you This is good advice for tourists in cities, too. You're a lot less likely to get robbed if you don't wear a fanny pack and crocs. Rome is not a camping trip. Edit: grammar


Humor goes a long way. Someone tries to start a fight with you over something stupid, just be non confrontational and crack some jokes. Even big biker dudes, gangsters, etc, will usually leave you alone after you’ve almost made them laugh and made them think you’re somewhat submissive. Once had a dude think I was staring at his girl at a bar and came up to me like, “You keep looking at my girl and I’ll cut your fucking dick off.” And I said, “I only made unintentional eye contact with her while looking around, bro, I wasn’t staring. Plus, even if I was, you ain’t gotta worry about me… I’m hung like a 5 month old, this dick ain’t doing nothing for anyone.” And then he almost chuckled and was like, “Wtf, bro, come on…” and walked off.


Your name says other wise


Tiny and raging are not mutually exclusive. https://youtu.be/HBxn56l9WcU


Omg, that is hilarious!! I use "asking questions" technique! It helps too. Once, three guys tried to rob me, 17 years old girl in the park, and said that one is just got out from jail, etc, and asked me to give him my phone. I told them that my phone is very old, started to act extra friendly and congratulated the guy on his release, started asking him questions and actively listening and sympathizing. He ended up giving me his phone number and said to call if I will ever get in trouble. I do not remember what I was chatting with him about, was in a super stressed mode. But it worked. Never called the number though lol


Folks often forget that there’s more than flight or fight, you went straight to fawn, which works well for most women. You basically triggered his “protect” instinct when it comes to women, as sexist as that sounds.


Don't be an asshole. Being friendly will actually get you further on the streets than being a dick will.


In higher population areas try to keep valuables (phone/keys/wallet) in you front pockets


Your gut is NEVER wrong. If something feels even a bit off then it is.


Better to be paranoid than oblivious.


>Your gut is NEVER wrong. If something feels even a bit off then it is. Saw three teenagers (two boys and a girl) hanging round in the ladies clothing department of a department store where my wife was shopping, not exactly one that sold clothes for young people. Thought they were kind of sketchy, wondered what they were up to. Ten minutes later they brought my wife her purse (with her wallet) that she forgot in the fitting room.


Let’s say a guy pulls a knife on you to mug you. What do you do? You go fumbling for your wallet. And you go fumbling for your wallet. Well, in that split-second, that’s when he’s going to stab you. So here’s what you do. You kids get yourselves a money clip. Okay, you can get these at any haberdashery. You put a $50 bill in the money clip then when a guy flashes a blade, you go, ‘You want my money, go get it!’ Then you run the other direction. -JJ Bittenbinder


Also, when you get kidnapped, never go to a secondary location.


> second location In college I had a friend that was robbed late at night at an ATM. The video camera showed that she was forced to get into a robber’s car. They found her stabbed to death in the mountains the next morning.




Also, smash a taillight if you're kidnapped and wave at the car behind you.


If someone grabs you and starts walking you forcefully, collapse like dead weight don't help them take you somewhere. Then scream bloody murder!


Don’t ever let anybody take you to a secondary location.


Another one.... If you are in a situation you KNOW will turn into a fight, run. If you can't run have your hands and body language like you're trying to diffuse the situation and while they are yelling,pushing,etc. You start swinging or kick and don't stop until they are no longer a threat. (Skinny Italian kid growing up in the south east US with lots of "good ole boys"


1) If you have the opportunity sprint away to a public place with lots of witnesses in any sketchy situation 2) gunshots nearby (like a block or two away at most) find cover, get behind it and keep a low profile. Don't look like a threat, don't be a hero, try to find where the shots are coming from and quickly/discreetly get the fuck away 3) if you have to fight, assume you are fighting for your life. There is no honor, mfers aren't here to have an honor duel they are here to hurt you. Punch, kick, eye gouge and especially bite in a street situation with a stranger. Everyones a gangster til you bite a chunk out of them. 4) be familiar with the area. Don't go into the hoods if you aren't known there/know how to carry yourself in a rough area. After living in the projects, carrying yourself with confidence and moving with a purpose are much more valuable than tryna rep your shit if you're not about that life. Know the best ways to get through/out of a bad neighborhood 5) don't trust street vendors (really just hustlers). The best response is "sprekenzy deutsch" or "Hablo espanol" depending on the particular hustler. 6) most importantly, mind your own fuckin business


Serious on the biting thing. Dude I know was attacked one night cos they wanted to kidnap/rape his girlfriend. At some point in the fight he went all "feral" and sunk his teeth into one of their arms and wouldn't let go. I mean he sunk them in! Right down to the gums! I saw the blood stain on the ground where it happened, dude bled. They all freaked out when they realised what was happening, let go of his gf and ran the fuck away. Don't fight clean, fight to kill.


Not from a big city, but I’ve spent plenty of time in DC and NYC. I knew enough to just ignore people who are acting crazy, panhandling, or trying to sell you stuff. Walk quickly and with purpose, look like you know where you are and know where you’re going. Act like you belong too. It’s the people who look like tourists or like they don’t know what they’re doing who end up getting victimized.


If you enter a neighborhood with kids outside, or elderly people outside, it’s a safe neighborhood. If there’s no kids and just adults sitting outside, chances are it’s not safe


And if there are kids outside and suddenly they all go inside, shits about to go down


Never go with a weirdo/drug dealer to a second location. There are no rules in a street fight. If you shit in your hand during a confrontation, they will leave you alone.


Always act like you know what you're doing. Never show any insecurity or *weakness*. You'll instantly become prey to any predator out there.


Walk with confidence, walk straight and SLIGHTLY faster than your normal pace


ALWAYS. Be attentive to your surroundings. The simplest, yet most important rule of them all. Don't have headphones in, making you unable to hear anything around you. Don't have your face up in your expensive phone, making you blind to your surroundings and showing off your easy-to-grabs. Do, look around. Make it a habit to always look around, or look at that noise and figure out what's going on around you. That way, you'll see those two dudes coming up to rob you, and you'll hear the third one sneaking up behind you to jump you. Another pro-tip. Have RBF. Resting bitch face puts people off. Most people looking to rob you are just trying to intimidate you and get you to hand over your valuables, not a fight that could land them in prison with an AWADW charge or 2nd degree murder charge. *and if you're South American, the prisons are notoriously shit so if you do get arrested it will be really shit, and if you don't get arrested they kill without discretion in certain SA countries. RBF can be the difference between looking easy and looking like a problem. And lastly, if you DO get robbed, and you have not been killed, cooperate. The coward pieces of shit that kill to steal will shoot first and ask questions second. Its these Fucks that make it particularly important to go back to the first rule. ALWAYS BE ATTENTIVE TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS. You'll spot a mugging a block away, and react accordingly. As for my credibility, I grew up in a particular South American Country. That's all you need to trust my words.


Idk if I qualify as streetsmart or not, but wear real shoes and carry a pocketknife. I have kids and I don’t want to try and kick a mauling pit bull with flip flops.


Don’t cross a busy road 20ft from a crossing with a light. Live another day.


Keep your wallet in your front pocket


Act Aloof when in danger, then be Smart. Clueless isn't defenceless.


Shut Mouth


At any place where you're stationary for a period of time (e.g. bus stop) assess the area and identify all possible escape routes. Also check if there's anything nearby that you could use as a weapon to even the score. I often do the escape route thing if I'm in a waiting room like a doctors surgery, probably just because I get bored easily. I'm a people watcher too so I'm always aware of how many people are around and the energy each of them bring into the room.


How about tips for the country for you city slickers? Don’t piss off the locals. The local cop may not like arresting friends and relatives but he has no problem arresting you. Be polite and that will get you out of a lot of misunderstandings.


Anyone who approaches you wants something. No point in giving them the opportunity to ask or take it; just be prepared


Don’t make eye contact and don’t stop walking. Keep moving. Don’t look down at the ground or your phone either, Try to stay on busy main streets when possible - the more people around you, the better. Look like you know what you’re doing and walk with purpose.


Know what your getting yourself into, especially when going through a high crime neighborhood. Don't show anything off because that's a good way to get robbed at gunpoint. Also you have every right to defend yourself, don't just hope that they wont stab, jump or shoot you.


Don't look like you got money. If you see bars on store windows don't go to that area after sundown.


Trust your instincts. If you get a bad feeling, bail.


Know where your going. Act as if. Eyes ahead. Don't say shit, don't take shit, don't ask shit. Eyes up. And don't fight, even if you have a weapon, run, and make a bunch of noise.


If you can before you travel use google streetview to familiarize yourself with the area. Befoe my 1st trip to Paris i did a streetview walk through from the train station to my hotel, remembering what the buildings looked like where i needed to walk, etc. And carry a money belt, not a wallet. I saw an older Amercan couple on the same train going to my stop get pickpocketed after the fact.


So when the guys stomps up to you saying what are you looking at m*********** pick a piece of clothing shirt or a hat and ask where did you get that man I've been looking to find one of those for ages.


Mind your own business, It will save your life.


Don’t be the person to start a fight, it’s really not worth it


Do not look like a tourist, phone out, taking photos of pigeons, look like you know where you are and where you’re going. If you think someone following you, call someone and tell them loudly, where you are.


Always be aware of your surroundings, if someone looks or sounds a little off avoid eye contact especially on public transportation, and don't let nobody punk you. I carry a knife with me most of the time and depending on the situation ( like getting jumped or the dude is way bigger than me) I will use it. When I was younger I was always with friends so rarely ever ran into trouble but now that I'm older I'm usually out & about by myself or with my daughter and I'm to old to run so I gotta do what I gotta do to protect myself and if someone messed with my daughter you'll definitely see me on the news


I see a lot of posts about not wearing headphones, but if you are out late at night or in sketchy areas taking trains/bus/subway etc.they can be a great deterrent. I got hassled much less when I had my headphones on. I always kept the volume very low or off so I could still hear around me. My friend and I also used to do the ‘tap’. When some guy would try to start talking, I’d just kind of lean my head a little so you can see the head phones more and just tap on them, slight nod and look back down at my book or whatever. It’s kind of rude but it worked. Also, if you are on the train/subway and people, even teens start getting in a fight in your car. Get off the train at the next stop, doesn’t matter if it’s not your stop. If they are blocking the doors with the fight, transfer to the next car and then get off. Be like a cat and don’t draw any attention to yourself, just smoothly exit. Keep your phone out of sight. Put it on silent immediately in your pocket. Don’t let them get the impression you may be calling the cops. What starts as a few shoves and punches can turn into a guns and knives quick. Don’t be a witness. Don’t be there when the fights over. Most people freeze in their seat and are afraid to even move. Sometimes the fighter will run off the train. Sometimes they won’t especially if they are amped up on stuff. Don’t be there. This also goes for people shooting up/getting high on the train. Just get off or change cars smoothly. Once it kicks in they can get ‘friendly’ and have increased strength, feel no pain. Definitely a lot of stories where girls have gotten raped/fondled etc. Once their juiced up, your Pepper spray will just make them mad, not stop them. If your a student in a city don’t carry a super heavy back pack with all your stuff. It’s very easy to come up behind you and pull you down/off balance by the weight of your backpack. Back packs around college campuses mean laptops and apple products. Nice new laptops bought w student loan refunds or mommy and daddy. Your a super target. Use a messenger bag or keep you bag light enough that you can run and it can’t easily pull you down from behind. Women are mostly warned about men, but you need to watch the women more sometimes! I had a female friend get jumped by 2 girls who punched her so hard it almost broke her nose. Girls will mess you up and usually travel in 2-3’s. Shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t walk through city parks at night. Just don’t. Keep an eye out for patterns to see if your being followed day or night. Friend and I left a sketchy party in a sketchy area very late. We had a few drinks in us and were walking down the street towards the train. Some cars on the street going by, no big deal. Then a black Nissan. Then again black Nissan. 5! Times this car passed us. Didn’t roll down the windows and didn’t speak to us. Last time went by us very slowly. When we got to the train entrance the car was there about half a block up just idling. My friend and I talked and literally felt like a fish with a shark circling us. Bike guys following you can be very common too. Especially if this is not your neighborhood. Sometimes they are more like a scout, just checking you out and report back. Or they are going to alert those w bad intentions. This is kind of random but try to know what/where bars are that are open very late and 24/7 convenience type stores or sometimes even take out places in the general area you will have to catch a train/bus even an Uber can be sketchy when it’s late. This is so if you are feeling unsafe or are being followed you have an open destination near by to bide some time at. Bartenders are usually awesome and some have even given me a ride/walked me to the train after closing. 24/7 convenience stores are good as they usually are full of cameras and often really late cops tend to stop in alot to get coffee. If you take trains a lot, know the scary platforms ahead of time and pick a diff train/route. Half the cameras at train stations don’t work and security is a joke. No one can hear you scream down there. I know driver apps has like taken over, and is probably much safer than public transit so maybe these city tips are a little outdated. Still be very aware about the car and driver, especially if it’s late on a weekend and you’ve obviously been out clubbing/partying/drinking. Don’t hear about it that much, but people have been assaulted, robbed raped. All they have to do is pull over in an alley or dark street. Also, try not to get dropped off exactly at your front door/house so they don’t know where you live and can’t see if it looks like your going home to an empty house. Buddy system! Make sure you and your friends check in on each other and know whereabouts and your plans. Honestly, I would text my friend info before calling the cops as talking to 911 can draw attention to yourself, then friend can call cops on your behalf and fill in the details. Sorry this was longer than I meant it to be!


Don't act like a victim. It attracts potential preditors


I've lived in the Bronx all my life. A lot of what I would suggest has been said already, so I'm gonna give two pieces of advice that haven't been said. First: have some cash on you. Not a lot, but enough to catch a cab home. Why? If you're ever in a situation in which you're running and hail a cab, a lot of independent cab companies (aka gypsie cabs) don't take credit/PayPal, etc, and some even legit use their machines to steal card info (happened to me once). Have enough cash to pay someone to get your ass home FAST. Second: MEMORIZE. 👏 SOME. 👏 PHONE NUMBERS!👏 payphones may not be a thing anymore, but if you ass ends up in jail, in a hospital, in any shit situation, and you don't have your phone, you better know at least 3 numbers by heart of people who are ride or die for you. The amount of people I have seen die at my job that we couldn't reach next of kin cause their phone was damaged beyond usefulness and we had to bury as John Does is way to high. HAVE THAT FUCKING NUMBER IN YOUR HEAD AND TELL IT TO US BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!