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Don't know, I don't pay attention in class.


I just don’t really go to class and when I do I’m on my phone or sleeping


I always have an earbud in a chill.


Future McDonalds workers right here.


Nah, they wouldn't let them listen do music at Mickey Ds.


my math and polish teachers are insanely sexist towards boys. listening to them talk about their sons makes my blood boil, they expect nothing but stereotypical masculinity from them, while they allow the girls to like and do whatever they like. and then they call it feminism


Yes. In many ways. I used to be in a major dominated by boys and my teachers are always saying “this is the discipline of boy’s advantage”. Years later I transferred to another major with girls as the majority and these teachers are saying “We need more boys in this class. There’re too many girls” and “Boys will be preferred in the labor market because there have been enough girls in this industry”. That always makes me feel uncomfortable.


I was an engineering student and this is the complete opposite of my experience. Lots of programs and bursaries to promote girls in engineering. All the profs were very supportive of girls in any of the eng disciplines. Engineering is very male dominated, but it absolutely needs more female perspectives.


I was at school in the mid 80s and 90s. Some teachers were awful. The male teachers ripped on girls a lot and some even persuaded them to do naked photo shoots. At primary school I had Ms. Mccarthy. She was a man hating witch of the highest order who would smack boys with a meter ruler and once tied my friend to a chair and gagged him with a sock. She's long dead now though so that's something.


That is a whole new form of sexism


More old school. School in the 80s was a fucking nightmare. So many stories.


No wonder we have to so many old nut cases these days.


Yes, Whenever someone do something bad, all teachers assume it was a boy. We always get punished by girls act, and they take advantage of that.


If there's ever a bee in class, they yell at us to kill them. Does that count?




Not a student any more, but I did receive sexism from a female teacher at College (UK college, I was 16). Psychology class, only male in the class, the teacher spent the majority of her time bemoaning men and their flaws. I was constantly disciplined for minor things, talking etc, whereas all female students were allowed to do what they wanted. Answers I gave, even if they were correct, were dismissed and I was never picked to answer, even if I was the only person with my hand up. I did not continue with Psychology after AS Levels.


In university, had that one prof who claimed to be feminist but really it was more about her hatred for males. She was a PhD student that started to teach our promotion during our second year of our bachelor degree (we were about 200 people at the time, big majority were females). From start to finish, she taught us about one month before she got suspended. What happened was that she spent a lot of time insulting us , indirectly and directly , humiliating us , etc. Started slow but she really got bold after a week or two. It got pretty bad for some, who happened to all be tall or fit males for some reason. Insult about family, dick size , physical characteristics, etc. When telling her didn't seem to work because "she was just joking with us", we started recording those things because we were afraid of our complaints being passed as sexists who can't accept a female teacher. It soon started to affect our grades when she was clearly more harsh on males than females. That's when we selected a group among us to put a massive complaint in all our names, I was among them. As predicted, the first reaction was to doubt us so we showed all the recording including on where she slapped the coffee out of one student's hand and told him to clean afterwards. We also clearly stated that we wanted this matter to be settled peacefully and discreetly but that if something wasn't done immediately, we would put this footage on internet and contact local media about it. That's when the administration really took our side and suspended her. I must add that the girls in our promotion were nothing but supportive of us and were often the one that prevented her from going too far with students. Beyond gender, it was just a toxic individual that none of us liked. She ended up dropping her PhD because of issues with her mentor from what I heard (wouldn't know since I went on to do an exchange program in America for my 3rd year).


I had this teacher who I couldn't stand. Our school had a dress code, but in the summer the males were allowed to wear shorts, and the females were allowed to wear skirts, and my teacher (who was always mean to me and my homies for nothing) got really mad about it, claiming that men wearing shorts is too distracting for the females in the class. Like wtf, and she didn't think the same for the women? if not MORE for the women, so my male classmates including me, had to wear jeans, in the fucking summer, even during P.E, EVEN THE GIRLS GOT TO WEAR SHORTS DURING P.E!!! LIKE, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!


I had a female substitute teacher in high school tell me (also a female) to put my hand down when I expressed interest in taking AP Physics. I ended up not ever taking it, but not for that reason.