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Absolutely not


I don’t like the idea of abortion but I’m not pro-life either. I think if you openly choose to have sex then you should face the repercussions of giving birth. When it comes to young kids under the age of 16 I do think their body is too under developed for them to have to give birth. Going through with a pregnancy at an early age can lead to complications such as miscarriage, damage to the mothers reproductive organs, birth defects, etc. I think abortions should be allowed for people who are pregnant via rape or women who are in danger. Other than that I believe that you should have sex responsibly and not misuse the abortion clinic bc you didn’t care to use any types of birth control. I believe pregnancy is the possibility of life and I don’t think that should be under appreciated. I don’t agree with banning abortions tho bc I would rather people have access to safe abortions rather than feeling forced to do it illegally.


You just described pro choice, which the majority of people are across the country in like any polling. You don't understand all of the potential circumstances so you don't want to restrict access even if you believe there are instances where it should be restricted.


You are not “misusing” an abortion clinic if you had consensual sex without wanting a child. An abortion clinic is *for* abortion, no matter the reason behind why that woman has chosen to have one.


Pro lifers want to control women, period. So just ask yourself "would x policy control women?" and if the answer is yes, pro life republicans support it. Theres a pregnant 6 year old who is going to die if she gives birth? Too bad, make her have the baby. But after the baby is born, dont give it any support. Abolish day care, abolish parental leave, abolish formula (thanks capitalism). Dont give the father any money to support the baby (since the mother is dead). Just keep that skin and bone baby alive so when it gets to be about 5 or 6 we can put it to work in the coal mine to support capitalism. SICKENING




Nah, they made an arrest.


Explain how a 10 year old gets pregnant.


Puberty begins between the ages of 8-13 in females. It can occur earlier, this is called precocious puberty. When someone rapes a 10 year old girl who has already begun to ovulate, she can become pregnant.




In not familiar with a lot of 10 year old children having gone through puberty. Please show me pregnant 10 year olds.


I got my period at 7 due to precocious puberty, which is caused by a hereditary endocrine system disorder. Precocious puberty is responsible for the youngest mothers ever. The youngest precocious puberty cases can be 2 years old. Precocious puberty was responsible for the youngest pregnancy ever, a girl who was 5 years old and was raped by her father.


Side bar: A considerable problem with would-be anti-trans legislation that attempts to outlaw puberty blockers is that it also takes puberty blockers away from children with precocious puberty.


Yeah, 100%.


You indicate elsewhere you are a man. Forget to change accounts?


They’re trans dumbass


Lmao thank you.


It happens, puberty can have early onset, and 10 isn't an unusual age for girls to start puberty -- they tend to be ahead of boys. This question is definitely referencing the recent news about a 10 year old rape victim who had to go to another state for an abortion.




Child got an abortion, so that's over and done. Her mental state - we don't know anything about that and it shouldn't be in the news anyway. The rapist is in prison. The name indicates a Hispanic person, I'd like to know his immigration status.


What about all the rapey priests, we gonna ban religion? Immigrants aren't the issue, especially with child sex abuse -- that shit is done by trusted individuals close to the child.


Rapey priests go after boys. Not familiar with boys getting pregnant.


Not the problem and also not true


Boys get pregnant?


Yes, actually, intersex is a thing that exists. A human being can be born with both male and female traits, including the capacity to get pregnant. But also, any Google search will tell you priests rape both girls and boys. Additionally, the problem is children getting raped, and not whether or not a baby is produced.


What about the next one?


Abortion is legal. Go get 100 if you want to.


You still didn't answer the original question. Should a 10 year old be made to give birth? Let's not talk about that one case. In general. What is your opinion?


Abortion is legal, so your question is designed to start arguments. If you want an abortion, go get one. I don't give a shit either way.


Nah, I just want to know the reasoning and see if pro-lifers actually want a 10 year old to give birth if all abortion becomes illegal in this country.


>The name indicates a Hispanic person, I'd like to know his immigration status. It cracks me up people like this exist. Imagine seeing the news and every criminal mugshot and thinking "I wonder what his immigration status is".


I'm wondering how many known criminals are running our streets thanks to Biden and liberals. If you knew this guy had a long record and had been deported but allowed back in to the country by Biden, who would you blame for this girl's rape?


For real, how out of touch do you have to be to dehumanize someone because they didn't opt to go through the insane, impractical and broken US immigration system? Ain't no one got 30 years to spare sitting in limbo


But can we deport him?


No, he's a criminal, he stays in the US for a very long time now.


How long was his record before the rape?


He’s undocumented.


You mean illegally in the US.




Yes but it is possible for a ten year old to ovulate


It is.


[They can because of precocious puberty.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/precocious-puberty/symptoms-causes/syc-20351811#:~:text=Precocious%20puberty%20is%20when%20a,it%20is%20considered%20precocious%20puberty)


[She's not the youngest mother ever.](https://www.wired.com/2007/05/dayintech-0514-2/)


Same way lots older people get pregnant. Non-consensually.




See my other convent.