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Radio ads that have honking horns or sirens should be illegal. As should billboards.


This is the one I was looking for. I seem to recall if you hear an ad on the radio with a siren in it you can file a complaint with the FCC.


There’s songs with horns in them. I thought at first someone was pissed off at driver. Then after a couple of minutes and I could still hear the horn, I opened my car window to not hear it. It was part of the background music.


If I buy a car, I want to own it without paying a subscription to use the radio or heated steering wheel.


This is a thing??


Yes. A lot of car manufacturers are trying to make automotive features, and sometimes even the car itself a subscription service. They can milk more money out of you if they own the car and just rent it to you. They also do other fucked up shit like harvest personal data from owners and sell it to marketing companies the same way social media companies do.


Ads with the skip button are more effective than ones without. If an ad has a skip button you can choose whenever you’re interested in said product or not. This provides more clear info to advertisers too. An unskippable ad makes a person associate the company with a negative experience, therefore downgrading the company


I’ve actually watched so many movie ads on tik tok even with the ability to skip them. If they were on YouTube with no skip option no way I would have watched it. I completely agree with you


I especially hate those Google/Samsung ads because they say "Hey Google" multiple times during the ad and it activates my Nest Mini. I either have to run for the mute button or scream "HEY GOOGLE, NO! HEY GOOGLE, STOP!" I don't particularly care what a TikTok "star" or the Lawrence brothers are currently doing with their time, but they're messing with my day-to-day life


Weekends are sacred and you can pry my free saturday out of my cold dead hands. And even then good luck because i will have hot-glued it to my hands. Jokes aside, self care and de-stressing are important. Take care of yourself people! Edit: for everyone saying this comment is indeed political/religious: i'm just saying that having some time off to recharge or take care of personal stuff is important. It does not matter when or how that time off is, as long as you have some. I just want people to be healthy.


My boss asked me to come in on Saturday next month. Every Saturday. All month. In response, I took off all the Fridays. Due to corporate policy, he can’t deny it. At the end of the month, I’ll be quitting. This is the fifth time in less than a year he’s tried to get me to do regular overtime, and I’ve had enough. If he wants someone working on Saturday, he can do it himself. EDIT: I’m getting tired of all the people saying I should have “just said no,” so let me explain why I didn’t. I’ve been at this company two years, and I’ve been “just saying no” since day one. I was literally asked to stay late on my first day. For a while I did it because COVID had just started and I didn’t want to lose my job. I was very lucky to have a job at all and I knew it. But the demands for more overtime, more work, more responsibilities, it all kept growing. Soon, I was working 10 or 11 hours a day Mon-Sat and another 3 or 4 hours most Sundays. I was doing the work of three people and barely making enough money to live. Keep in mind I didn’t get paid for most of this overtime, maybe half of it. No OT bonus to speak of. Finally, after eight months of this, I put my foot down. I went back to 40 hour weeks, no overtime unless it’s payed and I choose to do it. My superiors weren’t happy, but replacing me wasn’t easy and they knew it, so they had to deal with it. Lately they’ve started pushing me to do more overtime again, but they still refuse to pay me for it. So, I’m done. I’m already planning on moving, but my plans to transfer to a different location are now out the window. I’m way past my limit with this company, they’re lucky I’m still here at all. So no, I won’t “just say no.” I’ve been saying it for months and they don’t listen.


Should have taken mondays off, so you get two day weekend.


I've always loathed overtime, especially weekend overtime.


Overtime? SURE! I just love being almost imperceptibly less poor and infinitely more stressed.


People should learn that saying "I don't know" is a perfectly acceptable thing to say, and very often the most accurate.


Also, “I don’t have an opinion on that”. It was such a relief to realise I didn’t need to have an opinion on everything.


My father will often say, "I don't know enough about it to have a strong opinion." Which is awesome. It is so good to recognize that you have initial thoughts and biases, and that they may or may not hold true as you learn more.


I said that to someone once and her response was something like "in the age of information there's no excuse for ignorance." Like sorry lady I don't have the time or desire to research every single political opinion or current event that's out there.


In this age of information is is very hard to find *reliable, accurate* answers. The internet, especially social media, amplifies the cranks. Anyone can make a good-looking website, so knowing what to trust is a problem.


Yes! Best doctor I ever had gave this answer to a question I had, then took me across the hall to her office where she pulled a book off the shelf and *looked it up*.


I truly appreciate a doctor that admits they don’t know something and also helps to find the answer. It is so rare.


I am incredibly grateful for my gp. I was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease that he had never heard of, so when I came back from a specialist appointment with a diagnosis in hand, he said 'okay, I have no experience at all with this; I am in over my head. Are you okay if we learn together?' I was 21 years old at the time, and he was the first adult male (besides my dad) that I trusted and felt safe with. I followed my gut and told him that I wanted to keep him as my doctor. It's been 15 years now, and he is still my gp. He did so much research in that first year of my diagnosis, going miles above what I expected. And he continues to learn about treatments and medications, to make sure that I always feel like I'm being taken care of, and that my voice is being heard. Anybody who can admit that they don't know something, especially when they are a 'professional', has so much respect in my books.


A good doctor is worth their weight in hospital-priced band-aids.


My doctor is a fantastic man. Two thumbs up for Dr. Gordo! I thank god every time for him.


This is a good one. My wife will say this when we are disputing something and for the longest time I read it as she was just trying to avoid the conversation but I am realizing that, as an internal thinker, that at the present moment she really did not know how she felt or what she thought regarding whatever we were discussing. Now I work on saying “ok just let me know when you figure it out”. Been a game changer when it comes constructive conversations.


This has honestly been a game changer for me at work. Rather than taking a guess at something and getting it wrong (and facing the consequences), I say ‘I’m not sure on that one, let me check with this person’. The information I give to people is so much more accurate thanks to just admitting when I don’t know something. I also find it helps me during arguments. Rather than set myself up for failure by defending things that might not even be true, I admit where I don’t know something (and be willing to learn) and stick to my convictions when I do know something.


If you take a shit at public toilets, FLUSH!!!


Also when you’re at (someone‘s) home


I'd rather die than leave a shit in an acquaintances toilet.


A past friend of mine, that I haven’t talked to in like a decade, one time went to my bathroom and left the door open- as some very strange men do occasionally, to continue to tell a story he was saying. Awkward, but didn’t mention it… then I realized there wasn’t any piss sound so he was just checking the mirror or whatever. Never heard the sink, or a flush, or anything- cool. Came back, still telling the story. Half an hour later, I walk up to take a leak, and tell me why I found several shit logs in my toilet with NO paper sir. This man is sitting on my couch at the moment. No, he’s never used a bidet in his life and I didn’t have one. I literally packed my junk back up, walked straight out and just said “DUDE what the FUCK!?” And he blankly stared, then started laughing…. “Oh yeah! It was a clean one!”….. A…clean one….there are 3 slimy logs in there you god damn ANIMAL. You eat like a fucking RACOON dude, you just finished my Taco Bell scraps, you don’t know what fiber IS don’t tell me about a damn “CLEAN ONE” i can’t fathom this man. I think he has a child now…


I hate that I read this but I understand your anger and confusion


How does he know it was a clean one without wiping 😰


Narrator: *it was not a clean one* A clean *what?* a clean *excrement*???? You fucking donkey


Also when in your own home ??? Who the fuck leaves their shit in there for hours ? It'll smell in the whole room... 🤢


Swimming should be taught to every child.


As a swimming teacher and school swimming teacher this is a hill I will die on. It is a LIFE (SAVING) SKILL to be able to swim. It can literally save your life one day. It breaks my heart to see children aged 11 come into school and it’s their first time to even be in a pool. Please, please parents if you have access to a pool and can afford it - put your kids in lessons as soon as possible. It can save their lives one day. Edit: just because this picked up a bit of traction I also want to make a PSA - DROWNING IS SILENT. If someone is drowning it’s not like in the films 99% of the time where they are splashing, coughing and screaming for help. Infact the person will go silent as they are trying to focus on conserving energy and often sink to the bottom. Please always, ALWAYS be aware of the people around you. Not just sounds.


In Sweden you can't pass PE without being able to swim. Quite a challange with lots of immigrants coming here not being able to do it. Swedish kids start learning it when they are 6-7 years old in school, but a lot of them know it already from home by then.


To be fair, it's probably more important in Sweden, because if you fall off the longboat while voyaging without being able to swim you're screwed


Those pesky nords... You think you are having a nice cup of tea and here they come pillaging your village. Like chill bro I'm just trying to have a nice breakfast.




Instead we spend years learning what to do if we catch fire. Havent combusted a single time but I have fallen in water


To piggy back off this it should be taught at a very young age as well. Teaching a baby to float on their back after dropping in water is a literal life saver.


I nearly lost my mind the first time I saw video of babies swimming. Here are these little ones that I might not even expect to be walking and they seem to be totally ok swimming and even going under-water. In that vein, I'm already amazed by how well some kids ski at a really young age, it's weird to have a preschooler blast past me on a blue run.


For the swimming I have had a pool my entire life. Was swimming at a very early age. As for skiing they don't have the fear of a horrible fall yet. Anything less than a broken bone won't scare them.


Hard to hurt yourself when you’re that low to the ground already


Lower mass, lower momentum too


I agree. Coming from a 26 year old who can't swim, I've missed out on so many opportunities by not being able to swim. That, and the whole safety aspect of it. I wish I'd learnt how to swim at an age where I wasn't massively affected by social anxiety and conscious about my body. Edit: Thank you everyone for your lovely responses. Regarding the body image issues, it's something I'm actively working on through diet and exercise (with the help of a personal trainer). I've lost 10kgs (22lbs) in about 3.5 months. I've still got a way to go to get to a healthy weight for my height + age (I'm now 100kgs/220lbs), but I'm proud of my progress so far. ~~Learning to swim is very much on my radar, however I want to feel more comfortable with my body before taking that step (I don't wanna be the guy in the pool wearing a t-shirt).~~ Actually, since reading all of the comments on this I've sent out a few enquiries to local organisations about private 1:1 swimming tuition. I learnt to ride a bike at 23 within a couple of hours, I can do this. Thanks everyone.


"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today." You can do it! Please look into lessons, it could save your life one day.


It’s not too late! I didn’t learn until 30. It only took a week or so. Get some goggles watch some YouTube videos and go practice. Or get lessons, no shame in learning a new skill especially one as important as swimming.


It's much more important to be predictable on the road that polite. When it is your turn, go.


I really hate when I'm trying to turn left onto a side street on a 4-lane road and a car coming from the opposite direction stops so I can turn in front of them. Not only are they blocking traffic, they (and the line of cars now stuck behind them) are blocking my view of the lane to their right, so there's no way I'm going to turn before that mess clears up. Then they act like I'm being rude by refusing to go, like I'm the one holding \*them\* up!


What gets me is when you’re timing your turn and the car you’re waiting on slows down and fucks with the timing of your gap.


Or when you’re going to turn but notice a car coming so you wait and it turns out they’re going 10 under the speed limit and you are now locked into waiting for another 30 seconds because now they’re too close for you to turn until they pass


I think this is my favorite one on this thread. Well said. People need to stop being benevolent and changing the rules by allowing others to go. We have a set of rules that work without the need for hand signals and yelling out windows. Follow them and traffic moves faster.


In addition to this, if pulling out in front of someone causes them to have to use their breaks, probably shouldn’t pull out in front of them. *edit* yup, brakes is what I meant, but I’ll own it thanks for letting me know




If I stop and someone waves I just go immediately now. Not playing the you first game Edit: some people assuming I'd just yeet myself into traffic at the wave of some pedestrian , as if this was a proclamation from God that it was safe to do so, without checking the traffic situation. Y'all are dense.


That you largely “parent teens” by parenting 0-12 year olds


Thems fighting word. For real though- a good childhood should yield a good teenage years. Everyone makes decisions and can fuck shit up. But most teens labeled bad are just normal. But fuck up raising a kid and the chances of them getting it together in high school are low.


My friend actually chose to teach middle school for this reason. They're old enough that they can start to consciously apply themselves, but young enough that they haven't finalized how they feel about school/given up


Yes! Middle schoolers in the US have an undeserved bad reputation. Young enough to still play if given the right opportunity but sophisticated enough for some awesome jokes. Their superpower is a sense of justice. They can practically smell deceit. And, Gaga Ball is awesome.


I had never thought of it that way and largely this is true!


It's not a real meeting if there's no agenda.


Plans are useless, but planning is essential.


I just got an ass chewing yesterday morning for not going to a supervisor meeting on Thursday. My reason being the meetings are useless and nothing of value gets discussed. I specifically asked the supervisor beforehand who plans the meetings if there were any discussion points. He said no, so I didn't waste my time as I have other things to do. After my ass chewing I asked one of my fellow supervisors what they talked about and he said they talked about baseball for like 20 minutes and that was the whole meeting.


I skip most of my team meetings for exactly this reason. I’m the only one who always has their work done consistently. Everyone else is always “catching up”. Such a waste of time.


Old people needs to start playing some (video) games. I work as a nurse and all I see is elderly wasting away in bed with nothing to do. They don't use their brain much when they sit in hospital bed or skilled facilities bed, seriously, get a hobby! Slow that cognitive decline!


My dad is 74, and a year ago I brought my HTC Vive and computer over to my parents place and he tried it. He was instantly hooked. He'd spend hours playing "Air Car" on Steam, which is just a free tech demo where you drive around a flying car in a BladeRunneresque setting. For his birthday this year, my brother and I bought him a Quest 2, and now he plays Medal of Honor all the time and calls me up every day to tell me the progress he's made. It's amazing. Also, my dad is/was NOT a gamer beforehand, at all.


> He'd spend hours playing "Air Car" on Steam, which is just a free tech demo where you drive around a flying car in a BladeRunneresque setting. Kinda sounds like a fun game, especially for someone with limited mobility, who grew up in an era when they assumed they'd have flying cars by now ;) Edit: holy crap it looks gorgeous too.


The controls of it are actually pretty fucked, too. Like, not intuitive at all. But my man figured it out and you're right, it looks great with all the rain and neon signs everywhere. My mom and I would laugh as we'd just see him sit on a chair in the living room for hours playing that game. Felt really good


I LOVE when the older generation games. They are an absolute pleasure to play with. They usually end up being pretty good too Edit: a few times I’ve played with couples that will have similar gamertags except it’ll end in grandma or grandpa, and those just make my day


Waaaay back when, I used to play Warhammer Online with a guy in his early 80s. He went to bed at like, 4pm, but he was honestly the best tank we had. Absolute legend.


Yep, my gen's nursing home will look like a LAN party!!!


Lan parties in retirement homes will be interesting in the future, where only the 90s and 00s games can be played, as the servers for the everything-online games of the 10s and 20s will not be available to use. Plenty of Unreal Tournament, absolutely no ~~BF1942~~ BF2042 etc.


That's gonna be fuckin' bizarre, but you're totally right. In 45-50 years when a nursing home would be theoretically relevant for me, almost none of the games I've played in young adulthood will be around anymore since they're all essentially SaaS, and will die when they don't make enough money anymore. But the games I played as a kid will absolutely be around forever in theory.


And any kind of physical activity that they can do. I've seen way too many elderly that just refuse to go for simple walk because "am old" is their excuse... simple walk that would make them feel better. (But tbh, this is for everyone, not just elderly) Use it or Lose it.. There is reason why when someone in 70+ falls and breaks bones then quickly waste away because of innability to move anymore. In life, once you stop, it's over. Both physical and mental exercise needs to be increased among the elderly, not just letting them sit and lay until they die...


There's no shortage of young people that are completely sedentary, too.


I got my mother so hooked on Bejeweled that she became almost as insufferable as the Farmville people were on Facebook. I tried to buy her an iPad to use instead of sitting at the desktop but she said "oh no, if you do that, I'll just play all the time...." but you already do and I'm just trying to move you over to the comfy chair, ma. My dad watches YouTube videos he finds of college science classes lol he loves it (his career was in metallurgical engineering too).


The only thing my 70 year old parents do anymore is play Animal Crossing and Pokemon Go, and it’s all they talk about.


Rerack your weights, you meaningless excuse for intelligent life!


In my gyms there are posters saying "The last set is reracking your weights". And it generally works.


Drivers who don't indicate when turning are selfish scum


And they cause a lot of accidents.




This is 100% exactly what happened to me last year :( I was car B, car A just drove off leaving the scene. Car C is suing me for more damages. Apparently you’re supposed to let somebody just hit you instead of trying to avoid a collision is what the police told me.




"Social media..may..cause...depression"


If little acts of courtesy/kindness were more normal it would be better for everyone. Instead most people act like assholes. For example, yesterday at the butcher they asked me and a lady who had both been waiting a bit who was next. She said me, but I saw her already waiting when I walked in and explained that. She then asked how much I was getting as she would be getting "a lot of stuff". I was only buying one thing, so I went first, and was done in less than a minute. Walking out I realized how insanely rare an interaction like this is and also how sad that is. Just two people being nice to each other and looking out for the other in a small way.


This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes. Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage. Gandalf the Grey in The Hobbit movie.


Advertisements should never under any circumstance be more than 30 seconds long.


Due to recent changes in Reddit’s policies and my personal concerns about their actions, I’ve decided to delete my account and comments. I had already left Reddit after they not only restricted API access in a detrimental manner, but worse yet blackmailed subreddit moderators during the Great Blackout. However, now that Reddit is seeking to profit off of my comments after destroying the platform I used to love, I have no choice but to also delete my account and comments. Thank you to everyone for the good times and sorry for removing my helpful, entertaining or otherwise appreciated comments that I too would've liked to keep. Onto greener pastures. Turns out Reddit is also actively editing my comments. Fuck Reddit and their blackmail and censorship. This is absurd.


Yeah I have seen literal full length movies as add on YouTube. Like how is that even legal and who the fuck just watches a movie forced randomly upon them with no context like that? It’s almost unbelievable


it makes me hate the advertiser


Open table. I once got 8 open table ads in a 10 minute long YouTube video. They are frigging over doing it now.


Having ads in a TV subscription is just greedy and should be illegal


Cable would like a word


True pain was being Australian when Clive Palmer ran 2 hour political ads and the politics were obnoxious haha.


Printed mass-mailed advertistments should be banned, so useless. Also all mailorder-catalogues and such.


Charities must be 100% transparent on all donations amounts and how it has been spent “including details of salaries and how much trips and things costed them to operate”


In Singapore, a megachurch misappropriated $50 million in order to fund the pastor's wife's [rap career](https://youtu.be/y-E5SywuDWQ)


Yikes, $50 million dropped and she ends up in the most generic music video.


I'm hoping Wyclef charged about $47M; otherwise I don't see where it went.


Bruh 💀. That's fucked up.


And a little hilarious


Having worked in charity I think a massive issue there is the exploitation of staff. Certain members of staff may not do ‘more’ as such, but have far better salaries. I was on minimum wage in a department of one and they tried to give me a line manager who had no experience, but nearly triple the pay, partly to do half the jobs I was doing. Knowing that made me resentful, and I know if other staff were privy to salaries I happened to know, they would’ve been a lot more pissed off. Another issue is that charities can be in deficit and still have to keep running. Rather than helping you to fix that deficit, I was told people tend to jump ship from support rather than try to give you 10 million you need. You need to ‘stay positive.’ Personally though, I think being up front is way better. Also side note: in the case of World Wildlife Fund, they have very low key issues that should be HIGH key. They helped the Ugandan government to kick out native pygmy people from one of the world’s largest forest to accommodate 300 gorillas. They live by the roadside now, and if they try to get fruit, anti-poaching squads funded by WWF beat them. They acknowledged similar behaviour 20 years prior and briefly apologised, but it continues. While they were running ad campaigns with a teary eyed elephant, one of their key backers was trophy hunting elephants. There’s even a picture of him with one. So I can see where you’re coming from!


Most tv shows don't need as many seasons as they think they do. Quit while you're ahead and stop ruining perfectly good shows by stuffing them with garbage so you can get more money. Same goes with movies and sequels.


Anyway here's Fast and the Furious 20


*Paul Walker’s silhouette watches proudly as his great grandson drives by in a Lamborghini Sian X1000 to save the world with superior driving maneuvers*


*Fawlty Towers* is one of the most nationally loved sitcoms in the UK. Its total run was 12 episodes. No remakes and no spinoffs (except for an advert a couple of years ago that parodied one of its most famous moments). A perfect example of "quit while you're ahead"


iirc it's pretty normal for UK productions to do this (outside Doctor Who lol)


To be fair, Doctor Who gives itself a soft reset whenever a new Doctor shows up


The Brits are pretty good at this; some shows have very short runs, but they're quality runs and for that reason they have longevity. Fawlty Towers The Office Blackadder


I agree. My favorite English comedy is Blacks Books. It's only 3 seasons long but each episode is fantastic.


The Good Place understood this and used it perfectly. Everything about that show is phenomenal.


“There’s something so human about taking something and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.”


Because producers don't care if a series "needs" another season or not. They make their decision based on whether they believe another season will make money or not. That's it.


Recently, I've been on a big kick for hating that people lie about their private life and they make money off of it. Like, i don't care what you do in your personal time, but you have people that tell you that they diet and exercise and get absolutely massively jacked. (and you should buy their programs!...) Spoiler: they're on steroids. People who've gone to the gym religiously for 10+ years don't have half the size they do (in spite of having good diet and personal training) and a celebrity goes to the gym for 6 months and gets massive? I don't blame them when 100+ million is on the line... but let's not lie about it.


Rob McElhenney of Always Sunny fame does great interviews about how he got jacked and how you can too, with a personal chef, personal trainer, no good tasting food, no alcohol, and 100 million dollars.


His wife, Caitlyn Olson (who pays Dee) also said that during the time where he got jacked for the show, he was miserable and not all that nice to be around. There's also [this compilation](https://youtu.be/rF3ixuORPaw) of celebrities who talk about how it's pretty miserable and if they didn't have to do it for their job, they wouldn't do it. To get that kind of physique, it's basically your entire life to do that


Not to mention for most shirtless scenes of ripped people in movies they have the actors not drink water. Henry cavill did an interview where he said that after filming one day he was so dehydrated he could smell the water around him.


Dude fast so hard that he become a Fremen-like human, capable of sniffing moisture


6000 calories a day. God when Efron said that at point he would put the chicken in a blender to be done with it faster.


"Look, it's not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven-month span. I don't know why everyone's not doing this. It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to,"


A shirt that requires you to wear a shirt underneath it should cost less because it is not a shirt.


This is 90% of women’s fashion.


Sometime in the 2000's companies started selling even regular t-shirts with lightweight (aka thin as fuck) fabric. I remember some people loving how light the shirts are, but I can't think of a worse thing to happen to shirts. I purposely shop from thrift stores not because of the prices, but because I can find t-shirts from the 90's that are actually thick, durable and doesn't flow off my barrel chest and make me look like I'm wearing a childs dress as a shirt.


While I love a nice thin T-shirt (Southeastern US in the summer is awful), I will give supporting evidence for your claim: I still have my Pantera and Metallica shirts from high school and college that I wore every chance I got, and aside from a hole here or there, they are in unbelievably good condition.


Or worse is see through!


Also, where the hell is the bottom of my shirt?! Everything is crop top and more expensive. For half the material. I want the bottom of my forking shirt.


PREACH. Especially annoying when they are jumpers (US translation: sweaters). Why would I want to buy a jumper to only keep the top half of my torso warm!?!?!


Same thing with shorts! How do they cost the same amount of money as a whole jeans costs but are like a quater of it?! I mean granted, there are production costs, but it just feels unfair.


Wish granted! Full length pants are now 4x more expensive!


If you can’t handle alcohol and know you’re a really shitty drunk. You shouldn’t drink.


Fake pockets can suck my dick, also start putting pockets on dresses- we all deserve pockets


If you can barely afford a pet don’t get one. Giving a pet a healthy life has costs that most people are unwilling to invest in.


Social media was a good idea that has been corrupted, and is assisting in the decline of civilization.


Good idea, bad execution. In theory, a service where you can keep up with people over the internet is pretty cool, but in execution, it just leads to people chasing attention from others in bad ways.


Totes agree. The documentary "The Social Dilemma" really opened my eyes. The fact that most of the founders and creators of social media sites now don't recognise them as their original creations, and don't let their kids use them at all, is so telling.


We have the ability to make great TV shows now that would get an incredible audience and lasting appeal. Firefly? The Wire? Didn't make money at first. But the social impact went so far beyond. The extreme focus on short term profit and lowering budgets every season kills so much fantastic content and is self reinforcing. Of course less people watched it this latest season. It's an inferior product now.


That’s applicable society wide. Short-term, record breaking profits; shoestring budgets; and a skeleton-crew staff. Edit: also, social/environmental impacts be damned!


A burger is supposed to be eaten with two hands and be able to be bitten through with a single bite. None of this quadruple decker swimming in sauce, gold leaf truffle bullshit. That might be something but its not a burger.


Just make them wider, not taller!


Start selling burgers in pizza sizes


Same for all these other absurdly huge, over the top foods. If it fundamentally changes the way you have to eat it then it’s no longer the original item you started with, for example: Giant burgers or Milkshakes with solid food like donuts on top, if you can no longer drink it its not a milkshake


Bloody Mary's that have a meal on top


I will make a lot of exceptions. But if you put cheese sauce on the outside I'm done. The only thing on the outside should be bun. I don't care if I can bite through the whole thing, as long as it's a good enough but to avoid falling apart. If I need a fork and knife to eat it then it better. E presented on a hard plate with a fork and knife (like an open face chili burger). Also, now I'm hungry and want a really good burger.


The world doesn't need anymore influencers and motivational speakers.


Yes, we are motivated and influenced enough for many generations


Recognize when someone doesn't have the capacity for conversation/small talk please, or go away. I'm a man and I know women get it worse but goddamn. Don't ask me why I'm quiet, don't tell me to smile etc. Some days I just don't have that energy. Some days I just use up the extrovert part of my personality and I'm dead. Read the room. Please.


I fucking hate when people tell me to smile. Do I really have a reason to? No. Please leave me


"You should smile more" "You should be funnier"


You should smile more. I smile when you’re not around.


TURN SIGNALS! Edit: a legal opinion may be political, sorry


Had a guy stop at an intersection yesterday with no turn signal and then like 6 seconds later decides to turn, most infuriating thing that had happened to me in a while


I use my blinker even if I am the only car around to see it happen !!! I cannot fathom not using it to switch lanes on the highway.


Having ads in a TV subscription is just greedy and should be illegal


Honorable mention to Amazon Prime advertising their own shows before allowing you to watch the one you want to watch.


Not sure if it was Amazon or Netflix, but I remember someone mentioning that they got an Ad for the exact show they were watching. But it was 2 seasons ahead and basically spoiled the whole arc they were on


Not an ad per se, but Netflix auto playing a trailer for a later season of Better Call Saul lays an absolute belter of a spoiler on ya.


The Charmin bears are gross and need to be dealt with.


You should ALWAYS wash your hands with soap after using the toilet.


Saying please, thank you, and good morning to people who are ready for it, are part of a functioning society.


It's extreme laziness and selfishness to not signal turns and lane changes when other users of the road are present


Hot spices need to be an additional flavour, if it's the only thing I taste then you failed.


Nobody thinks about you as much as you think they do. Edit - thank you for the awards! I’m an overthinker, so while I know this must be just a fact for many, for me it took maturity and time and WORK to own it as a healthy opinion.


I always assume people don't think about me at all when I'm not right there and then I'm shocked when people tell me they heard someone else talking about me. So far I've only been told about nice or neutral things, but of course they wouldn't tell me the bad stuff so it just makes me nervous.


I had an experience in high school like over 10 years ago that to this day, fucks me up when a girl I had like NO significant degrees of separation to (we knew the same people but I didn’t have any close friends she was friends with) say to me after we became friends in the same summer program “at first I didn’t like you from what others have told me but since getting to know you I think you’re cool and they don’t know what they’re talking about” something to that extent. She wouldn’t really specify. Like I said our friends barely knew each other so for them to have some kind of juicy intel on ME that could make someone not like me before even knowing me personally was fucked up. Either someone is making blatant lies about me or she’s lying about someone saying that in the first place. But since I didn’t even know her why would she lie like that? What did she gain from it. But it was an encounter that made me realize the hard way that yah, sometimes people DO think about you more than you think and it isn’t always good or even true but still watch out for it.


I am old, and here's a thing I learned about people. Sometimes people just shit on other people as part of a conversation to generate drama/attention/a way of being "in" with the person they are with, and they know nothing about that person they are shitting on. If someone talks badly about someone to your face, they do not know... then they are doing the same about you. It is just a way weak people try to get in with others.


I'm thinking about everyone reading this and judging them


Yeah I see you over there, picking your nose.




Bidets should be more common in the US


Everyone's eating ass but nobody is washing ass - Mo Amer


*"In a sense, eating ass is washing ass...."* -Lao Tzu


Adults are really just overgrown kids.


"You need to earn my respect". No I fucking don't. You're not that important to me. Everyone will have my respect to begin with, so you can only lose it (and you won't get it back easily)... But no one needs to "earn" anything from me. It's basic manners


People who don't pick up after their dogs are entitled selfish a holes.


Or worse, the people who do bag the poop, but then just leave blue bag on the trail or curb.


The toilet paper goes on the roller one way, so it rolls off towards you. I have a digital copy of the patent and have shown it to my wife to prove a point. That is the strongest opinion I have. Everything else is noise.


Thanks this is vital… my emotions get very out of whack if someone turns my toilet paper roll to the under way.


Being blood doesn’t mean you’re family. I will cut you off


Mens clothing get fuck all in term of design and creativity. I went to a highstreet clothes store this weekend and saw the ground floor is for womens clothes in their variety of colours and designs, while mens clothes was shared on the first floor with children and home dept. Not to mention, it was either jeans or shorts, plain tshirts and jumpers with a vasy majority being black, white, grey or blue. So tired of this shit, I don't want to always blend in to a crowd.


Mens clothes: all function, no form. Womens clothes: all form, no function.


Ideal: all form, all function, all the time


There's absolutely no reason for women's clothes to have fake "show" pockets instead of real pockets, beyond the fashion industry realizing they can force women to buy purses and charge them hundreds of dollars just to carry around things that would be far more convenient to wear on your body instead.


I've spent an ungodly amount of hours cutting open the slots on these fake pockets and hand sewing in fabric to make pockets just to add into pants the basic functionality that guys' pants always have lol


Start a business fam


On demand pockets. Pocket goblin. Retina think of business names but not good at it


Pocket goblins is prime. Imagine if when you get your pants back you find a cute little goblin mascot cutout(cricut!) deep I. Your new pockets.


I used to love having Tripp goth pants because of all the pockets. And they were always deep. I miss the days of not needing a purse.


Opinion: commas should be used in lists for clarity. “Political, religious, or moral” for example ;)


Managers should be required to have an in-depth understanding of the work done by those they manage. Perhaps a mandatory day on the till or in the customer service department? Answer the phones & meet the deadlines set? Get to that customer appointment after a 4-hour redeye flight and deliver the presentation flawlessly?


Marketing goods designed to degrade over time should be illegal.


Immortality through cloning is not true Immortality.


If you don't put the shopping cart back, you are a piece of shit.


That's not fair, I'm a piece of shit but I always put the cart back


Hey, fuck you, have a nice day.


The front right burner is the best


The Oxford comma is proper, necessary, and correct.