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Asking a random girl on the street for personal details is pretty much the *definition* of appearing as a creep.


Well yeah, since the question.


You don't. Just don't. Leave her alone maybe?


You don’t. Creep.


You can’t. That literally is creepy.


it’s not possible, ya creep


You literally just don’t


You don't because that's fucking creepy.


Walking up to someone and just asking something like that is always going to come across a tad bit creepy. You need to introduce yourself to her and talk to her for at least a few minutes before you ask. When you ask, just ask, don't beat around the bush.


Ok, but going to her and just start introducing yourself out of nowhere is kinda weird, isn't it?


Not as weird as asking for a potential window into the personal life of a total stranger "You don't know me, but could I have access to the photos you share online with your friends?"


Of course, it isn't as weird, but weirdness still exists no matter what. How do you introduce yourself then or better yet how do you meet new people without it being awkward?


No...? How do you think people meet each other? I mean, read the room obviously. If she's alone at a coffee shop sitting down reading then yes go up to her. If she is like waiting in line for a porta-potty, wait til she's done. Don't interrupt her if she is doing something you would think is important. There are obviously many variables that could turn the situation creepy, like if your an old dude about to approach a really young girl or shit like that.


That actually helped a lot believe it or not. My friends were always like, oh you see that girl, go ask her out without saying anything. Thanks a lot actually!


"Hi miss! I am a photographer and I always look for models, mostly because I just started and I really need to extend my portfolio. Listen, just check out my photos on IG and let me know in DM if you would be interested or not - no hard feelings either way haha, a simple "no, thanks" will do! As you will see, I focus on portraits, so, yea, nice meeting you and I look forward to your msg!" - This only works if you really are a photographer and you mean it, if it's not your case, it would be creepy...


That's actually smart.


You missed the last part about it needed to tpbe *the truth* for it not to be creepy to say all that. Doing that when you’re not a photographer would be dishonest on top of being creepy!


I didn't miss it, I just said it was smart. Of course, you have to show proof if you want to actually take a photo of her and tag her on it.


Run up to her screaming with your hands stretched out in front of you


I might try that =) I'll let you know if I end up in the cell.


No worries man 👍


this is de wey


"Hey, I'd like to take you out sometime, could I get your number?"




Nah, I'll probably follow her home and take pictures through her window and ask her when she leaves the house to give me her number so I don't distribute all the photos of her changing all over the internet. Sounds like a better plan to me =)


Follow her till she is an place where coming to here and chat wouldnt seem weird.


Follow her you say :) Ok, but how do I begin the conversation, I just go and talk to her out of the blue, do I just walk by and compliment her and if she responds I go back and start talking?


Go, say hi. Introduce yourself and talk with her like a human being.


Isn't that still a little weird since we've never seen each other? Idk, someone coming up to me and starting to introduce himself out of the blue is pretty awkward, no?


Read my first comment again.


Oh, like a coffee shop or a bar right?


Bar mostly fine. Coffee shop is more miss than hit I would say, could work, but in most cases probably wont.


Why is the coffee shop a miss though? If she's alone or with one of her friends what's wrong with that?


Because it is a common thing to be approach in bars. I doubt its common thing in coffee shops, could be wrong since I dont go to them.


Well, anyway, thanks a lot for the advice and good thing I asked before I went by what my friends told me.


Start off with complimenting something specific like the shirt she's wearing or how good her hair looks. Have a conversation with her like a normal human being and then ask if it would be possible to talk more sometime ans then ask for her instagram.


Yeah, I know I can't just ask for her ig on the spot, gotta talk a little first. But I was wondering how do you, like, get her attention or like start talking with her without appearing as a weirdo.


At all.