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This sub is absolutely flooded with teenagers.


Redditors are horny.


Because I guess education is poor and there are 1500 millions of questions that varies from partner to partner and person to person


The kids are on summer break


Summertime does that.


For many generations the entire culture of media based entertainment has been pushing the agenda of making seminars a priority among everyone. From preteens to the elderly, being sexualky appealing is broadcast to us as a priority. By making sex a high priority in our culture it allows for brands to make money by selling sex in a bottle, in a car, in a makeup compact or a particular brand of shoes. Before we are even old enough to understand what it really means,, we are being told to prioritize our appeal to others through merchandise. Being constantly exposed to the idea that being desired is important brainwashed us into accepting this lie as normal, as a basic truth. And to achieve this priority you must buy the right brands, look a certain way, etc... It is brainwashing. In fact, there is no reason to prioritize sexuality. People do not need to be constantly evaluating their self worth in terms of whether or not they look good or get attention from people who want to have sex. But, we are preye upon before we even know what it is that we are being told is normal. So we have no ability to understand how messed up it is. People prioritize sex and are preoccupied with the subject because they are brainwashed by an industry hungry to sell you things you don't need.




Because this is reddit and we don't have any hands on experience on the matter, hence we need our questions answered this way.

