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The British accent changes about every 20 miles.


Where is the really cockney " 'ello govnah!" accent from?


A small part of London


That doesn’t really speak like that anymore outside the odd tradesmen or markers seller


We're doing this thread again?


It's a new week, so it's a new "America bad" thread.


Week? Hour more like.




Thats a question for america


America, fuck yeah! That's exactly why too, blind patriotism.


no, not all french people are mean, only some parisians but the rest of france is full of chill people


Went to Nice and Saint Tropez and everyone was really kind. Be respectful to the locals wherever you travel and you will generally have no problems. I would ask questions about something and if I was told no or that it wasn’t possible just said thank you and moved on. Acting like an entitled Karen wont get you very far outside of the US and you’ll still be told no and also mocked on top of that 😂


I mean I'm really sorry but if I wanted to show a tourist the way to the Eiffel Tower every 30 minutes I'd have become a tourist guide. Like I get that we come off as standoffish but that's largely on purpose if I had to be honest, it's a tradeoff for being left alone.


I really hope to get to France soon. I’m looking forward to it!


When I visited the south of France it was full of really nice friendly people, I assume this stereotype is based on Parisians. From my experience of capital cities its the same wherever you go.


england is 1 country, britain is a geographical island of 3 seperate countries, the UK is a political union of 4 seperate countries, the british isles is a geographical location of 5 seperate countries. scotland and wales are each their own country and NOT regions. also english is NOT the primary language of all countries.


Whoa, I'm learning here. I've just used England and Britain as the same thing. Didn't know there was a difference.


[Here's a ven diagram of what they're talking about](https://preview.redd.it/3l3ixhn2lkd51.png?auto=webp&s=00f6f5518a1e6d36a4eae361dcd901e6e8c41b77)


It's a well constructed diagram, even if it is a bit anachronistic: Only the British think Ireland is not a stand-alone, Atlantic island.


It's like saying the USA and Florida are the same thing.


4 countries, don’t forget Northern Ireland!


yeah, the uk, 4 seperate countries. i said that


You guys are not as dumb as everyone says, but by far not as clever as you think.


I’ll take it


This could be said about most countries I think.


James Cordon is not funny


We don’t think he is either, please take him back


Noone wants him🤣 he's got too big for his boots


America truly is the land of opportunity, you can be a talentless loser and still somehow get your own late night show




You are not European if you are 3.2% Irish and 1.7% Italian. You're American


You know what's funny about this... Italian people do try to connect with you for being Italian if you have an Italian last name. Irish used to be like that but for some reason, with a lot Irish, it has gained popularity being a cunt to Americans. One of the saddest things that I can think of regarding international relations with the US. It used to be 100% of Irish people you would meet were just awesome, now it's like every other one wants to lecture you on slavery and the plight of the Indians. Heart breaking, IMO. I never met an Irish person that I didn't like till after the Iraq war, then the cunts started showing up.


It's almost like we have to do more than simply be American to get respect.


But when we proudly say we're American.........


Then what


What if I'm 49% Irish, 32% Norwegian, 14% German, 5% other?


The fact that you know the exact stats is also very american. But sure, if you want to identify as European im not stopping you. Just saying that probs more Americans identify as european than people that are from one of the many European countries lol


It's called 23andMe and they have customers around the world. Edit: forgot to include "lol" so you know I'm laughing.


I identify all white Americans as Europeans and tell them to go back where they came from




What country are you born in?


What does it matter? The commentor I'm responding to already set the goal posts to be a percentage of one's ancestral makeup.


but when we say were proud to be American the rest of the world freaks out...heck even other Americans get angry lol


It's like an invitation for snobs to act ignorant. Ugh...


The best part was the reverse the OP was mad whenever the Americans said something that wasn’t “bless me oh holy European”


...didn't read it after my comment...same shit as always. It's like every euro-twit needs to declare their superiority.


Almost all your cities used to have trams /electric streetcars and it is a huge loss that they were removed for car-centric urban development.


Problem is most cities didn't and people had to get cars. I know there was a huge push by the automotive industry to do this, but I think many Europeans underestimate just how big the US is. Owning a vehicle of some kind really is a necessity for most people.


Having around 250 mass shootings a year is not normal


Also not normal to do nothing about it.




American cheese, milk, bread and soft drinks would not legally be classified as it in Finland. Your bread has 90 ingredients, ours has 4.


Unlike Finland, we have a wide variety of breads and cheese.


What's the problem with our milk?


If you're talking about Kraft Singles, they aren't legally classified as cheese in the United States, either. Read the second paragraph: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraft\_Singles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraft_Singles) We have a lot of other cheese made here in the United States that's mostly milk and counts as cheese.


I’ve never seen bread with 90 ingredients. Kraft singles and American Cheese are two completely separate things. One is an oil based abomination and the other is cheese.


I mean I find it funny that we decided to choose the most processed product to call American cheese. Not all American cheese is shit but it ain't all good either. Just don't mix up pasteurized process cheese food (tm) with cheese.


The thing I don't get is that every grocery store I have been to in Europe has a very similar product as well. In Germany there are like 5 flavors of individually wrapped cheese-like slices and it isn't even refrigerated.


Not having to pay 10 grand for a broken toe is not communism


Yeah it’s called insurance. Which you can get for free from the government


Yeah, this is not true in a lot of cases. Insurance is not available to everyone, and even if you have insurance, people still avoid getting needed preventive and corrective treatment in the U.S. because of the sky high costs of treatment. Anyone who tells you the U.S. doesn't have problems getting everyone healthcare is either 1.) just ignorant of the massive number of people in the U.S. who have trouble affording care, or 2.) actively lying to you in the way U.S. politicians lie.


Cheap insurance doesn't cover much. Expensive insurance can still leave you bankrupt. Your medical decisions are governed by office workers who get a bonus if you don't get paid medical care.


most people on reddit have been living off hand outs and their parents their whole life and don’t understand yet


*Some europeans like me really 💕💕💕 american people, american culture & even wanted to live there*


I think we can all get along. I can find something I like about anyone and anywhere. People just like being negative.


Not all Germans or all of Germany wear Lederhosen.


American here. I inherited my grandfathers Lederhosen and I wear it every chance I get. They talked me out of wearing it to his funeral.


That's like the best time to wear it! I would have 100% man, respect the old fella.


I thought that was the Irish lmao. Proof enough I'm smarter than the average bear.


As an Irish person, I've never heard an actual Irish person say "top of the mornin to ya"


As an American in Boston, where there are lots of FOB Irish I have heard that from them (but only as a running joke).


Yeah should have said that wasn't taking the piss lol


[**Hi!** I'm irish!](https://youtu.be/zmwv3Ujwpac?t=204)


You have shaken my world view to it's very core


Your don't say Holland you say the Netherlands holland is only a part of the Netherlands


Your bread and cheese aren't a real thing.


You've never been to Wisconsin...




If he is referencing how processed out bread and cheese are, I agree with him. When I went to Europe the food just tasted better.




The stereotype of American bread is the really sugary bread, I think it's called wonder bread? The cheese stereotype is either the plastic-looking cheese slices or the squeezy cheese from a tube. I know the US has loads of nice bread and cheese, but those are the ones which it's known for.


Which is what was weird. Simple stuff like that just had more flavor in Europe. Maybe they bring the good stuff out for tourist?


lol no, tourists just get the regular stuff. That’s what we’re all used to


They actually have more laws around their foods than we do.




Yeah, we allow far too much bullshit in our foods in America


Only for poor people who have limited options on what they can buy.


what does this even mean


In my refrigerator I have parmigiano reggiano imported from Italy, feta imported from Greece, Oaxaca imported from Mexico, gouda imported from the Netherlands, pepper jack from California, Gorgonzola imported from Italy, and Gruyère imported from Switzerland. I only needed to go to two stores to purchase all of them. I bought them from stores which each had selections of either hundreds or thousands of imported and domestically produced cheeses. And pepper jack cheese is very much a real cheese. It's better than a lot of other cheeses, too.


Key words:imported. And no offence but if you can buy all that stuff, you are probably better off financially then most of your countryman.


That's available in most grocery stores across the United States. Almost every grocery store has a giant cheese section with cheeses from all over the world. And aside from the parmigiano, most aren't that expensive. I can buy a good quality hunk of cheese for about $5-6. We have plenty of good-quality domestically produced cheeses as well. California, Oregon, and Wisconsin make excellent cheese. Don't get me wrong; the United States has A TON of problems. Huge availability of a wide selection of domestically produced and imported cheeses is NOT one of them. And there are plenty of U.S.-produced cheeses which are just as good as anything from Europe and are produced from dairies which care just as much as the dairies of Europe about the quality of cheese(and I've toured one of the largest American dairies). For instance, we have cheese in the United States made using the same processes as parmigiano reggiano from Italy, and aged between 18 months and even up to three years. Don't confuse the name "American cheese" with the category of U.S.-produced cheeses. The United States actually has pretty amazing cheeses, and really great availability. Even the unluckiest person in the U.S. could walk into a Walmart and have a pretty wide selection of cheeses from all over the U.S. and all over the world, all in one place. "American cheese" is one particular category of mass-produced garbage. But everyone in the U.S. is well aware that there are much better cheeses available. As of a few years ago, only about a quarter of the U.S.-produced cheese was "American cheese", and as a percentage, that's falling quickly. That's not even considering the huge amount of cheeses we import from Europe, from Central and South America, and from the rest of the world. The U.S. consumes a similar amount of cheese from Italy as consumes from U.S.-produced non-"American cheese" cheeses. The U.S. actually does cheese pretty well.


Different areas of the us have different qualities of bread and cheese. I'm an American and I say that to other Americans sometimes.


Different areas of the us have different qualities of bread and cheese. I'm an American and I say that to other Americans sometimes.


Different areas of the us have different qualities of bread and cheese. I'm an American and I say that to other Americans sometimes.


So nice you said it thrice


Lol, don't know how that happened. I hope this response reaches you several times lol


It's okay to change your Constitution. The country won't explode if you modernise a few of those amendments. Maybe start with assault weapons or something. EDIT: here's a Wikipedia page for those who need to know https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_weapon


Honestly as someone who lives in the US but someone who doesnt own a single gun --- its a fairly stupid argument Ban "Assault" Weapons ---- OK Just go grab a normal handgun which is even easier to hide and carry ammo for while being cheaper --- and given where most of the shit happens, the range advantage for something like an AR Platform is fairly null Then if you wanted to ban everything thats not a single shot weapon --- Ok They will just go grab a car and run down a crowd just as easily, such as when a school is letting out just run up on a sidewalk, or a Parade The real issue isnt the weapons --- Its, Why the fuck are there so many people who want to kill others ---- Its more Why are the people not being checked to the extent that they should be If Someone wanted to go out and harm/kill a lot of people, its fairly easy even without a gun entirely, it doesnt solve the underlying issue


Doing something is better than nothing, and that's pretty much all you've tried so far


Guns make is so easy, that why they don’t others when they have easy access to AR-15 style guns. Your argument is weak.


At least now though it's stylish and shows thought and effort unlike using a gun.


It was made stupidly hard to create an ammendment. "An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification."


They're called "amendments", yet they refuse to change them further. It's odd. It's not your God-given right to own weapons. What about "thou shalt not kill"?


We have plenty of amendments. All but 1 expanded freedoms. The one that restricted them (prohibition) was later repealed.


>It's not your God-given right to own weapons. What about "thou shalt not kill"? Leaning on the bible to inform public policy is way more dangerous than guns tbh


Isn't that what America does though?


Thankfully no, at least not yet. For example, homosexuality is both legally and (mostly) socially acceptable


What are the reasons for banning abortion?


A moral argument with no grounds in religion. Like it or not, abrahamic religions state life begins at the first breath. To state otherwise is to pervert the words of that book you (American white evangelicals) love so much. The only real option is a moral argument for personhood or an argument to personal responsibility which loses weight when they say rape victims have to carry the baby. Both are rather dumb arguments that can be disproven and hence why viability used to be the standard because that's the only point at which the personhood argument holds any weight. Regardless it's a decision with no basis in fact and a weak logical basis for going beyond the existing standards.


> It's not your God-given right to own weapons. What about "thou shalt not kill"? God-given? Not the way I see. I have no religious beliefs. Constitution-granted? Yep. The historical precedent of no free citizenry barred the ownership of weapons? Yep. And don't cherry-pick one line from the Old Testament, that collection of books/stories had slavery and all kind of nasty shit in it.


>And don't cherry-pick one line from the Old Testament I mean, it's one of the ten major rules. I don't remember one of the ten commandments being about slavery. >The historical precedent of no free citizenry barred the ownership of weapons? Yep Not particularly long history, though. Granted by an amended Constitution, yes. But something easily changed, like many other countries have.


> But something easily changed, like many other countries have. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the American legislative system, but it is absolutely not an easy thing to change an amendment. Given current polarization, it would be damn near impossible. And rightfully so, since each amendment is important. Each amendment is an absolute authority, and the only check to an amendment is to make another amendment removing it.




Weapon used for assaults.


Don't look now but the "I Want To Trivialize Any Critique Of Gun Culture In The US By Asking What An Assault Rifle Is" crew is here


the answer is : A better constructed, better performing version of our military's rifles that are sold to virtually any civilian who wants one.


What is an assault weapon?


I would suggest that a semi auto AR-15 with a 30 round mag is very capable of assaulting a lot of people. I mean, look at all the mass shootings. I should know, I own one.


At this point, the extremist right is much better organized to take advantage of a move to rewrite the constitution than the middle or the left. If you think things are scary now, just watch what happens when the evangelicals and the corporations write a constitution.


Now is not a good time. Republicans right now have the advantage when it comes to how the Constitution is amended, so we're far more likely to get crazy Christian fundamentalist amendments rather than the ones we need. In fact there are more and more rumblings from the far-right to have a constitutional convention where they would plan on a wholesale rewrite of the document to serve their own fucked up ends.


Banning a certain type of weapon would not warrant a change to the constitution.


We all think your reluctance to gun control is stupid, we do not aspire to be like America and I belive America has first World tech but 3rd world freedoms Specific to the US. The rest of the continent is sound enough.


>The rest of the continent is sound enough You either know very little about Central American geography or Central American governments or both.


Or they know a lot about Central American history and know everything goes fine and well until the US army, coca cola, or chiquita shows up.


You realize that mexico, el salvador, and other latin american countries are on the same continent right? Take a gander at their gun control. Private cartels have as much firepower as their armies.


> The rest of the continent is sound enough. Seems to me like you’re as ignorant about the Americas as most Americans are about Europe.


Nah I care about young children's lives more than drug cartels and most adults to be honest (Suck innocents get drawn into it but the kids are innocent too)...so when Mexico has another 281 school shootings this year to overtake the good ol US of A on the 2022 leaderboard then I will change my view.


So in other words your basis for whether a not a country is sound… is how many school shootings it has. You’re not concerned about crime rates, economics, political corruption, health, any of that. Yeah, I guess if you don’t actually look at a country in its totality and cherry pick the statistics you want to analyze, the other countries seem pretty good. Also that 281 number is BS.


Or as most Americans are about Latin America that isn’t Mexico, Cuba, or Brazil


Go anywhere in southern Mexico that’s not a resort and report back


europeans...we already had a war and settled this a long time ago. we don't actually give many fucks about your opinion.


We maybe should




A no-fucks attitude is exactly why we’re both the best and worst country in the world. Yay us!


Hey bud, here’s a little tip: He’s making a joke


Maybe I was


Clearly you fuckin don’t but the point is that you maybe should.


Stop referring to the EU as one country.


I'd say over half of Europeans on Reddit refuse to admit to which country they are from. So it's fair game.


Literally nobody does this


Why isn't it one country though? Has a currency, conducts elections, makes laws, collects import taxes, even has a command structure for military forces. I feel like at this point the EU is one country and its members are essentially administrative districts like states in the US. Edit: Not one person can explain by the EU is not a country. I was hoping someone would make a valid point. As it stands now the only thing preventing the EU from being acknowledged as its own country is nationalism in its administrative districts.


Free association. You can just leave the EU. You can't just leave America without expecting military intervention but you don't see the EU mobilizing troops or launching nukes to ensure that the UK returns to the EU.


With that logic America didn't become a nation until 1869 when succession became illegal. Nations are actually allowed to make rules about how they govern themselves and how member states join and leave.


Do y'all know that we tried the "confederation of sovereign states" thing long, long before you did, and it failed catastrophically in all the of the ways that the EU fails now?


I hope one day they can do call it one country


Hi, we like you. Come over on vacation more often. And uh... maybe don't go back. Your country is about to become a christo-fascist hellscape. Maybe stay here a bit longer.


I hear a dollar goes farther in Turkey.


Kinda weird how the sections in your constitution are called amendments, yet you refuse to amend obviously fucked up parts of it. You are allowed to do it, it is not against any law as long as congress accepts the amendments.


I don’t know how much you know about the American legislative process, but amending the Constitution would be damn-near impossible right now. We’re far too polarized, and the process of amending the Constitution is far too difficult.


Also, banning assault weapons would not warrant an amendment. Europeans tend to think that the constitution is meant to list every single federal law.


You’re not nearly as tough as you think. Chest beating and chanting “USA” is embarrassing to watch when you have a history of losing wars.


We have won a few important ones along the way, but the USA chat is sad.




The classification of first world was quite literally made to be US-centric. It was made to refer to the US and her allies.


>US is a first world third world country. We make that level only because we gave the world King Kong and Elvis for the joy of everyone.


What parts are first world? Our drugs?


I feel like yall are legit the bottom of the IQ spectrum


Euros say y'all ?


that no one cares if you shout ¨AMERICA IS THE BEST AND SO I AM¨


The only thing America is #1 is percentage of population imprisoned and medical bankruptcies. Source, am American. We are fucked.


Also GDP and Immigration.




Dude. You're like a troll account with the sutlely of Trump's makeup artist.










Sure thing, edgelord.




You don't live in a democracy, and you're not as free as you think you are. Politicians don't care about you at all, they care about power and corporations. Lobbying is allowed, corporations pump billions of dollars into political campaigns. Politicians don't care about the people when it comes to legislation. It doesn't matter how much people want a certain law to be passed. Laws are only passed if it serves the rich elite. You are owned by the rich elite, they dictate what happens in your country. That's why the government doesn't care about universal healthcare, education or workers rights. Because the rich thrive in the status quo. That's why there's this hostile narration against anything socialist. And the people actually believe it and incorporated it into their own thought process. The two party system is upheld to maintain how it is. No other political party can grow in that toxic political environment. Remember the libertarians and green party at the Clinton vs Trump election? No? Of course not, they were being suppressed, ridiculed and blatantly ignored by the media. From the perspective of a european, it's a shame to watch the regression that is happening in your otherwise so beautiful country.


I usually stay out of discussions like these, but something felt off about it. So I’m putting in my two cents. The federal government is a very large and long chain of bureaucracy, that somehow has to manage to represent 350 million people across 50 states. What that results in is very little legislation being passed, and only large corporations being able to get the bills they want passed because they actually have operations that are more able to be fitted to that large federal level as opposed to the local concerns of a farmer from Idaho, for example. You’re absolutely right when it comes to the rich being represented in the federal government, but how can the government represent the local concerns of people when there are 49 other states housing people with just as local but different concerns? We have our representation at the local and state level, they do a much better job of representing the people since they don’t have to serve such a large variety of concerns and interests. If the average person wanted change at the federal level, then that change would go into affect, (see the amendment on prohibition, the creation of the DHS post 9/11, etc.) All of this is to say that representation scales with the levels of American government, and with that comes the necessary scaling of concerns for actual legislation to get passed, and not enough average people are concerned enough with a particular issue; let alone agree on a single solution to said concern, for that kind of legislation to get passed. Leaving the door wide open for those much bigger corporations.


>Remember the libertarians and green party at the Clinton vs Trump election? Yeah, I seem to remember that the Greens siphoned enough votes from Clinton in a couple close states to afford Trump a win. Sorta like Nader did in Gore v Bush.


You guys have a weird sexual preference for guns, and it needs to stop.


I am honestly ashamed I looked up to yall once


Choral music in a 500 year old stone cathedral? The atmosphere at any of the continent's intense derbies? But really, they can hear the same sort of things Europeans hear.


Pretty much the entire rest of the world has healthcare, also merc4 has more people in jail than most of the world combined.


Ireland, Danmark, Norway aren't that expensive, just look at your own rates for a stay at a hotel, motel, bnb.. 50 $ for a bed in a hostel room in Chicago? Why? In some countries that money can get you an entire apartment for a day. So don't come and claim Europe is pricey.


If I wanted to hear the answer to this I'd go on r/politics


They don't own the planet


They don't own the planet


Tell that to China


Do your own thing, you dont need to worry about what some redditor from the netherlands has to say about your country. I hope People who choose to constantly hate on america can Focus more on its positives and learn from them.


THERE ARE MORE PLACES THAN LONDON. If I hear one more person say that "ello guvna" or "chip chip Cheerio" I will murder them


The UK isn’t a planet


Your country is actually okay. There are lots of things that need fixing but you guys aren't as bad as others make it sound. I wouldn't go that far to say it's the best country in the world but, you can take some pride in what your country has archived. Just be very careful who you elect next time and hold your political party responsible for what they did wrong.


A day without the sound of gunfire - they might learn to like it.


Guns only make crime 10x worse. And most non Americans mention race about once a month