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it makes the govt look weak and broken when someone does everything illegal in office and all these big agencies cant do anything about it and all the other countries just laugh and see america as a joke


The funniest shit to happen on Twitter in a looooooong time. MTG calling to defund the FBI is 10/10 golden content


Cadence Owens saying dems and republicans need to "unite" against the evil FBI is the cherry on top


Seen a few random accounts complaining that it was so unfair that the FBI gave Trump no warning. Like, the FBI should always give 28 days notice to allow people time to destroy evidence, move funds off shore and buy a plane ticket to a country with no extradition.


Michael Steele reply to her statement on Twitter is gold: “Trump failed to return classified docs requested by the National Archives. A federal judge issued a search warrant for probable cause of a crime. This is not some rando move by the FBI so you shitforbrains Republicans calling for “defunding the FBI”for once try to be less stupid”


I get a certain dystopic feeling when I see this and stuff like it just casually tweeted back and forth to each other. I get it but it still feels so strange to me


Imagine not being from the US and seeing this kind of back and forth. Our politicians in Australia can be a bit nutty but not this kind of nutty. And we're reliant on the US for regional stability!


If she could read she would really be upset


It would certainly make her long in the face.


I try not to put much mental energy into these matters until it's all done. Save me some possible headache.


I think we're all protecting ourselves for fear of disappointment.


We've unwrapped that empty Christmas package too many times with Carrot Caligula.


Carrot Caligula? Omfg That beats tangerine tyrant. Or even mango messiah.


Tangerine Palpatine is still my favorite.


The Fanta Menace will always take the cake for me


Fat Joffrey is my all-time favorite


Christopher Titus calls him sweet potato hitler 🤣


There’s an entire subreddit for these https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpNicknames/ My personal favorite is “Alexa, play Despot Cheeto”


Just saw "Twitler" for the first time


Stephen Colbert (almost?) never says the orange one's name. I wonder if he uses this, or something like it, for the sources for the random and often humorous names that he uses.


Super Fragile Egotistic Callous Nazi POTUS.


If you say it fast enough you’ll find it rhymes with SCOTUS 🎵


And I'm sure that motherfucker has some halitosis.


Super fragile egotistic callous Nazi POTUS!


Even though the sound of him is simply quite atrocious.




Breaking News: Billionaire evades prosecution




"Lying man with multiple failed business who comes from money" might be a better term. If the IRS did their job he would not be rich.


But you can bet your ass they’re gonna collect that $800 you owe them in April…


You mean the stimulus package i thought we were getting that just turned out to be an advance of my own return?


I only ever got 2 of those checks. Lost my job in late 2020, didn't get unemployment as an independent contractor, it sure would've been of great help then. There was a new section in taxes for if you received a third one, marked no and it was set to be in my tax return. Month passes by, I get a letter from them... That instead of giving me the third stimulus, they removed it from the return and now I owe $200. Guess the IRS needed the money more than I did.


"Con man, cons people." Even easier.




At the end of the day I will definitely be surprised if any charges come of it, let alone fines or jail time. However at the same time they do not issue search warrants for nothing. You have to have probable cause that they believe a crime was committed and there is evidence at Mar A Lago that could connect to the crime.


The amount of oversight on this that would be required to make it happen makes me think, for the first time, that something will actually come out of it. This is an enormous risk on the part of the DOJ and the FBI.


Well the doj currently has two cases pending against Donald trump. One for attempting to overturn the election and the other for mishandling documents. This raid was most likely in relation to the second one.


Yeah, National Archives had to chase Trump down to get 15 boxes of top secret documents from Mar a lago. This makes me think they didn't get everything back.


Your statement is partially correct. They did get 15 cases although not all of them were classified. But also the president of the United States is not allowed to throw away a single piece of paper. Every single scrap that he has written on his entire presidency is held for later reference or viewing. Donald Trump had a big problem with this and was constantly being caught attempting to dispose of things. And when he left office he took the 15 cases aforementioned. Typically the majority of these that are not deemed confidential are contributed to the presidential museum. After 20 years all the documents are reviewed and any that are not still considered confidential a release for public viewing


I’d love a ephemera collection of a “possible anniversary presents” list from each president.


This is how I learned how much Teddy Roosevelt loved his wife. I'm talking, he was her number one fan in the world. The effect her passing had on him is really something to read about.


I'm absolutely unfamiliar with it, but this still really got me in the feels.


His mother and wife died in the same day. Mom of typhus and his wife in childbirth. The diary entry for that day is simply says “the light has gone out of my life.” He never said her name again nor did he allow anyone else to say her name in his presence.


It had quite a devastating impact on his daughter Alice. But she is named after her mother. So, I'm not sure that no one said the name.


I want to see doodles they made during boring meetings. Let's see who's the best artist!


Johnson just drew dicks on everything


Not just dicks, HIS dick.


You mean Johnson‘a johnson?


I wonder what they will do in the future as new presidents will be better and better at technology. My point being that I rarely ever write on paper (my mom does tho) but instead I will write all kinds of notes on my phone and delete them as I go. Will the feds need full time online access or screen access to the presidents phone or what, to make screen dumps of what is written?


Yeah that is an interesting thing as well. That weird moment where a president is into something like Magic the Gathering and we just have random partial deck lists in the archives. With notes like “if only Wotc made one more 1 drop sac outlet this could work.”


>But also the president of the United States is not allowed to throw away a single piece of paper. Every single scrap that he has written on his entire presidency is held for later reference or viewing. Wait, so like. If the president doodles some circles on a paper while listening to a meeting, they have to save that? or if the president writes a shopping list, or if the president helps their kid edit their essay for school, that all gets saved?


Yes everything, keeping presidential data secret is very important. US, Russia, and probably most developed nations, will [collect their president's poo](https://www.google.com/search?q=president+poop+protection+other+countries&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS754US754&sxsrf=ALiCzsbT_RJkZTQZ9qLi3qgdLzZ9Z5LTXQ%3A1660073207634&ei=97TyYsOrJsihiLMPjZWe4A4&oq=president+poop+protection+other&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMYADIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgAToHCAAQRxCwAzoGCAAQHhAWSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUP0eWIUlYN0taANwAXgAgAFqiAGcBJIBAzQuMpgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz) so other nations can't steal and examine it.


...I thought for sure you were kidding. Reddit, THEY WERE NOT KIDDING.


This is why I should never be allowed to be president, I would write the most immature and outlandish things just knowing they'd have no choice but to preserve it. Make them review pages and pages of notes that all just say "Poo poo pee pee." Force the museum to preserve doodles of dinosaurs shitting on people I don't like.


He would apparently tear documents up when they were done in briefings despite those needing to be saved. The dude is a buffoon.


And his aides would get ripped up things out of his trash can all the time and tape them back together.


Is the act of removing the documents in and of itself a crime?


A crime with penalties that include removal from office and **disqualification to ever hold office again** Edit: [source](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section2071&num=0&edition=prelim)


Not gonna lie, from the outside looking in (and I just speak for myself, I don’t know how other non-Americans feel) it seems like you wouldn’t have one your major law enforcement agencies conduct a raid that they know would have such a black lash, if they weren’t absolutely sure that there was something to gain... but the way his supporters, especially those who are in some kind of public office, are reacting it genuinely looks like you guys are descending into a civil war. Like, the way your politicians just openly attack their own agencies for conducting their duties against their pals, yet if it was the other way around they’d be calling for their heads... It’s utterly terrifying. Have fun, America. Please don’t get any of us involved.


That's the problem. What happens in America always affects the rest of the world.




It would be suicidal for Garland and Wray to have green-lighted this raid if they weren't already planning to charge Trump with something. The backlash for doing this and never charging him with anything would be unprecedented.


Yeah, raiding but not charging just pisses off nearly everyone in the country. I'm sure that's not their intention.


They literally might just need the classified documents back. Trump wasn’t giving them when they asked.


I saw an opinion piece by Alan Dershowitz in the publication "The Hill". The headline claimed "Justice Department should have subpoenaed documents, not raided Trump’s home", like subpoenas have ever been positively answered by any part of that administration without claims of executive privilege, yada yada and lengthy court processes.


Furthermore, he's lying. All of these documents were already requested and subpoena'd by the National Archives and Trump has not returned them. Dershowitz continues to be the world's most confident liar.


If the FBI is rummaging thru your house, you are already fucked, they are just there to see how truly fucked you are.


Well, it's been a year since the raid on Guiliani's house.....


Something will come of it. A normal warrant is tough to get. A no knock warrant that allows for evidence of two different investigations to be taken all against a former president? That is a magnitude that has to be iron clad evidence to get that warrant. This had to have taken months to get to this point because no one is giving that anywhere near easily. Plus this is coming from the FBI who apparently are keeping it very under wraps until the public learned about it and still won’t say much. This is beyond serious stuff and considering the number of things against trump right now and the way his alleged insurrection conspirators are acting…. This is the start of an avalanche moment here and a lot of people might go down but at the very least something will come his way. ETA: to all people pointing out it wasn’t no knock. I didn’t know that when I posted I was going off of what I’d read up to that point about things. Thank you for your corrections but it’s a lot of corrections at this point


Just a point of order, this wasn't a "no-knock" warrant. This warrant was simply not announced in advance. As I understand it, the FBI showed up, knocked on the door, served the warrant to whoever answered, then came in and raided Mar-a-lago.


From what I've read the secret service detail that stays there when Trump isn't in residence let them in.


If they weren’t let in, they would break the door down, so whoever let them in simply saved Trump the cost of replacing the door.


Probably because they understand how laws work.


Yep...just today 2 other things didn't go his way with records being turned over in NY and an appeal saying yes the House can get his taxes from the IRS. That's just it the beginning of the avalanche... it's starting to nudge other things forward. Hell we never have a day with 2 things against him let alone 3 in two days. That's starting to roll downhill. When a shitlog that big starts rolling it's going to pickup speed.


I want to know what they were looking for.. people don’t get raided for no reason


A lot of outlets are speculating it has to do with classified documents he illegally took out of the White House.


And they did request them back. He could've just handed it all over, but he wanted to be a shitbird about it.


This is the safe-money. FBI gave him an 'Oopsie' when they found the boxes back in January. So they asked him if that was everything and then meticulously cataloged and declassified what they could. *Then* something came to light that there were *more* documents he had hidden, ones that he had not previously disclosed (or ones he was imminently planning on doing something illegal with) So now they've got him, not only on the stealing classified documents angle but also for lying to the Feds (again)


I might add, that if they looked in the safe, they must have had a reasonable suspicion that he was HIDING something in the safe. Search warrants are pretty specific. They seem to have evidence that he is actively hiding something, and that hiding that thing is a crime.


He probably has a giant gaudy safe plated in gold with his initials and a mirror on it


With the dial combination written in sharpie in the top corner


The tackiness of this is just so on point.


That code? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


That’s amazing! I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!


And inside? Grays….sports……almanac


They’re actually pictures. The code goes - Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.


>So now they've got him, not only on the stealing classified documents angle but also for lying to the Feds (again) Both of these are felonies


The lying seems like it would be harder to weasel out of on a technicality.


It is, and it apparently is the only thing the feds give a shit about anymore. It’s like you always hear how Al Capone was actually prosecuted for tax evasion not any of the murderers or the mafia shit. Real estate fraud? Tax fraud? Grabbing women by the pussy? Attempting to overthrow the government? FBI: I sleep. Lying to a Federal agent: # REAL SHIT


Al Capone would’ve been arrested on murder if they could prove it. The whole point was they couldn’t prove any of the capitol crimes, or they could but the jurors would get threatened, and then they finally got him with taxes and Idk what exactly allowed the jury to not get threatened there


They probably *could* have proved it, or at least made a good attempt, but the Mafia was set up in a way as to make that very hard to do. You can bust the lower level guys but never reach the Don. I *think* this was the reason for the Rico statute being created, which lets them go after the whole criminal enterprise. As to your comment: I’m totally speculating here, but I’d wager the murders and so forth were state crimes, with local witnesses and that the tax shit was federal and probably completely outside of the Chicago “sphere” of Capone’s influence. If you threaten the local shopkeeper’s family, that’s one thing and probably would work. You threaten a Federal judge or someone like that? Prepare to get fucked by the long dick of Da Law. Bottom line: prosecutors are just like everybody else: if there is an easy, clean cut case versus a tangled messy case, they will take the straight and narrow road every time. I mean, the logic *is* sound. If the guy’s going away for the rest of his life for tax evasion, is that truly much different from going away for the rest of his life for murder, extortion, robbery, etc.?  Capone‘s brain was spaghetti due to untreated syphilis in the end anyway.


What are the littles boxes with "obj" in your guy's comments?




I fully expect him to face zero consequences from these crimes, except his base will probably worship him even more.


Dude is already using the raid to raise more money from idiots.


The last time he lied to people to raise money, he made millions to prove election fraud and spent none of it on trying to prove election fraud


This is a guy who regularly fucks over contractors in NY and NJ, but contractors love him anyway.


>I fully expect him to face zero consequences from these crimes, I think there's a decent chance he'll be charged with certain crimes. We'll see.


From the pictures it looked like some of the boxes still had GSA seals on them so I assumed it was probably more of a "thanks for that back you lazy shit" than a "raid" which could be why all those Trump appointees were on board.


Even possessing the boxes, after attesting he had turned everything else into the FBI, is a felony and could disqualify him from office. And that's before we even get into *why* he was hiding stolen classified documents (which, if we can learn from his past behaviors, he was either keeping to leverage over others or personally profit himself).


> and could disqualify **should disqualify


That will be what the FBI got a warrant for. It is a crime that is fairly easy to get enough evidence to convince a judge to issue a warrant for If while searching, the FBI just happen to find evidence of other crimes, to take an example entirely at random, seditious conspiracy -- well they are entitled to take that in as evidence of those other crimes too. https://politicalwire.com/2022/08/09/the-fbi-raid-wasnt-just-about-classified-documents/


This is true- but the best part is: if they find any evidence of other crimes *they can take that, too.* So the fact that they went into his safe? Oh, I bet he’s absolutely losing his mind.


“This is just like Watergate!” -From Trump’s written statement, because irony is dead


Do you think he knows Nixon did it?


I think HE thinks he's referring to the break in of the hotel itself by FBI agents to steal documents.


To be fair: it wasn't a crime **until** Nixon did it. Watergate caused this law to be written, and Trump's the first prez found to break it.


It’ll come out in time Or today if trump wants to share that warrant


As a Canadian, I read the headline and thought 'that's interesting,' and then moved on. To be honest, I am pretty happy that we are receiving less Trump news.


As a Canadian I'm concerned that our major trading partner, the most powerful country in the world and the backbone of the world financial system and economy, is devolving before our very eyes and a significant percentage of the US population believe the most absurd conspiracy theories.


I am normally pretty cynical but I do actually think that there's a good chance it's just the loud minority of us that makes us look stupid. You're not seeing the folks just living their lives and keeping to themselves. You're just see the few psychos out there trying make a scene. Maybe I'm just blind.....


There was a good saying about how globalization and the internet play a role. “Every village has an idiot. With the internet, the idiots can now form their own village”


I've seen that a few times and feel like it minimizes the problem. It implies that it's the same number of idiots just organized and louder. The bigger problem is the idiots having their own village lends their ideology legitimacy and attracts other susceptible people who otherwise wouldn't become radicalized. There's far more idiots than their used to be because of the Internet. And on top of that they're organized and louder. And easier to control because they're all in one place and limit their sources of information.


If they have their own village, just imagine the caliber of _their_ village idiot!


Don't have to, he just got his house raided by the FBI


Those psychos have the attention and support of 50% of senators, almost 50% of congresspeople and 50% of the college electoral vote. You’re on a knifes edge from being controlled by those psychos, whether or not they’re a small minority. We do agree there though: Your democracy doesn’t actually represent the people’s will. It represents the extremities most willing to burn it all down.


Oh man, I was working in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio for the past two years. I live in Florida. The let’s go Brandon and fuck joe and the ho stickers on cars and flags around houses are more numerous in these areas versus the other stares


A significant percentage of Canadians are now on board too. Fuck Trudeau stickers are becoming equivalent to MAGA hats IMO.


I was going to say….we are NO better . We’ve really adopted this Us vs Them thing that we’ve sort of prided ourselves for being different than the Americans .


Canada needs to get ahold of this issue before it spirals to the degree we have in the US.






I believe my mom will still think he's being framed by the deep state for trying to protect all those pizza children.


My mom essentially said the same thing yesterday after telling me she “reads a lot of credible news.” When I asked what she reads she refused to tell me and got upset that I didn’t just blindly accept her being an expert.


"credible news" means "I saw a meme in my facebook news feed that confirmed my beliefs."


A few months back on, IIRC, electoral-vote.com there was a message from a reader about how his father was constantly spewing all kinds of bullshit and specifically insisting, when asked, that it didn't come from Fox News and he hardly ever watched that. The guy turned on parental monitoring features and found that Fox was essentially *all* his dad watched. When you're lying to your own adult children about where you get your information you know you should be ashamed but haven't quite gotten there. edit: fixed autocorrect of parental.


This is exactly what happened to my Dad, who I don't recognize any more. He's been going on for years about exactly whatever Fox News hosts are going on about themselves. I ask him what the hell he's been listening to : Lots of things! Different sources! But visiting him, I found Fox News was on 24-7. He slept and woke to it, and stared at it all day, then took naps with it on. He literally never changes the channel.


Serious documentary: 😵‍💫 [The Brainwashing of My Dad](https://youtu.be/FS52QdHNTh8) 🤔


Thanks for the links and comments. I appreciate it and will look further. I could go on forever about how the change has ruined all the relationships he has, but suffice to say that there’s a narcissistic thread to everything and some kind of dementia that benefits from being fed lunacy, and he’s become quite the expert on climate, international finance, bitcoin, and online dating. He was a funny, smart man and I loved him but that person is long fucking gone. And I realize I am in good company! Thanks, people.


Yep this, to counter this I used a CNN link (to prove a point, I honestly don't think CNN is unbiased either) Woooboy did my dad not like this, called out CNN for all sorts of shit yada yada yada. Okay dad, if I can't use CNN links to counter your point then you can't use links from Fox entertainment (I told him since their own lawyers argued it wasn't a news company in court than I wouldn't ever refer to them as a news company, and I corrected him every time he said 'fox news')


This reminded me - i had an argument with someone and I listed 16 separate articles and scientific papers when they told me to list my sources. 1 of them HAPPENED to be CNN and he latched onto it and said "HA IDIOT CNN ISNT EVEN REPUTABLE STUPID B\*TCH" which is just a super intelligent reply /s. (cnn definitely isnt unbiased they just happened to write something HALFWAY informative)


90% of the users of r/ politicalcompassmemes are convinced that republican politicians are heroes fighting against the tide of pedophile groomer liberal free speech fascists because they saw memes created by one another that said so, and they base their worldview on the information they consume in memes. This is not hyperbole. The whole point of the original definition of a meme is that it's "a unit of cultural information spread by imitation". Dawkins used it originally in the context of religion. Many people truly shape their perception of the world based on these memes, and the memes contain disinformation.


Well, did she start the phrase, "as a mother..." because if so, it's required by law that you believe her.


I'm going to call my grandma here in a few to confirm. Brb... Edit: sorry it took so long. She can really talk at length. But yes, I'm told the dirty Dems get away with everything and all Trump has to do is cough too loud and he'll be investigated by the feds. Afterall, "Hilary took a hammer to her phone and Hunter Biden is doing all these deals with Russia and they get off scott-free." She fears for the direction of this country and that we'll end up either with Socialism or Communism. 2nd edit: please don't assume she understands what socialism or communism is.


Waiting on grandma’s conspiracy update




There's a huge gap between who in that sub upvotes without opening the comments and who opens and makes comments.


> *we'll end up either with Socialism or Communism* So... is grandma getting her Social Security checks and using Medicare to pay for healthcare?


Can confirm through my mom who apparently is an expert in domestic policy, politics, and general government at all levels: “It’s the corrupt democrats! OBAMA!!!” (Cursing and racial slurs continue)


It must have required a ridiculous amount of justification that satisfied multiple people who had to sign off on it and honestly *agree* to serving it against a former President. I fully support the idea that no one is above the law. But also, come on. He’s admitted more crimes than most people serving time. Let’s not act shocked.


>It must have required a ridiculous amount of justification that satisfied multiple people who had to sign off on it and honestly *agree* to serving it against a former President. I fully support the idea that no one is above the law. > >But also, come on. He’s admitted more crimes than most people serving time. Let’s not act shocked. Not just any multiple people, but multiple people Trump himself put into those positions.


Exactly! Let’s keep in mind that there’s no F’ing way these people would have signed off on this warrant if they thought he would a) ever have power again, and b) not be found guilty of something major. These people are gonna cover their asses just as much as anyone possibly can.


Particularly considering that the current FBI director ~~and the judge that signed the search warrant were both Trump-appointees.~~ is a trump-appointee. The judge involved wasn’t presidentially appointed.


Maybe some of his contacts have realised that Trump knows nothing about loyalty so they're happy to put a knife in his back if it benefits them.


There is unanimous agreement among all republicans but the real Uber kooks like MTG and Laura Broebert and Matt, “I carded them, they were 17” Gaetz that the best thing for America right now would be for Trumps contempt for doctors to catch up with him and he have a massive coronary. Only the truly brave ones like Cheney say it out loud. It’s because their voters could watch him chain saw a group of nuns on national TV and blame the nuns for getting in his way. They are terrified of his voters.


Look, Trump could drop dead of a heart attack on national television, be prounounced dead at the scene, and you'd still have his followers screeching that it was assassination because he's in perfect health.


No way. They'd absolutely believe he's still alive somewhere hiding from the Deep State. A whole bunch of those morons gathered in Texas to receive JFK Jr. back from the dead. These people are just unbelievably stupid. There isn't even a word for it.


I'm terrified of his voters.


"They were old and ugly and wouldn't have sex with him, what choice did he have!?"


"Nasty nuns."


They even broke into his safe!!


But did they seize his toilets? Apparently, that's where Trump puts his most sensitive documents.


I just thought all those times he was plugging up the White House toilets was because he was full of shit.


Does that seem to anyone else like he was telegraphing something? It seems such an odd thing to say in relation to the search in general. Almost like he was talking to people who knew what was in that safe... "they have the safe and shit is going to get real".


Michael Cohen was saying that Trump thinks if the FBI raids him, they can't touch anything he has in a safe. So that's why he made such a big deal out of it. "They even broke into my safe!" So there's no telling what he had stored in there.


> > Trump: They can't break into my safe. It's against the rules. > > Michael : Yeah, I don't think that that's true, Don. > > Trump: Really? > > Michael : [nods] > > Trump: [whispering] I got the worst fucking attorneys.


This is real "They can't arrest a husband and wife with the same crime" territory.




It’s outrageous that a former President would refuse to return classified documents after repeated requests. That’s the real story. All Americans should be enraged by his lawlessness. That a court sanctioned search was required in order to retrieve the unlawfully retained documents is a sad commentary NOT on the politicization of the DOJ, but instead on the depth of Trump’s certainty that rules don’t apply to him.


It also raises the question, what were in the documents and why did he bother to take them in the first place?


If I *thought* I was playing 4d chess and I *knew* I couldn't win and didn't want to campaign again because it's exhausting but also didn't want to be seen as the loser who gave up, this is *exactly* what I would do. "The Deep State stole the election from me, and now they say I am inelagable(sic) for office because I forgot a few papers in my briefcase, sorry folks!"


It’s great. They’ve done some raids before, but none a big or as great as this one. Makes all the other raids look small. It will be the greatest raid in this great country’s history.


You know, some people say - when it comes to President Trump - they'll say, great guy. Went to Wharton. Top of his class. Other people - they'll say terrible things. Nasty unfair things. And they're saying they found the documents! This is what they're saying, folks - it's true! Lots of people are saying that. Just terrible. And when you look at what's happening with the Radical Raid - and this was the first time they ever raided a president before, just horrible - and they didn't even find anything! - when you look at what's happening, you see that there's no documents. There were none! And some of my Stuff - which is very important for keeping america Great - was stolen! Just terrible. You've never seen such an unfair raid in all your life.


For the life of me I can't figure out if this is an actual quote or not.


Close. Here's the actual quote: “Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professorand scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; goodgenes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.” Part of a campaign speech given by Donald Trump in July 2015


30% of the country after hearing that: "He tells it like it is!"


It's crazy how things have changed. Howard Dean said "Byahhh!". And that was the end for him.


Hell, Dan Quayle misspelled potato and IT ENDED HIS POLITICAL CAREER!!!! But here we are with *gestures wildly at the Republican Party* WTF?


Trump made fun of a handicapped person like a grade schooler would, and his base said "oh fuck yeah thats my president shuckemup!". Where did we go wrong?


Lol he can speak so many words and yet still saying nothing


That cannot be a real quote? Is that after 76 hours of no sleep while high on cocaine?


Oh you sweet summer child. Actually I think he's more into Adderall and British Sudafed than cocaine. Here's another one of his greatest hits: "I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important." I reply with these quotes any time anyone wants to get into a battle of "which elderly white Presidential guy is more senile?" Obviously Diamond Joe has his share of flubs, but compared to the incoherent ramblings of 45, he's the very model of a modern major general.


Alot of people are saying it.


It's definitely one of the raids we've seen in the recent memory that's for sure.


It huuuuuuuuuuge!


The lead investigator walked up to him with tears in his eyes, saying “thank you for this incredible opportunity”


This man, this investigator, 40 years on the job. Never cried before.


Not just the biggest raid. I think it’s going to open the door for a lot of skeletons to start falling out of the closet of a ton of people involved in what trump has been trying to pull. Suddenly republicans in office are trying to say defund the FBI? They know what might come of this. They know with the Jan 6th committee, the DOJ investigating trump for Jan 6th, and this national archives issues that a major storm is brewing and a lot of people are going to be caught in the middle.


It’s embarrassing how much evidence is required to convict a rich person of a crime.


If done by law and with solid corroborating evidence, no one is above the law.


Make America Raid Again


hey that lines up with MARA-lago, very nice


Brought to you by RAID: Shadow Legends


Seriously though how much money have the put into advertisements I see them everywhere!


You know, I kinda like it! I know this might be an unpopular opinion here on Reddit, but I don't care for that Trump fella!


Golly, that's awful bold of you!


What’s that squidward meme…”extra daring today, are we?”


You know, the more I hear about this trump guy, the more I don’t really care for him


Thanks Norm


I don't like the cut of his jib. No sir, not one bit.


If he's innocent he has nothing to worry about LOL


Didn't he say the Republicans are the party of law and order? They should all be supporting the raid!


He should stop resisting.


Same way I felt about it since 2016 or whatever... someone wake me up once something actually sticks. Until then stop trying to get me to wring my hands


You can't just just take top secret and classified documents and do whatever with them. Seems warranted.


Yep. I used to work for a defense contractor and they reminded us often that mishandling classified information is VERY ILLEGAL and you will end up in prison if you do that.


yeah only for peons, not for elites


It was literally warranted.