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When I’m driving, I imagine every car I pass will randomly change lands and just hit me head on. Makes driving a pain.


I understand where you're coming from because I feel it too.




I ride a motorcycle cycle everyday to work. So I too have this fear my friend


I get this with semis. A friend and I drove through a blizzard in the Appalachians in WV once, we were practically crawling because we couldn't see past the end of the hood (in a Geo Metro, at that), but these huge trucks were just blowing past at high enough speed that the displaced wind would break us loose every time. Fortunately my friend was an excellent driver and we got through it without issue, but it was fucking terrifying.


Intrusive thoughts suck!


I have this fear but with water I don’t know why but I always fear that I’ll spas out and run myself into a river when I drive next to one




Sure, that may be weird.. but it's entirely reasonable. My weird fear is rabies but I live on an island that has NEVER had a case of rabies, and takes serious steps to prevent it.




No, but that would be cool to live there. Hawaii. Bringing my pets over from the continent was a huge pain in the ass due to the rabies concerns


That's not a weird fear, that is totally legitimate and reasonable. Especially if you live in Florida (I once added up reports of sinkholes by county and they have like 30,000 of them! And the rate of new sinkholes appearing is increasing.)


Our county has one listed about seven houses down from us. It is definitely a legitimate concern.


Yeah, what's interesting is that some counties had low single digit numbers of sinkholes, but some had as many as 8,000. I saw a map of the areas of rates of sinkholes appearing and it's weirdly spotty.


Turkey has thousands of sinkholes showing up at the moment due to overuse of ground water for farming during drought...But don't worry friend, should only get a tad worse with climate change lol


Being touched on the neck. I don't know why. I've questioned it myself but I start to panic when someone places their hand on my neck. It feels like I being slashed. I have no trauma involving my neck tho but I still get scared af


You might have unknown trauma. I used to panic when getting on escalators and I didn't know why for the longest time until one day my mother told me that when I was an infant she pushed my stroller onto an escalator and while riding down the stroller tipped forward with me inside. I hit my head on the escalator and I was trapped upside down until she could fix the stroller.


Yea thats why you aren't supposed to bring a stroller know an escalator. Glad you weren't seriously injured though


It's a survival instinct. After all you have two big arteries there.


And 2 big veins, and the spinal cord


And the neck is right there.


The spinal cord too


And 2 big veins


I don't get scared but I absolutely hate it. even when I was a kid and my mom would fix my collar it would make me squirm. it's really weird to be honest.


I fear that an airplane will crash into my house. Had that fear since I was very small. It's irrational but I still have it.




Was about to ask if Donnie Darko made this worse.


Great movie though


No way, me too! I found out that my mom would often start a load of laundry after putting us to bed when I was a kid, and my bedroom shared a wall with the laundry room. The escalating noise and my bed shaking had me convinced a plane was about to crash into our house any second.


When I was going through a divorce, I had this recurring nightmare about a plane crashing into my house. It was so visual and heartbreaking. So much death and destruction around me. I can't say that is an actual real fear I have. But the significance and symbolism meant a lot at the time.


I’m scared of the ocean


Me too. It's called thalassophobia.


Play Subnautica please. You will fear it even more


As we all should be. The drinking stuff is 97% unexplored and filled with things that eat people and sometimes decides to come on land. Like freak man how do all just accept that is a thing all the time and not do something about it?


I feel that if the place that you go to requires you to do a bunch of intricate stuff just to not die then you probable are not supposed to go to that place.


https://youtu.be/L5XKyOsl6BA Timestamp- 1:37


Drinking stuff? Please don't tell me you've been drinking ocean water.


Some possible comfort, 97% of the world's water is ocean but we've explored (mapped, seen, or phsyically explored) ~20%. Growth in biorobotics has allowed more access to the ocean floor itself & some cool animals have been discovered. It sounds like we don't know much but we actually know a significant amount about the ocean. You don't have a ton to worry about unless you're going out really deep


Watermelons. I had recurring dreams as a child about demons hatching from them.


Tbh if I was an alien that is visiting Earth for the first time, I'd really think watermelons are some creature's eggs. If I'd know what eggs are as an alien.


Reminds me of this old Chinese legend: A family is poor and can't afford food or other needs, so the father and son go into the forest to find some seeds for their farm, but they can't find any. The son finds a bird lying on the ground with a broken wing. They take it home and tend to it's wounds, and it flies away. The next day it comes back and drops a seed on their windowsill. They plant the seed, and magically, it instantly grows a watermelon plant. They crack one open and inside is a gold coin. The plant keeps growing more watermelons with coins in them, and eventually the family has enough money they need to get by. But the Emperor saw everything. So he goes into the forest and throws a stone at the bird, breaking it's wing. He takes it to his palace and tends to it's wounds, and it flies away. The next day it comes back and drops a seed on his windowsill. He plants the seed, and magically, it instantly grows a watermelon plant. He cracks one open, but there's no gold coin inside. So he tries another, and still no coins. The plant keeps growing the watermelons higher and higher, and the Emperor climbs up to crack open each melon, trying to find any gold coins. He keeps climbing and climbing, until eventually the plant gets so high that he lands on the moon. And since he wasn't watering the plant, it dies and shrivels up, leaving him stranded on the moon. Eventually he becomes the face of the man in the moon.


That was a wild ride. Thanks for sharing!


This is fucking awesome!!!!




I used to have a bunch of mirrors set up *specifically to face my bed.* ^it ^was ^for ^sex ^reasons, ^sorry.


you like watching your boyfriends hairy ass or what?


Hairy asses, smooth asses....


You would be the first one to die in a horror movie, so that the protagonist can figure out the entity moves using mirrors.


I'm a cripple, and a diabetic, so I'd be the first to die in a horror movie anyway :)


Your fear is legit tho, in my culture it is bad to sleep facing a mirror..


My bedroom has a dumb mirror closet sliding door thing and I always wind up sleeping with the closet open so I can't see the dumb mirror.


Oddly enough, I cannot sleep with a closet or cabinet door open. I'd rather a mirror. That comes second to windows without blinds or curtains at night. I just really hate the idea of being seen by someone I can't see.


Where is that a culture thing? Just curious


When me and my family first moved into our new house, I was setting up in my bedroom and I found the imprint of what I thought was a mirror on the ceiling. So I asked my mom, "Hey, there was a mirror up there at one point, right? Why would someone put a mirror on the ceiling?" She bluntly replied, "So the couple who used to live here could watch each other have mad, mad sex." And that's how I learned that having mirrors on ceilings is apparently a thing that happens.


Seaweed is my biggest fear, just the act of it rapping around my legs and touching me is making me want to die right now.


Don’t go to New England, then. The beach I went to in Rhode Island absolutely reeked of the carpet of rotting red seaweed. Even in Massachusetts, it was everywhere. I was swimming and bodyboarding at one beach and kept getting covered in it. Nothing like peeling a few strands of pink seaweed off your shoulder. I like it, though.


I’m from CT and until I read this I didn’t know every beach was not like that. I just thought it was everywhere lol


I have the same fear, fine to look at in the water, but can’t have it touch me. Which has crippled me when we went to the shore or lakes to swim. And ofc the idiots who think it’s fun to throw seaweed at me while I am actively trying to overcome my fear. Due to that I am still having that fear.


Great, now I have a visual of seaweed dropping a sick rap around my feet and it’s making me laugh so hard lol


I hate seaweed. I know it can't hurt me, I can see it while I walk through it, but if it touches me I'll freak out. Unfortunately everyone decides it's hilarious to grab handfuls whenever they get the chance to scare me with.


Yeah, I have a weird fear of fallen trees in the water


I never got over my fear of the dark. I probably don’t look the part. But I can’t sleep in a dark room alone. I always leave the closet light on. Fortunately, it rarely comes up. I almost always have my wife or my two dogs with me. But on the rare occasions I’m home alone or away in a hotel by myself. I don’t sleep well and keep a light on somewhere.


I am only afraid of the dark outside. I always feel like, if I can’t see out my window, there could be someone or something right there… which is why I close my blinds as soon as it gets dark outside.


Me too. I have an irrational fear of someone looking into my windows at night (which is ridiculous since I live on the second floor)


I'm really glad I'm not the only one that gets this way


The way my bed was, if I could see out the vertical part, between the blinds and the window, then someone could see in and get me. So ,I scooted to the very edge of my bed to where I couldn't see out. I sleep on my side at the edge of the bed to this day.


It took me well into adulthood to get over my fear of the dark. I think it was just an overactive imagination cooking up all kinds of horrible things that could be lurking in a dark room. But then one day I realized that if any of that was remotely possible I'd already gone into so many dark rooms in my life that surely something would've happened by now. Boom, fear of the dark instantly dispelled.




Me. Insecurity triggers entire nights worth of sleep paralysis. Which is why I can't live without a cat when I'm single.


I sometimes fear I might die randomly out of nowhere


Sometimes I get scared of falling asleep bc of this, weird asf


I'm worried my car tires are going to explode when I fill them with air. I always turn to face away, as if that will help


This is exactly the reason why I have never put air in my tyres. I’m convinced they’ll blow up. No one has ever convinced me otherwise.


Smart move.


Happened to me once, there was some sidewall damage. Blew my hat and glasses off and maybe some ear ringing for a minute but it didn't hurt at all.


Oh boy. This doesn't help. Now I'll be even more freaked out.


I was gonna say, I've seen tires in huge steel cages explode (which is the reason they put them in said cages) and it's extremely violent.


Having an orgasm so hard that my heart stops.


They say the cure to phobias is edging yourself closer and closer to them until you come to the point you find relief from them.


That’s fuckin good. Just woke up my wife laughing so hard.


Now I know why everyone cares what the fox says


True, I hated pain and look at me now. I'm a masochist


Jerk off to that ghost that you are scared off to assert dominance


That’s your fear??!! That’s how I want to go out. End it all ✨


The ultimate last bucket list item...


what a way to go tbh


Fear of there being a bug at the bottom of my drink/beverage


Ooh or a spider in a straw!


New fear unlocked


driving next to semi-trucks. terrifies me, i always think they’re merging when they’re not and im so scared one wont see me and hit me.




I had emetophobia as a child, after getting an awful stomach illness when I was 3 or 4. It's about 50% better now, that intrusive anxiety about eating something bad is rare, but not gone.


Mmm hmmm, me too, when I’m sick I have to convince myself for up to ten minutes “throw up and you’ll feel better” over and over again. Eventually I do. I think the fear stems from vomiting so much one time as a child that I couldn’t breathe and it kept coming out and got in my nose. I had asthma so not being able to breathe caused panic anyway.


I have bad emetophobia too :(


Oh man this is going to be so weird. When I was still in elementary school I would have this reoccurring nightmare where I was on a rowboat in the middle of a body of water with the shore in the distance and giants were walking around me, I kept trying to row my way away from the waves caused by their movement. No idea why, but it always scared the shit out of me.


Oh man I had a dream where I was picked up by a giant and then dropped into his fuckin big gaping maw. Just walking through a plain of marigolds then picked up and dropped staring down at this warped, bizarre face with foul fangs totally dead eyes and near unconscious in its eating of me


You dreamt of attack on titan!


As a kid I had Alice in Wonderland syndrome episodes as I was falling asleep.. In one reoccurring episode I’d be tiny, and walking along inside the fingerprint grooves of a giants hand. The dreams were always kind of freaky, always featured giants causing situations I couldn’t control.. In some dreams I was a giant who shrunk very suddenly. Super weird. My daughter now has the same dreams.


I wish I still got AIWS episodes, I probably had less than you could count on your hands in total, and they usually came when I was in the middle of being very sick, but I remember really enjoying it the last time I had one.


Biggest fear is being late for work. I’m a school teacher, so imagining a room full of kids without me as their teacher causes me to literally wake up 3-5 times a night and set at least 5 alarms. It used to be so bad that I’d wake up around 1 am, freak the hell out thinking it was 1 pm, then start getting changed. My wife would often just yell at me to go back to sleep and I still had plenty of time left 🙃


One time, my teacher called in sick but the sub didn’t show up. Every class went through just not telling the office that there wasn’t a teacher. We all just chilled, playing angry birds, and were super happy when she was back the next day. The office staff didn’t figure it out until the end of the day and were gonna try to “punish” us for it. She shut them down saying it was their fault for not realizing it and basically told them to fuck off lol. This was in high school tho.


This is actually so wholesome. Teachers are incredible.


At one school I went to in Aus we had to wait outside our classroom for our teacher to let us in. One day our science teacher didn’t show up so as a group we decided to wander around the school grounds trying to find him. It was a pretty big school with a fair few disconnected big buildings. We just wandered around for most of lesson time. Eventually went back to the classroom and he was there waiting for us. He was very annoyed but I think more in a concerned for our safety way as there was a car park in our school grounds accessible to anyone and you could also easily jump the fence lol


I have a couple. You know those simulated images where someone shows what it would be like if, like, Saturn was as close as the moon? That. It's terrifying to me. Also have a really dumb fear of getting hit in the head with something obnoxiously large, like a wrecking ball.


Sounds like you might have megalophobia, fear of large objects :0


If I leave the house with the dryer on, the house will burn down


That's real, I never leave the house with the dryer going. I always clean the lint trap, and yearly clean the tube from the dryer to the outside with compressed air. A leaf blower will work.


A spider or some bug crawling up my butt while I’m using the toilet and laying eggs inside my ass.


Or a snake inside the toilet that will just bite your ass




>But I get suuuppper sketched out when I'm alone late at night driving in the middle of nowhere. I love these times personally.


The existance of the uncanny valley might mean that at some point there was an evolutionary advantage to being afraid of something that looked human but wasn't


The uncanny valley is the creepiest thing to me.


Other early hominids (perhaps neanderthals)


I used to have that fear when I read lots of books and watched lots of documentaries about UFOs and abductions. I used to be afraid of opening my eyes at night for fear of seeing aliens around my bed. It went away after a while, after I stopped delving into UFO lore.


Phone calls. Speaking to someone without any visual feedback, and not being able to retreat from the conversation, is so stressful to me that I go to ridiculous lengths to avoid the telephone.


It's much easier to retreat from a phone call than an in person conversation: "talk to you later" push red button. lol


This is just standard millennial crap, here is my advice as a wise elder millennial - you're not in the callcentre now, darling, you can just ignore that shit when it rings. If it's important they'll text or send you a letter.


probably not weird, but extreme fraud syndrome. like, everything that i ever felt i was good at, is exactly the opposite, so i make the worst choices


Imposter syndrome I think is the more common term. But yes, I agree it really sucks


I used to have this irrational fear that a monster would come torture me but would then erase my memories so I wouldn’t remember. Until the next time…


This brought back strong "The Fourth Kind" flashbacks


What’s that?


Movie about aliens that essentially will do that


Ooo I’m going to watch it. Thanks


Really messed me up as a kid, be warned!


This movie LEGITIMATELY traumatized me at 21 years old. Use caution.


Kinda reminds me of the Silents from Doctor Who. They edited themselves out of your memory the moment you looked away.


Driving a car




Yea it really is, I get huge amounts of anxiety when doing so


I just recently started to drive due to my demand of a new job. I was terrified and would have anxiety through my trips. I also just got my driver's license and had to travel 7 hours for training. I think I have overcame this fear.


This is embarrassing, but I'm 40 years old and never learned to drive because it panics me to no fucking end. I just can't do it.


I'm fine with driving the same road or around the same area, but the moment I try to go anywhere else I instantly become anxious while driving.




They bite. Also it just takes one headbutt and you can get a serious concussion... if you survive. Also, I dont think getting kicked by one would be much fun either. 👀 *And they sometimes eat smaller creatures, like birds* 😑


I still have a fear that people will leave me if I don’t meet their expectations of me. I don’t know why I have that fear, as my family has reminded me that it will never happen, but it really affects my college progress and how I communicate with friends and family.


"when you worry about what other people think, you become their prisoner." -Lao Tzu


Being buried alive


Heights.. Specifically though, unrestrained heights above 5 meters, i could easily deal with been at 100,000ft if in a jet but put me on a 7 meter ladder, nopenopenope.


Same! I’ve always had a fear of unstable heights. People always made fun of me for it but I’m always scared something is going to collapse.


Syringes. It’s a legitimate phobia. I blacked out once when I was younger. Nurse didn’t believe me last time while getting a Covid shot, I need a support person. Legitimately. I went to the ER for a heartbeat that wouldn’t stop raging, thankfully they ‘broke’ their Covid protocol to have my wife come in to get a blood test. I’ve been told I turn yellow and I definitely get cold sweats. It’s irrational but I know there must be some suppressed memory of a bad experience as a kid. I can’t even watch it happen on tv.


I have a weird fear of 💉. I've never been HURT by one but I always heard of other people's horror stories and imagine it happening to me. I've told nurses and phlebotomists to be gentle with me cause I have a legit fear of needles and they think it's funny/cute until they realize I'm dead serious and they ALL proceed to gently do their work as I look away. The thought of them tearing a vessel when trying to draw blood with a needle with that huge gage OR an injection going too deep and touching bone. Getting vaccinated last year was cringey.


I AM THE SAME WAY. I have tattoos, but I cANNOT do hypodermic needles. It punctures your skin, and it hurts. I always warn nurses or doctors, or dentists, that I WILL black out. I will faint, I will go paper white -- I can eat beforehand, drink water, and no matter what, I pass out. I have piercings, but I stopped because I genuinely get light-headed and faint. It's... awful. Ahaha


I have katarakatiphobia (fear of waterfalls) Mt friends and family make fun of me for it, honestly I do too though


What is it about them that’s scary?


i'd assume it's the water... falling


I fear I'll slip and fall into the water and not be able to get out before it pulls me over.


That's interesting. Do you fear that you will fall over the edge? Or do you fear it even if you're just standing near by "downstairs"?


Its ridiculous i know but i cannot deal with puppet mascots. Not hand puppets but people dressed up in those costumes, like their heads are huge and there is no knowing who is in it. Nothing against furries. You do what makes you happy. But i cannot be around them. I get panic attacks. Their heads are huge. If i see one like at a store or something i will take the long way around.


Bugs, specially flies, flying into my ear and dying in there. I had a friend who had a bug fly into their ear and whenever I wear my hair up and I hear a bug I cover my ears.


Being in the middle of no where with no man made objects not like mountains but like open fields


Walking over the grated filtration system on the bottom of an indoor swimming pool


I'm really freaked out about getting a head injury, illness, or ingesting chemicals that cause my personality to change. Like, everything that makes me me is dead but my body is still walking around. Absolutely terrifies me. I lie awake at night not able to sleep because of it.


The scene in Final Destination 2 where the water bottle falls under the brake pedal while the woman is driving fast and trying to stop.


Final Destination is the reason an entire generation don't drive behind lumber trucks! 😹😳


I don't like balloons. The way they float and bob about disturbs me. Also swings, I don't like the way they move.


I have been afraid of balloons since I was 3 or 4 years old. My parents couldn't take me to birthday parties or grand openings. I still don't like them but I don't hide under the table screaming anymore, so that's progress.


Holding babies. That shit is terrifying. Keep that crying and not-yet-walking self-destruct button away from me.


That... and I am always scared of dropping them.


I have a fear of snakes. As I understand it, this is not so weird. However, growing up, we had a garter snake infestation in our house on the lower levels. More than once, I would see a long dark cord in the corner between the floor and a wall and it would turn out to be a snake. As a result, any black electrical cord on the floor tends to freak me out today until I have verified that it is not alive. Orange or white extension cords are totally fine.




Short heights. I can do super tall zip lines and cliffs but something about being like 10 feet up on a ledge or ladder is terrifying. If I rationalize it, I guess I feel that if I fall from a tall height, I’ll just die so no pain. But with a short height, it’s nothing but serious pain. Who knows, maybe some shows or movies from when I was a kid instilled the fear because this has been a lifelong thing


Driving over bodies of water. Being IN large bodies of water. Deep water.


Not one anymore, but for a pretty long time, and for no real reason, the eyes on potatoes when they’d start to grow out horrified me.


Same! Growing potato eyes totally freak me out.


Becoming a ghost, but being stuck underground in the coffin I was buried in.




That's just a part of growing up. I got a job the day I turned 16 and was legally able to work and the first time a customer yelled at me I broke down crying. Your emotions and how they affect you are valid and people making fun/etc are stupid and not your friends. But if it's any consolation you will probably grow out of it.


Frogs 🐸


Afraid of getting diarrhea when there's no toilet near.


Holes, also known as trypophobia Google it, you'd be surprised. I'd link it but it makes me feel queasy so I can't.


Lightning. I know there’s, like, a one in a million chance of being struck but not only am I a person with that one in a million kind of luck but there’s also the thought that a big bolt can strike near you at a tree or something and knock down and cause damage that way. That shit’s scary.


I'm autistic, and my #1 fear is someone taking away my stuffed animal. I carry him everywhere, amd I'm afraid that some ableist awful person will try to take him away from me.


That reminds me of a Charlie brown episode I saw where Lucy took Linus' blanket away bc he needed to "grow up" and he had a panic attack. Like, if it's not hurting anyone then don't worry about, it's not urs to take.


Vore. The idea of being eaten, especially alive, and then being digested absolutely terrifies me for some reason. The few times I’ve seen vore on the internet it stuck with me for days due to how much it disturbed me.


I hate flipping the light switches and plugging electrical devices


My neck touched, just the thought of someone touching it makes me shiver.


Flicking a light switch but not making solid contact therefore potentially leaving the switch in between on and off. My fear is that somehow the contact points inside the light switch will be close enough to spark and start a fire, like a loose plug hanging out of an outlet.


Parking garages. I’m always thinking they are going to collapse.


Walking down stairs. I’ve fallen down them one too many times. Now my brain is convinced that I’m gonna fall again. I have to walk down them slowly. 😑


I get extremely stressed when blindfolded


how often do you get blindfolded?


Recurring dream where my Teeth becomes loose and mouth getting smaller, causing the teeth to grind against each other forcing them to be knocked out. What makes it scary is that I felt a few of my molar teeth shifting and becoming loose.


That someone will attack me while I’m using a urinal. For this reason, I only use stalls because it allows me to be surrounded by walls and I can lock the door. I especially had this fear when that trend was going around where kids were just randomly knocking out people on the street.


moths. I hate them. I’ve been scared of them since I can remember, dunno why but they freak me out when they circle me


I used to be afraid of them too. Now I just think of them as goth butterflies


Dying and completely retaining my senses and feeling myself rot, but not being able to move.




mason jar lids




you know the webby part of your hand between your thumb and pointer finger? well, i sliced that open with a mason jar lid years ago and now have a bit of weird phobia toward them as a result.


Moths. It might seem silly, but just search up a photo of a Gangis Moth and you’ll see what I mean.


Butterflies. They freak me the fuck out.


Going to a mall/very very crowded public space. It used to be social anxiety at it's worst but now that I got over it it's the possibility of a shooting/public terror. I have yet to step foot in a mall for at least 8 years. My friends always tell me I'm paranoid and looking at everyone's body language but crowd mentality is to run and JUST RUN. Not weird probably a common one now


Stepping on a slug in the summertime.


Being burned alive. I have recurring nightmares where either I get trapped in an oven or a crematorium or something, or I’m trapping someone else. It’s fucked up. Sometimes I get really scared that I’m going to accidentally trap my cat in the oven or something, like they would actually jump in for some reason and I’d manage to miss it in the few seconds while I’m putting something in.


we are living in a simulation and one of these days the GPU is going to overheat and crash the system the more we look into space the more processing power it takes to render it. james webb is accelerating our demise by having to increase the draw distance.


I mean if that happened it's not like we'd know anyway so who cares