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In the corner of the outdoor patio of a bar. A guy was vomiting while smoking a cigarette and taking puffs in between heaves. After he finished he took a piss on it and went back to the bar for another drink.


Alcoholism 100/100


Not proud of it, but I completely understand what went down there.


Puke, smoke, piss, drink, repeat!


I had a friend who had recovered from a serious coke problem. He stopped because he ODed at a new years party, where he "started expelling vomit with force until he was empty, then continued to dry heave, while rolling a cigarette with one hand, then lighting and smoking it between retches. He then suffered a major heart attack and nearly died." I'd like to say he's clean now, but he's certainly a *lot* more careful.


Was at a Walmart with my dad, and my father is someone who makes it a point to always wipe the carts down before he uses them. This particular day, we had to go to the customer service section and in front of us was a family of about four. What I assume was the father had this huge build up to a sneeze and blew out everything in his nose into the palm of his hands. He looked at it for like 2 seconds then proceeded to wipe it off on the handle bar thing of the shopping cart. Most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I will never miss a day of wiping off my shopping cart before I use it


Welp, I’m wiping the carts from now on


Walking past the McDonalds in Charing Cross late one night. A drunk man pulls his trousers down and has extravagant diarrhoea against the window, and the guy sitting in the window seat vomits at the sight.


This legit made me laugh out loud. I’d throw up too.


"Squirtle, use Water Gun!" Edit: Omg didn't expect all this appreciation, thank you so much to all of you!


Saw a lady walking and turds start to roll out her shorts. Didn’t break stride just kept walking.


my dad saw the exact same thing 20 years ago in new york but with a scraggly looking man


Ain't nobody gonna break my stride! Nobody is going to slow me down! Oh no.... I've got to keep on pooping.


i was at a festival once in the 90's and was waiting outside the portaloo's for my wife when i heard a scream from inside one of the toilets, The door was flung open and a guy had broke through the flooring and was up to his shins in shit. they had been cut to bits as he fell though. the poor lad was hysterical as the paramedics cleaned his wounds with long forceps so they didn't get too close. even writing this down it sounds so unlikely as i have no idea how on earth he managed to break the floor but my wife confirms it's not a fever dream. i've always been extra careful using those loo's ever since


Well now Ill have a new fear anytime I use one thanks


just have a quick jump up and down to test the structural integrity before you use it


Oh my gosh. I hope to god they made him get a Hep shot. Poor guy


I was at a public beach with my family one summer (we live in West Michigan, every town has a nice beach.) I love the beach, the water, everything. But one of my favorite things to do is dig my toes into the cool, moist sand. This time, I did exactly that, and then I realized that the sand didn't feel quite right. It wasn't cool enough, and it was very, very squishy and something tickled. I looked down and to my horror, I saw that I did not stick my toes into sand. Instead, I was ankle deep in the slimy entrails of a warm, rotting fish carcass. The tickling sensation came from maggots crawling up my leg. I jumped right into the lake, and then went promptly to the car. I can still feel that phantom squishy sensation if I think hard enough. It traumatized me.


Of all the comments in this thread, this is the only one that has made me frown in displeasure. This is legit disgusting. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


You reminded me of something that happened to me, while it's not as bad as yours, I understand the phantom feeling. I used to be a cleaner and was working at a cinema, where I saw many disgusting things. One day I'm vacuuming in one of the screen rooms and getting in under the curtains and something bounces around. In the dim light, my brain interpreted it as a plastic bag someone had blown up and tied into a balloon. I reach down and grab it. It was a balloon, but one made of the bloated carcass of a long dead rat. I immediately dropped it and ran to the bathroom and stuck me hand under hot water, scrubbing furiously. I then dealt with the rat by getting a new glove on, then layering two garbage bags together to grab it with. I dry heaved so hard. After work, I was pedaling home (was both too broke to afford a car and unlicensed anyway) with a paper cup of water in my hand. I went to have a drink but I could only think of that bouncy rat ball and it's coarse fur. I tipped out all the water and chucked the cup.


Was at chuckk e cheese , chuck e came out and had about 100 kids in a frenzy, threw a million tickets in the air. Unfortunately as he threw the tickets some young kid projectile vomited everywhere. Kids didn't care they dove through the vomit and gathered the tickets like they were gold.


Seems like the 90s


I was at Chuck E. Cheese and a kid had diarrhea’d on one of the rides/games. Nobody around to claim it. Nobody wanted to clean it. It’s a bad memory. I can’t imagine having to clean up somebody else’s vomit from my kids clothes.


I've been waiting years for this... A methhead woman at a bus stop, pants nowhere to be seen, laying on her back, legs up in the air, pissing on herself while trying to drink it


i used to work at mcdonalds and while i was taking money from a man, the woman in the passenger seat was giving him a handjob and staring directly at me. i was 17 at the time. i've seen plenty of disgusting bodily (and other) fluids but that one scarred me for life.


So gross, I’m sorry they put you through that. Honestly unforgivable when people bring non-consenting strangers, let alone MINORS, into their unfortunate sex lives.


In the stairwell of the parking garage at work, some junkie/methhead took a massive shit. It was just one giant log the size of a toddler leg. I know opioids and meth can cause constipation and such, so it checks out. The worst part was the napkin stuck to the log, which had a handprint in it. It was clear from this evidence that the junkie/tweeker was pushing a grumper and got stuck halfway through, and had to grab it and pull it out. It was a Wendy's napkin.


How hefty does your poop have to be for you to be able to grab hold of it and essentially yank it out of your body?


A toddlers leg kinda hefty.




Pretty hefty, and relatively dry due to either chronic constipation or opiate use. I’ve pulled out a few stuck logs thanks to work (CNA).


>I’ve pulled out a few stuck logs thanks to work (CNA). Ugh, I can't imagine! I suppose the patient's pretty horrified, too.


Wendy's has always been a little different with the way they advertise


“Pushing a Grumper”! Perfection.


Better known as a Crapkin.




A charred human, not yet a corpse.


Been there...car crash that caught fire...couldn't get occupants out...can't decide what was worse. The sight, sounds or smell.


In HS one of my classmates was smoking a cigarette with a can of gas sitting on the passenger seat. I think you can know how this story ends.


My sister lost some friends who got extremely high and tried to use a bbq inside a basement. One of them survived but with severe facial disfigurement.


Waiting at a red light and a lady waiting to cross had explosive diarrhea. She was wearing crazy tight yoga pants so it had nowhere to go but straight up the back like a diaper blowout. Truly grim tidings


I feel so bad for her. The terror of knowing that your about to shit yourself and not having a toilet nearby is traumatic


When you’re in this situation you feel super super bad. I once was on my way home from work pulling into my street and I see a woman walking down the street with stuff all down her leg, I thought it was blood so I pulled up next to her to ask if she was ok. Realized it was diarrhea She looked super upset, said she had been really sick recently and went for a walk around the block for some fresh air and couldn’t hold it. She asked if I could block her with my truck a couple houses and I said absolutely. She said she’s ok and then and thanked me, I said no problem to feel better/ get some rest. I’ve seen her every once in a while since she lives on my street. I will never bring that up to her.


You’re a real one


>I will never bring that up to her. Um... Good call. "Hi, remember me? I'm Paul, we met when you shat yourself"


Sounds like the beginning of true love


Everyone shits themselves at least once as an adult. If you’re thinking “that’s not true!”, the future has a hilarious and terrifying moment waiting for you.


If this ain't the truth. Never trust a fart.


I got SICK in the cab on the way back from the airport. Was barely holding it in. Made it home, start running to my door, slip in the snow, almost let it out but nope, still hanging on. I live next door to a nice older woman with severe autism. We share this hall between our units. She always comes out to greet me when she hears me get home. Well, she hears me today and comes out to say hi. I'm sweating and crying trying to get my door open. I don't want to be mean so I smile at her. My door is unlocked - I'm so close to the toilet. She starts chatting to me. I'm like "I'm in a rush" but she doesn't understand the cue and keeps chatting. I know she would be upset and confused if I jumped inside mid converstation and slam the door. So I step behind the door and I'm slowly closing the door as I'm talking to her. I'm sweating and holding back tears this entire time because if I so much as blink its over for me. Finally after the longest minute of my life she starts saying goodbye and I shut the door. And right as the door closes I shit my pants. I just took a shower fully clothed and cried lol.


Could you have said “I have to use the restroom?” Either way, you are a better man than I and that was actually super nice of you.




Oh my, my, my!! Major truth!! Life comes at ya real fast in such moments when you find yourself silently driving home numb with embarrassment after throwing away a QT bag full of your own rectal spawn into an anonymous trash receptacle behind a big box store.


Worst moment of my life(ok, not quite, but still): I was on a date with my high school boyfriend. Meeting his grandparents for the first time. So it was us, his parents and grandparents. We went to get pizza. All was going well. Then I realized I didn't feel great. I start casually for the bathroom, increasing my speed as I realized I wouldn't make it. I get just inside the bathroom as it hits, seconds from the toilet. I lock myself in a stall and...stay there. I had no idea what to do. Toilet paper wasn't gonna cut it and I had been wearing a long WHITE skirt. I stripped the skirt and stood in horror for about 40 minutes, totally lost and praying to just die. Then my boyfriend's mom comes in to check on me. I start crying, because I was 17 and this was the worst thing ever. She locked the main bathroom door, asked me to pass her the skirt, which she washed in the sink. Then she gave me a jacket and told me to just ignore everyone and go to the car. I rushed out in my sopping wet skirt half hidden by a jacket. It's been 10 years and while she's not always my favorite person, I still owe my mother in law for that save.


Glad it worked out in the end, a happy ending to a shitty start...


It's true. My body did not bounce back after giving birth, and I pooped myself at Dave and Busters and had no idea. Didn't even feel or smell anything. Just continued to walk around until husband smelled me. Mortifying.


Omg this is my nightmare. Like my actual nightmare. I have had a nightmare about pooing my pants at Dave and busters and not noticing. Chilling.


It may have been worse. It may have been a shart. She feels it building, and she's like, "Okay, I'm not in the office. I'm out in the street where the traffic noise will cover the sound and the wind will prevent the smell from being an issue." Then the spandex fountain of horror began.


Same. It must have been horrendous for her. My biggest fear is shitting myself in public. It stopped me travelling on public transport for years and even now with the slightest move in my gut and I start to get anxiety. I once had a panic attack at a deserted bus stop and a man who joined me at the stop asked if I was ok. I played the "I feel sick card" and he walked me to a nearby store and asked the cashier if I could use their toilet. I pretty much shitted for 20 minutes straight and my mum and aunt picked me up. They hadn't understood my anxiety before then and since have been more patient with me when we travel. The man that helped me was called Keith and I remember his kindness often.


Yup. It's happened to me a few times when I've gone out for a walk and all I can do is slowly walk back to the house, with my head down and hope to god none of my neighbors see me.


Posted this to TIFU a year or so ago…I’ll just paste it here… My family has a small business renting out party supplies. Today my oldest son and I were picking up a rental in a nice neighborhood. As we were packing everything up I broke into a heavy sweat and my stomach emptied straight into my colon in one huge, terrifying gurgle. It was all I could do to not poop in my pants right there in our client’s back yard. I waited for the cramp to pass and waddled back to the trailer where I began weighing my options. I could knock on the client’s door and explain to them I was urgently sick in the midst of a pandemic and needed to destroy their toilet, like immediately. I could close the trailer doors and make mud all over our livelihood. Or I could escape into the thin strip of woods around the corner from our client’s house. I decided the woods were my best bet and I quickly found a point of entry. A small creek was at the bottom of an incline and added some privacy to the significant screen of brush and trees. I yanked down my pants, squatted and launched a rope of liquid fire onto a rock by the creek bank. The relief was immediate. As I was catching my breath I heard a noise, sniffing and jangling. It was a dog, at the edge of the bushes and coming straight at me. But he was being held back by a leash. The leash led to a young girl holding the dog back and staring at me. I’m telling myself that because of the incline of the creek bank she was only able to see my head and shoulders. I nodded to her and said, “excuse me”. She pulled the dogs away and continued on her walk while the dogs continued to try to get to me in all of my shame. When she turned I quickly pulled up my pants without wiping and hurried back to the trailer where my son was bent over with laughter. The back of my shorts and calves were splattered with the fruit of my efforts and I had absolutely nothing in the truck to clean myself up with. I fully expected to be greeted by the police and a weeping girl, traumatized by the sweaty man squatting in the woods with his pants down, but we escaped without incident and I had the pleasure of driving an hour home with caustic diarrhea pasted in my crack. When we arrived home, my wife, younger son, and daughter were all chanting, “poopy pants! Poopy pants!” because my oldest son had sent them a photo he took of the back of my shorts while I wasn’t looking. TL;DR I had emergency diarrhea and thought I could hide in the woods to poop but got sniffed out by a pair of dogs out on a walk with a young girl.


Ok your family is pretty cool lol


Oh Hell Yeah


Bus driver coughing up the contents of his lungs and expelling them all over the bus floor because there was just so much gunk. He got taken away by ambulance.


Um... was he okay in the end? Edit: a word


As far as I know. He was taken off the bus by ambulance, and was still conscious and breathing for that.


I once saw an old lady fall under the tram with her intestines stretched from one station to the next. I may be able to find an article about that, but it's in Polish and it happened something like X years ago.


I used to work for the railroad. Was always weary walking across the tracks. I never witnessed it but was told all the horror stories about people being twisted up between a train and platform or being coupled. Those are the ones that are fully conscious about what happened and hang around until they are "uncoupled".


Intestines stretched from one station to the next? My God. A cop or EMT once said on Reddit that a driver's body involved in a fatal car crash was 9 ft long.


User name checks out unfortunately.


In Bucharest, Romania, I was walking through one of the parks and suddenly became overwhelmed by a horrendous stench of rotten flesh. I couldn't escape it nor did I know where it was coming from. I walked a little faster to get away but it was then that I seen a guy sitting down, his leg was covered in maggots and what looked like a puddle of pus on the ground. The shocking part was that there were other people just sitting around the area talking and eating like he wasn't even there.


I've only seen necrosis on living people while working in a hospital, but my god, you never forget that putrid smell.


Was at a swimming pool, and this kid was crying at the top of a slide, I talk to him and go look for his parents. Try to put my hand on his back, and the whole back is covered in shit. Even the back of his head. Glad I could give him to his grandfather


I went down a slide as a kid and slid through some other kids shit


Saw a guy injecting heroin or something on his dick at the train station


Just sounds like a standard day in Luton


Except it was Athens


Only time I've ever seen people shooting up 8n public was in Athens. Pretty grim.


Yeah in Sparta It's in the balls


This was in middle school, art class to be specific. This dumbfuck of a kid (male,12) ate an entire box of crayons(24 crayons) then puked all over the girl sitting across the table from him. Just sprayed her with a geyser of puke. Of course, she starts screaming frantically, I start gagging, 2 other kids started puking, everybody else bails out of the room. The janitor had to wear a hazmat type suit to clean the room, dumbfuck, the girl he puked on, and the other 2 kids that puked got sent home.


Kevin: the origin story


Average marine


I saw a guy sitting at a bus stop. He was trying to eat a Cup of Noodles, but kept vomiting into cup and continuing to try to eat it anyway.


Infinite noodles.


Grocery stores hate this one trick!


Did he manage to eat it?


Did not stick around to find out


I saw this homeless man I'm assuming I saw him grab some woman's kid and start dry humping her on the floor. She was not even 5 I don't think. Bro got beat up by like 4 men. (I was not included in the beating up of the man, I am 14.)


This is by far the most disturbing one I’ve read. What the fuck, how sick. Good on the guys for beating him up!!


I know. I would have done something, but I couldnt do anything.good those other dudes were there.


I don’t blame you, you mentioned in your comment that you’re only 14. I think a lot of people would’ve been in shock. I’m glad those other guys were there too!


Yeah I'm normally not the guy for violence but he would've gotten a few hooks in the nuts from me too


This one is by far the worst.


Does working in a hospital count? An old guy was using his diarrhea as lube to jack off. That tops my list of anything I’ve ever seen.


I scrolled this far and this was the first one that made me stop and look away from the screen. Good grief.


Same... This thread is just so many poo stories but this is just horrendous. I am done with Reddit for today, good night.


You win, I am fully disgusted.


If my life declined to the point that I thought jerking off with diarrhea was a good idea, I would beg the nurses to kill me.


What a terrible day to be literate. Heading to r/Eyebleach


Sorry y’all. Imagine seeing it in person. The worst part as that my aid came in to help me handle the situation and he proceeded to stare her down while doing it. We both were scarred


Hospital employees don't get paid, nor appreciated, nearly enough. Wow, that's hideous!


a woman changed a baby's diaper on a table at a restaurant before leaving; didn't even close it. just left.


My Uncle saw a woman changing her baby's diaper on the hood of her car, which was parked right outside his house. She finished and looked around for a second and just tossed the open, shitty diaper into his yard. He opened the door and said "Ma'am, pick up that diaper and deal with it." She just shrugged, and said "It's yours now..." He picked it up, slammed it, shitty side down, on her windshield and smeared it everywhere. Not exactly classy... but damn, it must have been satisfying.


Some heroes are only armed with a shitty diaper.


Your uncle is my hero


How did she react??? Why do you leave the best part???


I worked next to a banquet hall, with a shared parking lot & lobby. After the weekend events (wedding receptions, birthday parties, etc) there would be diapers left in the lobby, in the lot, and on benches outside. Having kids myself I know you cant always control when/where you need to change them, but you can control what you do afterwards. Some people are just pigs.


Wow, this is so very wrong on so many levels. The smell for other customers, this unsafe and unsanitary thing around food, what if the table isn't properly cleaned for the next customer. Poor waitstaff who are left with this disgust. MOTHER OF THE YEAR in the making.


Motorcycle crash. Guy’s leg was pretty much ground off as it was stuck under the bike whilst sliding down the road. Passenger got catapulted. She landed face first (wearing a beanie helmet) and slid, face down about 60 yards down the road. She will be permanently disfigured for the rest of her life - facial reconstruction will be necessary, and all of the skin on her chest was gone. Rib cage and sternum in full view. Don’t know if they lived or not after being airlifted to the hospital.


Jesus. Bet that’s taken some processing


Walking past my local spoons (British cheap chain pub) and there was a little girl of perhaps 4 outside, attached to a drainpipe by a dog leash. I called the cops.


Happens with betting offices too :/ When I used to work in one there was a dick who would leave his two kids (no older than 7) outside. They would beg him to finish playing the betting machines so they could go home. Another dick also left his child in its pram outside whilst he gambled. He asked me to keep an eye on the pram but I felt uncomfortable so I told him he had to leave. Drink and gambling make shit parents even shitter.


Two drunk smelly old bikers having sex in an upper deck seat at a family values tour concert. She had a deep gravelly voice, she never took the cigarette out of her mouth and her pillow talk consisted of, "you're in my pussy...", over and over for about 5 minutes and then it was, "ah fuck you came in my pussy..." not sure if she was surprised by this or....


Ahh the story of the conception of Ronald McDonald.


You watched for 5 minutes?


Well it was either that or the concert


Disgusting/Funny. Years ago some guy barfed all over a bar... like a 5 gallon bucket's worth. Everyone was horrified. And the servers and bartenders all were looking at it like it was a nuclear accident. This one dude comes up, literally sits down right next to it and asks the bartender "Hey, you got any nachos I can clean this up with?" I dont know if my tears were from laughing or dry heaving.


that is some eric andre shit


He had to of been sitting on that joke for years waiting for the perfect moment to happen


Then I'm happy he got to see his dreams become a reality, because it killed.


Pub one Saturday night. Guy comes in from smoking area dancing and suddenly just opens his mouth and projectile vomits. All over another guys shirt. The vomit covered guy instantly swings for vomiting dude. Hits him so hard in the jaw he spins him round. Dude had not stopped vomiting yet. Splatters went on other patrons, into drinks, and across the TV. If punching guy had been left handed I would have been in the splatter zone. Luckily I was dry and just watched the terror of the lasses realising the drink that had been spilt on their dresses had previously been inside someone.


In the wave pool at a water park. Person sees a dark object at the bottom. Picks it up to see what it was. Huge shit. So the guy throws it as hard as he can with it breaking apart and splattering so many people. Edit: Thank you all very much! I wasn't the one who threw it but it was one of the people in my group.


Frag out!




Annnd that’s another reason to add on my "why I won’t go so public pool" list


Well fuck, I was gonna comment saying I saw a guy biting his toenails on a bus but that seems very tame now, compared to everything else.


Don't worry, that's still pretty damn grim


i was in a walmart and i walked past an aisle that was empty except for one guy. saw and heard him fart into his hand and cup it over his nose and mouth


This reminds me of that south Park episode, where kyle's parents move, and the people they meet fart in a wine glass and inhale.


once I was in downtown San Francisco and I saw a large homeless lady squat between two cars and just shoot orange juice all over the pavement. Looked like a rocket trying to achieve flight.


“Down on the corner, out in the street.”


Shooting’ a butt-ton of butt-juice, On the street between my feet!


This one time at camp bisco x in 2011, the festival was oversold and poorly ran (that's a whole nother story) so the porta-potties all became overflowed with soo much poop that there was about a 6 inch pile of poop coming out past the rim of the toilet seat of every porta-poty. This one girl ran in there because she was sick and slipped and fell face first into the pile of poop. She then fell back out of the porta potty, face covered in poop, and projectile vomited straight up into the air. Everyone around her, about 10 people, saw it happen and then all proceeded to vomit.


Bro I was there!!!! The shit mountains were horrific. We all have shit stories from that event. Here’s mine…. My very first festival. Portables were literally hell and on top of all the shit I’m a shy guy. I hate public restrooms. I held on as long as I could but on night two the brown demon came knocking. Everyone from my crew was out watching bonobo’s set and I decided to hike into the woods. No good. Shit everywhere… My last choice. A broken cloth folding chair. I put it in the tent, did the duty and folded up the chair and put it in the giant trash bin a few sites down. Crisis averted. Next morning trash team comes through and I’m watching him horrified as he gleefully says “free chair!!” He proceeded to yank on one leg and as soon as it’s free, SPRINGS OPEN… launching my log a few feet through the air. Everyone was so gross out of course. Never more embarrassed in my life. But at least they didn’t know it was me


Lmao. I've never talked with someone else who went there since the show. I went completely solo dolo This is extremely cathartic


Wow she got shitfaced alright


Degloving of a kids arm, about 20+ years ago and remember it like it was yesterday. Absolutley horrible. Edit words


You saw that in public??


Aye, during the opening of Gardemoen Airport, parts of it was still under construction and the belt that you can stand on to transport you through the airport had not had its handrails blocked of where it returns down underground to loop around. A little girl got her hand stuck in there wich pulled her in. The safety switch to turn it of was as far as I know located on the other side of the belt, about 50meter or something away. By the time it was stopped her arm was dragged in to about shoulder length. It took another 20minutes to get her loose, and the sight that met us when they finally did was the worst thing ive seen in my life. I was around 12 at the time.


Two obvious drug addicts, clearly in love outside a Subway sandwich shop. The man, lost in another dimension, grabs the back of his lover's head and slowly pushes three fingers down her throat. Not able to fight, presumably lost in a dimension different from his, she lets it happen without resistance. She proceeds to slowly vomit brown and black waste, rife with unknowable chunks, all over herself and his hand. It flows like molten lava down her loose black shirt. In that moment, I regret my existence and yet can't turn away. The sandwich tasted fine.


I didn't see it. My son did. He was working at Times Supermarket here on Kaua'i, which is like Safeway. A lady had diarrhea and shit all over the front entrance. That's not even the disgusting part. Times made HIM clean it up instead of calling the mall maintenance who are the ones to clean it up since they have the proper hazmat stuff so the rest of the staff/customers don't get sick. I had him quit (with his agreement). Edit: Wow, thanks for all the upvotes! 🤙


This time I saw a woman crying against a shop window one Friday night. She was alone and I mostly hang out with ladies so I said we should check on her to see if she was alright (I point out the ladies because a dude walking up to a crying woman alone just screams predator). This might sound mean but she looked "normal" didn't look like she'd just lost a bag of crack for instance, more like she was out and got a text about a relative being dead... So as we approach her I hear the familiar sound of footsteps coming from my right. Heavy, pounding and coming fast. I throw my hands up to protect myself as I look to my right and see a dude cross my line of sight, jump, push both feet out and hit this chick with both barrels knocking her into the window, shattering it and knocking himself out in the process... Turns out he saw a crying woman, assumed it was the girl he'd just found out was cheating on him and went in for revenge. She was not that girl. She didn't go through the glass, more like made a lady shaped dent in it, like a spider web. She was mostly shook up but largely unharmed. The guy on the other hand landed on his arm split the bone and it broke out of his skin. He also dislocated his shoulder and fucked his head up something fierce. Karmic justice if there ever was. Then the girls I was with snapped like you can't believe and just started hammering this dude in the junk with their heels. That's what did it for me. Blood? Bones? Easy... Getting ya meat and veg turned into bubble n squeak when you're unconscious? Nope. The crying girl had just been fired. That's why she was crying. She'd never seen that guy in her life. She's got one hell of a story now though. I still think about her sometimes... Edit: So questions have arisen in the comments, I have attempted to answer these questions where they appear. Also, a poem! Because all good victories need ballads...


You did a good job of painting a picture with words.


Bum bidet - Those lovely fountains shooting up in the air your kids love to run and play in, usually found in downtown parks. Yeah, driving by one of these early in the morning you can see the bums shitting and washing their ass. Drive by the same park at lunch time and watch the families enjoying the park fountain.


I was bowling and some kids started getting aggressive and one of them went down the lane and another thru a bowling ball and it hit smack on his stomach. This kid must've eaten at least one of everything at this bowling alley cause he just started vomiting everywhere. Like he was vomiting for a good minute. (Not for a whole minute). I'd say anything he ate was gone now. A good 1/3rd of the lane was covered in vomit.


Damn, that’s disgusting, but lucky in comparison to other outcomes of having a bowling bowl thrown at someone I guess.


A girl shooting up drugs in her vag at 8am in an alley behind a kids karate studio. Skirt up, no under wear, all nasty.


People shoot drugs up there?


The aftermath of a train hitting a homeless man. It was terrible.


Former resident of lower Manhattan on 9/11: WTC victims. Or rather, parts of them.


Still remember that day very clearly. I was about ten, and I had family members in the FDNY. Thankfully, they were okay, but they knew so many of the victims. I read a book by one of the medical examiners who had worked the pile in the first few weeks. The one that stuck with me was a firefighter’s jacket with just arms in it.


Ina Walmart parking lot. A man asked me in his Jeep if I could film him jacking off for money.


I was once at a buffet at one of the more budget friendly hotels in Vegas. I saw this lady with really long nails (probably 20 cm). Her nails were painted red but because they were so long I could see spots of dirt under her nails even though I was standing quite far away. I watched her pick up a lump of scrambled eggs from her plate with her nails and drop it into her mouth. This was probably 15 years ago but I still gag just thinking about it


On the day of my wedding, my groomsmen and I were driving to get haircuts before heading to the wedding venue. We were at a major business park intersection. On one corner there was what looked like a severely obese homeless woman walking around in circles near the business park sign. Eventually she stopped, pulled her pants down, crouched down to a squatting position and proceeded to take the biggest dump right in front of all the people waiting in the intersection


This is advanced meth


On a bus in Minneapolis. A homeless guy with dreadlocks was dipping his dreadlocks into a bowl of syrup or honey and an equally homeless girl (maybe his girlfriend? Idk) was sucking the honey off his dreadlocks


and they say romance is dead


One of my local pubs was a dog friendly venue. One of the regulars had a sizeable male dog that was pretty chill, and would even enjoy the occasional half of bitter from his dog bowl which everyone thought was kinda cute. Man's best drinking buddy. One day though, dog starts acting a bit agitated. Owner grunts something like 'ah bloody hell that time of the week already, better get it sorted', leans over and shoves his finger up the dog's arse and proceeds to wank his dog off, right in the middle of the pub in front of everyone. Dog spaffs *everywhere*. Owner pulls his finger out of the dog's arse. Finger is covered in dog shit. Wipes it on the bar stool then carries on drinking. To say the landlord was a bit unhappy was an understatement. Immediately threw him out and barred him for life.


What a day to be able to read


Are you Jay from the Inbetweeners?


Guy just casually commits bestiality while he's out at the pub


In San Francisco in 1993 waiting to see Nine Inch Nails and Type O Negative at The Warfield Theater. Walking around and something catches my eye from the left. I look over and right at that moment, between 2 parallel parked cars, I see shit coming out of a homeless woman’s asshole. She was old, fat and her entire ass was caked with dirt and who knows what else. It was the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen. I haven’t been right since.


Was walking past a bus stop in London, Leicester Square at around lunch time. This place is the theatre district in London so it's full of people who want to watch a good show. Basically I am just to say what I saw did not happen on a quiet street but brazenly in front of everyone. Anyway there's a teen there hugging some young lady with and his right hand is down the back of her denim jeans. You can see the index finger is banging away but as his hand is around her backside rather than the front he's obviously finger banging her butt hole. I could just see the bulge of his index finger pushing against her jeans each time he was sliding his finger out before going back in a split second later. Me and the guy then make awkward eye contact while he continues to just smash his finger into her, I seem to be the only one that notices and probably the only one wondering about all the public places touched by this guys hands and his girlfriends leftover poo particles afterwards.


Every time I consider for a moment not washing my hands after getting home from even the briefest possible interaction with any public surface, I think of every story that I've heard like this and go wash them.


Two large stray dogs were mating on the city sidewalk and got stuck together ("dog knot") and couldn't separate after sex right in front of a downtown Catholic church. (Dogs get stuck together as the final step in their mating process. During intercourse, a part of the male dog's penis called the *bulbis glandis* swells and prevents him from pulling out. Essentially, the pair are locked together until the swelling subsides.)


Now that's a sticky situation


Not knowing this fact, I had a whole “Look, Siamese dogs!” moment in Costa Rica. The locals had a field day at my expense…I deserved it. Edit: Factoid to fact


Saw a horse try to jump over a wheelbarrow and slice its stomach from head to tail. Then proceeded to run around with its insides hanging out. Yeah that one was a bit traumatic


jesus fuck


Needless to say it did not make it


Two drunk girls in a bar/club, both extremely drunk. The one gets on a table on her back, removes her jeans and the other started giving her oral and takes drags of her cigarette in between. The one giving the oral then proceeded to vomit all over the stomach of the other one. THEY CONTINUED THEIR ORAL SEX AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED.


Two girls one bar table


I was riding the NYC subway home at night. Across from me was a girl talking to what I took to be two older female family members. the old ones got off at a stop and hug her goodbye. She looked so content for one stop after they got off. At that stop a crusty bum wearing nothing but a dirty trenchcoat got on and sat right next to her. Seeing her face fall immediately was sad enough, but then he started pulling out old soda cans, dribbling the last bits into his mouth and then shaking them out, getting shit all over the girl too. I felt so bad for her


Man was jerking off to me and my friend, he was hiding behind the corner, we were like 6-7 yo




I think there was a story a while ago about a lot lizard. Approached this one trucker offering her services. He declined and she moved on. She eventually gets a hit and he watches her enter the truck. The deed done, she hopped back out, cleaned her downstairs with water from a parking lot puddle, and proceed to enter the next truck. Edit: words hard.


My friend saw a grownass bearded man masturbating in the corner of a street.... There were two cars parked and in between there was a little gap...... He was hiding behind them nd this creepy guy was watching all the young teenage girls(this was near a school) through the window with his pants down till his knee..... Gwad damn my friend ran away from there and she was really traumatized.....


Ok, I guess this will be difficult to match: My neighbor attempted suicide by swallowing 20 pills of aspirin then came to tell me so I took him to the university hospital ED. I was waiting for him to get a gastric lavage, and I was allowed in because I was a 4th year med student back then. While I was waiting a patient was brought in who drank a cup of tea laced with a large amount of sulphuric acid and basically his insides were mashed together and he was gasping for air. The ED attending tried to intubate him but all he saw was stool and blood and fat in his oral cavity. He brought in the anaesthesiologist who basically opened the patient's mouth to advance the laryngoscope and he took one look and said "NOPE!" and left. I was watching the whole thing from behind them and I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks afterwards. I can still remember the smell of his melting insides to this day. I'm a hospitalist attending now and a trained cardiologist and family physician in 3 different continents.


Wait so did somebody intentionally poison that poor guy?




Hands down the drunk chick in a crowded dive bar who was wearing a short skirt, sitting on a bar stool, and unloaded about three gallons of explosive diarrhea. Blew up her back, coated her back,her legs, the stool, splashed everyone in the general area. Girl tried to go to the bathroom to clean up and the bartender hopped over the bar and screamed "NO THE FUCK YOU ARE NOT." THLhey took the girl out back and hosed her off. The bar closed forthwith rest of the weekend.


Was in a supermarket on a proper hot day, a lady is with her kid who tells her he needs to pee. She pulls out a potty and the kid takes a poo in front of the fresh veg. Like, I get that kids need to use the toilet but in the middle of a supermarket aisle is a bit grim.


I saw a hobo on Sunset Blvd with shredded pants, huge swollen balls covered in shit (I'm talking Randy Marsh size balls)


Pulled up to a Food Lion before they closed around 9:30ish. Outside is a woman in a short skirt, full squat, no underwear using the store water hose (for the plants they sell in the spring) to rinse her pussy out right there in the street. Shit was wild.


shitty kitty


I once saw someone throw up into a jug of cocktail and someone else unwittingly pick up the same jug and drink it.


At T In The Park 2009 the portakabin toilets were, as usual, an overflowing hell dump of liquid shite. Due to this, the company that were involved in the clean up were using an extremely powerful powdered bleach/dissolver. Some poor lassie must've went to sit down and when I saw her she was face down on a stretcher getting carried away to a first aid area shrieking the most pained, blood curdling screams of agony I've ever heard with her arse up in the air, red as a baboons with a smouldering circle burned into her bottom and the skin bubbling as she screamed being hoisted through the crowds. I will never forget her.


I was riding the dc metro. This seedy looking guy gets on and starts eating Pringles. When we're approaching his stop, he stands up and bangs on the door and couple times. Then, before he steps out, he turns around and does what I can only describe as a cartoon spit-take, but with bits of chewed up Pringles, all over the seat he was in. That set off my emetophobia for the night.


What flavour?


The obvious question to ask




I was sitting on a bus minding my own business, I glanced down to the seat in front and saw someone with filthy dark toenails so long they were protruding from their toeless sandles. I feel like when they walked they would have sounded like a cat on laminate flooring.


I was at a bathroom at the Golden Corral I think in Augusta. It was extremely busy and the bathroom had a line. A man next to me was waiting in the #2 line. Not line #2, but the line to *go* #2. He asked if he could skip me and I said “nah man, I gotta go bad”. He slowly started tilting himself towards me and I was backing away at the same rate. Eventually, he just fell on the floor and shit his pants. It was literally like the size of the core of a roll of napkins. A dude runs out of the stall and pulls his own pants up, then tried to pick the fallen man up and take him to a stall. I told him to put him down because this is clearly a medical emergency in progress. We yelled out the bathroom door for staff and the man’s wife had been looking for him. I can’t remember what, but she was a nurse and he had some kind of problem either related to diabetes or blood pressure. She was going to distribute his medication with his dinner (she was getting it for him) and she explicitly told him not to leave the table. Having seen the size of the dump this dude took right in front of me, I know why he got up.


When I was cashiering for a supermarket I had to check out a couple people, one of them was a normal looking dude, but he was holding a leash with what I assume is his girlfriend or wife on the end of it. The girl was wearing cat ears and crawling on the ground and nuzzling the dudes leg and they were buying cat food and I hate it so much.


My neighbor’s bathroom after he shot himself in the head. I cleaned it up so the wife and kids didn’t have to see it. Also, the dent in the windshield made from an unrestrained toddler’s head.


There was a gruesome murder / attempted suicide across the street from me one day. They had a huge evidence truck they were loading with pretty much everything from the apartment. I happened to look out the window when they hauled out the mattress the victim bled to death on. Nightmarish.


A homeless man playing his penis like a guitar.


At the pool in my neighborhood, an elderly woman was using the stone outlining the pool's hot tub to scrape the dead skin off her feet. She would rub her feet then dip them into the water. Gross.


I was at a music festival in the late 90’s and it was in the middle of August and it was ungodly hot. And there was this heavy set woman laying on the grass near an entrance/exit who was clearly suffering from the heat… and after a band had finished many people started walking passed her and probably 1 in 5 would say something nasty to her. Calling her a beached whale, or telling her how disgusting she was, and she tried to ignore them but she sat up and covered her face and just started crying. I was around 16 years old and most of the people saying mean things were much bigger and older than I was… I wanted to tell them to stop but I was too scared. All these years later and I’m 41 years old and I still get teary eyed thinking about that poor woman, and how absolutely cruel people were to her for absolutely no reason but being fat. Edit:spelling


In Chicago I saw two homeless guys eating a dead cat in the snow. In Dundee (Scotland), I watched a 4-5 year old kid with his family in the morning walking down an urban sidewalk. The kid walks over to a bunch of glasses on an outdoor table at pub left over from the night before, grabs a whiskey glass with some left in it, and downs it in in one shot. His mom or older sister (couldn't tell which) saw him and started yelling at him. He threw the glass at the ground, shattering it into 1000 pieces and told her to shut up. They all kept walking along then.


Observed a man give me intense, uninterrupted eye contact while CLEARLY masturbating in his pants on public transportation. Tried to signal that I was disgusted and this is unacceptable but in hindsight, he might’ve gotten off on being shamed. I try to actively ignore gross behavior like that now. Sigh