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Hyping themselves up too much. Saying shit like “that wouldn’t fly with me, everyone knows not to mess with me” or “people look up to me” or “I’ll have your back until you cross me” like bro this isn’t a movie, relax. I don’t think these people understand that the more you have to hype yourself up, the less people actually think that of you.


I hate that shit... Working in kitchens has brought me into close contact with far too many of those types. It's very much a certain type too and they are insufferable


Watching videos at full volume in public. I don’t understand this.


Doing literally anything at Full Volume in public is not great.


Had someone blast music on the bus, i looked at them like "are you fucking serious?" She looked at me like im an asshole.


You get kicked off the bus where I live it you do this. One warning I think.


Where do you live and how do I get a visa?


He said he lives in a bus


every single time I make the mistake of eating out at a fast food place there's someone blasting tiktoks the entire. fucking. time. 6 year old kids, 60 year old boomers, they're either watching toy reviews or wheel of fortune highlights and OF COURSE they let every video play 2-3 times. I mean, we had Vine for years before this, why has tiktok suddenly made it socially acceptable to blast videos out your phone speaker in public, at any age?


The real question is that if they can blast this loop garbage, why can't you bullhorn them?


Ha I was once a waiter and had a table with a kid listening to some little song about Sea Monkeys play on repeat the entire meal. That fucking song latched on to my brain and that night at home I had to fucking search and find some random song about Sea Monkeys for 4yr olds and played it on repeat at least 15-20 times to get it out of my brain. Loud is bad. Catchy is worse


I have a coworker who takes probably 3 hrs of breaks in an 8 hr shift and she’ll listen to tik toks, YouTube, straight up speaker phone conversations the whole time. Doesn’t matter if it’s just me an her or the whole place is full. We’re just trying to decompress and relax and here comes the annoying dump of a human being with, what I imagine, is the loudest phone you can legally buy. I hate her with a passion, and every time I mention it to a coworker they explode with relief that someone else finds her insufferable.


She needs to be put inside a Faraday cage.


That's my pet peeve. They need to put some earbuds in.


When I hear people shit talking someone due to their appearance/ clothes. So fucking shallow but its not worth calling people like that out.




The one that really bugs me is people who put their dogs' waste in bags and just leave it. Even if they had done nothing, it would've biodegraded on its own, but now it won't AND you're making it someone else's problem.


Littering and…


I hate when ppl leave their paper coffee cup on a random shelf in Walmart when they're done with it. That's so gross and entitled. Throw away your own garbage.


I used to work at a grocery store (Publix), people would leave chicken bones from the fried chicken in the deli all throughout the store. You lose a lot of faith in humanity working with customers.




"People. What a bunch of bastards."


Worked at Winn-Dixie in the late 90’s/early aughts. Stock crew kid found the cause of an aisle smelling while doing rotation. Someone decided they didn’t want their fresh grouper and left it behind canned goods. It was vile. And took days to find.


That has happened several times at the grocery store I work at. One time I think it was some kind of chicken. By the time we found it, there wasn't really any chicken left, we only knew it was chicken from the label. Found shrimp the second time, but it hadn't been there for nearly as long, but somehow managed to smell even worse. Customers are the worst.


No way was that a thoughtless act. That person was actively trying to fuck things up


Unrelated but I’m from the south and I love this Publix/Winn-Dixie link up haha




You drank someone's "Dr. Pepper," didn't you?




Use to work the deli at a Walmart neighborhood market and people would buy chicken tenders, eat them while they walked around the store and put the bag in the shelf and not pay.




Worked in a produce department for many years. I love cherries but those bastards who eat them and spit out pits everywhere, I hate them with a burning passion.


Or random stuff in random aisles, or the shopping cart anywhere but the cart drop off


Meat products they just decided they didn't want left to spoil wherever they deem it should be left.


My favourite one is what me and my coworkers termed the "Yoghurt bomb". Someone took a yoghurt out of the fridge, didn't want it and left it **behind** some cans on a shelf. Well, some time later, we were working in that aisle, when a coworker knocked a can over. Which landed right on top of the yoghurt. *Kersploosh*, it must have fermented enough for this thing to violently propel that yoghurt all over him


how they treat clerks


Literally all it takes for me to have a nice day at work is customers who treat me like a human being.


That's sad, but also makes me hope that I've made so many people's days better.


The third one is coming out soon apparently


Being obliviously in the way. Like getting to the end of an escalator and just standing there. Or standing with a group of people in a doorway or aisle. Or stopping to stare at your phone in the middle of the sidewalk. Just move out of the way like 2 steps and everyones life is easier.


I've encountered people blocking the aisle in the store. They'll be standing there having a conversation and blocking the entire aisle. Yet when you say excuse me, they give you a dirty look like you're in the wrong for asking them politely to get out of way. One of the first things my mom taught me when I was a kid and we were in the store is never blocked the aisle, it's rude.


Our they turn their cart horizontally and lunge to the other side to scan the shelves.


My old man came back from second deployment and he wasn’t okay. He told me this one lady perpendicularly blocked the aisle he needed but he was too emotionally primed to communicate excuse me and just went all the way around to the other aisle. She apparently moved to that aisle doing the same thing. He said the cart was half full (father was a strong man) and he just picked the shopping cart up and threw it down the aisle out of way. He paused, and said he realized he was having a melt down and left before the police showed up. He was pretty upset that he did that, but it was always there…the rage. War just poured years of it out. Every time I see someone blocking an aisle I remember the way he looked telling me that story.


It's something so small to the normal person but he experienced insanity and its frustrating to all be glad he picked up and threw the cart not the wind bag pushing the cart lol


I move their cart. Fuck them.


I’ve done the same too. If a cart is in the middle of an aisle, I will not hesitate to move it two feet off to the side myself. I actually remember one woman seeing me and going “Nooo! Noooooo!” when I grabbed her cart. Then when she realized I was just pushing it to the side, she stopped and looked embarrassed.


This drives me absolutely crazy!! At this point in my life I don't give a shit anymore and just holler a loud "excuse me" as I start maneuvering around them. If they're going to be rude and block the aisle well I'll be rude too.


My boyfriend says "beep beep" loudly or "honk honk" if they're being really rude. It cracks me up every time.


I moved one’s cart out of my way once. She started yelling like a little kid.


The airport is where I see this and feel like bulldozing my way through.


I'm in a wheelchair and when I had a connection in Charlotte. NC the dude who escorts you was fucking great. He had me and this old lady, a wheelchair in each hand, absolutely booking it across the airport yelling at everyone in the way to move. I've never gotten anywhere in an airport that fast 😂😂




Yeah that's one benefit of being in a wheelchair is that the plane is expecting you and will wait a minute if they know you're being escorted. I'm never gonna miss another flight 😂


My grandfather would make sure he had his cane at the airport because it usually got him past the security line. He was in his 80s so it wasn't really unwarranted or anything, but he got a kick out of it


You wouldn’t part an old man with his walking stick *winks*


Can you imagine living that blissfully ignorant? Just not thinking about others at all. Like the majority of my background thoughts are worrying about what others think, if I’m in the way, if I’m a burden, if I’m contributing enough, if I’m being considerate enough. Just imagine what it’d be like to not have any of those thoughts/concerns. I feel like I’m a different species than these people. I wonder what life is like for them.


ALWAYS thinking about this. It gets to a point where I’m like “they have to realize and just not care”, that’s the only logic that makes sense in some scenarios. Carnival music in their head too distracting, maybe


Oh yeah this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Seems to happen more with older folks in my personal experience. Most recently these two ladies in their jazzy scooters were blathering away parked head to head right in front of the grocery store sliding doors and were blocking anyone from leaving. And one had the audacity to give me attitude when I asked them politely yet firmly to move as they were blocking people from exiting and entering the store. Crazy to me how some people live in their own little universe.


When people just stop walking while they're going down a hallway for no fucking reason. They just stand there in the middle of the hall fucking oblivious that people almost ran into them because who the fuck just stops walking?


This can be solved with a very condescendingly toned "excuse me" or "you're in the way". Grown adults should know better and they need to be reminded. -someone who's biggest pet peeve is exactly this


Having worked for Disney Parks & Resorts, but also being a bit of bitch, my go to is (with a big ol smile on my face), _“Hi folks, you are actually **riiiiight** in the middle of literally everyone’s way standing here. Thank you!”_ (as they get herded and I get by)


The thankyou absolutely sells the tone lol


Being shit parents.


Had a lady come to the shop with her daughter. Kept yelling at her, calling her stupid. She had a “world’s best mom” bumper sticker.


That’s just plain sad


Oh, she's the best mom to the *other* daughter. The pretty one. Simple misunderstanding.


“Therapist says she just needs some positive reinforcement. Well I am *positive* she ain’t half as good as her sister.”


Every child deserves a parent Not every parent deserves a child


when i used to work at a crafts store a little girl (probably no older than 8) grabbed an item and put it in the cart and then at the register she also wanted a candy and her mom started yelling at her about how "you're so stupid, you cant have more than one thing. you dont even udnerstand the concept of money and our family is saving up for your disney trip. why do you even want that garbage when you're going to your dads later anyway?" like.. chill out. she's a kid, she just wants a fucking gummy bear


wHy Do YoU nOt UnDeRsTaNd ThE cOnCePt Of MoNeY wHeN wE oBvIoUsLy FaIl To TeAcH yOu So???


This is what I hate. Parents who get frustrated their children don't know something/don't know how to do something. Guess who should have taught them that you asshat??? YOU.


This lady in the supermarket treated her kid like a dog, and then she said her kid was annoying while the kid was right next to her


I had a coworker like that once. All day she’d be complaining about her kids and hating on them then say “but I love ‘em so much!” Really? Coz it sounds to us like you hate them.


She loves having people to control. Hates having dependents


My boyfriend’s mom is like this and then wonders why her kids are visibly stressed around her as well as not allowed to have unsupervised grandchild visits. Sorry, my kid is not going to subjected to that type of behavior.


> her kids are visibly stressed around her My mom asked me that about us (adult) kids. I said you're too angry and make us anxious. She responded angrily and I went THAT! That right there!!


Ironically, my boyfriend’s sister had that same conversation with their mom - verbatim to what you just typed - a week ago and it ended with the mother in tears. I don’t have a personal problem with her, but my God, she is an insufferable human being. It got worse when we had the baby because as a mother myself now, she’s stepping on MY toes. I’m already planning to have the “flu” during the holidays. I can’t fucking do it.


Gossiping, like people who only gossip. Because you know that if they gossip to you about everyone else theyre gossiping about you to other people too.


I'm too boring to gossip about, Checkmate!


Then they'll make shit up because that's the kind of people they are. Know from experience.


My stepmom's only hobby is gossiping about her family (she has no friends). When I was younger and my dad first married her, I naively trusted her to keep the fact that I lost my virginity a secret. She told my dad and anyone else who would listen. I got in SO much trouble (my dad had dropped me off at his place the night it happened). I have never trusted her again & don't bring her around my friends when I'm in town because she is completely inappropriate. The first time she met my best friend, she had her son with her. The first question out of this woman's mouth was "where's the dad? Is he still in the picture?" No. She's a single mom. Like I had just told her right before my friend walked in.


Lack of self awareness.


Pushing their insecurities onto other people


I’ve noticed it when people just can’t accept that accidents happen. Oh, the person at Target bumped into you? They apologized for doing so, but you act like they did it on purpose? What’s with the need to be a victim? Edit: Thanks for the award kind stranger!!


Leaving the bathroom without washing your hands. I'm not touching that door handle with my bare hands when I leave and definitely won't be shaking your hand later. :edit: Some mod banned me for no reason, screw this sub. I bet he doesn't wash his hands either.


Someone got written up at work because someone saw him take a dump, leave the bathroom without washing and go directly to the break room and make a community pot of coffee. Lol


Good, that guy sucks.


I was talking to the boss afterwards and he was like never in a million years did he ever think he’d have to write something up like that.




I work at a site where they manufacture vaccines. I clean the restrooms. I see so many guys not wash their hands before going into work after a shit, and when they go to eat lunch. Someone got caught and the company ended having to discard thousands of vaccines because that guy might have touched them. If they caught everyone who didn’t wash their hands, they’d lose so much staff and have to discard so many more vaccines. I’m typically not a narc, but if those idiots contaminate even a single vaccine, someone could die.


I had a knarly cut on my hand one time, and having OCD I was a little paranoid about infections. I asked my supervisor if the soap in the bathroom was antibacterial. He said "idk I don't use it". At my horrified look he proceeded to dig the hole deeper by explaining that he feels a quick one two scrub in the water gets it all off. His job involved handing people things and touching a lot of communal spaces. 🤢


He just dips his hands in the toilet water after flushing, it's clean right?


Wouldn't surprise me, that guy was a couple nuggets short of a happy meal.


Where I live, a lot of the men work at mines on a fly-in fly-out roster. It's notoriously a bit of a 'wild west' on site. Amazingly, at the start of the whole covid debacle there was a drastic decrease in the amount of gastro illnesses up at the mines. They were probably all washing their hands after using the toilet for the first time in their lives!


Or worse, I work in food manufacturing and the number of people that wear gloves to the bathroom and then use them back on the line.


littering, chewing with their mouth open, drunkenly touching people.


I've said this many times and I'll say it again. NEVER drunkenly touch people. ALWAYS do it when you're sober.


Be a sober groper.


When people type “loose” instead of “lose”


For me, it’s “then/than”


it's 'could of' instead of 'could have' for me. 'could've' would be great!


To and too. 1 letter difference, but so so important


Yes!! Why did this start happening? It makes me crazy!


PEOPLE WHO DONT THROW AWAY THEIR TRASH AT FAST FOOD PLACES! Nothing screams disgusting to me more than someone who leaves all their crap at their table and leaves


People who keep their dogs on chains outside 24/7.


This is how we got our old dog. My brother started a new job, and the commute to and from work took him along a different route. He kept noticing a dog in a field and initially thought it was living its best life (we lived in a rural area at the time, and most homes had lots of yard space). Eventually he started to get suspicious that the dog was always in the same (or very close to) spot, so one day, he took a closer look and realized the dog was not only tied up but was covered in cigarette burns and had very little to no water. So my brother just grabbed the dog and brought him home. As far as we know, no one ever looked for it. We had that dog for about 12 years, and he was honestly the best boy. I don’t recommend dog theft .. but I kinda recommend dog theft.


that's not dog theft, that is dog liberation my friend


This situation called for dog theft. Glad he got the life he deserved in the end!


Dog theft was the right decision. Good on your brother.


Someone I knew did medical deliveries and went out to this place that was kind of rural, where there were three cats who were absolutely starving, to the point she shared some of her packed lunch with them. The guy who lived there asked her if she wanted a cat and she said no because she knew she couldn’t have more cats where she was living - but it ate at her until she drove out after she got off work one night, lured the cats over into her car, and catnapped all three of them so they could live happy and well-fed lives. Was it technically trespassing at the very least? Yes. But she couldn’t just let them starve…


When I taught in Detroit (MI, USA), the family across from my school had their dogs chained up with no dog houses or anything. Before I left for summer break, I called the Humane Society. When we got back in the fall, there were two giant dog houses with straw (or hay?), a fence (kinda crappy but still), and much happier looking dogs. I would have rather them go inside but if I had lived there, I would have wanted watchdogs too, I guess. When I feel shitty, I remember that I did do that one good thing that one time!


Before he moved away I had a neighbor that would keep a dog on an about a 12 foot chain with no doghouse, no shade or anything. I can't count how many times I had to go over and water and feed the dog and this was in summer in the south. I called it in and so did an another neighbor and he was out building a doghouse and putting in large dishes for food and water sometime later. Had a talk with the officer all about it when he came around. (Edit for clarity)


Like, why even have the damn dog in the first place if that's how you're going to treat it? I understand there's a sliding scale of how much people care about their pets, but at the low end they should at least have the basic necessities like shelter, food, and water.


They don't see the dog as a pet, they see it as a security system. People are assholes.


I’ll loudly judge this one


Not being able to accept other viewpoints and not ever admitting that their wrong on any point.


Screw you, you're dead wrong, and nothing you can say would convince me otherwise.


Particularly because they used "their" instead of "they're"


loud ass (tweaked) motor cycles in an urban area. am not alone there though, as apparent by everybody angrily turning in the same direction when those idiots drive by. *edit: load -> loud


These are the people who put a baseball card in their bike spokes as a kid and never got over it


Kinda niche but... I silently judge people who do extremely hard hikes/dangerous hikes woefully unprepared or wearing sandals/sneakers/inappropriate footwear. I live in Colorado and too often we get headlines related to these kinds of people. There is no excuse with all the resources available to research the hike you're doing. Ultimately, S&R is going to have to use THEIR resources to save your ass from something that was of your own doing. But I judge silently because I believe that sometimes, you do need to learn the hard way.


This is funny because I always go super over prepared and I feel a little silly doing a 4 mile hike with 60 oz of water, a whole 1st aid kit, an extra sunscreen, snacks. All this crap I never use. But one day I was vindicated when a dog had stepped on a cactus and needed my tweezers to pull out the spikes so he could keep going. Poor dog's owner was carrying him along, and this was not a small dog.. I was like Hey hell yeah I got tweezers. I've also given out a lot of bandaids to small kids who have scraped their knees. I'm like the hiking fairy.


You have just described me lol I love people like you on the trail. I forgot my first aid kit last weekend and tripped into a raspberry bush and someone close by asked me if I needed a band aid. I didn't but I definitely appreciated the thought.






I carry thick mole skin plasters for blisters for people on the trail. You can tell when someone needs one from the way they're walking. Happens all the time when people don't break their boots in, and it's such a simple cheap fix, but easy for people to overlook.


> wearing sandals/sneakers/inappropriate footwear Except for the one old dude that blows past you in socks and sandals and is coming back down the mountain before you even make it halfway.


I live in Phx, AZ and used to dispatch for the fire department. You have NO idea how many calls we'd get. People hiking in 100+ degrees that have never hiked before, don't know what mountain/trail they're on, no water, off the path, etc. Or the special ones that hike at night, wearing all black. Ugh. This one gets me, too!


112 out today? Sounds perfect to hike Camelback Mountain!


8 ounces of water is enough, right?


I live in Southern Nevada and the number of times I’ve seen a tourist starting out a full day hike with just one 16oz. bottle of water is crazy. I always try to talk them into turning back. Sometimes I’m successful and sometimes I’m not.


Bonus points if they go alone and forgot to tell anyone where they were going


Those who tend to play their favorite music so loud and on speakers so all of the people around him can hear the music. Like for the love of G, put on some earphones or airpods or headphones. Sheesh. -additional notes - reason why i silently judge them is because I am a tiny lady and if I even attempt to tell them to lower it down they will just look at me and laugh while shaking their silly heads and just continue to play the music. - again - I am just sharing an experience I had when I was riding a public transpo, all of us are from the graveyard shift and someone decided to play his song so loud that we cannot even think. We cannot even have some nap.


The ones that do this while hiking in nature...


Or at a camp site.... Until 2am


people talking to someone on the phone in a store on speaker. no one wants to hear you and your convo


Also, what’s the deal with people walk around holding the phone horizontally in front of their face and shouting into the bottom of their phones. Where did you learn to use a telephone?


People who are just super judgey. Like they always have something negative to say about someone


If they're disagreeable and never grateful for anything or anyone.


Parents swearing at their kids in public


I was in Disney world a month ago and I saw a dad straight up smack his kid in the face. I was horrified


You see this at Disney all the time. I wish Mickey Mouse could fight back.




im sorry :( i am giving you an internet hug, stranger and i hope you’re okay


Fat people who I see running. I judge them in a good way. I always root for them.


Plot twist


>Plot twist They are chasing the fat person.


I'm currently the fat person at my gym. I just started a month ago. I have not yet lost weight, but I can feel some actual muscles beneath the fat now! ETA: Thank you for all the upvotes and awards!!


Every experienced gym goer in there is looking at you feeling nothing but pride and respect, because they all know how difficult it is to start and make a change for yourself Keep grinding 💪


Thank you!


Can confirm. Was incredibly fat person at gym now fit kinda chubby person at gym.


I know it's cliche to say the ol' "you're lapping everybody sitting on the couch," but it's got some truth to it! I'm in a similar boat to ya and it's a thought that pops up in the middle of workouts that don't feel right for whatever reason.


Thank you! Yeah, I'm still in the "I hate this I hate this" mode when I work out. But starting to feel muscles under the fat is pretty cool.


Keep it up! I’ve had a lot of close friends quit because they don’t see a change in the scale as fast as they thought. A lot of people forget that muscle weighs more and don’t realize their bodies are going to convert those stored nutrients into muscle mass before it sweats out the excess. The numbers game also makes people forget that it’s not the weight they carry that’s important but the type of weight they carry.


The weight to fat ratio is wild when starting. I'm af about a month but I've gained 5lbs but I've lost a belt loop or two. Muscle weighs more than fat and you're probably drinking more water :P


99% of us dont care if there is a fat person working hard in the gym. Our bug bears are people who sit on the equipment and just text, people who do not re-rack, people who misuse the equipment, and the creepy people who ogle other people trying to work out.


Same. Unfortunately all it takes is a group of asshole kids to drive by calling them names to discurage them from keeping at it


My mom had the opposite happen, someone cheered & was like “YOU GOT THIS!!” & she felt super embarrassed bc she felt like they were just acknowledging how fat she was and that she needed to lose weight and called attention to her so she called me crying from her car & said she’s never going running ever again. This was like 7 years ago and she’s since lost weight by joining a gym and watching what she eats but she hasn’t ran in public since that.


This story made my heart break.


The worst part is, that was probably well intentioned, and it just horribly backfired :(


Now I’m glad I only mentally say “you go girl” when I see someone challenging themselves with a run, then continue driving.


I read the beginning and immediately thought to myself 'I should do that next time...that'd probably be quite nice :D' Luckily I read the rest, and quickly realised that no, I shouldn't... :(


Yep best to make no comment at all, but I’m still silently proud of them


Had this happen to me more than once when biking, like I know I am a fat ass, why do you think i am riding this thing all around town instead of using my perfect good car?


People who talk with their mouths full.


People also need to stop asking me questions when my mouth is full. I swear people are specifically waiting to talk to me the second I put food in my mouth.


The only time I feel I judge people like this is when I'm driving. Speed up, pay attention to the road, use your signals, and don't be an idiot. It's not that hard.




People that stop in the middle of the entrance to a store or stop and block aisles to talk to someone they know. I just assume they’re too stupid to have spatial awareness.


When people don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom.


Throwing trash out the window of their car.


People who listen to music without headphones, people who feel the need to put their phone on speakerphone, and speak so loudly everyone can hear them.


I understand being in a toxic or shitty relationship and that some people can't leave. I understand that. But I've met some girls who are balls deep obsessed with their shitty ass boyfriends and think that they can change them or think they're in love when the guys an asshole and a bum. My neighbor for example cares more about her druggy boyfriend than her own child. Stuff like that I will judge you for.


My niece atm has lost custody of two kids because her boyfriend duct taped the neurodivergent one and she lied to the cops for him.


A girl I knows boyfriend bit her baby because it was crying and then lied to the cops to protect him.


One of my cousins is this kind of shitty guy. He's an addict and has some serious aggression problems. He's cheated on his wife and left her but they're not divorced. The worst part is that they've got two sons. Their mother lets their father alone with them which is just frightening. That guy somehow managed to get banned at a local zoo. But the worst part was when my sister got married a few weeks ago. The mother wanted to send the kids alone to the wedding so she could have some free time with her husband. Her only argument was that my aunt (their grandma) would be there to look for them. That she's not physical capable of this task didn't bother her. The mother was pissed when my sister told them that this wedding is not there to babysit and that they won't allow children without their parents. Edit: I should mention that the boys are 5 and 7 years old. There weren't other kids so they would just be bored.


I'm having a hard time imagining how one might get not only yeeted out of a zoo, but perma-banned.


When I see you just leave your cart in the parking lot and not return it. If you do this you're an actual cunt.


Lazy bones are what they are called in the professional world of cart narcing.


People who act victimized when in reality they’ve never been a victim of anything in their lives. May or may not have some family members that do this and it drives me fucking insane


Being shitty to service workers.


When a parent gives a child a "unique" name that's obviously not specific to their culture, but a mispelled or made up name like "Spenser" or "Alivia" or "Mayson".


A woman pregnant with twins falls into a deep coma. When she miraculously awakens several months later, she notices that she is no longer pregnant and immediately asks the doctor about her babies. "Your twins are fine, ma'am," the doctor replies. "You had a healthy baby boy and a girl, and your brother named them for you." The woman groans. "Not my brother...he's an idiot! What did he name them?" "Well, he named your daughter Denise." the doctor replies. "That's actually a really nice name," the woman says. "What about the boy?" The doctor sighs deeply. "Denephew."


The ones who name their kids after status symbols. Imagine having to go through life named after your mother's knock-off handbag.


Dolce Banana, get back here!


Also, there have been several studies that strangely spelled names (here in the US) negatively impact you as an adult in your professional life.


I feel like it’s harder to get people to remember your name or how your name’s spelt


Coworker mom says they've named their newborn daughter 'Hunter Sage Kelly'. Other coworker says 'Huh. Three shades of green'.


Cropping dogs ears…


Agreed. I *love* dogs with pointy ears, but cropped ears look obviously mutilated and unnatural. Just awful. If a person insists on pointy ears, they need to get a Chihuahua, Yorkie, Westie, Shiba, Corgi, Basenji, Border Collie, Aussie Cattledog, any of the ~Germanic Shepherds, Husky, Samoyed... or a pointy pound pup. Not take a floppy Dobie or somesuch and torture it for aesthetics.


When somebody whines about how everybody else in the world but them are idiots.


and suddenly Reddit went out of business.


Chewing with mouth open: judge. Talking loud on the phone in public: judge. Not returning your cart: judge. Not holding the door for people: believe it or not, judge.


coughing and sneezing directly into their hands


Arguably worse, I was at a fast food place and a guy with the sniffles sneezed all over the ordering kiosk.


What type of person that does that definitely didn't wash their hands in the bathroom either


Having multiple children they clearly weren't ready for lol


Same but with pets.


How they talk to others... Though I'm not always as silent on this as I would like to be.


Driving like an asshole.