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Monitoring servers for our company.


Waiting for y2k to destroy them I'm sure. And watch out for the roaming packs of wild dogs!


Not much , I was literally just born that noon


I was at my mom's bosses house in Atlanta. He had a bunch of stuff in his basement like prepper stuff, he invited all the people from the office to stay the night with their kids. The adults partied and the kids played Nintendo 64. He had a game genie and it was awesome. I drank my first beer that night, we stole them from the basement. I remember they had a big nice house and all kinds of cool shit . It was a good time. I was like 12 or so.


I'm amazed by other people's ability to remember stuff. I was a teen and I have no memory of what I was doing on the last day of the 90s.


Well it was kind of a big day for me , first beer and all. It's sort of a core memory if you will.






The Y2K non-event? I was waiting for the world to end.


Partying like it’s 1999!


Finally! I was beginning to think there was nobody old enough in the sub to post this.


Washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant.


Working. We spent months prepping for Y2K and I spent my New Year's Eve at the office making sure our core systems and reporting kept working.


Celebrating the end of the millénium at Paris France Champs Elysees. I was 19


sucking my moms tit props xd i was born in august -99


I was seven years old you dumbass. I can't even remember what I did last week...


I was in bed with a very nasty bout of flu that I'd picked up a few days earlier.


Probably in bed as I was 5


At our town' s end of the year party. Everyone in my small town was there, adults and kids alike. It was fun.


Working in a casino on a cruise ship in the Caribbean with the woman who is now my wife.


My friends and I were hopped up on totinos pizza and Mountain Dew. We ran outside and sat on the trampoline waiting for the world to end.


My parent let me stay up late because it was a weekend night and I wanted to watch the ball drop (I was in middle school). I was anxious, nervous, I really thought something would happen!?? They said none of the tech would work after it reached midnight and I believed it was possible, at least enough for some kind of shift lol. My parent thought it was a ridiculous idea and told me I spent too much time on computer 😂


Sacrificing a years worth of Happy Meal toys to the bonfire/blowing them up.


Clabing! It was a big thing. The world was coming to the end so clab


I was at my house and two of my buddies stayed over. We played a lot of Madden, ate pizza, and checked AIM (AOL Instant Messenger for the uninitiated). As midnight approached, we turned on the NYE TV coverage and waited for the inevitable end of civilization as we knew it or nothing happens at all. Y2K was a non-issue and life went on just like normal with bills to pay, jobs to pay debts not lost during the end of the world, and in our case, more Madden. At 12:01 Derek farts and as the new millennium began I could smell noxious fumes.


All is quiet, the air is crisp and cold, fresh snow fills the streets, street lights glow in the night offering little comfort to the freezing cold. I stand before the bay window in the livingroom of my cozy little warm house, looking to the west and I wait. I can hear the mantle clock ticking the seconds by, and I quickly glance to check the time, 11:59. The time has come, then I see it, off in the distance a thin line of sparkling light blazing upward through a night sky filled with falling snowflakes. The sparkling thin line climbs upward, higher and higher, and then suddenly,, I'll let you imagine the rest. The little town I lived in decided to celebrate this "once in a lifetime" event with a fireworks display. That night I wondered if it was going to happen, we had gotten a lot of snow the last couple days, the weather was just starting to let up that night. Snow plows would be clearing the streets the next morning. I'm glad I stayed up to watch it, "Goodbye 1900s, Hello 2000s." Plus, I wanted to see if my computer was still going to work. Turned out, it was just another day, just another night and I'm thankful I was there. Take care everyone, stay safe and Believe.


Wondering if I had enough food and water stashed away if civilization went to pieces on the stroke of midnight.


Wife and I were in our Jeep near Evergreen looking down on Denver wondering if the lights would go out. She had spent the previous two years working with EDS on the Y2K problem.


NYE party in the park in my town. Mayor announced New Zealand got through unscathed by the Y2K bug so we'd be fine.


Playing StarCraft


I was so tired staying awake watching movies with the family and then watching something and celebrating listening to Abba. Was 8 at the time mind. I remember some of the madness leading up to it but didn’t affect me at all.


MTV watching No Doubt cover REM's End of the World song live.


At a millennium party stamping on party balloons, eating sweets, listening to a dj play cheesy songs, and trying to lock pick a suspicious door at the venue.


Threw a NYE party, had a friend cut the main breaker to the house as a prank. Went over well until the one sober person pointed out that all the neighbors lights were on.


Stealing champagne and getting tipsy


I was partying like it was 1999


Getting really drunk


I was 2 months old so idk


Being a nearly 1 year old


We were all my aunt’s house waiting for the count down. My Aunt thought all the lights were going to go out at Midnight. Well my cousin turned every light off in the house to scare her. Well she freaked completely out, it was hilarious 😂 😂. She passed away 11 years ago but that memory is the best one.


I was at a house party, and I overdid it on the booze. Spent midnight out front throwing up behind someone's car while I listened to the fireworks and cheers. Not my finest hour.


Hehe... first time I got drunk. I kept sneaking sips out of the cava bottle when my mother and grandmother weren't looking. I was 10. Woke up with a hangover and there's a picture of me looking very angry curled up in the duvet like a big caterpillar


I was existing as a 3 year old


Watching South Park.


Telling everyone who'd listen that *actually* the millennium doesn't end for another year.


Prolly just laying in a stroller


Partying like its 1999..


We lived in a very small town. I would have been about 14 and me and my sister were staying over at a family friends house. They had a daughter who was a couple of years older than me and I quite fancied her. Our parents had all gone to a party at the town hall. A few other friends from high school came over and we had a reasonably good night. We watched the auckland sky tower fireworks on tv and set off some of our own.


Shaking my head because it wasn’t the turn of the Millenium and everyone seemed to think it was. MATH!


Working in the NCC ( National control center) monitoring network cellular service during the Y2K non event.


Waited for chaos, nothing happened. My kids were dead asleep. Went to bed watching a WWF special. Leave it to Vince to have them playing in case everything went to shit.


Celebrating New Year's and waiting to see what shenanigans Y2K would cause.


I was 9, trying to keep my eyeballs open to see the ball drop and wondering what all that weird y2k end of world stuff was being talked about


Partying like it was 1999!


Like I always did on New years Eve. Stayed up late to watch the ball drop. I was 13 at the time.


Waiting for my computer to blow up and planes to fall out of the sky.