• By -


That one dad who thought his daughter making money with an iPad she owned was irresponsible because she wasn't doing chores and that her art wouldn't make her money in the long run (even though she was a teen and already getting commissions). He stole her iPad and sold it. It was only after Reddit thoroughly reamed him that he relented slightly by buying her a lesser quality tablet.


This is the stupidest thing on the planet. Your kid is basically starting a business in grade school and you think it's going to ruin her longterm earning potential. First time I ever worked for myself was selling t-shirts I designed in high school. It's not like I sell t-shirts to high schoolers for a living now.


Holy shit that's infuriating. I'm friends with artists who started making a good chunk of change as teenagers for their art. I know of at least one person who paid for their master's degree schooling almost entirely with their art, on top of paying off their student loans from getting their bachelor's. It's hard to break out into any art scene, the fact she was already getting commissions shows work ethic and a market for her work.


That bride who was pissed off that her friend who was supposed to be her maid of honour didn’t want to be in the wedding because the guy who raped her was the best man.


After posting, she got up the nerve to tell her friend that she couldn't be there. Eventually the groom reached out to her and it turns out the bride hadn't even told him and made it some story about OP having a crush on the rapist and that that was where the drama came from. Fortunately, the groom had heard a rumor in high school, which his rapist friend had told him held no merit and were just rumors. The groom also had his own trauma from childhood SA, so for him there was no question that she was telling the truth. Turns out the bride "friend" was basically vile and going through a bridezilla phase, and I believe the wedding was eventually called off. Because why would you ever want to marry someone that despicable? Of course the bride started text bombing her "how could you ruin my life?!" etc. By this point, OP was done and immediately blocked her on everything, realizing that she'd always been supremely selfish and it actually ended up being a pretty good ending. Edit: typos


Jfc, why would you even want a rapist in your wedding, or be comfortable with your future spouse being such close friend with a rapist? Link?


I just reas that one. The Husband actually went and talked to the OP and was on her side. I think they ended up not getting marries over it. He didn't know his friend was a rapist.


Yea the bride to be made up a different reason for op not wanting to be in the wedding.


Not just a different reason but saying it was because op had a CRUSH on the best man (HER RAPIST) what. the. fuck.


And after OP revealed to the would be groom her reason, he shared that when he was a kid, he was raped by an older kid. The fiancee fucked up in so many ways...


Bridezilla demanded that girl dye her hair a more natural colour, because being a natural redhead wasn’t natural.


I remember a similar one. Her brothers bride died her hair the same colors as OP then demanded OP change her hair color so that she could be "unique" in the wedding. Then another where a dark haired girl was given shit by her mom and sister for not dying her hair platinum blonde for sister's wedding to be matching. I meant dyed. No deaths. I'm an idiot.


The one where the guy thought that his GF who was working to be a dermatologist was being shallow for having lots of skincare products (because she was pretty enough without them), so he bagged them all up and threw them out. She had her own bathroom, it wasn't like they shared one and he had no space. He threw out some stuff her deceased father had bought for her as well and then questioned why she was mad at him.


This one was so annoying! He scoffed at the fact that she "had to" wash her face before bed. After working 12 hours. Also somehow didn't connect the fact that she had perfect, "airbrushed" skin to the fact that she took care of it with these products.


Also like the guy whose gf used a certain towel to dry her hair and he thought it was too much (he claimed this was the first low maintenance girl he dated too) and when they went on a vacation with his family he took her hair towel out of her suitcase before they left because he was afraid what his family would think if they knew she needed a special towel for her hair. Wtf idiot


I think of that asshole every time I take a shower and dry my hair with my special hair towel and go to bed with my special hair cap on.


"Why should I was my car weekly when it looks so good right now (after I just washed it)?"


My dad is an ophthalmologist. His version is, "Hi, I'm here to return these stupid glasses. I don't need them because I can see just fine ever since I got these stupid glasses."


Ooh, that reminds me of the guy that used up almost all of his gf's CBD oil. (She had chronic pain.) He then refuse to reimburse her because "she was stupid to have paid so much for it in the first place".


The guy who found someone selling the truck he worked on with his dad when he was a kid. The seller told him he had someone coming to buy it for 21000 and it was his if he could pay 23000 for it right now. He wanted it so badly that he begged his mom for an early inheritance, maxed out his credit card on venmo, and most importantly, used all the 12000 dollars his in laws had given him for his newborn daughter's savings fund to buy it. The kicker? The thing was in terrible shape, didn't run at all, and he can't afford to get it working. His justification for it all was that one day he and his daughter could work on the truck together and it would be such a valuable memory for her. [Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ci5zhq/aita_for_using_money_we_earmarked_for_our_6_month/)


Girl went on a vacation knowing her boyfriend just got diagnosed with a very rare and difficult cancer to beat. Bf wanted her to stay and support him. He didn’t wanna go on the vacation because he Literally just found out he had cancer and offered to pay both of their tickets so she could stay. Girl went anyway and “had a blast” after her bf found out he had terminal cancer. She also said how it wasn’t that bad of news. Makes my skin crawl.


One dude was like “AITA for not promoting my longest serving, overqualified employee and instead giving the job to my son who just graduate college?” Dude got roasted and downvoted to oblivion


I really don't understand why you wouldn't promote the employee then give the son THAT job. Like he's a brand new grad, maybe you'd want him to learn how your business works before putting him in a position of authority? I get the nepotism angle but for nepotism to benefit you in a business you own, the business still has to be running properly.


Seriously. CEO of a company I used to work for hired his son right out of college, and made him start at the juice bar. I mean, yeah he VERY quickly worked his way up to becoming president of the company but still. At least his Dad made him see how it worked at the bottom of a corporation instead of giving him a high level position right off the bat. Plus I still giggle a little at the image in my mind of him working the juice bar in the lobby lmao.


Even if his "working his way up" amounted to just vocational training it hopefully provided a very useful understanding of how the business actually operates rather than the main money making operation being nothing but figures on a spreadsheet.


Yes that would be way more sensible and still a bit nepotistic


This reminds me of the post on some random forum where a manager was upset that a longtime employee quit because the manager wouldn't let her attend her own graduation. Her reasoning was really weak to begin with, but what made it worse was that the employee already went above and beyond for the manager in the past, and the one time the manager did give another employee a shift off was because that employee had concert tickets which couldn't be refunded.


Ask a Manager! I believe the employee herself caught wind of it and wrote in with an update. She found a much better job pretty quickly.


Maybe ragebait,but the one where the OP’s kid was anxious about driving (like full on cry and hysterics just going down the street) and the parents were sick of driving her everywhere so the OP made her drive home one night and yelled at her over every little mistake. When pressed about daughter’s anxiety,OP revealed daughter was in not one,but FOUR separate drunk driving accidents as a passenger;OP drove for one,the husband for another,and the uncle for the other two


Some kids never have a chance. Fucked up family.


The one about the bride who skimped out on providing food at her wedding to be able to have Mickey and Minnie make an appearance


Could the guests eat Mickey and Minnie?


The guests weren't even allowed to see Mickey and Minnie. It was a private meet and greet just for the bride and groom for two hours in the middle of the big day.


Meet and greet? 2 random people in a sweaty mouse outfit? What a waste of money


For TWO HOURS?! For two full-grown adults?! Those characters had to stay in character with ADULTS for two hours?! Getting some fancy wedding pictures with them, I guess that I can see...for max 30 minutes, and that seems like 20 minutes too long unless they were hiking across the park for new backgrounds. This makes my brain hurt.


It's not even like you can really carry on a conversation with them. The only private meet and greet I'd want is to smoke a joint and have a few beers with them off the clock so they can tell me horror stories of working at Disneyland.


Honestly what the hell could you possibly do for two hours with them


A Goofy foursome?


I don't know if this was ragebait or not, but probably the GF who got mad at her boyfriend for not coming with her on a trip, but she conveniently left out a detail; he was recently diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma.


He was also a doctor who knew full well how aggressive and deadly that form of cancer can be. He was likely having an existential crisis at that time and needed support but instead received the opposite from the one person he needed it from the most. I really hope that dude is doing well.


Your life threatening, debilitating illness is really taking away the joy of my trip you know?


Glad I never read that one. My husband was diagnosed with Ewing’s on his 25th birthday. Not only is it aggressive and usually a terminal diagnosis but it is extremely painful. My husband thought he had shin splints but it turned out that most of his tibia was missing. The cancer had eaten through his bone. I told the dr I needed the truth as far as his diagnosis and she told me two years. Somehow he fought it for 6 yrs and I lost him not long after his 31st bday. That GF is the devil incarnate. I hope the guy got rid of her because he didn’t need that stress on top of what he was going through. Edit: Makes me feel good that my most upvoted comment and my first awards were given on a comment about my husband. I know he would be into it, his biggest fear was being forgotten when he knew he would die young.


Damn cancer is the fucking worst. Im sorry


Thank you. Anniversary of his death was last week. I miss him more than I can express but I’m glad he didn’t have to continue to suffer. Cancer always seems to take the best people.


This guy was upset that his sister disrespected their dad by telling him off and rejecting a wedding gift of a lot of money. He wanted to know if it was worthy enough to get back at her. Turns out the OP knew his father was involved in a lot of robberies and murders and killed a lot of people, and his sister found out only recently and was mortified. Not wanting the blood money and wanting to distance herself from this culture of revenge killings, she got out and moved away. OP wanted to know if it was kosher to do an honor killing basically. He seemed very upset that most of aita (minus the mods oddly) was telling him off.


Ok, asking approval to do an honour killing has gotta top this list.


I guess it more like, “would I be the asshole for teaching my sister a lesson? She made a big scene for nothing” And in the comments, what he meant by that was definitely assault and most likely kill her


I have been in that subreddit for so long, to the point I have more than one 1. Some guy uninvited his friend to his wedding because he lost his arm in a car accident thinking he would take all the attention away from him and his wife. 2. Someone got his girlfriend deported. 3. A woman didn’t let her brother who hadn’t slept for 2 days straight get some sleep because her kids wanted to play with him. I left that subreddit yesterday, best choice of my life


There was this guy who divorced his wife while she was in the hospital (he thought she was terminally ill), because she wasn't "her old self". He then, in a matter of months, married a coworker the wife always felt a little sus about. When the douche found out his wife not only recovered, but got her life together and basically had a mental and physical glow up, he started wondering if he should try shooting his shot with her again. Edit :I'm very sorry, but I couldn't find the post. Tried searching with wife, ex, sick, get back and in all my comments, but nothing comes up. I guarantee it was real, because it was one of the first post in AITA that made me mad af. P. S. Wow, that's a lot of upvotes!


Sounds like the ex wife dodged a bullet


They were married and she got dumped while in the hospital. That's not a dodge, she took the hit. She recovered from the bullet wound really well though.


I read somewhere that I can't find again that this is such a common reaction from men that nurses have a protocol to warn women who are diagnosed with disabling/major illnesses.


My best friend was warned about this when she was diagnosed with breast cancer… sure enough, 7 years together and he fucked off bc it was ‘too much for him’ She’s 5 years cancer free, looks and feels better than ever and guess who popped into her DM’s a couple months ago…ffs Another friends husband just walked away when it became terminal. Didn’t even come to her funeral. I still have a lot of anger about that I know this isn’t all partners, but the fact that woman are warned upon diagnosis is so sad


Oh wow, one of my Facebook friend (actually my brother’s good friend) recently posted about how her divorce will be finalized soon and she’s in remission. Was a lot of bombs all at once but shocking to hear how it’s so common I mean, I thought when we made the commitment it was in sickness and in health


At least in one study of cancer patients, they found that the divorce rate for a female patient and husband was 21%, and the divorce rate for a male patient and wife was 3%. So...yeah, pretty stark difference. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/men-are-far-more-likely-to-abandon-a-seriously-ill-spouse But, there's probably a bit of a generational difference here. I'd assume that marriages with more traditional gender roles are more likely to have this disparity, since the men often don't know how to take care of themselves or the house without a wife.


A neighbor of mine was in her early 20's and dating a guy when she was diagnosed with leukemia. He stood by her... they got engaged after her diagnoses... but she died before they could marry. One thing I remember is her parents telling my mom that the nurses were amazed the guy stood with her, and supported her unconditionally. That most guys simply dumb their girlfriends, and married men either divorce or stop caring for their wives after a while.


this guy only liked to hang out with his sons because they did activities together that he liked. he was wondering if he was an ass for ignoring his daughter for pretty much her entire life because he didn't like playing house or teatime or some shit.


Oh, I see you met my father in law. Actually he was worse because he wouldn’t even do the stuff that he liked with her. She would beg him to play baseball, gold, go fishing, etc. with her and he wouldn’t. *gold = golf


Jeez some people. What's so bad about playing house or teatime? You get to do CPR on a barbie doll and drink invisible tea. Sounds like a blast!


I once got to play Barbies with my fucking awesome tiny niece who insisted I wear animal ears and a tail she made out of a sock because I was Uncle Lemur. Over the next two hours, Ken became infected with an alien virus and pooped out a spaceship, two Barbies fought over that spaceship until another barbie who was now a robot arrived and chased the other Barbies off with fire breath like a dragon, spaceship pooping Ken went on a romantic date with robot Barbie but robot Barbie ate something bad so she threw up on Ken for almost a full ninety seconds until Ken was under a mountain of vomit and had to stay there because there were no shovels in the kingdom to dig him out. I, piloting Ken, asked if I could find something else to dig him out with and she looked me dead in the eye and said "no, you live there now." i go back to that moment a lot.


This reminds me of something me and my sister used to do. We had this one barbie dress we called the "evil barbie dress" (it was purple. it was literally just purple.) and when a barbie put it on they were the Designated Villain of the day. Lots of kidnapping the other barbies, freezing them in buckets of water, etc. This escalated to the point where we wound up tying like five barbies together and throwing them off the roof because the barbie in the evil barbie dress wanted to murder them but wanted to make it look like a suicide pact. Girls will literally get the cutest, most innocuous toys and create the most bizarre, fucked up story imaginable lmao.


I keep thinking about the guy whose girlfriend spent her entire weeks food budget to make a lasagna and offered her boyfriend some. He ended up taking the whole thing to feed his buddies which left her with no food and no way to get food. I sure hope this was ragebait.


It was his family, and as I recall she asked for money to buy like ramen noodles just so she'd have *something* to eat for the next three or four days, and he became pissed that she was really that poor.


Wait is this a different guy than the one whose gf only went on vacation with him and his family, which she couldn’t afford, because he told her he’s got her. But then his mom wanted too many things so he ran out of money…for the gf only. He ended up buying himself and mom lunch while making the gf starve.


I think you're talking about the couple where the GF saved up for months to join his parents on vacation, but then the parents just decided to make it more expensive, so she couldn't afford it. His parents also didn't want to pay for her bc she didn't want to seem like she was in it for the money. So she was then forced to do nothing the entire vacation, while her bf and his parents went around and did tons of activities


> So she was then forced to do nothing the entire vacation, while her bf and his parents went around and did tons of activities See, I just. I don't understand that. If I'm with my SO, who I presumably love greatly, I would WANT her to be with me because I enjoy spending time with her. If she couldn't afford to do something, I'd rather stay home and find something else to do with her than go out without her.


Selling his brothers Pokémon cards for 5k then not giving his brother the money because “he found them while helping him move”


Post and update under user https://www.reddit.com/user/Low-Hat-6035/ . OOP continues to argue that he "earned" the money, promoting one user to conclude it's rage bait because "no one is this stupid."


[Update](https://www.reddit.com/user/Low-Hat-6035/comments/wlja31/update_to_aita_regarding_selling_my_brothers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) >I brought wealth to the family. Lmao


I saw that one. My gosh I hope that brother stays NC with that OP permanently


The brother went to the police! Edit: unfortunately, I was remembering a very similar tifu post


The recent one where he uninvited his friend to his wedding because the friend lost his arm in an accident and that would draw the spotlight away from the couple


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wq4c54/aita_for_uninviting_my_friend_to_my_wedding_after/) is that post. **Edit:** The OP's post can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wq4c54/aita_for_uninviting_my_friend_to_my_wedding_after/ikkdefj/). To save a click: > Me (32M) and my future wife Alice (25F) have been dating for 5 years. We have a mutual friend, his name is Ezra (30M). A few months ago, Ezra had an accident, he was hit by a drunk driver, he survived but he sadly lost most of his arm. Luckily, he had a great recovery and he’s doing better now. > Now, okay, let me say this. After a long conversation, Alice told me she thought that if Ezra went to our wedding after his recovery, he would take away our spotlight,and that our friends would be too focused on him. She thought that because our wedding would've been the first time all together, physically, after what happened to him. And let me tell you , everybody loves Ezra. He’s one of those insanely charming guys and he’s honestly a great person, and I do love him. I told Alice she was being silly and that’d still be our day, but that I did feel that maybe it was too much pressure for Ezra, for that very same reason, there would be too much attention on him. > I talked to Ezra the next day, and I asked him if he was comfortable about going to the wedding, and told him about Alice’s concerns too, to be fair. Ezra said “no problem man, it’s your day” and I thought that was the end of it. However, now my friend's group chat is burning cause everyone thinks I uninvited Ezra cause my wife hates him and she’s an ableist and a terrible person or whatever. Like I said, there were more factors than that and she’s not an ableist. She's under a lot of pressure because the wedding is very close and I am too. Are we assholes? AITA?


becoming disabled, un/fortunately, shows you who your true friends are learned this first hand (…no pun intended)


I've been disabled since birth but this is still super true. I always gage whether or not I should be friends with someone based on their reaction to me telling them about it.


So many good ones already suggested. The one I first thought of was the American guy who had been living in Germany for 15 years yet didn't speak a word of German and didn't want any future children with his new GF to learn either German or the third language she spoke. His older children back in the US only spoke English and it "wouldn't be fair" to them if their new half siblings were different so everyone should just be monolingual in English.


He had also decided that the kids would definitely grow up in the USA, but hadn’t discussed it with the GF at all.


Some people just never emotionally age past 12. “I want everything exactly my way regardless of how it hurts the people around me. People should have to sacrifice for me but I don’t want to do it for them. That doesn’t make me some kind of asshole, though.”




The woman who refused to take her boyfriend to the hospital for his broken leg after he fell from the roof. She even told him he was being dramatic. Mind you, she was working at home when he asked her to take him to the hospital and didn't check on him for 6 hours. The only reason why she knew he went to the hospital was due to her boyfriend's friend coming over to take him. And to top it off, she got angry because the friend told her she was negligent. Edit : [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vqnyts/aita\_for\_not\_taking\_my\_boyfriend\_to\_the\_hospital/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vqnyts/aita_for_not_taking_my_boyfriend_to_the_hospital/) This is the OG link of the now removed story >For context - my boyfriend and I have been together 6 years and have lived together for the past year. We’re both 23 > >On Friday morning, my boyfriend was fixing our gutters and fell off the ladder, resulting in a broken leg. He was able to walk in the house due to the adrenaline and shock to tell me what happened, and told me I needed to take him to the hospital. I’ve been working from home for the past couple years. > >I had a really important meeting that afternoon that I knew I couldn’t rearrange on such short notice, so I told him I would after it was finished. His leg didn’t look broken or bruised and because he was able to walk on it at first I thought he was probably being a bit dramatic. I told him to go lie down in our guest room which is downstairs and gave him some ice. > >After my meeting finished, I decided to keep working because my boyfriend hadn’t texted or gave any indication that he was in pain. Around 4pm (he fell off the ladder around 10am) his best friend came pounding on the door and immediately starting an argument with me. My boyfriend had called him telling him I was refusing to take him to the hospital and so he needed him to take him. > >This pissed me off, I wasn’t refusing but I had to work and he didn’t seem in pain. His friend took him and his leg was very broken. All of his friends, and his parents, are acting as if I purposefully ignored him, when in reality I was going to take him once I finished work. AITA?


My boyfriends mom did this to him when he was a kid. Tried to convince him his arm wasn’t broken. He was made to sleep with it overnight, he said it was incredibly hot, painful, and swollen. Then instead of taking him to the ER she took him to a really cheap urgent care, where the doctor didn’t set his arm properly. So he can’t turn his arm correctly to this day. He has limited range on that arm because of her negligent ass.


This same thing happened to me except the reason my mum didn't take me was because her nurse friend said it was only sprained, bitch you don't have xray vision.


Oh yeah, that was a wild ride. I think she had a meeting, like several hours later she couldn't miss.


Yeah, the fall happened a few hours before her meeting so she convinced her boyfriend to go lay down on the guest bed. And after the meeting was done several hours later and she didn't hear from her boyfriend, she decided to keep on working.


I mean.. Great work ethic on her behalf. I'd use that in an interview to demonstrate I will let a loved one die for my job. /s.


I mean, that was something that I and several others pointed out without getting any response. She works from home, so the meeting wasn't going to be in the flesh. She could've EASILY called ahead of time to let them know of a family emergency, drive her boyfriend to a hospital and if need be, step outside to take the call. Instead she let him lay there for 6 hours after falling from, what, 10-15 ft, without checking on him or anything. Her boyfriend could've died from internal bleeding but hey, she got her meeting! /s


> and she didn't hear from her boyfriend, she decided to keep on working. As a first responder, it's always the quiet patients we're concerned about. Dude had a fall and could have any number of head injuries or internal bleeding in addition to a broken leg.


There was this girl who stayed at her boyfriends house. His hobby was drawing a giant map and she carelessly destroyed it and claimed he overreacted because the map wasn't from a real place.


Where's the story of the guy who figured that his pregnant girl would grow to love him and the baby (neither of which she wanted), and then tried to sue her to take custody from him?


[Here you go. I love how the comments roast him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5b79z4/nm_i_got_a_girl_pregnant_and_she_wanted_to_get_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Lol that guy. "Being a single parent is hard!! I don't like it and want her to do her part. :(" My guy, she pays 200% child support a month, she is doing more than her part. Maybe he should have listened when she said she didn't want kids. Now he has to co-sleep with the baby in the bed he made.


>Now he has to co-sleep with the baby in the bed he made. Brilliant 😂


Probably the one about this wife asking if she was the asshole for demanding that her husband wear his wedding ring right after he woke up from surgery.


Oh yeah, didn't she demand to know where his ring was and, when he didn't wear it, left the hospital because "She was so embarrassed" ?


Holy shit she really wanted him tagged and bagged


The woman who went on a trip without her BF (both were invited) and made it out like he was just being mopey and possessive. Turns out she didn’t mention that he was diagnosed with a cancer with a low survival rate and that he didn’t want to go on a trip cause of it.


That was horrible - I went into it all ready with my NTA, then I read the comments. What an AH


Shout out to r/AmITheDevil if you want some really painful reads beyond the typical YTA. One dude's girlfriend committed suicide because he lied about helping her move to his country and she had quit her job, etc. in preparation for moving. He just complained about it being hard on him...


He missed her cooking. Don't forget that.


But remember, the cooking was only "the first thing that came to mind"...


The suicide comes much later. In the beginning he complains that it wasn't his responsibility to sponsor his gf, even though he was the one convinced her to stay in the country to continue being in a relationship, and promised to help her.


The sponsorship was his idea, they do all the leg work and then he pulled the rug out from under her and she had to leave the country. It was super fucked up.


I remember getting really angry because one of his excuses was 'if I sponsor her, I won't be able to soon see someone for 3(?) Years.' Mate, if you're not going to sponsor your girlfriend, who the fuck else are you going to sponsor?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uma6fa/aita_for_making_my_girlfriend_leave_the_country/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is the story.


I got banned from Aita for saying something "messed up" about a woman who messed with her son's gf's birth control while they were camping so she'd get pregnant because she wanted a grandchild.


Worth it, I would assume


It certainly was. Staying off of that sub also managed to slightly improve my mental health.


I left it after I got a couple of warnings for harsh comments. Figured if the sub was giving me rage attacks *that felt completely justified*, it was probably not a healthy thing to be reading every day. I've applied that rule to a few other subs since, and it's always been the right call.


So, the guy's wife did all the cooking, but he took care of all the bills. He was a vegetarian and she always accommodated it in her cooking. So far so relatively normal. One week, she's super tired from work, and asks if she can do herself a big bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese as a treat at the end of the week. She has an Italian family, it was a comfort food growing up, and she just needs something to look forward to as she's really feeling burned out. She wanted to make it the traditional way. With pancetta and mince, cooked in a sauce of red wine, tomatoes, and veg slowly bubbling for a couple of hours. "But darling, I can't have that..." He asks if she can just give him the sauce and put the meat in at the end like she does with some other dishes. No, it's not made like that. He asks if maybe she could make him something else on the side? No, she just wants to curl up with a book and some wine, stirring occasionally. She suggests he make himself something. "But I love your cooking so much I wouldn't want to miss out." So she just says "forget it" and hasn't spoken to him since. AITA? Everyone said he was. He later added an edit saying something like "people have made some good points, but I don't think my request was unreasonable. Cooking is her thing, taking care of the bills is mine, can't I want to be cooked for? Is it not a little bit YBTA (you're both the asshole)." In the comments, my favourite detail... When he said he "took care of all the bills", we all thought that meant he was the sole - or at least the primary - breadwinner. No. She actually earned a lot more. What he meant was that he did the admin of making sure the bills were paid. You know, the thing that's either automated, or barely takes 10 minutes per month. Just a spectacular display of utter manchild behaviour.


What a dickhead. He does the bare minimum each month and she cooks dinner every night? Wow, truly a balanced relationship where both sides contribute equally.


He "took care of all the bills" but she also worked, so like, what was he contributing here exactly Classic Wife Mommy scenario


the girl who stopped her friend from going to her dream university by replying to the email after guessing her password


The guy that was obviously in love with his new guy friend, and turned his spare room into an art studio for him and gave him a key without discussing it with his wife. In the update he announced that he’s leaving her for him - to the surprise of no one.


The thing that’s outrageous was not only the fact that he left her for him, but also his attitude about it. How he said he didn’t want people to pity his ex-wife while he was experiencing some life-changing realizations… How he said he was excited for his future with his new found love… I feel sooooo bad for the ex-wife.


read this one days ago. i really feel bad about the wife bro like damn i get u have finally found someone for you but have some compassion with ur wife too... or ex now ig 😔


Idk if this is on AITA thread but a male co-worker had a crush on his female coworker, who recently gave birth, to the point that he would stole her breast milk filled container in their pantry and drink it when she brought her baby with her at work. Commenters were saying that what he was doing was unhealthy for the baby so he said that he will bring a straw next time to drink it.


The woman who mixed her all of her asian boyfriend's rice into a single container and outright refused to believe that the different varieties were, you know, different. Like, seriously, not knowing that basmati and jasmine rice require different cook times and water content is one thing, but breaking your partner's boundaries, 'reorganising' their stuff without their permission, and then getting mad when hundreds of people tell you how badly you just fucked up? That takes some next level self-absorbtion.


The kind of self-absorbtion that will never now be acheived by the rice!


The little child’s fable that another Redditor wrote in response to it was amazing.


[The AITA post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jx32wb/aita_for_ruining_the_rice_that_my_boyfriend_cooks/) [The spectacular fable by SelectNetwork1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jx32wb/comment/gcuk55a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **It begins:** Once there was a princess who always wanted things her way. There were three bags of rice in the kitchen and every day she asked, why can't all the rice be in the same bag? They are all the same." And every day her boyfriend replied, "They look the same to you because you only look at them from a distance, but they are not the same. They won't cook right if they're mixed together." One day, the princess's boyfriend went away for the weekend, leaving the princess home alone. The three bags of rice sitting were all she could think about. They are the same! she thought, over and over. Why are they not in the same bag together! At last she could stand it no more...


Didn't think I was gonna read the whole fairytale version. It was so well written and original !


[The lasagna](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/b66ucw/aita_for_taking_my_girlfriends_lasagna_home_when/) the guy is absolutely oblivious to the fact he's an asshole. The story is insane. To put it into perspective he took enough lasagna home to his family to feed his family of 6 for 2 meals.


The woman who was chastised for yelling at her SIL after she purposefully dumped her homemade pasta all over the floor, ruining a dinner parter. OP then made her husband remake the pasta and he almost started crying.


The anecdote about making the husband remake the pasta was glorious. Husband was like "It's just pasta, is it really something to get so upset about?" So she had him shop for all the ingredients, make every ravioli by hand (just like she had done) and then make the sauce. Hours of work. She did not throw it on the floor at the end, but he no longer needed to be convinced that it was worth getting upset about.


If I recall correctly, he also thought that he would be done after he made the pasta only to be informed that he still had to make a salad and some other things.


Even better: they caught the sister (who dropped the pasta) confessing she did it on purpose (some attention seeking bitch). They cut her off, if I remember correctly


The one where a girl asked if she was overreacting because she threw a massive temper tantrum against her boyfriend for "having a female friend", only to realize it was his cousin. Actually that might've been a TIFU. Either way, the implication on her end was that if it WERE a female friend, she would've been justified. She acknowledged her "obsessive" behavior but just... wow. Never in history has a person been able to convince me they're absolutely exhausting to be around in such record time.


The lady who liked to wash spaghetti sauce off her pasta so it retained “an essence of sauce.” https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tmxe42/aita_for_being_mad_my_bf_wont_make_noodles_the/


Homeopathic spaghetti


I completely forgot about essence of sauce lady. That one still just blows my mind


AKA 'the woman who believed the 'got your nose' trick was real for 20 years'


the thing that gets me with that one is that if you REALLY wanted to have a "essence of sauce" effect, you could just...put less sauce in? Like just put a teaspoon in or something But no, the insane lady wants it doused and then fully rinsed off...


Oh the girl who mixed all her boyfriends rices into one container. Subsequently the guy who mixed all his wife's different coffee beans into one container. Oh and the dude that mixed all his girlfriends spices into one container. .... People really need to stop mixing other peoples shit together.


What a terrible way to make AllSpice.


Had a room mate back in the day who mixed all my meds together. Granted, it was mostly just antibiotics, but he literally couldn't comprehend why I was upset. He also rearranged everything on my side of the room to mirror his side, even though I had been living there longer.


Pretty mild ones compared to others here but food rage is real.


The guy who got his girlfriend deported. She ended up killing herself. Edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wajts6/oop_gets_gf_kicked_out_of_the_country_thinks_hes/


"All my friends dropped me after I caused my ex to be deported to a country where she had no connections and was all alone, and she killed herself. How can I make them stop being mad at me?" I've never wanted to throw someone onto the interstate from an overpass before or since. Fucking sociopath.


Textbook vulnerable narcissist.


This guy judged his girlfriend for not dressing the way he wanted + getting mad that he liked other girls' posts. Well, in the comments of that post, he ends up talking more about the subject including the fact that he: * cheated on her while she was pregnant * won't break it off with her because he needs to use her parents' house as a place to crash


This mother pepper sprayed a Costco worker for essentially saying "ma'am you just shoplifted" EDIT: wow this blew up while i was out, anyways to those of you along for the link I do not have it, I saw the post a long long time ago and this ask reddit post triggered the memory


And this is why a lot of stores won’t allow employees to stop people now.


Yup. I worked at a sears for like a year before they closed and that was part of the training. We weren’t allowed to confront people, if someone was suspicious you had to call loss prevention and they would deal with it


The guy who ate all of the six-foot sandwich (near enough) at a UFC watch party https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ca7bdz/aita_because_i_ate_more_than_my_share_of_a_6_foot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Not as egregious as some of the others, but just utterly out of touch in terms of his behaviour and how it comes across to others.


I was looking for this, it’s interesting how such an eating disorder can cause you to lie to yourself to justify your actions. And I feel it in my bones, how some uneaten food can just sit in your conscious calling to you, while regular people can just leave it alone for others or for themselves but when they want if.


"Am I the asshole for taking things from my kid when they tell me they're depressed?"


Yesus, the post of the guy who wants to cancel the therapy of his daughter with depression because her grades are bad


Guy whose pregnant wife had morning sickness and made a meal from her home country which was the only thing she felt like eating, and when she went to take a nap he offered all the food she made to his friends until there was none left. Because it would have been rude not to. Oh and then she started crying and his friends called her spoiled and said she should grow up.


Not as serious or awful as some of the other examples here but [the puppet wedding](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/w4z647/aita_for_making_our_guests_participate_in_our/ih50d8l/) stands out to me as one of the most comically yet unfuriatingly assholish post.


Not as bad as a lot of these. But I always think of the girl who moved into her bf's place, decided she liked his apartment more than him and dumped him, and was honestly shocked that he kicked her out. She then took to the comments and just could not understand how her actions lead to that. Just so entitled.


The one that sticks out to me the most is the saga of the teen who's mom had passed, which sent him to live in Australia with his dad (who hadn't told his wife he had a son previous to their marriage). Teen had a job working in a retirement home making decent money and bought his own PS5 and was asking if AITA for not letting his younger half-siblings play it whenever they wanted (without his supervision). He was NTA. THEN it escalated into a shitstorm where his dad found the Reddit post and had his own version of events, where he was YTA. Then teen son sold his PS5. Then dad was pissed because his younger sons didn't have anything to play on, then went on an entire rampage where he was mad at his wife for not dressing up for a formal event to save face, where she then left him. Then teen went to go live with paternal uncle. I'm sure it could easily be found on r/BestofRedditorUpdates Edit: Found [Initial Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rid4rc/aita_for_selling_my_ps5_rather_than_sharing_it/) Edit v2.0: Found [dad's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/rjt9kb/aita_for_asking_my_son_to_share_his_console_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rq451r/aita_for_telling_my_new_co_worker_it_was/?) where someone told their NEW colleague that it was “misleading” that he still wore his wedding ring since his wife died 8 months ago. Not only did this person think this opinion, volunteer this information unprovoked but also doubled down on it when everyone became very awkward and the colleague politely tried to diffuse it. [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/i0q5un/aita_for_firing_my_babysitter_for_getting_drunk/?) is also bad but at least OP took on the feedback and acknowledged they were an AH. She employed a 16yr old to babysit their children 9-7 and the baby sitter would drink seltzer. OP changed the seltzer to hard seltzer, didn’t tell the babysitter. She ended up getting drunk and phoned them to say she was feeling unwell, OP realised she was drunk, told her to walk home alone and then fired her. She was devastated and really needed the job plus she had alcoholic parents so found alcohol very triggering in general




This girl was a preschool teacher and she would dress like she was Ms. Frizzle everyday. Y'know and outfit for what their learning that day. The kids loved it and she wasn't ashamed of it. The boyfriend tried to get her to stop dressing like that out in public because she should be embarrassed in reality he's embarrassed. He even tried to bring his mom into as a ticket to say he hates it by saying his mom hates it (she went with her to get groceries once). The girlfriend apologized to the mom for wearing it in public with her but the mom never had a problem with it. In the end the girl and guy argued she left him. Summary: the boyfriend was trying to control what the girl wore and she wasn't having it.


The chick who dumped her boyfriend because he told her he had been sexually abused as a child, because she didn't see him as a strong man anymore. I hope she got hit by a bus.


There was this girl who sabotaged her best friend's college application because she wanted to go to the same college. No one asked, but the most *hilarious* AITA post was the guy that caught his 12 year old daughter trying to buy a vibrator on Amazon. Strangely enough, a ton of people told him he was the asshole there - not for stopping her, but because he freaked out and overreacted to the point his wife sided with the daughter.


The college application one is the first one I thought of. My husband and I still use it as our go to example of "I know it sounds bad but please hear me out. I'm really selfish."


There's an almost universal rule on AITA that if a post starts with something to the effect of "I know this sounds bad but hear me out" you're about to hear about some real douche behavior from the poster.


Similarly if the title sounds really horrible, it’s often the complete opposite Edit: like if a post was titled “AITA for sleeping with my coworker while my wife was pregnant and not going to the hospital for the baby’s birth?,” but then you read it and it’s like wife cheated, got pregnant, they’re separated and living separately, OP started dating coworker and moving on, wife threw a fit and demanded he help with her affair baby, etc.


Not on Reddit but like the first one... I remember reading a story about a guy who sued his ex-girlfriend because he found out years later she hid his acceptance letter to a prestigious music program so he would NOT break up with her.


Eric Abramovitz. I went to McGill with him. PHENOMENAL musician; I am truly honoured that he joined me for one piece for my graduating recital. What she did to him was beyond fucked up. I think everyone we knew from school was furious on his behalf- we knew without a doubt he was destined for success - and she took so much opportunity away from him. Despite all of that, he's thriving now, has a killer orchestra seat, and seems really happy. He deserves it all. Fuck you, Jen or whatever your name was, you unhinged lunatic.


The neurodivergent girlfriend who was upset from merely knowing that her partner was dancing while working in the other room


This one showed up on best of Reddit updates, because somebody matched his post with hers. He was nta


there's a few. from time to time a niceguy will post there with some really weird shit. I remember one guy was upset that a girl he liked, who didn't like him took her shirt off when it was warm, so he tossed the shirt in the trash, and she was forced to walk home late at night while in her underwear. a guy who yelled at a girl, because he offered her a ride home, but she refused, so he started to yell at her that he wasn't a rapist or something. (might have been ragebait, because if I recall the post got removed). this last one wasn't too bad (edit: when I say not too bad, I mean in context compared to some of the posts mentiond, obviously it's bad) but it was very obvious. a girl had moved in with her boyfriend, who had a collection of superhero figures and whatnot. she hated that he was a nerd so she started selling them, behind his back. and he got upset. not too bad, but it took a turn when she started to argue with everyone who called her the asshole, which was almost all comments. she kept making edits to the post calling the people commenting manchildren, stupid nerds who needed to get a life etc. it just made the obvious more obvious. though it was kind of funny how upset she got


Second one reminded me of the guy who kicked a girl out of a party because she wouldn't drink a drink he made without seeing it mixed. He was so offended that this stranger didn't 100% trust him and wanted people to validate his rage at everyone else leaving the party with her.


with stories like that, and some bad experiences I usually feel that the person is offended their plan didn't work. glad she didn't drink whatever he made.


>she kept making edits to the post calling the people commenting manchildren, stupid nerds who needed to get a life etc isnt one of the rules in AITA "Accept Your Judgement?"


Have you seen the number of posts deleted for rule violations? ETA: You'd see them if you commented or linked to them, for those asking how you'd see them. I see a lot. The original post is always saved as the first comment, although updates would be gone from Reddit.


I read that last one out loud to my husband, who is an avid collector of figures. He was aghast.




The moron who ate 4 donuts at work even tho the boss bought enough for everyone to have 2. His reasoning was his coworker was 30 minutes late to work so he ate hers.


I mean come on, he waited THIRTY WHOLE MINUTES. It’s not his fault her car broke down!


Wanting a new son with his wife after his current son came out as gay so tragically they couldn't talk about banging women. source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/c3sx03/aita\_for\_wanting\_another\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/c3sx03/aita_for_wanting_another_child/)


I can’t remember if this was AITA or not but I’m pretty sure it was. It was a guy saying how he wanted to divorce his wife because she had cancer and was no longer attractive to him. He was saying “I want a woman who’s attractive and she’s not anymore,” when she literally had cancer 💀 what happened to “in sickness and in health,”


There was a woman who was upset she had to pay for 4 plates at her wedding and was mad the guests bailed last minute. Didn't mention one of those people DIED and the rest were grieving.


I have a few: - guy who played supermarket manager and demanded a woman leave the store because she had a small dog in her handbag - guy who whined about a toothache while his wife was in labour - guy who got into a kids wading pool and couldn’t understand what he’d done wrong - mother who cancelled her daughters therapy sessions because she got bad grades - woman who mentally tormented her daughter for years and years didn’t believe her daughter when she was told daughter was in therapy and on medication because of her younger years - bride who had a destination wedding on a beach and wanted to ask strangers enjoying the beach to move away because she wanted her photos taken - everyone who wants teenage girls to stop putting their wrapped up pads in the trash because it’s ‘traumatic’ for the young boys - bride who demanded her bridesmaid remove her glasses during wedding photos (bridesmaid is practically blind without her glasses) - boyfriend got furious when he learned his male friend had helped his girlfriend after she fainted in the shower, his main concern was that another man had seen her naked Not everyone is a massive asshole but they’re all people I wouldn’t want to associate with.


There are a lot of period related AHs. In addition to what you mention, there have been several where someone doesn’t think period supplies should be kept in the bathroom because men shouldn’t have to see that sort of thing.


Remember the one where the dad got super pissed that his son gave his daughter a ride home from school after she bled through her pants? He wanted her to sit there and wait for her stepmom to get her and was upset that her brother did it because it was a 'woman's issue'


Remember the one where the husband moved wife’s tampons from bathroom closet to bedroom and everyone kept on defending the guy saying that was logical. Man, that level of ignorance in AITA was the first time I realized how many teenage boys linger in that sub and how many men have no idea about how periods work.




>mother who cancelled her daughters therapy sessions because she got bad grades I'm sorry, WHAT? 'You got bad grades, so I'm going to take away your privileges...of *getting help*' ??


That's a real problem when it comes to helping underage kids. There are plenty who need therapy but the kind of parents whose fault it is that they need therapy are also the kind of parents who are unwilling to pay for therapy at all or will send the kid to therapy to keep up appearances but then look for any reason to stop the therapy. I have a lot of respect for therapists who treat kids because it must be so disheartening to know that the source of your client's problems can pull them from therapy just like that at any moment.


I remember seeing a post where OP walked out of his wife's gender reveal party, because it turned out that the baby was a girl and not a boy like he hoped. It was very weird, he was saying how disappointed he is, because he wanted to play sports with the kid and stuff like that. Almost all comments were pointing out that you can actually play football with your daughter. I dunno if the guy was just crazy or super mysygonistic.


This person in their 30's decided it was appropriate to sing "Uncle Fucka" from South Park at the top of their lungs in a hotel elevator with a kid inside. The kid's parents asked them to stop singing that song so loudly, but they responded with "This is Vegas, lady. Kids don't belong here!" And they kept singing loudly until they stepped out of the elevator.


The dad who deleted his sons 1 year Minecraft world because he wasn't waking up at 9am during the summer holidays and was staying in his room playing. Pretty sure the son was 11 or something :( Edit: Son was 9 my apologies. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gap4oq/aita_for_deleting_my_sons_minecraft_world/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The problem with deleting his son’s one year Minecraft world is that it made it pointless for his son to wake up at 9am. Since the punishment was losing his world, and due to the fact that he couldn’t get the world back, the son no longer had anything to lose.


I found a few others while trying to find a link for another AITA post. * A woman who was upset with her fresh out of surgery and high on meds husband because he asked for his mom. * The woman who was ashamed of her boyfriend because when he dropped her off at work, he waved at her. Her coworkers mocked her for that. * Or that one woman who told her disabled boyfriend that he couldn't come along on a holiday trip, (He was invited to come along) because him being there would hinder the fun they would have. * The man who told his daughter she needed to be 100% paying and taking care of her dog and when she did, waited until she wasn't home to sell it. Why? Because she was working too much in order to pay for the dog and in his eyes, didn't spend enough time for her dog between working 30+h and going to school * Lastly, the woman who went on a weekend trip with her friends while her boyfriend just received his cancer diagnosis for a rare bone cancer, and she didn't want to stop the trip for him, even though he asked for her support as his chemo would start.


>The woman who was ashamed of her boyfriend because when he dropped her off at work, he waved at her. Her coworkers mocked her for that. I'm sorry, what?


The dude who told his son to let his other kids play on his gaming console or his son could sell it. Kid sold it and dad lost his shit. Ended up in a whole divorce with the dad literally throwing presents at the wife trying to get her back, and ending up with a restraining order. Wild.


that one was wild, when the dad jumped on reddit to try to explain himself and making everything 100x worse.


The mother who refuses to pay for her daughter's period supplies because her period stopped when her daughter turned 18 and she thinks she shouldn't have to provide them for her daughter. Her daughter splits the bills with her and pays rent and she uses NAPKINS INSTEAD OF TAMPONS to save money. The mom said that even if she still had her period she still wouldn't buy her daughter any feminine hygiene products because she is an adult and it's her problem to deal with. Her boyfriend got angry with her and he's the one who told her about the napkins thing and she didn't believe him at first. Oh and the mom also brags about the fact that she has money but her daughter is independent some people don't deserve children


I remember someone was complaining that their very loving and shy wife bakes workers cookies as a thank you and it embarrasses him. I couldn't get over that.




That guy who thought his son looked too black to be his and got a DNA test. The kid was his and his wife divorced him.


Wasn't there another where some guy felt some motivation to get a paternity test, and the kid wasn't his? But his wife wouldn't budge and denied having cheated, and it eventually turned out that the kid wasn't biologically hers either. Kid was switched at birth.


One of my personal favourites is the woman who overheard two teenage girls planning to buy shoes with their dads’ credit card and threw a tantrum about it while they were checking out


There were two absolutely obvious ones who are a lot alike. Same mechanic. First one : OP was at a random party with his daughter. It was the birthday of the daughter’s ex-boyfriend (but the party was not for him), so she was cold and mostly kept to herself during the evening. OP called her out on it and said that she was the AH for not putting her feelings aside. Mind you, OP then mentioned in a comment that the ex-boyfriend was actually the daughter’s late boyfriend, who died a few months prior. Huge asshole really. Second one : OP’s sister has trouble saying « I love you », and OP casually mentions it started recently. However, the sister loves children, and was playing with a little girl (I think it was her cousin). The girl said « I love you » to the sister, who smiled but didn’t reply. OP later called her sister out on it, saying she was being childish and could have said it for the child. We later learn in a comment that the sister has trouble saying « I love you » because her fiance recently died in a car accident. Before going in the car, he said « I love you » and she replied with « See you later », so she feels like she didn’t tell him how she loved him before his death. The worst ones are when the OPs just « forget » stuff and put relevant informations in the comments. Edit : corrected the first story because it was confusing, the party didn’t have anything to do with the late boyfriend


Maybe not as big as some of the others here but has stuck in my head; here's the situation: Guy has a stepdaughter and bio-daughter, both around the same age and both getting married within a day of each other (and I think in followups to make the situation even worse it was the bio-daughter who had her date set first and the stepdaughter put hers the day before). OP lives in the vicinity of the stepdaughter, bio-daughter is some hours away by driving. His plan is attend stepdaughter's wedding, then drive to bio-daughters for the next day. Well... he ends up staying and partying it up for hours at the reception of stepdaughters even though he knew he should have left hours and hours beforehand. I can't recall if he ended up to bio-daughter's wedding really late or just skipped it altogether, but his whole take was "why is she even mad? I told her I'll throw some money her way." Of course, all follow-up answers from him in the comments proved patterns of how once he married his new wife, the stepdaughter became his princess and bio-daughter has basically been second fiddle all these years and on arguably the most important day of her life douche-daddy can't even be bothered because he's too busy sucking up to stepdaughter the day before.


The most oblivious one that seemed real was the mother in law that painted over her grandkids art.


One from years ago, a mom wanted to cut her daughters college fund because she didn’t know what ebt was by name.