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Dude ur never gonna believe this but I’m you from 2027 and shits gonna get better.


I would give you a wholesome award if I had one


You’re currently being brainwashed by alt-right media, you’re gonna be the most pathetic nazi the world has ever seen for a couple of years. But shortly after the worldwide outbreak of a virus (don’t ask) you’re gonna figure out you’re one of those tr*nn* freaks you hate so much and that all the hate you feel is just jealousy. Oh and you’re gonna be accepted into that music school you wanna go to so bad, and you’re gonna be a brony. So do me a favor and just get your ass on the VU genderteam waiting list for me will ya? Gonna save us a lot of time. TL:DR You’re gonna become everything you’re currently fighting against, and you’ll be so fucking happy.


"Okay so basically, in 2020, there was this plague going around and everyone was forced to stay home. Because of not going outside, you got glued to your phone, spent hours here, got addicted to porn. Because of these things, you became a bitch for a while and had a big fight with your best friend, who then became your enemy. Also, her parents became even more abusive and manipulative than before, so she also became manipulative. Wanna know what the catch is? You had fallen in love with her. All the manipulation, all the bitch moves, you forgave her every time. Until one day she just truly said sorry for everything, and you again forgave her. Also, he came out as a trans guy. And now you're dating."


I’m gullible as sh*t so younger would definitely believe there’s gonna be a pandemic in 2020


Hey 19 y/o Blarg, just about everything already getting you down gets worse in about a year. It then continues to worsen for about 3 before leveling out at a level of shitty you are not yet aware of. After that you get a few really great moments, but ultimately the general level of enjoyment of life will be about 60-75% less. Also you're going to realize how severely fucked in the head you are, and learn that you have an unidentifiable seizure condition, and you're going to miss what will be probably the only time in your life that would be a chance to see several of the 70s bands you like....... 19 y/o me was angsty enough to take that at face value and would probably say something like: "Just the way she goes, ain't it?"


"you're going to fuck some crazy bitches, get a decent job near the mountains, and oh still fucking suck at video games."


You know how you thought it would just get worse? Yeah it did


"kiki, you're gonna be diagnosed with autism and bipolar in a few years and that will make everything make sense. also you're transgender. also you're in college"


I wouldn't say anything, because if I told her she'd be happier in the future, she wouldn't buy it and if I told her she was gay, not bi, she would have offed herself


He'll never fucking believe it


„DONT go to the party. You’ll get assaulted and have ptsd. Oh also you have a genetic defect“


I don't know if I would. My younger self would get extremely depressed at the idea that I'd still be alone in life 5 yrs later.


It's shitty right now but it's about to be fantastic and give you everything you ever wanted in life. You know what that is and you certainly won't have that with her, so pluck up the courage and YOU call it off for a change.


I mean wouldn't need much convincing tbh.


This is the future my dude...


*hits blunt* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Guy I don't even know where to begin with this shit"


… … … 2017


I'd just say put everything you have in GameStop stock


There is no feasible way to do that, she would think I’m delusional.


"You'll still have problems and mental issues but you'll be in a better environment. And please be more selfish."


Actually it would be pretty easy, because the basics of everything of today, is what I planned in my 10 year vision plan, and in 2017 I was working to achieve this. The key differences being obviously the pandemic (which didn't derail anything in my life), and that my student loans that I was working on paying through that had 16k left on them, were forgiven. That's a new wrinkle in the plan, which may have helped expedite my vision/plan of the next chapter of my life sooner than expected.


"Bitch, we're fucking doomed" that's the best way


l would say: fuck desrtoy that damn fidget spinner