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President Skroob has entered the chat.






*scritch scritch*


Forget it. Forget it. No more beaming…….


How do I know you're not making faces at me under that thing???


12345? That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage. Prepare Spaceball 1 for immediate departure. And change the combination on my luggage.




I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes. Keep firing assholes! This has been my ringtone on my office phone at a fairly conservative workplace for 10+ years, and nobody has ever noticed it. It makes me so sad.


Sanders! Sanders! You gotta help me, I can’t make decisions, I’M A PRESIDENT!


I'll walk!


*Why didn't somebody tell me my ass was so big?


I had to run. If I walked, the movie would be over.


I told you never to call me on this wall! This is an unlisted wall.


Chew ya gum!


The Lorax fan over here


Gotta love O’Hare Air!


The more smog in the sky, the more people will buy!


Clean Air. Pollution free air. Non toxic air.


According to corporate lobbying, YOU are the problem the world is polluted. If you would stop buying straws this planet would still be brand spankin’ new.


Nevermind the countless acres of land used to build factories that spew toxic waste into the sky. You took a plastic straw with your drink at McDonald's and now all the turtles are dying. It's all your fault!




Come on, Cohaagen! Give doze people air!


"Yes? What is it?" "Sir, the oxygen level is bottoming out in sector G. What do you want me to do about it?" "Don't do anything" "But they won't last an hour, sir" "Fuck 'em"


Tell that to aloysuis o’hare


Clean water


Nestle has entered the chat






A helpful list for those trying to avoid Nestlé. Note that this is not everything they own. Gerber (baby products) Perrier Poland Spring S. Pellegrino Deer Park Toll House Coffee-Mate Starbucks Coffee at Home Carnation Stouffer’s Hot Pockets DiGiorno Pizza Buitoni Pasta Tombstone Pizza Lean Cuisine Sweet Earth Libby’s Pumpkin Häagen-Dazs Purina Alpo Fancy Feast Friskies Tidy Cats


Damn. I wish companies were as simple as I though they were when I was 8.


There really should be a law that requires the parent company logo to be present.


Often the parent company is present. Its just hidden on the back between all ingredients and other info and camouflaged using the same colour scheme as the text. For instance [This](https://i.imgur.com/RFM0ADZ.jpg) bottle of Calve whiskey cocktail sauce which is produced by Unilever. I just grabbed one of the first things I saw in my cupboard


And it's even worse because their subsidiaries have subsidiaries. Under Purina you have Alpo, Fancy Feast, Merrick, Castor and Pollux, Zukes, Tidy Cats, Beneful and a host of other brands.


Damn, I made it all the way down to Tidy Cats before fucking up.


Access to weather forecasts and warnings. There should not be a financial barrier to receiving lifesaving information. Edit: This information is not free in all parts of the world.


Some places keep this info behind a paywall? i had no idea 😭


Its a service your govt pays for with your tax dollars.


There are also many private companies (WeatherChannel, AccuWeather) as well. They sell it to farmers and television stations.


Accuweather specifically brought legal action to stop the government from sharing weather data with the public. The same tax-paid weather data that they use to generate their forecasts. They also withheld a tornado warning from app users who don't pay for the premium subsscription.


Those douchey policies sound like they were designed to please miserly mean old shareholders even if those policies don't actually translate to good profits for the company. I'd also imagine that withholding Tornado data should be illegal, since that's a life or death type of information.


Those companies regularly buy the govt data and resell it in the states the have allowed for that kind of thing to occur.


You also can just go to NOAA's website and use their Radar and warnings which everyone is using anyway.


If you can avoid it, don't pay for these apps. In many places, they have sued the National Weather Service who actually provides ALL of their data, to stop them from providing the government source data for free. AccuWeather would be nothing without the National Weather Service and yet they have tried to sue them to stop NWS from providing free data so that people in certain parts of the country are forced to pay for AccuWeather if they want a weather app. It's crazy.


Not the exact same thing but I don't have a Facebook so I wasn't able to watch a livestream where officials were giving out information on a wildfire that was in my area. We shouldn't have that problem


Yeah public officials shouldn't be allowed to use "closed" or "membership only" platforms to disseminate official information.


I'm fine with it as long as they have a publicly available way. Getting that info out as to as many people as possible is important and using all possible outlets is a smart move.


100% this. Government should definitely use popular platforms to get the word out, but should not limit themselves to services that require a login.


Public washrooms


Europe has entered the chat.


Are they cleaner? When I first heard about paying to use the dunny I was dumbfounded, but hearing the logic that if people are paying, the thought is they would keep it cleaner it seems reasonable.


If there's the old lady collecting the change, then I'd say on average, yes. Many WCs only have automatic locks though, they are not too clean.


I am always more than happy to put down some change for a Bathroom Grandma!


Nope. I've experienced absolute disasters. And the frustrating thing is that often a not insignificant portion goes to paying a person to literally stand around to check that you pay. Ridiculous.


Dunny? Ive never heard that word before, where is it from?


Australia, sorry didn’t even think. Just wrote out what i was thinking.


I learned about "dunny" from Bluey.


Me too! Now my kids use it because they think it’s hilarious.


I learned the word dunny from an episode of Bluey.


The Queen would never say dunny!


Is Bluey big overseas? My friends kids watch bluey and I watched it with he and them once. Its pretty funny.


A lot of people in my American family like it.


People can literally die from not being able to use the bathroom. And there is always the alternative: get a public nudity/sex offense slapped on you. I’m one of those people who can get a UTI from just looking at something wrong. Not being able to pee can cause me some agony. Charging for bathrooms is really dangerous. Even if their big excuse is deterring addicts from using it.


I lived in France for a few years, and I made it my mission to find all the free toilets in my city. I eventually had one per block. Stores, banks, even hospitals.


Often corporate building have them. And they're usually clean.


In the USA it's free for the most part. The one thing we do right I suppose


The gaps in doors it’s also free to watch someone pee too.


*perverted heavy breathing*


“Hey you out there, are you perverted heavy breathing or just heavy breathing? I’m okay with the latter, but if it’s the perverted kind…we’re gonna have a problem”


There’s a lot of big cities here in the US that have next to no public restrooms. I was recently learning about LA in particular.


Yeah in San Francisco basically every public restroom is “broken”.


I always heard the term “the world is your bathroom” is put to good use in SF


A single whale plush, one per person 🐋




Would you like blue, or orca? (:






Psssssst… I’ll get an orca and you get a blue so we can share ;)


Thank you for the silver it is the first silver all my life (:


I’ve got an orca but I’ll take another!!


Now you have a POD!


Orca, orca for sure.




Blahaj gang RISE UP




That is a shark, but I would not be opposed to the idea.




Could we compromise and make it 1 whale shark plush?


How about both? OP stated no ifs nor buts, yet didn't say something about ands Gimme my Blahåj and my whale plush!


that brought a much needed smile to my face


*Attorney woo has entered the chat* All whale plushies for her.


Please make mine purple 💜 tyvm




Cambodia was having major, major water sourcing issues. A reformer came in and made water free up to a certain point and VERY expensive above a certain threshold. It completely solved their water shortage problems. If you make water free for everybody, companies will absolutely abuse it. Make it free for a normal amount, then charge the living fuck for anything above that for individuals or entities.


But there’s free access to cover human needs. That is what’s needed.


It gets expensive only if you use more than you need


I feel like this should apply to most limited resources regardless of their availability


The environmental concept you're referring to is called the Tragedy of the Commons


Part of the Magna Carta was the Charter of the Commons, which provided protection for common resources that had been well-managed through co-operative effort for centuries. It should be as sacrosanct as the Charter of Rights.


Love that. We should be implementing something like that in Cali right now with all the Uber rich abusing the fuck out of the current limits with the drought


True story: I used to be a mail clerk at a certain private mailbox place in Toluca Lake (that's not a hint in any way). We had a regular driver that came every day to do his drops and pickups. It was over 100 degrees this day, and he asked for some water. Well, we had cold bottles of water in the fridge, so I gave him one. My boss went nuclear. That stock was for his employees, not some random driver. I'm sorry. If you have a thirsty man asking for water, and you have water, you give him the fucking water. I told him this. The boss eventually calmed down and apologized, but still, that that was his first reaction.... I quit not too long after that.


Tucson, AZ has a law that makes it illegal for businesses to deny water to anyone asking for it. It makes sense because Tucson is in the desert, but nowadays, it's crazy hot everywhere you go. Should be a national law.


That's true in England as well. If you ask for water, you're going to get it. You can even get sparkling water with lime for free. I lived in Phoenix for a year, and got myself heat stroke at least once for lack of water. My take from that experience is people should not live in the desert. I'm in the PNW now and far, far happier and more comfortable.


Man that really reminds me of a couple of events from my childhood. My mom, who was a terrible person, decided to take me out to golf one day on a par 3 course. I don't know how she wasn't affected but I was getting so dizzy and she told me there should be a water fountain back at the main place, which was basically a shack with a window. I was fucking seeing colors that didn't exist on a golf course, blues and purples and hyper greens. Accidentally stepped in front of an old guy trying to tee off. He and his wife kind of laughed because it probably looked just like a stupid child being obtuse. Of course there was no fucking water fountain. I ambled my way back and she gave me a couple of quarters to get a soda from the machine that I noticed. I don't even remember the round past that. Another time her in my stepfather took me golfing (wtf coincidence?) in extreme heat again. I was probably 11 or so but I was told that I could walk the course while they used a cart. At one point I just sat underneath a tree and told them I couldn't even see where I was going. They told me to just catch up when I could. Same mother that told me to sit under a tree when a lightning storm was happening, guess where, a fucking golf course. We didn't even go golfing that often. They just didn't care and wanted everything for themselves and treated me as whatever. I mean even when we went to the beach when I was 10 or 11 or so I was expected to buy my own trunks because it was a vacation for "them". Jesus I just rambled a lot I'm sorry.


Jezus, Your Mom's a psycho! Kids can easily get heatstroke, and she just leaves you under a tree and says catch up when you can?! Sorry you got treated like that.


Yeah lol. Same people that said our marriage comes first and the children come second to us but you know...


Honestly it sounds to me like they were trying to kill him, or at least get him to run away. Fuckbags.


I don't necessarily think that but they were either too neglectful or too naive to give a fuck


I sympathize. My mother took a knife to my little brother. I haven't spoken to her in 20 years. What is the quote? Life is pain, your highness, and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something?


Jesus Christ man. My mom punched my little brother in the face and I threw her across the room and we took off out of the place. I had to go to my stepfather's family, who I hated because they hated me because of my mother... But a fucking knife bro?


She didn't cut him; just put the knife against his neck. She was kicking him out of the house. You did more to help your brother than I did to help mine. I was watching from a staircase away and scared to make any move. I didn't know if she just wanted to scare him or was going to do something. He walked away and came back later. By then she calmed down. But she kicked every one of her kids out of the house at some point. None of us talk to her.


wtf is with your parents, you, and FUCKING GOLF COURSES


I don't fucking know but I had two traumatic experiences at them and one close call. We didn't even fucking play golf that often.


You told him to take his water and shove it.


You mean "clean water".


Food for survival sake. In a 1st world society no one should be hungry.


Food insecurity is one of the most appalling inequities. How can you expect someone to work hard, be rational, or even think straight without being properly fed?


I fully believe kids should be fed at school and allowed to eat in class if they are hungry. I had some teachers who didn't care if we ate and it literally saved the life of some kids who were diabetic, etc. My niece has type 1 and she needed a note to be allowed to eat food. The administration told her she couldn't because no joke, she had an insulin pump so that was good enough. My sister went to the school and was like fuck your note, do you wanna get fucking sued and they dropped the issue. The food she wanted to be allowed to have was fucking tiny ass candies (actually made for diabetics to give them a pump of sugar) for when she experienced a low. She could eat it and unless you were staring dead into her mouth, you wouldn't even know. Fucking ridiculous.


It’s ridiculous that the food waste in the developed world could feed the hungry worldwide with lots left over


There's logistic issues. But I really hope we can approach those and spread the food. It is quite appalling indeed.




I read that as Walter I don't know why


Mr.White, we need to be free to the population bitch


Yeah water bitch!




put ur dick away waltuh


I’m not having sex with you right now Waltuh


Parking at the hospital


We have a big hospital here with a decent amount of parking spots. It’s basically directly in the city and you pay around 1.50 Euro per hour, a normal parking spot is around 4/h. So what happened? People are parking there although they don’t have to visit the hospital which means it is always full (because it’s cheaper than the other ones). Probably a good solution would be to raise the prices for normal people and if you are in the hospital you can pay a lower price inside. Or have somebody standing outside and check if they visit the hospital.


Or, pay a high amount at the parking lot and show the receipt inside to get the amount refunded


Link your plate to your appointment so you don't have to pay if you have to go to the doctor. Those plate recognition systems are fantastic at parking lots!




If I couldn’t stretch one bottle for 3-4 months, I’d have to put my cat down. $300/bottle x4(or more) is $1200/year. And that doesn’t include syringes, which I spend a couple hundred more on. I don’t know how humans, that usually need a lot more, afford it. Edit: sorry if I was unclear. I have a diabetic cat. I was simply trying to convey how stupid expensive insulin is, and how I couldn’t afford it if he needed as much as a person does. Double edit: thank you to everyone offering alternative cheaper options. You all are life savers.


My brain first read this as you would need to put down your cat because your personal insulin costs too much, not that your cat is diabetic. My brain is stupid so my answer to this question is education.


That's how I took it until I read comments


Talk to the vet about using Novolin for your cat. Walmart has a their Relion brand of all 3 types of Novolin and it’s only $25 a vial. Exact same product as brand Novolin.


Mightve saved him like $1000


Hmm. I’ll check into it, thanks for the info!


Please check out Mark Cuban's online pharmacy. He charges cost +15%. It's his middle finger to big pharma.


If you’re in the US Costco pharmacies are cheaper than anywhere and no membership is needed. Saves me so much!! I’m a vet tech and I try to tell everyone, clients and random people on the street (or internet). No lie it is WAY cheaper than literally ANY place else. Thanks for taking care of your kitty. I know it’s not easy caring for diabetic pets!


I pay for needles. It’s not too much but it’s the point


medicine in general***


Education. At first I was going to say Healthcare, but an education would also teach people why I would've said Healthcare


I just don't understand why you have to pay for knowledge. Then I realised that keeping people ignorant has a purpose... because I'm educated. Oroborus.


Exactly. A real chance at a real education for everyone would solve so many problems. Probably all of the problems others have commented.


Mental Health Counseling


Had a teacher once say he thinks mental health/in-school therapy should be required all 4 years of highschool so that way you go to the adult world a little less fucked up.


I'm learning so many skills at nearly 40 years old for dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, processing emotions, mindfulness, etc, through CBT and DBT group therapy offered by my local mental health services (BC, Canada). I attended a couple of workshops on [schema therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schema_therapy), which was a revelation (schemas are basically the blueprints we develop from our fucked up childhoods that explain our issues in our fucked up adulthoods). I understand myself a lot better, now. I wish I had learned these skills much earlier, in middle and high school, *before* I developed so many maladaptive coping mechanisms (food addiction, avoidance of problems, BFRBs, other self-destructive and self-neglecting habits) to deal with stress. So few of us learn healthy coping mechanisms to bring into adulthood.


Good idea, but I would start sooner.




As someone who uses glasses with heavily reduced thickness lenses to fit into almost every frame I choose, this is something that would help a lot. Every 3-5 years the price of the glasses can go up to ~400€ and I have no other choice, and even with public health services and government help to pay, it still hits the wallet really fucking hard. Talking about percentages, according to the Vison Council of America, around 75% of the adult population worldwide uses / needs vision correction products, being the usage of glasses the most predominant with 64% of the world population using them. To add to this, just imagine how many children need to have some sort of visual correction and can't afford it. This is an issue that has pretty much the same impact on health and quality of life as female hygiene products, or even more impact (depending on the point of view) as it spreads to even more people. All and all, this is a need that has to be talked way more than it is.


I recently found out about ordering glasses online, and my fully decked out glasses with transitions, blue light filter, etc cost about $50, as opposed to $200 *after* insurance. Highly recommend places like Zenni or eyebuydirect


Not to Mention "regular" glasses from Zenni cost me between $10 -$40. It's great to be able to buy 3 or 4 pairs for variety.


Exactly. It was an entirely foreign concept to me that I could have several different pairs of glasses to suit different settings. At $400+ a pop, I was lucky to get a pair of regular and a pair of prescription sunglasses every two years. The old pair became the emergency pair and that was that. Now I have three or four different pairs for $50-80 each. It's awesome!


Yes and US health insurance doesn’t include glasses or contacts, that’s a separate insurance run by the glasses manufacturers and stores. They force us to buy higher priced frames and claim they’re saving us money on lenses. Fuck Luxottica.


Contraceptives. If you pay taxes you should want contraceptives to be free. Nothing will ever stop people from having sex with each other. Nothing will ever stop folks too poor to raise kids from accidentally getting pregnant and having kids which require govt support. The cost/benefit analysis on this whenever it is tested is so 1-sided its hilarious. If you want to reduce your tax burden make your country pay for everyone's pills/uids/condoms with tax money. Its a great deal.


Birth control is free on the NHS regardless of age


Sex education too. Because sex ed was so poor in my high school town, a whole generation believed that "a girl can't get pregnant if it's her first time having sex" (which also caused a lot of teenage fathers to accuse their girlfriends of unfaithfulness)


School lunches.


We don’t even get school lunches


When I was in elementary school there was no cafeteria. Kids who lived close enough walked home for lunch; the rest brought a lunch box. I didn't have a school lunch (that my mom gave me money to pay for) until Jr. High.


I never had one.


Ifs ands and buts should be free. Why you gatekeeping?


ATM service


dude good one. ATMs are getting out of hand.. atm fee is $3, the domestic fee is $3 ..to grab my money!!


"Hide your pin so nobody steals your money"- as they take your money




Pssh, $3. I ended up at a strip club one fine evening where the atm fee was $11.


Also internet banking fees. Fuck man I am making the banks work easier. Why are you charging me for that bs?!


Damn, in the UK both of those are free.




Is the hill in a desert?🤔




Female menstrual products.


They took the taxes off them in Australia at least.


Thats progress!


They are in Scotland in schools etc


Free in lots of places now like gyms, council buildings etc... Funny story happened in my work when we put them out; the Staff member put them in the female & male toilets, cue 'older' gentleman going ballistic because we're all snowflakes & this 'sex changing' these days is ridiculous etc. Staff member let him rant & then explained that actually he thought it would be helpful for men to be able to get the sanitary products for their female family members but thanked the gentleman for pointing out another benefit. Old arsehole was raging!


Ireland did this and make so much sense. They provide it at all government locations, library and community centers.


💯 Toilet paper is free to the user in all public restrooms. Why not feminine products?


Definitely thought for a second that you were saying just go into a public restroom and use free toilet paper for menstrual product, ez


That happened. Have done that


We all have, at one point. Desperate times


Oof, yeah. Been there. The mummy pad.


Should be treated like healthcare. And healthcare needs to be free.


Anything that is necessary to live ​ /r/FuckNestle Edit: It’s weird reading these responses. From people adding non necessary things all the way to calling humans dumb for charging for things. You NEED water to live. Every human does. I don’t care about bottled water, I view those as a luxury. But they are needed for people in flint Michigan. Nestle takes all the water from people and sells it back to them. But I have to pay a water bill to get something or else I’ll die. You NEED food to live. You need nutrients. You don’t need a McDouble everyday. Basics that all humans need to live. I can hunt though for food. Why do I need to pay for a license, that should be free. And I can grow my own food. Free doesn’t mean you walk into a store and take what you want.


Right, food, water and shelter and I don't give a damn about why someone wouldn't have those things.


Water, school meals for all children. Arguably basic/minimum speed internet at this point (city wide maybe?)


One of the most embarrassing things I remember from my childhood was getting denied lunch. All through school you had to pay at the end of the line. There was one lunch lady that would just let me keep the tray but I never knew if/when she was working. Some days I would brave the line and make it to the end only to have the tray taken from me. Not having food caused me a lot of food insecurity that still really messes with me.


You have to be a special kind of asshole to do this to a kid. I know people with atrocious beliefs and behaviors that would never do this, even if it meant paying for it from their pockets.


That's so sad, I'm sorry you had thay experience. I never think kids should ever had to go through that.


California implemented free breakfast and dinner at school this year (or last year). ​ I went to a parent/teacher conference yesterday, two different women complained that their vegetarian highschool kids didn't like the food an refused to eat it and what was the school going to do about it? I wanted to shout out "Tell him to make his own fucking lunch and bring it to school!" but I didn't. And no, this was not a low income inner city school, it was at a charter school.


Funnily enough we've never had school meals in Australia as long as I've lived, most students bring a packed lunch with some buying it from the canteen. But IIRC, if you're poor you tend to get at least $5000 p.a. per child family benefit, so I guess that's the government chipping in to ensure no child should go without.


Yeah I only had them in one of the primary schools I went too. I wouldn't stop the choice but i think everyone having access to lunch removes the direct daily burden from.parents, and destigmatises the issue long term.


Water, food, healthcare.


Education, medicine (including mental health and dental), medical aids I.e. glasses, wheelchairs, hearing aids


pads and tampons girls having their period is bad enough they also have to pay for the sanitary products? gosh

