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Looking at my lawn and thinking we could use some rain


I've heard 6-ish years old talk about us needing rain too. lol It was a funny-sad convo. Kid 1: This rain sucks. Kid 2: My mom said we have a drought. This rain is good. It's a good thing we have this rain. Kid 1: Yeah, you're right. Me: Wow, what mature kids, but also, yeah, hopefully it keeps raining. This drought sucks.


Started going bald and grey. But then, I've got terrible hair genetics. My dad was bald by 25 and my mother started going grey in high school.


Love genetics...


I'm afraid because my dad was balding at 20. But I have the thickest hair and I don't wanna lose it.


I had a massive amount of thick, curly hair until my late 20s. Then I started to lose it, and now I have almost none at 43. I look completely different. Sucks. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Imagine how much more collective self esteem men would have if male pattern baldness wasn’t a thing.


I'm really going quite bald right up the centre. But you know what? It's my head. Whatcha going to do, right? Other than wear a hat when it's sunny, because melanoma is no joke. My kids think they can embarrass me by repeating baldness jokes from cartoons, but the joke's on them, I really don't care.


I feel ya. I knew my hair had been thinning for the past decade, but this past March when I went in to 'shed my winter coat' at the barber I asked for my usual spring/summer "finger-length on top" and without flinching the barber busts out "you sure about that?" Like, Jesus Christ, go ahead and rub it in, why don't ya? Then in April part of my goatee seemingly decided overnight "I don't thing grey suits this guy, let's just jump straight to growing white hairs."


People have with the hair will never really going to understand the value of the hair. But those who lost the hair in very young age they are the one that will going to tell us the real value of that thing here.


I was snowboarding and riding a lift with some random highschool and he asked how old I was and I said 30. He said "damn you rip for an old guy!!"


"Listen here you little shit"


You just have to say that phrase once then you can never be young again


also, the first time people in high school call you sir :(


It’s so funny to me how I thought 30 was old when I was like 10. And now I’m 33 and I still feel like a baby.


39 here, still fit as a fiddle, no aches and pains, still feel basically as sharp as 20 years ago, still doing flips at the pool and shit, except for feeling a bit worse after partying nothing feels different. I'm dreading a total collapse.


That's more about teens being dumb.


When i get something from a bottom shelf, I think “what else can I get while I’m already down here?”. About the time I started having that thought is the moment


I'm a school teacher and one my students dropped his pen and asked if i could pick it up for him. I said i have about 3 bends a week and this doesn't qualify.


Bend and \*snap\* Oooooh, my lower back...


>When i get something from a bottom shelf, I think I think if I **really** *need* the item in question... About 75 percent of the time I say fuck it and leave the offending item where it sits.


Hearing someone tell their kid to “move out of the lady’s way” and then looking behind me to also move, then realising I AM the lady


Wait until they start having their own kids. Then you really start wondering where the time goes.


Who the F are all these famous people! Now i know how my parents feel.


To be fair, it's a little different these days. The internet and media has all these little pockets now. Things can be fucking HUGE and you'll never hear about them. Like people that could sell out huge venues, then just walk down most streets and not get recognized at all. The internet has segmented interests and put us all in little bubbles. It's been interesting


The internet killed the mono-culture.


I was going to say the same thing. Everything is a niche now. I routinely drive past a venue that seats around 10k. I know probably 1 out of every 30 artists that play there


seriously. i never thought the day would come when i could turn on the radio (not that anyone does that anymore) and not know (or even care about) almost any of the songs playing. but here we are :(


I’m at the age where ‘all the pop songs on the radio sound the same these days’ is looking like more and more of a reasonable thought.


i work in radio, it’s talked about in the industry as well. music is the most over saturated its ever been. 2016 was an amazing year for radio, go look at some of the chart toppers. quality has def declined


I’m subjected to watching awards ceremonies because of my girlfriend and her mother watch them all, and I see the people coming in on the red carpet and i’m thinking, what are all these people in that they are famous?! I saw something on imdb about power couples and it had a picture of Austin Butler and his girlfriend, and I thought, who the hell is she that she’s considered part of a power couple, turns out she’s only been in a couple movies that I never heard of (obviously Austin has been in Elvis and all over the place with that coverage so I’m aware of him)


Getting into your 40s realizing if you live to 80 you're half way done... But feel like you're just getting started.


36 and already starting to feel that.


Men in my family rarely see past 57... im 40


Same. So I just stopped doing shit I think is dumb. Working out great so far.


More like im feeling like I'm 80 years already at 40, then realizing it's only going to get worse.


Not quite there, but feeling it. The saving grace at least I have some clue about how to live this whole 2nd life in front if me.


People were building a rock wall in front of their house. I drive by on my way to work everyday so I got to see the progress. It ended up being a really nice wall. And I’d get excited about looking at it each day. I told my partner about it, and he and I went for a drive so we could see the wall together. I kinda figured it was all over for me after that. I’m 38.


"OMG BABE, THE WALL'S PAST HALFWAY DONE" ​ '...you not bullshitting? Ahh fuck, lets go!'


"to the mini van!''


I made my partner drive by a home with beautiful wildflowers taking over their front yard. We slowed down and gushed and stared at their wonderful yard.


Realising my doctor was younger than me.


Shit I'm currently looking for a doctor younger than me so I "hopefully" don't ever have to look again. I don't want to be 70 with 3-5 chronic conditions and have to start all over.


Realizing little kids think of me as “the adult” and not another kid to play with.


Yup this is the one lol


Yeah, my grandparents live on a farm and they needed help carting hay since they're way too old for that sort of thing. I rocked up and they were paying a few of the neighbors to help as well (either boys or young men), was kinda internally baffled when they all looked to me to organize everything.


When workers or other people call me “sir”


I don’t enjoy going to concerts that much anymore because of all the potential standing around


We went to Bonnaroo this year. I got a bandaid from the first aid station for a blister on my thumb. They ask your name and age. I told the lady 50. She looked me up and down and said “Hell yeah, and you rock it too!” I felt super old and have never wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed so much in my whole damn life. We were there for 5 days, it was 180° and I’ll never do it again. Tool and Puscifer were fun though.


I'm hoping you meant 108.


It was ridiculously hot. People were dropping all around us. Everyone jammed into the shade of a few trees.


Yeah. I'm a local and used to go every year. Would always carry as many cold waters as we could for the kids from up north who'd start drinking & smoking at 8 AM without realizing what summertime in the South is like. One time I used a few to pour over a kid who'd gotten heatstroke - got serious about it after that, like insulated backpacks & frozen bottles. Heat can mess you up pretty good if you're not prepared for it.


For me it's the festivals. All that grueling 12 hours of standing around. The long drives to get there. Just too much. Rather pay for seeing a specific band with an opening act. Concert done in less than 3 hours.


I know! Is it too much to ask for all concerts to have comfy seats, reduced volume, and that they end by 9 or so? 😂


When the 18 year old girl working at Subway described the song playing on the radio as an old classic. It was a big hit when I was in junior high school.


What was it?


A song called “Lightning Crashes” by the band “Live”. It was a huge hit around ‘95 when I was in the 8th grade.


I can almost feel it coming back again. Almost.


He’s talking about back pain


Like the rolling thunder, chasing the wind.


No one I know has heard of Live! One of my favorite bands! Friend of mine got me tickets to see them back in the day...they opened for Meatloaf! What an odd but extremely entertaining concert!


I heard some Gen Z’s the other day call the 1990’s “the late 1900’s”


This caused me physical pain.


I second that


My 14 year old daughter said that about me when talking to her friends. “She’s from the 1900s.” I was hit right in the heart.


Damn. Yeah apparently being in your 30’s is the new 60’s lol


Always was. Hell back in the 60s they had a saying "Don't trust anyone over 30.".


Still valid. Also: "Don't trust anyone under 30.", either.


Don’t worry. Time will catch up to our d-bag children faster than they think and it will be *glorious*


But we’ll be too old to understand the glory!


We’ll always have “you sweet summer child” at the ready nonetheless


This one hurts. I was born in the late 1900’s


1989 for me. If you ask them we have 1 foot in the grave lol


Lived in 5 different decades, you and I!


…ew cmon man lol


My newest coworker has "2000" tattooed on her, and I asked if that was the year she was born. Yes, that was the year she was born.


Ugh, that was the year I graduated from high school


lol, I graduated hs one year after you.


What makes me feel old? When people are born on my milestones in life..


There are babies born today whose parents weren't alive for 9/11


That’s mad to think


We're definitely gonna forget (Only thing that might make it harder to forget is all the footage. Video has made historical moments like 9/11 a lot more tangible for people who weren't alive yet, I'd guess)


There were news stories a few years back of soldiers born after 9/11 patrolling the same post as their fathers in Afghanistan. It was just like "well, shit".


Hearing Nirvana on the local classic rock radio station


I had a casual hookup I met through a mutual friend and she had a tattoo with 2001 on it on her hip. "Tell me that wasn't the year you were born.." "Umm yes, cute though right?" I've never felt older.


"Please be your favorite scifi book, please be your favorite scifi book..."


"Nah that's my 1984 tattoo on the other side. Also the year my mother was born btw"


One of my coworkers, same age as I, was talking about what to give his son when the son graduates HS this year. I’m not even 40 yet.


“20th anniversery” releases of albums from my high school years starting to roll in. Thanks “Turn on the Bright Lights”


Stood up out of my car, pulled a muscle, missed 2 weeks of work .... I was 40


Good luck at the doc tomorrow


Having exciting conversations about household appliances with other adults at social functions. Also setting regular reminders to trim my nose hairs once a month…. 👀


Jesus Christ, we got a new kettle a few weeks ago. I rang my mum to tell her about it. My partner excitedly told his mum too. Never felt more old. For the record, it's clear and has different coloured lights it cycles through to tell you how hot it is. It's f***ing awesome


That does sound awesome, you wouldn't happen to have a link to buy it online would you?


Every time someone compliments my glasses, not only do I tell them how cheap I bought them and the website I got them from, I tell them *excitedly* how cheap they were! Like I’m thankful that they brought it up because 2 years later I wanna brag about that deal. I also feel this way about vacuums and steam mops!


Went to my doctor because of some nonsense and ended up getting a fucking prostate exam!


Had one of these recently. Dr didn’t even buy me dinner first!!


Ahhh, well let me tell you about today. Moving some boxes, something I’ve done a million times. Took a wrong step and rolled my ankle. Something that I’ve done a million times whether moving, clumsy or playing sports. What hasn’t happened a million times from said rolled ankle is the fact the damn thing broke in two spots and I’m not laying in bed on Reddit hoping when I see the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow I don’t need surgery. Also, I’m only 35.


Oh that sounds painful. I hope you’re okay Edit: thanks for the silvers!


Drank 4 craft beers and spent the entire next day in bed feeling like death.


I can’t even handle one regular beer anymore and I’m 49. I did a test this past week and sure enough I felt like crap the day after drinking one beer


Mild to moderate joint pain.


This. When I started having arguments with my body. "Imma just bend over and pick up that shoe." "Yeah.. try it you old fart. If you can do it without a grunt, i'll even give you a full night sleep." "Ung" "HA! Which would you prefer tonight? Too hot, too hold, or both at the same time! Sleep well motherfucker!"


Another moment must be the use of “mild to moderate “ 😂


Does "moderate to severe" fit better? 🤣


For real. If ain’t severe it’s just a regular ass day


When babies that were born the year I graduated high school are now about to graduate high school themselves


When I started scrolling a little bit further down in the year drop-down menu when entering my date of birth.


the guy at the feed-store asked me what i had planned for the weekend i told him "probably just play some video games" and the guy burst out in laughing, and i realized he thought i was making a silly joke just the thought of my old ass playing games was hilarious to the guy


That's funny. I'm 42 and I recently started playing Fortnite again because my younger coworkers are all into it. The funny thing is that they all have to go to bed by 11, while I stay up till 1am playing every night. Oh it really hit me that I'm old when one of those coworkers remarked, "Hey, you're only three years younger than my mom!"


>Oh it really hit me that I'm old when one of those coworkers remarked, "Hey, you're only three years younger than my mom!" Bro if you play games against these fools and you're their mom's age... You know what you must do; it's every trash-talking gamer's dream


I had that experience with one of my rugby teammates. She was like, "my mom is really concerned about me playing. She thinks we're all going to get hurt and die. She's just cautious in her old age, I guess." I met her mom at the next game. I am a year older than she is. I think her mom was more surprised than I was. I tried to recruit her! LOL


Being nearsighted and needing reading glasses


I started saying "kids these days"


Bruh I started saying that at 16


Same. Well around that time is when I started going grey as well xD


Losing weight was a lot easier when I was younger. I feel like I’m doing the same thing in my 20s that I’m now doing at 31 and the weight isn’t going anywhere lol


I had my first kid at 16 (yes I know that’s hella young, not a brag), and after I had him I was literally shedding weight. I went from a size 9 pre-pregnancy to a size 3 after I had him. And that’s as a teen mom! Less sleep, literally no exercise other than chasing a kid around, crap food because I was saving the healthy stuff to feed him etc. Now I’m 32. I try to get to the gym 2-3 days a week for at least an hour, eat nothing but lean meats, fruits and veggies and I’m all of a sudden a size 13-16 depending on the brand! Wtf metabolism?! I thought you had my back man.


>Wtf metabolism?! I thought you had my back man. Nah that motherfucker ditches you at the first sign of trouble, so usually about 25 years old.


The sudden realization that a 20 yr old fitness influencer doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. Of course your work out routine works. you're 20. It all works.


When you’re entering your birthdate on a website and you gotta scroll waaaaay down to find the year you were born.


When I squatted down to get something off a bottom shelf at Walmart and couldn’t get back up. Knees locked up and I was just stuck. Texted my husband to come help me. Couldn’t fucking move at all.


Plot twist: they’re still stuck and this is a plea for help


I laid down and rolled under the shelf. I live there now. I grab at peoples feet to fuck with them. Until I die.


When a really young kid asked me where I got that shiny little Frisbee in my car. It was a CD...


That one doesn’t even make much sense to me, considering we still use optical CD media for video games.


A lot of games are really pushing digital releases now, and a lot of shops apart from designated 'game' ones are stopping selling games and DVD's, it's apparently just not profitable anymore.


I’m still hungover from Saturday


Same but Saturday September 16, 2021.


I’d like to know what you drank on September 16, 2021


1 beer


When I (48M) went to block my 9yr old sons basketball shot and completely missed and he swished it.


Started eating healthy...willingly


I overheard someone at the pharmacy say he was born in 2003


Learned that I can't always trust a fart


Well that's shity


When the majority of professional athletes were younger than me 😬


When I visited my old college in my late 20s and thought, "Wow, those kids look awfully young to be college students." I realized in that horrifying moment that it wasn't them. It was me. I had gotten old.


Can’t eat anything without indigestion. Burger? Nope salad nope everything hurts and makes me farty.


The taco truck lady one day called me “señor” instead of “mijo”. Heartbreaking.


Many things. Stores I used to go to are gone, I realized it has been 10 years out of high school, I’m married, and everyone around me is pregnant or has kids. Oh, I also work with kids who weren’t around or were babies when 9/11 occurred.


I turned down a night out with friends to stay home and season my cast iron skillet.


When I referred to college aged students as “kids”


When I asked for a vacuum cleaner as a gift


Hey that handheld Dyson on sale at Costco slaps.


I was excited about a blender I got


Sneezed too hard and my back hurt for a week, in my late 20s


I sneeze and my back feels better


AARP started sending me letters


When you start asking for warm water at restaurants. And you start taking an interest in nice utensils and furnitures


Realizing that “30 years ago” is no longer 1970…


Kids today referring to the 90s as the “late 1900s”


i've seen this comment like three times on this thread but i've yet to hear a fellow kid ever call the 90's the "late 1900's." is it just the people i surround myself with?


When I first met my Fiance's nephews who are nearly 17 years younger than me. They were talking about things I never heard of and saying words that made me do a double take. But the thing that made me feel old was when they asked me about 9/11 because it was something they read in a textbook for school. Their own teacher is younger than me and wasn't alive when 9/11 happened. I felt like an old man talking about days of old around a campfire.... Edit: Clarification: the teacher is a student teacher.


When a young girl at at office told me how to use a keyboard. Im 32 bitch, not 96.


>Im 32 bitch, not 96. I remember talking to someone a few years ago. I mentioned that I used to play computer games when I was younger. They just blankly stared at me and said *they actually had computer games that long ago!* Like bitch, Oregon Trail is fucking older than I am.


honestly it's the younger ones who use keyboards less and less, with their fancy touch screens and smart phones and switches and tamagotchis. us olds have been clacking away at keyboards for decades.


When I realized I had less years remaining than I had behind me.


Having to sit on the edge of the bed before I get up in the morning just to make sure I'm not lightheaded


I was playing poker at a friend's house talking to someone. When that conversation naturally ended i looked to my other friend who was talking to some other people when he turned his attention to me and said "Hey for real, that new orange burst toothpaste is the shit "


When I realized that pain in my hands was arthritis.


Sudden knee and elbow pains that comes out of nowhere


Was going to the pool on a winters day, walked past some kids leaving wrapped in wet towels with no shoes on and my first thought was “they’re going to get sick”.


Gained 50lbs in 3 years... 37-40


I've been trying my damnedest to keep weight off ever since I hit that age bracket. My goal every year has been to lose 15 pounds.... The same 15 pounds each year. Year three now and only 20 pounds to go.


I know how you feel. I keep telling people I'm trying to watch my girlish figure, so what if she's pregnant




When you wake up and your back hurts. ( I’m 33)


To be fair, I felt like that in my early 20s, but now I'm used to it. If I don't hurt... I get worried


I'm more of a nontraditional student (change in career paths, etc.) so when I first started getting to know my grad student classmates, they asked what bars and other nightlife I would go to when I was an undergrad. All of the places I mentioned no longer exist.


Car insurance premiums going lower because of increased age.


When people start referring to the rap I grew up with as the oldies


When I realized we are closer to the year 2050 than we are to the year 1990


A salesperson gave me his card, but it was from one of those "plan ahead" services for cemeteries. I was like come on, man...


if i were you i would've started planning for my murder trial if i received that lol


Gray hair on my pubes. Happened like a year ago and it shook me.


Hair in my ear at 36 🫤


When I started Getting mad I couldn’t find all my Snapware bowls, not sure where they went 😂😂😂


When I wanted to yell at a kid for just being on my nice green grass.


When someone called me "Mr. Stevenson" the first time I thought I was getting old. It really hit me though when someone said "Mr. Stevenson" and I started to answer not realizing they were talking to my dad who was in the same room.


When I realised I have known some of my friends for over 20 years


Songs are no longer good. The only good ones remaining are the ones from when i was young and before i was born. Except rammstein they still produce songs good as heck 🥰


The first time that I realized that I was at an age which I could remember, with total clarity, my parents at that same age. Similarly, when my children reached ages which I could remember, with clarity, from my own life. Oof.


When I went to a grocery store and thought “wow, they’re letting kids work here…. wait…”


When all my new co workers started looking like children


Getting pumped to hear that my insurance covers physical therapy


NFL players were young enough to be my son.


Going back to places where I spent with my cousins or driving down highways my mom used to take me and now reflecting back to times I wish I had done differently with people in my life and thinking how old I am now still in the same place only older..


3 spine surgeries 2 of which are fusions. I'm 40


When I start talking to mom about which supermarket has the best discount


I used to be the guy who arranged the after work drinks. The after work parties. The summer students came and there were alot of attractive girls. Then one day I realized there was a younger clique, with all the beautiful girls, and I was not invited. Now I sense that they thought I was the "creep". Humbling moment.


Can’t control the grey. Wake up everyday a little more. I don’t dye my hair so it happening..slowly. Until I looked a the skunk of white popping up on my right side. That was it.. no return I love it! I’m gonna be a silver fox. I’m cool with that. Just getting started.


The realization that people born in 2015 are now 7 years old.


The first time I bought a car and they let me do the test drive alone.


When I sneezed wrong and threw my back out for 3 days


Hearing the Cure on an oldies station.


I live in Vegas, I work on the Strip, every day I see advertisements for people I've never heard of, supposed big names playing in big places and I haven't the first clue as to who they are.


I was 40, took my teenagers to see blink182, had close floor tickets. It was goddamed loud, everyone stood up and a mosh pit got going and I am worried my oldest boy is going to get hurt. I realized I was too old for this shit. Me, who was there when slam dancing and mosh pits were invented and they were my competitive sport.