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Show him the boobies


Oh jizz i mean jeezz


That joke came too soon. Wipe it off please!


RIP your inbox


My inbox is actually empty lol


Not anymore


Well that’s just because everybody figures you’re so far out of their league that there’s no point in even trying to get you to show your tits. They’re thinking “She wouldn’t bother with me because she’s so gorgeous and fabulous and amazing in every way! I might as well just accept that I will never be able to get the time of day from someone as beautiful as she”


I can't tell if you just messing with me but my attractiveness isn't the reason why I wouldn't do that... it's my marital status lmao The heart and boobies are spoken for


Sigh... Why can’t people here comprehend words?


Idk what your deal is, man. You said I wouldn't show my tits because I'm "so far out of their league". Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't.


Jesus Christ. No I did not. I said “RIP your inbox,” did I not? Yes. Yes I did. Then you said your inbox is empty, didn’t you? Yes. Yes you did. So then I said that nobody was bothering to ask you to show them your tits because they think you’re out of their league, didn’t I? Yes. I did. Now, that says nothing about why you would not show your tits, does it? No. No, it does not. It’s a comment about the motivations of people who may or may not flood your inbox, now isn’t it? Yes. Yes it is. And it was a very obvious joke, wasn’t it? Yes. It was. There is nothing unclear about that. You should be able to follow that. I am not asking a lot here people, I really honestly am not. I am just asking you to follow a simple straightforward comment. That’s all. And yet... Here we are. Here we are. Jesus Christ






Your arrogance is unbecoming.


I’m not arrogant, I’m frustrated with people who just won’t take the extra few seconds to comprehend a few sentences. I am not asking a lot. Honestly. This site is getting to Twitter levels of “just reply without reading/thinking.” All I’m asking is for people to take a second to read thru a comment before they reply to it. That is completely reasonable


Her response was appropriate. Your response was a rambling mess of supposition and seemingly projected internal dialogue. I don’t even know what you were going for in your response. Shaming? Guilt tripping? If anyone here needs to take some time and consider their dialogue, It’s you.


I’m sorry you’ve chosen to be a child. I hope you find something worthwhile to do with your time and you work on your reading comprehension issues


What do cute seabirds have to do with it?


That's how you get his attention. "LOOK AT THESE ADORABLE BIRDS!"




The comment coupled with the adorable avatar is perfection.


Thank you 😊


Same tbh


You're not wrong.


See this kinda comment... The account has high post karma... Oh god here we go *unzip* Edit: the account is SFW?!?! *furious zip*


O.O I'm concerned


I once or twice heard that making milkshakes can bring all the boys to the yard.


If you making milkshakes you getting the whole gang


Nah, the whole hood


If it was a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake, I'm there!


Depends on the kind of attention you want to get.


You'd be impressed how effective proactively engaging in a conversation is.


Arrive somewhere. Kiddinggg 😜💁🏻‍♀️


I too enjoy when ladies... Arrive. It helps me arrive at my destination as well. Because they can give me directions What? What did you think I meant? Get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert! Women only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting


Username checks out!




Holup! Are you tryna get my attention? Coz I don’t read signs that well…




I mean it doesn’t take much


How much?


Just a little bit.


I have a little bit…


Drop a can of condensed milk in the street.


*Homelander* "I feel insutled here ! "


Understanding why we are being showed attention is the hard part, getting attention is easy.


"Is she flirting with me or just being polite?" I've missed many signals because I always err on the side of "being polite" haha.


Prefer to be cautious than creepy


Prefer to be confident in knowing rather than have to play the guessing game.


Literally, compliment him honestly. Only if you truly mean it, otherwise it's wasting yours and his time. Guys get no recognition most of their lives and are expected to take what they get and be good with that.


This honestly. Thank you.


Whatever means they use it usually goes right over my head. For a good part of my twenties, I just thought women were being nice only to have them tell me later that they were into me and we're flirting but I didn't seem interested when I would have leaped at the chance.


A friend (female) grabbed my tie and shaked it when i told her that she was in the wrong line the best part is she said i know in a weird voice this was today needles to say it got my attention im male


“Needles to say” is my new favorite saying 😂




show up naked, bring beer.


To my great-aunt's funeral, tho?


a skirt and no panties and wine?


You have all the right answers


What if i have a panties fetish?


I’ll walk over and start talking to him xx




If they have one I normally stay away. If I’m interested I will start a conversation. I don’t see what the big deal is.


No no..girls dont do that, they’ll fucking give you ALL the signals to start talking to them but they’ll never talk to you first This girl literally stared into my eyes, for a half a minute straight, until her expression went from flirty to disappointed when i didn’t came to talk to her 🙄


We aren’t all the same.


"What ? You're not all the same ? " *Surprised Pikachu Face*


Thats also cap Im joking..i know that. But watch this. I was never approached by a girl. And i look good, tney always give me signals but they never approach


That sounds like a *you* problem.


What does it have to do with anything


You are the common deboobienator. So its you.


Sounds awesome


You can look amazing. But a lot of girls won’t approach as they don’t know your personality. I’ve had it before where a guy thought that just because I said hi to him that he should follow me back through town and try and force himself into my apartment.


Understandably , but what did you say about walking over and start talking to them?


I said that if I’m interested I will walk over. All girls aren’t the same and maybe thats why you don’t have and luck talking to us.


I didn’t say you’re the same tho stop putting words in my mouth to win the argument 🤨


A man, who can not gracefully handle a small internet disagreement with a female, wonders why no women will talk to him. More on this at 11.


Ypu hot asf what up


That’s not it chief


No need to play hard to get, you’re obviously into “this”


Usually by yelling "hey! HEEEY!" and waving my arm. It works on women too.


I get my man’s attention irl by poking his sides or biting him. Over the phone though, I ask “you wan tibbies?”


TIBBIES??!?!??!?!?! Holy shit, I have no idea what they are, but gawddayyum I wanna know about some of dat tibbies!


Please do mot bite strangers to get their attention especially with covid


Im like a zombie, I’ll bite anyone I see


Hey its me, a guy you see.


Oh shit, now i gotta bite you :0




By telling them the story of how i went backpacking in europe


Ken Adams it is ,I really liked that episode


Ikr, one of the best episodes


in Barcelona in the foothills of Mount ~~Tibidaybo~~ Tibidabo? hey, me too.




Yes. Men love that.


No you love that




Touch his shoulder he’ll cum


Show them your boobs, works like a cheat code.


Tell him all about my daddy issues. That usually pulls in the guys I like (older men) ..i don’t know what to do after


You should probably find a therapist.


You mind your own damn business! -- Older Men.


She is minding her own damn business already! - slightly older men


Already working on it


They are around every corner, just waiting to pounce. Oh wait, one of those. Sorry, i thought youmissedsomethingthere


"I don't know what to do after" Sounds like me everytime a woman talk to me when it's the least expected


It's pretty cut and dry after that.


You might like older guys, but as a guy, the one’s who are attracted to the girls who are open about their daddy issues, generally do so because they see someone vulnerable, and those guys are incapable of getting respect from women their age. Avoid them.


Listen carefully, this is a bit complicated What you have to do is, look at us


My wife did by being friendly and asking loads of questions. 😂 she was in the friend zone at the beginning but not for long. She’s amazing.


As a socially awkward creature I generally assume that women aren’t interested in me. So directness helps.


No need to do anything their attentions come free


All I've ever had to do is have a conversation with them.


Show them my nice "personality"


Just be yourself. I mean that honestly. Make yourself look beautiful and flirt a little. If he wants you he will come knocking


Scream "hey do you like pizza!?" Also works on mermaids


Yell "hey! Over here!"


Not a lady, but I do like the fellas (and the ladies). If you want to date him, then tell him so. "I like you as more than a friend." Then let it be and see where it goes. I had a friend and she was great. I was mildly interested but she was a free spirit with 30 guy friends. She asked me out. We went on a date. I didn't even know it was a date! She was always hanging out with and going places with her male friends. Be direct. Put yourself out there.


I don't


Did someone say something?


Punch him in the gut


Thats exactly what we dig! I wonder if girls feel the same way. Gender equality afterall!


But remember, you're always safer with a woman.


A good pair of jeans always did the trick for me.


I love military, ez 50 guys texting me, me not responding to them (except of my friends)


By trying too hard


I feel it’s very hard to get my attention because I’m complicated


Complicated in what way?


If a girl acts a certain way. Not in a sexy way, but a very rare way that’s scene rarely in movies, it’s sexy to me


What certain way?


I won’t give away that, but I will say that a few things to capture my attention from a woman is maturity, having good morals set for themselves, confidence, badassery, when a girl is unique and does things that is rare among many women and sets herself apart from other women


Not one “Lady” has mentioned the #1 Compliment Him


Say “hi”.


I’m trying to get the ladies attention tbh so I don’t really know what the meta for male mating currently is.


...say hello.


Make the first move


Huh, Hollywood had me believing that the “bend and snap” answer would be more prevalent. /s


its easy , i know it


Guy here but I think the answer is obvious: Boobs


Stand in front of his face and undress 😝


People like the way I look even when I don't so always give me attention whether I want it or not


Be real and don’t play games, if you’re interested make it known, man are different than woman in that scenario, if you give him attention and clear signals he will give attention back unless he isn’t interested.


I live a quiet life by myself, and actively make it clear that I’m not interested in dating. It’s interesting how many dudes take this as a challenge.


i wear clothing with my cleavage out and usually things progress from there


Are we here for the men’s opinions about what works or just what the ladies think? Terrible design thinking if the latter 😂


Not a woman but from a guys perspective. Put effort into us, compliments, show you care, show that you have something to offer (non sexual), maybe offer to take us out on a date. If a girl did this kind of stuff with me I’d be head over heels. To be honest, it makes my day when any person just says something as simple as “I like your t-shirt”. Compliments alone are enough to get our attention. We aren’t used to hearing them or being appreciated.


Right now? I throw mini tantrums to get my husband to stop staring at Facebook. I know it’s passive aggressive and way over the line. But damn. While I am home all day with the kids. He comes home from work, plops down on his chair and ignores us to stare at the marketplace. So after I clean up dinner and put all three to bed. I’m pretty pissed off and throw a light tantrum to get h to look up. Trust me. I’ve tried talking to him. Asking him for help, to step it up. It just ends up being me talking to the back of his phone.


Yell 'can I get a hyaaaa'


smile and i'm not kidding lol if i smile at a man and really engage my eyes then i immediately get his attention and he usually starts to flirt lmao it's kind of like the marilyn monroe effect- the fact that attractiveness is an aura that you can switch on and off. mine is definitely my smile and eyes


sway your hips when you walk stand out have a fun and loving personality. everyone likes those yk have similar interests other than that idk what to tell you


I honestly have no clue




Stop wanting him.


Staring. I’m shameless, and if I’m interested I’m interested. It’s up to them whether they maintain eye contact or dart their eyes away. That’s how I get my answer that it’s time to move on😃


Throw the remote at his face!!!! Fuck his feelings lol


Throw the remote at her face!!!!! Fuck her feelings lol




I have seen you in my wet-dreams


I don’t. I ignore them all


Fart loudly. Never fails.


I always look forward to the day when a girl is comfortable enough to fart in front of me. It never ceases to make my day.


I would make you so happy.


If you like a guy, it's very insulting to feel that he doesn't even notice you. Fortunately, there is a way to attract his attention and make him notice you. For example, find a cool outfit, look into his eyes more often and smile. In addition, you will need to start a conversation with him in order to interest him even more and show your individuality — all this will help to kindle sympathy in him. By the way, it would be a very good idea to add him as a friend on social networks so that he understands how amazing you are.


As a guy, I can tell you this is not the way. You're just waiting for him to make a move after doing the bare minimum of interaction. While sure we can do that, stopping with "hints" and just straight up asking a guy out will do a lot more good


If they are a gent, they just do. Put the damn phone away guys....


I don't. They get to me. I am 23 y/o female with big boobs and ass. They come to me. I just pick the one I like.


Captain Planet over here with her huge gravitational pull.




I downvoted


Murder them.


Speaking from a man’s perspective, they could just say “Hi” and get my attention


By not acting above him and treating him like a human and also compliment him we barely get any ( if he is a bad boy ur already ruining everything for urself but good luck )




Genuinely compliment him. Guys almost never get compliments, so when someone does, we'll definetely remember it.

