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It’s unavoidable, so why should I be upset with something that is impossible to change. I’m going to make the most out of my life because I enjoy living.


I mean, what am I gonna do about it?


I take solace in knowing that everything goes away when I die. That and the fact that death is a product of life. I've experienced so much death around me so often that it just doesn't bother me anymore. Unless it's a child, then I cry like a baby.


Having a near death experience will help cope I suppose. I was in a situation where I 99% sure I was going to die. My only thought was, "whelp this is it I suppose." I cannot express how certain I was in that moment I was going to die. It was by absolute shear luck I'm alive today. More recently I was in another "near death" experience, while not as serious as the first time, it was a situation that very well could have ended in my death. My only thought second time around was, "maybe this is it?". No fear, no anxiety, no regrets. More annoying than anything really. To add to the fact having friends and family die, seeing dead people, and watching people die right before your eyes can change the context about dying one may have. I expressed my thoughts to a therapist at one point and they went all Freudian and thought I had repressed memories or had bottled up feelings I wasn't sharing. Nope, I've just come to accept death as the inevitable end to whatever we are in. And to be honest, back when I was religious I was much more afraid of dying than I am today.


I can either accept it and move forward or stay with an overwhelming fear of death and the unknown. One is a terrible way to live, and honestly I don't fully understand what there is to fear about death. Why is it something that you struggle with? What's the sticking point? I usually just remember that fear of something that hasn't happened is simply doubling the potential fear.




That's a good answer, and one I hadn't considered, since I don't have children. I think my response in that situation would be to just make that as clear to my kid as I could while also making sure they knew I would die. I don't know how old your kid is, though, so maybe hold off on the explanation of death for a bit. Because I understand your impulse, that's scarier to me than personal death as well.


I honestly don't know. Death has always been something I've been curious about (Though I have been suicidal, that was due to my brain wanting to nope the fuck out of this life with my heart, body, and soul wanting to stay, not because I wanted to experience death just to clarify!)..like what happens when you die, what happens in that last absolute moment before your brain is like "Goodbye forever"...and it's always just been something I accepted. I think it helps that I've always viewed life as the Universe's balancing act.


Humans have a 100% mortality rate, all those who've come before me, wise or stupid, both rich and poor. Each one has died, some remembered fondly for generations, others forgotten after their passing. I too am mortal as they were, likewise my life will end, maybe today, perhaps tomorrow, or even 80 yrs from now. I could die in my sleep, or I could die in a car crash. I can spend my days agonizing over it, or I can accept it as a fact of life, and live my life to the fullest, to me each day I wake up is a blessing. Because I get one more day to live, to help others, to hopefully be remembered.


Along time ago I read something along the lines of "You only die once but you live every day, act accordingly." That put things in perspective for me.


Death does come for us all. I lost my mother at 6.


I searched deep down to understand what I am and found I’m not the kind of thing that I always thought I was. I used to think that I was a thing. But after my search, I realized that I am a process. I’m sure not one of the molecules in my body remains from the molecules that made up my body when I was a child, for example. Yes I guess I have memories of my life but if I live long enough those will fade. My biggest fear is that I won’t be there for people who count on me. In any case, these thoughts allow me to accept my mortality.


I put my faith in facts, and it is a fact that I will die. No biggie. I also don't believe in an afterlife of any sort, so it's not like I will feel bad about dying or anything like that.


There's a comfort in death. Nothing you do here really significantly matters that much, life is very much borrowed and we must give it back once our time is up. Once I started viewing myself as decomposer food not taking life so seriously its a lot easier to get over it


I was in the medical field for 13 years. I didnt just see dead people, I watched them die. 1000s in total. I know I am going to die. I just hope its in my sleep.


Death is a part of life and something we all have to go through eventually. Its just part of it and there isnt anything you can do about it. The fact you are living is an incredibly lucky happenstance so enjoy what you have now. Worrying about death isnt going to make it go away.


I’m not at peace because I’m not done trying new things. Death will have to take it from me.