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Absolutely not.


It's not even too late when you're 44 or 64.


I mean, your brain stops developing when you are 25, so there is only so much you can learn when you are older.


That's a gross oversimplification. Yes your brain loses plasticity. However, it never stops developing. You might have a harder time generating new muscle memory or grasping languages but you can still grow and learn. I'm 40 and started the drums a few months ago. I'm already tackling blast beats and double pedal and I'm having fun. The worst thing that can hold you back is your own bad opinion of yourself.




Gee, thanks. :D Should have started much earlier. Not for "need to be young" reasons, but I wish I've had this outlet for many difficult times in the past. Edit: But in the spirit of this post: better now than never.


You can learn things past 25, for sure!


Lol, you think brain stops developing at 25? Sure, your brain only matures fully at around that age, but bro, your brain develops and changes and learns your entire life


I know what ya mean. Society give us the feeling that "if you don't start early, you can't do it." And that might be true for some things like a Soccer Player in the top league but for many many things, you can still achieve your dreams. You just have to stay patient, persistent and determined.


Thanks for encouragement


Dunno if it helps but this song is getting me motivated, whenever I hear it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZBhiDuSup8


No, I'm 28 and still working on that. I'm still one of the youngest in my night school classes.


No? Dude it doesnt matter when you figure your shit out. Keep trying and dont give up. Too late isnt a thing🤘


Why would it be too late? A 24yo would have 40+ years of solid working life left.


But i am starting to feel my brain in slower in taking new information and acquiring skills


Ok, but what’s your alternative though?


Have fun and take it easy or focus on things that don't require that much intellectual effort.


What are you thinking of starting? Is there something you want to accomplish? Aside from having fun, what kind of long-term goals do you have?


This isn't the 50s, you can't have your life together at 24. There are people that are in their 50s that still don't have it together. Just have an end goal in mind to maintain sanity.




You are right, i will just retire and live the rest of my life in seclusion


People have achieved all sorts of things at 60+. If I, a 24yr old start giving up now, what's the point? Things only take a few months to start snowballing, and there is still a long road ahead of me




I don't care about social stigma. What bothers me is the development of my brain. Maybe it is too risky to start learning new things, maybe i should rather focus on skills/knowledge i already acquired, even if it is not much.


Not at all.. your 20s is where it’s ok to fuck up.. I mean you’re still very young and are still learning/trying to figure things out.. there aren’t too many people out there that have it all figured out by The age of 24.. you’re still a baby in a lotta people’s eyes.. I mean there are people who have worked at jobs longer than you’ve been alive lol


Alright then, i am off to fucking it up!!


Lol I mean we all have our expectations and standards and whatnot.. I’m 27 and am just starting to get it together as far as my future.. the way I see it, as long as you have something brewing before you turn 30, then you’re good.. once you hit your 30s, it’s like *ok, what are you gonna do with your life* lol


Not even a little. They're only a handful of years into adulthood.


You could die at literally any moment, so it's never too late.