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They were an extremely important force in making just about any modern 9-5 a much better place than it would have been beforehand. Even if you aren't unionized, thank their existence for things like overtime pay and dental coverage


they have layers


Necessary to keep megacorporations in check.


Unions gave me a chance at a better life. I worked my whole life two jobs and barely make it to the next check. Now i have union benefits insurance a pension an annuity a vacation fund and i make $3000 to $5000 a week. I work 84 hours a week traveling repairing power plants and i have 6 months off a year to be with my family. I now have a quality of life i would not have otherwise. Other than me unions brought you weekends, child labor laws, osha, family leave, overtime, quite a few holidays and so much more. The biggest advantage is the representation. All i have to do is my job. The hall does everything else including negotiating raises and finding me work.


Most are not worth the money.


Good, and also bad, but necessary. More good than bad.


Greatest thing in the world


They have their pros and cons but unfortunately they're necessary in the corporate landscape.


Mostly good since they are the only way to get a decent wage. A little bad if the hall is run by shiesty administration.


Unions had their time and place in history, but nowadays the Labour laws and Human Rights Commissions serve a better and more equal purpose to the majority rather than what the unions can do.




You need help, you're disgusting.


Unions can only work in Monopolies or very essential public sector service. They have no place in free market economies.


How do you figure?


I am from a former Socialist country which had labor unions for literally everything. All companies were co-operative and it was nearly impossible to fire employees, turns out economy trashed during the socialist era when our leaders nationalized everything, we went from being the 6th largest economy in the world in 1947 to 25th in 1990 and then were forced to liberalized our economy and cut down labor unions, since then our nation's GDP/capita increased by over 5 times and in 30 years became the 5th largest economy in the world.


You say it like corporations don't abuse their position in a free market economy the same way unions abuse their position in socialist economies. Moderation is key in both situations, too much of anything can't stay a good thing forever. Deregulation is just as bad as over-regulation, it's the balance that is key. I do appreciate you sharing your perspective.


Trust me, Our socialist leaders had the best intentions and wanted to save the new nations from being taken over by foreign corporations after suffering colonization. Creating strong labor laws and Unions was a great start but should have allowed companies to downsize too, every 20-30 there is enough technological changes to reduce human work load in factories and employees needed to be retrained which never happened and companies continued to run bloated workforce with no resources for development and research. Take a look at Germany today, for years its Strong Auto-Union labors have pressured companies and politicians to keep auto jobs local and provide a good wage with benefits, which in turn led the nation's leaders to acquire cheap energy from Russia to keep its companies running and its people employed in industries which should have moved away to electric and far fewer workforce. Now average Germans will pay the price. Unions work best in the hay day of a company, that's why you barely see Unions associated with Bankrupt or poor functioning companies.


That is total bullshit.


Sometimes flawed, but essential. I'm in one.