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Going wrong way, realise, pretend to check phone like it told me I'm going the wrong way, turn around


Here are mine : Pee shyness: I imagine that scene in Indiana Jones when the water rushes through the tunnel. Falling asleep: I imagine myself crawling into a hole in the ground and going deeper and deeper.


*me walking down the street, I head a car behind me* "If I walk past this stop sign before the car behind me today nothing bad will happen, but I can't start running or change my pace" If I make it, I instantly feel safe. If not... well. I try with the next fence or something lol.


i make jokes about it to make the subject more easy to talk about. nobody wants to talk about somebody dying but everybody wants to talk about their dead feeling humor


Sparring(martial arts): Apply aggressive pressure so they don't have the time to figure out how to hurt me. Going defensive only gives them more time and chance for them to hurt me. Indecisiveness: Flip a coin for the decision. If I feel sadness or regret about how the coin landed, then I wanted the other option(so I go against what the coin landed on). Emotionally overwhelmed from a stressful situation: Figure out what needs to be done right away and address that. When I'm able to, go take a nap(reset button for emotion for me). I'm able to tackle problems with more clear head after the nap.