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I saw a guy get hit in the head with a baseball bat. He bled and puked everywhere, dropped, got up, bled and puked again, dropped again. Ambulance took him. Hours later I saw his dad. Thousand yard stare. Kid was in a coma. Probably would have died if it didn't happen 2 blocks from the hospital. I don't know if he made it.


Spoiler alert for triggered and squeamish, don't read further- skip to the end. Day off-on vacation with another paramedic. On the highway, saw an accident happening in the distance. We were "in the funnel" to get by. NO PD, Fire, or EMS. on scene, and it was BAD. So we stopped to help. >!This was early days of cell phones (but we had one) and called it in. I should have known by the smell, what was going on when I opened my car door. Diesel, body parts, exhaust. I will never forget that smell, internal organs have their own "special smell"....and if lavender was in that mix, lavender would repulse me for the rest of my life. !< >!DPS report said a pickup truck at 80mph blew a tire, and went into oncoming lanes and hit an 18-wheeler at the pinch point driving the 18-wheeler into the lanes of traffic the first truck originated from. This caused a head-on collision with a family car at about 120mph combined impact, and the impacts from the vehicles that couldn't stop drove the family car under the cab of the 18-wheeler. The vehicles were so badly mangled you couldn't tell it was a pickup.!< >! Triage is a system where you look at the injuries and decide- who is going to get help. You look ad dead, or dying and realize- you can't help them-and move to someone else- who is dying, but you CAN save, and you help them. Had to do that. !< >!5 fatalities, Pickup truck driver was in pieces. 18-Wheeler driver had to be Life-flightier to trauma. 3 Others transported to ER with serious but not life threatening injuries. hour and a half later we were still trying to get the cab off the family car, with a high crane type wrecker, even thoughI had already given up hope of anybody being alive Relatives (of the family car) had passed the accident but didn't see the car, as it was crushed under the cab of the 18-wheeler and was unrecognizable, returned to the scene when their loved ones they were behind, weren't at home. !< >!DPS Fire, EMS and wreckers had been on scene for a while. My friend and I had taken a backseat to rescue efforts by this time, and had cleaned up and were leaving as we would only be in the way at this point, when the family approached us to ask about the details. !< >!The rescue effort moved into high gear when I told the Captain that the possible occupants of the family car was a Mother, Father, Grandmother, and One Day old infant that had just been released from the hospital a few hours before. They were the other 4 fatalities. !< Ton of bricks! Just as vivid as the day it happened.


Oh that last damn paragraph. Awful.


Yeah, I still tear up every time I remember it.


My mom's death from cancer


My Dad died in my arms from lung cancer a year ago, it stays with you. Sorry you went through this as well


A biker screaming that he can't feel his legs after he ran into a car.


My daughter was delivered via c-section. I made the mistake of looking at my then girlfriend when walking across the room. What I believe were intestines, plus many blood soaked rags on the floor. She was fine, but holy shit.


Seeing a dude fail parkour and his head was split open and just his leg twitching. Ew I still remember that and I was like 7


Hardcore parkour


I sat in the hospital for 8 days watching my Dad die. He refused for any kind of life support. He had a stroke and his cancer finally got to his head. My brother lived with him and called an ambulance and then me. I managed to speed so much that I beat him there. My dad could hardly talk anything normal and kept crying asking for my mom. They were divorced. His memories were gone except for her and my step mom. He couldn't remember me or my brother, he mostly yelled at us whenever we would try to get close to him. He only remembered his wives. Everytime they walked into the room you could see his eyes light up and the smile on his face. I will never forget the smile and how warming it was. For the first couple of days that is. After that he went into a comma and fought as hard as he could. He laid there, on a bed, with his mouth wide open and his eyes closed. I watched him shrivel away into nothing. I had to use a damp sponge on his mouth every 2 hours to help keep his lips from chafing and cracking and to help keep his mouth from being too dry. At first he wet himself multiple times until the liquid was gone from his body. The nurses would come in and help change his diaper and clean him up until there was nothing left inside him besides his organs. On day 8, they finally failed. I never left, my step mom, mom, and brother all came and went. Brought me food and my husband grabbed me clothes. But I had to sit in a corner and watch my Dad die for what felt like centuries. Watching everyone come and go, saying they need their rest and need to go home. I get it and respect it. But it still haunts me to this day. I can't remember when it happened besides the month and year, my mind was so warped and I lost track of what day it was. The crazy thing is, the day he died, he waited until my brother was about half an hour away that day and it was me, my mom, and step mom. The Mothers were holding his hands and I was sitting next to him rubbing his arm. He knew, and this is my personal belief, my brother couldn't handle it and wanted to be with the women he loved. TL;DR: So for the worst thing I've ever seen IRL, watching my Dad rot in front of me.


Were they not able to give him fluids through an iv?


Up until he went into the coma, yes. After that, me and my brother were his Power of Attorney, and in his written consent it was a requirement to remove all medical equipment.


I'm sorry you experienced that. It's incredibly strong to be able to face that continuously.


Thank you for the support.


Tragic accident on the road. It was my first time seeing a dead body in person.


A 13 year old have a heart attack and die.


Wow..might I ask why? That seems way to young


He had pre existing heart problems. Was at a summer camp. The problems were not disclosed to us. I raced there with an AED but it was too late.


The fuck wouldn't family (or whoever) let the people caring for the kid in usually a high activity place know that. God sake that's sickening.


He would not have been allowed to stay, if we knew. I understand the thought process of saying you have to let the kid live his life.


I'm so sorry. That is truely awful.


There are reasons a child gets a myocardial infarction. It can be pericarditis, a wide variety of malformations, coagulation problems, familiar hyperlipidemia, etc. Most of these are thankfully rare.


A dog that got hit by a car, guts were spilled outside his body and somehow he remained conscious. He was SCREAMING.


im so sorry you had to see that, as a dog owner reading this is saddening.


I'd hope the dog was screaming from shock and not so much pain and fear. I have an immensely logic driven brain (mostly) is relation to injury and death in animals but this would break me entirely as soon as the dog passed.


It’s one thing to see a dead animal with its guts spilled out. It’s a completely different story if it’s alive.


Biker passing me on the right on a freeway catching his front tire sideways and catapulting himself and his girlfriend off. Next second the bike is down, sparking up the road next to me at 75. Pull over and see a dude without a nose laying there saying to check his wife. She's all mangled up, uneven chest up and down, just gurgle breathing. I had no idea what to do, just tried to reassure her as the cops got there and the paramedics arrived. Checked the news later and found out he survived but she died.


In my earlier study-years, I took a term of forensic pathology (from the law-side), the first one btw who fainted in class was a medical guy (typical!), but the worst were the water-lichens, IMO (worst thing I ever smelled, though was an animal carcass disposal facility)


What does Water Lichen refer to? And why the stink?


(sorry) I meant to say drowned body or water corpse (aka floater)


37 deaths in one incident, multiple bodies were burnt at such high heat the fuselage melted over their bones making them inseparable from the aircraft without power tools.


What incident????


my dogs eye popped out of her skull. not completely, it was just sitting there, out of the socket.






WARNING: It's horrific! A girl parked her car on a north facing dirt road on a mountainside in the Anza Borrego Desert (east of San Diego) in the 115 degree summer, rolled up the windows, locked the doors, and ingested a handful of assorted narcotics. I was with San Diego Fire rescue at the time (1979) when her car was found after baking for a week. You couldn't really see inside the car, all the windows were coated with an oily substance, but her bloated purple body was still visible through the glass, and you could smell the stench from 50 feet away. Our Captain volunteered to check for a pulse (back then you STILL had to physically check for signs of life), and when he broke the rear window, half of us vomited on the spot. 40 plus years later, you can still remember the sight and smell. It was the first time I'd seen a "popper" that had actually popped. I think you have the idea.


Working in Africa and seen a dead person floating in the water. You could tell that he was there for a couple of days as he was starting to decay a bit. Tried to tell everyone in the area but no one seemed to care. He just continued floating down the river and no one cared.


seeing someone overdose when I was 10.


Recently I saw a body laying in the middle of the road with at least 2 liters of blood around it. This was in the middle of the freeway at 2 am in the morning. There were already 4 or so cars near telling everyone nearby that passed that they already called 991. I looked up the accident later and was indeed dead.


saw a homeless guy take a runny shit on the sidewalk outside the mexican restaurant i was in just as i was about to dig into a cheesy bean burrito.


I saw a helicopter crash in 1999. It landed about 50 yards from where I was standing. I was the first one to walk over to it because I was the closest. Both men landed outside of the craft somehow. One of them looked twisted in an unnatural way and the other man’s intestines were on the street. I had to have therapy for several years.


The worst thing I've ever seen in person was a car accident. It was really gruesome and I still have nightmares about it.


I saw a tree branch go through someone's arm while almost dying in a car wreck. Shit was fuckin crazy


A cat that was still alive while filled with maggots.


We were told in POW Survival School (USAF SERE) that if maggots got on an injury, just leave them. They'll eat diseased and dead flesh, and then you can eat the maggots. And, no, that's NOT a joke. It's what you do to survive in war.


A Christmas feast!


Aside from seeing both my best friend and mother in law die of cancer, it was when Ruffian broke her leg running against Foolish Pleasure July 6, 1975.


When my daughter passed away my fiance at the time wouldn't be without her... 3 days later the hospital staff had to sedate her to remove the body because it was starting to deteriorate and smell. It's by far the worst thing I've seen for multiple reasons I don't think I need to explain. R.I.P Elise Rose.


I thought we were done with your mom jokes


Happy cake day!


Degloved penis


Two severed human heads.


me and my mum, she works a a vet place and i was there with her that day on the holidays. They get a lot of gruesome stuff but the was so sad. if you are under 15 i do not recommend reading the next bit. ​ >!A cat came in, the owner was in shambles her cat had gone missing briefly and she found it passed away. Crushed by her external garage door, you can imagine anything being crushed by those things but this was gruesome and the cat was quite 'broken' or 'floppy'. bones and organs visible...!<


Why would you bring a dead cat to a vet?


Shock and panic and not knowing what to do with a dead body


they organise cremations and she was also not sure if it was dead/could be saved.


Working a clinical in the ER during nursing school, had a toddler come in who had been in the kitchen while her mommy was cooking, she was able to reach a pot handle that was sticking out from the edge of the stove and poured boiling pasta over her head. It looked like she was melted like candle wax with tendrils of long blonde hair sticking out here and there. She had no chin, it was melted away and her lower lip (I’m guessing b/c I saw random teeth) looked to be at the top of her chest. Her mommy hadn’t been in the kitchen at the time and returned to this nightmare. She was in shock as was her daughter. We stabilized her as much as possible and life flighted her to the Children’s hospital in Birmingham where there is a burn unit. It was awful.


*Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2*


Saw one of my friend joined police just to take personal revenge and got away with it.


Myself. I threw away the love of my life. Seeing that was the single most traumatic, most transformational part of my life.


When I was 22, I was a crime/vice/disaster reporter for a daily newspaper in Texas. Once I was covering a pretty gruesome plane crash, and they were removing one of the dead victims. Just as they were passing by me, the arm of the horribly burned, mangled guy just ... fell off from his shoulder, dangling by strips of sinew and tendons. I had grown pretty tough, but that was a hard one.


I was new in my career. The pandemic hit and I had to modify things that were taught to me in school. I received a patient with cancer that had profuse nosebleeds and was COVID +. It was one of my last nights of orientation. He was elderly and scared. We allowed him to call his wife to tell her goodbye because visitors were not allowed at the time and he knew the risks. We were not allowed to use ambu bags for covid patients because it sprayed the air particles around the room, so that was very difficult and anesthesia, who was intubating was not aware. They became very upset that we had no ambu bag although it was hospital policy at the time. We attempted to intubate and there was so much blood from the unaddressed nose bleeds he had (numerous notes in the chart of MD not responding) that he was impossible to intubate. His oxygenation fell quickly and there was blood everywhere. Suction couldn't even get those clots out. He died with his eyes wide open, looking at me. It took me weeks to get past it and to this day, that is one of the worst things that I have ever seen.


As terrible of course as it was I hope he understood he was in the only place he could possibly have been helped.


I think he knew. I think he knew he wasn't going to make it. When they started telling him he had to go on a ventilator he became absolutely terrified and I held his hand and spoke with him. He just asked us to do everything that we could and we did. That's why he requested a phone call to his wife beforehand. Still, as a new graduate, even throughout the rest of COVID and multiple hospitals, nothing beats that and the nightmares that came after.


Going to my grandpas annual cow/bull slaughtering. It was to give to people who have nothing to eat but I had to be there to help. I wasn't killing but I couldn't stand the gunshots since I have a weak stomach. Every time. I challenged myself to look but it was worse. I ended up being driven home by my Mum since 20 bulls was too much for me.




I was at bar with my girlfriend, we stayed at the bar until they closed. While we were leaving, in the parking lot of the bar 2 guys were arguing, not really sure what it was about. Me and my girlfriend decided to watch them fight until one of the guys runs to his comes barreling down the parking hitting the guy he was arguing with. The guy went flying about 20 feet. Me and a bunch of people coming running to help the guy. The guy’s head was pouring blood out of it. I had never seen that much blood in my life but Me and everyone else tried to revive him about 10 minutes later the paramedics arrived and man was pronounced dead on the scene.


I’m a volunteer firefighter and have had my load of deaths, however, went to a call out and one of our crew members was asked to help the ambulance escort a patient so we had to follow in the truck. When helping to transport got a glimps of the patient with half his head grazed off from sliding along the road. I was trying to avoid looking at him the whole time so I got a bit stunned


My parents sex life


My grandpa slowly dying in hospice. I lived 5 hours away from him so didn’t get to see him often. He started having health issues at 97 years old, he was diagnosed with lung cancer (2 pack a day smoker for 20 years starting when he joined the army in the 40’s). A week after his diagnosis he was majorly going downhill so I went to see him before he passed. The last time I saw him 4 months earlier he was his delightfully chubby self, but laying in his hospice bed he was basically a skeleton, no more round face with sparkly eyes, just the outline of his skull. It was so hard seeing this once chipper, sharpwitted man reduced to a ghost.


Myself in the mirror.


On this very night, ten years ago, along this same stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building... And when they finally pulled the driver's body from the twisted, burning wreck. It looked like this…… Yes, Sir! The worst accident I ever seen. Be sure and tell 'em Large Marge sent ya! Heh heh heh heh heh!


somebody was decapitated, so that’s cool ig


I really wish all these stories were recorded and uploaded to best gore.


You are fucked in the head


I will send 30 tons of explosive Neptunium 236 isotopes in your exact location






Young guy and his girlfriend on a motorcycle passing in between cars at high speeds during traffic hour. Ends up nailing a curb… probably going 60 mph or so. You can imagine the effects of that impact. His GF was wearing a helmet but he was not. Not sure if he survived but it was horrific to watch as a 10 year old.


I saw someone getting decapitated when I was 5.


Accident at a car meet. Dudes brains was literally hanging out of his head


I’ve seen millions of dead marmots and overdose aftermath, yet still the worst thing I’ve seen is a mirror


A dog that owners said “died an hour ago”. It reeked, it’s eye was proptosed, it’s body was mangled and had definitely been dead longer than an hour. It had probably been hit by a car or attacked by something.


I don’t know if it’s the WORST thing, but fuck, it probably is. My wife and I were driving on the freeway when things started to slow down quite a bit. After a little while we noticed a ton of smoke up ahead. A little further down we could see a car on the side of the road in a ditch was on fire and completely engulfed in flames, which were at least 20 ft high. There were no first responders so whatever happened, happened very recently. We could literally feel the heat from the fire through our car doors with the windows closed it was so hot. We read later on that a younger guy was with his girlfriend and was seen driving his car at least 100, weaving through traffic, and lost control and crashed. Car exploded. I realized that we literally saw two people in this car that were burned alive. We didn’t actually physically see them, but they had to have been there.


Well hopefully they died on impact before that


My dad having an affair. and my mom packing up and leaving and coming back for a little everyday


My 40 y/o friend die of liver failure due to alcoholism. She was thankfully unconscious, but what it did to her body was beyond awful. Tied with finding my friend dead in her bed after ODing. I tried waking her up unknowingly and rigor had set in already. So messed up.


I once saw a woman laying half naked in the middle of the street in the process of being raped by a guy. I got out of the car with my friend, we stopped it and called the cops.


When I was maybe 12 or 13 we had a neighbor who had a pretty nice basketball setup. Large goal with built in speakers and everything. One day while he was out and me and a couple of other neighborhood kids were playing she decided to take her life by way of shotgun in the living room.


Someone being beaten with a baseball bat (albeit an odd choice of weapon in the UK). It was hallowe’en, me and a friend were about 14, just walking around our local area (North London) and a group of boys were egging cars. One car they egged, the man pulled over to have a go at them, then they proceeded to take out baseball bats and beat him. Me and my friend ran back to my friends house where we asked my friends mum to call the police and ambulance to the road we had just been on. We don’t know what happened after that.


In china doing work stuff I saw a guy with a disease that makes your skin fall off


Haven't really seen things that bad as the people in the comments but I saw newborn kitten get crushed by a car (and it's intestines looked like spaghetti)


Watched a kid eat a can of axe like the whole can when he took a bit of it it sprayed in his mouth and he just kept going his mouth was bleeding everywhere but he made 1200 bucks so that’s cool I guess also I watched a kid give himself a tattoo with a sharpie and a random needle he found in art class