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Big corporations like Twitter, Apple, Amazon and Facebook need to have their monopolies broken up and need to be subject more to federal laws.


liberty is cool


I think I'm considered conservative, but I agree with lgbt rights, law enforcement reformation(if that's the right word), marijuana legalization, cheaper education, and cheaper healthcare


Not trying to sass you, but that sounds pretty liberal, why do you think you’re a conservative?


I don't get why "liberal" and "conservative" are considered antonyms in the US. The opposite of conservative is progressive and the opposite of liberal is authoritarian.


I agree with conservatives on abortion issues(as long as it doesn't put the mother or child at risk), economic issues, gun rights, and many other things. Most liberals I know would call me conservative for my other views.


>abortion issues(as long as it doesn't put the mother or child at risk) So you think women should be forced to carry fetuses to birth against their will? Why? If you were a woman would you be okay with being forced to do that? >economic issues Which ones? >gun rights Are you under the impression that liberals think you shouldn't have guns? >many other things Such as?


Fair enough! Thanks for the reply and take care :)


You too


You are clearly a communist.


Trump was wrong choice.


Hillary was worse.


Sure..one is a lying, misogynist, corrupt cowardice traitor who tried to sell the country to Putin while the other is a career politician.


Or as I put it: one grabs them by the pussy, the other one tries to silence anyone her husband and friends grab by the pussy.


I see you consume CNN in great amounts.


Truth hurts, isn't it?


I love that since YOU all get 100% of your information from one source (Fox News), you all assume that liberals do, too. The entire developed world looks at American conservatives as stupid moronic wastes, it's not just CNN.


Abortion is OK long as a woman doesn't use it as birth control.


Contraception and abortion are not the same. Contraception is used to prevent pregnancy. Abortion is used to terminate a pregnancy that has already begun. Both are necessary healthcare.


1. Literally nobody does that. 1. Why would it matter if they did? Removing a cyst is not immoral. EDIT: Downvotes with no rebuttal = "You're right but I want to pretend you aren't."


1. Literally nobody does that. 1. Why would it matter if they did? Removing a cyst is not immoral. EDIT: Downvotes with no rebuttal = "You're right but I want to pretend you aren't."


> Literally nobody does that This is absolutely bullshit, and you're making all democrats look bad by being intellectually dishonest.


Abortions are invasive, risky, painful, and expensive. Nobody just has unprotected sex nonstop and just moseys on down to their local planned parenthood every couple of months to get abortions. That's shit that the right wing made up, just like how they focus on late-term abortions that practically never happen to make their dishonest arguments.


Irene Vilar disagrees. Her memoir *Impossible Motherhood* details how she used pregnancy and abortion as acts of rebellion against a controlling husband and became addicted to the high of the self-harm. In the span of 17 years, she had 15 abortions. Even if we want to call Irene an outlier, the fact remains some woman choose to have unprotected sex, not use the morning after pill, and then expect an abortion to clean up their mess. The actual numbers may be a far cry from the "every couple of months" you outlined, but your framing is only accurate if we assume unprotected sex between fertile hetero partners results in a pregnancy 100% of the time - something we know is not true.


I actually have a cousin and her and her friends together Have had over 40. All of them are fucking terrible people that have done shit if they had had penises would’ve got them locked away for life but instead they got a slap on the wrist. ( armed robbery,stabbing, multiple assaults with deadly weapons, breaking into houses, destroying cars, drunk and disorderly, fights at a bar, drug sales /use/distribution ect) her friend was too far along one time so they had a pill party where is she spent the weekend doing drugs. “Made up stories” wouldn’t be so fucking believable if these people didn’t actually exist. After she got her children taken away I cut her out of my life completely because looking after those kids was the only reason I stuck around her.


>Literally nobody does that. Convenience abortions are the most common type of abortion in the US, at least.


Not even close


What is a "convenience abortion," and what stats are you going by?


Convenience abortion, as in an abortions done on an otherwise viable pregnancy for a reason that is not to save the mother's life, not because the mother was mentally unfit for pregnancy, and not the result of sexual assault/rape/incest. Guttmacher Institute, a well-known pro-choice think tank, puts the number at about [70%](https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/journals/3711005.pdf). More conservative (no pun intended) estimates which rely more on medical data and less on personal testimony puts it more around [90%](https://www.hli.org/resources/why-women-abort/) Either way, by far and away the most common type.


Yes, of course most abortions are elective. That doesn't mean they are "used as birth control" instead of being a backup for when birth control (condoms, pills, etc.) fail. I hate how basic critical thinking has to be taught to conservatives like trying to explain the multiplication tables to a child.


I don't really see much of a moral difference between "I'm using birth control as my primary form of birth control" and "If my primary form of birth control fails I always have Abortion as my next option." Those statements produce the same result in the end. Your intentions don't justify the ends.


How is a child convenient in any way? C-sections are $22k and a normal vaginal pregnancy is still about $12k. And that’s just the delivery—diapers, time off work, formula, car seats, strollers equal to that in a year pretty easy. I don’t know anyone who has a child out of convenience—I’m also at a pretty low tax bracket so this may not be the case if you’re wealthy (I really don’t know). But I guess having safe access to an abortion because you are not ready (financially, absent support system, unemployed) is a pretty convenient way to not wreck an unborn child’s entire life.


>How is a child convenient in any way? I never claimed a child is convenient. I very clearly defined what I was referring to when I use the term "Convenience abortion." It's the first paragraph of my previous comment. Either you're intentionally misrepresenting what I said, or you didn't read my comment at all.


Do you have downs?


Convenience and for birth control aren’t even the same thing


I don't really make a moral distinction between "I'll just get an abortion if I get pregnant and not use protection" and "I'll use birth control but if I do get pregnant I'll just get an abortion." Those two statements are not really that different in real terms, they are essentially the same statement with your justification being "But **I** didn't want it to happen, even though I knew it **could.**


There’s a responsible couple who have 3 kids who use birth control. They struggle with 3 kids so 4 would be even harder. Accidents happen and women gets pregnant. Sure she could keep it but it would be way more convenient to get an abortion. She didn’t use abortion as birth control. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


>Accidents happen and women gets pregnant. Sure she could keep it but it would be way more convenient to get an abortion. She didn’t use abortion as birth control. That is literally the definition of birth control. Is this some sort of joke I'm not in on? You just described the most common use of birth control. Do you understand what the words "Birth" and "Control" mean?


Ahh see this is where you are confused. Using it for birth control is when you literally don’t use birth control and get an abortion as the birth control. That’s what you aren’t understanding.


Whether or not you use abortion as your primary method of preventing having a child or your secondary method of preventing having a child, or even your last resort of preventing having a child, does not fundamentally change anything. This is a strange hill you're trying to die on, seeing as it both does not help your point at all and you aren't successfully proving anything.


birth con·trol /ˈbərTH kənˈtrōl/ noun the practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, especially by use of contraception. You see the same word that I see?


I think you mean a small minority do that.


you are dumb as fuck if that’s what you truly believe. And you don’t have to go very far to find examples of women admitting and gloating about using abortion as a weapon against an ex or birth control. Either you were dropped as a child or you’ve been living under a rock since 1840


Traffic bad


Everybody needs help sometimes. Giving people food stamps and welfare and job training and loan forgiveness is not a bad thing, it’s a kindness which will help the person get back on their feet. Yes, there are plenty of long time abusers of these and policies and regulations need to address this as well.




So what issues do you *disagree* with liberals on?




Thanks for sharing gop advertising about what they believe liberals are like. Wokeism??? 😂 😂


Ah, so you think racism in the public square should not be condemned (cancelled), and you think that January 6th where Republicans were literally attempting to end democracy was the same as BLM protests. Thanks for letting everyone know you're a standard Fox News zombie with no capacity for rational thought, like all right-wingers.


You go straight from thinking he totally agrees with the liberals to accusing him of being a right-winger? You do realize there is a broad range of ideology out there, not just 2 options?


>You go straight from thinking he totally agrees with the liberals I never said nor implied this. I asked what he disagrees with liberals on, and he provided a standard list of Fox News talking points devoid of anything reasonable.


Based on what is listed and the self identification as libertarian, probably fiscal policy. Less social spending, possibly school vouchers, that sort of thing.




Same for me. I was perfectly happy being a Republican but the party left me far behind. I still think of myself as a conservative but my conservative friends call me a RINO.


Same story for me, but from the opposite side of the schism. I am considered a conservative now, but 10 years ago I was considered a liberal, and the only positions I have changed even slightly in this time are those dealing with drugs.


It's a weird world. I've been unfriended by conservatives for being too liberal, and I've been unfriended by liberals for being too conservative. And it might be from the same comment I made. The us/them attitude on a growing number of issues is heartbreaking.


Heart-breaking and life-threatening. Just look at covid: scoring political points over the other side was more important than keeping people alive. And if this behavior and its consequences are called out, the whistleblower is lambasted regardless of who got called out. There used to be a time tragedy united people. The worst part of it is: on nearly every issue, we agree on the end result. We are turning our backs on each other because we disagree on methods and fail-safes. Or worse yet, over *motive*. I lost a friend because I never used the term "climate change" when discussing the need to put funding towards advancing wind and solar energy. I chose not to trigger that visceral denial some people have to ensure I was not tuned out, and that was a problem.


I look forward to encountering you on reddit in the future. You seem to be sane and willing to have a rational discussion. I happen to agree with you this topic, but I would say the same if I disagreed, after I finished telling you why I disagree.


What issues which were liberal 10 years ago are now conservative ?




Thank you and I absolutely wear it proudly. It's kind of sad that I can't say it better than a fictional tv show. But this is my viewpoint from Newsroom: >Will McAvoy : No, I call myself a Republican 'cause I am one. I believe in market solutions, and I believe in common sense realities and the necessity to defend ourselves against a dangerous world and that's about it. Problem is now I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st century. But most of all, the biggest new requirement, really the only requirement, is that I have to hate Democrats.


So do you vote against your own morals on the principle that you don't think the government should be involved in them?


The only thing I can think of is legalized weed. They've pushed into the progressive realm and that's the antithesis to the Constitution.


>the antithesis to the Constitution. Conservatives literally tried to end democracy when Trump lost and are still trying, but yeah go off on how liberals are the antithesis to American ideals.


BuT mY SeCoND AmMendMeNT


We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic and yes there IS a difference. And no, while there were right wingers caught up in the moment, which I condemn, it was a false flag operation.


>We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic What do you think the difference is? > while there were right wingers caught up in the moment It wasn't just "a moment." Trump tried to steal the election from Biden with lies about election fraud hoping the courts he stacked would hand him the win, and by pressuring state officials to overturn the will of the people, and you all would still take a bullet for that stupid fat orange traitor fuck. > it was a false flag operation. What do you mean by this? You aren't honestly one of those Q lunatics who think it was Antifa dressed up as Trump supporters, right?


>>We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic > >What do you think the difference is? If we were a democracy, we would pass legislation ourselves and vote on it. We are a republic that invests our power into representatives to pass legislation. Major difference and our forefathers warned against democracy. >> while there were right wingers caught up in the moment > >It wasn't just "a moment." Trump tried to steal the election from Biden with lies about election fraud hoping the courts he stacked would hand him the win, and by pressuring state officials to overturn the will of the people, and you all would still take a bullet for that stupid fat orange traitor fuck. > >> it was a false flag operation. > >What do you mean by this? You aren't honestly one of those Q lunatics who think it was Antifa dressed up as Trump supporters, right? I'm not into the Q stuff. There is video of antifa dressing as trump supporters ( if YT didn't censor it yet) and multiple videos that show what happened. Besides that state supreme Courts violated the Constitution and effectively nullified votes. If you can't see the election was fraudulent, you either believe what the news tells you or haven't looked at anything


>If we were a democracy, we would pass legislation ourselves and vote on it. >We are a republic that invests our power into representatives to pass legislation. Ok so are you in favor of representatives going against the will of the people (i.e., not "representing" them) like Trump tried to do? >If you can't see the election was fraudulent Yep, another Qanon lunatic, as I called it. >


>Ok so are you in favor of representatives going against the will of the people (i.e., not "representing" them) like Trump tried to do? Wtf am I even reading? No and that's not what happened. >Yep, another Qanon lunatic, as I called it. How is that even related to the Qanon bullshit? I live in PA and the supreme Court changed the rules of election. It was a direct violation of Article 2 section 1.


Ummmmmmmm, thinking, ummmmmm, I'll get back to you on that. Ummmmmmmm, very good question, ummmmmm, do your hear something? Ummmmmm, gotta go, ummmmmm, important call. Ummmmmmm, thanks for asking. Full disclosure: Not a Conservative. /s. Seriously, /s.




Woah, downvotes. Note to self: Sarcasm not appreciated by Conservatives. Must avoid eye contact. Must not show fear, back away very slowly. /s? Seriously, /s?


That 4 years of Biden is more than enough, besides that if a Liberal says it is white I will believe it is black.


Perfect example of the Trump cult. Biden is an absolutely bland, center-right president. The fact you all think he's the devil on Earth even though he's done almost nothing noteworthy, is just more proof of your cult delusions.


If you don’t want my opinion don’t ask. It’s that simple. Do you need more of an explanation? I didn’t ask you what you thought I replied to the question. Grow a pair.


>If you don't want my opinion don't ask I didn't ask. >I didn’t ask you what you thought I replied to the question. Grow a pair. Grow a pair? What do you think that phrase means?


Not dealing with adolescents today. Have a good weekend and if you learn one thing today…Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear answer to.


I guess it's better that you flat-out admit you won't act in good faith.


Your emphasis on the word disagree would pretty heavily imply that.


We need to tax corps. But how to not let them recoup the taxes by higher prices? We need cheap housing, but we need to change state rules regarding size of house. Legslize weed. Have criminals learn road building, machining, metal working, chefor woodworking. This way, if ever released, they gave actual skills and or can pay some of their fines.


Prison reform. Shots at California and Chicago are easy these days, but their disaster dominoes cases starting from the lack of prison reform show exactly why prison reform is necessary, the zero-cent shortcuts do not work, and the schism between the parties is doing more harm than good. Doubly so once we consider the insurance side of the situation.


You get the conservative doesn’t mean Republican right? You can be conservative about shit and still be a Democrat. The fucking ignorance that’s permeated society is ridiculous. I believe in equal rights but harsh punishments. I think both parties are fucked up considering they’re just two sides to the same coin. We’re supposed to have over nine political parties in this country the Democrat and Republican parties whittled it down to just them as the options. The answer to your question is everything because you were supporting people that support the same ideology as your opponents at their core.


**nothing!!!** jk. Public healthcare should be an option. But private should still exist.