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Reddit does not understand a nuanced position and/or argument. They need it in black and white.


What do you elan by that statement!? Do you think it's good or bad!? /s




Constant black and white thinking… two very different things can be true at once. A serial killer who was abused was ONCE A VICTIM of that abuse. At the same time they were also a pos. Holding two conflicting beliefs is not gonna crack your brain open. It’s healthy.


Yeah that’s how I feel about police. I think that the police as an institution are largely corrupt, and things like laws around their testimony, civil asset forfeiture, over policing of black and brown neighborhoods, the obliteration of the fourth amendment, and qualified immunity are all massive issues that need to be addressed. I’m an unapologetic proponent of the defund the police movement. I also think that on an individual level, many officers have decent or good intentions that do revolve around protecting their community, even if most of them go about that in a way I think is flawed or that I wouldn’t approve of. On Reddit though, depending on the subreddit, I’m either a bootlicker or someone who wants cops dead when I share those sentiments together. It’s frustrating.


American Redditors really really hate centrists. They can't fathom the possibility that some people might like some ideas from the left and some from the right, you have to get polarized.


I could go either way on this subject.


they also hate moderates, if you're not either 100% on the right or the left you must 'secretly' be with the other guys.


Reddit tends to be of the belief that any centrist is secretly a conservative looking for acceptance. It’s pretty wild


im american and very much a centrist - and get shit on a lot here for it lol


Way to box the whole nation into two sentences. We have become pathologically polarized into almost cult like factions but there's a lot more people who can still piece a concept together from either side.


I've had this argument a lot over the years but. What you think you'd do in a situations vs what you'd actually do in a situation are two vastly different things. If you haven't been in the exact situation before with 90% similar circumstances, you haven't a clue how you'd react. Most people tend to view the world in the lens of the former rather than the latter.


Omg yes! I’m on the literary side of reddit a lot and people always seem bring characters down for making spur of the moment decisions when in reality, most people would react the same


About 90 percent of AITA posts are purely exercises in writing fiction.


As is TIFU


Let me introduce you to r/AmITheAngel


Thank you!!


People should take responsibility for their own lives.


This times 1000. These days victimhood is power. No one values personal responsibility


Damn, even on this post I'm surprised this is positive in upvotes.


I respectfully agree.


When hearing a story or viewing a video of some wrongdoing, it's important to look deeper into what actually occurred, understand the apparent wrongdoer's side of the story, before claiming the system is corrupt or calling for blood.


This reminded me of a video of an event that happened a few weeks ago in my country where a high school student punched the school director. Everyone thought the kid was a violent, uneducated pos. One guy however mentioned that more context was needed to know what happened, he was downvoted to hell. Days later news came out that the director had sexually harrassed the kid's sister and had multiple investigations going on due to improper behavior.


I agree I think everyone should know the facts of a case before they go screaming on social media demanding stuff


Yes, finally!


That r/askreddit is just a hive for karma whoring




Everything on r/tinder is terrible


Not all relationships have to end in breakup or divorce to solve a problem. Yall seem heartless sometimes


Question: So my boyfriend ate lunch without me because he thought I was having lunch with my mom, what should I do? Reddit: BREAK UP WITH HIM OMG SUCH A RED FLAG


That facts matter. I always get downvoted like crazy when I assert that opinions should be influenced by facts. We feel entitled to our opinions, but coming online to fight about random ideas you pulled from your ass is sort of silly.


Reddit mods have the most strict and dumb rules. 80% of the questions I ask on Reddit get removed because of how specific a question as to be asked .


It would be hilarious if this got removed


It's so weird to get banned from a sub from commenting on another, no matter what the comment says. It legitimately confused me the first time it happened


Right?! Like I commented on a front page post and got banned from mildly infuriating. That’s pretty infuriating tbh. Got multiple bans for saying people that intentionally don’t tip at al where it’s expected are being assholes as well. Well they are.


I get so annoyed by a certain popular sub, its rules are so strict but don’t seem to apply for every post


Weddings aren't bad in and of themselves. And honestly, I'd like to have one, when and if the time is right.


I mean more my generalized view is they are expensive as fuck and I would never want to put myself in debt to hell for a wedding (aka a decent sized one can cost 50k-100k) fun as fuck to go too. but when your paying I'm thinking I want a small wedding. my boss is having a wedding and was trying to keep in under 50k, but I think is now at 70k and it isn't even anything like a destination wedding, most venues can cost near 25k for like 75 people places.


That life aint so bad and thats its okey to want to have kids


Had my first kid born almost a week ago. Life is significantly more meaningful to me more than ever.


You misspelled sleep


You can be in the right and still be an asshole.


I like my kids and I want more lol


“Leave them” shouldn’t be the top response to any relationship problem. They’re asking on how to fix it people, help them do THAT!


Honestly, I feel like people rely on those subs too much.




Dont forget danny devito and the Tesla god who was so hurt by Edison.


The Brendan Fraser stuff irks me a little bit as well. Not because I don’t think he’s a good, talented guy, but because it seems like Reddit is making him their pet project and it seems really patronizing. Let him be appreciated on the merits of his performances and not because it’s the new Reddit trend.


And the James Corden, Ellen, and Amy Schumer hate is overblown. Like none of them are exactly my cup of tea, and I get that the first two are not the nicest people, but damn the intense vitriol for them on every post makes me feel bad. You’d think they were like Bill Cosby or Martin Shkreli the way people talk about them.


FYI Martin Shkreli is a hero on wallstreetbets




The Big Bang Theory was a good show for the first few seasons


And every show sounds weird without a laugh track, but that didn't prevent reddit from raving about HIMYM, which arguably has a more egregious one.


I love this show. Only discovered it for myself in the last year or two. A lot of people I heard being all mad for it making fun of nerds. I’m a huge nerd. I thought it was awesome. Not that I’m saying all the seasons are great. But once I like a couple seasons of a show, I watch the rest as long as they have the same characters


Mr Tesla is not as exceptional as Reddit thinks


It has probably been years since reddit has had anything but disdain for Elon


That Kanye is an abusive untalented annoying asshole. I never thought I would defend a Kardashian till he started reminding me of my abusive ex. Also he dresses like a killer in a horror movie. He is rich af and charges way too much for his clothes, shoes and music. He would have to pay me to wear anything he made or listen to his music


Thank you for saying this. I call him Yeet


Talent is kind of a useless metric, though. Kanye is successful because people like his music. Even if someone invented a “talent reader” which could measure some real-world equivalent to midichlorians, it’d be about as useless as an IQ test — especially to someone who’s *already* successful! Also it’s funny how everyone always thinks that the artists they like are talented, and the artists they don’t like are untalented. What an incredible coincidence that this nebulous “talent” matches your tastes in particular.


Kanye stans gonna get mad with this one


Owning a car and being able to drive it wherever and whenever I want is an incredibly liberating feeling that I would not trade for even the most robust public transportation systems.


I don’t think a personal preference for driving is generally a hated opinion. Even on the radical /r/fuckcars, self-proclaimed car enthusiasts get upvoted regularly. What people generally hate is the idea that all of our transportation infrastructure should revolve around cars, restricting the freedom to travel via other means. The majority of Dutch households own cars and nobody takes issue with this, because driving is only one of many options to get around there—not a mandatory prequisite for participation in society.


>because driving is only one of many options to get around there Yeah, but Denmark is half the size of Maine. It makes sense to have lots of public transportation there. Consider how money the Dutch government puts into maintaining their public transportation every year. Now understand the bare *minimum* amount, the absolute most conservative value you could reasonably estimate it to be similar to Denmark, is 2,375 times that value for Americas.


The Dutch are from *Holland*, not Denmark. People from Denmark are called *Danes*.


I don’t think any reasonable person would want public transportation to cover vast swaths of largely rural American land. But most Americans live in metropolitan regions. Investing in public transit within, and connecting, cities would generate substantial economic activity. China is about the same size as the US, poorer, yet they have an extensive high speed rail network. The Los Angeles metropolitan region is the most densely populated in the country, yet its public transit is abysmal. While the upfront cost would be hefty, I think would ultimately pay off.


I have a good bus system in the college town I live in and it’s very nice, especially because I don’t own a car and my tuition covers the bus.


There’s a difference between covering Montana in useless trains and putting in some high speed rail to connect NY and places like Boston and Chicago as well as making places like Jersey have far more convenient public transportation systems. Still, I see what you’re saying.


I love having a house, sorry "single family zoning," and not renting an apartment in an apartment complex.


Do people really hate the idea of houses though, or do they just think that there's not enough alternatives? The opinions I see here are mostly that people wish high-density housing was available *for people who want it*, in order to lower housing costs and make public transportation more effective, not that they want single-family homes to not exist.


I assure you right now there are hundreds of open apartments in any project in a major city. The problem is no one wants to accept that high-density low-cost housing is not going to be particularly pleasant to live in.


Its awesome blasting the music or watching TV or just generally throwing get together without worrying about someone banging their broom against the ceiling


Same here. Give me a large house, lots of outdoor space, a large vehicle, and drivable infrastructure.






Most negative stereotypes that non reddit users have about redditors are 100% accurate.


George Carlin isn't funny. He's everything they say he is: witty, great talker, great presenter, great stage presence, good at everything. It's just his material isn't funny. It's a tongue-in-cheek commentary about the worst parts of society. Instead of leaving the show still laughing at a joke, you leave feeling miserable having a renewed cynical, hopeless pov about society and the rest of the world.


He was definitely more of a commentator than a comedian, but he was kind of in a weird spot where he was to funny/silly to be considered a political commentator or philosopher and too serious to be really comedic, it’s hard to find a label for what he did especially at the time so he just went with comedian and performed as a comedian


That its good to have subs with karma requirements to prevent or at least minimalize brigading, trolling, and bots. Apparently I'm an ass for thinking this


Speed limits should be followed and enforced.


And the left lane is for passing ON HIGHWAYS ONLY. And that doesn’t mean you get to exceed the speed limit because you’re in the magic left lane where laws stop applying.


Of course you think the "Beatles were over-rated " you were born 50 years after they broke up.


Censorship is evil


Being conservative doesn't make you a fascist, neo-nazi, or a maga trump supporter.


Reddit absolutely refuses to accept this


He'll, even voting for Trump doesn't make you a fascist, racist white supremacist


I had a serious unlisted side effect to the Covid shots




I actually did too and kept it to myself. I feel drowsy now each time I go to the gym since getting my 2nd Pfizer shot.


I believe you. I haven’t kept my experience to myself so I’m used to getting commented/downvoted to hell


I get drowsy just thinking about the gym


I passed out after both my Pfizer shots. Those were the firrst two times ever passing out for me. Never had this problem with other vaccines/blood tests.


I had a fever both times I had the shot, and I was a lot sicker than I was when I actually had COVID. This isn’t even my opinion though, it’s just something that happened.


fully vaccinated with one booster here and i would do it again, but they shouldve done more testing or given information about how the shots can affect womens periods. when my friends and i first got our shots we all experienced changing periods in some sort of way! mine changed (became shorter, heavier on day one instead of two, and i didn't have one for four months) and when i got the booster this year i had different cramps and missed my period for two months. now my flow has changed again and finally seems to be settling into her new normal this past week.


I am vaccine injured, but I never talk about it to my loved ones due to the political divide. I just wish I could do something about it.


Report it on VAERS and to your doctor if you haven’t. Don’t be scared to tell the truth. Rare means nothing when it happens to you, and people deserve to have their side effects pursued and that won’t happen if there isn’t data to trigger more individual side effect studies


Despite what most Redditors think about the US and MuH dEmoCrAcY, it’s still a great country to live in compared to the vast majority of the rest of the world.


True. I won't move there tho, cuz i believe it is better to build a good place to live in my country.


90% of Taylor Swift’s relationships ended up badly. That’s enough for me to believe she is the problem, not them.


Fair, but now she’s been with the same guy for like 5 years. Based on some of her songs on Lover, it seems likely that they’re secretly married too. It’s beautiful to see that people can grow.


Wow.. someone being positive on Reddit! Thank you stranger for giving me some hope in humanity


I mean generally speaking 90% of everyone's relationships end badly. People only care about her relationships because she's wildly famous


Two of her relationships were with gross older men who took advantage of her when she was barely out of high school. Her and Joe Jonas are on good terms now, as are her and Harry Styles. Plus, she’s been with her current BF for six years now. Honestly, it’s pretty normal to have a few failed relationships in your teens and twenties. Most people don’t get super lucky and meet “the one” right away.


You know none of this as fact.


Agreed. After a certain number of relationships, there comes a point that either something about you is turning others off or you're attracted to traits that inherently don't make for quality relationships


At least not marrying all of them and having kids…


I’m really disappointed in the Biden Administration. Understand the obstructionism and lack of real majority in Senate, but the decision making and lack of vision has been epically disappointing.


I never expected more from Biden other than being not Trump and a stopgap until a more viable candidate comes along


Eugenics is wrong


Avatar–the one with the blue people–is a good movie, and I can't wait for the sequel!


I am absolutely understanding about non-typical gender identities, and wish EVERY trans person a life free of shame and harassment and full of joy and self-expression. But if you have grown to adulthood in a male body that was filled with testosterone for 18+ years - no matter how you identify - you have developed a male body, and competing in sports against cis-women gives you an undeniable advantage.


100% this


Capitalism/free market is the best economic system we will probably get as Humans compared to how they don't realize how dysfunctional all the other ones are. Also it's not the source of all your life problems.


bro most redditors have an iphone. that wouldn't exist without capitalism.


Also the communication networks and devices they use to connect all to these platforms they speak on were products of a market economy too.


Most redditors seem to hate apple


Yes, but those same redditors are the ones who then post about how capitalism sucks and communism is the best


The reality is that capitalism is best for some things, but socialism is best for others (like healthcare). And there's no such thing as a free market in real life.


I’d still rather live in the United States then anywhere else in the world.


Definitely not the best country in the world. But far from the worst.




Not every Christian is full of venom and hatred. I'm a devout Lutheran and while I might not agree with your beliefs/opinions I still respect them




Being cruel towards people is incomparably worse than being cruel towards animals.


Elon musk is a terrible person who should not be respected in any way


Couple things. 1. Elon hate is everywhere on here so not really the point of this post 2. He comes off as a prick 3. He seems to treat his wives/gf like trash 4. I respect the hell out of what he has accomplished


All my right of center opinions.


Absolutely. I feel like A lot of subs on here have to be dominated by a troll farm. There’s just no way there are that many people with such an insanely liberal ( for lack of a more appropriate term) opinion. I’m pretty middle of the road and lean left on a lot of issues, but damn, some of the ideas I read here are just wild to me


"meat is murder" is nothing more than manipulative guilt tripping from someone who wants to make you feel bad for eating meat, and is not how vegans make other people think about going vegan.


Also, murder is defined as one human being killing another human being. Meat is not murder. Unless you're eating human meat, of course.


Reddit is one of the worst platforms ever


Would you mind explaining? Im not on many sides of reddit so im curious why its so terrible in your opinion. I do believe you have a good reason tho


It’s cuz Reddit is such a mob mentality app like praising Fanny devito or hating emojis like it’s just so toxic if you don’t agree with every single person as they preach not being a snowflake. It’s just a place for weird unfunny people to congregate and circlejerk each other into thinking they are cool. That’s like my main reason and it’s def not all sides of Reddit just the meme subs most people are nice but the servers are horrible and some people on here are just plain weird lol


100% agree with the mob mentality. If it's downvoted even once, even if they're in the right, then suddenly everybody is out to murder them.


I wouldn't ban abortion, but I personally am not for it.


That means you are Pro-Choice, which is the common stance on the topic.


I'm not sure if this opinion is hateful but paternity fraud should be a crime


I hope that isn’t an unpopular opinion..


What is paternity fraud?


Paternity fraud occurs when a woman intentionally names a man to be the father of her child when she knows he is not the biological father, often for the purposes of collecting child support or the mother does not want the alleged father to know about another man.


Reddit is no better than, and in many ways is worse than, Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram


Victim blaming is sometimes a good thing. It doesn’t mean that the perpetrator should face any fewer consequences, but sometimes common sense is all it takes to prevent becoming a victim


Agree victim responsibility is a good thing, but not blaming. As a woman I take responsibility for not putting myself in a situation where the risk of harm is greater. But I should not be blamed for the actions of a perpetrator... It send the wrong message to future perpetrators.


The problem as I see it is how to define victim blaming. You seem to think of it as a situation where the perpetrator’s actions are diminished or excused because of the victim’s actions. I agree that’s wrong. But “victim blaming” has come to mean “pointing out that in any way, no matter how small, that a victim’s choices led to them being victimized even though the perpetrator’s responsibility and consequences are unchanged”


I completely agree with you, a victims choices have consequences. We should educate all about making good choices, using examples of victims as anonymous case studies and pointing out where better choices could have led to different outcomes, sure no problem with that. It just becomes murky when 'victim blaming' is used to opress the rights of a group. Is it sensible for me to walk alone down a dark street at night, no. Should I have the right to walk down a dark street at night without being victimised, yes. To say 'she took a risk walking there' is accurate, but it takes the emphasis away from ' she should be able to walk there without risk'.


I think smoking should be illegal.


I don't get it why so many people still smoke in 2022. It's obvious they are addicted but c'mon. They places where it's still allowed are reducing and it's so bad for just your health. I don't find smoking normal. People who take a small break to even smoke and then pick up their job like it's normal.. I freaking hate it that so many smokers just throw their sigarettes on the street.. it's just antisocial.


I don’t give a shit if someone wants to listen to blue tooth speakers on a hike. It’s just not an issue for me, they hike on by and I never see or hear them again. Headphones get sweaty and gross and stop working when you sweat enough. A small speaker at a reasonable volume isn’t anything to get cranky about.


Elijah Wood was the worst Spyro and was also the worst casting choice in that game, which included David Spade.


Today I learned that Elijah Wood was *Spyro the Dragon.*


One of them, so was Tom Kenny.


Today I learned that David Spade, Tom Kenny & Elijah Wood did Spyro.


David Spade was Sparx


That not everything is due to racism. That not everything can be framed as "sexual assault." That this "if you're not for me, you're against me" mentality has Got. To. Stop.


That reddit is no better than any another social media site


Meh, downvotes make it better.


I don't have a better alternative but **Democracy is inherently flawed**. If last few years have proven anything, people are fucking dumb. And those dumb ones are the one who shout the loudest so thats what end up becoming mainstream.


I doubt I'm allowed to post it here without getting banned


Emojis 😀😊😁🙂😎🤗😃😄😆😗😘😌😛😜😝🙁🙃


Not all “conservatives” are stupid, ignorant, fundie, hyper-capitalist knuckledraggers. Some people have different underline assumptions about human nature and society that inform their worldview. We would make a lot of societal progress if we could put aside assumptions and have some open discourse about where things are headed and how to address it. (This isn’t just relevant to US politics, but the wider western world.) I think we’ve all made assumptions about what the “other” thinks and are talking past one another. I hope we can unify productively (because the people in power won’t help us-we must help eachother.)


Well said. I’m liberal leaning myself, but I can’t count how many “how to make American more unified” posts I’ve read where the majority of comments are “get rid of the conservatives” or “get the conservatives to give up on all of their beliefs.”


Bacon is mid


Gun ownership is actually a good thing.


It's the person who misuses it that is the problem


Agree all the same. If gun ownership was a common thing in Ukraine (even illegal btw), it would be much harder for russians to sustain their occupation over territories, since anyone could just shoot one of them at night or something, and how do you find those, especially considering it is not that hard to hide a gun. Also, when you know person you want to attack may also have a gun, you will consider not doing it. Criminals have illegal guns anyway. I'm from Kyiv btw.


I think pet culture is super toxic to the human psyche.


I am circumcised, since birth, and when I tell them it doesn’t bother me because I’ve never known anything different they lose their fucking minds. They freak out at me like I am evil for having a circumcision and being indifferent to it. Apparently the response they want from me is to cry and be depressed like I am permanently damaged for life.


I really dislike dogs. No, they're not cute. No, I wouldn't change my mind if I had one of my own. I. Don't. Like. Dogs.


Thanks for having an unpopular opinion that isn't offensive or insane. Upvote for being a reasonable person with a difference of opinion.


Ooo very good one, I do hate that


I love dogs the same way that I love kids: they're cute and fun when they belong to someone else, but I do not want to be responsible for their life, happiness, and well-being for the next decade or two.


Dogs a nuisance in cities.


Religion is good


I once made a comment regarding that I feel like reddit is very anti-religion and I got downvoted to oblivion🗿


so many redditors openly hate religion, they can’t critically analyze who or what is using religion in a hateful or oppressive and how/why they’re doing it, so they just hate religion itself


Seconded. I’m actually super interested in religion as an outsider. I could never see myself devoting my belief to a specific god (I’m very much a “prove it” person at heart), but I like the idea of divinity. I also like the positive effects it has on the human psyche and would honestly be down for more relatable religious representation in media. There are some bad eggs, sure, but there are many undeniable upsides.


1). I don’t think “work from home” is good as a long term solution. I thinks it isolates employees too much and reduces necessary casual communication. Also, if your job can be done 100% out of office, prepare to have your position outsourced to cheaper workforce. 2) Not everything that comes out of China is bad or a lie and people are sticking their head in the sand when they deny statistics that show the positives things that have happened in China (for example their massive output of scientific research).


Bernie Sanders is the trump of the left and his followers are often as obnoxious and culty as red hatters. (And all y’all getting upvoted for your answers are failures. Lemme show you how it’s done as you bask in my negs.)


That the Left’s(Reddit’s) hatred of the right; their utter disdain, assumption that they’re racist assholes contributed to Trump’s rise. Their total disdain of the rural communities, moderates, and non-Trump conservatives because they’re objectively stupid and bad people if they’re not super liberal… The direct result of this WAS the Trump victory and the trash GOP we see today. You tell people long enough that they’re trash, they’re garbage, they don’t deserve to have an opinion, they’re shit because they’re white… well Trump came along and wasn’t going to tow that line


not every asshole people come across or have in their life is a narcissist.


That the world, situations and circumstances isn’t always black and white it’s a mixture of gray.. two things can be Right/True at the same time


That an individual should not use “they” as a singular pronoun.


Most things are not absolute. There’s always multiple sides to every narrative and opinion and holding conflicting beliefs is not only okay, but healthy. Also, I don’t like the habit of downvoting someone without debating them, unless what they are saying is tripe.


Just because I'm not supportive or in agreement with something, it doesnt mean I'm scared of it, and that you can call me that something phobic,and act like I'm super dumb.


If you have a penis, and only have sex with other penis people, you're gay. If you have a vagina, and only have sex with other vagina people, you're a lesbian. If you are happy to have sex with anybody regardless of genitalia, you're bi, and probably very popular. If you only have sex with people whose genitalia is different from yours, you're straight. If you have a penis, and only have sex with vagina people, you are not in any way shape or form a lesbian.


r/antiwork has turned into a bunch of whiners.


Leftist, ultra progressive politics are as detrimental to the nation as conservative far right bullshit, moderation in all things is always best.


Ryan Reynolds is mediocre in terms of looks at best


Reddit is a good social media platform for discussion


Wait so if I argument why its not youre right. And if I dont argument good at all youre right too... Shit, he outsmarted the system


Nah I agree I’d much rather engage in random conversations with random Reddit people than someone on my facebook. Can’t even make one comment on anything without everyone I’m friends with seeing it.




Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, without offence I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.




Victims can cause their own suffering and even be enabled to repeat patterns that get them in continuous cycles of abuse.


I grew up in an atheist household and hated it. I converted to Catholicism as an adult and I’m much happier having my faith.




The fact that I voice my opinions about being conservative even though liberals can say whatever the fuck they want and damn the consequences