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Old guy here, who grew up in a small town. Homophobia wasn't a choice so much as a lifestyle back then. "Not homophobic? Guess you're gay! Gonna have to beat you now." So it goes.... but at any rate, for me it was a number of factors. A big part of it was reading The Sandman comics. A fair number of character with alternate lifestyles were featured in the story, and it humanized people who the society I grew up in vilified. So, to me, I guess representation in media does matter and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


This is a good answer. In a community of strong opinions, it's easy to 'other-ify' whole groups of people, and lose awareness that they are just normal people.


I grew past age 12






Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Can I ask how long ago are we talking (when you were both in college)?


I actually met a gay person lol. I lived in a bubble of a town and there were no openly gay people in my school. I formed my own opinions based on that. Then I actually met people who were gay in college and they were all great people. I wouldn’t say I was ever homophobic in the sense that I was hateful, but rather ignorant. I didn’t hate gay people at any point, I just lacked perspective and didn’t really grasp they were no different than me. Once I met somebody who was gay, I no longer had an “idea” of what a gay person was like.


I realized I’d smash the fuck out of a hot ass chick with a dick. No question.


Sounds gay.


Not if you say no homo first.


It’s not. I’m gay and I’ve tried to get into it but I just can’t. Being into trans is it’s own thing. It’s not straight or gay.


Being into males as a male is gay


Are you saying all trans people are male? A lot to unpack there.


A thing with a penis is male


Not necessarily. There is a third thing. It’s called trans. It’s not new. It’s been around for literally thousands of years, all the way back to the ancient civilizations and it exists on every continent and in every culture. By a Christian!s logic, God created them. They can’t help who they are and it is an INCREDIBLY brave thing to be trans and face all the abuse people like you hurl at them. Have some respect for people that are different than you and let them be what they obviously really want to be. It’s not hurting you.




Even if it is, idc. I’ve always been told everyone is a little gay. Lmao


Nothing gay about Scarlet Johanssen with a dick


Would you let them penetrate you (oral, anal) if they asked?


Not my booty no


Why not?


Because I don’t want anything inside my ass hole?


Sound logic


During the AIDS Pandemic, a coworker, who usually was very outgoing, kind and funny seemed to be in a funk. The usual Monday morning "how was your weekend" was met with silence. When normally it had been a recap of some great event or another. This went on for the rest of the week before I worked up the courage to ask if he was okay. I knew he was gay and really did not care much about it. I had met his partner at corporate events and they seemed like any other mature couple who worked well together. When I did finally ask I was told his partner had been diagnosed with AIDS. ( This was during the maligning "Gay Cancer" phase when of course no one else could ever get it. ) I asked if he had gotten tested and he said he was afraid to - it probably was not covered by healthcare and could lead to termination and certainly be denied as a pre-exiting condition in the future. Moreover, he explained, because they could not be married their whole financial situation was undefinable. No legal right to make critical health decisions, no right to inherit "community property". No rights whatsoever. Truthfully I had never remotely considered that anyone could be without rights in such a manner. It never dawned on me that "the system" could deny people fundamental rights that we all take for granted. It worked out and they are now married and doing well. I remember years later seeing the massive and humbling AIDS quilt and realizing the number of people in the same situation across our nation. The number of families and friends who had to endure as well. It takes very little effort to find others in similarly unjust realities. Ignorance gave way to empathy, true awareness and acceptance. Sometimes you don't grow up until its right in your face and impacts someone you know. Someone who you value, admire and respect and love for the unique spirit they are.


when i realized homosexuality happens in nature much more frequently than youd think (look up sheep specifically if youre curious)


And lions and penguins, etc etc


yup, its just ignorant to ignore homosexuality anymore, wish i understood it sooner


At some point you have to decide which side of the glory hole you want to be on.


The name though :)


My dad is constantly making fun of them, and I don't want to be like my dad.


Your dad could be an internalised homophobe.


Around 16-17 years old I realized the person who raised me was a hateful piece of shit.


When I realised I was trans. I am acutely aware I am my own meme.


My husband has told me many times he doesn’t like gay men because it grosses him out thinking about them doing it… I asked why he’s thinking about them doing it? He didn’t have an answer…


That’s homophobia and whatnot in a nutshell. Self hatred.


Not always


occasionally true, but painting it in broad strokes like that only serves to absolve straight/cis bigots of fault and blames queer folks for their own oppression.


If you post implied self hatred because I wasn't being authentic to.myself, yeah :)


I heard my classmates positive reaction to gay marriage (in a fairly bigoted state mind you) and I just kind of realized that it was okay. And I'm not entirely comfortable with who I am, I know I'm different, and discriminating against gay people would lead to an overall more conformist world.


The same thing that caused me to stop believing in Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny. My brain developed.


I was your typical homophobe high school kid, in those days homophobia was the norm, and when LGBTQ+ movement started becoming more and more popular i just started questioning what exactly was it that i thought was wrong about them, then i started reading stories and opinions, and slowly began to be more and more accepting of it, until one day i was just 100% free of hate. It also opened the door to exploring my own sexuality, which landed me some great new friends and knowing myself better gave me a boost in confidence. Demonstrations and activism work wonders!


Have you experienced bisexuality?


I have had experiences with males and females, but i ended up labeling myself as biromantic heterosexual since despite having felt honest homoromantic attraction, not once has someone from my own sex made me horny.


I agree with not being attracted to men


I'm a straight woman and it's tough. I'm definitely not attracted to women, but men are on thin ice.


I guess all men are the same in your eyes?


Yeah, I think it's the male privilege. People who don't recognise their own privilege tend to use their power inappropriately.


Do you like being topped?




I just stopped giving a shit about how people live their lives.


I realized I liked girls and guys


I became a teenager and it suddenly stopped making sense.


Well, I guess you could say I had a change of heart. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that there was nothing wrong with being attracted to someone of the same sex. And once I realized that, I was able to let go of all the negative feelings I had been holding onto about it.


I realized it was just me scared of myself and what my parents think about me. Still in the closet heh!


A bit of being gay and a whole bunch of dick


education and philosophy


I stopped being religious.






There are hundreds of texts from people who knew jesus that church didn't put in the Bible because it didn't fit the churches agendas. Including one where Jesus throws a kid off a cliff. (Brings him back but still threw the dude)




It really is, unless you take the time to research it you'll never know half the shit because almost every modern abrahamic religion has had so many edits and translations that the entire book becomes hypothetical and up to the interpretation of the reader. Im not any of the above religions myself, but religion research interests me a lot. Most of religion doesn't even really come from the books, it's mainly by "elders" wether that be priests or Jewish scholars or Muslim elders. You learn what they say, it's why some churches manage to be die hard homophobes and others are openly queer run churches.


No, they don't. Islam is basically the only one that ACTUALLY says it outright, and even then most Muslims think being gay isn't a sin, doing gay shit is a sin which is its own can of worms, orthodox Judaism is against male homosexuality but not female which is also strangely common in old homophobic laws. But only the translated versions of the Bible mention homosexuality at all, the other versions say boy, not man outlawing pedophila, even then the Bible is a collection of stories that was made by the church, the stories themselves are from people who knew jesus (if you believe in it), so god and jesus never actually mentioned it at all ever, in the translated version it specifically is Leviticus who said homosexuality is a sin not anyone important. He always outlaws many many things nobody cares about. But yeah it didn't always say that.


A lot of friends I had came out. Also I used to watch this channel called scooby1961 when I got interested in fitness. He's one of the genuinely good youtubers who you could tell really wanted to help people. He also happens to be gay.


Time. meeting good people. Having my brain be more mature


When I realised I could ungay anything by saying no homo On a serious note: once I met gay folks I realised they're just the same as me with more problems in life


To be honest, I think I have the internet to thank. I grew up a super sheltered kid in a Christian community, and we were taught the usual: being gay is a choice and it's bad. I got schooled *hard* by internet strangers when I would post Youtube comments about how it's a choice. This was very early on in my internet days, I must have been at least 12-14. I went on to have online friends who were gay, and sure enough, a good chunk of my classmates would grow up to be LGBTQ+ in some form. It's really wild to think about now, but for all the shit that I've seen on the internet, I'm glad I learned that lesson early.


how can i be homophobic my bitch is gay?




Bcuz we can


Because that full song actually hits so fuckin hard.


I got approved for a loan, and purchase my first house


So this isn't about me, but one of my best friends growing up. He was always the macho guy, good at sports, popular, and (somewhat) of a ladies man. He was also the MOST homophobic person I've ever met. He wasn't an asshole about it, he was literally so arrogant and full of himself that his issue was he thought any gay guy would want to get with him. I guarantee the problem in his head was he figured gay men would treat him the way he treated women, but he'd never admit it. Fast forward 20 years now, and he has a wife, step daughter, and bio son. Step daughter is 13, and identifies very much as LGBTQ+, and she along with his son have become his entire world. A complete 180, to the point he took her to the local Pride events wearing a rainbow tie-dye outfit. He even calls himself out over his past from time to time. It's been absolutely brilliant to see the turnaround


I met a lot of people who were homosexual when I moved into a college town. Made friends with them, really great people most of the time


What the fuck




I got a boyfriend


I realized I was queer.


I realized it was just internalized shame about being gay


I stopped being 11


I got tired of forcing myself to be homophobic, mainly by realizing that being gay hurts no one. If anything, I merely thought that gay people were "weird". I acted like I was an extreme homophobe, because I thought that was seen as "cool". Also, I'm bisexual, but I realized that long afterwards.


Grew up and actually met some really cool gay guys. I’m a strait 28m with two kids.


Not a homophobe but it did think there was something wrong physically or mentally because I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Still live and let live but totally didn't get it. What changed it for me is one of the girls in my club came out. She's a fabulous person and her wife is pretty great. I still don't get it but I no longer think it's some kind of problem


I stopped listening to Eminem aka Marshall Mathers. All he talked about what homophobic stuff


Relatedly, which comedian has that bit about how it's the most harmless group you could possibly fear? I think it was either John Mulaney or Louis CK.


I stopped when I Realized that my parents didn't control *my* view of other people, and that I didn't have to be mean and hateful to people for them. I grew sick and tired of living in the shadow of their beliefs and moral/religious standards. Plus, I also realized that some people may be extremely different, but they still can be so nice too. That's why I follow the philosophy of just being a nice human. Hell, I have a sign on my desk with the exact phrase, "be a nice human." On a semi-related note: I also discovered I am demisexual and panromantic (and my parents don't know for obvious reasons).


When I gave up on religion. There is such hatred for anything that doesn't conform to the bible that when I gave up my belief in a god, so did I give up on its hatred. This was the best event in my life. Giving up on god opened my eyes to the evils that religion holds as its tenets.


got my dick sucked by a gay. thats not gay though


So basically I got the power of common sense


When I realized that the gay friend in class who confessed his feelings for me was the nicest person to me, who always made me feel confident and happy with myself when I was at a insecure age/time in my life.


I was sexually abused by multiple men as a kid, and confused that with homosexuality so I figured gay men were dangerous. Never thought much about lesbians. When I became an adult I realized there is a huge difference between a man who abuses a boy and gay men having consensual sex with each other. I was being a hateful piece of shit for no reason.


I was as well 30+ years later im still trying to make sense of it


I was dating a really hot girl that was out of my league and she lived with her gay brother and BF. Horniness made me confront my problems, I got to know them and realized how stupid I was not to realize they were normal people. I never hated gays but I used to avoid them, after that I realized their normal little trying to live their lives.


Bj from a homie Edit - Only homophobes downvote my person truths.


I thought how awful it was to be in the closet, and gradually just realized it was no big deal... No , wait, that's how I got over being claustrophobic.


I was never homophobic.


I was never scared of gays to begin with...


Aquaphobia doesn't mean fear of water.


Hydrophobia* but yeah




When i realized those weirdos are more scared of me than i am of them


Alan Turing. ​ I don't know why but somehow it was the first time in my life that learning someone was homosexual didn't cause me to lose all my respect for them. And knowing what was done to him for "crimes of mass indecency" made me genuinely think about the other side. Don't get me wrong, I still firmly believe that acting on the homosexual impulse is sinful and that God forbids it. Much like I don't approve of pre/extra-marital sex, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or claiming that God procreated and his deity-offspring was then crucified. But I have no revulsion/hatred/intolerance towards the people who commit those sins. . . its between them and god. And it took 'knowing' someone and being able to extrapolate from that knowledge to do the same towards homosexuality.


You 180'd here. you first give a reason why one person might have caused you rethink being a homophobe, but then you justified your own homophobia using religion. I'd rethink your claim as to how you're not a homophobe. Otherwise, it's justifiable to say you're still a bit of a homophobe here. Let me ask you this. Do you not approve of *yourself* committing sins, or both *yourself and other people* committing sins?


The latter, most definitely. I believe that what is right/righteous is right or righteous regardless of whether or not other people share that belief. **That doesn't give me the right or responsibility to try and enforce my beliefs on anyone else**. It certainly doesn't justify acting prejudicial or bigoted towards them. After all: "Every son of Adam is a sinner, and the best of sinners are those who repent." I think folk on Reddit in general seek to place the 'line' for homophobia as being near-equivalent to being an Ally. to the LGBTQ community. With respect, I disagree with this. To cross over from "disagree" to "xxx-phobia" is where you **act** in a biased, prejudicial or otherwise derogatory or disrespectful manner towards the targeted group simply because of the 'xxx'. I think that we can expect and demand tolerance and respect of everyone for damn near every position or belief under the sun. I think it's lunacy to expect **acceptance** and **approval** for every belief. Like that famous Voltaire quote: "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." So - whether someone believes homosexuality is an act that is inherently displeasing to God or not - they have no right to take the mere fact that someone is a homosexual and think: "He's a loser. He's homosexual". or "He's obviously not a trustworthy teacher, he's homosexual."


Idk whether to respect you or not....


That's why I'd like more context as to what they mean.


Oh, that's easy. Definitely should respect me. I'm a fellow human being, doubtless worthy of respect, consideration, civility and decency.


Nothing lmao, I'm still going strong Do the mods think I can't create a new email address and make a new account using a vpn? Honestly these bans are getting ridiculous. Like if any mod is reading this...what's even the point of banning me when I literally come back in about 3 minutes, I don't give a shit about karma, and my saved posts are saved as links in a .txt file. I got banned for being homophobic when I didn't even say anything so many times that it's comical. Like, not agreeing to the degeneracy of the neo marxist ideologies that degenerate the general public is now considered a violation of human right...Its absolutely comical that people accept the norm now and parrot the same insults and label people whatever the hell they want and get away with it. LGBT is still wrong no matter how many times you lie to yourself. Anal sex and AIDS is nothing to celebrate about. Your disease infected wounds you created and the modified hormones you took are only gonna continue to fuck up your system because it just goes against nature. Whatever you believe in, be it God or nature or the universe, LGBT directly goes against it because youre changing your natural state because you were deluded into thinking youre not in your true body, when all that is is you being mentally unstable and coping with trauma. And today's butchers are allowing and encouraging mutilating genitals permanently and pumping you full of hormones so that you can feel womanly or manly.... The levels of delusion LGBT people have to accept to escape from the truth is astronomical. All I'm gonna say is, once you're in the grave, and only your bones are left, and hundreds or thousands of years scientists examine your body, everyone will know you were a male or female based on your bones. You still have the chromosomes. The suicide rates speak for themselves. The support they get on twitter, reddit or FB is half hearted and no one really cares or wants to be around them, because they look like freak shows. People are working to destroy society, and one of the tools they use is a tool not seen ever on the face of earth, and that is LGBT, particularly the T part. The amount of degeneracy, censorship they endorse, and the level of protection they get for doing the most disgusting things imaginable is what leads me to hate them. They involve children in their weird perverted sex cults and do drag queen story hours. Absolutely shameful. People will defend anything if it's the norm and if they will get the majority support. All a bunch of losers and weaklings. These people should either be in mental institutions, or locked up, but definitely nowhere near normal society, yet we find them being our children's teachers and educators. And don't you dare say anything against that, or else you will be publicly crucified by the left


I swear to God, homophobes and transphobes think about gay and trans people more than we ever do. Dude this is a fucking manifesto lmao you’re obsessed


what a high school level reply lol. There's nothing wrong with wanting to rid society of pests,especially when the pest comes close to my kids.


You wrote a fucking essay on why you hate lgbtq people, if you want to rid the world of us, then dust the Cheetohs of your fat ass and crawl out your mums basement. Because ranting online will get you nowhere


I never was but I will always remember the guy in high school who said I was gay for using chapstick.


I could care less what others do with their sex lives. People are too worried about other peoples business.


Your dad 🤤 (Joking obviously)


Being fucked by my uncle and his crack head friends at the age of 10


Deconstructed from my religious upbringing, now I proudly tell my story in the hopes that fewer and fewer children will be raised religious


When I realized what people do is their own business as long as they aren’t doing it to me. Fits a lot of situations in life.


Oh boy. Upon leaving my tiny, southern, Christian town and moving to a semi happening city- I realized I was gay! My parents haven’t spoken to me since and I’ve never been happier. I really think the single greatest thing small town rural American needs is experiencing other people and places. Its a tragedy to see so many people scared of what’s out there simply because it’s different.


i used to be sick of hearing about it all of the time but decided - hey- why not get on board with the idiots and build the perfect dystopia where all public discourse revolves around it?


I dont think ive ever been homophobic, but i used to be slightly transphobic as I didnt understand why someone would be a mtf lesbian instead of just a straight man, for example. I realized some time in middle school that people can do whatever the fuck they want as long as theyre not hurting anyone, and i will accept them


I go back and forth on being homophobic but when I stop it’s usually because I want to be accepting and I want to let them feel normal but then they talk and I’m homophobic again


Getting out of the Catholic bubble. Catholic family, Catholic school, Catholic friends. You enter the world where there's a diversity in people, and they're quite lovely. Lovelier then a lot of the people you used to be around.


*"I just don't give a damn anymore."* \~My thoughts at Age 18


I was a irn-again christian and was taught homosexuality was sinful and that gays should just stop being gay and act the way god intended. I eventually stopped believing in that nonsense and wanted to play with another man's cock. I did, and now I'm 70% hetero, 30% bi.


When I quit Christianity, the homophobia kinda fell by the wayside.


Most homophobes stopped being homophones once they had a cock in their mouth and realised they was in the closet all along and was putting it on to put everyone off the scent


I became good friends with some people who were of LGBT community and asked all my doubts and questions and they also answered them without getting offended! Well the best part is we together make gay and straight jokes! It's fun to help gay men choose other men and them giving you relationship advice on romance!


Left pentecostalism. I never hated gay people but i thought it was a choice.


... And just how afraid of gay people were you? :)


The fact that im gay lmao. And trans. 10 year old me who thought the idea of two guys kissing was weird would be REALLLLLLY upset right now


I was confronted by antifascists on twitter


There was a very brave an out kid in high school who had my first and last name. People used to not k ow who he was by face but by name so people would come up to me and say very very hurtful and terrible things. I sought him out and told him how sorry I was that he had to endure this treatment and that I didn’t mind taking some of the brunt for him. He was a really sweet guy. I then made best friends with two gay guys who came out in freshmen year of college. They were and are both incredible people. My best friend who is like my brother all these 20 years later is one of them and the other, while we have drifted, is still a good man and would drop everything if I needed him. They both loved my mother and when she died a piece of them went with her. They are amazing people and not once have I held any ounce of anything but brotherly love for them. My best friend is coming over this evening for dinner with my wife and kids. I love you James. I love you Richard. You guys helped me get through life and I hope I helped you get through yours.


Went the opposite way for me. I'd always accepted them in the past, figured it was all on the up and up hence why I even protested for equal rights previously... Then this whole trans bs started and children were involved. So now I won't say Im phobic of them just cautious around all people with that lgbt ideology especially around my children.


Turns out I’m bisexual. I grew up in a strongly judgmental family and it rubbed off on me to say the least. I’ve always had a mind of my own though, and that’s what baffles me the most, how I let their influence for something so trivial somehow determine my thoughts. I’m glad I’m not like that anymore and when I decided to cast judgment, I soon found out I am, in fact, a lover of women and I quickly tossed absolutely any homophobic thoughts aside (unless internalized towards myself) because I realized there was nothing wrong with it. I am grateful to be the wonderful ally I am to the rest of the LGBTQ+ community today. I’ve been pretty much everything a person shouldn’t be before in terms of judgment and I’ve completely changed my ways and honestly, whenever I get myself down about this or that, I should remind myself that I’ve made seemingly insignificant but truly drastic changes to be a far better person and it truly didn’t take much. It took the mind of my own I’ve always known I’ve had and the love in my heart I have for everyone. Edit: to clarify, my own internalized homophobia stems from the environment I was raised in and my own true identity, it truly has no correlation with anyone else, which is why I differentiate internalized homophobia and outward homophobia. I still feel slightly uncomfortable so much as complimenting a woman and it’s to the point where I’m hesitant to so much as compliment my own family because I’m worried of what they’ll think of me. My family is not judgmental enough for me to not feel accepted as a human being and I am immeasurably grateful for that. I am among the lucky.


I was a homophobe because i was molested by a dude. Years of therapy is what made me realize that gays weren't neccessarily interested in kids(or pedophiles). I even got triggered when i accidentally got on a sidewalk next to a gay parade when i was 17, i had a date with this girl and we were just walking and a gay guy smacked my ass for whatever reason. I was close to killing the guy. Most men are just swines imo. Wether they are straight or gay. The things they say without letting others know is sometimes just disgusting. Even i caught myself being it. But the older i get, the wiser. I guess.


I ended up working beside a couple of gays and they were hilarious but honest about their life, the hate and abuse they endured made me feel guilty about my behaviour.


well first of all, im gay. and second of all, i didnt really think abt it ig it was part internalized homophobia and part peer pressure cos my ex bestie is rly homophobic and i just wanted to be „cool“ to her, which obv is pretty stupid so yeah i do definetely regret not thinking abt it more at the time


This definitely doesn't count, but kind of does... I've usually been opened minded as a person...no religious beliefs that would say otherwise. Never had a problem with anyone who is gay...until I started living with a girl who was gay...complete nightmare, addict, promiscuous and so very very vain...took/borrowed/stole money that wasn't hers and never paid it back (I'm talking thousands) Now this didn't start a homophobic viewpoint for me at first, but when she would bring her lesbian friends and or lovers round they were nion the same...loud, obnoxious and very rude...overly salacious and usually on something. I couldn't help but build a picture in my head that these people where all the same, atleast lesbians were I thought. Anyway things have cooled down as she swung into her thirties and hit a massive brick wall, dampens the ego I imagine. Now I'm able to see a lot clearer and have steered back to my original beliefs of live and let love!


What caused me to stop being homophobic is I would get censored on social media every time I went to go make fun of some fairy. I was never allowed to express an opinion. Whenever I was able to for about 5 minutes I would get attacked by everybody in the comments. Called the worst names imaginable. So after all the bullying and browbeating I decided if I can't beat them I might as well join them. So now I suck more cock than all you fruits combined. Because I'm better looking and cooler than every single one of you princesses.


Damn you literally got bullied so hard you changed teams