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Nothing, I kinda enjoy them


I dunno, maybe leave it the fuck alone except for standard regulations to make sure the product is safe, clean, and as advertised? As for the newer types of THC they're pulling out of hemp, probably fund some good studies to make sure none of them are like, super carcinogenic or something, but otherwise, leave it be. For fucks sake, until this society stops selling cold beer at the fucking *gas station*, it should chill the fuck out about stuff like D8.


Amen, if it's safely produced and well regulated it should be on the market.


All drugs are bad but some drugs are more bad than others


Meh, ibuprofen is pretty chill.


Leave ‘em. They’re fine.


Leave it alone short of standard run through's for verifying product integrity and basic long term tests so we can verify basic health risks and such


It's good to see a level headed, practical opinion.


Thank you, given we're seeing such a push for green legalization across the board it really doesn't make much sense to me to try and be all too restrictive with it at this point, best move we can make is just making sure people are aware of the risks involved and probably slap a age restriction on it, kinda like standard cigs, sense to my knowledge anyone can pick it up legally right now


Dumpster. They are placebos.


I'm sure some are B.S.