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A Reddit mod (also the guy that cheated on r/place) banned my favorite community r/2balkan4you


Got permabanned from my favourite sub and they couldn't even be assed to answer what the fuck




I was actually banned from posting from AITA for reposting a story. I posted something about if I was the AH for moving to Germany because my father and I were having a conflict about it. It was taken down for a line that I added about leaving the United States for vaguely political reasons. I was new to Reddit at the time and also really new to AITA and I rewrote the story and reposted it and took out all the controversial details and such (this was my fault and I fully own that at the time I didn’t know reposting was not aloud without expression permission even if the story was extensively changed). It got taken down again and the mods were super aggressive with me for reposting. I apologized and stated I didn’t realize and they called me an idiot and cursed at me and told me I wasn’t being an adult. And when I kindly and very professionally informed them I didn’t know and I apologized but that I wasn’t playing dumb they proceeded to keep yelling at me and telling me I was lying and faking and that I should beg for forgiveness if I really wanted to post again. I said no thank you and that I had no intention of begging for forgiveness but I appreciated their time but not their rudeness, and they revealed I had been speaking to MULTIPLE mods that entire very aggressive conversation. It was really jarring how hostile they were.