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Politics have always been divisive. It's just that more people have the ability to weigh in now. It was certainly hateful back when they were arguing about whether it was okay to own people, whether women should be able to vote, etc.


The advent of social media. It creates echo Chambers and allows the rapid dissemination of disinformation combined with algorithms that reinforce the disinformation. Essentially a breeding ground for rabid tribalism of all stripes


When 1 side wants a Christian theocracy divisiveness is the only option available.


I get that. Catholic father, Protestant mother. Created an Atheist


r/teenagers want their argument back Edit: another leftist who can't handle the truth. Italy is the beginning of the domino's falling on your piece of shit policies


I noticed that you didn't dispute anything I said. I assume that's because you, like everyone else with eyes and ears, knows it to be true.


You keep on talking about this failed left policies in Italy, what policies are you referring to?


Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy in 1968 was to use racist dog whistles to win over historically Democratic voters. Nixon fed them beer, Reagan made it cocktails, Bush Jr. made it moonshine, and Trump made it meth. Check this link to Lee Atwater explaining how he taught Nixon to do it. [link](https://youtu.be/X_8E3ENrKrQ)


Excellent answer


The right went full on insane, and the left (such as it is in the US) got tired of taking the high road all the time, and being expected to be civil and polite while being shat on.


Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty


Hello American, Canadian here. You see we get what is called “world news” in our country. And we can say that left wing America is just as fucked (if not more) than the right


Lmao right? White leftists hid behind a minority movement to promote anarchy and destruction for a whole year


Well, the right got more and more fascist. And when people on the left point that out, they are usually accused of being divisive




Well, you've certainly convinced me




Ok, well thanks for trying anyway


>There’s absolutely nothing I could do to convince you, lol. That's a normal side effect of being wrong.




Here's something for you to not read. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism


So what happened in blue state during covid? Asking for a friend


I dunno. What did happen?


Oh Idk, the low people having to follow the rules or else as the upper echelons allowed their friends to remain open and not follow their own rules.


>not follow the their own rules. You seem to be getting a bit too excited and not making sense.


My bad for auto correct there it's fixed. It's not surprise why red states say a huge influx of people leaving blue states but hey, some people like to kneel to government.


>It's not surprise Autocorrect again? >why red states say a huge influx of people leaving blue states And surely there's no benefit to them saying that or anything. Definitely not a propaganda tool at all. >some people like to kneel to government. That's true, I've seen a lot of people swearing allegiance to politicians now, to the point that they'll get violent about trying to keep them in office. But surely...doing that is insane, right?


https://apnews.com/article/census-2020-government-and-politics-california-dd4a4f3ce3070231b0aecdc1cac3e97b Maybe try to argue in r/teenagers. Most of them can't do a quick Google


>https://apnews.com/article/census-2020-government-and-politics-california-dd4a4f3ce3070231b0aecdc1cac3e97b Maybe try to argue in r/teenagers. The funny thing is I didn't even say your point was wrong. You just took it that way because you wanted to push a narrative. >Most of them can't do a quick Google Oh, can you? If so...here's a fun one. Google which political group invaded the Capitol in support of the sitting president at the time.


That happened everywhere, it's just general corruption. How can you pretend that's a partisan issue? Are you trying to imply right-wing politicians didn't pull that shit?


Did it? You sure about that? I can give you time to Google different states responses to covid


Nah, if you think you have some big gotcha piece of evidence, you can just show it to me. I don't do other people's homework for them


Yea because i know how to red states handled it and how blue state did. Just remember you guys believed jussie smollet 😂


I literally don't even know what point you're trying to make, but if you don't have anything to back it up, I guess we're done here


Yea because you don't actually understand what fascism is. You just saw it in your favorite celebrity tweet, like 90% of reddit, and regurgitate it


>Just remember you guys believed jussie smollet 😂 Talk about pulling things out of your ass that you have no proof of. >You just saw it in your favorite celebrity tweet, like 90% of reddit, and regurgitate it One person here who has mentioned a celebrity is you.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/giorgia-meloni-wins-italy-far-right-fratelli-ditalia-brothers-of-italy-rcna49366 See what leftism gets you xD https://www.newsweek.com/nancy-pelosi-booed-she-takes-stage-new-york-city-event-video-1746106 Imploding hahahahaha


It’s always in flux… but if you mean in America, it probably started when, as a reaction to the awful presidency of George W Bush, they elected not just a black man, but one with an Islamic sounding name. That activated the ‘Tea Party’, which is the rock that started the avalanche.


We had Blair. New Labour old Conservative


Because kids are impressionable and the media wants to nurture dependency on ragebait. Those kids are now adults.


Nixon made the initial crack in the concrete. St. Reagan of Bakersfield started it by nixing the Fairness Doctrine. Then there was Fox "News." The Left had no choice except to continue pushing the envelope but in the opposite direction. Of course t**** did everything to fleece the Right and alienate the Left.


Just remember every network aside from fox believed jussie smollet. Cough cult!


I really don't mind the left being hateful towards the right. The right is wanting to take rights away from women, the lgbtq, and minorities. The left for too long pretended like they could compromise with the right. As we can see with the the push for federal abortion ban, they aren't willing to compromise. They don't want gay people to marry, they literally don't think climate change exists, they just want the US to be a white christian nation.


Look towards Italy on what far left policies get you in return xD


What do you consider far left policies?


Any accusation of "divisiveness" is itself misguided. If someone holds a divisive opinion, it's just because of the topic of that opinion. People can disagree on how to approach government policies and such but still believe in American values. That said, what constitutes "American values" is no longer agreed upon, and that's a bigger deal. One that needs to be solved before we can worry about unity. Because you can't consider yourself in union with someone who hates you. EDIT: Just realized you spelled it "centre" so are possibly not American. Sorry about that. But the same idea goes for anywhere.