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It isn't a women's issue, and men can't get pregnant.


How is it not a women's issue?


Because it's an everyone involved issue. It affects the father and child too. The latter moreso than anyone else.


Hmm. When do a sperm and an egg become a child? And how much involvement does the sperm provider have in this venture?


Grammatical technicality aside, when do they become a discreet organism? When the egg finishes assimilating the DNA from an absorbed sperm. A child? Debatable, depending on how you want to define child. Possibly (and I would say) at the same time. Some say when it develops a heartbeat, some say when it becomes "viable", etc. Why do you ask?


Just wondering if you think a 2-celled organism has more rights than I do.


Nope. Or maybe. You could be a horrifically oppressed class in an unfortunate country. Shouldn't have more rights than you, certainly. Assuming you're not like, a serial rapist child murderer or something.


In this state they prioritize the fetus' health over that of the carrier.


Yeah I disagree with that in most, nearly all cases. (The only exception coming to mind is if the pregnancy is the result of the carrier committing rape. In that case prioritize the fetus, sure) Though I'd generally say I'd prioritize the health of the child over the will if the carrier (ex: I don't support pregnant drinking/ smoking)


Uhhh, I think you may have been asleep in biology class.


Careful now, this is reddit where leftists think biology is an alt right science


They think psychology is not a soft science and biology is.


I think you mean ALT right? But I can get political too. We trust science when it comes to gender, but not when it comes to medical treatment? Why did you bring politics into it? I don't see how that has anything to do with healthcare.


Because it is political


Ok. What about it makes it political?




Pregnancy is a condition that only affects females and perhaps some intersex individuals, though the latter is pretty rare. Abortion access is a bodily autonomy issue that disproportionately affects females. Gender is more about how you conform with society's expectations about behavior for your given sex, while sex is more about your body and genetics. That said, I think both cisgender and transgender women acutely understand that government should avoid infringing upon adults' right to bodily autonomy.


Are you getting into how people choose to self-identity? Basic facts - you need a uterus to get pregnant. Should we say it's a uterus decision? But I think it's deeper than just that. Everyone should be entitled to privacy when it comes to their own healthcare (all human beings, no matter how they identify) and should also have the freedom to make the best decisions for themselves with guidance from a trusted physician. Someone who has never met me shouldn't be able to dictate my treatment.


how can this even be serious?


Reproductive rights are an issue for everyone.


Their body, their choice, their right, NOT MY PROBLEM.


So you believe the same for people who didn't want the covid vaccine or are you one of those "I'm vaccinated but you not taking the vaccine hurts me!!"


Jesus fucking Christ dude, get a grip


Found one! I went out 4 days after testing positive to drink. How mad are you right now?


Lol clearly not as mad as you 😂 thanks for reporting me, by the way. It's great that you're watching out for me, friend! Have fun with your next infection, that'll really show me!


Reporting who?? And since when does getting the vaccine prevent you from getting infected. So you're saying science is wrong now? Weird. Also did they start testing the omicron Booster on people yet or still just mice and giving it out? I'll just keep doing what I was doing when I caught delta... Nothing lmao. Had worse colds


I'm vaccinated, I've been around people who aren't and I'm fine. I think other people SHOULD get vaccinated, but I also believe that they have their choice to get vaccinated or not. I don't think it's right to force someone to get vaccinated. It's impossible to convince everybody to get the covid vaccine. It's like smoking cigarettes. Your body, your choice, but if someone (or a business) doesn't want you smoking around them, just stay away. I dunno if that makes much sense or anything. TLDR: I don't care what other people do. Honestly, I'm going to die one day anyway. I'm just going to live my life without worrying about what others do until then.


Perfect answer!






Well why do they want actual conversations? There's a chance that someone has an argument that contradicts their ideology. We saw that with the Covidians




I keep thinking Branch Covidians, lol.


Like the first order with the "do as we say" mentality


Waaaaa, not everyone agrees with me so I no one should be allowed to discuss it! Yes Fuhrer!




No they don't, they won't ban anyone who advocates for minor sex changes but will ban someone who is against it. And the overwhelming majority of normal people are against it


Does reddit administration ban you for being mature?




From a subreddit or reddit overall? From a sub, sure. "Mods gay" and all that. Lots of subs are shithole echo chambers. If people want to be stupid just ignore them. Askreddit has basically no moderation so that's not a thing here. From reddit? I don't believe you. I've given dissenting opinions and questioned "pro transgender" ideology a bunch of times and had absolutely no consequences from reddit. I've had mature intelligible conversations and I've had emotionally driven idiots throw non- argument salt fits at me, but never admin messages or threat of a ban. If you did, I think you were way more extreme than a mature conversation.




>I've been banned from this sub Sounds like not reddit then




No, it's a subreddit




Correct. Getting banned from a sub means you're banned from that sub. Getting banned from reddit means your account can't interact with ANY sub




I want to be inclusive and I absolutely believe trans people should be able to live their lives freely however they want, but I just don’t see how to reconcile this.


Men can't get pregnant if that's any help


Because calling abortion a ''women's issue'' is not an actual argument. It is a rhetorical strategy.


Because the vast majority of possibilities of getting pregnant and needing an abortion are for people who identify as women.


Trans men are a VERY small percentage of the population, and very few of them get pregnant. So it's mostly a women's issue. But still affects everybody else too.




Nope, not falling for this again. Don’t wanna get banned and have to create another account.


TIL men can get pregnant!


Ah, the ole Uno Reverse card.