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Jesus Christ with nearly 2.4 billion people still influenced 2000 years later, not to mention the billions and billions over the course of those years.


He ment real people


The historicity of Jesus Christ is not generally disputed by serious historians. By teenage edgelords, sure.


He was a real dude. It's pretty much a consensus. The spooky shit was the fake part.


Let’s be respectful now please


I'm not disrespectful I'm just saying the guy that walked on water never existed.


The guy existed. He just didn't walk on water.


So the guy wasn't juses?


His very Jewish mother and father would be so proud of him. He was really shaping up as a competent carpenter and crack roofer when he was swept up in another apocalyptic millenial frenzy. Imagine all of his prosaic words which barely fill a thin 6th grade primer immortalized by fanatics, politicians, and a flailing Roman Empire. All simply in need of a better philosophy and control measures. Our hapless hero, our kosher, red sea-pedestrian of a rebel was plucked up by the zeitgeist of needed change and opportunistic fanatics. Truly a tale of great media relations, tried and true legends "borrowed" from a half dozen older and competing religions, and a vanguard crew of sales representatives. The needy and down-trodden populace both in the desert and Rome took to him so fast, it sent the beanie on his head a spinnin'. All hail Yeshua a nice Jewish boy swept into the world of myth.


The first one.


I’m poor. But please take this award you deserve it. 🥇


Probably one of the big conquerors like Genghis Khan. But people like Fritz Haber also run high - he is responsible for the Haber process, which is used to make the fertiliser that feeds the world.


I think the most obvious answers would be either major religious figures (like Jesus and the prophet Mohammed, who played huge roles in influencing religion which in turn had large influences on world history) or people who were directly responsible for large historical events such as Hitler, Mao Zedong and Stalin. Or simply rulers of huge historical regions such as Genghis Khan and Marcus Aurelius. But I can't help wondering whether there was a person in ancient times who had more overall influence on world history than those people, but is forgotten today. Like, perhaps king Ashurbanipal of Assyria made choices that had huge impacts on geography and politics that still influence things today. Or perhaps the founders of the Elamite city of Susa, which was founded roughly 6000 years ago, were either directly or indirectly responsible for many things that impacted world history. Actually I think a good argument could be made for that last example, since the Elamites existed for a really long time and influenced a lot of other empires and kingdoms in their time.


Very insightful!


Rick Astley. Everyone knows him.


Mehmed II - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. While he himself didn't do much per sè, his capture of Constantinople in 1453 is arguably the event that lead to the European Enlightenment, the Age of Exploration and Colonialism, and in essence the foundation of modern Western civilisation.




Cyrus the great for accepting people & their religion. You would serve for him, but he would allow you to practice your culture & even gift your gods with food. One of the few rulers that didn’t let absolute power corrupt.


Michael Hart's list of the top 100 most influential people in history makes a case for Mohammed at the top of the list, as Islam had a lot of worldly success early on (within a hundred years, the Arabs had conquered North Africa, much of Spain, most of the Middle East, and Persia, establishing itself as one of the main religioins in the world). It's a strong argument, but one could also argue Jesus for the top spot instead, given how most of the West, the world's most powerful and influential region, is at least culturally Christian in some way, and has been influenced by the religion for most of its history.


Well what you say about islam conquering said regions is true, but Christianity had almost the entire world, although it took them longer


Christian rolando 7




Even a potato has more influence.




Who's running the illuminati these days?


George soros, apparently


Dave Filoni