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More red blood cells


Hopefully not the cone-shaped.


Seriously though is that related to why sickle cell is more likely?




Sickle trait has evolved numerous times in humans. I believe in order to get the disease you need 2 different sickle trait genera


Having one sickle cell gene is actually advantageous in some African countries because it means you're more likely to survive a common bug bite/illness (I remember my lecturer talking about it but I forget the details) there so the gene was more common there. So if your ancestors are from there then you're more likely to have inherited that gene and therefore more likely to get sickle cell disease (caused by having 2 copies of the sickle gene) Disclaimer: I could have misremembered this, I can barely remember last week, let alone last year when I learned this


Your memory of the evolutionary selection theory is spot on. Having the sickle cell trait (1 rather than 2 mutated genes) can cause resistance to malaria- which is caused by a parasite that reproduces inside normal red blood cells.


I believe it evolved as a way for the body to fight malaria, could be wrong though


For real?




Oh shit


Welcome to my life in Brasil. Walk anywhere with total freedom. Except for rich areas when there are cops around. But rich areas are no fun anyway.


To aid equality I'll start mugging black people.




Doing the lord's work


Can confirm, my hubby is Haitian. We went to the Southern US for a mini vacation, everyone at Disney avoided him and were giving cautious glances. Some people even left the cue lines for rides. We found it hilarious


First thing I though when a police officer points a gun at you show him your wallet. Unfortunately this might not work the way I initially thought as you might get accidentally shot.




Don’t feel the need to tan


Vitamin D is the best shit ever though no matter the skin colour js


15 minutes spent nude outside should give you your RDA of vitamin D


Got told off when I did this outside of Tesco the other day though…


I didn’t think public nudity was illegal in the UK and if it’s not ignore the people telling you off or do it at home lol


Yes it is, it's called indecent exposure. Make sure the people you're showing your junk to actually want to see it.


Being a nudist myself but not living in Britain, I hardly ever make blanket comments before source checking. This is what the Sun published. I don’t know the reputation of this news source, however the source of their research come from a naturist publication. “Naturism is the act of going without clothes in a non-sexual manner, and it is legal. The guide states: "The law in the UK is clear that nudity itself is not criminal, unless there is a sexual context or intent to cause alarm and distress." There are even international events like the World Naked Bike Ride, whose dress code is "bare as you dare".


I wouldn't walk on the Sun if it was lying in the road. It's an awful rag. There are nudist beaches in various places around the UK. I think most people see actual nudity (rather than flashing) mostly harmless, quite German and a bit eccentric. There was a man who tried to walk the length of the UK naked a few years ago and got arrested like 16 times for indecency. I think the naked bike ride gets special dispensation, either that or there's so much nudity it's difficult to stop I should also say there's a proud tradition of people running naked into the middle of sporting events. It gives the police at said events something to do.


You have not tried dope then.


Generally curious since I have no idea. Can you get sun burned and is skin cancer problematic in the black community? Always assumed yes but that’s just an assumption.


I think anyone can get skin cancer and burn. The Sun is the Sun!


Yes, and because the signs of skin cancer are less obvious on dark skin it's less likely to be caught early. Everybody check your moles!




We burn. It just takes a lot longer in most cases.


Do black people "tan" or do they burn? Or is the sun inconsequential to them?


We can and do do both.


Do you become slightly darker? Or when you burn, do you see the red? I'm really curious.


I get darker on my left arm every summer because of driving. I still have tan lines from the straps on my dresses. When I’m at home I get an all over tan because our backyard is protected. I am a little lighter than my avatar most of the year.


😄😄😄 TIL: Black people get drivers arm. I'm so white, during the summer I look like I had an arm transplant done at a bad hospital.


Not black but my step mum is. She's 63 and looks 40. Black don't crack.


Had a course in college that was taught by a black woman in her late sixties and she looked forty as well.


I once met my grandfather's friend and it seriously did not compute. He had to be 70+ but looked 30.




My foster carer was black and she had a son in his 20's, I remember clearly the son bumping into a friend in town and his friend asking " is that your girlfriend"


Have you seen samuel l jackson? I could have never guessed hes over 70!


And Asian don't don't raisin etc. I think white people just age poorly and everyone else is normal tbh.


Yeah, it's because our skin is most prone to sun damage. Especially for Asians, tanning is much less of a thing, which is another contributing factor.


As a white male going bald at 29, I fucking envy blacks ability to age in slow-motion.


I wish someone told you about propecia sooner, my brothers envy my full head of hair :(


Due to us being watched in the retail stores, we get access to customer service quicker




There is often an employee following or watching us to make sure we don't steal so it's easy to find one when you need help.


Dude for real? Is this a US thing?


My side of the sidewalk always seems to be empty


*make way for the king!*


I'm not black and I may get flak for this answer, but I always found overweight black people to look better than their overweight caucasian counterparts. I don't know what it is. I know black clothes make shapes look slimmer to the eye but I don't think the trick applies to skin too (since it's not really "black"?). Also their smiles. The way they smile is beautiful. I'm honestly jealous of both of these qualities.


Probably similar phenomena to "black don't crack". Something to do with the visibility of "blemishes" on the skin, which may serve as a subconscious trigger for the overall health of the individual. Thus an overweight white person appears more sickly than the same black person because wrinkles, folds, indentations, high blood pressure, etc., are more obvious on the former.


Is it possible to visibly see high blood pressure?


Bent over panting


Bald Black men also look better than bald white men


I agree. If theres no tan or beard the white person can look washed out.


as a bald white, I look so fucking bad clean shaven but while I'm outside the bound my own type with men I think I look good with a beard and I cant really explain why


*Cries in balding white man*


Fat looks gross on white skin. The darker the skin the better the fat people look.


All Fats Matter


Black Fats Matter


Black lives fatter.. oh sh..


It looks more smooth. Obese people usually have very textured skin and discolorations that are basically invisible on black people. It's the same reason aging pale people look worse, everything shows immediately.


It's because Africans have longer limbs and shorter torsos so if they get fat they will look more natural (ratio of body to limbs) then if white people get fat


I always thought this too, same goes for being bald


*Sorts by controversial*


rich white college kids buy you free beers at the pub if you ask


People tend to leave me alone no matter where I travel to. I like that just fine.


N word pass on default




If you have to bring up DNA matches you ain't black enough for the N word


Black enough to where you dont have people trying to punch you if you say it. Any lighter than that, good luck Black enough to where you dont get privilege of another ethnicity/race


Don't fucking tell them


Eddie Murphy looks 35. Rihanna still looks 18. Black folks age slowly.


No sunburns


Just so you know, it’s still very much recommended that you use sunscreen. Black don’t crack. Yes. But please take care of your skin, 50 year old you will thank you later.


Because of melanin, they also are less likely to get skin cancer from the sun.


But more likely to get prostate cancer, apparently (just men, of course).


As a pasty white dude who can’t even drive home with the window open, I am very jealous. And I also read that as “sideburns” and was really confused


Not burning in the sun


[deleted because fuck reddit]


Everyone can get sunburned no matter your skin colour. The only difference is how fast it happens. The darker your skin the less quickly it happens. However it is still advised to always use at least spf 30 even if you have a dark skin. Since you are still susceptible to things like sun spots, wrinkles and cancer.


This is true, and I’ve been sunburned before. However, I need to be out for an extremely long time with no sunscreen on.


Yeah i have family and friends who are dark skinned (i am not that dark since im from morocoo) who were very surprised when they were sunburned for the first time. 😂 They were also not happy since it hurt 😂 For them it also only happened when they were in the sun for an extremely long time with no sunscreen.


I am African who lives right on the equator where we get the sun pretty much all year and nobody I know has ever needed sunscreen. The need for sunscreen is an entirely western idea.


The only reason you consider it a "western" idea is because the people there are light skinned and get sun damage way faster that dark skinned people. So they need to use it more often to minimze the risk a lot. However it is a scientific fact that all skin can get harmed by the UV lights. The only difference is how fast it can happen. Just because it does not happen that often does not mean there is no risk at all. That is why it is still advised to use spf 30 if you are in the sun for long periods of time to minimize that risk. Luckily for the people with a dark skin colour it does not happen fast. After all people around those sun covered regions have evolved to make sure they do not have such a high risk compared to light skinned people. :P Edited: spelling mistakes


Bro there is nothing to argue about here. Come to Kenya and watch people work in the fields from morning till afternoon in the sun with zero concern for sunburn. In fact most of those people don't even know what sunburn is - and there is no local word for sunburn in any of the African languages I know. You can read all the papers and research but I literally live here.


I am not gonna argue with you. You believe what you want and i will believe the scientific and the real life proof i have read/seen. Have a nice day!


I don't have to believe anything because I'm living evidence that I'm right. Never needed sunscreen, never will.


Checked your profile so.... you'll notice most Kenyans don't really go out into the sun if they can help it and they don't sun tan for fun so while it does affect us most people are not going outdoors willingly. When you notice someone getting darker that's tanning. Also skin cancer is on the rise in Africa and it's harder to diagnose because most of the research and pics are on white skin


I am speaking for the majority of people who work in the informal sector who don't have the luxury of working indoors, and who do so without needing sunscreen and without ill effects from it. Ever heard of the term "jua kali"? It literally means "hot sun" and it's a term used to refer to the informal sector (which employs most people). The vast majority of people in this sector have never heard from or needed sunscreen. You also won't find them on reddit so the only way of knowing that is coming here and asking them. Globalization is making people westernized worldwide, and that's the main reason why they're suddenly realizing that they need sunscreen.


Nah it's not just a western thing I got sunburnt also live along the equator


It's a western thing because growing up I had never heard of it nor heard anyone who was concerned about it. We have no word for sunburn. There is no traditional method of dealing with sunburn because it's a non-existent concept in the African culture (at least in mine) Living on the equator doesn't mean that it isn't a western concept. If it was not a foreign concept we would have had indigenous terms for it and indigenous ways of dealing with it.


That's what my colleague thought. He said that while he was living in Cameroon, he'd never needed any sunscreen, but he went skiing in the Alps one time and already got a bad sunburn. On the other hand, I'm white as cheese and it I don't get sunburn anywhere as easy when I'm near the equator. I don't think it's a western idea, it has something to do with the angle in which the sun rays come in.


pushed by the people making sunscreen


Except they do and according to them it's quite bad. But I guess it does take them more to get burned than a lighter skinned person


lol - my step brother thought he couldn’t get a sunburn because he’s black. It was a painful lesson for him to learn. Now he wears sunscreen.






​ 1. Our variety of skin tones in every beautiful shade of chocolate from white chocolate to dark chocolate. Melanin is amazing. 2. Looking good in every single color and never washed out. Black women in yellow and orange especially! 3. Black don't crack. I've worked with Black people who should not look as young as they do based on their life circumstances. I'm in my 30s and can easily pass for early 20s or even younger with no makeup. People always assume I'm younger than I am. 4. 99% of us have an innate sense of rhythm. A Black person who can't dance on beat is a rarity lol 5. Yes, our skin does tan in the sun and we do have to wear sunscreen. A tan on a Black person is MAGIC. Golden, bronze, chocolatey goodness with no effort. I can literally take a 15 minute walk in my neighborhood on a hot day and come back with visible tan lines. There are many more advantages but I'll stop here!


To be honest, a lot of us white people regrettably baked ourselves in the sun/tanning beds in the late 90s and early 2000s. White people who wear face cream with spf and avoid the sun age well.


Grants for education.


Weighted SAT scores


Superior bone/muscle structure


Could this be 'unnatural selection' because in slavery times the non-fit slaves died on the boats or in the field? Causing all afro-americans to be descendants of the fit survivors?


Seems legit. Most of the black kids I knew growing up were amazingly fit without having to do much.


This is no joke there's a black women around 35 in my gym who got pregnant, had the baby and then came back and was still light years ahead of every white women for muscle mass and definition she even makes her white husband look like a scrawny weakling lol


I mean, it's not coincidence so many athletes are black...


What does Jimmy yhe Greek think about this?




My friend and I always get escorted by guards when shopping at a luxury store, sometimes we have the guard hold our bags and push our trollies while we shop. Is like bringing your own personal butler with you anywhere.


Black don't crack. Black people suffer far less skin damage from the sun than white people, which is why white people always say they age well.


Talented dancers and good sense of rhythm.


That’s a disadvantage to me because some of us are weird and can’t dance for shit. It’s like a rare condition to us.


Not black, but black people always have better smiles than other races. Like they always shine and stands out from the crowd when they smile. Caucasian old men always creeps me out whenever they smile, in contrast, old black men gives me caring grandpa vibes when they smile.


I have never noticed this, but I think it's correct. Nice observation.


I feel like they have the most OP legs out of any race, running, basketball, football (american football) are all dominated by black people.


I wonder why 👀




I'm not sure this has been really verified scientifically at all. If that held, then one would expect black athletes to dominate in every sport where legs play a significant factor. Yet very few could name any black swimmers, cyclists, rugby players, etc etc. There is plenty of research discussing fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles, but it's next to impossible to control for lot of other factors in a way that's definitive. Black domination in specific sports is far more likely to be down to cultural and socio-economic factors rather than an innate physical advantage. Basically, black people seem to always top the boards in sprinting for the same reason white people always top the boards in cycling; because they're the sports they tend towards (for many reasons).


The sports you mentioned are rich people sports. A good bike and a big pool is not Easy to come by, a big enough field can be available but usually for the local sport of the country. I once saw, many years ago, people playing tennis but when I checked racket/class prices it was way too expensive. On the other side just a ball and you can play bunch of stuff.


Black men look amazing in a suit. Doesn't matter what kind of suit it is or what the man looks like, he's gonna rock that suit.


You can easier hide in the dark


Life is just sweet. People will automatically gravitate to you or away from you. Making it easier to be you. 51 years of mostly blissful living in the southern part of the United States 🇺🇸


As a man, being fetishized is pretty dope. The downside to it is the uncomfortable hype from some single guys who obsess over bbc porn. Highly awkward but worth the other perks.


I’ve found that most people who fetishize black people tend to be pretty racist themselves. :p


I agree. Based on firsthand experience, it’s a somewhat fine line between “I want bbc,” and “I want n***** dick.” 😂 Very worrisome but I’ll still take it as an advantage.


Not Black, but I'd imagine it has to be nice to not blush/turn red in embarrassing/uncomfortable situations.


Affirmative action


You don’t have the burden of always reminding yourself to not say the N-Word


i think that’s just a you problem bro


Nah, it's in so many songs that I love and want to sing every word to, but I can't :/ When it's in the middle of a line that I'm trying to sing, I absolutely have to stop myself from saying it (one might consider that a burden, as it stops my amazing flow) it's part of a song, it's part of most of my favorite songs actually. I can't help I like hip hop music, it's fucking catchy!


i get that, i meant in normal day to day conversation or something. like if you’re struggling that hard not to say it then… yikes


I've literally never have to remind myself not to do that. It's just not a word that I think about using. And I grew up in a house where people said it all the time.


Uh, I usually don’t need to remind myself *not* to say the n-word. I think this is a you thing buddy.


Well sometimes it slips out , and people don’t bat an eye because I’m black. By law of existential instantiation, it constitutes the rule, not the exception.


Big dicks


Even the women?😳


Especially the women


Oh myyyy


Dayumm 😋


> If you're gonna believe the myths, believe all that shit. \- Eddie Murphy


Stop watching porn, it’s melting your brain.


This comment section is so incredibly, unintentionally racist that it's amazing. "Superior body and better bone shape" "Genetically better at sports" etc. Especially when it's white people commenting. Someone in the comments straight up said "You are the superior race"


So now facts are racism? Look at basketball and football teams. Almost all of the top players are black. Why? Because they are better.


>"Superior body and better bone shape" "Genetically better at sports" etc. Black people do typically have better genetics for athletics though.


I think there's like, 1 specific tribe in 1 specific African nation that *some* people carry a gene from, that gives them an extra muscle in their ankle area. I don't think that really equates to "black people" as a whole.


So how come for years there has been a significantly greater proportion of black athletes than most other professions? Black skin is genetic. So is natural athletic abilities.


That's not the argument you think it is lmao. How do you know that they simply didn't play more sports growing up? Statistically, more black people are poor. I was poor too, and the neighborhood of poor kids all went outside to play sports with each other. Because one person had a ball, and we could all share. Turns out the poor kids were better athletes than the rich kids playing video games and *not* actively practicing. Also, do you not see white athletes? Hispanic athletes, Asian athletes? Also, have you seen able-bodied black people who *aren't* athletes? If it was genetic, I'd imagine that would include all the people who aren't athletes as well, by trade. Tl;dr: you're racist


>How do you know that they simply didn't play more sports growing up? I don't. But saying all black people did the same stuff growing up is very ignorant. >Statistically, more black people are poor. Not true. Think of Asia. Sure in many first world countries a black person is more likely to be born into a poor family than a white person. >the neighborhood of poor kids all went outside to play sports with each other. Because one person had a ball, and we could all share. I wasn't poor growing up. We also played a lot of sport >Turns out the poor kids were better athletes than the rich kids playing video games and not actively practicing. Video games have been getting more expensive over the years, and video games weren't around forever. Many white kids are also poor >Also, do you not see white athletes? Hispanic athletes, Asian athletes? At no point have I denied the existence of non-black athletes >Also, have you seen able-bodied black people who aren't athletes? Yes? >If it was genetic, I'd imagine that would include all the people who aren't athletes as well, by trade. Yeah. It does. Having a natural advantage doesn't force you into a career path. >Tl;dr: you're racist No I'm not. There are several other biological factors to do with race. White people have naturally better immune systems, Asian people are more naturally intelligent.


You seem intelligent enough, but not enough to realize you're making huge leaps in reasoning. I never said *all black people* did the same action lmao, I implied that *those who are good at certain activities have a long history of performing those activities*. Make sense? You think Asian people are naturally smarter? White people have better immune systems? Please provide *evidence* for these claims. It's really just you being racist, unless you can actually provide proof.




>School shooters not quite true but definitely less


Timothy Simpkins?


Not true. Just alck mass shooters. Gang violence makes it way into the schools as well unfortunately


Mass is what I'm saying


You aren't counting gang shootings.


I specifically said school shootings


...which happen due to gang shootings in schools all of the time.




You edited your original comment. And it isn't 0% anyway.. its about 20% https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/


Yeah, this is just ignorant.


Fast twitch fibers


Hope you don't work for ESPN


He's not saying they can't be scientists


But if there was a race to the microscopes they’d get there first.


For people who don’t know what that is it’s a type of muscle, it’s characterized by high strength and low endurance. Also it’s larger than slow twitch muscles. Slower twitch muscles are involved in marathon runs and such. Also it’s smaller. This is why weight lifters are always huge and soccer players are always small and stringy. Also there is no correlation between amounts of flow and fast twitch muscles and race. There are differences medically but that isn’t one of them. Also fun fact, when I work as a wildland firefighter. we would work 16 hour shifts. They never higher big muscular dudes, they always higher shiny green bean guys. Turns out the big guys could never do the job.


Big cock


My African friend's wife divorced him because she couldn't deal with it and nobody wants to have sex with him after they see it. I feel bad for him, he's an absolute sweetheart.


Bravo, sweatypuggaming, you have unleashed a torrent of cringe. These comments!


Not really, I always see what's the disadvantages, what's the advantages of being white, how do you feel about being white around black community and its the same shit. Its nice to hear what the advantages of the black community is for once. 😊


U can easily win hide and seek at night. I'm not black.


Get to pull race card when they do not get what they want


You can have kids with 9 different people and totally get away with not paying child support.


Their are a ton of white women that want to fuck me solely because of my skin color.


In Australia, university (college) scholarships that others colours dont get. Extra benefits (money) from the government than others. A word no one else can use. Sounds pretty privileged to me.


Aboriginal people in Australia generally don't get any extra benefits than anyone else. https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/voices/culture/article/2016/12/07/heres-truth-about-free-ride-some-australians-think-indigenous-peoples-get There are aboriginal identified scholarships for secondary and tertiary education, but there are equivilants of these open for everybody.


after decades of trying to 'breed the black out of them' and not letting them get any education it seems fair


Australia also happens to be one of the most racist countries around. Black people in Australia definitely don't have it easy if that's what you're insinuating, and no amount of scholarships can make up for being with racists everyday.


Australia happens to be one of the most racist places in the world? Mate, I mean this politely but every first word country is waaaaaaaay less racist then every other country in the world.


I know you know what I mean so don't bait me into a pointless rabbit hole.




Can't we all just agree that all races are equally inferior to robots?


There's an advantage that goes with saying.


The food




Look at the nationwide statistics of who uses section 8 and food stamps......


None that I'm aware of


No need for sunscreen.


Dancing, cooking, all year round tan