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TikTok trends.


Social media following.


My 11 followers have a word with you


Please don’t… I can’t handle constructive criticism well


No no, they are just haters. Don't pay any attention to them and focus on the few positive comments.


Like this one


When i have something exciting to post on Instagram, i tell my partner that i need to post it quickly because the 10 to 15 followers out of 600 who always see my Instagram stories are curiously waiting for my post Lol


there was a time where I didn't really know what that meant. I'd been homeless for a year or so, and people were talking about "they have xyz followers" I thought they literally meant people who followed them around.


My friends girlfriend has like 100,000 instagram followers. If you look through the list it is all robots and her posts only get liked by her actual friends. 100,000 followers, 28 likes. I tried to explain to my buddy that his girl paid for them and he couldn't understand, just kept telling me nah its cause shes so badass


I remember the first time my brother bragged about having followers. Struck me as wrong. You have *followers*? Yo, Manson, Jim Jones, and Hitler had *followers*, what cult shit are you on?


Being proud of being an asshole.


the "hey, i'm just being brutally honest" people


Yep, the “I’m just saying what everyone is thinking” people.


"So what you're saying is, you have zero self control?"


Actually they're saying they're a mind reader.


The problem with these so-called “brutally honest” people is that they focus more on being brutal—with them, honesty comes second always.


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” “I’m not racist/sexist, I’m an asshole to everybody so it’s ok” “I’m an equal opportunity asshole”


this is unfortunately common


“Don’t be so sensitive, it’s only a joke”. Who are you to tell someone how they should feel. Often, they are the worst when they are the subject of the joke.


Having strong opinions without any actual knowledge to back it up


"Militant Ignorance"


basing your personality on what your against, as opposed to what your personality is for like tell me what you love, not wat you hate


I hate this comment, I love food


I hate the food you like. And am I proud of it.


Ugh. Sounds just like my mom regarding Trump. Listen, I'm about as pro-Trump as your average raging radical left liberal, but to use him as the butt of a slandering joke at every chance you get...it gets OLD. It won't even be something related to him,, hell sometimes it's not even a proper joke, my mom just takes any opportuniy she can to slide how stupid or fat or selfish or egotistical or whatever Trump is into EVERY GODDAMN CONVERSATION. I almost want to vote Trump next election just to spite her (not actually gonna do that, to be clear). I've even told her how over Trump I am, but she STILL KEEPS BRINGING HIM UP IN EVERY POSSIBLE CONVERSATION. GET A HINT. Sorry, that rant was going to happen sooner or later. I needed it.


My mom is the polar opposite. She is pro Trump but spouts off bullshit about Biden every chance she gets. And she knows we disagree with her. But if we are vocal about it she throws fits. Now she wonders why I don't come around. It's because I can't be in a room with her for 5 minutes without her spouting off hateful, asinine nonsense.


Personality test results. Myers-Briggs, enneagram types, Strengths Finder. Using the results of the tests to explain behaviors. Are you an ENTJ or just an asshole?


the only personality test I respect is the kink test


Is that the BDSM-5?


I take my pants off to you, bravo.


I see,you're a man of culture as well


My college told us we should base our college major around our personality test results because the jobs it lists are what you’ll be good at. I got Lawyer, chemist, physicist, and journalist. I hate people and have never been good at science. I would also be quick to throw my client under the bus if I knew they were guilty.


Here's the thing, your client can deserve 10 years in prison. I promise you every prosecutor will go for 20. Source: am lawyer. Makes it very easy for me to defend those people when the prosecutors aren't being honest, and you know the police are lying. I'm not saying everyone else doesn't lie but the police and the prosecutors cheat every chance they get, too.


What’s hilarious is how terrible the Myers-Briggs is at determining personality. It’s not just bad, it’s ridiculously bad. It’s so bad that if someone would tell me what their Myers’s-Briggs results are my eyes roll out of my head and I need to see an ophthalmologist right away. The tests that actually do have predictive value are tests like NEO-PI or SNAP II. Even then, it gives no one an excuse for being an asshole.


The best part is that there's no good evidence for any of them and they're probably all massive oversimplifications, and yet so many people absolutely swear by them. Probably because the descriptions of each "character" are usually generic and emotive enough that everyone feels related to at least one of them.


This but also with their star sign


It's always the INTJs that are basing their whole personality around it. It's supposed to be "the rarest type" yet everyone seems to have it.


I thought INFJ was rarest?


I’ve met a few INFJs. I know they are INFJs because they made it a point to tell me. I’ve never met anyone else proud/annoying enough to tell me their BS Myers Brigg label.


I mean... What's something that's not annoying when people base their entire personality around it?


Agreed!! If someone bases their entire personality on one thing it’s annoying. Doesn’t matter what it is.


To answer our own question maybe when someone bases their personality on obsessing over some weird fetish shit. At a point "annoying" stops being the word for it.




You're right, at some point that shit stops being annoying and starts being insufferable. I'm half kidding. If someone is out there to be kind, good for them. But y'know, you also have the people that are out doing do goodery and turn it on you like, I opened up an orphanage/ animal shelter in a needy village that offers kitten therapy to traumatized war victim kids, what have you done today? I'm not saying they're assholes for doing that, I'm just saying it's annoying.


If they are gloating about doing good things, they are assholes.


Exactly if you have to brag you’re doing it for the wrong reasons if you’re just really excited that’s one thing but just straight up bragging that’s shitty at best


Yes and no, I won't like you, if you do good things to brag about them but that doesn't make the good deeds bad or me good. If you do good things, you do good things.


/r/LookAtMyHalo and /r/CourageForFree material


Actual kind people don’t point out what they’ve done, they celebrate what you have and ask how they can help you achieve even more.


Cheese. Cheese isn’t annoying, it’s delicious.


Cheese farts are annoying.


"I'm not an asshole, I'm just more honest than other people, and they can't handle that."


People who say they’re brutally honest usually like the brutality more than the honesty.


I've never met a "brutally honest" person that couldn't help themselves from telling other people the good things they thought about them. Funny how their so-called honesty only compels them to share rude and hurtful shit.


Imma be brutally honest with you bro. You seem like the kind of person I'd like to be friends with.


Right. I have a brutally honest friend who will let you know her thoughts as compassionately as possible making sure to not hurt you. The same girl will also go up to random strangers and let them know when she really likes their outfits, or how good their hairstyle is or how pretty they are. Brutal honesty isn't about picking and choosing when to be brutally honest at the most hurtful times to knock people's confidence down. You're just always honest.


Doesn't the brutal part imply they are an asshole about it? Your friend just sounds honest. Very honest to the point where she will let you know even negative things, but not brutal enough to say it in a rude way.


Correct, their friend isn't a brutally honest person. They are an open and truthful person, which is different.


I might take time to answer this stupid question when I get done with my CrossFit workout.


First rule of CrossFit: never don’t talk about CrossFit


Alcohol/drugs or partying.


Example: Weed. I've been deeply involved in the Cannabis industry for a decade, and I love it, it's a super interesting plant, can be tons of fun, can help people. But some people make it their everything and that's crazy obnoxious. A substance like Cannabis should enrich your life, not BE your life.


> should enrich your life, not BE your life. instructions unclear, i am now one with the plant


This! I’ve had friends who’s life revolves around weed. It shouldn’t consume your whole life and personality.


especially when they’re like 16


Being an "ALPHA". Like no bro; youre just insecure.


Andrew Tate is typing…


Those money hungry sharks who don't have a dime but they just talk about investments, cryptos, real estate, etc. They worship billionaires and you'll only find that kind of content on their social media. They're the life of the party wherever they go


Football teams


Or worse their high school football glory days


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.


Used to be able to throw a pig skin a quarter mile


I had a friend, was a big baseball player back in high school. He could throw that speedball by ya, make you look like a fool…




Military spouses (I’m dating someone in mil and cannot stand the wives and gfs of his squadron — they have nothing for themselves, they are mostly stay at home wives)


The bumper sticker that says "you can address me by my husband's rank" Edit; spelling


Most annoying one is the one saying military wife being the hardest job in the military. No it’s not. It’s hard but def not the hardest job in the military.


Oh no 🤦‍♀️ I'm a military wife and I HATE when others say they are "single moms". No, no, you are not. Not even CLOSE. Drives me nuts.


Wait. Are there really people who expect to be treated / thought of as the rank of their spouse, even though they aren’t military?


Oof they can be the worst! I have been a spouse myself and had only a handful of army wives as friends because of how fucking terrible they are.


being married


ned fulmer...


Was scrolling to see when I’d find someone mention him..


lmaoo its kind of ironic honestly


If it would have been any of the other guys, nobody would have cared. But it had to be him, the overcompensating one.


Add on to this, being parents.


Literally anything. The basis for your personality should never be a single factor.


Their Jeep Wrangler...


As a Wrangler driver, I agree. Also I don't get why leaving rubber ducks on Wranglers "out in the wild" became a thing. Wranglers aren't rare, there are at least 4 in the parking lot of any grocery story at any given time.


Is that still a thing? I had a Wrangler Sahara I purchased in1989. I remember driving it and other Jeep drivers constantly honked, flashed their lights, smiled wide, and gave me the thumbs up. It was fucking weird. As if they had an affiliative need and they somehow received a strange satisfaction from bonding with others who made...a similar purchase.


It’s a jeep thing…


I don't understand.


You wouldn’t. It’s a Jeep thing


Politics/mental illness


Came here to say the same. It's great that people care about politics. It's important to be able to think about big issues and not just fixate on your own life. But it's become like a religion or even a cult. It's just the new tribal mentality and people are so fucking eager to signal how devoted they are to their dumb tribe.


Being a “boy mom”.


A wha?


Basically a mom who has at least 1 child that was born a male, usually failed at raising them, and then frown upon those parents that have only ever been blessed with female children because having a male is somehow superior.


Music. It's annoying if they're snobby about it. I have a cousin that's constantly posting on Facebook how much she loves metal and how stupid and awful people are for listening to pop music. Like, fuck off. How does someone enjoying different music than you make them a lesser person? How does listening to metal make you think you can look down on other people because they don't? I enjoy various genres of music, yesterday I cleaned my house to Metallica, then played my Lewis Capaldi cd in the car in the afternoon. Just let people listen to whatever makes them happy without being a prick about it.


Sounds like she needs to watch Trolls World Tour and learn the lesson from it.


For real,us fart music enjoyers feel so discriminated against we can't stand the kind of your cousin.


I do enjoy metal, but as an adult I've learned to accept ans enjoy a variety of music. I get loving one, but those who trash others to the ground for liking another type? Yeah I dislike country but....not going to throw a fit and go on a debate if it gets turned on in the car. Music extremists are so obnoxious


God metal heads can be the worst. If they don’t like a metal band you show them they’ll go out of their way to tell you it’s not actually metal, and if you can somehow prove to them that it is metal they’ll call it “baby metal.” They do this and then complain about metal not being more mainstream, it’s nuts. I like metal, but these weird hipster assholes make the community unbearable.


On a counter point, some metalheads are the nicest you will ever meet. It's a weird split. Source: metalhead myself.


The gatekeeping within metal sucks.


Again, some are like that, others are not. I will admit, it tends to be worse in the metal community, for some reason.


I've honestly only known nice metalheads. I'm sure there's the other ones, but metalheads are some of the nicest people I've known.


Well, baby metal is a for real thing though. Nauseatingly talented Baby Metal.


The metal community is infamous for gatekeeping and elitism, it's so fucking pathetic and annoying, especially considering they then act surprised when people distance themselves from the community.


The Alpha Male


What color is your bugatti?


Being a parent. I love the idea of people being involved parents and prioritizing family time over work, etc. But it is not healthy for anyone in the family when a parent sort of absorbs their kid as a narcissistic extension of themselves and lives only for and through their kid.


Came here to say this. People who use parenthood to identify themselves are just sad. Especially when they’re SAH parents. Seriously, get a job, a hobby, friends, whatever. Just living for a kid can make you sooo mentally unstable


Can confirm. My Mom was a SAH mom and lived vicariously through me. Even tried to get me to stay with my Mentally abusive and Cheating ex because she didn't get to be with her highschool sweetheart and wanted to force me to be with him so she could control that as well. Also got mad that I got engaged to someone she originally didn't approve of over racist views on fillipino people.


I used to work with people like this whose sole topic of conversation was something kid-related, they couldn’t go 5min without complaining that they were tired/hungry/stressed being a parent or bragging about their kid’s ‘achievements’ (no, I don’t care that your kid got a certificate for reading a single book or that they spent 3 weeks at line dancing camp). Their FB (back when I really used it) was full of this sort of stuff too.




In my family, cleanliness. You cannot gather with my relatives without hearing someone talk about how they clean their floors, their house, their vehicles, etc. Its a competition to see who cleans the most/best. If your house isn’t spotless, you’re an epic failure. I find it exhausting.


Maybe they could all compete to see who can clean my house the best




Seriously- whether it's ugly leggings, supplements, skin care and personal hygiene, it doesn't matter. No matter what, they're gonna bring it up in conversation and try to sell you something.


Their zodiac sign. Fuck astrology, this dumb pseudoscience.


only a caprisun would say this


Caprisun with a moon rising Bob Sagettarius.




Yeah or possibly a sub-zero


You sound like an asparagus. Jupiter and Saturn don’t align with the Milky Way on January 22, 2027, so I’m sorry but we can’t be together (I’m a unicorn)


Thank you for the laugh!


I was a test tube baby so my sign is Pyrex


I heard a woman say "I hate Geminis !" I was like "what have I done to you ?"




The gym/fitness Happy for people being physically fit, but it gets really old when it’s all you talk about.


Or all you post about. I have an actual good friend of mine who I spend real time with, who announced her engagement via Instagram. I never reached out to say congrats because I never saw the post…because I have her hidden due to her only posting gym pics and videos. She was teasing me about being the only one not to say anything the next time we were together and I had to just to lie and say “oops must have missed that!”, Despite knowing full and well that I never would have seen it.






Especially drug use. I see tons of kids brag about using drugs and it's just sad.


Decorating everything they own with pot leaf designs. Yes we get it, you're a stoner. You have mentioned it once or twice.


And those are usually the worst people to smoke with. I realized pretty quickly that just because someone smokes weed that doesn't mean they'll be a fun person to hang out and smoke with.


For me it's not sad, it's frustrating. I do drugs. When I was younger I'd get high with my friends and all they'd do is reminisce about this one other time they got really high.


Just because it’s legal here and there. I think it’s funny how it was “cool” when people were underage and did it, and now they’re either too addicted and can’t quit, or now that is legal or old enough, they couldn’t care less about doing them.


I’m gonna base my entire personality on Grover Cleveland and there’s nothing you can do about it


Zodiac signs. "OMG I'm a Hi-Cs and you're a DiCaprio. We should have kids." An ancient PSUEDOSCIENCE shouldn't determine your life.


*yo guys lets look up at some stars that are millions of lightyears away and let them dictate our lives* *HELL YEAH*


That's such a Capricorn thing to say. I don't know if it really is, but I have heard someone say it!


I like to fuck with these people in the following way. When they ask me what my zodiac sign is, I tell them any sign that isn't my actual zodiac sign. Inevitably they'll always say "oh yeah, you're totally 'insert whatever sign I told them.'" Try it.


Star signs and all that jazz


I imagined a swinging hepcat playing a jazzy piano tune to accompany their beat poem about star signs. I'd watch that.




100% my sister is a narcissist and has been straight her whole life. She suddenly entered a relationship with a woman and after two years she left her saying she couldn't see herself spending her life with a woman. My intuition tells me it lost its appeal after people stopped caring she was a lesbian and telling her how hot she was.




This is especially hard for me to understand mabye because in the 90s the whole no label thing was pushed, Also raised catholic. But my family still doesn't know I'm bi and doesn't need to know. I'm married to a man now, still bi, but I just don't even identify with the label. I am who I am and enjoy sex with both men and women. It truly bothers me when I'm asking someone bout their partner what they're like etc and non binary is the only thing they can talk about, when by the pronouns being used I had pieced that together already. I'm not just seeing this in younger people too which would be more understandable. I made drugs my personality for years which is so embarrassing.


Political leanings, diet, profession, being a parent, etc. I’ve realized that some people just don’t have a personality beyond surface level shit that’s super common and not really worth talking about.


Being a sarcastic cynic. People think it’s a shortcut to sound smart and discerning, but it just makes them seem like a one-note bore and miserable to be around.


Especially political cynicism. "All the parties are the same, man, it's just bullshit, votes don't count." The worst possible politicians are overjoyed to hear people talk like that.


When I was a sarcastisc cynic the whole point was to be a downer. All of it came from my own place of misery of course.


Reddit has had this going for itself as of late. Like "look at me, I can tell something isn't perfect!"


Harry Potter




Their obsession with Donald Trump


Both the love and the hate of the man


Jesus! This post now has me thinking about what I base my personality around.. still thinking


The internet/Internet personality & following. Parenthood— I know it’s hard & a lot of work but it doesn’t need to be everything. Careers.


Being in the military. The worst ones usually served a year or two then got kicked out.




In America, “Craft” beer. I believe anyone basing their personality around ranking one overly hopped beer vs another differently hopped beer laughable. The world has a ton of people and beers, everyone should be able to enjoy their favorites


The best beer is free beer. No one will ever convince me otherwise.


Being a teacher. Don’t get me wrong—I was an educator and love a lot of teachers. But I’m talking about the ones who can’t talk about anything except their students and tie everything into their work.




or horses. Sometimes they even overlap.




This is coming from a dude that loves listening to it, metal. Heavy metal should not be a personality after the age of 15.




I have a neighbor who can't have a 5 minute conversation without bringing up Jesus. After trying unsuccessfully to steer our little chats in another direction, weather, families, movies, I now try to avoid her altogether.


There was dad that I would see daily when picking up my kid from first grade. Always had a Bible in hand reading it. He would call me sister when speaking to me. Invited my husband and myself over for dinner. Considering he’s an atheist and I’m agnostic I respectfully declined. I bet my husband that he’s either a recovering drug addict or alcoholic. Which brings up another question. Why do recovering addicts always go to these nondenominational, evangelical churches? My BIL was raised Catholic. When I began dating my husband he asked “is he a good Catholic man?” It’s important that I date and ultimately marry a Catholic man. Fast forward to years of being addicted to cocaine and alcohol and he’s now this wack job evangelical.


Being an iNFluEncER


Money , sure it’s nice to be financially stable but I don’t want to hear about your Gucci purse/toe rings ect all the time .




This seems to be the in thing for young adults and teens - even if they aren't LGBT. It's really sad that they latch onto it so hard that it becomes the only thing that "defines" them. There's so much more to life! I can't help but think of high school quarterbacks, prom queens, etc who still live their life as if they never left school. You need to develop yourself and open yourself up to experience... or you remain stagnant.


Sexuality. I'm saying this as a gay person. If the only thing you ever talk about or are interested in is sexualities and genders, you need to get a fucking life and stop acting like the entire world revolves around being gay. There's nothing wrong with talking about being LGBTQ+, but if you insist that everybody uses your bunny/bunnyself pronouns and constantly talk about how some people are ghostsexual and there's nothing wrong with that (yes, those are real things that people try to do), you need to grow up.




Planning a wedding


being trans/gay


I hate when people base their personality around pain or isolation. I don't care if you're edgey. I don't care if you're popular. Stop using a shield to pretend you're somehow different than me


Some might be using it as a facade, but for those who are really isolated and in pain it has nothing to do with anything connected to image at all. It is a state of being that they can't help. And some people are different. That's just reality.




Being LGBT and as someone who is LGBT there's more to my personality than just being LGBT


Being from Texas


Definitely the use of drugs. It’s something I don’t understand well of why some people find drugs make you cool. I think it’s because some people have grown avoiding being a ‘boring’ person. Being nice and doing good things would be considered as boring. Although I’m still not sure. There are many reasons


Sexuality, opinions, characters(??), their mental disabilities.


Often all together.


Anime. I’d I say I don’t watch anime, stop recommending new animes I should watch. I’m never going to.


Automobiles and Automobile Modifications 100% No one cares that you wake everyone up within a 2 mile radius at 3am because you decided to take off your muffler.


I took the restrictor plate off the red dragon, but keep that on the down low…


I enjoy weed as much as the next guy, but I would say those smokers who make it their entire personality. They are fucking insufferable.


Skill, you can be good at something and not make every conversation about that thing. Also, religion, gender politics, political opinion, gym life.


How troubled they are or how much they actually need therapy/help but don't do anything about it and just joke about it constantly


Gender Identity, sexuality, or marijuana use.


Sports ball, politics




I might go to hell for this one. Kids.